Please @Jeff Childers, we need an “Experts are Baffled” shirt in the C & C swag shop! It’s become your new phrase after “So.” Plus I’d love to see the reaction of others when wearing it. 🤨

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It might be nice,in addition to front with "Experts are baffled" the back of the shirt would read "..the rest of us, not so much." or something to that effect.

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That would be AWESOME! Perfect shirt!

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There ought to be a version: SADS: Experts are Baffled!!

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Naw, ghoulish and too specific, "experts." Let the reader figure it out.

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Awesome idea! Meanwhile, I’ll order a custom order on Etsy.

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I'll do mine with a Sharpie. Immediate delivery!


BTW, what is "Facebook?"

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I would order this!

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Maybe a C&C Facebook fugitive t-shirt

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You forgot the last part, "Again".

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Or "Cause of death unknown"

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In the meantime I'm going to start wearing my "12 Monkeys" shirts again.

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I want one that say "It's so SADS" with a bunch of teardrops all over it. It really is so SADS that so many healthy people in the entire world have been completely bamboozled by a bunch of rabid government nutcases.

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I agree! Please do it.

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Experts are baffled but have no fear science is here!

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Would be perfect!!

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Regarding yesterday's appreciation of Publix's stand against shots for the babies, I just left a glowing comment for them at https://www.publix.com/contact/contact-us.

I'm sure they will receive negative blowback for their stance from people who just don't know any better. It felt so good to praise a company regarding this issue. I hope you'll join me and show them lots of love!

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The best part is all the Twitter blowback from people who can’t wait to jab their toddlers. According to their own comments, we’ll no longer have to deal with these double-masked Karens while shopping for fried chicken and craft beer, and that suits me just fine.

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Done ✅ Thanked them and reiterated all the proof of how these shots are killing people suddenly and unexpectedly 😉

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I left a positive comment too! Thank you for sharing the link and the great idea 💡

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So did I.

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Sent a message to Publix thanking them for deciding not to give these unsafe vaccines to our littles. Thank you for the link!

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great idea. just filled out a page too

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Thx for the link!!

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Thank you for the link. I also sent Publix a message of appreciation.

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Comment deleted
Jun 24, 2022
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No. They still promote the ineffective jab for others. They don’t need our money; it’s much better used for individuals risking their livelihoods and/or licenses by taking a stance against the vaccines or exposing the dangerous adverse effects.

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Done! Thanks for the link.

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I sent my thanks to them with the link you provided


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Done! ✔️

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Hi Jeff👋 This comment has nothing to do with today's informative roundup. I wanted to ask if you would consider multiplying Dr Scott Jensen who is running for governor of Minnesota this fall. You might remember he was one of the first doctors and senators to speak up about how they were counting covid deaths.


Thank you for your time in keeping the C&C community informed and thank you for considering my request! He and the state of Minnesota could use the help!

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First - biden is a fool. Second - all the vaxxers I know are or got covid. It lasts longer and symptoms persist long after the quarantine period. I sit as the only unvaccinated at work at 60 years old and in good health. It's all I can do keep a smug smile off my face. They are getting worn down, emotionally and physically, as this current state of ill health doesn't fit the narrative. I'm not sympathetic because the entire time during the scamdemic on various levels I was made to feel my opinion was wrong, I was foolish and they all had their click of I am vaxxed going of which I wasn't a part of. So karma is a b-tch and they will have to live with it.

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True Believers still align with Biden administration's Big Lies; you won't get covid, well, if you do, it won't be as bad, well...you won't die.....

And my personal favorite from the whispering joe medley,

It's a pandemic of the unvaxxed, their fault. If they would have just taken the shot, we would have been back to normal.


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and then they watch people around them die suddenly and unexpectedly or there is some serious heart problem, unexplained shingles, unexplained cancers, unexplained Bells Palsy, unexplained blood clots, and the list keeps growing longer. Eventually one or two will wake up but the majority are foolish, illiterate, walking dead, zombies. End times birth pangs are just beginning. The writing is on the wall.

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Nah.. not the birth pangs of John's revelation. or of Jesus' talk with the Guys.

But ya know, God has a very amusing wat of letting bad people get stupid, messing everything up for good and bad, then when all seems hopeless, raising up some OTHER bad people to go and destroy the first bad people, warning to the good ones amongst them to "get outta Dodge" (rememvber Jesus's words about when you see THIS happening, don;t mess around, don't even go back to gram anything from your house. GIT. Hie yourselves OUTTA town take to the hills and be saved. And they WERE.

Here's how that played out: after a decade or more of the jewish Zealots persecuting destroying, etc, about the time all the Jews in Jerusalem thought things could not get any worse. the Romans came and surrounded the city, cutting it lff. Things quickly went from REALLY bad to WAY WORSE for uite a while longer. Then "the sign" happened, and those who had heard Jesus' tale of how things would go down recognised that, and immedialty took to the hills by the thousands. Withi a dayor so the eige and total destructioni of Jerusalem, starting with theTemple, commenced, and after that NO ONE could escape. Within three years if the destruction of the Temple`1 the entrire city of Jerusalem and all its surroinds was uttelry desolaate, barren, no life to be fuond anywher. Even the birds had left because all the carrion had been eaten up. Thus the ld order of ancient favoured Israel was utterly done away with, so that the NEW order, the once for all Sacrifice and all connected with that would overtake what used to be the dominant Jewish order with priests, thousands of laws, tradiitions, feasts, the Temple and all that entailed, sacrifices, offerings, all were done away with to clear the way more fully for the New order of salvation by grace ot works. The old had to go, as it had been a distraction from the New. THIS is what resulted from the "beginnings of birth pangs". The NEW covenant in Blood.

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I point out their fearless old coot of a leader said this would be the winter of death for the unvaxxed. I say he must have messed up the season and group as it should be the spring of long covid for the vaxxed and boostered. Lol.

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They're happy. They can all be sick together. It's safe to still be in the majority, even sick. Us lepers will always be outsiders, even healthy. Hence the job mandates continue.

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Yep, the antipathy will continue or worsen as they realize we are stealing their reward for doing the right thing.

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I remember when they called this "Apartheid".

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You exactly right, I tell you what baffles me is number of idiots who have fallen for this continual vaccine garbage.

I understand many were in the beginning trusting the government agencies and received the first shot.

But my lord,

Even the CDC says only 0.6% with the virus need be hospitalized.

This guy with a million Twitter followers who shut down that report referred to by Jeff. I’m amazed one million people are that stupid

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1 million actual followers or a lot of bots. Can't trust Twitter or the twats on it.

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Not shot here, symptoms lasted 3 weeks, ugh.

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Hell if we can get the gas stations to go along we should really start hitting the grocery stores next. "Lower your prices folks." Another obvious solution lurking in the shadows. Screw it!.....let's run the table. EVERYBODY lower your prices.....NOW!

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Combined with a $100/hr minimum wage, everyone could be rich. I can’t remember what happened the last time we tried price controls. Can someone ask Jimmy Carter for a refresher?

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SNL1/2. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ABvu0qZ2B6Q

“Inflation is our friend,” Akroyd begins, mimicking the Southern accent of Carter begins. “For example, consider this; In the year 2000, if current trends continue, the average blue-collar annual wage in this country will be $568,000.”

SNL 2/2. Aykroyd's Jimmy Carter

and Amy explain how to fix inflation (possibly Joe's next bif idea)


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I think that was actually under Nixon, but hey...

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Nope, Carter.

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How about getting all the various governments, federal-state-local, to LOWER their taxes, such as property taxes. That's not going to happen!

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This reminds me of

The 4 M’s of MAGA!!

Make it sooner,

Make it bigger

Most importantly

Make it happen.

Lower the prices before your decrepit White House occupant signs an EO to that affect.

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Holy shit you just fixed everything

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Yes, it was just a matter of time.

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At least he's showing he cares.😒

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Yeah, demanding gas stations lower prices, like that’s going to work. 🙄

Hey stupid, open the pipeline back up. Buying oil from other countries isn’t helping the environment one bit.

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Selling our dwindling reserves isn’t helping either…

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It won't work to lower prices, as inflation is baked into the entire system from well to retail pump. But it WILL work to give Brandon more ammo to diss the oil companies for "pocketing the savings". Watch for Brandon to pull a Chavez and attempt to nationalize the oil industry.

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During the "campaign" he said this was the plan, to hasten the transition to greener fuels (that destroy other places we can't see). I don't see any "transition" or alternative energy being offered, though, not even a plan. If only we had a press...

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Maybe I’m misunderstanding you, but they have a plan and are executing it quickly. Their plan is to make fossil fuels so expensive that everyone says, OMG, I’ve got to go buy an EV. TODAY! But as for transitioning…no, they thought they could just flip a switch and make it happen. Like Biden’s first day in office and he signed an EO killing the pipeline. They’re too foolish to realize that everything they’re doing will be a colossal failure, so they actually see this as a plan. We see it as a debacle.

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Y'all can't buy an EV easily because 40% Global Battery Maker China is limiting battery production until they get their demands from the world leaders. I think their Uyghur slaves are exhausted and dying off too.

Also, I doubt these days Biden is having one coherent thought so it would be someone more like Joerack Innssein Obidama calling all the shots. Old Joe is long gone mentally.

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yup. Da kinyun be de speakerphone, Dopey Joey be de box to hold it.

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At this point I think its more nefarious than that. It could be a move to have the government take over a la Venezuela. That wouldn't bankrupt them, at least not on the short term, it would bankrupt us. A population focused on just surviving is more easily controlled.

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UNTIL that population realises all is lost either way, throws all pretense of survival out the window, tosses ALL the chips on "beat them at any cost" and things progress from there.

I do NOT favour that scenario, but unless somethng solidly changes quickly, that's the way its gonna go.

The South lawfully seceded from the over-corrupt North, but sadly, ended up defeated and largely destroyed. I've droven along Serhan's route between Atlanta and Savannah. An hundred fifty years after his death and destruction campaign, that rounte STILL shows the results o fit.

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“[A]nd in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper, being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful; and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also **give hearty approval to those who practice them.**” (Pride month)

— Romans 1:27-32 (Note and emphasis mine.)

“For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world. The world is passing away, and also its lusts; **but the one who does the will of God lives forever.**”

— 1 John 2:16-17 (Emphasis mine.)

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Great word. Have you read any of David Jeremiah ? I’ve read his last three books on the end times. I had been really anxious about the rapid degradation and lack of rational thought. It reassured me that this was foretold. And made me more urgently speak to friends and loved ones about the importance of accepting Jesus as their lord and savior.

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Dr. Jeremiah is one of my favorite pastors! I have read a few of his books, but have listened to all of his sermons on the End Times. They were excellent!! I, like you, feel more pressure to get those in my family who are not saved and bring them to know Christ before its too late!

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Jack Hibbs is also preaching with fire on this. Pastors who are filled with the power of the Holy Spirit are not pussy-footing around any longer. They want the lukewarm Christian to get off the fence and wake up.

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Great to hear, my sister in Christ.

Many denominations are aware of these perilous times. As a Roman Catholic traditionalist, I follow faithful priests (knowing the Vatican is infilitrated in evil) that warn us of where we’re heading: Fr James Altman, Fr Robert Altier, Bishop Strickland of TX and especially Archbishop Vigano in Rome.

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Yes-I read Archbishop Vigano's letter to President trump (I believe I am correct) warning us of the evil coming!!

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The Scripture I think of so often with all this PRIDE stuff everywhere.

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Matthew 24:8 (ESV) -All these are but the beginning of the birth pains.

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What a coincidence, Jeff—my Facebook account just got suspended, too!

I barely use my account (only to post articles), and my last post seems totally innocuous to my eyes:

This is my podcast of a letter I published last October exposing another disinformation campaign; citing peer-reviewed studies demonstrating efficacy; and serving as a reveille for critical thinking, independent research, & liberation from menticide.


I can only guess it was because the link contained the naughty word “ivermectin” (the original post is titled “Letter to a Scientifically-Minded Friend” with the subtitle “Case Study: The Ivermectin Disinformation Campaign” @ https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-scientifically-minded). I’ve posted articles about democide, the fatal/injurious injections, fraud, totalitarianism, and other no-no topics, but it was ivermectin that got me unpersoned. That shows you what a threat it is to BigPharma/Big Brother/Big Tech.

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I've noticed a lot of influencers getting jailed/banned within the last week, every quite moderate ones (e.g. Andrew Bostom). There seems to be a push or purge or something.

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I noticed that, too. Jessica Rose just got banned on Twitter (https://jessicar.substack.com/p/i-have-finally-been-twitter-locked).

I feel honored to be in such good company 🙌

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When the enemy tries to shut you up, you’re doing something right. 👏🏻🙌🏻

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Satan does not kick a dead horse.

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or a lukewarm Christian.

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It's the DHS censorship board steamrolling dissent.

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And the reason they want to ban nicotine is because nicotine is an anti-venom and if you follow Dr. Brian Ardis and his work, there is snake venom in the jabs. So people are not dying fast enough, so nicotine has to go. This protects the jabbed from the poison.

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Dude, you putting all this jail time on your resume?

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Badge of honor!

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If Joe Biden's managers are thinking of how to further destroy the country, nationalizing the gas and oil industry under the NDAA would be a spectacular move for them. Joe's whispers to private businesses, yet again, shows the deep penchant for total control his administration apparently desires. (Juul is the most recent casualty.) One need only remember Venezuela, once one of the richest countries in the world, that is until Chavez nationalized the fuel industry. https://fee.org/articles/8-industries-hugo-chavez-nationalized-besides-oil-on-venezuelas-road-to-serfdom/

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Two words: national emergency. And for other issues, three words: public health emergency. These both provide unlimited powers which will likely be used against us.

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Indeed. Likely correct. See Cloward Piven for the roadmap.

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I just today figured out that I have the ability to scroll through "activity" on this platform, a month after your comment. Thank you! I just today clicked on a video explaining your reference. My reaction: FFS. True and SMDH. Especially b/c I drank this koolaid from the time I was 14 y/o until I was well into my 5th decade. I am blessed with a hubby whose POV was different, then 2020 happened and turned me into....well not an active one...but I can't unsee what I've seen.

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Juul should sue FDA for not following its own rules. They could use their recall and the vaxxes as evidence of corruption.

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I do not understand the legality of all of this. Makes no sense.

Juul has been on the market for how long? Years! So how can they just pull it now?

And when it was first rolled out- parents were screaming it was gonna attract teenage users and asked for it to not be rolled out… and that fell on deaf ears… they did it anyway.

So why the crisis/emergency now?

The timing of all of this is suspect for a larger agenda.

I personally know several people highly addicted to juuling. They puff on that thing all day long. Gonna be a big problem for them to come off it- very suddenly.

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Juul is owned by Big Tobacco. They're an easy target. Not all vape companies are.

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The "gas tax holiday" is a step on the road to nationalization: Prices will not fall as inflation's effects on costs impacts every step of the production-to-market path. Brandon will use the tax holiday as a trap to blame "Big Oil and evil retailers" for failing to pass the savings onto consumers. Wait for it; it's inevitable.

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That’s interesting, given recalled San Fran DA… Chesa Boudin’s ties to Chavez

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Joey really likes that whispering voice. I wonder if he has a little hobgoblin whispering in his ear? "Joe, you're doing great. Keep acting like an ass. Fall down alot. Use crib notes. Be more incoherent. Keep nodding off."

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Such a creepy, menacing whisper. He used it at end of 2021 to declare "pandemic of unvaccinated" and blame the no-jab crowd as source of continued spread of cov19 and tell people they were selfish for not getting a jab for community and good of others. That's when I saw the malice and can't unsee.

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I didn’t watch the clip but can imagine it. Demonic. And crazy.

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Then the flip side, Yelling!! How's about his favorite sayng' Here's The Deal.'..!!

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I bet Ashley hears it in her nightmares.

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It's that devil on his shoulder.

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Makes me wonder….all the deaths and injuries from the j*b? Could be around 3M as far as disability’s from the j*b in the US? Would like to see the numbers on this if even available? I guess data may be short since docs don’t want to possibly attribute deaths to the j*b? Would be interesting to know the actual number of deaths attributed to it…

Also wondering if this could be part of the worker shortage in the US with businesses? I know there are many other factors, but this would be interesting if data were out there. Will have to look this up myself at some point. An interesting topic to cover in this newsletter at some point.

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At least some of the shortage is probably due to those of us who refuse the jab.

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Don’t be silly. It’s all due to the Boomers retiring. End of story.

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We need that little sarcasm flag waving emoji on here!

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Follow Steve Kirsch on substack for some of that kind of info/stats: https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/the-cdc-says-severe-reactions-to

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Ha, posted the same before I saw you already posted. Great minds!

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Steve's got it but they ban you from every where in the main stream if you try to post his stuff.

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If you really, really want to get around that... I've seen people (moi???) post an intriguing large excerpt, then give the URL with SPACES around the "dot" in the ".com" , like " . com" and give instructions to remove those spaces from the URL to go to the link...

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Ed Dowd

. Has stats.

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Edward Dowd has discussed the increase in disability. He's on both Gettr and Twitter.

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And telegram

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I said same above!

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Great minds!

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God is in control! Roe v Wade has been overturned. Praise be to God! Now satan will really ratchet up his attacks. Be prepared! Stay strong in God’s love!

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Nothing changes in Oregon the State of Death. Abortion was legalized in 1969. Self- euthanization was legalized in 1997. https://upgrade.ortl.org/the-facts/oregons-history

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I joined the Control Group Study shortly after it opened up. I sent a copy my membership card to my Primary Care Doctor who never commented on it. I’m never going to take a shot again.

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I just recently found it. Waiting for my card!

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Just signed up. Thanks!

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Is it for everyone or only the UK?

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Thank you

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The more I read the staggering death statistics, the more I am grateful that my husband and I didn't get the toxic vaccine. If I had, I would probably die from extreme anxiety knowing that that crap was in my body before the vaccine could actually kill me!!

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My husband has a few friends who took the jab, deeply regret it, and they live in daily terror and freak out over every little symptom. I can't imagine how awful it must be to have this hanging over your head every day.

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el gato malo reported on a study out there that said a lot of the 'long covid' sufferers' symptoms were actually psychosomatic. https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/is-long-covid-mostly-a-mental-disease

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This is a report about 3 normal people in the 40 year old range. This is still on the government website (and the WayBack Machine) and is a very damaging report against the narrative. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8977060/

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Thanks, that was interesting and certainly damaging to the current narrative. I know four people diagnosed with ‘rare’ and devastating diseases in the last six months. What are the odds? Safe and effective? I don’t think so.

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It’s odd that they are going after nicotine all of a sudden. 🤔 Didn’t it turn out that smokers didn’t die from COVID as much?🤔 That nicotine was actually protective? 🤔

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Yup, just think, instead of pumping people full of Remdesivir, doctors could have given patients nicotine gum.

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