I am a white woman so I can say this. White women who are leftists are a threat to this country.

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Measles . . . it's ALWAYS measles!

If the powers that be actually cared about measles, they'd decouple the vaccine from two other vaccines - specifically rubella and mumps. Then parents/kids could carefully get the vaccines and monitor side effects. This is, in fact, what some parents did years ago. But the pharmaceutical industry took that option away.

It's not about measles; it's about CONTROL.

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It is great parents are getting the message, childhood vaccines have not been tested adequately for safety. Rates of autism skyrocketing. Amen, at last. Thank you parents.

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I only got this far .....”Fortunately, my razor-like instincts, sharpened by two years of narrative voodoo combat, immediately detected the scent of a small, scurrying, furry rodent with Fauci-like features. And I was right.”

And spit out my coffee. Thank you so much for your fantastic sarcasm, it means so much to a supreme sarcastic being 🙌

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In 1985, measles vaccine uptake in children was only 63%. There were approximately 3000 documented cases (many more simply treated at home without issue - hint: they may have given their kids vitamin A and fluids) and zero deaths. I think we can all just ignore the fear mongering from the MSM and the medical establishment.

Not to mention, there is evidence (Dr Tetyana Obukhanych has done great work on this) showing the more measles vaccines given, the less they provide any long term antibody production (actual challenge with virus to see if it keeps someone from getting the illness after getting the vaccine is never done, btw), even over generations.

So what has the medical community suggested? You get a gold star if you said “MORE JABS”!!! 🤦‍♀️

This is true, even knowing the third jab ended with zero antibodies left after one month from time of last vaccine. Good luck with that, y’all.

My dad farmed for decades. His favorite saying is “nature always wins.”

We better make peace with measles, because it’s not going anywhere.

Oh, and, life hack, when they say there is an outbreak of measles, ask if they’d identified the strain. If they won’t, it’s because it’s the vaccine strain.

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"scent of a small, scurrying, furry rodent with Fauci-like features." Brilliant :) LOL with my coffee!

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The statement said that Mr. Pavone was given “ample opportunity to defend himself” as well as “multiple opportunities to submit himself to the authority of his diocesan bishop.” But Father Pavone told the Times he still doesn’t know what the blasphemous communications supposedly were, or exactly what he did to disobey said bishop. “I’m waiting for them to point out to me what I did wrong that merits something like this,” he said


Father Pavone has dedicated his life protecting the unborn through Priests for Life.

Guess this is considered blasphemy these days.

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I love that Cleveland Clinic study which validates the Purebloods. Their own study, including many of their own anti-vaxxers, shows the anti-vaxxers are standing strong and not at all filling the morgues. They are one of the biggest scamdemic extremists. Good to see them looking at real data (their own study, not big pHarma) and after ALL THESE YEARS starting to realize they were wrong.

Check these stats on 'covid infections':

-Cases went from 55.7 million before vaccines to 656.9 million after vaccines – almost 12 times higher

-Deaths increased from 1.7 million worldwide to 6.7 million now. Almost four times higher since the roll-out of vaccines.

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Oh, animal trials are underway, alright; it's just that the public are the animals...

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Constitution Republic!! If I see "Constitution Democracy" one more time my head just might explode. These "elected officials" need to pass a written exam based on the Constitution, Bill of Rights & Declaration of Independence to qualify running for office.

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CDC is hiding most of its research into measles and autism since it shows a four fold increase in autism in males who get the em MR shot before age two years. Dr Wakefield showed 20 years ago that the meas els virus can grow for prolonged period in the GI tract of children and thus can be a reservoir for it causing gi symptoms as well as autistic symptoms.

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"Centcom in Tamper" FL, takes on a whole new meaning. And Re-Evaluation Sadly. "The Bushie Regime "War on Terror". Was it all a Farce from a False Flagged 9/11? Lots of Blood and Profit for 20 Years, Comrades. Lots of Vet Suicides??? What is the Real Scene??? Was Maj Gen Smedley Butler correct all along???

My message to the American Vets, Be Patriots, We Need You to Restore the Republic here in the Fraudulent USSA. Samuel Adams gave You Permission btw. “If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.”

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Great work on the measles ! Now I have a great fact to share under the alarmists tweets. I wonder, did SIDS decline after lockdowns? Has growing vaccine hesitancy contributed to a decline in SIDS, asthma, autism etc. Maybe Florida will collect and review the stats. Lots of pots calling the kettles black problems in politics and government. Our youth should be required to take a class showing them how to recognize and debunk propaganda. And finally I hope you get your Pelosi related wish.

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

How many times do we have to read about people “engaging in risky behavior” but contracting Covid at a lower rate before we reassess what the “risky behavior” really is?

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I’m the person who had my measles vaccination as a child and had symptomatic measles two years later 🙋‍♀️. Just saying. So.

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They should include as a co-morbidity being a covidiot. If you are a covidiot, you have a much greater chance of illness, unhappiness and death than the general population. It is probably more deadly than high blood pressure, diabetes etc.

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