☕️ Coffee & Covid ☙ Friday, June 24, 2022 ☙ BRAINSTORMING 🦠
Biden has a brainstorm; a new baffling outbreak in Florida among gays; polio is back in the UK after oral vaccine rollout; sudden deaths report; China finds evidence of aliens; and much much more.
Good morning C&C, and Happy Friday! Today’s action-packed roundup includes: Biden has a brainstorm; a baffling meningitis outbreak in gay people in Florida; a less-baffling polio outbreak in London; the war against nicotine expands; more sudden and unexpected deaths for politicians, celebrities, and athletes; MSN memory-holes its article about improved hospitalization odds for unvaccinated; New England Journal of Medicine study shows better odds for unvaccinated; China finds evidence of aliens; the DOJ begins a new, wider round of J6 prosecutions, right on schedule; and the new San Fran School Board begins rolling back woke policies.
🪖 I’m back in Facebook jail, again, with a 30-day sentence this time. It was on account of an early post that discussed the post-jab low-sperm study. I’ve appealed; we’ll see what happens.
🔥 White House Resident and creepy whisperer Joe Biden had a brainstorm about how to get gas prices down. And it only hurt a little.
During a presser yesterday on skyrocketing gas prices, Biden got an idea! He ordered gas stations to lower their prices. He said, “My message is simple. To the companies running gas stations… bring down the price you are charging at the pump … Do it now. Do it today.”
For emphasis, he did the whole whispering thing when he instructed them to “do it now, do it today.” And he said we are “in a time of war,” which isn’t EXACTLY the same thing as saying we are “at war” but it’s pretty dang close.
How come we never thought of this before! Just order the gas stations to lower prices. He’s a genius! It’s so simple. Crisis: solved.

🔥 Biden expanded the war against nicotine yesterday. Just yesterday I told you about Joe’s first scheme, to order cigarette makers to remove 95% of the natural drug from its products. Using agency action and NOT a democratic process, I might add. Then the story got even more interesting yesterday, with a story in Bloomberg headlined, “Juul’s Vaping Products Are Ordered Off the Market in the US.”
Yesterday, the FDA denied Juul Labs Inc.’s authorization to sell any of its current products, and announced that all Juul products now on the market must be recalled, warning darkly that if they don’t, there will be “enforcement action.”
The federal agency explained its decision was because Juul’s application lacked “sufficient evidence” showing that its products were “appropriate for the protection of public health,” and some of Juul’s application’s study findings “raised concerns due to insufficient and conflicting data.”
Insufficient and conflicting data. Huh. If only the FDA would have used the same strict reviewing criteria when it evaluated the Pfizer and Moderna applications.
Anyway, the FDA’s rationale can obviously be applied to every vaping product, so my guess is they’ll all be illegal soon. That stuff’s no good for you anyways, and who cares what you think? The good news is you have a beneficent FDA parent to create guardrails and set limits for you, since you’re too dumb to make your own decisions. But you can’t move in with them.
Thanks, FDA experts!
💉 Another weird, baffling outbreak struck the gay community this week. Fox News ran an alarming article yesterday headlined, “Florida meningococcal outbreak among gay and bisexual men is one of worst in US history: CDC.”
The CDC is now recommending gay people get vaccinated for meningitis — in addition to monkeypox — after discovering 24 cases and 6 deaths among gay and bisexual men in Florida. The agency didn’t say where in the state the cases came from, or what the time period was. This upcoming week will be the fourth week of Pride Month.

The outbreak is historic in a couple ways. Meningitis has not previously been seen to transmit by “sexual networking.” And at 6 deaths out of 24 cases, the outbreak is the deadliest meningococcal outbreak ever recorded. That’s 25% mortality, so far.
Obviously, the useless experts are baffled, again.
Coincidentally, a study published December 27th in the Journal of Immunology is titled, “New-Onset Autoimmune Phenomena Post-COVID-19 Vaccination.”
💉 It’s not just meningitis. The UK Mirror ran a story this week headlined, “Polio Spreading in Britain for First Time in Decades as National Incident Declared.”
The Mirror says the UK’s Health Security Agency, Britain’s version of the CDC, has recently detected polio virus in the London sewage works, is calling on families to ensure children are fully vaccinated.
The variant that they are finding is genetically linked to an oral polio vaccine that uses a partially live virus. The samples suggest the virus has been spreading since February and has continued to mutate from the symptomless vaccine-derived form.
Dr. Vanessa Saliba, consultant epidemiologist at UKHSA, said: “Vaccine-derived poliovirus is rare and the risk to the public overall is extremely low. Vaccine-derived poliovirus has the potential to spread, particularly in communities where vaccine uptake is lower. On rare occasions it can cause paralysis in people who are not fully vaccinated.”
Okay, let me see if I’ve got this right. Brits now need a vaccine to keep them from getting polio … that came from another vaccine. This is going great! Thanks, experts!
💉 Miami Beach Commissioner Mark Samuelian, 58, died tragically and unexpectedly on Wednesday after a “short illness” caused him to miss a couple meetings. The other commissioners were shocked to learn that he died.

Samuelian was also a US Chess rated master. His partner Laura Dominguez only said he died of an “unexpected illness” without any further details. No cause of death has been released.
💉 Irish rugby star Damian Casey, 28, died “suddenly” last Friday at a hotel in Spain, where he was a groomsman in a friend’s wedding. His post-mortem stated that the cause of death was a heart issue, which Mr. Casey suffered very suddenly, and which caused him to to fall over into a nearby pool.
💉 Dallas Good, singer, guitarist and co-founder of Canadian alternative rock/country band The Sadies, died unexpectedly on Thursday. He was 48. USA Today reported Good died “of natural causes while under doctor’s care for a coronary illness discovered earlier this week.”
A sudden and unexpected coronary illness. What could have caused this?
💉 The London Evening Standard reported yesterday that Valentin Buliga, 41, from northwest London, suffered a massive cardiac arrest near Stebbings Green at around the 49-mile mark of the 2022 RideLondon-Essex 100km charity event. Buliga never regained consciousness, and he died in the hospital on Wednesday.
💉 A study reported by MSN but then promptly memory-holed was conducted by the Control Group Cooperative. CGC was formed in July 2021 because the founders recognized that traditional research universities and organizations refused to do studies comparing the health of vaccinated versus non-vaccinated populations.
CGC’s study includes over 305,000 non-vaccinated study participants from 175 countries. All subject were given special ID cards identifying them as clinical subjects, and stating in bold letters that they “must not be vaccinated.” The participants completed monthly health surveys, and on June 8, CGC uploaded its initial findings on the first 20,000 subjects to ResearchGate as a preprint.
It found that its unvaccinated subjects were hospitalized at a rate of only 0.4% after getting Covid, which is 33% lower than what the CDC reports (0.6%), so the study authors concluded that unvaccinated folks appear less likely to be hospitalized after getting the virus — the exact opposite of the narrative.
Uh oh!
On June 14th, MSN republished an article on the study from Medical Daily, headlined “Severe COVID-19 ‘Rare’ In Unvaccinated People, Survey Reveals.” I blogged about the story on C&C back on June 16th, opining that corporate media would just ignore the story because it was linked to “non-traditional” medicine. I was wrong, sort of.
Instead, pro-jabby social media ghouls got to work, scolding MSN for spreading disinformation. Here’s one example by a twitterer with almost 1M followers:

So of course MSN yanked the story. Within 24 hours, searches for the headline turned up nothing, and links to the story now go to MSN’s home page.
Here’s the original MSN page saved in the Wayback archive: https://tinyurl.com/bdcrwt83.
🔬 NBC affiliate KALB ran a story yesterday headlined, “Natural Immunity Offers Greater Covid Protection Than Vaccines, Study Finds.” They reported on ANOTHER study, this one from the New England Journal of Medicine, finding that natural immunity provides better protection against covid than multiple jabs.
The June 9th NEJM study is titled, “Protection and Waning of Natural and Hybrid Immunity to SARS-CoV-2.” The scientists evaluated how fast antibodies wane after infection, and found they dropped more slowly in the unvaccinated. The direction the authors went next was to argue that jabs still remain safer, because they are more predictable than infection, since you never know. This is assuming a 0% risk of jab injury of course.
I noticed something else about the study. The authors also found that jabbed people’s antibodies fall faster than unvaccinated even after EXPOSURE. Meaning, if you take two people who get covid, one jabbed, one not jabbed, something about the shots causes the jabbed person’s antibodies to wane faster. I wish the authors would have speculated about that a little.
Of course, then they’d probably never have gotten published.
👽 For all our C&Cers who think there must be intelligent life out there somewhere, this story is for you. On June 15th, Bloomberg ran a short article headlined, “China Says Giant Telescope May Have Detected Signals From Alien Civilizations.”
Bloomberg said that Chinese state-backed ‘Science and Technology Daily’ briefly ran an article reporting that China’s giant Sky Eye telescope may have picked up “signs of alien civilizations.” Fueling conspiracy theories, the Chinese-controlled newspaper promptly memory-holed the story, and all related comments, after the report began to get attention on Chinese social media.
Just like MSN! Our U.S. corporate media is becoming indistinguishable from Chinese communist state media. An inconvenient story? Just memory-hole it, without explanation.
According to the original story before it was deleted, China’s Sky Eye is extremely sensitive in the low-frequency radio band and plays a “critical role in the search for alien civilizations,” according to Chinese scientist Zhang Tonjie. Tonjie is the chief scientist of an extraterrestrial civilization search team co-founded by Beijing Normal University, the National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the University of California, Berkeley.
I thought it was weird that Berkeley is searching for aliens in China. There’s a good joke there somewhere. I’ll leave it to our alert commenters.
🔥 And so it begins, just as I predicted, and right on schedule. Yesterday the Post Millenial ran a breaking story headlined, “Biden FBI Raids Trump DOJ Official Jeffrey Clark, GOP Officials, Staffers in Multiple States in ‘Alternate Electors’ Investigation.”
According to the DOJ, based on information it obtained from alertly watching the January 6th Show, it has ALREADY empaneled a grand jury and is ALREADY mass-producing criminal subpoenas to former Trump allies and other state conservative officials as part of its criminal investigation of anyone involved in considering “alternate electors” during the 2020 presidential election.
Some state Republican parties had assembled alternate presidential electors to be ready act in case legal challenges to contested election results or recounts tipped results in Trump’s favor. The January 6th Commission has described this effort as the “fake electors scheme,” and that phrase has been found in DOJ documents related to the new investigations.
A suspicious blogger might think that this is the intended endpoint for the entire J6 Commission, to disrupt the 2022 Congressional elections by charging or arresting a whole bunch of the officials and candidates in the party about to win those elections. A suspicious blogger might think this effort started right after the qualifying periods ended last week, so that it would be too late to find replacements for disqualified candidates and wreak maximum havoc.
Good thing I’m just a credulous consumer of corporate media pabulum, so I don’t have to busy my mind with that kind of nonsense. Still, the GOP might want to start getting a bunch of lawyers on retainer. Just saying.
Don’t panic! Remember: everything they do usually backfires badly.
🔥 Remember how a couple months ago I reported that liberal San Francisco recalled three members of its seven-member, hyper-woke school board, and the mayor replaced them with new, sane liberal members? Yesterday, the National Review ran a story with the headline, “San Francisco School Board Votes to Return Elite High School to Merit-Based Admissions.”
It appears the new board is already restoring sanity. On a 4-3 vote Wednesday night, they reversed the previous board’s insane idea to eliminate merit admissions by banning the use of grades and test scores in favor of a “lottery system” that randomly admits students to the special high-performing high school, regardless of grades or test scores. Because diversity.
In the 4-3 vote, the new board ignored Superintendent Vince Matthews’ gloomy warning that he needed to keep the lottery system in place for another school year, because there would be “significant challenges” to returning to a merit-based system before the fall enrollment season. They did it anyway. Boom.
In a separate vote the same night, the new board also overrode another decision by the previous board to cover up a mural of George Washington at GEORGE WASHINGTON HIGH SCHOOL. The First President is back!
Have a fabulous Friday! I’ll return tomorrow morning with more C&C for you. It’s a big news week.
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Please @Jeff Childers, we need an “Experts are Baffled” shirt in the C & C swag shop! It’s become your new phrase after “So.” Plus I’d love to see the reaction of others when wearing it. 🤨
Regarding yesterday's appreciation of Publix's stand against shots for the babies, I just left a glowing comment for them at https://www.publix.com/contact/contact-us.
I'm sure they will receive negative blowback for their stance from people who just don't know any better. It felt so good to praise a company regarding this issue. I hope you'll join me and show them lots of love!