Mar 21·edited Mar 21Pinned


— I didn't mention this in the post because I can't confirm any of it. But this is what I was hinting that the spinning death fish story reminds me of:


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In “Died Suddenly”, they showed a few people doing that same death spin.

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And it creeps the @@@@ out of me everytime I see it.

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It's like the Angel of Death has come for them.

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It’s like the spinners are startled by flying demons swooping down to steal a soul. Maybe that doesn’t explain the fish, but it echoes mad cow disease a bit. Think about this: here we sit speculating while genocide artists walk casually among us.

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First they maim & kill us off with the vaxx

Then they replace us with the unvaxxed

Then go after the food supply.....

#PureEvil #NeverForgetWhatTheyDid

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It's turning into a EPIC year. We learn that the SAtanists are unmasked and ripe for the lemonade stand. We learn that oil is a renewable resource and a lie perpetuated since the Rockefeller takeover of money and education. And finally we learn that the C.I.A. definitively removed and did kill our beloved President Kennedy and no one has been held accountable.

LIft-off has been achieved! woohoooo, the ride is gonna be brilliant

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Watching this now. Thank you

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CStone - Richard Hirschman is my dear friend. You can follow him on Twitter.

He and my friend Tom Haviland were recently interviewed by Del Bigtree on The Highwire:


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deletedMar 21
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Oregon Orders Gardeners and Farmers to Cease All Activity “To Protect the People”


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CStone - I can’t “like” this comment. It’s maddening!

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If only people would wake up.

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That is INSANE.

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Holy shit. I forgot about those videos. They did look just like the fish

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I read somewhere

“Watch the Waters”

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Yes. ‘Somewhere’ ‘someone’ told us for sure to ‘watch the Waters’.

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Do you remember who it was? It rhymes with boo………

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Bryan Ardis Stew Peters video looking at the water system as delivery mechanism - parallel water systems have been built across cities in north america. it was specifically looking at the possibility that an active component of the convid was the use of animal venoms.

spinning has been documented in herd animals as well.

for the curious, from my notes on envenomation and its history with the cia that includes publicly acknowledging they envenomated the fbi building as an experiment:

Bryan Ardis and Stew Peters

Watch the Water


Definition of 'virus' related to snake venom and virility


Ivermectin also binds with the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.

Bryan Ardis snake venom with Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson


Bryan Ardis envenoms covenom19 documentary

Heart attack gun (synchronicity with heart attack of German CIA news agent who died of heart attack shortly after blowing the whistle on the cia's deep big and ubiquitous role in the media.)

https://covenomseries.com/ 9 part series no longer available.

See Enjoy the Show

Tore Maras aka Terpsehore Maras


Stew Peters extended version of the above with Jonathon Otto

COVENOM-19 Series Vol 1


49:58 ACE-2 receptors not in lungs - found in nervous system and brain.

Venom peptides attached to virus(?) Really?

52:44 CIA hearing William Colby Water System Test


At the Breaking Point of History: How Decades of U.S. Duplicity Enabled the Pandemic by Janet Phellqn

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21

supposedly how CNN murdered Dr Buttar....he showed up for an interview and left sick as a dog(water or food poisoning)...said symptoms were like venom poisoning (Dr Ardis helped him with alternative meds)...he died around a year later. Venoms are water soluble AND REMDESIVIR is powdered SNAKE VENOM in a bottle b4 adding saline! Similar bodily destruction of organs as 'covid'...lungs, low oxygen,kidney failure,clots. God keep us focused and alert...your wisdom is our desire. High blood pressure med's are made with snake venom, venoms are widely used in very dilute forms. They attach to receptors in our bodies....the same as covid/flu viruses do, nicotene supposedly is stronger and knocks them off, So. I chew nicotene gum a few x a month just for good measure.

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I haven't deep dived remdesivir to see just how bad it is and if has any redeeming value. I would like to see some substacks that explore the topic.

i.e. should be banned/discontinued entirely?

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That explains why they gave it to hospitalized Covid patients, so they would get sicker and die and then they could call it a “covid death” and they could get their govt. money. And the stats would show all these people dying of Covid when in reality they died of poisoning.

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Whoa, hold on. What is the deeased doc's name? I hope I'm mis-reading or it's not who I'm thinking of.....

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Wow! That was quite the compendium of links to Dr Ardis and his research on the subject. (I’m a big fan of Dr A from waaay before he came out with his Stewie Peters interview) Thank you!!

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you're welcome.

i've been advised by two very respectable people that Ardis is incorrect. my own intuitive muscle testing says he is correct, at least to some and i think a significant extent.

and i've experienced a series of synchronicities around buying organic tobacco here in mexico and making an infusion of that. i learned, after my own processes, that the natives used tobacco as an infusion as the primary means of healing/cleaning the body. smoking was reserved for special illnesses and the smoke was not inhaled, it was swallowed. it turns out that tobacco is too alkaline to be inhaled into the lungs without being treated with an acid. american cigarette makers use sugar to reduce tobacco alkalinity. (and who knows how many other chemicals!)

tobacco infusion is amazing!

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I just watched that Stew Peters interview...the one thing they didn't mention is the Caduceus Symbol. I find THAT symbol fascinating with regards to this information. Just because someone tells you that the meaning behind it is harmless, I beg to differ.

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Are we noticing the number of frontline warriors casually speaking of God as a literal and essential element in winning this war? Duh?

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Depending on who you ask, they might tell you the entire racket is an operation to get Western Man back on track with his metaphysic mind. God knows (haha) Western Man has been living like a slave for the last 800 years rather than a partly divine creature.

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Mar 22·edited Mar 22

God gives EVERY man over to their delusional self-created nightmare so that He can show EVERY man his Mercy. The surviviors return and find Him faithful as he said he was, not the tyrant we projected him to be.

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to me God is in my prefrontal cortex(in my right mind). The wrong place is Living in the limbic/amygdala where satan taunts us, in my past unresolved childhood traumas/nightmares..imaginations, where I deceive myself, distrust God(truth) projecting all my shit onto God...rendering me a slave and a victim and easily taken advantage of (all the jabbed live there in crazy fears and imaginations of death). No more time living double minded (jumping back and forth between these two places in our brains), we must stay alert and focused(obedience) in our right minds--the Pre-Cort. Singing, praising, gratitude,seeing beauty,trusting,hopeful,in the Word,slowing down and listening, including fun and exploring and creativity in every day (If I forget self-care I end up drinking wine all night!). Blessings All.

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Very crazy stuff. A lot of this is based on pretty solid science.

Thanks for the links!

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I remember.

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LOL…ahhhh, the dastardly 17th letter of the alphabet…😎💚🔥

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And we were told by the ‘others’ it was lies. I still realize it could be a psyop, but still…..

It opened my eyes a little wider.

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Yep…same here! WWG1WWA!! 😇

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I followed the Q psyop until the 2018 midterms which was a disaster and destroyed all Q credibility.

But like you say, it did awaken my quest for questioning everything.

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It did me. It did a lot of people. But you’re right 2019 election made most of us turn away. But my eyes haven’t been closed since.

This. Is. A. Spiritual. War.

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More amazing info on April 8 eclipse.


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talking about Bryan Ardis and our being poisoned through muni water systems?

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I used work at a public works dept in so cal, one department was water treatment. One of the biggest problems in water treatment was it was hard to get the drugs out of the water. If you stop and think about all the drugs we use that are peed into our toilets, not to mention there are some people that dispose of unused drugs down the loo. Not defending just saying.

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THAT is why I've been buying deep well water for years AND THEN running it thru my berkey type filter..i think its alexapure. and buy spring water bottled. best I can do unless God guides me otherwise.

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Several years ago, Max Igan of the Crowhouse videos regularly posted spinning videos like this from around the world,, so, good catch. And your 'could they be this evil/ reckless?' question, they have put toxic fluoride waste from aluminum production into our water and toothpaste, and toxic fly ash into chem trails, so, there's that.

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and glyphosate on crops - used to clean ship hulls originally

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& the windmills in the east coast are killing the whales, sound waves?

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yes that's another tragic development

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My brainwashed family says automatically Climate Change.

I can’t even change the subject to weather anymore!

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Everyone out here on the California coast as well. Constantly.

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Exactly. The one subject that used to be ‘safe’ to bring up. Now, whenever someone says, ‘it’s Climate Change!’, I reply ‘no, it’s called weather patterns’. 🙄

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Max just PM'd me from mexico offering any advice he might help me with. I had thanked him on X for his bible knowledge in an interview I watched. Our clan of wisdom and common sense is connecting round the world

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I don't see Max Igan videos recently... is he OK? I really like him... some spotted their panties when he did a video on the "holocaust"... but it was well done and I think he is truthful. https://www.bitchute.com/video/tz7KyHKYMNYg/ Skip the intro.

Here's a selection of Max Igan videos:


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he's fine, now living safely in mexico and still making videos.

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21

Great to hear...

Australia sure turned out to be a shitbag place. I think Max barely made it out... those aholes would have disappeared him...

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yes. that was his concern.

almost as bad was canada. i left as a convid refugee with my partner in early 2022. we literally walked across the u.s.a. border on the west coast with 4 suitcases and 4 shoulder backs and by circumstance wound up also living in mexico.

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I have heard that several places in Mexico are really nice... Max did a few videos of a really pleasant garden of some kind... but I think Mexico is not friendly to Americans, they are trying to restrict ex-patriot relos... which is sort of sad joke, given the millions of toxic lice they facilitate invading the US...

GL to you!

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You guys are literal refugees.


Someday I fear we'll reach that level here in the usa.

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said he got out mere days b4 he'd have been locked in. miraculous chain of events led him right where he is now.

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Max is sharp and honest, even if his facts cause him some problems...


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his house in mexico was hit dead-on center by the cat 5 hurricane in November! all was fine and his cat survived...Our God is mighty and with us... he was Spirit led and happened to 'just be away' that night!

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Yes, the suddenly out of the blue hurricane with strange qualities. It also hit anarchapulco's venue.

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yes, Max lives couple blocks walking distance to the venue. Was about 80% gonna go but zero airfare to be found from Dallas Ft Worth under 1500 and it took 24 hours with layovers.

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Yes. Here is his latest. Have not watched yet. I still get his videos when he drops them. And yes, he pulls no punches when it comes to the Khazarians, nor should he. Satanists, fake Jews, not real Jews, but sadly, too many real Jews are fooled by them as are the rest of us.

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21

Found it, Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/USfSJYOn1Tgo/

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Agree! IMO, most all jews really don't like or respect anyone else and often lie cheat and steal at will against any non-jew.

The very high level financial oligarchs are mostly jew, the Biden Clown Car is loaded with them... lawyers (shysters) have a huge representation, especially the crooked ones... jew doctors of all kinds will rarely or never refer to any non-jew... and it is especially appalling that they have used the bullcrap "holocaust" to further whatever their latest agenda is...

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Wow. Your hatred of Jews runs deep, doesn’t it?

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What did I say that was inaccurate? Be specific.

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Yep. We regularly buy the rope, crow about what a good deal we got on it, and proceed to make our own nooses. Of course we are that evil/reckless/STUPID/lazy.

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First thing I thought of. I also have questioned where all of the unused killer serum went and wonder whether spike protein is found in human waste water.

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It does make you wonder when you hear about cities testing water for C-19...

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I'm sure it is. It could be in the water just from urine. Dumping on purpose is too much to even think about, though heaven knows we're done it before, everywhere.

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Makes me feel even better that we've been saving all our urine for the gardens--saves on fertilizer cost, on water bill, and doesn't add to the poisons in water treatment operations.

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I suppose it depends on what prescription drugs you’re taking…I don’t take any, now that I’ve ditched my HRT…only Ivermectin on a weekly basis and my mane is growing like never before! 🐴😇😋

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tell me more! my hair is getting thin.. is that a side effect or a feature of IVR?

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Awww, I was just kidding on the mane thing. Horsey paste joke? But actually, and this is not a joke, I was reading about HORSETAIL extract (for its diuretic properties—my feet & ankles have been swelling lately…I am getting sluggish now that I retired…need to get out & walk!) and apparently the silica in the horsetail does help with hair growth, among other things. I am thinking of telling my 90 yr old mother to try it (her hair is getting thinner, and she has osteoporosis…supposedly Horsetail helps with bone building as well!) but she gets overwhelmed with all my attempts to send her supplements. 😖

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My hair started getting thicker and filling in when I added diatomaceous earth to my regimen. It’s loaded with silica and very cheap.

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Thanks! Gonna have to check that out!

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21

it works on fire ants, but you need to let it age before using it. Use a bucket in your storage building, let it age, then pour it on the ant mounds.... horses will straddle a fire ant bed in a field & p!XX on it.

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Interesting! Ever since we switched our dog to a raw meat diet (with results nothing short of miraculous!), her pee spots on the lawn are dark green and healthy!

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We built a house using a worm farm out in the country. No smell, normal plumbing inside the house, new porcelain etc. The field that the run-off reached to was enormously more fertile. The grass grew seven times higher and more lush than the region where only rain fell.

In researching the operation I learned that this was normal throughout the civilised world until over-engineering went mad during the industrial revolution. Much to our health's demise...

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Fascinating. Who knew! Do you know if I can, on occasion, use my urine to water house plants?

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21

Dilution is important, I believe it 10:1 but I'm double checking with my resource 😊 It's best if you're not taking any medications. Great source of nitrogen which encourages leaf growth.

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Thank you so much! Incredibly helpful.

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My garden coach confirmed the 10:1 ratio & added 15:1 if you want to be extra careful. She mentioned she has never burned plants with this solution but has burned plants with compost tea. Happy gardening 😊

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I have seen food that grows on top of a septic tank, and ewwwwwwww.

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reminds me of the TV sitcom where Archie wouldn't drink water out of the bathroom sink... only the kitchen sink...

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Archie drank water out of a sink??

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Fruit trees do amazing along the leach fields!

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What's your dilution ratio?

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10:1 & as dilute as 15:1 if you want to be exceedingly safe :) Shouldn't be on any medications though.

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You're very welcome. Happy gardening 😊

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Ardis had his city water tested PLANO TX and found huge numbers of snake and sea venoms!

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It is. Lots of federal grant money being spent monitoring wastewater. Looks like Florida should get some and start testing. I’m betting spike or vacc.

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A 43-year-old friend died suddenly about a month ago. It was described to me that he was sitting in his office chair, spun around and died suddenly.😔🧐

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Two friends who were 69 had had bypass surgery about a decade ago and were doing very well. Both got at least 2 Wuhan Red Death shots.

One was bringing in his boat with friends and dropped dead on it.

The other was riding a bicycle and dropped dead.


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I know I have shared this a few times, but this spinning adds to my theory that my SIL is jab injured.

Last November she woke up from an intense, 4 hour basal cell surgery on her head, had stroke-like symptoms. Stayed in hospital for a few days, tested for stroke. No stroke. Now has dementia or Parkinson’s-like symptoms. Had an MRI, but has to wait for a DAT scan (next Tuesday) then will hear results the following week.

Her eyes jump around, she can’t read much or follow directions or use her phone. Opens up correct contact case but puts contact in wrong eye. Scored 17 out of 30 on a cognitive test. Doing some cognitive therapy, luckily it helps. If told to touch her toes, she stands up, is fine then gets dizzy.

We’ll see her for Easter and I’ll see first hand. Goodness, what the bloody hell? She’s 66. Fauci-swooner. They’ve had every jab known to man. 😢

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Thank you. My heart is broken too.

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Karen, I'm so sorry to hear this about your sister. Unfortunately, MANY people swallowed the "safe & effective" narrative. Misplaced trust has consequences. Clearly we all are living this life differently. The best you can do is love & support her in ways that feel right to you. 💕

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Thank you. It feels right to send them FLCCC stuff but probably won’t. ❤️ she was a high up emergency room nurse, so ironic.

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The nurses or retired nurses anyway, at least the ones in my circle, are the first ones to take the jab and push it on others. But, I would not take the advice of anyone. I am a total mule and if everyone is 'doing it' then I won't. Just to be contrary I guess. So sorry about your SIL.♥ I pray for you to have just the right thing to say.

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The one size fits all approach to care is problematic. You made an informed decision for yourself. You have critical thinking skills 😊 That's what we have always done, in the past. Now all of a sudden that's a crime.

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That was one of the first red flags for the clot shot in my book. Everyone take the same amount. I am like "don't we need to give them our weight first then they measure out what we would get?" Yeah...I will never again accept such as I did at the beginning. I don't believe man.

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Thank you, I want to shout in anger, I'm thinking my tongue is going to be very sore that day! Even my mom is very suspicious. My brother had a heart attack before Christmas. Survived with a stent. He had shortness of breath before but nurse wife wasn't thinking straight, maybe even last summer. So glad you got out!!! Smart lady!

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I listen to FLCCC every week. Wonderful resource!

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This upsets me so much! These a-holes are trying to play God by messing with our genetic code. Now they are harming God’s earth! Those who experiment on innocent animals and “sacrifice” them for big Pharma/money has NO empathy. No wonder they have ZERO qualms about injecting people, esp pregnant women and also children!

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Truly evil. Like the death rates in the Bible's Revelations prophecies: 1/3rd each die suddenly: birds and fish then humans. Always felt that was saying y'all will be warned before a total horror hammer falls on humans. An unstoppable freight train y'all allowed to be set in motion yourselves. 33% death rates. 66% survival rates.

When I learned the USA allowed sliced and diced DNA and RNA to be patented (Diamond v. Chakrabarty, US Supreme Court 1980) I knew in my bones that was a very bad idea. Would encourage recklessness for profits. Then the Reagan Era free-pass law for "vaccine" manufacturers' liability passed in 1986 (the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act) and here we are.

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I think I'll stick to chicken meanwhile...

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I remember going to visit my daughter in Fairbanks in July of 2020 and having to get 'tested' before I could leave the airport and 'quarantine' before I could leave her house. It was 3-5 days before my results came back. You could not leave the airport without proof of testing and that guy who did my test shoved that swab so far up my nose. I often wonder where my DNA sample went and how they used it.

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“As it was in the days of Noah”

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Dr. William Makis posted about this awhile back, with several videos. Really strange and frightening.

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I've seen many videos of this 'behavior', some even more dramatic. The nano technology contents of the bio-weapon gets into the brain. Between that and breathing in the chemtrail spray which contains many of the same ingredients, they are trying to turn us into "trans-human" slaves with no will power of our own.

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Silicone, Aluminum, Titanium, Hydrogels, Morgellons and C19 Bioweapon Contents - Building Blocks For A New Life Form?


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Again “As it was in the days of Noah…..”

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New England Journal Of Medicine Microplastics Article Shows Higher Risk Of Heart Attacks, Stroke And Death

The New England Journal Of Medicine, published this article, that was reprinted in Nature. Microplastics and Nanoplastics in Atheromas and Cardiovascular Events


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A friend of mind collapsed in a restaurant restroom never to regain consciousness. Had 2 shots & booster. Fit, active, successful attorney. A man heard him fall. Sounded alarm for help. I wonder if he fell like those in these videos.

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2! 35 yr old men I know died within a month of their 3rd...the 'booster', one in sleep, the other in his mothers arms with pulmonary embolism. One from my church, the other a bible study friends son. Seems long ago now...was January 2022 Friends son said he'd felt like crap for 3 weeks after booster, they were out at dinner together, dead a few days later.

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I have a theory. The mRNA technology has been around for years. It was in at least some of the flu shots for at least the last decade (My ex died from complications of a flu shot). Also there are many metals in all vaccines & other drugs plus chemtrails, etc. The metals act as antennae with 5G radiation which is a way of sending & receiving info, drugs, etc. through frequencies. C19 & ramped- up 5G were introduced at the same time. If you watch videos of the people raising an arm, looking up, then spinning before dropping dead, I wonder, if through the metals in their bodies, they are being zapped. Never the less, this is very disturbing & needs to be stopped.

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After 3 yrs observation and reading, I'm convinced NOT ONE vaxx was ever safe or tested for OUR wellbeing. They were all simply a scam moneymaker and probably caused most cancers and heart attacks well before the covit scam. Of course we know they've been killing and maiming children for decades--autism. TURTLES ALL THE WAY DOWN, haven't read it but too many brilliant minds have said it is the truth. if you buy the book make sure it's not the fiction book by same name...it will have vaxxines in sub title

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True, KB! I have always suspected SIDS is due to vaccines. Recently affirmed. Plus so many chronic diseases are caused by the shots.

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.....you are 100% correct, Merry; re-sharing the link which explains EXACTLY how it's being DONE (which PERPETUALLY produces 'new' disease-state strains, 'pathogens' - by alteration to aggregate [PROPAGATING, optimized sum] resonant informational effects / 'frequencies'.....)


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I’ve seen many videos where this happened

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So have I. If anyone hasn't seen them, there are several such videos gathered on this page (along with videos of various other seizures and, most recently, the white clots):


WARNING: Not for the squeamish.

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Wow pages and pages of horrible deaths and collapses. Most are young people.

The craziest vids are in the deathvax clinics where someone seizures out yet no one waiting for their shot runs away.

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the lion spinning death, sheep, fish. Good lord. After Zone of Interest I might be ready to revisit a depression spiral. Need to go outside in the sunshine!

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Sunshine is a very good idea!

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Twelve years ago, I raised sheep in the California foothills. My friend 1 mile down the road did too. The summer is always hot and dry, with a chemtrailed sky a constant aluminum white. My friend told me about a couple of her sheep which began to walk in circles endlessly. To me they seemed poisoned.

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I used to breed fish and had 20 aquariums at one time. It's not unusual for aquarium fish to lose their equilibrium and start spinning as they die.

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Yes...I remember seeing videos like these.

Gee, could there be a connection?

So much of Biblical prophecy that seems preposterous to many is playing out right under our noses.

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21

I just sent todays post to local news talk [conservative] radio here on Gulf Coast- tied in heavily with the Dauphin Island Sea Lab and the Deep Sea Fishing Rodeo [started in 1929 and the largest fishing tournament in the world they say] where for years they have taken samples and tested fish brought in. I don't expect to get a reply back although I've known the owner of the station for 30 plus years but if I do I will share.

Home of Mardi Gras in US----https://www.disl.edu/news/2024/metals-shed-from-mardi-gras-beads/

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I used to live in Mobile, went to Dauphine Island often. (In the 50’s). Have you ever looked into what Marci Gras is about?

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Yep but I was not conceived under an azalea bush at 12 noon on Fat Tuesday like you would think some of these folks here believe and act. I moved here to finish college. While Mardi Gras was fun when I was young and I guess slightly foolish [only slightly], it holds no sway over me. I'm a Redneck from the Blackbelt and of Scots-Irish blood and keenly aware of what my forefathers endured and why. I was looking for any articles posted on the Dauphin Island Sea Lab regarding water and this covered the metals of the beads. So I included it. In the 60's we visited a family friend who owned a cottage on DI and I can remember blue crabs running amok after the adults caught them and before they ended up in the pot. The only time I remember the beach as a child. Instead, by the late 60's my Daddy who loved to fish and travel took us out west to the National Parks and into Canada to fish, get out of the heat and wait for the soybeans to be harvested. My most treasured memories as a child. I am very fortunate.

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DI was so different then than now. But then, so am I, lol. I was about 6 years old when we left there. Have family that still lives there.

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If nothing else it is the least developed as far as condos compared to Gulf Shores.

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Mar 21Liked by Jeff Childers

”For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.“

‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6‬:‭12‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


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I still believe that all this signs that The LORD is giving us is like the Jonah warning.

We still have little time to turn around this for good.


2 Chronicle 7:14

If my people, who are called by my name,

“Will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn their WICKED WAYS, then I will hear from HEAVEN, and I will FORGIVE THEIR SINS AND HEAL THEIR LAND.

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I do believe that too, but keep in mind that the Coming of The Lord for His “Church “ is at hand.

Read Matthew chapter 24.

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We are getting so close to the return of Jesus for His bride. And just like Scripture foretells, the world is full of people mocking and scoffing (II Peter 3:3-4) against our Blessed Hope. Keep looking up!

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I too have noticed an increase in the mocking and scoffing.....and the complete denial of the Rapture.....even by Believers, which I believe has given rise to this article....a great and comforting read:


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"...even by Believers". Well I suppose it wouldn't make any sense for an unbeliever to believe in "the Rapture". So that only leaves those brothers and sisters in Christ who disagree.

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Here’s the best one I have seen. He seems to have done a more serious study than others.


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Oh boy, here we go again. If you live long enough, everything comes around again just as it did before. Is Hal Lindsey still alive?

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Mar 23·edited Mar 23

In Matt 24 verse 3, the disciples asked Him: What will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age? They understood what was foretold by the prophets about the end of the Old Covenant or the end of the age when the Messiah would come in judgement.

In answer to their question, Jesus proceeds to describe the great tribulation to come upon Jerusalem and the signs to watch for which He also described in Luke 21 as the Days of Vengeance:

"But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that her desolation is at hand. Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, and let those who are in the midst of the city depart, and let not those who are in the country enter the city; because these are the Days of Vengeance, in order that all things which are written (in the OT) may be fulfilled." Luke 21:20-22

Jesus concludes in Matt 24 verse 35, "Heaven and earth WILL pass away, but My words will by no means pass away" and then, referring to heaven and earth passing away, says in v 36: "But of THAT day and hour no one knows, no, not even the angels of heaven but My Father ONLY."

"End times" preaching is always conflating these two separate events, the end of the world and the end of the age, as if they were the same when clearly they are not. "The coming of the Son of Man" refers to the the Lord coming in judgement upon apostate Jerusalem as described by the Lord in the Gospels and in John's vision recorded in Revelation and foretold by the prophets. This is not the end of the world or the passing away of heaven and earth. Jesus clearly stated that there are no signs for the passing away of heaven and earth because even He did not know that, only His Father.

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April 8 is also the day of the total solar eclipse over America

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Someone at my church sent me this.

Jonah, Nineveh and the Great American Eclipse 2024.


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April 8th is the birth date of my beloved Granma Z. who is with Jesus now for over 47 years! I posted 2 Chronicles 7:14 on my MeWe.com profile page in January of 2021. I left that platform in January of 2023 (so much anger and bad language--I just couldn't abide getting on anymore).

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Fervently praying, Carlos. Thank you. Major solar eclipse on April 8. Coincidence? Historically, it seems eclipses rattled "primitive" people right down to the ground. I hope this one rattles the primitives among us.

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Isn't that the day of the eclipse? And there is a Nineveh within each state, within 115 miles or less of the eclipse path?

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I am reading Naomi Wolf’s book, “Facing the Beast : Courage Faith and Resistance in a New Dark Age” and she has a chapter titled Principalities and Powers. I think everyone would enjoy reading this book.

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She's such a skillful writer. She just put out a request for her Substack readers to upgrade to a paid subscription, describing some of the initiatives they are doing and how much they cost. I started paying for hers when she began reading Genesis from the 1560 Geneva Bible and providing commentary on it based on her knowledge of Hebrew.

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Yes, she’s excellent and I’m a paid subscriber

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Me too!

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I watched her on a podcast where she admitted that as a result of the whole Cov'd mess she became a Believer.....a tearfully provided testimony. It was wonderful.

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I bought that book of Dr. Naomi's - her writing style is impeccable so it flows so beautifully--so descriptive. Very powerful!!

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Just got it on Kindle and read said chapter. Very good. Agree, all should read it. Thanks for heads up.

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21

1 John 4:4 (ESV)

"Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world."

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Good one Tom.


Later Jay

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I'll say it again, for the umpteenth time: this whole agenda is satanic.

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Read 1 John 5:19

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Definitely a death cult.

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Is becoming more real everyday.

Thanks for sharing


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Amen Ed.

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I needed that this morning

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One of my favorites

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Ed...do you have any resource recommendations for spiritual warfare? My eyes are still wide after learning of Pastor Dave Bryan and his dealings with Anton LaVey. Thank you and God bless!

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James 4:7. And Read the whole chapter 6 of Ephesians.

Read the Word, because it’s the sword of the Spirit and stay the course of being a child of God, without compromising your faith!

Stand firm in the faith, which faith? React the whole book of Acts of the Apostles!

Obey The Lord and Seek Him daily.


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Yes, we need to put on the armor of God, found in Ephesians 6!

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Amen the word of God is the sword of Spirit.

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1 John 4:4 You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.

satan cannot do anything to the Christian that is not allowed by God. Cling to God and His Word. (lower case s for satan is not a typo.)

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Thank you Anne, I certainly attempt to cling to Jesus for everything. I feel called to dive deeper into spiritual warfare and possibly be used by the Lord to 'stand in the gap' for those who are under demonic oppression and influence. I'm encouraged, after reading 'He Came To Set The Captives Free' by Dr. Rebecca Brown, to pursue this opportunity as I feel the prompting of the Holy Spirit to learn more. Any and all input is greatly appreciated, and God bless you!

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Ted, with all due respect, always remember, the command given by The Lord Himself was to go and preach the gospel. Read Mark 16:15-18.

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Ed...thank you. I will continue to spread the Gospel as I seek God's will in this matter.

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Ted, Evelyn Christenson has two books on Amazon that our Prayer Ministry used (I read them first then started the ministry in our church). I worked as Adm Asst in the office of a high school principal and NEEDED an hour away and would drive to the Bible Book Store nearby and walk and revive my spirit and brain -this was in the late 80s early 90s - and I was praying as I walked through the store listening to their Christian music one day when I “thought” to myself, what happens when we pray? I looked through the books on prayer on the shelf and on the bottom shelf, end book was Evelyn’s book, “What Happens When Women Pray”!!! I grabbed that ONE copy, purchased it and laughed all the way back to work! That’s what started a ministry in our little church of about 100 and the beginning of having a “church” in every Nation in the World. Yes, EVERY Nation. (There are underground churches in every Nation, village, jungle.)

After that book, I purchased “Battling The Prince of Darkness.” She will tell you before you read, to have good prayer coverage! It’s nothing to take lightly. I have been on mission trips to 3rd world countries and believe me, you will know when you have ‘met the enemy’ and you’ll need to know your authority in Christ. For survival! Especially if you went with our pastor😁!

Pray, serve, go and as you’re going, tell the Gospel to every one you meet.

Blessings in your desire to rescue those captured by the Prince of Darkness!

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I would say, just remember that there is no "magic formula", and that any idea that a particular prayer or ritual is "stronger" than any other is a false teaching -- because the only power we have against spiritual forces is through the power of God, and we serve Him by faith, not just by "following the rules" (praying the right prayer, etc - though of course be sure not to let sin into your life, I don't mean that!). Consider the passage of scripture where some (non-believers) tried to cast out demons in the name of Christ, and the demon laughed at them. (Acts 19:13+)

So, focus on walking with the Lord, pray without ceasing, put on the whole armor of God, and be prepared for whatever situation He sends your way, but don't go "looking for trouble" with impure motives (seeking excitement, pride, testing God, or anything like that). In my experience, when He puts you in a situation, He also gives you what you need to handle it.

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TB...thank you for the biblical advice, and I fully agree. In my case, I'm not seeking to do anything specific other than remaining prepared and keeping my eyes on Jesus. The concept of 'standing in the gap' for another who is under demonic oppression and influence is a passive approach...asking God to allow one to bear some of the burden of these attacks in order for the victim to experience a little relief. The Holy Spirit has laid this in front of me and I'm praying about it and seeking God's direction. I don't take this lightly, as it is much more serious than anything I've dealt with before. "I ain't real smart, but I am tough."

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TB, you are right. You don’t go “looking for it” if I read your comment correctly. It’s all around us (I’d dare say our country is under satanic attack right this moment) and these books are written as a Bible study would be. These books are scripturally based and NOTHING is “scripted praying.” You pray the scripture- just as Jesus taught us to do - and these books teach you how to use scriptures to pray for different life situations and to “Battle The Prince of Darkness,” who is along with his host of demons, in and around us and our family daily. Then it teaches you how to pray for those around the world.

But unless you’ve been to a 3 World country you’ll never know how almost touchable real evil is and how paralyzing it can be unless it’s understood through the experiences of those who have experienced it before us.

I didn’t!

It didn’t me take long to recognize what the “unusual occurrences” happening were at times and to immediately gather to pray against them. Scripturally.

I would think that The Honorable Jeff Childers has seen “The Prince of Darkness” in his battles against the satanic C19 these past years. It’s really a “Bloodbath!”

Prayer and Coffee - our pastor’s daily consumption.

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1 John 4:4 (ESV)

"Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world."

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Monsignor Rosetti has an Exorcism app, and there is a section for the laity, with very strong prayers of protection, binding, and deliverance. He also has a great blog that where he summarizes some of his exorcisms. Highly recommended.

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I'm not Catholic, but Dr. Meryl Nass publicized this talk from Archbishop Vigano, given in Moscow https://merylnass.substack.com/p/archbishop-vigano-tells-it-like-it, and somehow from there I got to this from Cardinal Burke, a 9 month Novena, worldwide, asking for the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe.


I picked a trade newspaper at an acupuncture clinic in Berkeley awhile back, and the alternative medicine practicioners were describing, outside of the context of any particular faith, how addiction of any kind leads to possession.

Addiction is being very purposefully encouraged, to gambling (online), to sadism (through porn), alcohol, fentanyl, other kinds of drugs, pharmaceuticals etc. I had this weird off the wall thought the other day while dispensing Temptations to my friend's cats---we call Temptations "kitty heroin": what if there is something addictive to the body in the boosters?

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Priests and pastors have said that pornography addiction has become a major problem people deal with. I can't even understand it, or how it became legal, but these are one of the many ways these days that demons enter the senses.

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Watch this powerful preacher of the gospel on Spiritual Warfare.


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I must have missed that. Was it in yesterday's comments? Tia.

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This may be what you're looking for: https://www.theconfessionalspodcast.com/theconfessionals/629-killing-lavey

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Yes, that's one of the interviews and it's a good one. I bought the book and it's worth the read if you are interested. The part that is new to me is that a follower of Christ can be influenced due to opening pathways/doors previously.

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Yes, very true...yoga, visiting a fortune teller, using a ouija board, even tattoos are just a few.

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I shared this link before I listened to the interview. If I could remove this post, I would. I do not know that this is a truthful account at all. I would say that it is very tantalizing, and I ended it early for that reason. Listeners beware.

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Click on the dots under your post. It will give you option to edit or delete.

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Thank you.

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Thanks Ed ⚔️⚔️⚔️

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Have you guys seen this? Best explanation of April 8 I have seen


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Wow....thanks for that. I have known much and felt even more in my very soul. Yeshua. That was great.

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Amen! Important to remember this is a spiritual battle, and that Jesus defeated the enemy at the Cross! God wins!

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Now, more than EVER!!! 🔥🔥🔥

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So true and relevant for the times in which we live.

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Mar 21Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff Childers,

The Matt Walsh piece I watched yesterday revealed a simple solution: The mother's property had squatters. She and her adult son prepared a lease, had it notarized and the son moved into the house with the squatters. Then called the police to remove the trespassers , who could not provide the lease they said they had.

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21

When I first read about this guy the article said he staked out the house until he was sure all the squatters were away and then moved in and squatted on the squatters, his Mom's lease in hand. Brilliant! The article also said he's now turning it into a business to provide the same service to other homeowners. Americans are the most ingenious people on earth. There's nothing we can't find a way to make money on!

Edit: Found the link where I read the additional info. One of my favorites, Not The Bee. If you don't know them, they are a companion to The Babylon Bee. BB does satire, NTB posts true stories that ought to be satire but aren't.


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This might be a really good reality TV show...

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I was thinking something similar. Why can't an owner compel the police to demand proof of lease signed by owner or owner's agent and, if not produced, evict the trespassers? Have we codified "possession is nine tenths of the law" or something?

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Apparently these liberals think legal paperwork is racist or something.

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We once had someone come to temporarily stay with us, but once it passed a month, this guy knew he had rights and refused to leave. The legal process was difficult for us to try to carry out, but we started. Meanwhile, I tracked down his parents and contacted them. They showed up with a pickup and moved him out.

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21

This why you really have to be careful when helping someone who is down and out. As a Christian I really struggle with this as Christ commands us to be kind (not nice but kind) to others.

On one hand, I know from personal experience how this can transform one's life. When I was newly sober (thirty years ago), a very kind couple allowed me to move into their home to get out of the house I shared with other drug users. I was there a couple of months and it allowed me to get back on my feet until I was able to get my own place.

However, addicts and alcoholics are liars and manipulative people (as are many self absorbed people). If they are still using they will will steal, commit fraud, be abusive, and quickly make the helpful person regret their choice. Even if they aren't addicts, many people are down and out from a string of incredibly bad decisions, resulting from poor judgment. Why would anyone want someone like that in their house?

In my experience, you should only let someone into your home after you have seen a radical transformation in their behavior and outlook. Help a broken person out, but *only* after they have admitted they are broken and committed to change.

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I experienced the same. 35 years ago as a drug and alcohol addicted very lost young lady. A wonderful family invited me into their home and taught me about Jesus, walking with him, deliverance, how to hold a job, and how to start down a better path. Their kids became my brothers and sisters and they were like parents to me. I moved out when I started partying again. Got clean and moved back in. They were extremely gracious. Now it’s 35 years later and they are still part of my life and my kids lives. Had they not let me move in I don’t know where I’d of ended up. Luckily I would have never been a squatter or stolen from them. That’s not me, even in my worst. But, I think a family needs to be extremely careful more so NOW a days than 30 years ago about doing what they did for me.

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We attempted for a couple of years to help a young man who was an addict. A co-worker brought him to church and after a while he claimed to have repented and was baptized. I'll never forget when the pastor asked him if he had turned from his sin, he loudly proclaimed, "Absolutely!" He never asked us for money or took advantage of us in other ways. We would take him out to eat occasionally and try to teach him Bible truths. He gradually drifted away and we last saw him in April 2023, when he walked into church looking for us. He now has children with two different women, neither of whom he married and is currently living with another woman. He goes from job to job and would be homeless, except that he can always find a stupid woman to take him in.

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Do the pro-squatter laws allow access to all buildings on the property? I've often told my family that the only way anyone besides my immediate family (that I trust to respect me) will ever live in my house, but I'd give them my shed with an extension cord, explicitly without house permissions - not even for the toilet or shower. You want to camp at my house, go to the gas station for a bathroom. Buc-cee's is 6 miles away, nicer than my bathroom (minus the shower).

If you let someone stay in guest quarters separate from house, could probably cut off water and power, thereby forcing the issue (until they start using camp fires inside). But doing that would destroy the habitat, forcing a move anyway. Maybe.

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Hmm. Kind of like: forgiveness follows (does not precede) repentance.

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No, fruit follows repentance. Trust not forgiveness hinges on that fruit.

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21

Very important distinction. It drives me crazy when people save "forgive and forget" as they aren't a package deal. The forget part has to be earned via fruit that shows true repentance.

Another beautiful biblical concept (forgiveness) that has been completely twisted by the world (forgive and forget) and misapplied by people claiming to speak for Christ. The end result being tolerance of sinful behavior dressed up in Christian terms.

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This is quite a story! Thanks for sharing and for the wise “counsel” :)

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My mom had to sell a house she really liked and build a new one to get rid of my stepbrother who "moved in" to the barn "temporarily" and then could never get enough money to move out. Since she didn't want to throw him bodily out at gunpoint (well she DID want to actually but couldn't bc my stepdad may have been unhappy about it) she said she wanted a new house and poof she was gone. They built houses for a living so it was nbd for her to do this on a whim as they had built and lived in many over the years. But talk about a loser. First thing she did when my stepdad died was send his sorry arse packing with a "no and don't come back" when he "stopped by" to see if she wanted to give him some money to pay for his trip to Wyoming to spread some of my stepdad's ashes he conned out of her before burial. Fairly sure (knowing the woman all my life like I do) she wasn't that nice about it. Then she moved to Texas partly for the same reason.

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So these people taking in the illegals ( to help out the overcrowding in states like in MA) , does that mean after 30 days they can no longer ask them to leave? That would be so amusing

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In Colorado, yes. Virtuous people in my town are offering to open their homes to the “poor migrants”. Boy will they be surprised when five young military aged men move in with them and their toddlers…and then don’t move out.

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This is happening in the UK where pensioners are being evicted to make room for the invaders. And it's hate speech to complain.

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Good point. Probably a set up for many well-meaning people.

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Don’t let anyone get mail delivered to your house. My friend allowed someone to do this, then the person asked to stay for a few days and refused to leave. The police told my friend that since the person got mail there they legally could not be evicted. What a mess!

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Brilliant! So long as the squatters don’t murder you in your sleep.

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She has a brave son.

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21

Earlier this week, the sheriff and team cleared an apartment complex of squatters in Galloway, which is a tiny suburb of Columbus. There were 15 squatters, who were arrested on other outstanding charges. The remaining families were moved out safely. So, someone is doing something.

First it was declared uninhabitable: https://abc6onyourside.com/news/local/galloway-village-apartments-declared-uninhabitable-in-franklin-county-93-tenants-must-now-move

Then cleared out: https://www.pressreader.com/usa/the-columbus-dispatch/20240321/281724094541752

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Very smart

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Dangerous for the son!

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The spinning fish story is terrifying—not only for the poor fish themselves but for the entire food chain of species that depend on those fish, including humans! The repercussions could be catastrophic, and yet those investigations will likely be stymied by baffledment guided by the Upton Sinclair principle that “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”

Regarding the LIABLE Act, Stand for Health Freedom just sent me this form you can use to urge your representatives to support it:


Lastly, if you would like to turbo-charge your morning, I highly recommend watching Doc Malik’s passionate reading of my poem “Eulogy for the COVID Kapos”:


Ahmad lost a 25-year career as a doctor (12 as an orthopedic consultant surgeon) for speaking out about COVID injection harms and tyranny, and he now hosts a stellar podcast with a range of riveting guests that’s well-worth subscribing to:


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I love Stand For Health Freedom. Dr. Vliet is a true Christian soldier. I have thought often, over the past 3-4 years, that truth-teller, ethical doctors that get booted out of the mainstream, should form their own network. A new, true healthcare paradigm could emerge that isn't a "sickcare" model.

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There is the American Academy of Physicians and Surgeons for those who reject the AMA

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Or a ‘make/keep you sicker so we can get richer’ plan.

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Just got it and sent it. My GOP rep isn’t a sponsor. He’s getting a call too.

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Just sent my GOP Rep Mark Alford (MO) a message too!

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Same here

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I sent email via link & Twitter message also!

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Done!! This should be our multiplier TODAY! Come on C&C ARMY!! Let’s ALL sign this !

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Firstenberg (Invisible Rainbow author) just published one dot that needs to be examined regarding the whirling fish. Also I saw a whale beached in Malibu, near where I once lived. I don't recall that happening. : https://open.substack.com/pub/arthurfirstenberg/p/where-have-all-the-insects-gone?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=8vck8

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Yes, the radiation levels should also be examined.

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Japan has started releasing all their toxic radiated water back into the Pacific. From the sunami they had years and years ago. They ran out of storage for Al of it. So they are “treating” it and now slowly releasing it back into the ocean 🤮 There goes THAT fish and seafood supply.

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As long as it's diluted enough, it's actually not a problem - there is (small amounts of) radiation already present in seawater, to the point where one speculative theory is to process seawater to extract the thorium from it for nuclear power.

(The question is, of course, whether the water they are releasing is actually diluted "enough" - and I have no information on that. Just that "releasing the radiation" isn't automatically and always a problem.)

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Interesting summary! We spent a couple of weeks in Italy last fall - about 10 days of which was in a villa in the hills of Tuscany. There were no insects, despite the unusually warm weather. Initially, I thought, “This is wonderful! We can sit outside in the vineyard all evening / night, leave the windows wide open, etc., and not worry about the bugs!” Then, I realized that I did not see or hear any birds. Living in Kentucky, I’m used to near-constant birdsong. It was dead quiet. We were way out in the country, so there was no traffic sound either. It was just profound, total silence.

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That’s terrible. Here in NW OR, we have plenty of both. Sumpin’s going on back East. 😨

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Plenty of bugs still in my neck of the woods. 🪲🐞🐝🐛🦂🦗🦟🪰 Central West Texas

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I believe EMFs/5G may have a lot to do with the fish issues. Fish depend on the magnetic gridlines of the earth for their directional guidance, and EMF's disrupt that.

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Thank you. I signed it and forwarded it to others to sign. My rep is Ted Lieu, so good luck. Every time I send him one of these, I get an emailed letter back from him saying that he doesn’t agree with my position, and then it goes into a rant about the Republicans doing some wrong to the country, and the Democrats are the good guys, blah-blah. So I expect the same. Can’t have a little health freedom, can we now?

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*lol* Good on you for trying—and irritating him, if nothing else 😂

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Done. ✔️. “Common sense and uncensored science must prevail in upholding human rights. If free speech is throttled, we can only fall back on safeguards that you can provide. Please do the right thing. “

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They're already trying to kill us with the food chain. This one might actually be an *unintended* consequence. The others are not unintended. See mRNA vaccines in hogs, cattle, and attempts to use lettuce as a vaccine.

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Lettuce?? I haven’t heard this one…

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Just sent letter to my representatives and also posted the link on X. Thanks for the tip and link.

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Got it this morning from Stand For Health Freedom. Just sent it!

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My Rep is a hard D, but we have a good relationship, so I’ll send. I’ll also send to Ken Buck🤦‍♀️.

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Done - my TX Rep isn't on the list although he claims to be "ultra-conservative". It'd be nice if our voices mattered to them. 🤷‍♀️

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Herring gulls (I mean, how'd they get that name?) and bald eagles and ospreys (aka, fish eagles)

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Just sent!

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Mar 21Liked by Jeff Childers

Wait for it...the fish are spinning in a attempt to cool themselves from the hot water caused by climate change. Idiot leftists will float this idea faster than a dead fish floats to the surface.

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Perhaps they are catfish playing with their own tails?


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Yup. Climate change.

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I am in Tennessee and called and emailed asking legislators to support this bill. Pretty sure it passed and becomes law in July. I seriously think it's wild that the government is all climate change this, environmental impact that, yet they are clearly allowing widescale experiments that will have massive effects on the weather, soil, and environment such as aerosols in the sky and pharma in the water. I shouldn't have to be spending 40 hours researching water filters and reverse osmosis just to get my thyroid and other hormones back to normal, yet here I am doing exactly that. They have no clue the downstream effects of their actions and they don't seem to care.

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Let us know what your research came up with

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So far we are considering the Express Water RO under sink system or the Radiant Life 14-Stafe biocompatible purification system. Both of these remove everything we want to remove and also remineralizes the water. Kind of still undecided and trying to figure out why there is such a price difference. Considering a whole house one, too, but not sure if that is overkill and my plumber will probably kill me. 😅 We've been using a countertop one for about two years from Epic Filters.

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I did a very very deep dive on water purification and ended up getting the Springaqua Wet 7 under the sink system. It structures the water, adds ionized minerals, and has an option for adding hydrogen. I follow Isabel Friend who is a huge water geek. Her website is waterislife.love and her very interesting shop with hundreds of curated water products is waterislife.shop. Her top recommended filter is the Wet 7 mentioned above. I really wanted a whole house system but it does not make sense to do this for a whole house. For now, we have a shower filter and since I love baths, I use Precious Prills (can be found on amazon) to treat the bath water. In the depth of water research I have done, I have also found Veda Austin, who demonstrates the intelligence of water in so many beautiful ways. I had a RO system in my old house and I had a whole house water filtration system called Watercrest 4 by Hannish in another old house. I've used Berkey filtration systems in between houses when leasing; so I have been around the block and back. Good luck with your research!

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Veda is great! Pam Gregory ("you don't believe in astrology do you?" had her on for a couple of shows. I use berkey system also, and it's good enough for me for now. Thanks for the Isabel Friend link.

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I love Pam Gregory too!

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Thank you so much I will check it out!

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Midwestern Doctor just had a post on this.

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I think you have to be a subscriber ($) to get his recommendation, so if anybody is and read it would love to know what it was!

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I add electrolytes to distilled water. I have the John Ellis distiller. He makes fabulous claims that may or may not be true. But the water is distilled and I find it the best filter for my drinking water. Also, the lack of minerals in it helps keep the coffee machine gunk free! 😍

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But the lack of minerals is not so good for you, I think?

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It's my understanding that our source of minerals are from vegetables and meat, not water.

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Yeah I had considered distilled water and adding concentrace, but there's some controversy there, too. Seems like there's no perfect option.

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Mar 22·edited Mar 22

Have to be a paid subscriber to access full article. This is so frustrating.

Although AMWD has some excellent articles, I have given up reading them as they are always so very long.

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We use Pelican whole house filters from Florida! One of the few whole house systems that doesn't self flush, which is a big savings in water. We put in the charcoal filter when chloramines were put in our municipal water. They have other stages of filtration and treatment that can be added to this system. The whole house filters are very easy to install. We did it ourselves. The charcoal medium needs replacing every 5 years. https://www.pentair.com/en-us/water-softening-filtration/whole-house.html

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I definitely like low maintenance. I'll check it out. Thank you!

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Look what just recently took place in California. Flash floods in San Diego? Really? The authorities essentially announced the cloud seeding “weather experiments” in 2023. DON’T FOOL WITH MOTHER NATURE!

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I think they care about the downstream effects, but in a scientific study way, like a pyschopath pinning a butterfly to his wall.

Good luck with your thyroid, there are lots of issues out here in California in the central valley due to pesticides.

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Mar 21Liked by Jeff Childers

Seriously? Pet rocks are back? I had a pet rocks once for 32 years, my former spouse. Except mine was mean, I had to return it to the wild. That pet rock did nothing to alleviate my loneliness

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You should have invested in a Chia Pet instead. 😉

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Good idea!

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The pottery that grows!

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I hear ya! Had one of those myself.

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I just talk to myself all day. Totally eliminates loneliness. 😂🤣😅

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And guarantees intelligent responses!

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One reason I have dogs is I can talk to them. Recently, 2 of my beloved animals died within 48 hours of one another. I have a stubborn, faithful corgi mix who wishes I would stop yakking at him so much. I end up talking to myself a lot 🙂

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I am so sorry about your animals. 💔

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Thank you, it’s been a rough year for me; 2 humans, 2 dogs, & 2 cats. Marching on though

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Yep, I hear you. My aunt just died from ALS and I lost my best friend in the world, Sammy (cat). I wouldn't say I am marching, though, more like barely keeping my head above water. The depression is overwhelming most days. At least the drive in just reopened.

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I am so sorry. I know I’m not alone. I just don’t talk about it every much. I am grateful to have a venue to express these thoughts and feelings.

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Oof. I hard core identify with your story. Fortunately, I only had my pet rock (spouse) for 10. She made me feel more lonely.

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I’m sorry. I get it though. Somehow we either think it will change or maybe we should change. I’ve learned to ask the appropriate questions and really listen to the answers.

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That is a great lesson to learn and to spread. I'm not sure I learned that yet, but you've brought it front and center. Thank you.

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I have many pet rocks (rocks that I love). They are way more trustworthy than many humans. 🤣

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I too have many rocks (not just the ones in my head). They make good weapons as well.

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Awesome. Lol.

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Hadn't heard about the fish, but growing up in CT, I remember warnings coming in to avoid the beaches due to medical waste washing up on our shores. It wouldn't surprise me at all to learn that excess/unwanted jabs are being dumped into the oceans instead of being burned up or otherwise properly disposed of.

I also can hope for that anti-squatter mentality to spread. My grandmother got into that situation, though partly due to a poor lease agreement as well. It took years and selling the property to get those people out and then they trashed the place on the way out the door as well. (The new owner did a good job cleaning up and renovating - they gave our family a quick tour because of the sentimental attachments.) I have little sympathy for people who try to take over others' property and the states that enable them.

I'd love to see more support for the LIABLE act, but I agree it's a long shot. At least it's still out there, but man - repealing the PREP act and allowing manufacturers to be held accountable for bad drugs would be huge. I know companies would likely go out of business but we'd stop getting stuff like the HPV shots or the mRNA jabs or "RSV" shots or the like. Maybe even then childhood shot schedule would get reduced down to something reasonable and we'd see a reduction in SIDS. I can only hope it happens in my lifetime, but it's a slim hope. :(

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There must be accountability. If you give anyone a get-out-of-liabiliy-free card, sloppiness will ensue. Because, why not.

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IF pharmaceutical manufacturers are to blame it won't be a Dem-heavy government that holds them accountable. Nor will it be the centrist Republican one. A legitimate populist anti-corporate power party, or wing of a party needs to emerge. The People need to have a voice other than temporarily around election time, and have a way to fight lobbyists' power. Oh, and while we're at it (dreaming)...Citizen United needs to be overturned via federal legislation.

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Later Jay

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Accountability? Ha ha ha! I think accountability has gone the way of the Dodo bird. Accountability will come when 'We the people' take back our government.

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If the PREP Act is repealed, I bet they won't be jabbing our kids as much.

Since then the vax schedule multiplied. Also autism and allergies skyrocketed, so more meds to sell and profit for big pharma.

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The PREP Act being repealed won't affect the childhood vaccines. The childhood shot manufacturer liability would be a whole different legislative angle. They are protected under the 1986 Childhood Vaccine Act - that thing needs to be dealt with properly to protect the children. Simply by virtue of being voted on by the committee to go on the childhood schedule, the manufacturers of the shots are free from all liability for injuries and deaths due to their products, thanks to the 1986 Act.

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-1986- THE ACT - MOVIE about vaccines https://www.bitchute.com/video/cj3kn1IidaX5/

Ok I was confused with which one was responsible for the childhood vaxxes.

They are systematically eroding our protections and rights and nothing we can do about it unless we start over since it is so embedded into everything!

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You should watch the Highwire Episode 353 about how we ended up with the 1986 Act. It was very informative.

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I saw it - how frustrating for those pushing to keep us safe!

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Stuff like that is why I want nothing to do with rental property of any type. Seems like the laws are not in favor of the owners.

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Especially after the CDC declared a rent moratorium during the plandemic.

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Property Owning Citizens are the new Kulaks

Corporists, Banksters, and JustUs Elitists are Exempt from laws.

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Agreed on never wanting to have rental property! Especially here in Commiefornia, where thanks to Gruesome Newsom, the ever-welcoming Illegals have more rights than tax-paying citizens. And a hellova lot more freebies too.

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I believe many people dump their old pharmaceuticals in the toilet or garbage can instead of taking it to a collection or safe disposal at a pharmacy. I've also heard that women who take hormonal birth control have the chemical in their urine, and the hormones are going into the ground water in that way.

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21

I took some opioid stuff (which was prescribed but I had not even opened the bottle) to the pharmacy to ask how to dispose of it--pharmacist said to flush it down toilet. I knew more than the pharmacist. This was 2016.

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My mother passed away a little over a year ago. She was on morphine the last few days, and when the hospice nurse came to certify her death, she made sure the ‘proper’ amount of morphine was left in the bottle (in case I was a junkie? 🤣) and then flushed it down the toilet. 😳😳😳

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Everyone that ingests the chemicals… excretes the chemicals

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The most recent advice I've heard, and that from many years ago, is to put it in the trash, not down the sink or toilet, for obvious reasons, but also not to leave the drug in a consumable form in the trash, to keep addicts from trash-sifting for them. It was recommended to add water to pill bottles, re-cap, and then dispose, and I suppose one could put any liquid meds into an empty container such as a milk bottle or similar. No one would look there, nor know what it was. I sort of doubt that pharmacists have a magic, safe method of disposal, but perhaps our pharmacists here can comment.

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Our community has a once a year collection of toxic waste, including things like batteries but also medications. Also, our local pharmacy has a collection box--it looks something like a mailbox--in which you can deposit your medications you no longer want.

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Natalie, but then what happens to them? I'm now skeptical about pretty much everyone and everything, so I'm not confident that turning these materials in means they're disposed of in a safe manner.

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I agree. That is a question. I used to recycle plastic but stopped when I found out that the recyclers simply can't handle all of it and end up dumping it. It really is a very grave problem.

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The childhood shot manufacturer liability would be a whole different legislative angle. They are protected under the 1986 Childhood Vaccine Act - that thing needs to be dealt with properly to protect the children. Simply by virtue of being voted on by the committee to go on the childhood schedule, the manufacturers of the shots are free from all liability for injuries and deaths due to their products. Quite the business model!

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Sasha Latypova this a.m. writes of the large vax-factory building projects going on around the world.

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21Liked by Jeff Childers

Whirling disease in Colorado's mountain waterways is caused by a parasite...the Left claims climate change is the driving unseen force behind all of this stuff, and damming of streams and importation of non-native trout species and so on. Of course we have the mussels' invasions as well; like squatter migrant hordes infesting lakes all over the continent. The spike vax in the dead fish will now augment and concentrate into the other fish, the crabs, the gulls that feed upon their tainted flesh; the problem is likely just starting; Revelation to John does mention the die off of ALL sea creatures does it not?

Then add in all the wasting disease in our Elk and Deer herds and our poor newly released wolf packs won't have any option but to eat our dogs. Nice how the Feds allowed ColoRATO to release wolves 100 yards from Fed Lands without ANY proper studies or approvals just a wink and a nod and perhaps some $$$$ under the table.

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It never ends well when humans mess around with nature. I've seen it time and time again.

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Yup. You might as well invite aliens to earth you assume they're benevolent

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Specifically Whirling disease in trout and salmon is caused by a protozoa - Myxobolus cerebralis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myxobolus_cerebralis. Apologies for the link to a Wikileftist page

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yes, "Protozoa!" wouldn't that make for a great horror B Movie title?

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I wonder if they’ve tested the fish for fentanyl.

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Or for metal toxicity combined with radiation 🤷🏻‍♀️

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I am sensitive to the remarks on deer--had been observing daily visits in full daylight from a mother and two yearlings, took a pic of them "resting" confidently under pine tree, Dec 1. We then pruned that tree, and I saw no more leisure occupation. Then saw no more of them at all, but took frequent "scat walks", by which I could recognize the time of a recent visit by the shininess of the scat; and hoofprints in mud told me the deer were still around, even if not when I was watching. Lately the scat has changed in appearance and size. Saw those same three (I assume the same ) on Sunday--first time seeing any since December. I've wondered if this is happenstance, or something more serious. On the other hand, I saw 11 or 12 grazing a mile up the road yesterday afternoon.

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I saw the episode of Yellowstone where wolves were killing cattle, one of the boys shot a wolf and it had a collar so they were going to be in big trouble. I had no idea about situations like that but it is so stupid and unfair.

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Our "Bi-Partisan" State officials and Counties worked out details allowing shooting the beasts within defined parameters...like wallpapering a burning house, and now Wolverines are on the ballot for re-wilding Colorado, in a few years the Grizzlies will be back...why not mastodons, giant sloths, triceratops, and yetis?

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Yep, more people, likely no more connected to the land than a man in the moon, dictating to people who are about what they are gonna do or have to deal with. There's a really good video on youtube by a guy that is a land-owner advocate ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWKyDPCTASo ) which is taken from a ranchers perspective not a latte sippers do-gooder.

Later Jay

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My heart aches with all of this and I all can do it try to train my heart to change for ache to yearn for Jesus' return. Only He will make ALL things new.

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Mar 21Liked by Jeff Childers

Maybe they should ban voter fraud? Oh, wait…….. or maybe they should ban the three letter agencies from participating in peaceful protests?

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Good one!

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21Liked by Jeff Childers

Regarding fish: it sounds like something has interfered or shirt circuited the central nervous system. This sounds vaguely familiar. I’ll try to dredge it up.

I agree, there exists a rich history of dumping chemical in rivers, etc.

It’s scary to think one might accumulate spike protein contamination from swimming. Could it possibly survive the environment? I don’t know. These days many things stranger than fiction seem to be possible.

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Let’s connect the Spinning Fish and Chemtrails stories. Perhaps the Chemtrails that spread into fake clouds, that spread into haze, that eventually fall to earth/water via rain, are poisoning the Fish. It rains a lot in Florida. The Chemtrails are nano particles, mostly aluminum oxide but, who knows what’s mixed in the Chemtrail Solution?

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We have a small, 27 acre regenerative farm, with about 1/2 an acre devoted to fruits and vegetables; the remainder is for grazing 5 species of animal. There has been a marked uptick in criss-cross chemtrails in NE Georgia over the past 3 years. Crops aren't as prolific and new offspring aren't as healthy. Multiple births in sheep and goats are way down. I'm glad that a neighboring state is taking action...maybe it'll spark more.

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Ever do a soil test for selenium? At least one new whiz-bang fertilizers used many decades ago reduces its uptake in grazing animals. A special bollus supplement 1x/yr for each animal helps.

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Two years ago I first heard (via Gab) of chemtrails, and thought it nonsense. Then I started looking more carefully, and realized that these clouds are unusual. Because I have hung my laundry on the line for 51 years, I am accustomed to looking up at the sky at least 10 or 12 times a week. The last two summers have been fairly disappointing in production from my 3000 sq ft vegetable garden. I wondered. Last week I saw stripe after stripe after stripe of 'clouds' right overhead. There is a decommissioned Navy Air Station 13 miles away.

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Has anyone else noticed that laundry from the line just doesn't smell good anymore?

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I have not noticed a difference--and I do hang it out except if temps in teens.

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Erin, I'm glad you said this. I began noticing the trails in recent weeks, after wondering whether they are chemtrails or just contrails. On certain days, they're everywhere, but on others almost or entirely absent. This year we have had more health problems in lambs than ever before, and no twin births. However, being the skeptical scientist that I am, since I've observed planes with and without trails, it made me wonder if there hasn't been a change in jet fuel, e.g., or something, that in certain conditions of altitude, temperature, humidity, etc., creates the persistent trails that then are spread by the wind into the haze that follows, and perhaps there is a lot more air traffic, leading to more trails? I know there weren't as many trails when we first moved here about 15 years ago, and like you we spend a lot of time outdoors, so I think I would have noticed. I grew up in Florida, too, and the sky was not like this back in the day, though at that time I lived close enough to an active Air Force base that we routinely heard sonic booms.

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This may help:


I grew up in the 50's, near Westover AFB (Ma.), and routinely heard sonic booms.

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VVV, thanks, that's good info. I listened to this today, while working outside and then later while taking a shower, and found it very interesting and not what I expected. h/t to whoever shared it here in the comments.


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Thanks in turn. I hadn't yet read that which I sent--only looked for info for you-- just now have done so (w. physicist hub listening to my recitation)--will try to listen to your highwire offering.

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That's not water vapor from clouds or jet engines. The skies are polluted and we have to realize it's all connected to the plandemic.

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Honestly, there is so much we don’t know or understand, it’s possible.

We don’t live in a closed system. Anything that alters the winds or ocean currents is felt throughout the world.

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Barium and strontium, according to a USAF person who was expected to sign for large quantities of same, and had the nerve to question. She was moved to another base. No, I don't remember who she was.

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Strontium and barium are two regulars in chemtrails too.

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Dear God, that’s awful

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I thought the same thing.

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Someone commented recently that in his travels around the country he has observed that FL is the worst for chemtrails. Hummmmm...

Given that, when I look at the FL map Childers included that makes me think chemtrails may actually turn out to be the cause of the dizzy fish.

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deletedMar 21
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Reposting this from ViaVeritasVita’s earlier pos👇🏼


We need to be discerning & analytical if we want to win against the very real geo-crimes.

💌Love to you all

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2nd Smartest on Mar 6 ( I think) told of N.H. representatives' bill to prohibit chemical spraying.

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NDA's, money$$ and intimidation. I think most of these flights are conducted by the Air Force so the men are "under orders".

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Have wondered same. And how many air bases have been 'decommissioned'?

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Firstenberg (Invisible Rainbow author) just published one dot that needs to be examined regarding the whirling fish. Also I saw a whale beached in Malibu, near where I once lived. I don't recall that happening. : https://open.substack.com/pub/arthurfirstenberg/p/where-have-all-the-insects-gone?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=8vck8

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Mar 21·edited Mar 22

An interesting read — thank you!

I found the commenter’s information actually better than the original piece!

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Aren't they injecting farm animals with mrna now? They are determined to get it into all of us one way or another.

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Mar 21Liked by Jeff Childers

Re: the fish

These proably aren't "discarded" drugs.

At least 3 decades ago I read science articles (back when we still had those) about how a high percentage of pharmaceuticals are passed out into the sewage systems. They have no way (or are unwilling to) test and treat water for these drugs. Some of the earliest indicators were the "feminized" fish near sewage treatment water outlets.

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I saved this one but read a lot of articles about fish changing sex due to the pill. This was due to the hormone being excreted from the body in urine, not from dumping. In fact, in 2008 when this article was published, I knew someone from church who was in charge of the water waste treatment in a nearby city. He then tried to eliminate the estrogen...but now I can't remember if he was successful or not. But, this article is an example:


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Makes me wonder if something like this is why all these boys are saying they should be girls? And girls wanting to be boys. I heard someone mention this and blew it off. Now I’m wondering if they’ve been drugged by all the waters and waste waters which really is making them want to change their gender. Not to mention all the hormones in the foods they get from infancy now. Wouldn’t THAT be an interesting study? Too bad no one or organization will actually study this.

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Actually - RFK Jr has been talking about exactly that for years. Our environment is full of "endocrine distrupters" and that's thought to be causing a whole host of issues.

Censored of course!


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Well isn’t that interesting. 🤔 All the toxic chemicals and somehow we think there’s no repercussions for it. Glad to see RFK Jr saying it all out loud.

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Just saw this: (LOVELY)

‘Whole Thing Smacks of a Brave New World’: New AI Tool Predicts Vaccine Hesitancy

According to the University of Cincinnati researchers who developed the tool, “Despite COVID-19 vaccine mandates, many chose to forgo vaccination, raising questions about the psychology underlying how judgment affects these choices.”


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Mar 22·edited Mar 22

…bad foods & plastics affecting endocrine systems. Studies indicate that certainly SOMETHING is affecting hormone levels, development and gut/brain system as well.

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Sperm counts are way lower now. Feminizing males.

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In our school, it’s a female to-male epidemic, not a male-to-female epidemic. All of our gender confused kids are girls, save one, who has had two girlfriends this year 😂. I think he’s finally figuring out the he is HE and not a SHE! For the others, though, it’s pure social contagion. Many of them are on the spectrum, and once they decide they are something other than what they were born to be, they start cutting. More social contagion. It’s an endless exhausting loop where kids and parents suffer needlessly…all at the hands of a greedy government dead set on disrupting and destroying the American family. Step 1…

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I was impressed by the redfish study and the precision and amounts of SPECIFIC drugs the tests found in them. Scientists even could determine that some redfish had NO drugs in them. This reveals a startling, even baffling, ability to find looked-for things in living creatures.

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Yes, where I live we’ve been told not to flush pharmaceuticals down the drain. At least once a year, we have a drop off day at our local police station. They take any unused drugs and dispose of it.

“Flushing pills down the toilet, you see it in movies, but it’s really bad because the pharmaceuticals go straight through wastewater treatment plants and into the water supply,” McCormick said.


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After my father's death the Hospice nurse came to collect the remaining drugs and dispose of them. She asked for a ziplock bag and coffee grounds. Into the plastic bag went all of his meds, then the used coffee grounds, then a bit of water. She sealed the bag and we were told to bury it in our yard away from any garden. She said the coffee grounds would be sufficient to neutralize the drugs harmful effects. We've been doing that since with any meds we no longer take. Granted, it was a cup full of coffee grounds because we save ours to use in our on our palm trees... I don't know if it truly works but it seems far better than flushing them down the toilet or dumping them in a landfill.

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As far as I'm concerned, this is an argument for my morning coffee fix as "preventive medicine!" THANKS! ;-)

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Yes, but the drugs people "take" still go through the body and come out the other end. They end up in the treatment plants, untreated. I think flushing the actual drugs is probably a sliver of the actual problem.

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Any idea how the drugs are disposed of once they are turned in at the local police station?

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Our county collects them 1x per year at the hospital. Then they incinerate them. Some pharmacies have drop boxes. Not sure how they are disposed of. Never flush them.

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Hmm. But what do the police then do with the drugs?

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I'm thinking of the famous clip of Alex Jones where he's talking about the frogs turning gay!

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Yes. And look at society now. Just something else Alex was right about !

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Yikes! I hadn't thought about the sewage passing along mRNA to the waterways. Genius!

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21

The sawfish are doing that right where my husband grew up next to Looe Key. He said he thinks its the Big Sugar runoff. My first thought is poison but what about 5G tower EMF effects? The drugs theory is the best one and we know they are capable of it. Bill Gates already released toxic mosquitoes there a year or so ago. Fact.

They changed the runoff to go directly in the ocean and it used to be filtered through the Everglades.

Good luck fighting Big Sugar as it's been tried in the past but our FL politicians protected them.

The Key Deer have some flesh eating parasite called screw worm. There is a non harmful way to get rid of them but I am sure they sprayed to kill the insects since they come from a type of fly.

It's always parasites infesting us and evidence shows cancer is a tiny parasite that infects the cell but NOOO they have to radiate and chemo us to death for profit and kill doctors who find a cure.

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Everyone needs some ivermectin and Fenben!!!

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Dawn, I think the screwworm outbreak in Key deer was contained. Screwworm was a huge threat to the cattle industry back in the day, leading to the dip tanks one can still occasionally see out in the scrub, and to the then-new fencing laws in the 1940s, but that large outbreak was contained. Because of that outbreak, though, and the knowledge of the effect of screwworm on cattle, and because Florida is one of the biggest cattle-raising states, it was jumped on quickly. Sadly, when they did their surveys of deer in the Everglades, to make sure it hadn't jumped onto the mainland and into the Whitetail population, they found very few mammals at all, which they attributed to predation by the large and growing population of non-native pythons. I couldn't remember what the Rangers said about how they had controlled screwworm in the new outbreak (I attended a presentation on that and on feral hogs in Florida), so I looked it up. This is from May 2023:

"USDA is using a proven method for eradicating New World screwworm fly populations that takes advantage of the fly’s own biology. Female screwworm flies mate one time in their 21-day life span. We release approximately 3 million sterile flies twice a week in the affected area of the Florida Keys. As the population of sterile screwworm flies increases the population of fertile screwworm flies decreases until the population dies out.

"USDA will continue releasing sterile flies until there have been no new clinical cases and the population of New World screwworm flies has been eliminated. This eradication strategy typically takes 4-6 months to complete.

"USDA has released over 40 million sterile flies since the strategy was implemented in early October 2016, and screwworm cases in Key deer are declining."

This is further down on that page:

"On October 20, 2016 FWS personnel and trained Refuge volunteers began administering doramectin, an anti-parasitic medicine, to treat Key deer as a preventative measure. Service biologists and a team of more than 170 trained volunteers continue to administer oral doses of the anti-parasitic medication doramectin to Key deer. [Note that this is a 'cousin' drug of ivermectin. -- Fla Mom]

"Additionally, 27 self-medication stations have also been erected in backcountry areas inaccessible to staff and volunteers. These self-medication stations will become the main method of doramectin administration over time.

"FWS provides current statistics on the total number of therapeutic doses of doramectin administered to Key deer, the number of Key deer euthanized or deceased from screwworm infestation, and the date of the last Key deer death due to screwworm. Visit the FWS Key deer refuge update page for this information."


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Thanks for that update. Glad to know they fixed them and didn't poison them or other wildlife in the process.

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Maybe it's the drugs, or maybe the earth's poles are flipping, as predicted, and the fish are the first sign, kind of like how animals act weird before earthquakes.

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I'd forgotten about the poles flipping periodically. You just don't think about stuff like that too often, though it's well documented.

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Earth is overdue for that interesting phenomenon.

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Firstenberg (Invisible Rainbow author) just published one dot that needs to be examined regarding the whirling fish. Also I saw a whale beached in Malibu, near where I once lived. I don't recall that happening. : https://open.substack.com/pub/arthurfirstenberg/p/where-have-all-the-insects-gone?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=8vck8

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If the poles we actually in the act of flipping, it would of course be measurable. (Compasses would immediately become demented, for one thing.) I suppose it's possible in theory that the fish are somehow sensitive to an otherwise-undetected phenomenon that is preliminary to a pole flip, but it does seem a little improbable to say the least.

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It must be Climate Change right?

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21Liked by Jeff Childers

The baffling FL fish story reminded me of the blowing up of the Nord Stream pipelines and what ecological disaster that has & will cause for ions. Initially, it was called the worst ecological/environmental disaster in history but has anyone heard a peep about it since? You would think all of the environmentalist groups would be screaming from the hilltops.

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Mar 21Liked by Jeff Childers

Ask Joe….he ordered

Quote of the Day

“They couldn’t be that stupid “

Thanks Jeff for the meme.

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Mar 21Liked by Jeff Childers

Making me chuckle right up to the last words…

🥇Don’t eat any spinning fish sticks, and get back here tomorrow morning for another delicious, drug-free cup of Coffee & Covid.🏆

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What else can we do but laugh because otherwise you would lose your mind with how crazy our world is now.

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So so true

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