I am a white woman so I can say this. White women who are leftists are a threat to this country.

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Me too and I concur.

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I assure you, you could have said it whoever and whatever you are.

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Because they worship at the altar of sex and abortion. That is how our Godless, religionless culture has reared them.

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Dec 21, 2022·edited Dec 22, 2022

Let's see! Feminism masculinizes women. Toxic Masculinity and assorted campaigns feminizes men. Gender neutrality is where this meets in the middle, a big Nothing Burger. But one that erases identity and helps to destroy civilizations.

Speaking of which, I remember reading ... and this was a number years ago ... how some New York City proto-Wokie moms took away the toy guns of their little boys. Guns gone, the moms then complained about how their little boys went around the apartment making play guns out of their fingers and going bang, bang, bang.

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Leaving ideology out of it, there are some very practical arguments for restricting "toy" guns. You'd be amazed how many children -- and adults -- have been killed because they unthinkingly -- or deliberately -- were play-acting with a replica gun in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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Dec 22, 2022·edited Dec 22, 2022

If one really wants to make things 'safe', then we should outlaw childhood. And then take it one step safer by mandating that little girls carry spears for their own self-protection ... ya know, for their own safety. Little boys we need to keep drugged up, quieting them down so they will never have a bad thought and do a wrong thing. This, of course, is the argumentation of the absurd. But then again, look around and what do you see?

Responsible parenting goes a long way to keeping everything in its proper place. But wait! Is anyone responsible for anything these days? Anyone even know the definition?

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I agree. Let the kids fashion their guns out of hands and sticks. Nobody will mistake a stick gun for a handgun... made from things not flesh.

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I wonder if the boys liked their Barbies.

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Nope! Guns!

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I think this replied to the wrong person.

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Romans book in the Bible mentions that women exchange natural relations for unnatural relations, at the end times. We are definitely entering the tribulation territory.

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100 percent. Notice the WHO writer, Health commissioner in ohio and superintendent in NJ are all women. Women are disproportionately harming children.

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Yes. Such a strange reversal of the natural order of things. Women are supposed to be the ultimate protectors of their babies. Mama bears of all baby bears. Now they see a male child and apparently hate men so much that they encourage them to be women. These women have not thought this through. That seems to be the underlying problem. Societal domination by weak minded individuals. I can't say women or men. Because they don't act like women or men. They are debased creatures bent on destruction of all that is good and right.

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Ditto and agree. Whie women were targeted by the leftists for their capacity for guilt and self-loathing, knowing the right buttons to push to radicalize white women in schools and universities, sending them back to their families with emotional blackmail. "Dad, I don't care what you think, this is what I believe, and if you want to be in my life, you have to get on board!" The ultimate civilization-destroying weapon.

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Yeah! And somehow, it's always a war on White people. But lest we forget, 'they' are screwing with everyone else on the planet who is not one of 'them.'

One of the many fatal flows in Marxist Woke-ism is that it is so incomprehensively stupid to think that beating on everyone else so as to benefit the less than One Percent uber-Elite will go unnoticed by the Ninety-Nine percent. As they say in Farm Land, USA ... all cows eventually return to the barn. OR ... what goes around comes around!

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In the old days, the daughter or son so behaving was invited to pack a bag and don't let the door his her (his) ass on the way out.

Another factor not yet mentioned: Psychology. Women generally crave attention. Their claims to the contrary notwithstanding, the female nature is to be maternal, a keeper of the home and raiser of children. They tend to be joiners and supporters of their in-group's rules. Subconscious, perhaps innate behaviors drive her to view herself always in competition with other females and to see the approval of a male authority figure.

There are reasons why even after decades of liberalization, some professions are overwhelmingly female (e.g. teaching, nursing) while others are male domains (e.g. combat military). This doesn't forbid an outstanding male public school teacher, or a female Navy SEAL But those are outliers, exceptions that prove the rule.

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Brilliant. You need to write a book on this or have your own YouTube channel.

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Ditto. We moved from the Seattle area to rural Texas last year and the difference is stunning, in a good way. Liberals in WA are completely unhinged. My husband’s sisters no longer speak to him because he is a “racist” solely based on the fact that he is a Republican. Great logic there.

A very large majority of our neighbors are conservative, but a few are varying degrees of liberal. We get along with them wonderfully because we all respect the fact that everyone is entitled to an opinion whether we agree with it or not. My husband has spirited debates with one gal in her early 60s about choosing policy and accomplishments over personality. It made a difference! She voted for Abbott over Beto for governor. (I had to promise not to tell her wife) Granted, Abbott is no prize, but Beto is a complete nut.

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So happy your move was a good change! I really enjoy Texans… family there too.

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TBF, that's just leftists, full stop.

But the "woke white woman" or AWFL (affluent white female liberal) subtype is definitely part of that. For careerist white women, it's a rational strategy. They're mostly competing against white men at the margin. "Diversity" lets them knock those competitors out of the running. They don't regard minorities as serious competition, but they're useful as moral-cannon fodder: "women and minorities" -- very much in THAT order.

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Kind of funny that the trans people can knock them right back out of the hierarchy 😆😬

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Still a rational strategy. They will rarely (if ever) be competing against a trans person, simply because there aren't that many.

Plus, people really want diversity to be visible. By design, transsexuals aren't visible, or at least they're not obvious. So a trans "woman" doesn't have that much of an advantage over a real woman, simply because if "she" is doing it right, nobody will notice the difference.

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Tell that to high school and college age female atheletes, and pagent participants, getting rooted out of scholarships and awards by record-setting "trans" women; ie, men who are subpar competing against men, so they declare they're girls and BOOM! They're suddenly WINNERS!

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Serves women (and liberal idealists, of which females disproportionately are) right. You made the bed, now you lay in it.

Quick politics lesson: My above statement is an example of "accelerationism." This is in essence to say let the bad ideas have free rein. The sooner the whole structure collapses, fools are chastened (or killed off from the gene pool) the better. Then and only then can the rebuilding begin by the survivors, hopefully chastened by the recent lessons from the school of hard knocks.

Our society is sick, seriously ill. In the above instance there is no hope for reform until large groups of women say, "Hey wait a minute. You are not women, you are just a man in a dress."

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You’re right of course in that context. At least for now. But they’re not that many right now, yet increasing all the time. And as far as not noticing the difference, I think with many it is difficult not to notice. It just seems obvious to me as a woman that they are not women.

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Absolutely… and sad.. a beautiful conquer and divide our nation.. our families

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And guys who go along with it. Authoritarians of any description are bad news. Except my wife. She IS always right. ;)

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As we women are

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You can say whatever you want.

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Dec 21, 2022·edited Dec 21, 2022

Rose, as another white woman, I agree completely. I am beyond disgusted with leftist white women, and over and over we learn about their involvement and culpability in derailing our country. I can't figure out what happened to these women. I disavow them completely.

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No need to bring gender or race into your justification for your comment . Look at people as People, yourself included .

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It's not a race thing. It's a white guilt thing. Marxists amplified these feelings in this particular demographic to redicalize them and send them back to their communities to destroy the fabric of society. Women are maternal, while women are on average more comfortable and financially secure and feel bad about whatever they're good their evil race did to others. It's a formula the Marxists skillfully exploit.

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Spot on. The white (actually also non white successful people do this too, so maybe just upper middle class guilt) guilt is real. I know several well-off and successful non whites who love to align themselves with the poor downtrodden because of their guilt and also love all of the government programs because then their guilt can be assuaged by supporting these programs.

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I think what you’re actually talking about is this current idea of ‘effective altruism’ … the same elitist CRAP Sam Bankman fried was peddling… all the elites sit in their mansions… thinking they can help those lesser than them… to make themselves feel good… but as we’ve seen with SBF… it’s a smoke screen for other nefarious stuff and agendas

It’s the same with these other people.

It’s about upping their social status… getting likes… networking with the right people- only like minded people

It’s Mostly narcissism in full swing.

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Speaking of young Sam...I just love that the media is saying "Sam has agreed to be extraditied back to the US". (Like he has that "choice"! 🤣) Let's ask Assange or Snowden why they don't just disagree with extradition and get the US off their backs!

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"narcissism in full swing"

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Oh I do of course but it’s important for those white women to realize that WE SEE YOU AND CALL YOU TRAITOR --in a way they can’t turn around and say it’s just misogynistic etc. No. These people need to know that we NORMAL women see them for the treasonous bastards they are.

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There is a sort of 'of two minds' mentality in Wokedom. First, 'they' the Almight Controler Manipulators tell us 'we are all just people.' And immediately after saying that, what do 'they' do? Slice and dice people into all kinds of different categories as suits their agenda purposes.

And so, I agree. We have to notice differences. Because discrimination is how we understand reality. For example, an apple is not an orange no matter how many times proclaimed otherwise.

In short, things have gone too far into Bizarro Land to always make nice.

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Thank you for being a voice of reason, even here in what I assume is a relatively "aware" (as opposed to "woke") audience. Folks, human beings are NOT equal in ability, aptitudes, etc. They never have been, never will be. There are real, consistent, measurable average differences not just physically but also in abilities, strengths and weaknesses, between the sexes, nationalities, etc. Many serious social issues are a direct result of the belief that all people are interchangeable. A raisin and a watermelon are both edible fruits, but even a Julia Childs would get disappointing results substituting one for the other in her recipe.

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It has taken me a lifetime to see past The Veil into the Land of Truth. I don't mean to was mystical here, but simply said, everything in the Empire of Lies, all is simply made up, a virtual reality empty of any REAL content.

The Wokey Marxists would have us all lumps of matter, clay infinitely plastic in the hands of 'them' the Noble Philosopher Kings. Scratch their 'philosophy', some call it a religion and there is little of substance there. Marxism is an empty vessel, no more than an excuse for death and destruction ... and the looting of anything not nailed down. They, of course, would have us all the same. But indeed, how inconsistent they are in their consistencies!

No matter what her faults may be, no matter how strange that voice peals in the ear, I somehow feel compelled to like Julia Childs. For a great many, I think it was the same.

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Well and who better to call out the perversity in one’s race and sex? This eliminates the need to scream racism and sexism amiright? We agree!

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LInda that is a very good statement. We are all people first, then man and woman, and color is totally unimportant.

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And men who are wussies are the problem as well. Strong men are few and far between. Too many loafers and not enough work boots. These women run these men and it is pathetic.

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Truth. There is nothing more ridiculous than a white, woke, progressive woman.

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Everyone who is a leftist is a threat to our country

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Same, so unfortunate though. I am embarrassed and ashamed

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Absolutely agree!

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I agree wholeheartedly. And I unwittingly swam in that water for far too long. I just shake my ahead and ask God for forgiveness when I think of how much I ignorantly supported leftist stuff and advocated in my friends-family circles for such damaging ideology. It never occurred to me that there was a decades-long effort to destroy everything that made life good.

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Measles . . . it's ALWAYS measles!

If the powers that be actually cared about measles, they'd decouple the vaccine from two other vaccines - specifically rubella and mumps. Then parents/kids could carefully get the vaccines and monitor side effects. This is, in fact, what some parents did years ago. But the pharmaceutical industry took that option away.

It's not about measles; it's about CONTROL.

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I wonder if the incidence of autism will decline as vaccine hesitancy increases.

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They have changed the definition of autism over the past few decades.

Many more kids are now declared 'autistic'.

There is big money in the diagnosis...more special ed teachers counselers, md professionals, drugs etc.

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I’m beginning to understand the whole thing now. As my 16 yo grandkid is treated for adhd p,OCD and on the spectrum I now believe it’s propelled by the mental health system— it’s psychiatric services, drug companies, counselors, sociologists and all of it—taking advantage of what is really happening—vax injury. Why did my grandkid suddenly exhibit these conditions at 10 yr old? After he got the HPV poison I’m sure. He isn’t getting good treatment—he’s making big bucks for these monsters. Same with the tr@ns thing we surely see now. It’s an industry for sure— preying on our children.

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HPV vax is poison, and giving it to boys is criminal. I hope people are starting to understand how evil this garbage is.

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When my daughter was 11 or 12, can't remember, her dad, unbeknownst to me, had her take the first in a series of three HPV shots. When I found out, I hit the ceiling. Still seeing red, I went directly to the "family practice" office and informed them, in no uncertain terms, that they had better not give her another one. I basically told them if they did, I'd be coming back - and I was bringing hell with me! Needless to say, they decided not to eff around and find out, and she never received another one. I'll always wonder, though, how much more damage was done to her by this one shot...

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Same thing happened with my son. Doc told me how necessary it was for him to get the Gardisol crap. It got me doing vaccine research though. Same doc later insisted that I needed a pneumonia vax at 65 and got mad when I refused. It was goodbye forever after that.

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Bam!! Kids lucky to have you on their team. We do what we can.

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My daughter's doctor advised a hold off and see when the HPV shots came out. I am eternally grateful to her for that. In addition to sparing my daughter, it gave me pause to start questioning the medical community over other issues.

We no longer have any connection with that practice. I wonder what her stance has been on this latest shot.

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Good Mom! Great Mom!

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Dec 21, 2022·edited Dec 21, 2022

I was shocked when the ads told us to get boys vaccinated too. I remember asking my daughter if he really needed them? But she works in the health field and buys it all. So it happened. That was before I knew all the dangers.

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Dec 21, 2022·edited Dec 21, 2022

And in the 50's, kids had none of these problems. They played outside, and almost all were in shape and had good social development.

Now look at us.

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Yes! Look at class pictures. Most are healthy and slender. Now? Not so much.

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Have you seen pictures of the moms taking their kids to the drag shows? It speaks for itself. So sad.

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My unjabbed grands (homeschooled as well) were just outside riding their bikes like we used to do. It warmed my heart. We're so thankful that their parents are truth seekers!

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Agree 100%. Where I live, mental illness (not health) "treatment" has deteriorated into mostly just lip service, yet they continue to make the big bucks. I believe my 29-year-old, severely mentally-ill daughter (who has more initials - diagnoses acronyms - behind her name than most doctors) was damaged by vaccines, as was her now 10-year-old son, my ward, who has ADHD. My grandson will NEVER receive another one. Of ANY kind. EVER.

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I’m so sorry. I can’t say anything and they live 1000 miles away. NY so you know how it is out there. It’s stressful to know all this stuff now and be told to shut up. The kid is very smart and does well in school. Has friends and interests but I can hardly see how he can be out on his own in time.

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It's so sad. My daughter basically lives "on her own" (her dad bought her a house three miles down the road from me), but I still have to go to her house every day to stay on top of her trash, dirty dishes, and laundry and to make sure she has food (which I purchase). So, she's not really "on her own" - she's living in limbo, waiting for a therapist to become available and intellectual/cognitive functioning testing "in three to six months." Yeah. Lip service. Yet, they're happy to refill her multiple prescriptions (for symptom management) monthly in the meantime. And, that is a blessing, otherwise, she may have checked out long ago; she's already tried at least twice since 2012. Soooo sad.

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Japan stopped giving the HPV vaccine. They had so many overt injuries from it

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The communist goals in 1958: Goal No. 38: Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand or treat. Goal No. 39: Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals. (The Naked Truth by James C. Bowers, Sc.D.) Dr. Peter R. Breggin, MD has written extensively concerning the abuses in psychiatry and neurosurgery, exposing and stopping some of their agendas.

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Yes, now they are “on the spectrum.” Was having this discussion with my mom recently…when I was a little kid, I used to rock back and forth when riding in the car or when otherwise bored. I would sort of slam my back against the car seat (before child safety seats were required), which made our little car jerk and drove my dad crazy. “Stop thumping!” I used to lay on my stomach in bed and thump my leg against the mattress until I fell asleep. I eventually grew out of it. Now they call this “stimming.” My mom said, “Today, they would declare you autistic and put you on a bunch of medications.”

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Pretty sure they would have put me on some kids of drugs, too -- I'm in my 50's and probably would be considered ADHD or Autistic I suppose. School was boring (but I got good grades), I hate sitting still, I get really interested in certain topics for awhile, I'm always restless and I used to crawl under the mattress and pretend I was in a cave. I hate sitting around unless I'm reading, my notebooks were full of "doodles" and I'm a girl, but I hated make-up and dressing up(since it involves sitting around) and I was always ruining my clothes getting dirty (still do) and I hated dolls and put them in a tree so I could climb the tree and "rescue" them -- lol. I'm not gay, or trans, or crazy -- it's called human variety!

But, now, so many "disorders." lol! They'd be putting me on 100s of drugs, which I would immediately lose and throw away or just pretend to take.

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My nephew did the same thing. We just laughed. He’s an RN now.

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Haha I still do that. I’m sitting here on the couch typing and moving my foot back and forth back and forth I do it all day every day. I just have never been able to “sit still”. If I’m standing (which I do all night at work) or sitting and working I’m fine but sitting perfectly still? Fahgettaboutit. Pretty sure I’m not autistic and definitely not on any drugs. Never saw it as “a problem “.

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No, that is not stimming and no psychologist would say so. Sorry to be defensive here, truly. But the assumption people make that we’re reaching around and just randomly classifying people is not true. Or that these behaviors have always been around. My kids are in classrooms with dozens of other impaired children and their numbers are increasing. This is not a mild thing. (But you’re right that we like to medicate them unnecessarily.)

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That’s just a “we’re seeing it more” thing which is both kind of true and a giant lie. True in that we’re more aware and vigilant. A lie in that kids are becoming more and more complicated. Ask any special ed teacher who’s been around for more than five years. They’ve seen it. I watched a CA senate hearing conducted by that murderous Senator Pan and he made that same case - with a bunch of special educators there to testify. They looked dumbfounded that this would be a question of definition. Some had been doing this for decades and they were there to point out that something was accelerating and they couldn’t keep up.

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Me too, though modern life is a multi-pronged anti-human weapon now.

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I wonder this constantly.

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It'll be blamed on electronic devices. I pads and such from when a child can operate it till autism is diagnosis. This was the excuse I was told a couple weeks ago. Really.

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And what about the MILLIONS of foreign nationals flooding across our southern border the last 2 years? No one is vetting them about their vaccines! The are bringing Lord-knows-what over with them. Oh, but it's the anti-vaxxers fault!! *insert eye roll here*

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Dec 21, 2022·edited Dec 21, 2022

It was rumored that that was what lead to the measles outbreak in California, which fueled the bill that removed philosophical exemptions in that state. It’s disgusting what they do to us.

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Newsom is really crazy.

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No, he’s buying votes… reparations etc… just watch

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Why don’t they use the government stockpiles of vaxxines to vax every single illegal with every vaccine the government recommends immediately upon invading our country?

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Because it’s not about the virus…

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I realize that but why not force it on illegals rather than forcing and coercing law abiding citizens to take them?

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Ditto. just never want someone to say to me: I vote for "Democracy" when they mean a dem.

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Because they have special rights. Duh.

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Yes, bringing Measles, HIV/AIDS (mostly from Haiti), antibiotic-resistant Tuberculosis, Chagas’ and who knows what else with them.

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Remember maybe seven years ago, the horrible mystery respiratory illness paralyzing children, that landed then in ICU and many died? Doctor's refused to consider the likelihoid of foreigners carrying lord-knows-what medieval diseases here being the cause. It was scary, and mixing world populations randomly does cause immunological problems.

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Dec 21, 2022·edited Dec 21, 2022

Yup, having single dose shots available gives parents an option, that's the last thing Pharma wants. Plus combining doses into one shot hides just how many vaxxes your kid is getting at once, which I think might be the true reason for it.

If your toddler gets MMR and DTaP at the same pediatric visit it's only two shots. But it's actually six vaccinations (measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis). That's an insane challenge for an 12 month old toddlers immune system. And of course they do it to a helpless toddler that can't say no, can't describe side effects, can't file a VAERs report, and can't sue them.

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Oh, I can attest absolutely that a big (BIG) driver for combo shots is so parents don’t freak out about how many jabs their kids are getting.

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I saw a post of a child in Asia who died at 2 months after nine vaccines. Two plus later seven. The mother was speaking out about it.

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Yes. Japan stopped offering the MMR because they found it dangerous. They do each separately.

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Germany too. Epoch times TV 12/22

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I'm old enough to recognize that this suit is a rerun, a very old rerun but not the good old classic rerun. 😡

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I believe that Japan doesn’t allow children under age 2 to have any vaccines. It appears that reduces the incidents of injuries and autism like side effects. As parents we should demand this change for our children.

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They’d also find a way to make it without baby parts…

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MEASLES VIRUS DEBUNKED - Virologist, Stefan Lanka Proved the MEASLES is Not Caused by a Virus. The German Supreme Court Agreed - https://tinyurl.com/2p8ch7n4

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The Pertussis in the DPT vaccine is much more dangerous than the measles. Also when kids get the measles the moms get a booster, thereby avoiding the shingles at senior ages.

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Yeah! It's always some kind of Promotion. Some Wacko thing either not really about us or marginally so as to any real benefit.

I remember way back maybe was it ten or more years ago, all of a sudden it was the TV shouting out Swine Flu, Swine Flu, Swine Flu! It was uncanny and my first hint that 'something else' was going on. And tons of fear porn being peddled over it. Back then 'the public' did not bite. And it all disappeared as fast as it came.

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My husband's mom "forced" him to get the swine flu vax. She threatened not to do his college laundry he brought home on the weekend. That shot almost killed him. He's never taken another vax since, except tetanus, which was constantly pushed at his job. No more of those, either.

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It is great parents are getting the message, childhood vaccines have not been tested adequately for safety. Rates of autism skyrocketing. Amen, at last. Thank you parents.

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I have told my daughter to avoid the mmr until and if her child is just about to enter school.

We all had mesasles, mumps, german measles and were fine

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Great advice.

I would not have vaccinated my children if I knew then what I know now!

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Me too but that was 51 years ago and not sure when mmr came out. She had chickenpox for sure. My brother had mumps and all the rest . Remained fertile.🤔

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I was born in 1949. In the 1950's I had all the usual children's illnesses at the time...measles, mumps, whooping cough, chicken pox, as did all kids at that time. We survived the illnesses. The only vax I remember getting was smallpox and the polio vax was on a sugar cube that you'd chew up and swallow. That was pretty much it. In general, other than the expected colds and flu, everyone was pretty healthy. I don't remember ever knowing a kid with autism or any of the weird things you see today. Some kids (mostly boys) had a lot more energy than others...today they would probably be said to have ADD and pumped up with pills to zombie them out. But when I was a kid, the teachers and sometimes the principals dealt with the difficult kids and eventually they calmed down and straightened themselves out. Without drugs. Boys were allowed to be boys at that time.

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Yes!!! Agree 💯!

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And there wasn't that many. Not like today. Kids are human pin cushions. 📌

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Like the song in South Pacific musical. “You Have to be Carefully Taught”. The industry has had decades to carefully teach us—especially since 1986 when economic immunity was handed to the pharmaceuticals by our governments. Oh, so very carefully. With a lot of help and $$$.

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Measles shot came out in the early-mid 1960s, I think.

What’s weird is that my husband’s baby book shows he both had measles AND the shot. Now, I don’t know if it was “the measles” vs German measles (is that rubella??? I’ve never been sure) Vs three day measles (what was THAT?).

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Dec 21, 2022·edited Dec 21, 2022

I remember the terminology of the "three-day measles" and the "ten-day measles". Rubella (aka 3-day measles or German measles) was far less severe and just one of those harmless childhood diseases that everyone got as a kid. The ten-day measles (or just "measles") was the nasty one, and I recall my parents being genuinely relieved when a vax for it came out.

The problem with all of this is that there actually are some diseases where a vax benefit outweighs the risk. People should be offered just that vax if so inclined. However the schedule was loaded up with vaxxes aimed at generally harmless diseases that were inconvenient. The chicken pox vax was marketed to working parents that they wouldn't have to take time off to care for a sick kid (as parents knew it was harmless and didn't see the point of a vax in the first place).

Now, we've been brainwashed to forget stuff that was obvious fifty years ago and normal childhood illnesses are now rebranded as deadly. I had rubella, mumps, and chicken pox as a kid with zero consequences.

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Re the measles vaccine and your parents’ relief, just remember that lots of folks were relieved for the polio vaccine too, and now many of us are learning that polio perhaps was more about toxins than viruses. Also consider how many people were relieved to have the current Safe and Effective become available. 😓

Measles for sure can be harmful or deadly. However, good nutrition with real foods, appropriate vitamin A supplementation, and so on can mitigate its harmful effects.

There is, apparently but I don’t have the reference, a Japanese study demonstrating less heart disease amongst men who experienced measles than those who did not. 🥺🤔

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My ex-husband had the chicken pox really bad. Lesions inside his mouth and throat. He was hospitalized. My son had them badly, too. He was 3 and has them so bad on his feet, hands and knees, he couldn't walk or even crawl. I'll NEVER forget that mournful cry! 😢 Even so, I'm glad the CP vax wasn't available then as I probably would've loaded my kids up with that, too.😕

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I was born in 1957. Did not have any shots for the childhood diseases, but had the required polio, smallpox and dpt. Grew up in NYC. All my contemporaries had the childhood diseases too, so I dont think that measles vaxx was given!

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I’d avoid it entirely. Read Dissolving Allusions by Dr. Suzanne Humphries. It’s about the history of vaccines. You’ll never have any jab’s again.

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I read that book last year Renee, and was shocked to see that even the old jabs were not safe and adequate ! I only had 2 as a child, and 7 when I entered the US, and then wondered afterwards if some allergies were related to it. Thankfully it is wearing off

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It’s so eye opening. I was surprised at the history part of it. I need to re-order the book again. I lent it out and didn’t get it back.

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Agree...that was a very eye opening book for me.

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I read it and agree. Add to it "Turtles All The Way Down" and there is even less support for taking ANY vaccine.

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Give me a short summaru of what these books say please.

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"Dissolving Illusions" shows that the conclusions they reach about the effectiveness of the vaccines are not justified. The improvements in the diseases come about due to improved sanitary conditions and general improvement in sewer treatment and water and improved nutrition. The improvement in the disease was occurring prior to the start of the vaccine admin but close enough to look like the improvement was due to vaccine.

"Turtles" shows the clinical trials have poor and unreliable designs hidden by subtle false claims so none of the trial results are scientifically valid.

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and are naturally immune. very little people get these illnesses twice

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Yes, and you pass your immunity on to your newborn. Ever wonder about the push to use baby formula? Children getting chickenpox also helps adults boost their immunity and prevent getting Shingles.

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probably a reason why long ago nobody had shingles, and now I know at least 5 or 6 who had them recently

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Create the problem and then the vaccine.

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Sounds like a profitable plan.

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Chickenpox virus remains latent until a stressor triggers it to re-activate, which is shingles. Pretty sure no childhood chickenpox=no shingles later.

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The Vaccination Reeducation forum on Facebook (now deleted) had an file on it explaining how adults being re-exposed from being around sick kids helped boost their immunity and prevent Shingles. But it’s gone now, so I can’t go back and refer to it.

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I was the youngest of 7. All my sibs already had the "chicken pox parties" by the time I was born. I never picked them up in school, either. When my kids had them, I got these weird, very painful, itchy, blistery bumps just on my knees and elbows. The doctor assured me it wasn't chicken pox but gave no other explanation. The bumps went away 2 weeks later. Maybe, I had/have some sort of natural immunity.🤷‍♀️

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Depending on the state you’re in, vaccines might not be required to attend, no matter what people tell you.

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American kids rank as the unhealthiest in the industrialized world. Over half have chronic illness. Our day-one infant mortality is the highest—no one thinks to examine the hep b shot given here to newborns. Obviously these type of numbers should be on the front page of every newspaper. A question: who would hire a contractor who had the worst results in the county? Why trust this healthcare system which produces ghastly results in child health? Should we let them mandate medical intervention to access education? With this track record? Wake up and make your voices heard.

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Well said! I told my daughter NO HEPB for newborn. Fortunately her pediatrician agrees: "why would a newborn need that"?

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Vaccines are really such a typical American solution to a medical problem. We want a pill for each ailment so we can keep doing the things that cause the harms to our body instead of improving our immunity. And then we blindly ignore the toxins in the vaccines that are necessary to cause your immune system to attack the injection, and whether or not the toxins are ever actually removed from your body.

I remember a saying, "crap in, crap out" from my younger days. Well, if you put toxic crap in your body, you should expect a crappy health output. Not sure why that's so hard to get some folks to pay attention to...

And I won't get into how we can ignore the unfathomable conflicts of interests inherent in the sick care industry. Everyone involved is aligned against us. Yet, so many are not even the slightest bit skeptical. Never will understand that for adults +40 yrs... should have learned by now.

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In Robert Malone's latest book, he cites a story I had not seen elsewhere. In the 1980s DoD (military) doctors had done a study that showed that personnel who had a certain Vitamin D level got the flu less. Dr. Fauci was already head of NIAID. He was approached and asked if they'd fund a study. He declined, stating that vaccination against flu was the preferred policy. It surely does seem to be a feature of America's (and probably much of the world): there is a clear prioritization on studying, recommending and sometimes mandating treatments that are on-patent drugs (and other products) that will maximize profits to Pharma.

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Good health does not come out of the end of a needle with a syringe attached.

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That's an absolutist statement and probably wrong. Some medications are better than others. Your statement is born out of the fact that our medical system is corrupt, greed edging out science, resulting in ever-poorer products that are some combination of ineffective and harmful.

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The gut health is whole body health theory is being discovered mainstream. That is the issue with so many health problems. Our guts are compromised by heavy metals, pesticides, industrial fats, junk food, processed food and overdosing on antibiotics.

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The propaganda and mind control is more effective than we realize, and some people are more susceptible.

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I only got this far .....”Fortunately, my razor-like instincts, sharpened by two years of narrative voodoo combat, immediately detected the scent of a small, scurrying, furry rodent with Fauci-like features. And I was right.”

And spit out my coffee. Thank you so much for your fantastic sarcasm, it means so much to a supreme sarcastic being 🙌

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Ditto. Luckily I had just swallowed, but it still ended in a coughing fit.

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Jeff cracks me up, that's a classic line. We all need a safe place for a meet up, I want to buy Jeff a coffee or adult beverage!

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Ditto also! I would love for Jeff to make it possible to find our local peeps within the c&c family.

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Safely. Don’t know how to do that without people who shouldn’t get our info, getting it for their little black FIB book.

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Lots of us have had our instincts sharpened over these last two to three years. ‼️‼️

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In 1985, measles vaccine uptake in children was only 63%. There were approximately 3000 documented cases (many more simply treated at home without issue - hint: they may have given their kids vitamin A and fluids) and zero deaths. I think we can all just ignore the fear mongering from the MSM and the medical establishment.

Not to mention, there is evidence (Dr Tetyana Obukhanych has done great work on this) showing the more measles vaccines given, the less they provide any long term antibody production (actual challenge with virus to see if it keeps someone from getting the illness after getting the vaccine is never done, btw), even over generations.

So what has the medical community suggested? You get a gold star if you said “MORE JABS”!!! 🤦‍♀️

This is true, even knowing the third jab ended with zero antibodies left after one month from time of last vaccine. Good luck with that, y’all.

My dad farmed for decades. His favorite saying is “nature always wins.”

We better make peace with measles, because it’s not going anywhere.

Oh, and, life hack, when they say there is an outbreak of measles, ask if they’d identified the strain. If they won’t, it’s because it’s the vaccine strain.

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Please Don’t forget that vaccinated mothers do not pass measles immunity to their newborns.

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Exactly! It’s terrible how the medical profession has attempted to supplant God and the result is that it makes children more vulnerable. Not surprising. The body’s functions are miraculous, we should never have done these things. Supporting the body during illness is the way, not trying to hijack the entire immune system... which they admit they don’t even fully understand! Oi.

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"Science" has been all about trying to supplant God for well over a hundred years now. I've long thought the the height of this hubris was the notion that we could concoct a "formula" that would be better than what God provides for babies. It's really unbelievable how far we've strayed from reality, and God, as a society at large.

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Look up Yuval Noah Harrari on YT. You'll find out quickly how important the ability to supplant God is to these Satanists. His words are chilling, and the audience clapping as he blasphemes God is scary.

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Oh, yeah, that guy spouts plain evil. The level of support from the audiences is stunning, even though not surprising.

THE antiChrist is Satan, but there are antiChrists who will sit in the temple of God and put themselves forth as god. And we know that we “are the temple of God.” So, I think we can see that these trans-humanists are more than just plain evil... they’re trying to set themselves up as gods in God’s temple.

Definitely the last days...

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Very well said, Alfred! I do hope things turn around, more than I expect them to... but I do still hope!

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Wow, 3,000 cases in 1985. Yet I don’t recall knowing a single person who had it nor even hearing a peep about it. Amazing. Now, it’d be breaking news and the schools would be offering vacks clinics.

And yes, vitamin A very important for measles. And probably other viral illnesses as well.

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Well said! I remember a couple friends had it but it was just another virus... same as chicken pox and everything else. The only thing my mom was scared of was polio, but since I’ve been researching, even that fear was due to government propaganda. The list of what the government and medical “experts” have said which is true is sadly quite short.

As for vitamin A and viruses, it really can’t hurt, for any of them. But I have found L-lysine helps with chicken pox (as well as vitamin D) and also with cold sores and the like.

Vitamin D has always been my go to for flu or anything in that virus family.

Vitamin C is legit always. And NAC is fantastic for lung clearing (even some hospitals use that and it’s simply an amino acid!).

Once I started going down the list of what helps with what, it sure does look like our bodies just need nutritional support to heal from just about any illness.

Even vitamin C in high dose, especially when paired with herbs, can help a body heal from bacterial infections.

Stomach bugs halt when I take activated charcoal at the first sign.

And if someone eats fermented/cultured foods, well, that’s just another rung up the ladder.

I think because my parents grew up on farms, and then we moved around, I’ve seen how sick everyone is now, compared to earlier decades. It’s a tragedy, truly. People are just so, so sick. Most don’t even see it, in others or themselves. Sickness is the norm, and it’s heart wrenching.

The heartening part is how many are seeing this. I pray more will see, so we can turn this tide!

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My mother was ahead of her time with vitamins, I think. She had all the Adele Davis books and my entire life as a kid I took Vitamin C, a mixed B vitamin, vitamin A and E. My grandmother lived to 99, my mother to 95 and she was always healthy with no chronic problems. She had all her own teeth at 95, only wore glasses for reading, and although she had the genetically influenced celiac disease she ate no gluten from age 46 onward and was never sick. She was a farm girl, and always cooked everything from scratch. Meat, potatoes, vegetables and fruit based diet. And she drank hot tea for breakfast and iced tea at dinner her entire adult life.

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Your mom was probably also ahead of her time with what she ate. Or, I should say, still ate real food instead of the fake veg oils and other foods that The Scientists sold everyone in the early 1900s.

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Yes, we have become accustomed to having allergies and other ails. We don’t realize it wasn’t always this way.

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I had measles as a child. And lived to tell about it! Truly it was no big deal! if i were immunocompromised as a child, perhaps it would've been - but a mild cold could also have been a big deal for a child with other health issues. Never got chickenpox, in spite of my mother hauling to every chickenpox-bearing friend's house for playdates. Finally caught chickenpox from my 5th grade son and had a very mild case! Miraculous how our God-given immune system has a way of working on our behalf!

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It’s sort of ironic because there used to be a thing parents would do when their children were sickly... they’d take them to a measles party. It was often the case that once a sickly kid had measles, they’d get a stronger immune system, in general. They called it the measles cure.

Then doctors started warning parents against it.

Later the vaccine came out and then all of a sudden, it became a “deadly disease.”

Of course, some children (especially if malnourished) could have bad cases. If a kid didn’t have adequate vitamin A, it could lead to eye problems, especially. And the main reason for any child to die from it was dehydration from diarrhea. Almost all risk of poor outcomes was shown to be diminished by supplemental vitamin A, and IV fluids (worst case scenario).

So, like anything else, it’s not entirely without risk, but it’s not at all what the medical establishment want us people to think of it! And even NOT getting measles is a risk in and of itself!

That is funny about your chicken pox history... the body will get it when it’s good and ready, I guess! Lol

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"scent of a small, scurrying, furry rodent with Fauci-like features." Brilliant :) LOL with my coffee!

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The statement said that Mr. Pavone was given “ample opportunity to defend himself” as well as “multiple opportunities to submit himself to the authority of his diocesan bishop.” But Father Pavone told the Times he still doesn’t know what the blasphemous communications supposedly were, or exactly what he did to disobey said bishop. “I’m waiting for them to point out to me what I did wrong that merits something like this,” he said


Father Pavone has dedicated his life protecting the unborn through Priests for Life.

Guess this is considered blasphemy these days.

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The Pope is a Globalist Commie!

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Read the book “Infiltration” by Dr. Taylor Marshall. Very enlightening

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That book, at the start of the Plandemic, opened my eyes to the corruption in the Church.

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I’m not even religious but even I can see the damage that comes from a “false prophet”. Happening in other religions leaders as well. I believe in faith in a higher power as a side note!

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He is a follower of molloch.

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Yes, Annie. I believe that anyone who supports or condones abortion sacrifices to Molloch.

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Every believer should read, THE RETURN OF THE GODS by Jonathan Cahn. Quick reading, very enlightening, and thought provoking. Hobby Lobby has them discounted for those who don't want to use Amazon.

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Jonathan Cahn - The Harbinger

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Perhaps that’s why the Catholic Church has turned a blind eye to all of the sexual abuse and pedo behavior. We lived through such a scandal up in NY in many nearby parishes.

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Yes, he is.

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These heroic, cancelled priests are being defended by traditional, faithful Catholics. We are fighting back. Coalition for Cancelled Priests is near closing on a property that will offer priests, cancelled for their defense of the true Magisterium, a home. The organization is accepting donations; I was happy to contribute.

Father Pavone says he will fight on; believes he will be vindicated when we, once again, have a true Pope in the Vatican.

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It is very sad to see what is happening. Is father Altman on your list? And Father Altier will likely need a place in the future!

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Ah, Father Altman and Father Altier! What would we do without these faithful priests?

They shout the truth as did John the Baptist. Surprised Fr Altman wasn’t quickly laicized along with Fr Pavone.

And, I agree, Fr Altier is under the guillotine.

The Coalition hopes this property acquisition will be the start of purchasing several more, in the future, to provide homes … and locations where the faithful can come to take part in community Mass.

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Let’s stay in touch. Jackbillmn@protonmail.com

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Sent you an email, my new friend. :)

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My husband is a deacon

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Your statement is interesting in this context: There are some who say that the current "Pope" is the final. This allegedly was foretold in some prophecy. In any event, recent events don't sound much like the Catholic church I heard about in younger years.

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Some interpret that as he is the final one of ‘this age.’ Which is cryptic.

Many ancient prophesies, from many saints and holy people, tell of a “Holy Pope and Great Monarch’ coming in the latter days. They will, through God’s grace, help restore the faith and fight evil.

The Catholic Church, like society, has sadly been infiltrated.

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Another divide and conquer maneuver.

Divide republicans, divide races, divide religions. Stop falling for division.

*First, People should be praying for him not taking sides about him.

*Second, no appeal is referencing no bishop can override a pope’s decision to laicize. However, the people’s can petition. Popes have changed their minds throughout history, and neither of the two categories of charges against Fr. Frank includes the punishment of laicization according to canon law.

*Third, Pope Francis has historically listened to the wrong people and then refuses to listen to anything else. He must be surrounded by vipers. Need I mention McCarrick the silver tongues devil who is still a priest and had the Pope’s ear for many years?

*Fourth, If Fr. Frank has a calling within a calling as did Mother Teresa, he still is abound by the first calling.

Just as Fr. Fessio I was banished (although not laicized) for years for starting and running Ignatius Press, I hope Fr. Fessio will take this in humble submission and get his faculties back. He is fiery and passionate about saving saving babies, moms and even abortionists but if he had to choose between being a priest and being a full time pro life advocate, I think he would choose being a priest. To my knowledge he was not given that choice.

The difficulty with being a “celebrity” (well known) priest is that some can lose sight of their vows, listen to the whispers in their ears and all the attaboys, and developed puffed up pride.

Fr. John Corapi is exhibit # 1. His teachings were excellent and are still valuable. His personal life was a wreck. He self laicized and later recanted. Sounds a bit like Irenaus.

Fr Altman is similar and reminds me of Fr Corapi as his personal pride is starting to get in his own way.

On the other hand,

Fr. Fessio is the opposite, was assigned as a hospital chaplain and although passionate about the trash religious books rampant at the time, bided his time and part time ran the book business until he was vindicated. I think he learned saving souls one book at a time was not all about himself.

Fr. Mike Schmidt is wildly popular among young adults, maybe more so because he tries to stay humble. He says his family will take him down a peg if he forgets Who he serves.

Continue prayer and fasting against the spirit of division and pride!

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This is a good measured take on Fr. Pavone's case. Here is another worthy take, too: https://www.catholicculture.org/commentary/vaticans-action-against-frank-pavone-overdue-yet-unexplained/

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And yet Jesuit James Martin, who openly promotes the homosexual agenda while defying church doctrine regarding sexuality, remains a priest in good standing. Not only that, he's celebrated.

I'm not Catholic (despite being raised one and twelve years of Catholic school) and thus don't have the standing to take potshots at other people's faith. That being said, there is something deeply wrong with the church hierarchy (e.g. the Lavender Mafia). God bless those of you that remain faithful in spite of these wicked men.

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The “deep Church” is no different than the “deep state”. The bad guys seem to be winning. Thank God we know who wins in the end. The battle is REAL.

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God wins in the end. The gates of hell shall not prevail.

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I agree Jeff, but “to whom shall we go?” The Church has been persecuted all her life and has had her share of bad players to be sure. We were warned that this would happen to The Church. Time to put our seat belts on. And I’ll take that blessing!!

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Dec 21, 2022·edited Dec 21, 2022

Well, I became an non-denominal evangelical protestant (closest to Baptist) decades ago but that was on theological grounds, not due to the hierarchy as most of this stuff had not come out yet. That's probably not an option for most devout Catholics.

There are Eastern Rite churches that are in communion with Rome (i.e. submit to the authority of the Pope) but have their own hierarchy such as the Maronites that people might consider. My dad attends a Maronite church despite have no Middle Eastern ancestry and he loves it. There's also the SSPX for the truly radical traditionalists. Despite the Great Schism, people may want to consider Orthodoxy which is growing in the US.

Bottom line is that we are brothers and sisters in Christ who agree on the essentials of Christianity and love the Lord our God with our whole heart, mind, soul, and strength.

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“To whom shall we go?” was a rhetorical question and biblical quote but I appreciate your well thought out answer.! The difference between denominations is of course the believe in the true Presence, which is still consecrated even by an unworthy priest/bishop etc. So, I will remain Catholic though thick and thin, much like the early martyrs did. I liken it to following the Constitution. I wouldn’t dismiss it because a few bad players wanted to destroy it. No…I would defend it with all I had in me because I know it to be true.

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Yes, Father Pavone has dedicated his life to protecting the unborn. What a blessing to hear him speak at our Pregnancy Resource Center Banquet for Life. Where would our country be without men like him speaking up for the unborn. I am not Catholic, but the Catholics were the first to speak up against abortion and lead the fight against the slaughter of the innocents.

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I love that Cleveland Clinic study which validates the Purebloods. Their own study, including many of their own anti-vaxxers, shows the anti-vaxxers are standing strong and not at all filling the morgues. They are one of the biggest scamdemic extremists. Good to see them looking at real data (their own study, not big pHarma) and after ALL THESE YEARS starting to realize they were wrong.

Check these stats on 'covid infections':

-Cases went from 55.7 million before vaccines to 656.9 million after vaccines – almost 12 times higher

-Deaths increased from 1.7 million worldwide to 6.7 million now. Almost four times higher since the roll-out of vaccines.

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Purebloods should strike and demand more money as they are the safer and more effective employee. Per their own study.

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I agree. About a year ago I received letters from my health insurance company that the unvaccinated will be charged more because they are more likely to be hospitalized and thus are a burden for the insurer. Six months ago they retracted that policy. Here I sit waiting for the letter that the vaxxed will be charged more because they are more likely to be hospitalized. If this was all just a financial decision, the letter would be coming. Not going to happen.

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No it won't. Plus that would really blow up the narrative of safe and effective.

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Wow..That is over the top harm! I have a brother who still doesn't get it. I am waiting for the other shoe to drop as most of my friends got the jab. Two husbands down so far.

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Dec 21, 2022·edited Dec 21, 2022

Yup, and this study only covers the fact that the more vaxxed one is the more likely to get Covid (i.e. the shot has the opposite effect of its intended purpose). It does not even address all the adverse effects unrelated to Covid.

It's a small victory, but a good one.

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Could you provide a link to these stats? My friends and family don’t believe anything without backup.

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Not sure what you are talking about

Baby stats are in Igor Chudov Substack

Excellent article today

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Thanks I’ll look up Igor’s Substack. The stats I asked about :

“Check these stats on 'covid infections':

-Cases went from 55.7 million before vaccines to 656.9 million after vaccines – almost 12 times higher

-Deaths increased from 1.7 million worldwide to 6.7 million now. Almost four times higher since the roll-out of vaccines.”

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Did you get my responses?

Stays in CC comment section I believe yesterday or day before

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Oh, animal trials are underway, alright; it's just that the public are the animals...

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

My pet Guinea Pig squeaked to me that she will get the covid 19 jab if it is proven safe and effective upon completion of the human trials.

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Based on either criteria, I suspect she will remain unvaxxed...

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The two-legged animal trials.

Doing my part to stay in the Control Group.

Lefties can go get 4 jabs... now let's compare results!

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The best thing about being unvaxed is no myocarditis or VAIDS! No regrets here!

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BFM: You are one of my Favs! :)

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Constitution Republic!! If I see "Constitution Democracy" one more time my head just might explode. These "elected officials" need to pass a written exam based on the Constitution, Bill of Rights & Declaration of Independence to qualify running for office.

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Yes, me too! I will say that Senator Hawley does know that we are a constitutional republic and fights hard for the citizens of Missouri and the rest of the country. We need many more senators like him.

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CDC is hiding most of its research into measles and autism since it shows a four fold increase in autism in males who get the em MR shot before age two years. Dr Wakefield showed 20 years ago that the meas els virus can grow for prolonged period in the GI tract of children and thus can be a reservoir for it causing gi symptoms as well as autistic symptoms.

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"Centcom in Tamper" FL, takes on a whole new meaning. And Re-Evaluation Sadly. "The Bushie Regime "War on Terror". Was it all a Farce from a False Flagged 9/11? Lots of Blood and Profit for 20 Years, Comrades. Lots of Vet Suicides??? What is the Real Scene??? Was Maj Gen Smedley Butler correct all along???

My message to the American Vets, Be Patriots, We Need You to Restore the Republic here in the Fraudulent USSA. Samuel Adams gave You Permission btw. “If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.”

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Great work on the measles ! Now I have a great fact to share under the alarmists tweets. I wonder, did SIDS decline after lockdowns? Has growing vaccine hesitancy contributed to a decline in SIDS, asthma, autism etc. Maybe Florida will collect and review the stats. Lots of pots calling the kettles black problems in politics and government. Our youth should be required to take a class showing them how to recognize and debunk propaganda. And finally I hope you get your Pelosi related wish.

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Dec 21, 2022·edited Dec 21, 2022

Yes SIDS DID DECLINE to almost non existent!!

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I remember being floored reading that SIDS deaths severely declined during the lockdowns. I was just going down the vaccine rabbit holes. It makes my BLOOD BOIL recalling the absolute FEAR I lived 40+ years ago, everytime I checked my newborns in their cribs! Checking carefully to see if they were still breathing, terrified each time they "overslept" from a nap. They should all hang for this alone. I couldn't imagine the pain of losing a child to SIDS. "Nope, we don't know what happened, sometimes they just DIE." NO - THEY DON'T, YOU MURDERERS!

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

How many times do we have to read about people “engaging in risky behavior” but contracting Covid at a lower rate before we reassess what the “risky behavior” really is?

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The “risky behavior” is just living life normally as you did before this insanity started.

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Risky behavior to a tyrant is FREEDOM.

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And NO QUESTIONS please. The Science is Settled!

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I’m the person who had my measles vaccination as a child and had symptomatic measles two years later 🙋‍♀️. Just saying. So.

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They should include as a co-morbidity being a covidiot. If you are a covidiot, you have a much greater chance of illness, unhappiness and death than the general population. It is probably more deadly than high blood pressure, diabetes etc.

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