RFK, Jr. files for President; Twitter brands NPR as "state affiliated media"; Mayo Clinic drops masks; Newsom brings light and hope to Fla.; Chicago doubles down; Texas Senate bans groomers; more.
"Medical Freedom" for BOTH Patients and Doctors is the most important issue of our times!
If doctors are forced to watch their patients DIE, because the hospital or that devil Fouci, or FDA, or or some idiot Governor, refuses to let them use Ivermectin, or HCQ or even Vitamin C, for God's sake, what kind of dystopian madness are we living through?!
(Dr. Paul Marik of the FLCCC, the most published Intensivist ever, I believe. His story is horrifying and the poor man still has PTSD from it, seems to me.)
And if any human being cannot choose what is and is not being injected into them or their children, they have NO Right to Life, Liberty or the Pursuit of Happiness, because all vaccines are capable of destroying those three Rights.
I suggest that everyone consider the work of Dr. David Ayoub, (Beyond Thimerosal, on Rumble or Odyssey,) Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, James Lyons Weiler's study of Dr. Paul Thomas's pediatric practice, and the Control Group Litigation's Suvey Study of the vaccinated vs the unvaccinated. Also J.B. Handley's "How to End the Autism Epidemic," and "How Science Lost it's Soul with Autism," by Ken Heckenlively.
Vaxxed l and Vaxxed ll, and all the information from Del Bigtree and the HighWire.
We have a situation where 1/2 of American children are chronically ill, 2/3rds are suffering from anxiety or depression, and 1 in 36 is autistic.
(BTW, Autism spectrum and gender disphoria often go hand in hand, and there is a good argument that it is also a vaccine injury.)
These are catastrophic numbers that will inevitably destroy our nation if it survives the current disaster intentionally created, it appears to me, to break the National State and push us towards a One World Order.
If you would save our nation, help to move people into the Public Eye who will call all the perpetrators out; for that reason
I highly recommend everyone read at least the last chapter of "The Real Anthony Fouci," and mull over the ideas he presents.
We have more than pHarma to face and will need everyone in God's Army to face down this force that has swept across our Nation and the world.
Getting all the OCEAN of money corrupting our political system out post "Citizens United" is another required act, given the situation we are in.
For my part I say:
God Bless all the Truth Tellers, and all the Peacemakers, for they shall be called the Sons and Daughters of God.
Kennedy does not believe perpetual war on humans or viruses is the way to prop up our economy.
And personally I support him, even as a Republican, because ideology matters much less to me than intelligence and moral courage- the kind that makes you take on issues that can destroy a great career in that which you love, just because you know something that is horrible- the level of vaccine injured in our Nation's children, cannot "unknow" it, and Must Do Something, given the truths involved.
Additionally, as a women who has experienced things no man every has or will, I additionally support choice, in the first trimester. So there is that as well.
Difficult topics require thoughtfulness and compassion, not just lockstep ideologies. And watching society dragged, pushed and screaming into utterly insane extremes just shows you that the people in charge are not looking for harmony, peacefulness or reason, but sow division so that they may profit from the ensuing chaos. Let's get smart to that tactic now.
Finally, I was impressed when DeSantis chose Ladapo in Florida. Could we not continue to recruit and push forward the kinds of individuals who will tell the truth, even at high cost to themselves? That is the type of human being I want in my Government, at every single level!
If we could accomplish it, can you imagine the world we would see?
So for me privately, I'm all in for this idea of Jeff's to multiply a man who has been telling truth to power his entire life.
PS- the environmental work he has done also is something I care deeply about, having grown up in the Adirondacks with much first hand experience with the pollution of our waters in New York and my respect for Water Keepers, the world wide organization he helped form is huge.
If you like to fish or hunt, think about it. Florida is different, without large scale industry like the Northeast but the Adirondacks get hit from all sides, Detroit and the Great Lakes' dirty air Canadian industrial pollution and New York City/New Jersey air pollution as well. Our lakes in that region are going sterile from the acid rain, and there's so much mercury in the fish in many of the ones that still have them that they're dangerous for children to eat.
That's not the world I think we should be creating... our Creator expects better, from us.
"Of course, RFK Jr has no chance to get the nomination" just as Trump had no chance in 2016.
Then as "The Party" sees RFK Jr could win the nomination ... Do they "Bernie Sanders" him??? or Join/ infiltrate him to defeat Trump??? Bolshevik democRats will flip the ENTIRE VaXXX Scam on Trump, while Absolving Biden's VaXXX Mandates. Commies are very Cunning, Comrades.
Is RFK Jr a Commie??? I think Not, neither was JFK, but they "Deep Stated" JFK and neither Trump or RFK Jr. are immune if the Deep Statist decide it's the only way "Forward" here in the USSA.
I do believe RFK knows exactly what he's up against. He knows what was done to RFK and his father. They have been after him for a long time because of his views on dangerous vaccines in general. And I'm sure they will try to ruin him because he would not go along with their evil plans.
I thank God he opened my eyes to the dangerous plethora of todays childhood vaccine protocol since I now have a grandbaby. I followed him on Instagram where he had many, many young anti covid vaxx followers.
Instagram soon cancelled him and his account was removed by them.
"If doctors are forced to watch their patients DIE, "....sorry, did these doctors have guns at their heads? Yes, they were threatened with loss of license and their livelihood, but they decided to choose $$ over the health of their patients, that's the bottom line. They chose money & murder over the lives of others. Just my opinion.
Get to know the information- a doctor cannot use a drug, in hospital, if that hospital forbids it's use. Literally. Like they lock it up. He quit. He has sued. He has lost in our corrupt court system which places corporations above human beings in ruling after ruling.
Follow Dr. Paul Marik on FLCCC and their social media platforms. He is the finest man imaginable. He took so much heat his wife left him, but still he fought back every way he could.
Get to know what actually happened. And then DO something about the wickedness that caused it- we are at "all hands on deck" right now!
agreed. Nurses too. Those brave medical folks who stood for medical freedom and lost their jobs deserve more credit than those who caved and even shamed others. Many doctors are conditioned to just follow pharma's orders. They know where their $$ comes from. Shameful.
What are you talking about? Many doctors were kicked out of the hospitals they worked in because they tried to help their patients with Ivermectin and other off label meds.
Unfortunately he fully supports the fallacy of Climate Change, run by the same WEF globalists that ran global Covid policy, for the same totalitarian reasons.
While recognizing that the merger of international businesses with government is a bad idea, he thinks businesses are the problem, not government. His failure to recognize human nature, codified in law as government, as ever and always enabling evil power over others, is fatal.
Yes, he may split the democratic vote, yet I cannot support a big government democrat, and he is that. The foolish βThis time it will be different β is just that, foolish.
Have you listened to any of his interviews on the Defender? he's pretty clear headed about the REAL environmental issues that should concern everyone and differentiates between these and the WEF agenda to which he is opposed. Check your sources before posting.
I have read HIS book on Global Warming, and seen many of his articles. As he profoundly thinks CO2 is a pollutant, do you have any contrary evidence that he does not?
RFK is waking up to the βtruthβ about the βrealβ climate change. In addition, watch the video βThe Dimmingβ if you havenβt already. Feel free to take pot-shots at my suggesting itβ¦having another person wake-up to this reality is worth the potential shaming should you decide to go that route.
Iβve listened to him. I still donβt trust him, for the same reason cited by David. RFK JR is a Big Government guy. Heβs the prototypical Elitist, how could he not be? Born with a sliver spoon, has never had to worry about money or being heard. I donβt doubt he has good qualities and perhaps even good intentions.
Finally, his membership in The Fabian Society should give one pause.
Proof about the Fabian Society membership? Where's your source?
He's a lawyer and I find him pretty down to earth. Yes, he comes from an illustrious family but he's definitely deeply invested in democracy and exposing the rampant corruption that is plaguing the US and the world right now.
The Highwire is a great show. I just do it at 1.5 speed.Also if you don't know there are some great white papers and resources on vaccines on the site.I do not find the site super easy to navigate BTW so always open to tips.
Were you ever a week or two late, after sexual relations?
(For women only!)
If so most likely a child just died and a funeral should be held, by the "life begins at conception" standard.
We should think about our natural responses in that situation I believe.
The studies I've read showed that virtually every matriarchal society in history had herbal remedies to bring a woman's period, if need be, and that only the more aggressive patriarchal societies limited or forbid birth control, female sexuality, and a woman's legal rights including abortion or bringing her period when overdue.
PhD James DeMeo's "Saharasia" is great book on the differences between the them for anyone interested.
However I understand some people truly believe that even an egg fertilized for one second is a person, and yet others truly believe that life begins when you draw your first breath.
I myself believe both are positions are unreasonable, that until the baby "quickens" a women should be able to terminate a pregnancy and also that it is not to be done lightly, or by minors without a parent's knowledge.
I understand that others disagree and I myself am happy that many states are placing limits on abortion as it was taken vastly too far by the extremists. But as a women who has experienced things no man ever will, and who has a firm understanding of biology, I want "choice" to be legal and safe for myself and for my daughter as well.
I applaud you for thinking for yourself and avoiding the current pro-abortion trend of pushing to keep all abortions legal no matter what the circumstances.
Keeping "quickening" as the point at which a life is considered started and not to be ended seems kind of odd, though. Quickening is an ancient standard, dating to days when we didn't have any better tests. It's a vague standard - a woman who is carrying an extra 60 pounds might never feel a child kick - it happened to a family member of mine. These days it would make more sense to try to time things by when the child's consciousness starts (when brain waves can be measured). That's around 6 weeks after conception (8 weeks after the first missed period). But for political expediency, if I was in charge, I'd abortions freely available for 13 weeks after conception, with carefully crafted exceptions after that.
I agree with 1st trimester as the standard. Later is something else, but physicians call any pregnancy loss before 20 weeks a miscarriage and after 20 weeks a still birth. There are many rather arbitrary standards however I chose "quickening" because it is a standard that has been around for a very long time.
And does roughly correspond to the first 12 or 13 weeks. I do agree that we have much superior techniques to determine how far along a woman is and we should certainly utilize these advances in science today.
My point was more that older civilizations came to basically the same judgement as our Supreme Court originally did- 1st trimester it's the woman's bodily autonomy that matters. Later on there is a baby to consider also.
And for that reason I and all the women I am close to accept the same basic standard: yes, in the first, special circumstances in the second, and never in the third, except to save the life of the mother or if the child has died.
Women create life, with the help of a man, but it is her life at risk every time she conceives and it is usually the woman, even today, that will raise the child she has brought into the world. Choice is something I believe is necessary, given those truths, and many others as well.
And most people do understand this is not a black or white issue.
Yes, βdifficult topics require thoughtfulness and compassion, not just lockstep ideologies.β Ideologies push for conformity. Decentralized, personal decision-making is the best reflection of βthoughtfulness and compassion.β
Oh my gosh that is the ultimate slogan for truth... For banner welcoming folks into the town of Realsville. Which seems right coming from BASED Florida man.
There was no pandemic. The disease was slightly worse than a typical flu season. You can just check the CDC for the death rates over the course of it. We had a slight uptick in May and June and it subsided.
Just because you were fooled doesn't mean everybody was. The reason there was censorship and constant, UNRELENTING propaganda, was to control you. We were not allowed to speak.
This has always been a war against the population.
Kennedy is a champion of the Constitution (and an enemy and mortal threat to the deep deep state). He can likely rally βWe The Peopleβ from every party.
Bobby Kennedy, Jr. is a DEVOUT CATHOLIC--there's no way he would be "pro abortion". He still accepts the Bible as the Holy and Wholly Inspired Word of God.
If he were to switch to being a republican, maybe I would be behind him otherwise a democrat will always have democrats, whatever they are, behind him and no way Jose. I wish him well though, smart man.
Not so sure that the Republican's are on the best track for this country either. Perhaps a better track, but the "best"??? It is a shame that we have to live within a 2 party system. I like the scenario that if RFK, Jr. doesn't make it as the Democratic Candidate he can switch over to Independent...then lets see all the Non-voters come out of the woodwork! I like Ron DeSantis, but there is much he still needs to experience in order to lead this Country. RFK, Jr. is the best option for these difficult times in my opinion.
Read The Real Anthony Fauci. You'll be sold. RFK Jr has ethics and integrity which is unfortunately rare in our politicians these days. He's articulate, thoughtful, compassionate and wants to dismantle this corrupt P3 entity that has been put in place by the globalists. There will be a lot of hit pieces on them; even more than there are already. But the truth is the truth and as more people are suffering from deaths from the jabs as well as adverse reactions this could well be more than a fissure to crack the censorship/propaganda that's been put into place these last 3 years.
I found it a tough read only because I kept throwing it across the room every few pages, enraged at what it said. In the end it is well worth the effort, just take a break from time to time to allow your blood pressure to return to normal.
I don't support an RFK Jr multiplier, too much D in his DNA. Love his work on vaccines and the environment and look forward to his primary debate with Biden, but I could never vote for him because of his position on other issues.
You should read the book. I read it in 4 days on the pdf then read it a second time. It's not boring at all. It's compelling and shocking and will change your thinking about many things. The part of HIV completely changed how I thought about it---that's mid-way in the book. Deep and insightful.
It can only help conservatives with RFK in the race. Heβll definitely split some Donkey votes when he doesnβt get the nomination and runs as an independent. Do it!
How about we not multiply anyone who seeks to change or do away with any of our rights. He's using "for the children" propaganda to change or take away our 2A.
Kennedy is strong in all the places Trump was weak: deep state and vaccines. He will broaden the political conversation, and in the end, strengthen Trump (by educating him!). And I love his slogan, βFreedom First.β
Not exactly. Trump was strong on illegal immigration 'build the wall' but RFK thinks it's racist to deny any border jumper.
And RFK says black guys are in jail simply because of racism, not that from being far more violent than say hispanic or asians (why aren't they in jail if it's just racism?).
Funny how someone can dodge the propaganda in one area (vaccines) and fall for it in another (global warming). I couldn't see myself voting for Kennedy in the general election, but I can definitely see supporting him in the primaries. I think he will be focused solely on vaccine damage and it will help get that message out.
"Funny how someone can dodge the propaganda in one area (vaccines) and fall for it in another (global warming)."
Exactly ~ π€¦ββοΈ. However, based on recent long interviews, he is very aware of the Deep State and will be more than a one issue candidate. His own party will go after him, so it could be very interesting.
He claimed the election was stolen from Trump! The msm is already using this with the adjective of him spreading 'misinformation ' in order to undermine him.
The said 'funny' issue has a proper name, that of nobelist physicist Murray Gell-Mann aka the father of quarks π
π¨ Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray's case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. [...Y]ou read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story, and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about Palestine than the baloney you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know. ~~Michael Crichton (1942-2008)
Hereβs your man-made climate change. I heard RFK interview Dane from Geoengineering. You should have a listen if you want to know the truth about how βmanβ is actually responsible for climate change β only not in the manner in which itβs being sold to the public (CO-2 emissions).
Watch βThe Dimmingβ and then listen to RFK and DANE WIGINGTON discuss this topic on RFKβs podcast.
Darn it with the truth! I was all ready to vote for him! I've never voted Dem but now again I have no where to go. Woe woe woe.... The third woe. I'm tired.
He is an Issue candidate: Anti-Corporatism and Deep State, and Vaccine Awareness. I havenβt heard him talk open borders, but I canβt imagine someone could be for open borders and anti-Corporatism at the same time. Guess weβll see.
He is very liberal but has common sense about some things. Still canβt get behind a radical environmentalist. He should stick to vaccines. Heβs over his head in other areas. But the Kennedy name still carries weight.
Donβt be so quick to write him off. He cares about ending the corporate (and government backed) destruction of the environment-- he wants to protect our water , air and land from destructive and toxic chemicals. Heβs not pushing for WEF level climate BS , he is standing up against Big Corporations (and government) who donβt care about the little guy and have caused untold amounts of damage over decades to our water and other natural resources. He doesnβt talk out of one side of his mouth , he is very consistent when it comes to speaking out against the destruction that chemicals can do to our bodies, whether it be from vaccines or forever chemicals dumped into water by accountability-free corporations. Caring for our natural resources doesnβt have to be a hot button issue that keeps us polarized-- it can be something that everyone cares about. There is a huge difference between a WEF pushed climate agenda and being a responsible citizen and steward of our God-given earth. Just my two cents. Donβt be so quick to write him off because he βcares about the environmentβ
I do care about the environment. That's why I'm against Green Energy. It is so destructive to the planet! I love what RFK has done in relation to water purity, but does he support wind and solar power and converting all autos to EVs?
He seems likeable as a person and to have integrity to his OWN beliefs. The environmental stuff is scary, but if a democrat would win the presidency, I would certainly choose him over all other democrats.
I too used to dismiss many of the environmental concerns as overkill. But now I am pretty convinced that these are legitimate concerns. We're being harmed more than we realize, and the impacts are showing up as more and more chronic diseases in both adults and children. It didn't used to be this way.
Liberal in the classic sense of free speech, free association, not oppressing the little guys just because you can (or for any other reasons of course), free debate, and so on.
Or liberal in the modern sense of no rules, now law, every man is right in his own eyes, and we can kill and maim as much as we want those who stand in the way of us getting what we want (eg, abortion, sexual perversion, no police, etc).
He will be far more overwhelmed by the deep state then Trump. That had to institute global Covid policy to stop Trump. There is a reason they fear Trump.
He definitely gets the deep state problem. But he kept aligning himself with deep state people anyway. Bolton, McMaster, Haley, Wray, Milley, that Mad Dog general, etc. It was always an odd paradox to me. Next time around, I hope he will do better looking outside the beltway for his cabinet, because a lot of his inner circle did him no favors and were quick to throw him under the impeachment bus.
If RFK was elected, unless he towed the leftist/democrat line he will not get much support from congress. And it's certain that most repubs love joey more than they will love RFK.
Sadly, he has an illness which compromises his voice..a blessed voice of reason. I have followed this man, and find his common sense so encouraging that it can only mean he is blessed by God
I feel that his blessed voice was attacked by the devil for that reason.
It was supposed to be a battle against the pandemic to protect the people.
It became a battle against the people to protect the pandemic.
T-shirt or bumper sticker!
Tshirt please. In several colors.
"Medical Freedom" for BOTH Patients and Doctors is the most important issue of our times!
If doctors are forced to watch their patients DIE, because the hospital or that devil Fouci, or FDA, or or some idiot Governor, refuses to let them use Ivermectin, or HCQ or even Vitamin C, for God's sake, what kind of dystopian madness are we living through?!
(Dr. Paul Marik of the FLCCC, the most published Intensivist ever, I believe. His story is horrifying and the poor man still has PTSD from it, seems to me.)
And if any human being cannot choose what is and is not being injected into them or their children, they have NO Right to Life, Liberty or the Pursuit of Happiness, because all vaccines are capable of destroying those three Rights.
I suggest that everyone consider the work of Dr. David Ayoub, (Beyond Thimerosal, on Rumble or Odyssey,) Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, James Lyons Weiler's study of Dr. Paul Thomas's pediatric practice, and the Control Group Litigation's Suvey Study of the vaccinated vs the unvaccinated. Also J.B. Handley's "How to End the Autism Epidemic," and "How Science Lost it's Soul with Autism," by Ken Heckenlively.
Vaxxed l and Vaxxed ll, and all the information from Del Bigtree and the HighWire.
We have a situation where 1/2 of American children are chronically ill, 2/3rds are suffering from anxiety or depression, and 1 in 36 is autistic.
(BTW, Autism spectrum and gender disphoria often go hand in hand, and there is a good argument that it is also a vaccine injury.)
These are catastrophic numbers that will inevitably destroy our nation if it survives the current disaster intentionally created, it appears to me, to break the National State and push us towards a One World Order.
If you would save our nation, help to move people into the Public Eye who will call all the perpetrators out; for that reason
I highly recommend everyone read at least the last chapter of "The Real Anthony Fouci," and mull over the ideas he presents.
We have more than pHarma to face and will need everyone in God's Army to face down this force that has swept across our Nation and the world.
Getting all the OCEAN of money corrupting our political system out post "Citizens United" is another required act, given the situation we are in.
For my part I say:
God Bless all the Truth Tellers, and all the Peacemakers, for they shall be called the Sons and Daughters of God.
Kennedy does not believe perpetual war on humans or viruses is the way to prop up our economy.
And personally I support him, even as a Republican, because ideology matters much less to me than intelligence and moral courage- the kind that makes you take on issues that can destroy a great career in that which you love, just because you know something that is horrible- the level of vaccine injured in our Nation's children, cannot "unknow" it, and Must Do Something, given the truths involved.
Additionally, as a women who has experienced things no man every has or will, I additionally support choice, in the first trimester. So there is that as well.
Difficult topics require thoughtfulness and compassion, not just lockstep ideologies. And watching society dragged, pushed and screaming into utterly insane extremes just shows you that the people in charge are not looking for harmony, peacefulness or reason, but sow division so that they may profit from the ensuing chaos. Let's get smart to that tactic now.
Finally, I was impressed when DeSantis chose Ladapo in Florida. Could we not continue to recruit and push forward the kinds of individuals who will tell the truth, even at high cost to themselves? That is the type of human being I want in my Government, at every single level!
If we could accomplish it, can you imagine the world we would see?
So for me privately, I'm all in for this idea of Jeff's to multiply a man who has been telling truth to power his entire life.
PS- the environmental work he has done also is something I care deeply about, having grown up in the Adirondacks with much first hand experience with the pollution of our waters in New York and my respect for Water Keepers, the world wide organization he helped form is huge.
If you like to fish or hunt, think about it. Florida is different, without large scale industry like the Northeast but the Adirondacks get hit from all sides, Detroit and the Great Lakes' dirty air Canadian industrial pollution and New York City/New Jersey air pollution as well. Our lakes in that region are going sterile from the acid rain, and there's so much mercury in the fish in many of the ones that still have them that they're dangerous for children to eat.
That's not the world I think we should be creating... our Creator expects better, from us.
"Of course, RFK Jr has no chance to get the nomination" just as Trump had no chance in 2016.
Then as "The Party" sees RFK Jr could win the nomination ... Do they "Bernie Sanders" him??? or Join/ infiltrate him to defeat Trump??? Bolshevik democRats will flip the ENTIRE VaXXX Scam on Trump, while Absolving Biden's VaXXX Mandates. Commies are very Cunning, Comrades.
Is RFK Jr a Commie??? I think Not, neither was JFK, but they "Deep Stated" JFK and neither Trump or RFK Jr. are immune if the Deep Statist decide it's the only way "Forward" here in the USSA.
I do believe RFK knows exactly what he's up against. He knows what was done to RFK and his father. They have been after him for a long time because of his views on dangerous vaccines in general. And I'm sure they will try to ruin him because he would not go along with their evil plans.
I thank God he opened my eyes to the dangerous plethora of todays childhood vaccine protocol since I now have a grandbaby. I followed him on Instagram where he had many, many young anti covid vaxx followers.
Instagram soon cancelled him and his account was removed by them.
We never thought our society would become this communistic as to 'disappear' people who were speaking truth in the face of lies--
"If doctors are forced to watch their patients DIE, "....sorry, did these doctors have guns at their heads? Yes, they were threatened with loss of license and their livelihood, but they decided to choose $$ over the health of their patients, that's the bottom line. They chose money & murder over the lives of others. Just my opinion.
Get to know the information- a doctor cannot use a drug, in hospital, if that hospital forbids it's use. Literally. Like they lock it up. He quit. He has sued. He has lost in our corrupt court system which places corporations above human beings in ruling after ruling.
Follow Dr. Paul Marik on FLCCC and their social media platforms. He is the finest man imaginable. He took so much heat his wife left him, but still he fought back every way he could.
Get to know what actually happened. And then DO something about the wickedness that caused it- we are at "all hands on deck" right now!
Thank you for this info.
agreed. Nurses too. Those brave medical folks who stood for medical freedom and lost their jobs deserve more credit than those who caved and even shamed others. Many doctors are conditioned to just follow pharma's orders. They know where their $$ comes from. Shameful.
What are you talking about? Many doctors were kicked out of the hospitals they worked in because they tried to help their patients with Ivermectin and other off label meds.
But many complied, and a great many died because of them.
Unfortunately he fully supports the fallacy of Climate Change, run by the same WEF globalists that ran global Covid policy, for the same totalitarian reasons.
While recognizing that the merger of international businesses with government is a bad idea, he thinks businesses are the problem, not government. His failure to recognize human nature, codified in law as government, as ever and always enabling evil power over others, is fatal.
Yes, he may split the democratic vote, yet I cannot support a big government democrat, and he is that. The foolish βThis time it will be different β is just that, foolish.
Have you listened to any of his interviews on the Defender? he's pretty clear headed about the REAL environmental issues that should concern everyone and differentiates between these and the WEF agenda to which he is opposed. Check your sources before posting.
I have read HIS book on Global Warming, and seen many of his articles. As he profoundly thinks CO2 is a pollutant, do you have any contrary evidence that he does not?
Hi David,
Listen to RFKβs interview with Dane Wigington from GeoEngineering Watch.
RFK is waking up to the βtruthβ about the βrealβ climate change. In addition, watch the video βThe Dimmingβ if you havenβt already. Feel free to take pot-shots at my suggesting itβ¦having another person wake-up to this reality is worth the potential shaming should you decide to go that route.
https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/ (Click on the video βThe Dimmingβ for a real eye opener).
Iβve listened to him. I still donβt trust him, for the same reason cited by David. RFK JR is a Big Government guy. Heβs the prototypical Elitist, how could he not be? Born with a sliver spoon, has never had to worry about money or being heard. I donβt doubt he has good qualities and perhaps even good intentions.
Finally, his membership in The Fabian Society should give one pause.
Proof about the Fabian Society membership? Where's your source?
He's a lawyer and I find him pretty down to earth. Yes, he comes from an illustrious family but he's definitely deeply invested in democracy and exposing the rampant corruption that is plaguing the US and the world right now.
The Highwire is a great show. I just do it at 1.5 speed.Also if you don't know there are some great white papers and resources on vaccines on the site.I do not find the site super easy to navigate BTW so always open to tips.
Abortion is taking another life. Canβt agree with you on that one but agree 100% on medical freedom. It just canβt include taking another life
Were you ever a week or two late, after sexual relations?
(For women only!)
If so most likely a child just died and a funeral should be held, by the "life begins at conception" standard.
We should think about our natural responses in that situation I believe.
The studies I've read showed that virtually every matriarchal society in history had herbal remedies to bring a woman's period, if need be, and that only the more aggressive patriarchal societies limited or forbid birth control, female sexuality, and a woman's legal rights including abortion or bringing her period when overdue.
PhD James DeMeo's "Saharasia" is great book on the differences between the them for anyone interested.
However I understand some people truly believe that even an egg fertilized for one second is a person, and yet others truly believe that life begins when you draw your first breath.
I myself believe both are positions are unreasonable, that until the baby "quickens" a women should be able to terminate a pregnancy and also that it is not to be done lightly, or by minors without a parent's knowledge.
I understand that others disagree and I myself am happy that many states are placing limits on abortion as it was taken vastly too far by the extremists. But as a women who has experienced things no man ever will, and who has a firm understanding of biology, I want "choice" to be legal and safe for myself and for my daughter as well.
I applaud you for thinking for yourself and avoiding the current pro-abortion trend of pushing to keep all abortions legal no matter what the circumstances.
Keeping "quickening" as the point at which a life is considered started and not to be ended seems kind of odd, though. Quickening is an ancient standard, dating to days when we didn't have any better tests. It's a vague standard - a woman who is carrying an extra 60 pounds might never feel a child kick - it happened to a family member of mine. These days it would make more sense to try to time things by when the child's consciousness starts (when brain waves can be measured). That's around 6 weeks after conception (8 weeks after the first missed period). But for political expediency, if I was in charge, I'd abortions freely available for 13 weeks after conception, with carefully crafted exceptions after that.
I agree with 1st trimester as the standard. Later is something else, but physicians call any pregnancy loss before 20 weeks a miscarriage and after 20 weeks a still birth. There are many rather arbitrary standards however I chose "quickening" because it is a standard that has been around for a very long time.
And does roughly correspond to the first 12 or 13 weeks. I do agree that we have much superior techniques to determine how far along a woman is and we should certainly utilize these advances in science today.
My point was more that older civilizations came to basically the same judgement as our Supreme Court originally did- 1st trimester it's the woman's bodily autonomy that matters. Later on there is a baby to consider also.
And for that reason I and all the women I am close to accept the same basic standard: yes, in the first, special circumstances in the second, and never in the third, except to save the life of the mother or if the child has died.
Women create life, with the help of a man, but it is her life at risk every time she conceives and it is usually the woman, even today, that will raise the child she has brought into the world. Choice is something I believe is necessary, given those truths, and many others as well.
And most people do understand this is not a black or white issue.
Yes, βdifficult topics require thoughtfulness and compassion, not just lockstep ideologies.β Ideologies push for conformity. Decentralized, personal decision-making is the best reflection of βthoughtfulness and compassion.β
It's structurally hateful & raycist & transphobic to say so. Somehow π€
BFM, you forgot the quotes.
Twitter CAN be awesome
That should DEF be a tee and bumper slogan--SPOT ON!!!
Oh my gosh that is the ultimate slogan for truth... For banner welcoming folks into the town of Realsville. Which seems right coming from BASED Florida man.
There was no pandemic. The disease was slightly worse than a typical flu season. You can just check the CDC for the death rates over the course of it. We had a slight uptick in May and June and it subsided.
Just because you were fooled doesn't mean everybody was. The reason there was censorship and constant, UNRELENTING propaganda, was to control you. We were not allowed to speak.
This has always been a war against the population.
Iβd buy one, BFM!
One of your best!
Kennedy is a champion of the Constitution (and an enemy and mortal threat to the deep deep state). He can likely rally βWe The Peopleβ from every party.
I agree. Letβs multiply him! He exposed Fauci before it was en vogue!!
For some of us, it is too early to make a decision about multiplying...
I don't want Kennedy in the White House, I want him in the primary.
I agree. I'm seriously considering changing my party affiliation to Independent so I can vote for him in the primaries!
I agree, what is his position on life? I can not vote for a pro abortion candidate. I would not support a multiplier for him.
Yep, if he is pro abortion, pro lgbt special rights and hates fossil fuels and believes in global warming, Iβll pass.
Bobby Kennedy, Jr. is a DEVOUT CATHOLIC--there's no way he would be "pro abortion". He still accepts the Bible as the Holy and Wholly Inspired Word of God.
Resident Biden and Nancy Pelosi both claim to be DEVOUT CATHOLIC'S also. How devout are any of them? The Bible is very clear on abortion.
Sorry. He is pro-abort. Read his bio. His parents and grandparents were devout Catholics.
Abortion is a state issue, not federal. It's out of the President's jurisdiction.
Biden is & does
Same! π
Abortion is now a state issue, not federal.
TRUE. Good point
If he were to switch to being a republican, maybe I would be behind him otherwise a democrat will always have democrats, whatever they are, behind him and no way Jose. I wish him well though, smart man.
Not so sure that the Republican's are on the best track for this country either. Perhaps a better track, but the "best"??? It is a shame that we have to live within a 2 party system. I like the scenario that if RFK, Jr. doesn't make it as the Democratic Candidate he can switch over to Independent...then lets see all the Non-voters come out of the woodwork! I like Ron DeSantis, but there is much he still needs to experience in order to lead this Country. RFK, Jr. is the best option for these difficult times in my opinion.
I need to know more. But he would likely get my vote? We will never have a candidate that we agree on absolutely everything. Priorities I guess.
He participates in many interviews - and is always worth a listen.
YouTube, Rumble are easiest sources to locate him.....or, of course, childrenshealthdefense.org
Read The Real Anthony Fauci. You'll be sold. RFK Jr has ethics and integrity which is unfortunately rare in our politicians these days. He's articulate, thoughtful, compassionate and wants to dismantle this corrupt P3 entity that has been put in place by the globalists. There will be a lot of hit pieces on them; even more than there are already. But the truth is the truth and as more people are suffering from deaths from the jabs as well as adverse reactions this could well be more than a fissure to crack the censorship/propaganda that's been put into place these last 3 years.
He is a man of Integrity, and a Man of the People.
Someone to be trusted.
Not many like THAT queuing up.
Now - or ever.
I have asked several medical professionals who work in VA health care if they have read Robert F. Kennedy's book on Fauci.
They have no idea what I am talking about.
Most MDs do not even read medical research but I would insist that they read the book.
Most MDs wonβt even read the insert in the poisonous shots they give to babies, much less the flu/pneumonia/shingles shots.
We bought the book back in December to support him, but it is too big and boring to read. Everything I need to know about Fauci I already know!
I read that book in a week. Only the first chapter put me off. I proceeded to 2nd chapter and raced through to the end.
It is a tough read.
I found it a tough read only because I kept throwing it across the room every few pages, enraged at what it said. In the end it is well worth the effort, just take a break from time to time to allow your blood pressure to return to normal.
I don't support an RFK Jr multiplier, too much D in his DNA. Love his work on vaccines and the environment and look forward to his primary debate with Biden, but I could never vote for him because of his position on other issues.
Agree. I was getting pretty pissed off as I was reading the book.
How did we allow a serial murderer (Fauci) get away with his death and destruction for 40 years?
What are the other issues? Thanks.
You should read the book. I read it in 4 days on the pdf then read it a second time. It's not boring at all. It's compelling and shocking and will change your thinking about many things. The part of HIV completely changed how I thought about it---that's mid-way in the book. Deep and insightful.
Why does this NOT surprise me?
Very important to get the truth about the covid bioweapon out.
The normies will have explody heads.
Despite the 750+ Citations, I had someone tell me "It's his Opinion". Holy cow
His book is extremely well documented.
It can only help conservatives with RFK in the race. Heβll definitely split some Donkey votes when he doesnβt get the nomination and runs as an independent. Do it!
Yesβ¦do it El-Jeffeβ do it..!!!!
Fist bump π
How about we not multiply anyone who seeks to change or do away with any of our rights. He's using "for the children" propaganda to change or take away our 2A.
Kennedy is strong in all the places Trump was weak: deep state and vaccines. He will broaden the political conversation, and in the end, strengthen Trump (by educating him!). And I love his slogan, βFreedom First.β
Not exactly. Trump was strong on illegal immigration 'build the wall' but RFK thinks it's racist to deny any border jumper.
And RFK says black guys are in jail simply because of racism, not that from being far more violent than say hispanic or asians (why aren't they in jail if it's just racism?).
On and on with this guy. Very marxist.
Funny how someone can dodge the propaganda in one area (vaccines) and fall for it in another (global warming). I couldn't see myself voting for Kennedy in the general election, but I can definitely see supporting him in the primaries. I think he will be focused solely on vaccine damage and it will help get that message out.
"Funny how someone can dodge the propaganda in one area (vaccines) and fall for it in another (global warming)."
Exactly ~ π€¦ββοΈ. However, based on recent long interviews, he is very aware of the Deep State and will be more than a one issue candidate. His own party will go after him, so it could be very interesting.
Hillary is planning his demise right now.
LMAO. She needs to just stop and realize her political life is over!
An unfortunate accident.......
She was deeply sorry to hear about his recent suicide.
His father & uncle were murdered by the deep state. How could he not be aware of the deep state?!?; π³
I think his definition of the Deep State has expanded far beyond the Military Industrial Complex/CIA...
He claimed the election was stolen from Trump! The msm is already using this with the adjective of him spreading 'misinformation ' in order to undermine him.
Hope it's true about the stolen election, but I can't find anything online supporting that claim. Do you have a link/source?
The said 'funny' issue has a proper name, that of nobelist physicist Murray Gell-Mann aka the father of quarks π
π¨ Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray's case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. [...Y]ou read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story, and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about Palestine than the baloney you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know. ~~Michael Crichton (1942-2008)
Hereβs your man-made climate change. I heard RFK interview Dane from Geoengineering. You should have a listen if you want to know the truth about how βmanβ is actually responsible for climate change β only not in the manner in which itβs being sold to the public (CO-2 emissions).
Watch βThe Dimmingβ and then listen to RFK and DANE WIGINGTON discuss this topic on RFKβs podcast.
Yes, heard and watched. Very good.
Absolutely. Furthermore, his efforts could go a long way to splitting the Dem base. Great tactic.
Yes...the convo will be rich!!!
Like Berenson and ivermectin and also the 2020 election π
My thoughts exactly thank you.
Darn it with the truth! I was all ready to vote for him! I've never voted Dem but now again I have no where to go. Woe woe woe.... The third woe. I'm tired.
He is an Issue candidate: Anti-Corporatism and Deep State, and Vaccine Awareness. I havenβt heard him talk open borders, but I canβt imagine someone could be for open borders and anti-Corporatism at the same time. Guess weβll see.
Interesting. Thanks for the info. I didnβt know much about him except his vax stance, but figured heβd be liberal because of who he is.
He is very liberal but has common sense about some things. Still canβt get behind a radical environmentalist. He should stick to vaccines. Heβs over his head in other areas. But the Kennedy name still carries weight.
Donβt be so quick to write him off. He cares about ending the corporate (and government backed) destruction of the environment-- he wants to protect our water , air and land from destructive and toxic chemicals. Heβs not pushing for WEF level climate BS , he is standing up against Big Corporations (and government) who donβt care about the little guy and have caused untold amounts of damage over decades to our water and other natural resources. He doesnβt talk out of one side of his mouth , he is very consistent when it comes to speaking out against the destruction that chemicals can do to our bodies, whether it be from vaccines or forever chemicals dumped into water by accountability-free corporations. Caring for our natural resources doesnβt have to be a hot button issue that keeps us polarized-- it can be something that everyone cares about. There is a huge difference between a WEF pushed climate agenda and being a responsible citizen and steward of our God-given earth. Just my two cents. Donβt be so quick to write him off because he βcares about the environmentβ
I do care about the environment. That's why I'm against Green Energy. It is so destructive to the planet! I love what RFK has done in relation to water purity, but does he support wind and solar power and converting all autos to EVs?
Well said L T
THIS is a different kind of environmemtalism. Interesting!
He seems likeable as a person and to have integrity to his OWN beliefs. The environmental stuff is scary, but if a democrat would win the presidency, I would certainly choose him over all other democrats.
Totally. He's a very good folk in general.
I too used to dismiss many of the environmental concerns as overkill. But now I am pretty convinced that these are legitimate concerns. We're being harmed more than we realize, and the impacts are showing up as more and more chronic diseases in both adults and children. It didn't used to be this way.
YES exactly. Him over other crazies
Depends on your definition of liberal.
Liberal in the classic sense of free speech, free association, not oppressing the little guys just because you can (or for any other reasons of course), free debate, and so on.
Or liberal in the modern sense of no rules, now law, every man is right in his own eyes, and we can kill and maim as much as we want those who stand in the way of us getting what we want (eg, abortion, sexual perversion, no police, etc).
I know. Iβm keeping an open mind.
The modern sense is more like liberally totalitarian!
I do wonder if RFK has visited Chicago lately, or Baltimore? Blacks killing blacks in record numbers. That has nothing to do with racism.
He will be far more overwhelmed by the deep state then Trump. That had to institute global Covid policy to stop Trump. There is a reason they fear Trump.
Um, Trump was weak on deep state? Really? I disagree
He definitely gets the deep state problem. But he kept aligning himself with deep state people anyway. Bolton, McMaster, Haley, Wray, Milley, that Mad Dog general, etc. It was always an odd paradox to me. Next time around, I hope he will do better looking outside the beltway for his cabinet, because a lot of his inner circle did him no favors and were quick to throw him under the impeachment bus.
If RFK was elected, unless he towed the leftist/democrat line he will not get much support from congress. And it's certain that most repubs love joey more than they will love RFK.
I think he has the ability to topple Joe in the Primary.
Sadly, he has an illness which compromises his voice..a blessed voice of reason. I have followed this man, and find his common sense so encouraging that it can only mean he is blessed by God
I feel that his blessed voice was attacked by the devil for that reason.
He suspects it was an influenza vaccine that took his voice out at age 44. I forgot medical terminology but it is a vax side effect.
Have you heard him recently? His voice is healed.
Wow. This is profound and insightful.
Are you speaking of Congress or the population in general and do you think this Is because Bobby would not go along with all their plans?
He knows that CIA killed his dad and his uncle. Heβs pretty brave to run.