I saw the news last night about the CMS nationwide ruling! And I heard crickets. So, I read and re-read, squinted my eyes, rubbed my eyes to see if I understood correctly. I texted some health care workers who knew nothing. One in Washington said Insleezy was going to ignore it and continue his Dictatorship as normal.

My response: Just wait until morning. Jeff will be explaining it to us. Insleezy won’t be able to ignore the law.

I went to bed with a smile on my face.


Thank you Jeff!!! Such great news!! Now we have to spread this everywhere since the media will not tell the people the truth. WE THE PEOPLE need to spread this factual information. This will give hope and save jobs in Oregon, Washington and all the other Dictatorship states where there is no hope.

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Yep, media will continue to ignore, as this is all part of the game to trick as many people as possible into getting the vaccines. Basically, just lie to the people. BUT, the hospitals and companies know that they can't actually mandate anything, so they should quietly just back off. Hopefully.

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That is now my question. My brother in law works at a hospital in Michigan and is set to be fired. I just talked to him and he hasn’t heard anything yet. How long before these corrupt hospitals will be forced to tell their employees they can’t do what they were hoping with dripping fangs they could do?

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Gee, that's rough! I suppose they won't say anything until the very last second, just in case he "gives in" and gets the shots. Individual hospitals can still just have their own BS mandates if they want, they just don't HAVE to because of the CMS rules. So without the mandates, hospitals with mandates will just squeeze their workers out to be picked up by hospitals without mandates. (The beauty of the capitalist system.) So if the place where your BIL works just loves mandates....he may have to just leave. But I bet as soon as they have all their meetings with HR and lawyers etc, they'll change their minds...

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Ok. So that answers my question. This won’t necessarily save his job because the hospital can still do it on their own. They just can’t hide behind bidens regime now. Ugh. He told me they are so short staffed now they are cancelling elective surgeries and such and they are bringing in traveling nurses in large numbers.

I wish Americans would unite against this. All it would take is for those traveling nurses to say Nope. Not coming. And stand for medical freedom. The same freedoms they would like had they chosen not to be injected. So incredibly sad.

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At this point it appears the employee has grounds to sue in order to show cause for being fired. Several costly lawsuits could cause the hospital to reverse course

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Unfortunately, I have a friend in Mason Co who’s small Spectrum affiliated hospital is being overrun by unjabbed Covid sickies as reported by the local network. They are all sure now they must run out to get their boosters. None of this could be progressed if it wasn’t for the lying media. It is a war of inches.

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You have to know what is being counted as un-jabbed? Many jabbed are counted as un-jabbed because they got sick before the 2nd Jab or that the hospital and news are telling lies about who is un-Jabbed. For example, Israel leads the way in hospital admissions and deaths of the fully jabbed.

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Perhaps your brother in law can show them the rulings, that Jeff has outlined for each case. Speed things up, since the media is dragging their heels to declare.🤗

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Hoping. He has the info.

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I'm not sure these court cases stop private entities from imposing mandates on their own accord.

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Let's ask Jeff. My guess would be that injunctions CAN stop them. My company announced its mandate, ONE DAY BEFORE BIDEN DID (hmmm), using the following language for accommodations:

Accommodations will be provided consistent with federal and state laws.

These decisions are federal law.

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In Oregon there are private places still hiding behind Biden’s regime. The people will HAVE to rise up and fight back. Unfortunately, Oregonians (not all) have been indoctrinated beyond our comprehension. The tyranny by brownstain was far superior than most. She weaponized osha last year and got away with it. People are tired and don’t have the resources to fight back and no one seems to want to be unified against this. Lots are just trying to survive as individuals and fight. Won’t work. Hasn’t so far. I’m a walk the walk person. If it were me.... I would be carrying my sling shot and my stone aiming for right between their eyes. The state of Oregon tried 10 years ago to dictate to me what I could and couldn’t do and I did fight back. With zero resources to guide me. I would 100% do it again. I wish I could transfer this fighting spirit to those who need it. Ugh.

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Thanks. So it makes me feel like this case got me excited but the sad reality is that millions will lose their job anyway, including my BIL 😞

I know it is still a gigantic step forward. But without the state laws to protect people like Florida did, these private companies will still push the agenda forward on their own 🤮. So blue states like Oregon and Michigan are still seemingly left without hope 😞

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Regardless of whether the law applies to private entities, the fact that health care workers can get jobs in the public sector might incentivize them to withdraw mandates.

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Excellent point, Leila! LOTS of private sector employment options for healthcare pros!

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I'm sorry for anyone stuck in a blue state, but let's face it: We simply have no choice anymore. Life is full of tough decisions: Either stay in a kommie state and endure lunatics like Gretchen Whitmer, that idiot Kate Brown, the moronic Washington State governor whose name I don't even care to recall, Newsom, or #SanctuaryPhil Murphy, or pick up your family and make the right life choice for all of them by taking your tax dollars to a free state.

And I know it's not easy. I tore myself away from my beloved parents (in their 80s) and a lifetime of friends this January, when I yanked up my roots from hopelessly communist New Jersey and relocated to Florida. Upgraded to Gov. 2.0--also upgraded my Rep and both Senators! And since we bought in Nov. 2020, we got in before housing prices skyrocketed in 2021. While it was devastatingly hard to leave everyone I love, my husband and I agreed there was no other viable option.

Bonus: Hubby is only 61 and is now retired. That was not even part of the conversation in sanctuary state New Jersey--home of more than 600 school districts! And only 21 counties!

We are now preparing for our third road trip to NJ since May. This was our choice. Instead of paying 5-figure property taxes year-round and living under the iron grip of Phil Murphy and his lockdown whims and ridiculous capacity limits on businesses, we rent an AirBNB at the Jersey Shore a few times a year and spend quality time with our fam and friends that way. Driving is tedious, but it's well worth avoiding the TSA, air rage, and maskholes that accompany air travel.

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But can’t blue states over ride this since basically the decision is to leave at the state level ?

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I was the same. A friend texted me. I was driving & I got a glimpse of it. Couldn’t wait the 30 min drive home to read it, so I called my coworker to read it to me. I thought it all SOUNDED good...even cried happy tears, thanked God over & over and sang loudly-off-tune to the song “Light if the World” the rest of my drive home....but I didn’t want to share broadly until I read Jeff’s blog today to confirm the good news!

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Cool, a Louisiana judge answered the incredibly simple logical questions of "if X doesn't work, why are you coercing people to do it?" that 5-year olds have been able to ask for almost two years now.

Took long enough.

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Yes -- and all this time I thought I was just cray-cray. Lol. I like how the judges are like, "Emergency? After 20 months? What are you talking about Willis?" lol

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Ha ha, Arnold!

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"Because all African variants look the same to him or something"

Glad I wasn't sipping my coffee on this one. Actual laugh out loud. Thanks for the daily dose of humor and optimism, C&C!

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HUZZAH!!!!!!! The Polar Express of LAW and COMMON SENSE is wrecking Christmas for tyranny!! Romans 8:37: "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors." Being more than conquerors refers to victorious armies who would take the spoils of war and the armaments of the enemy to use against them. Like fat shaming. Like "My body, my choice!" Like every unlawful thing the tyrannical left has tried to shove down our throats and in our arms. ALL of it will become the spoils of war when this victory is won. THANK YOU, JEFF!!!! And I doubt you will be twiddling your thumbs after the victory celebration. You've got a book to write. So.

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Sweet creamy eggnog!! The Constitutional Freight Train is just pummeling these bozo's! That White House Christmas party promises to be mighty uncomfortable this year.

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Military members are still facing less-than-honorable discharge and punitive actions for seeking religious and medical exemptions. Please ask your Congressional reps to support HR 3860: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/3860

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This is great news, thanks for breaking it down. And regarding Newsweek, I have noticed that of the MSM, they are the most likely to offer up "our" ehrm, "alternative" facts. This is the 3rd time I've seen this happen, gives me hope that the truth will get out there to the people that really need to hear it. Because if you listen to NPR (which I do for opposition research), they are fully in the "just follow the [illegal] [challenged] [struck down] mandate" mode, and talk as if there are no challenges, and everyone is about to comply.

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Newsweek is known for leaning left-center. It's always fun when they run something that supports actual logic or busts The Narrative.


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I fall under the federal contractor mandate and got my religious exemption approved (thanks to Jeff for the guidance on his substack), but I think they will be eventually put on hold before january 2022. And just before that the CDC will update the definition of fully vaccinated to include the booster shot and get people to take it. Then federal contractor companies will mandate it for anyone that took the shots 6 months ago and say OHHH it's the mandate sorry. We need to comply because it's the mandate. Companies will find a way to trick employees to take the booster shots because of phantom dates. Most people were I work believe on these injections and mask wearing policies. But no one has an answer to common sense questions except that it is the mandate. It is not us (company).

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I mean at this point - best wishes to them. They've gone mad.

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Oh how do I go about this? I may need to for religious reasons try to get this exemption.

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You may want to review Jeff's example:


It was my guideline, and also I reviewed the title VII questions and answer section for religious discrimination:


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This is my feel better, cup-of-coffee every morning. As someone from the lockdown state of Michigan, don’t be fooled by our “huge” daily case numbers. I keep stats from the MI website, since April 2020. The numbers are constantly manipulated. The mantra from all the local press in this state is the same. Hospitals are being overwhelmed with unjabbed Covid patients. Even smaller populated counties in this state such as Mason are using the excuse that they are the most underjabbed county in MI, that is why their small hospital is overrun. Only problem is every hospital area is making the same claim. 90%+ of the unjabbed in Covid hospital hell! For a state that claimed last summer it had 68% jab rate, the numbers do not add up. Apparently our media all flunked basic math or were raised using common core. Anyway, here it is for Michigan. November 29, 2021. 5066 “new” confirmed cases. This doesn’t include probables which some how get lumped in with confirmed for national consumption. November 29, 2020. 5219 “new” confirmed cases. The daily numbers have been similar for the last two weeks of November. Last year, no jabs, masks mandated, and here all gathering places were paused for 3 months. The numbers look bigger this year but our website now only puts out daily figures every other day and over the Thanksgiving holiday did 5 day totals combined.

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Thank you! We have two nurses in our family in Michigan. They report what they are actually seeing in their hospitals. The media are liars 🤥

They are understaffed because they are “resigning” employees. Cowards. That’s the real reason. And the people coming in are injected. Actually there is a mix of both but more are injected per one of my family members. More lies 🤥

In Jeff’s words.... Lying liars! 🤥

I think that is my new favorite emoji.

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Thank you so much! What a great way to start December:) God Bless and keep you and may His hand always guide your efforts!

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I feel like all this good news at the start of the Advent season is no accident. I’m even more excited for the coming days!!

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These cases are great -- thank God for Federalism, or we'd be stuck like Europe. I have a new appreciation for our Constitution and the founding fathers. I wish something good would come out for the Fed employee mandate. I'm curious just what the arguments against would be -- our union seems to think the Pres can just make anything a "condition of employment" but surely there are limits? Previously, there were NO vaccines required. Supervisors were not even allowed to ASK why you wanted sick leave and would get in trouble for blabbing about "Cindy is at home today because of a bladder infection, etc." So why aren't all the vaccines mandated now? Why not mandatory birth control for everybody? Anti-obesity mandates?

I found one case filed 11/23, AFGE vs. Biden, which is interesting because the attorneys are the same ones who Trump hired for his 2nd impeachment trial.



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Since we all know that many of these CEO’s in various industries …especially in the Aviation LUV World are continuing to ignore Judiciary decisions and choosing to bond with the OBiden Admin…… it makes one ponder how far they will go from here. 💥

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Lawsuits are looking pretty good now with all these precedents.

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Indeed. Perhaps this will be the karma boomerang to land the woke airline one which a legacy was destroyed …..……. ❤️💙💛

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omiburger - as in omi is a nothing burger.


Remind people, and "them", that omi was found in the fully vaxed and spread by the fully vaxed!

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@Jeff - Federal Judge Rejects DOD Claim That Pfizer EUA and Comirnaty Vaccines Are ‘Interchangeable’

A federal district court judge rejected a claim by the U.S. Department of Defense that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine being administered under Emergency Use Authorization is interchangeable with Pfizer’s fully licensed Comirnaty vaccine.

The ruling suggests to me that Biden and the agencies are open to lawsuits by VAxxED damaged for promoting an EUA product as fully approved.


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This article is a BIG DEAL. I read the ruling. Though no injunction was issued, it appears that Judge Allen Winsor has provided something of a legal work-around. How did we not see this sooner? Anyway, a copy of the ruling is here, for those who want to review it. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GJK_7afp6XHoB0Yo4dKopBCL7BYUqI1765uXF6FBJ-0/edit

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Long-Term Dangers of Experimental mRNA Shots (Mercola 2021)


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A critical analysis of codon optimization in human therapeutics (2014)

Codon-optimization describes gene engineering approaches that use synonymous codon changes to increase protein production. Applications for codon-optimization include recombinant protein drugs and nucleic acid therapies, including gene therapy, mRNA therapy, and DNA/RNA vaccines. However, recent reports indicate that codon-optimization can affect protein conformation and function, increase immunogenicity, and reduce efficacy. We critically review this subject, identifying additional potential hazards including some unique to nucleic acid therapies. This analysis highlights the evolved complexity of codon usage and challenges the scientific bases for codon-optimization. Consequently, codon-optimization may not provide the optimal strategy for increasing protein production and may decrease the safety and efficacy of biotech therapeutics. We suggest that the use of this approach is reconsidered, particularly for in vivo applications.


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Thanks for posting the Doc....It appears the significant difference in formulation was lost in the shuffle.

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COMIRNATY is not the same formula. It includes the presence QUESTIONABLY SAFE, optimized codons alleged to improve antigen expression.

In 2011 Nature Medicine magazine published an article called "Breaking the Silence". It described how codon optimization, which uses this synonymous DNA changes, can trigger disease in a number of ways.

Turns out the protein which was manufactured with codon optimization has different ways it folds and a different 3D shape, and it "could cause immunogenicity, for example, which wouldn’t be seen until late-stage clinical trials or even after approval".


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Vaccine Cult Exposed by Government’s Own Data: More than 50% of ALL Vaccine Adverse Reactions Reported for Past 30+ Years Have Occurred in Past 11 Months Following COVID-19 Shots


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