Ah yes.....the masks. You all might enjoy this:

In my quest to make a clean break from the freshly revealed Velociraptor’s that populate the Apex Predator Hospital where I had been going for years, I found a Doc with a short, albeit, interesting bio:

Dr. B________ likes to focus on preventive medicine, and tries to incorporate the positive benefits of healthy living in patient disease management. When discussing a patient’s needs and personal health goals, he reiterates the impact of making good lifestyle choices that promote healthy living. He is a strong believer in the effects of exercise, weight management and a proper diet on a patient’s overall well-being. Dr. B__________ can offer suggestions and motivations toward helping his patients achieve their goals, whether it is weight loss or medication management.

Well, well, well….who is this cheeky little non-conformist? After confirming that he didn't earn his medical degree from Hasbro, I went ahead and made an appointment, cautiously optimistic that it was not going to be in vain. So, I get to the office and the receptionist asks me if I have my own mask. I said: “I don’t wear masks.” I could just sense the air being sucked out of the room as the mood changed from moderately friendly to decidedly stinky. The waiting room was totally empty, nonetheless they rushed me off into a room and told me someone would be with me shortly. Ok, we're off to a rocky start. Enter wet blanket, part-time Etsy designer mask seamtress and resident know-it-all, Nurse Marsha “The Condescending.” She proceeds to school me on the efficacy of masks and that for future visits I MUST wear one for the safety of the other patients. The poor lass obviously had no idea with whom she was dealing with, but discretion being the better part of valor, I decided to NOT mop up the floor with her on this first visit simply stating that I would just wait outside until they were ready for me moving forward……SILENCE. Perfect. She wasn’t much in the mood for chatting after that. She took my vitals and skedaddled post-haste no doubt in fear that I might be carrying the dreaded pox, athlete’s foot or belly button lint. Okay, here’s the good part…..The Doc walks through the door sans mask, FDA approved CDC bubble-wrap or space helmet and comes over, introduces himself and shakes my hand! He checks me out, and is no doubt puzzled how someone in my obvious advanced state of atrophy is still able to stand, but I digress. I’ve been taking Protonix for years to control my acid reflux. This medical Doctors parting words, and I’m paraphrasing: “That sh** will ruin your esophagus, get off of it as soon as you can. We should do an endoscopy to see how much damage it’s caused.” We talked about it for a bit then he handed me a piece of paper with instructions on how to manage it naturally, shook my hand AGAIN and left. Go figure. I sense a possible disconnect between the Doc and the staff. If he keeps this up I'm sure it will be just a matter of time before he is summarily dispatched. I kinda like him.

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Eric - I have been visiting my doc over the last year, general check up stuff. His staff REQUIRES masks on everybody although I've never seen another patient in the building. Once in the exam room, I pull it off. Doc comes in and tells me I should wear it. I said nope, ain't playing the game with you. Then he pulls his off. Weird. I ask him why the masks, he says, "the girls out front are adamant about it and will report me if I don't do it." Oh. I see. It's not you, its the fear of the girls reporting you. Yep.

Well today, the girls out front called to confirm an appt for next week, gave me the typical gotta wear a mask routine, blah, blah, blah. I asked why they still required a useless mask and was told that there were still required. I asked who required them. The response was "the doctor" (my doctor). Seems I need to have a chat with my doc. When I told the girl on the phone that the masks were really useless, she hung up on me. Hmmmmm.

Thinks I'm going to cancel my visit.

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I am patiently waiting for my Ohio dentist to confirm my appointment for next week. Nearly all others around my city have ditched the masks, including my kid's ortho who is .25 miles from my dentist. I know it isn't mandated because so many have cut the BS. They still have seating markers, take your temp, ask you where you've been the last 2 weeks, ask if you've been exposed, etc. If they call me to confirm and tell me they are still doing this, I will absolutely be canceling & seeing another dentist for my routine visits. They no longer deserve my money when this is what they are choosing to continue to do. I will be choosing elsewhere should they be sticking with it.

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Same with mine. Im not scheduling my next cleaning until the masks are gone.. i told them that.

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I refused to donate platelets at ARC until masks are gone. They called thus week and the mask mandate is gone. Hmmm, as someone else said. I’m still the same dirty, unvaxxed soul

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I donated blood last month to the Red Cross. No masks were required in Waterloo Nebraska. I was surprised.

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I’m really glad to know this. My husband wanted to donate blood, but he walked out when he heard that they required him to wear a mask to do so. Maybe He’ll try again now.

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Tell them why.

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NO NO NONO. You MUST go. And inform the no-bull doc that hisoffice staff claim YOU are the one calling the mask usage.

If he kicks you out,fine.. that's HIS doing, ANd if they send ol' Willie round to empty your money-poke, inform them that it was THEIR decision to REFUSE treatment. Thus they can swallow the empty capsule.

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Good point

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Are all those girls named Karen?

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Way to challenge their stupidity.

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Seems like a good opportunity to straighten out the miscommunication, since your Dr. seems to think the hags out front are demanding it or else, ....

and the hags out front demanding it, seem to think it was ordered by the Dr.

Easy Peasy !! lmao

I think if it were me, I'd repeat the mask conversation with the Doc on the next visit, ... THEN have him bring one of the Hags in and I'd ask her in front of the Doc why they are insisting on these stupid useless masks. Let her repeat that the Dr. ordered it, ... in front of the Doc.

Ok, you two, ... Discuss !!!

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It’s the girls.

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Or maybe they will be cancelling it for you 🤦‍♀️

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Why does anyone comply? Because they're scared. I went to my new doc today in a "masks still required" building. I got a checkup, EKG, labs, a visit to pharmacy and to medical records, all bare-faced.

Got a couple mini-lectures, got chased down a couple times. I just agree with them, say 'ok" and go about my business. No one took me out back to shoot me. So WHY is anyone still complying?

P.s. I'm in Southern California

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I'm in Florida. Most of my doctors and dentists have the signs up but no one is wearing masks.

I was at the periodontist 3 months ago and everyone was wearing masks and I had to wear one too until my cleaning started. When the periodontist came in I asked her why they were all still wearing masks. Hadn't she gotten the word that masks were not required in Florida? That data had come out to prove masks are just face theater? She said her staff were healthier by wearing the masks. They had fewer colds, etc.

I pointed out it was stupid to wear masks at the dentists when you had to remove them for treatment and exam.

I felt better, NICELY, speaking my mind.

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I am certainly on your side, most dental offices wear masks in the op while working, and also wear protective eye wear. They do it for their safety. When a dentist is drilling away, or an oral surgeon is doing surgery… etc… there are mouth fluids and other things that can come out and hit the operator in the face. Just saying! If they want to wear a mask, I say go for it, but I’m not going to wear one while in the office as a patient.

Ps… I used to be a dental assistant… the job can be nasty and smell at times! 🤢

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Oh yeah that makes total sense, same for doctors in the operating room from what I have read, it’s more to protect them from bodily fluids than to protect the patient. I agree with you, I refuse to wear a mask at the dentist's office, it’s ridiculous and unnecessary.

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And yet you still wore one. . .


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I've been going to this periodontist for at least 20 years and like her and her office very much. I like my hygienist. I wore the mask in because I that was what I had to do to go in. When I got the chance to speak to the periodontist I voice my opinion. We had a discussion.

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Your periodontist is your enemy. How do I know? She just 𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖. She 𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖 with her face hanging -- maybe covered by a slave rag -- but lied with her face hanging out.

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Jul 30, 2022·edited Jul 30, 2022

Look, I really like this woman. I have been seeing her for years and years, since at least 2002.

Many, many people have caught the COVID mind virus. I go there every six months so every six months I will gently edge her back along the line to sanity.

She is NOT MY ENEMY. Please do not make snap judgments. She is an exceptionally fine person. She is just misinformed about the masks.

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Ugh that argument is so stupid and it makes me so angry when I hear people make it! They have zero proof of that! It’s purely correlation without evidence of causation, I am sure!

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Or maybe you didn't. Did you?

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I have a friend who did the same thing in Costco last year. She was told to mask up 3 times by the person at the door and 2 others...she said "yes, yes, it is right here." Then proceeded to shop unmasked. She got a letter from Costco a week later telling her that she was on notice. One more infraction and she would be OUT. This was in Idaho. She obviously was flagged when she checked out as a Bad Girl.

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That is hysterical! "On notice" from Costco! I signed up for a new membership a couple of years ago at Costco because they offered all kinds of coupon freebie deals, so it was worth it, but this was during 2020 and whenever I went there they had lines outside and only let a certain amount of people in at a time, but the worst part is they had employees screaming at customers to "get up against the wall" and "stay 6 ft apart" and obviously "you must wear a mask!" That was enough for me- I cancelled my membership shortly afterwards.

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Wow.. That is insane. I think these mask nazis need to prove their forced medical intervention is not only necessary but causes no harm. And I think those that tell you you just need to shop from home and pick up your order should be sued for discrimination. Why are they allowed to discriminate like this? I should be able to go into the store and choose my own produce or whatever if I want!

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Kinda proves a point that there were plenty of volunteers for the Nazi regime back in the early 40's.

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Jul 30, 2022·edited Jul 30, 2022

Yes. I have always laughed when I heard people piously say “oh something like that could never happen here”. My grandfather was in Germany then and told us how even the smallest of things (his critical comment about kristallnacht after it happened and everyone in town was looking at the damage) could get you denounced and turned in to the police. There was the same gleeful joy in having a little power and control over others as what we have witnessed here over the past two years. We are human beings in this country just like everywhere else and have the same faults and weaknesses. We have a few more safeguards but people must also take responsibility to fight against tyranny and not assume it can’t happen or aid and abet it.

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And them hand them a piece of paper with THIS printed on it:
































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I picked one of your links, at random:


The message I found there was "This page does not exist."

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I checked it out. the url is incorrect. At the end where it says /pdf90148-2/pdf backspace all the way to the first pdf, leaving the fist pdf letters intact and it should work fine.

Still, I will have to check them all, ... OCD. lol

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Thanks for the heads up. But that means now I'm going to have to go through the whole dang list to see what's been scrubbed from the web.


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Yes, .... once in a while, saving information in a couple thousand different text files, within several hundred subfolders, .... can come in handy. lmao

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Exactly right! Best Buy acted like real Nazi's for a long time too. Lines outside the store to get in (because of limiting people inside) and then they had employees asking everyone in line what they were there for. As in "what is your business here today?" I guess they thought you needed a good "reason" to be there- or else you were OUT! I have never forgotten this kind of behavior.

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BOTS! Gruesome Newsome Bots.

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Eric, how I’ve missed you! I haven’t even read C&C yet but rushed through to make sure it actually had just popped up right when I came in from sunshine and lot’s of natural Vitamin D. A big thumb’s up for finding a good doctor….perhaps.

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I need your help Eric! I am on prescription acid reflux medicine and I want off. But I cannot for the life of me find any information about alternatives to this garbage I am on. Can you share what that doc told you to do??? I was salivating at the thought there might be alternatives that work!

And…. I love how you went in and told them you are not wearing their muzzle!!! 💪🏻 💪🏻

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On top of what everyone has graciously added to the discussion I would add to track your eating habits to see if there's something specific that triggers it. (I had to cut out onions, tomatoes and coffee. I drink Ginger tea now, much to my chagrin). Also, I always have a pack of Peppermint Altoids and PUR gum to ease the discomfort. Don't eat late at night before going to bed. He said to put risers under the headboard of the bed to keep it on a slant so everything doesn't drift upstream into your throat. They also make specially designed pillows. Go to Amazon for both. There is no cure, unfortunately. It hasn't been an easy transition, but worth the struggle.....I hope.😁 Oh, BTW....I can vouch for the apple cider vinegar remedy. Yup.

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I'm not a doctor. But I AM a coffee proffessional. In my experience (broad but anecdotal and in my mind conclusive) coffee per se is never the culprit for digestive issues. Nope.

It comes down to wHAT KIND of coffee you are drinking. Find a local source for FRESH roasted coffee... roast date stamped on bag is best. Do NOT buy anything roasted more than one week ago. ONLY buy medium to light roast coffees, not the black and bitter charbux style.

Brew it yourself and drink it fresh. Avoid percolators, and the thirty nine dollar coffee bomb machines from the Home Chapo. Also avoind those pods like the plague.

I prefer frenchpress, well driven. If it is bitter, you are brewing it wrong.

WHY all the above? As coffee gets roasted too deeply, and/or aged too long, it breaks down and forms some nasty long chain acids that tear up your insides. By staying with freshly roasted medium to light beans, you eliminate all this irritation. I have "cured" people whose docs ordered them off coffee for gastric issues.. I did not have to wait for their answers when I asked "what KIND of coffee are you buying? I knew. And was prven right every time. One guy went from having a half cup tear up his insides all by itself (of huis "usual stuff) to five cups a day with NO adverse effects, when I provided him freshly roasated medium roast beans propery brewed. He was SO happy.....

I could comment on how to properley drive the ol' Frog Pot, but perhaps for anohter time.

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Funny, I had reflux issues years ago and all of the recommendations about food and drinks that would help or hurt were totally off base (including coffee). Bananas and other supposedly mild foods made it worse or didn’t help. The only things I have pretty much cut out except for very rare occasions are citrus juices and tomato soup or juice. The combination of liquid and acidic are just not good for me. But I can eat and drink almost anything else in moderation. I have also noticed that I do better when I drink plenty of water and don’t overeat. I also took apple cider vinegar at one point when it was really bad and the meds I had been prescribed weren’t really helping. The vinegar gave me some relief. I mentioned it to the ENT I saw (I had LPR with symptoms mainly in the throat) and he just about laughed me out of the room, saying that an acid could not help with acid reflux. I said yes that’s what I would have thought too and yet it did. And I didn’t think it was a placebo effect either. The meds didn’t give me relief even though I really wanted them to. And I was skeptical of the cider vinegar but desperate, and figured, can’t hurt at least not much (it’s just food) and might help so why not?? Both the doctors I saw about the reflux only seemed interested in giving me meds and tests and not in finding the actual cause. I’ve been so disappointed in so many doctors who just want to treat symptoms and not figure out where the problem is coming from.

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I'm not a doctor but me and my husband have been dealing with this. You're absolutely right because your acid reflux is caused by TOO LITTLE stomach acid rather than too much. When you don't have enough stomach acid to process your food, it tries to bubble back out through your esophagus. My hubs was diagnosed with Barett's Esophagus over 20 years ago. It's pre-cancerous. He took himself off of pantaprozole after 20 years when he finally heard about how IT causes cancer and bone loss, etc, etc, etc. He takes DGL and can FEEL his esophagus had healed. Find a holistic doctor or a nutritional chiropractor. I get great info from Martin Chiropractic and Gut Health on FB. Dr Kevin Martin is great. He answers questions online or does virtual visits. He is located in Lousiana. There IS HOPE!

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What is DGL?

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Thank you! I have also read that (about the too little acid, or an imbalance). I actually have had fewer and fewer symptoms over the past few years and don’t really need to take anything for it anymore.

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Like VeryVer, I’m wondering about DGL?

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I also read that years ago about adding acid to get rid of the heartburn, .... the Apple Cider Vinegar worked great.

So, ... it isn't just me that gets raging heartburn from Bananas ?? lol

I have had the heartburn since I was a kid, I first noticed it after drinking Koolade.(sp?) For some reason, it only takes a couple sips and BAM !! When I got older and discovered it is almost purely sugar, it made me glad I never drank it.

Yes, moderation is key, ... but overindulgence can also single out particular foods that will kick it into high gear. I found out about Onions, by eating too many home made onion rings. lol

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Jul 30, 2022·edited Jul 30, 2022

@Guido - You sound like you have it managed by now but there are tests to determine if your stomach acid too strong, too weak, too much, not enough, etc. I love now having to worry about it anymore. God bless!

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I order Purity Coffee recommended by my functional medicine doctor. It tastes great and I have no issues with it. BTW-coffee beans have some of the highest amounts of mold on them. Mold can cause a lot of digestive issues as well as other things. This coffee is great!

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If coffee beans have mould on them they have been mis-handled. Do not ever buy from that source again. Good beans are clean. Always.

The coffees with which I deal are all clean, never any wierd stuff used in cutlivation or processing. That is the norm.

Can you check for a roast date on your coffees? Importand. They go stale far more quickly than most folks realise. I rarely drink anything more than ten days off roast.

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Lol, IBS sufferer here and I'll happily trade colons with you if you'd like to find out what coffee does to my GI. I've been tea only for 2 years and my husband went full tea with me too, then 2 months ago all of a sudden - relapse. Come to find out my husband had started secretly making coffee in my tea maker when I wasn't home and literally just the residue was triggering me. Needless to say, we have 2 coffee pots now. 😂

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As a pour over coffee person (use the Hario V60), I prefer the light and medium roast whole bean coffees that I grind right before I brew with them.

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For whatever reason, coffee is a trigger for me. They make low acid versions which I may experiment with.

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I was a GI mess for years - to the point where everything I ate burned my throat. Today, I have no issues at all. It’s all about inflammation. Get to the root of that problem and you solve your problem. I was 95 lbs at my worst (5’7”). It’s deficiencies, parasites, candida overgrowth, and an unhealthy gut biome. Allopathic docs made my condition worse by doing the only thing they know how - prescription drugs (I.e. poisons). I cut out sugar, coffee, dairy, meat, and grains for a period of time. Ate only raw fruit and veg (lots of greens). Plain tuna when I felt the need for protein. Took herbal tinctures and had a fruit smoothie with raw soaked almonds and flax seed every morning. Bone broth is excellent as well. Oh, and the ginger tea was essential to heal the gut lining! Just thought I’d share - I suffered so much until I finally found the answers. I know we’re not all the same but this is what helped me.

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Another suggestion I received from a gastroenterologist/esophageal specialist: sleep on your left side. Anything in your stomach is further away from the opening to esophagus.

In all honesty, I’m not sure it helped my symptoms, but it makes sense.

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Thank you! I’ve been reading everyone’s comments and watching their video links. This has been super helpful. I haven’t noticed any certain foods do it, yet. I have it even when I don’t eat or drink anything. It’s random. However, I do have some other health issues that can be causing this. So I will do some more research, but I am hopeful now AND much more informed about what causes it!! None of my docs ever told me. Just gave me the pills and told me I can’t stay on them forever 🙄 I was left going, what? Then what?

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My sis has struggled with acid reflux for years. A few years ago we came across the healing benefits of Manuka honey for that problem. Try adding some to your ginger tea. 😊

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BAM !! That was spot on !

I found that the Apple Cider Vinegar, will give me heartburn, if I mix it too strong. Woops. But I also found that it annihilated a wicked gallstone too, ... so it was well worth it. lol

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I had acid reflux almost every night for years. Two years ago, I bought one of those $40 wedge bed cushions on Amazon. I haven't had a single instance of acid reflux since. They elevate the upper part of your body by about 30°. It has changed my life. Worth a try for others.

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I had my esophageal sphincter muscle dilated due to frequent choking many years ago. It is a defense mechanism of the body for dealing with acid reflux. I was told by the doctor performing the procedure I would have to take daily reflux medication for the rest of my life. I did take omeprazole for several years, but stopped when I discovered in was inhibiting my body’s ability to absorb iron, causing extreme fatigue. So I quit taking it. I started using a wedge pillow and not laying on my right side. Also, not eating right before bed. I haven’t experienced reflux in years. On the rate occasions I have eaten something that I think I will likely have reflux, I’ll take a famotidine before going to bed.

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I cured bad reflux a couple decades ago with a high cruciferous diet, ie a small head og steamed cauliflower or broccoli for lunch & dinner. Creates an inhospitable environment for helicobacter pylori.

Recent flare up I treated with ayurvedic schedule & approach: have lunch (medium meal) for breakfast (ideally 6 am), dinner for lunch at noon & breakfast (small low key meal) for dinner at 6pm. No snacking after 7 pm.

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Similar to an old friend’s advice. Eat like a king at breakfast, a prince at lunch, and a pauper at dinner.

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My acid reflux was due to a hiatal hernia and I was prescribed the usual PPIs which in my case did not help. An allergy doctor made a few life style recommendations that helped me ( I no longer take any medications other than an OTC for ragweed allergy).

Do not eat for several hours before going to bed.

Raise the the head of my bed six inches. I ended up raising the head of my bed by ~ 8 inches.

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I would be interested also as my attempts to get off GERD OTC meds is painful at best.

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Jul 29, 2022·edited Jul 29, 2022

I would suggest you try hard to find anyone local in 'natural' or 'functional' or 'alternative' medicine who can personally test you and your situation to find out for sure. Because believe it or not many times reflux is actually _basic_ not acidic. (edit: or it's also possible its simply not acidic _enough_ but not actually basic.)

Still hurts, of course. Both types do.

But you want to find out what is actually happening. Some people just need simple enzyme supplements to help you break down the food. Other folks do genuinely have too much acid and need to reduce it, though of course the common antacids aren't the best way to do it. But there are also folks who actually need _more_ acid, not less. All three are possible, and you want to find out which is your reality. (And of course monitor it, because it can change. I've had all three states myself, though most of the time I'm the enzyme type.)

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I switched to chewable papaya enzymes and got off all gluten years ago and reflux for me is all but gone.

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Jul 29, 2022·edited Aug 1, 2022

I was going to recommend PAPAYA pills too. Works for me for years and I can eat all of the GLUTEN i want.......4-5 pills during or after I eat a rich meal. Hard to believe so many people do not know about these little miracles....I dont even chew them, just wash them down with liquid.

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Where do you find them?

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I agree wholeheartedly! Find a functional medicine doctor. They actually get to the root cause of your problems, not just put a band-aid over it. The one I found was life-changing!! Never had any other doctor come close to what this doctor was able to do for me.

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Good points! 👏🏻

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I have a friend who swears by apple cider vinegar, a couple of times a day. 2 T’s twice a day.

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You actually need MORE stomach acid, not less. This is how they make continued patients. Lies. Look into HCI Peptide Betaine and/or DGL. My husband took himself off of 20 yrs of pantaprozole with DGL. He was diagnosed with Barrett's Esophagus. He knows it's healed NOW, but will not go get another "routine" endoscopy because, well, we all know why! He can FEEL it's gone. Find a holistic doctor (often chiropractors) who CURES, not TREATS. I follow Martin Chiropractic and Gut Health on FB.

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Yeah, that's what my midwife told me. Along with the insight that the classic pregnancy craving for pickles is the body's way of mitigating the classic pregnancy symptom of heartburn. :) The body knows what it's doing. God made a good design.

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I have read that many on the carnivore diet have gotten rid of their acid reflux. It is a total elimination diet . Dairy can be a big trigger.

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I also recommend consulting with a functional medicine or integrative practitioner, they don't just prescribe the pills but look into the root cause of the issue, even a good integrative nutritionist or the one who took a course in functional medicine can probably help better than some doctors who only know how to prescribe pill for every ill.

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Not medical advice. I think it's true that sometimes coffee can aggravate the issue in some people but one of the causes could be gut dysbiosis or overgrowth of certain bacteria. I had acid reflux briefly and what helped me personally is to take Kyolic garlic Candida Cleanse & Digestion formula. It can be purchased in whole foods or on Amazon but when buying on Amazon you need to make sure it's sold by the company that manufactures it to make sure there are no fakes. You can also find it at vitacost.com, and iherb.com. Not sure if it will work for everyone but I only took one bottle and it worked like a charm, never had an issue since. It's worth trying to see if it will help. Also, look into probiotics after but not sure which specific strains could be beneficial, perhaps just basic ones like lactobacillus and bifidobacterium. Hope it helps.

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Not that doctors have malicious intent but they were simply not taught some stuff that can help in medical school. I have a friend who is the ER doctor and he recently took a functional medicine course. He said he wasn't taught this information in medical school. It probably interferes with Pharma profits. So.

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acid reflux is almost always diet related, cut carbs and sugars out completely and look into keto diet. i wasted 20 years taking crap for it and put myself at risk of cancer taking those drugs

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Me too. And, I got fat and diabetes type 2. Now on keto and have switched to carnivore. No meds. Blood sugar normal. No cravings, hunger, or tiredness. Amazing.

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yep im full carnivore too, feeling great, was on 6 meds 6 years a go, it took me 4 months to fix myself enough to drop all the meds and have to buy all new clothes. never felt better! i bet you had to learn all this yourself and not from a doctor too

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Yes. I learned it all on my own. Been seeing an endocrinologist for at least 15 years. Was diagnosed with hypothyroid and diabetes 2 about 22 years ago.

I am a nurse but haven't worked in 2 years primarily due to the virus. I have been vaxxed with the Pfizer mRNA but will not take boosters after what I have read.

Being home has given me lots of opportunity to research my various interests including metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, etc.

A few months ago I ran across Dr. Schwarzbein and read her book. That got me on a low carb diet. I also used the FLCCC.net protocols for immunity. One of the things the recommend is black seed oil. Black seed oil can lower blood sugar. I saw my endocrinologist in May. My A1C had gone from 6.8 to 5.6. She said I could cut my meds in half/take half the doses. I told her what I was doing.

Then I stumbled upon Dr. Benjamin Bikman and his book "Why We Get Sick." That was a revelation. I had no idea the effects insulin resistance has on every part of the body.

My next avenue to look into is the connection between insulin resistance and Alzheimer's.

Now this month I started carnivore. I see her again in November. Looking forward to my next visit with her.

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thats great, i took a break from my diet/lifestyle over the last two years and its amazing how quick things start to develop again, i am as of 3 weeks a go back to full carnivore eating 4 eggs a day with ham and cheese, 1 meal a day. its a bit savage but i will add in real meat in about 2 weeks when my body has done a good bit of autophagy. good luck on your journey it sounds like you have the right support and dont need this tip but may i recommend dr ken berry on youtube https://www.youtube.com/c/KenDBerryMD

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I'm a big fan of Dr. Berry. I have been watching him for about a year and finally worked up the courage to go carnivore. Frankly, I wasn't sure I could afford to go all meat. Turns out when I am not buying all the other stuff, it isn't expensive. My last grocery trip was $90 and I expect to get 2-3 weeks worth of meals from it. The month before I went on full carnivore my grocery bill was $337. We'll see what it is this month. I do most of my food shopping at Aldi's. They are, by far, the least expensive and the quality is outstanding.

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Also on the carnivore diet and feel great. I'd suggest adding organ meats too. Desiccated works if you can't find/won't eat fresh organ meats.

I use this one


Ancestral Supplements are good too, particularly for targeted support.

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I love liver but Aldi's doesn't have any. Publix does and when I go there next I'll buy some.

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ah yes great advice, im already on the ancestral stuff, liver, blood and heart, its a lot of pills and not cheap!

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You just KILL me. Apex Predator Hospital and the Velociraptors that populate it. Spot on. Signed...The Tethered Goat

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Hi Eric, yes I too had A/reflux. I started drinking diluted unpasteurized apple cider vinegar . It worked. Yea, you gotta get over the taste , but after 2 weeks NEVER got it again. and yes some dietary changes were appropriate . But its all good Cheers

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Jul 29, 2022·edited Jul 29, 2022

I started using the apple cider vinegar I had in the cabinet for salad dressings. Then I learned about the "mother" in Bragg's and how important it was to get the fermented particles into the apple cider vinegar you are using. I am halfway through the 2nd bottle of Bragg's. No acid reflux whatsoever. In fact, no acid reflux from the first time taking it before bedtime. It was miraculous. Before that I was having to get up an hour or so after going to bed because of painful acid reflux and take a panteprazole.

There are so many long term bad side effects from taking antacids such as inability to digest calcium which leads to bone loss and teeth problems.

The benefits of COVID and being unemployed/retired and home more has been education. I have learned a huge amount of nutrition information. So much so that I have brought my A1C from 6.8 to 5.6 with nutrition. My endocrinologist was amazed.

Apple cider vinegar is also supposed to help with blood glucose control.

If you are eating a lot of carbs that could be contributing to the acid reflux.

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Yes, I just posted this about the apple cider vinegar. And yes Naomi, you are supposed to use apple cider vinegar with the “mother” in it. Bragg’s makes it but there are others as well. The mother ingredient will be listed.

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"Nurse Marsha The Condescending" LMAOOOOOOOO!!!!

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Sounds like you ran into a covid Nurse Ratchet scold....AVOID them at all costs!!!

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Eric, my wife has reflux and also has a sensible doctor who (believe it or not) puts patient health ahead of pushing the latest Big Pharma silver bullet. He confirms what your doc said: All the proton-pump inhibitor drugs will accelerate damage to the patient's esophagus.

You might try dietary modification, the addition of a few drops of an alkalizer (pH adjuster) to your drinks, and an OTC product from England (never been approved by our brilliant FDA) called Gaviscon Advance.

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I have acid reflux but it doesn’t matter what I eat. So I’m not sure what to modify. Never heard of those other options either. Where do I find alkalizer and Gaviscon Advance?

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Looks like you can buy it on the dreaded Amazon.

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Sunnydaze, the following is the info our hormone doctor gave us. I have been on omeprazole for 20+ years but have now purchased HEARTBURN SOOTH by Enzymedica from Amazon and will be transitioning soon. Hope this helps you.



Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a condition that regularly affects 25-30% of adults in America. Most of these sufferers and physicians look to drugs known as proton pump inhibitors (PPls) as noted above to deal with their heartburn symptoms. These drugs are now being linked to serious side effects including an increased risk for early mortality due to heart disease and strokes, cancer; Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis and fractures, many different types of infections such as C. Difficile, pneumonias (shorter duration of therapy at higher doses), disruption of the microbiome and SIBO, kidney disease, and multiple nutrient deficiencies (Magnesium, iron, calcium, B12, folic acid, zinc, vitamin C).



This is the best alternative based on the scientific literature results. These products are designed to produce a gel-based raft that sits on top of the stomach contents after a meal preventing stomach acid from entering the esophagus. When a meal is consumed a layer of acid forms on top of the stomach contents to create an "acid pocket." A gel-like raft, literally floats on top of that acid pocket to block it from irritating the esophagus and producing symptoms of GERD and heartburn.


Alginate-based Raft Therapy, uses alginate (alginic acid), which comes from the cell walls of brown algae. Alginate can hold 200-300 times its own weight in water, making it a naturally gelling substance. Alginate is taken with natural buffering agents like calcium carbonate and the alginate produces a very effective raft to block reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus. Alginate reaches the acidic environment of the stomach and it forms a pliable gel + calcium carbonate mixes with gastric acid to produce carbon dioxide bubbles that gets trapped in the gel causing it to float to the top of the stomach contents. The raft-forming process takes less than a minute and the raft can survive in the stomach for up to four hours. As it makes its way through the intestinal tract it is partially digested and behaves as dietary fiber and passed out of the body. Essentially it is a foam raft sitting on top of the stomach contents.


Studies have shown that using alginate against other drugs, including Pls, other acid-blocking drugs such as Zantac and Tagamet, and antacids have shown it to be superior to these agents in terms of safety and efficacy. The effects are immediate, sometimes within a few seconds and long-lasting. Another big advantage for alginate is its excellent safety profile. No side effects, drug interactions, or toxicity in contrast to PPI drugs.


Many people taking PPl long-term should not be. They were initially prescribed drugs for a short-term indication or patients took them on their own because of occasional heartburn. Many times, people have gotten hooked on them for many years or even decades. One of the problems with PPIs is that when people try to get off them cold turkey, they experience a rebound of increased acid secretion and that can cause severe pain or discomfort. Rather than quitting cold turkey, follow these accepted guidelines for using Alginate and for help in getting Off the PPIs. The process can involve either dose reduction; change to using only when symptoms occur; or switching to drugs like Zantac or Pepcid


IN ORDER FOR THE ALGINATE TO DO ITS JOB, IT HAS TO BE TAKEN AFTER A MEAL IN EITHER A CHEWABLE TABLET OR LIQUID PREPARATION. If it is taken in a capsule form or during a meal, it simply mixes in with the stomach contents and will not form a raft. PURCHASE HEARTBURN RELIEF FORMULA FROM ENZYMEDICA.COM

The typical dosage is 400 to 1,000 mg after each meal and 30 minutes before bedtime. There are no side effects known with alginate nor is it known to have any drug interactions. It is safe for use during pregnancy. For nighttime use, take 30 minutes before bedtime and avoid laying down for 30 minutes. If symptoms are completely gone or use was only occasional, simply using an alginate-based product as needed basis may be all that is required.


1. If GERD symptoms are still present or PPI use was continuous for more than 4 weeks follow the regimen noted below:

*Reduce dosing of the PPI by half for two weeks

*Continue the reduced dosage of the PPl every 2 days for 2 weeks, then every

3 days for 2 weeks, then twice a week for 2 weeks, then once a week until

off completely.

*At the same time, utilize an alginate-based product after each meal and 30

minutes before going to bed.

*Reduce the dose of the PPl every 2 weeks as noted

2. If the PPI is being prescribed for long-term use for Barrett's esophagitis, use the alginate-based product in place of the PPl indefinitely.

3. If the PPI is being prescribed for peptic ulcer disease, consider adding natural approaches such as Deglycyrrhizinated licorice (GL), zinc carnosine, or mastic gum products along with the alginate-based product to wean off PPl's.

4. If you have bleeding ulcers, severe acid reflex (endoscopy), or Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, you really need to be on the PPl.


Weight loss (most evidence of benefit)

Elevate the head of bed

Smoking cessation

Avoid tight fitting clothes

Do not eat 3 hours before bed

Do not eat right after exercising

Eat smaller portions

Avoid dietary triggers


Low CARB DIETS have been shown to be beneficial. Certain foods and beverages may act as triggers; however, studies are contradictory:


Carbonated beverages


Citrus fruits

Drinks with caffeine

Garlic and onions


Spicy foods

Fatty or fried foods

Tomato-based foods

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Wow. That is a lot of info. Thank you!

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Do research on zinc carnosine, aka PepZinGL, aka Gastro Ease. It can heal ulcers.

Another thing that helps with acid reflux is apple cider vinegar. I was having issues with that at night from time to time. I saw some information on it and started to take 2 teaspoons or so, in about 8 ozs. of water at night before bed. No more acid reflux.

As we get older we produce less stomach acid. The esophageal sphincter does not close completely and we get acid reflux. If you increase the acid in your stomach, the sphincter closes and the reflux goes away.

This is a good place to start:


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Dude this was awesome!!! U go!! Thank u for being defiant!!! We defy!!! I wanna know about this Doc! Are they in FL??? Wish u the best!!

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The dreaded and feared D r. m e r c o l a has a store/coffee shop in FL. North of

Tampa/Clearwater area I do believe.

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Whhhaaaaaaatttt??? Please tell me where!! Help me be smarter! Thanks!!

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Lol...no problemo! It is on my to-go list when we head down for the winter. You will have to check it out and let me know. We are Florida peeps with a place in Idaho.


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Ooh this interests me as well! My husband has a business in that area so we are down there on occasion.

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NE Florida

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I live near Sarasota

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Another Sarasota resident here!

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this happens to SO MANY doctors! I don't get it - it must be super-hard to hire office staff or something. they are all, always (or almost always) just terrible.

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Jul 29, 2022·edited Jul 29, 2022

If I feel acid buildup, I chew 3 Nature’s Way DGL licorice tabs after that meal. Later I might take Gaia Reflux Relief. Also chewable.

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As strange as it may sound acid reflux(which I have dealt with on occasion)may be alleviated with with two tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar(get the kind that contains the 'mother')and a little honey in a small glass of lukewarm water. Use filtered or spring water --which are more alkaline than tap. If you start the day with this drink--over time you may discover that acid reflux ceases all together. The typical US diet is very acidic. cheers! The doctor you found sounds marvelous.

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I took a couple of herbal medicine classes from a PhD herbalist. She said that we lose acid as we age and that GERD wasn’t a problem of too much acid but a diet that caused acid to come up instead of helping digest food and go down. Bitter herbs or apple cider vinegar helps digestion and keep food moving down. Yes, acid reducers are terrible (prescription or OTC.) They keep minerals and vitamins from being absorbed and can lead to esophageal, kidney or stomach cancers and osteoporosis. The inserts to acid reducers cautions to only use for 2 weeks. My sister used them for years and ended up with all of the bad - esophageal, kidney and stomach cancer and osteoporosis.

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I can now exhale as todays posting came thru. Thought maybe the authorities might have done something untoward with Jeff. Thankfully not!

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Yea with so manyyyy sudden adult death syndrome cases going around - you never know! The only thing more dangerous is being an associate of the Clintons ;)

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Arkancide is not recognized as a cause of death either. Lol. 😅

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for not being recognised, it sure is effective.

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We were worried too! It’s always tough when they’re late and we’re sure happy when they come through!

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Well, not yet, anyway.

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Looking forward to multiplying Dr Simone Gold! She is an American Hero! 🇺🇸 💪🏻 Let’s show her We The People are behind her.

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Jul 29, 2022·edited Jul 29, 2022

The R House: That's R for repulsive and revolting. Now tell me again that globohomo is not recruiting kids.

If a Christian dares tell a pregnant woman about alternatives to abortion, that Christian is slapped with a lawsuit. If a religious Jew reminds globohomo of the Lord's condemnation of men lying with men, that Jew's synagogue gets spray-painted and maybe firebombed. But we're all supposed to stand and cheer, like the trained seals in The View audience, when these lowlifes try to sexualize little children.

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One side wants to exploit them in the name of sexual freedom,

the other side wants to protect them in the name of freedom from sexploitation.

Remember that when leftists, Bill-ary, OBiden, Kamala and Diane say “it’s about the children” what they really mean is - They want the children for themselves and others to use either politically or sexually. Call them out on it every time.

Children are the future of the country and world. If they are warped, fearful and exposed to adult sexual predilections as children, they will become warped, fearful, predators themselves.

God, help us!

We have to keep in mind that C19, masks, vax, secret biolabs, tran aggression etc., is ALL ABOUT THE CHILDREN.

Do not fail to act to protect them and our future, even in little ways including speaking up about masks, baby vax, and reporting child porn and abuse. (you don’t think that child predators didn’t also film the kids in the tran bar for their own jollies?). Many like it when the children are afraid.

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Dr. Candace Nayman, 27, a resident doctor at McMaster Children Hospital in Hamilton, joined the unlucky group. She collapsed while swimming on Sunday; she was competing in a triathlon.


Has anyone heard of a 27 year old triathlete dying suddenly prior to the jab?

Occam's razor folks!!!

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It sometimes happens but has been extremely rare in the past. Now, I feel like amateur or professional athletes collapsing or dying during exertion has become a relatively common occurrence 😕

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Prior to the jab??

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Before the jab was released and mandated. Pre c19

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I still don’t understand how Dr. Gold is legally in prison. What did she do that was any different (actually what she did was more peaceful) than the rioters after Trump’s inauguration. How is the DOJ not being sued...it makes no sense why she got put behind bars but worse offenders are running free. And this is happening in the US. It’s disheartening.

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There are two sets of rules. One set for leftists (do whatever you desire without ever being brought to justice), and one set for conservatives (your life will be destroyed for being a law-abiding citizen).

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Yup and like it or not it's reality. Dr. Gold doesn't deserve 60 days in jail but what she did was foolish. Often when things are getting out of hand you just have to walk away. This goes doubly so when corrupt law enforcement are looking to make an example out of someone.

Prayers for Dr. Gold but we should all learn from what happened to her. In blue areas, conservatives are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law while libs are given a pass. Complaining about "hypocrisy" makes no difference, they know they are being hypocrites. They don't care, that's the point.

If you are going to engage in something that could be considered civil disobedience *do not* do it in a blue area unless you are willing to pay the price. Perhaps this will change some day but it's reality now.

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As a doc her instinct was probably to help. Look where it got here.

That doc has courage!

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"Walking away" is giving up. Winston Churchill and the Apostle Paul both agree on that. If everyone keeps "walking away", the progressives will own this nation lock stock & barrel. They never, NEVER flee from a fight; they circle the wagons and mount a bigger offense from inside their fort.

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Yeah okay, I don't see you sitting in a jail call.

How did Dr. Gold reading her statement inside the capitol during a mini-riot (or a public disturbance at least) do a bit of good? It did nothing good but instead it discredited the entire early treatment movement as a bunch of Q-Anon loons. This should have been obvious to anyone who thought about it before acting.

People need to start actually using their brains to think things through rather than reacting emotionally to everything. Seriously, people acting like hysterical children and then complaining about how it's "unfair" is why we lose. We win by keeping our emotions under control and knowing more than the other guy.

St Paul was a smart guy, I doubt he would have done anything this pointless and foolish.

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Actually, Paul begged the Roman soldiers for permission to speak to the mob in Jerusalem. He never ran from danger!

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Yes, he preached the Gospel to save souls and willingly suffered for Christ (who commanded him to do so). He didn't read some pointless manifesto as a stunt in the middle of a riot. The two are not in any way comparable. Paul wisely chose his battles, he didn't emotionally fly off the handle.

Look, I like Dr. Gold and wish her nothing but the best. But what she did was not smart and it discredited her cause. Not only that, she made herself a target when it would have been far more effective to walk away and have a press conference later at another location. The left is looking for scalps and it got one. How did that help her cause?

I'm not trying to be the bad guy here but just asking that people step back and think about things before going off half-cocked. We need to be smart, not foolishly play right into the left's hands over some inane stunt. She is now sitting in the slammer, her cause discredited, and she'll probably lose her medical license. All for what?

What is really annoying is people egging this type of stuff on when they aren't willing to sacrifice anything themselves. Plenty of armchair generals around.

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Please do not presume to know my history.

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Just as most of the country does not know that 2 possibly 3 civilians and NO cops died on Jan 6. They were suicided after, and it is being attributed to the same day.

One older woman was bludgeoned to death by a cop on film at the doorway to the path below the Capitol. The primary cop beat her so hard while she was already passed out on the ground with such forceful swings that the baton flew out of his hand at the end. It was horrible to see the video, people begging the cops to stop. I could not watch the whole thing.

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Have you seen "Bloody Hill" yet? It is the latest documentary about Jan 6 and it is exceptionally well-done and very powerful. The whole 90 minutes is worth every minute of your time @ stophate.com. Had me in tears.

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I hadn’t heard if it. I’ll have to watch it. Thank you for the recommendation and link.

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I’m pretty sure it was a female cop that beat the crud out of her with a baton... And then they blamed her death on her taken-as-prescribed ADHD medication... I guess considering our times it could have been a male cop who thinks he is a woman...

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It was a black female Capitol police officer named Lila Morris wielding the baton, viciously attacking the head and body of Roslyn Boyland. Morris was actually given a commendation for her service on J6. The black officer who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt was similarly rewarded. Makes me sick to see what is happening to society. Sick.

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Yes. It is sickening. And they continue to perpetuate the lie that protest goers beat to death a cop with a fire extinguisher (his mom verified that did not happen) and killed the other officers who actually committed suicide (or were suicided).

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MASKA, MASKA, MASKA!!! Will it ever end ? Had the same issue going in for a colonoscopy pre-doctor visit last year. Nurse "where the heelllll is your mask?" eye's bulging from her thick glasses.

I'll wait outside I said. During the Q&A with the NP, she asked what meds are you currently taking. Couldn't wait to answer that. IVERMECTIN and QUCERTINE BABY!! and I feel fine. The LOOK was science fiction.

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On the FL DBPR suit to revoke a liquor license. When is the DCF going to remove those children from those parents?

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Exactly! Why are there no charges of exposing children to pornography?? Where are the criminal charges against these abusers???

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Good point. The owner of a heterosexual titty dance club - even one that didn't serve alcohol -would be busted pronto if minors were found in the establishment.

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Agreed. Terrible parenting!! Those children will be scarred for life!!!

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Relieved to have today's letter that signals you are ok.

Was able to LoL at "....overfed adults laughing merrily at the dancers and clapping like trained seals excitedly earning their next pickled herring."

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Read Julie Kelly's book, JANUARY 6, and your blood will boil. It is beyond belief what they are doing to US citizens. It is an absolute travesty of justice and completely immoral.

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Back when statins were relatively new, there was a study of high level German athletes treated with them for familial high cholesterol levels. Muscle pain was known to be a complaint in some people taking statins but was thought not significant enough to preclude use of the drugs. However, among the athletes who demanded much more of their muscles than the average statin taker, not one could tolerate the muscle side effects. And biopsies showed signs of “ragged red fiber myopathy,” which is caused by mitochondrial dysfunction. I am beginning to think that the athletes dying suddenly after the vaccines are analogous to the German athletes who tried the statins. The physical demands they place upon themselves uncover problems with the drugs - or in the current situation, the injections - in organs which they adversely effect much more efficiently than in people who demand less of those organs. In the case of the injection effect, the organ is the heart.

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Some folks jut naturally have higher cholestrol than others have. So what? One natural way to manage it is taking 5 gm cinnamon per day. Put it into something else and swallow it.

High cholestrol runs in my family. I am often accused of having too much, even back when I was cycling 5,000 miles per year. What a joke! I could leave most strong males half my age in the dust. I never had any symptoms or indicators of high cholestrol, it was always the numbers showing up in the lab reports. One "cure" I have adopted: just don't get the bloodwork done so often. Everything else is letter perfect anyway. And its the good stuff that is fine, just a tad more than "they" say of the bad one. But I avoid fats that have the bad stuff, and I'm not worried.

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Similar family history here. Won’t take statins. Even when I was doing triathlons my “bad” cholesterol was high BUT my “good” cholesterol was extremely high. Foods do not change that in me whether I an vegetarian, paleo, or keto.

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There is too much one size fits all in medicine. People are different and having these quite arbitrary numbers for every single person is nonsense. I would like to see a range and also weighing multiple other factors, taking each person individually. But that is apparently too much to ask of our medical system and most practitioners.

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I also have read that Red Yeast rice is a good supplement to take for high cholesterol. I have been trying that. I have naturally high cholesterol as well- they said it may be hereditary. On the cinnamon- do you use regular cinnamon or ceylon cinnamon?

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Taste wise I much prefer the ceylon. I think most used for baking (the "dutch" cinnamon) is the ceylon. I do have and use others, most notably the "canela" native to Mexico and Central America. It is unique to that area, has a mild and aromatic flavour that suits mexican style cooking, where the ceylon is just plain WRONG for that. I would hazard a guess that the active ingredient for the cholestrol taming is part of the almost 'hot" strong flavour of the ceylon, thus that the mexican canela would not work for that use. Fun stuff, all thihs, eh?

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Thanks for your reply! I already have the ceylon variety so I'll start using it. I also believe cinnamon is good for inflammation as well.

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Perhaps as Nancy Pelosi is playing with fire, she will spontaneously combust and perish? Here's hoping.

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then Toto will be utterly lost.

But who cares about Toto? Leave him in Kansas

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In re: NYs increasing numbers. I haven't looked but "up 70%" from what? From 10 to 17? From 100 to 170? And ICU admissions double of what?

50 going to 100? Or maybe 1000 going to 2000?? Stating percentages really doesn't say much...can be quite misleading... since it makes a BIG difference what the reference point is.

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I pray that they arrest all the pedophiles not just in south Florida, but everywhere. These are very sick, sick individuals, and I really pray they are taken out of circulation. I have to say, if it wasn't for the plandemic, we would probably not be aware of how far America has fallen from the Grace of God. Trump exposed the sewage center of Washington DC and others are exposing the abominations that are going on in America, under the falsehood of freedom. It is sickening, and I for one, am grateful that Jeff did not post any pictures.

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The “inflation reduction act of 2022” is nothing more than build back broke, “redefined”. We need to fight this!!! They are planning to quietly jam it through next week.

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As you can see from this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MldQJwHRgY&t=3398s), Barbara Ferrer KNOWS the data does not support their policymaking and that the public is catching on to their lies.

I include a transcript of her self-damning statement in this piece:

• “Letter to US Legislators: #DefundTheThoughtPolice” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-us-legislators-defundthethoughtpolice)

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Ferrer back-tracked only because of public pressure. She's a left-wing activist pushing an agenda, the only thing that made here stop was a public revolt:

1) Three of the five county superintendents came out against the mandate (Solis was 30 minutes after the announcement but we'll take what we can get and she's on the record now). The board can fire her at will.

2) Pasadena and Long Beach which have their own municipal health departments despite being in LA County said they would not issue a mandate

3) Beverly Hill, El Segundo, and Manhattan Beach all put out statements saying they would not use their municipal police forces to enforce it. Sherriff Villanueva has previously said LASD would not enforce it. Other cites told municipal staff not to enforce it.

4) Multiple LA County cities have now announced their desire to form their own health department so they are no longer under LA County orders

5) Relentless push back from local talk radio hosts and good coverage Fox 11 TV

6) Exposure of corruption inside the health department by Jenn Van Laar at Redstate who has a few moles inside, this could lead to a criminal probe

7) Press conferences from the top doctors at LA County/USC medical center that Ferrer was misstating the seriousness of the case spread and that a mandate was not needed

8) A pre-emptive lawsuit filed on Tuesday on behalf of LA county students by Palos Verdes lawyer Julie Hamill

9) A pretty clear sense that the public would not comply this time around and businesses would not enforce it

This is how you stop this kind of stuff by making it clear there will be a severe price to pay. These mini-tyrants may think they can rule with an iron-first but it only works when people are cowed into submission. For the first time in LA County we saw a coordinated pushback on this covid nonsense and the results speak for themselves.

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Mr Childers when I don't hear from u early, I freak out lol. So I've been hired by HCA through a RE. They put my name on an unvaxx list lol. Anyway, this HCA along w all hospitals are still HUGE masks advocates. These are the nastiest most non-effective masks. I already got a few Karen's on my back about the mask... but at least I'm working now... if anyone has any awesome comebacks for the Mask Karen's, I'm all ears lol!

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Not workplace appropriate but how about FU? On a more serious side I would print out little cards that include links to all the studies showing just how ineffective they are and say nothing when handing those out. Nothing bugs people more than no verbal response.

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Right??? Thanks.

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I liked the comment above:

I’m not playing your game.

Or “show me the study where masks are effective.”

Or “I’m following the science.”

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I like “ I am following the science”. That is going to be my go to. “Show me the data” works as well. No one has been about to do that, only a lame reference to the CDC.

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Yes and also show me data that these masks are tested and approved for the purpose they are used for, and that wearing them will not cause harm. It seems like if they are mandating medical interventions, they should at least be able to prove the interventions won’t harm people?

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