May 27, 2022ยทedited May 28, 2022

Dying in' Their Sleep' is your new norm. Especially if you were previously healthy. Ray Liotta. My all time favorite, made me bawl like a baby this am. Runners( healthy) dying and collapsing during a half marathon. No you cannot blame the weather!! Or Climate change. I have lost count of how many I personally knew dying unexpectedly. My ex husband and father of my adult children. He had a heart procedure a year prior to ' Injections'. All kinds of tests! Not one word of cancer in his heart or lungs. Dying of multiple cancers within 3 weeks of diagnosis. Guess where? Heart, Lungs and Spine. They couldn't even diagnois what kinds of aggressive cancers. A Prominent Hospital we have all heard of. I have no words anymore.. My tears and fear for our fellow human beings and our Society is all too real!

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SIDS - Sudden Injection Death Syndrome

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Even Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in unvaccinated infants is completely nonexistent. Coincidence? You decide

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i first came across the idea at www.learntherisk.org .... so serious

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Really? I did not know that.

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โ€œโ€ฆamong the infants, there was a clustering of deaths immediately following vaccination, with 42 deaths taking place in the first three days after vaccination, and only 8 in the next 3 days. Among those below one year of age, 54 deaths (93%) occurred in the first 10 days, and 4 (7%) in the next 10 days. Had the deaths been โ€œcoincidental SIDS deathsโ€, this disparity in the number of deaths in the two time periods would not have been observed. SIDS deaths would have been spread uniformly over the 20-day period. The fact that the rate of death decreases rapidly with the passage of time following immunisation suggests that the deaths could be related to vaccination.โ€ https://ijme.in/articles/infanrix-hexa-and-sudden-death-a-review-of-the-periodic-safety-update-reports-submitted-to-the-european-medicines-agency/?galley=print

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But are there no sudden deaths in unvaccinated children? I thought it did happen to unvaxxed children too. I know a child in our neighborhood in Belgium died of it, and I don't think the child was vaccinated.

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I remember reading about how Japan stopped all childhood vaccinations before 2 years of age and their SIDS rates pretty much disappeared. I've looked for the article recently but the search results are so cluttered with things about the covid vax in Japan that I haven't been able to find it.

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There's a correlation and temporal association between SIDS and the increasing number of scheduled childhood vaccines. And that's before covid bs came along.

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Hi there, I'm interested in where you got your info about "Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in unvaccinated infants is completely nonexistent". My niece lost a baby to SIDS about 5 years ago and I suspected it could be vax related - I would like to get some real data on that statistic if you have a source. Thanks

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May 30, 2022ยทedited May 30, 2022


I hope that link works. I had to hand type it as sometimes Iโ€™m able to cut and paste a link in substack and sometimes not.

If the full link doesnโ€™t work go to learntherisk.org and scroll down to the section titled โ€˜Questioning Vaccines Start Hereโ€™ and then scroll down the alphabetized list to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

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Fauci: If they'd only taken the 4th booster...

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There is a burgeoning, albeit clandestine, Medical "specialty" growing for those who had covid and those "vaccinated" to "prevent" covid. Stay tuned. Praying Wisdom for Health, Faith for Healing. Be Well & Blessed, Phillip

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Always has been....

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Oooo good one!

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Youโ€™re the best!!!

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I approached the Ko-vid operation as a holocaust on humanity from nearly the beginning.

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Iโ€™m so very sorry for your loss- the suffering has been unbearable.

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Thank you kindly.

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I am so very sorry for your loss.

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Thank you kindly.

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I am so sorry. That is so tragic.

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That's tragic! Sorry to hear it.

I can't say I've lost track of how many, because fortunately I can't actually say I personally know anyone who has died since the jabs. Knock on wood.

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๐Ÿ’” Very, very sorry.

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Thank you. Very kind.

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So sorry for your loss!!

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I am so sorry for your loss.

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I do not sit with deceitful men,

Nor will I go with pretenders.

I hate the assembly of evildoers,

And I will not sit with the wicked.

I shall wash my hands in innocence,

And I will go about Your altar, O Lord,

That I may proclaim with the voice of thanksgiving

And declare all Your wonders.

โ€” Psalm 26:4-7

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Amen, Janice! Thx!

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"โ€” you know, the vaccines have saved millions of lives" said Billy Gates, with zero data to back up his contention.

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And far too many people just swallow statements like this without considering the lack of data or the motives of the speaker or even the actual facts staring them in the face.

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Ah, yes. The papagallos. They surround us. They parrot, thinking they're all that, but when pressed? Resort to insult in many cases. Just the other day, talking to an old friend (generally a smart guy, but unfortunately, "followed the science"). He was acting the papagallo, yakking about "vaccines" in general. I commented with my POV...He replied, disputing it. I let him speak, of course, and then based on what he'd said I asked, "Can you give me an example?"

A very pregnant pause followed...Finally he gave an "example" that was barely applicable and obviously desperate. I acknowledged what he said, but pointed out (nicely) its irrelevance and then asked, "So can you tell me how that applies to what we're talking about?" Because he is basically a decent guy, he had to admit that his response didn't really apply and that my point was well taken.

OK. Next?

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Good job! I don't think too well on my feet...later I think, oh I should have said this or that... ๐Ÿ˜’

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Thanks, Janice. I have decades of experience as an interviewer. I worked in recruiting with my last position the global recruiting lead for a subsidiary of a very well known educational institution located in Cambridge, MA. (Cough, cough.) I led a team and worked directly on senior-level openings, which had me speaking with really, really, really schmart people ๐Ÿ˜Š from all over the world. So. Trained in listening and asking that very utilitarian question, "Can you give me an example?" People ๐’”๐’‚๐’š lots of things in interviews. My job was to get at what actually happened, not just accept at face value what was said. So. Kind of easy for me to listen to my friend speak in cliches and then ask, "Can you give me an example?" LOL!

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Invaluable skills! Consider offering lessons - it could elevate our whole situation - personally, locally and nationally. "Examples." What a concept...

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Nice. If we all were that quick thinking on our feet!! I will try to remember that line to say, "can you give me an example.!!

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I've decided to start practicing thoughtful discourse when I have opportunity, and try to sharpen my "thinking on my feet" skills. I usually just lie low. I think learning to ask good questions is probably one of the most important skills, as She ThinksLiberty just demonstrated.

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Brava! Great model for dialogue - respectful!

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Thank you, Leonora. Have to give credit to my friend, too. We've known each other a long time and have had many conversations. He knows what to expect from me. (He actually is a smart guy, been in the business world for decades as a CFO. Outside that world, I think he's used to having the floor and having others back down when he makes his "proclamations".) Not your girl here. Nope. Not ever. ;)

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Most of us here have lost friends and relatives for poking gently at their reasoning. Your friend deserves credit for being a man about it.

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At least he faced up to the truth and hopefully will open his mind.

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Right. I know the type. Knows how to listen/dialogue honestly when offered the opportunity.

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By the way, what does papagallos mean?

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"Papagallo" is Italian for "parrot". :)

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Maybe he meant to say "you know, the vaccines have provided the pharm companies and other greedy people with millions (and even more millions) of dollars"

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Oops! Didn't you mean to say billions?

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Follow the $$$

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"the vaccines have saved millions of lives"

And taken so many more.

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Saved millions of lives from being longer.

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His pie hole just gushes nonsense!!

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They have no proof of this. It is speculation on their part yet it is the parrot claim of the day. As the death count of the vaccinated continues to rise I cannot understand how people still claim it saved millions of lives. When it gets to be a million dead vaxed people will they stop?

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I can't cipher if Gates truly believes that he is THE savior of humanity or just a complete sociopathic wanker. - Not necessarily mutually exclusive - (Did he say that "millions of lives have been saved, but the shots don't do sh**t?" What?!) Regardless, I wish he would pack up his monkey and go home.....maybe think about feeding Ethiopia or something worthwhile. There are plenty of REAL issues to choose from.

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Narcissists have little self awareness.

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They also never admit theyโ€™re wrong.

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Watched it just now, thanks. Bannon gave Gates credit, which I would tend to do, for being a smart guy, just deluded. Tucker says no, he's actually an idiot who's too isolated from reality and egotistical to realize it. And too rich for anyone who he'd listen to tell him. That definitely rings true!

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Gates is a lazy idiot, never willing to put in the work to develop expertise, has superficial grasp of issues and childlike belief that a magic brown person will pop up atascien efair somewhere, with the solution to the world's biggest problems.

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Thanks for the reference, Donald. Really admire Tucker. Will have to search for that video.

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May 27, 2022ยทedited May 27, 2022

The b gates comments are not intended to admit failures and stop pandemic measures. I think quite the opposite; those measures don't work so of course, his WHO must be allowed to enact wholesale quarantine of the people. He and justin t said they admire how well the communist chinese have managed the pandemic by subjugating the people.

So, "Question the idea of jab passports?". No jab passport will be needed because people will not be allowed outside.

Those with money, power, and influence are self important and believe that they are the chosen ones to survive and create a less crowded planet for their progeny; everyone else-- us-- are expendable. Drag out you scifi shows and movies for the spoilers.

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Yes, their backpedaling should not be construed as an admission of fault. It is simply "lubrication" to take off some of the heat. They will be back in force, and like you said: all the predictive programming is there to see.

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After all, it was just a prototype, right?

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The lockdowns and vax passports were a prototype too. Wait til the real thing hits!

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Yes, more improvements are needed! More mass experimentation! More money in the pockets of Big Pharma and its evil backers.

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Oh, thatโ€™s right!!! Duh!

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"Wait till the real thing hits". Too true and too sinister. Our only hope is God is preparing His move, a Reformation move, that will restore righteousness, truth, and justice (perhaps to usher in the millenial kingdom). And what ever part of His body he calls on is going to be embewed with His power from on high(Think perhaps Donald Trump and the loyal military intelligence intelligence [maybe Q]. We are not going to be able to save ourselves without Him. We are his body.

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They want to have their cake and eat it as well huh?

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These people make no acknowledgment of errors unless it somehow serves their current strategy.

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And yet the covid shots are still being given, still being pushed.

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Mandated..... while staring down the barrel of a gun. Take this shot or else!!!!!!!

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Unbelievable! Mind control.

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Why sic him on Ethiopia? What did Ethiopians ever do to you? He should just hop on a one way trip to Venus or pluto.

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That's why I said feed them, not experiment on... I mean, treat them. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Feed them what? BioMilq, slimy pink lab grown "meat-like product" & bugs?

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They've got to get rid of the control group in Africa.

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Elon is working on a trip to Mars. That might be far enough for some to feel safe from Mr. P. Gates. (p stands of psychopath)

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Eric so glad you came back sooner than expected. Love your insights.

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Me, too!

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Seems he's just another soulless chess player in the game of life. I predict the end is near.

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Wasn't Bill Gates dad an executive with Planned Parenthood? Eugenics is his bl00d.

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YES! His mother got him Micro-Soft through her connections to IBM and Big Banking. Just another dark connected family. He has a NM connection, was arrested there. He has had run ins with the law throughout his youth but of course the law looked the other way. I believe his time is up like the rest of the soulless players in this dark to light scenario.

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I also read that.

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After the way he treated his wife I think wanker is quite fitting.

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Sheโ€™s right there with him. If not she would have been a whistleblower to his crimes against humanity. The fact that she hasnโ€™t means sheโ€™s on board with him and that she just separated from him due to the negative appearance surrounding his friendship with Epstein. Melinda Gates = Bill Gates

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You are right about that. Two peas in a pod.

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๐Ÿ™Œ Exactly.

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Hillary stood by her man. I think Melinda has a tad bit more integrity. Just a tad.

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Agree to disagree. I think Melindaโ€™s main concern is that the money keeps rolling into their foundation so they can keep as much influence over society as they currently have. She did not want the Epstein association to harm the BMGF. Melinda is not a good person at all. She may have caused more people to die than Hillary. Only God can judge.

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I personally think he is a sociopath!!

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Those words are used interchangeably by the mental health community of psychologists and psychiatrists, for the most part. Definitions are not really different between terms. Psychopaths donโ€™t always kill people, though Iโ€™ll argue Bill most definitely has killed millions. But they are highly destructive to those in their orbit. In Billโ€™s case, his orbit is the entire world, unfortunately.

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OMG! What a great comment, Eric! Every word. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ

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I'm an Elon cheerleader and the Musk/Gates ping pong tournament is worth watching. :) "Go Elon! Fight! Fight! Fight! Beat Gates the Wanker Termite!"

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I am shocked about this absurd and evil new USDA extortion on the schools. Wow! "Allow this abhorrent practice or we'll pull the funds for poor kids eating at school." This is the way the Federal Government works, and it has to stop. I see a more and more people leaving public schools for home schooling and private schools that get the waiver.

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As I have said many times in other venues, if the government feeds you, the government can also starve youโ€ฆand your childrenโ€ฆ

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Exactly. The more you keep the govt out of your life the better.

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Government can't feed you as it doesn't produce anything. They collect money (tax) from you then decide whether you deserve to get this money back or not.

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You are correct. Saying โ€œgovernmentโ€ is a simple way to say โ€œthe money the government takes from you against your will and then wastes.โ€

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That seems like a crazy over-reach of their authority. I don't really see how that can be within the law. Hoping that gets serious pushback, but I doubt it will ever make any more than a blip in the mainstream news. :(

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This is how the Public School System has been taken over. $$$ They bend to Washington's bidding. The general public has awakened and that sort of thing gets found out sooner than later so doesn't come to fruition in most cases, with the exception of blue states. Thankfully, Florida has a sharp Governor that has the temerity to stand up for what is right and just.

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Fed government shouldn't be involved in education as it isn't one of the enumerable functions of the fed government described in the Constitution. Even having federal Department of Education is unconstitutional.

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Yeh, our children in Oregon are screwed. But we keep fighting as best we can.

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USDA: "Let's potentially harm and keep two meals a day from over 35% of all children (free and reduced lunch based on poverty) for the tiny number of students this "may" apply to."

It is time to stop using the arcane group bathrooms (always hated those in gym class) and set up individual bathrooms. When I was in Europe, almost all of the restaurants, airports, stores, etc. had theirs set up this way.

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May 29, 2022ยทedited May 29, 2022

How much money should a struggling school spend on the project building individual bathrooms, changing rooms and showers sufficient for every student? I have a feeling it costs more than providing meals.

And it's not going to help. Schools allow gender confused students to use individual bathrooms for teachers but it doesn't make them happy, boys in dresses need group girls' facilities to "affirm" their gender. It's not a bathroom issue, they need a psychiatrist.

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It's become obvious that they don't care about the law. They violate it and ignore it without compunction and they no longer try to hide it.

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Bureaucratic overreach. Red States had better challenge this...

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Their bluff must be called. Let them cut off poor kids' food. See how it goes.

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Already happening before USDA's stupid move.

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Today's C&C has me overly agitated--it's not the blog itself, it's that we even have these stories. I'm so angry that some dope like Bill Gates gets to have a say on a world platform--what a plunker of a man! I want to scream that this dude from Iowa, a salt of the earth place, is threatening public schools with their food for co-ed bathrooms. Where does he get off doing this! Thomas J. Vilsack -- as Squire 'Red' Will Danaher said in The Quiet Man "Put him in my book!". This guy must be out! He MUST have a trans grandchild or something that is pressuring him--or heavy investment in Pharma. And nothing about the vax and Boston Marathon runner coming out to warn other marathoners of the dangers! Coffee & Covid falls within my morning prayer time. I'm struggling this morning. After this, I'm going to fall into a mantra of "all is well". Thank you God for taking on the burdens I cannot handle. Thank you God for reminding me that judgement is not up to me. Thank you God for instilling faith in my heart and head; for your grace; for your mercy; for my wonderful life and friends. Above all today God, thank you in advance for showing me what I can do to fulfill the desires of Your sacred heart.

Apparently, after that prayer, I'm still not done...

Do you think we can now confidently say "Show me an absurdity or horrific tragedy and I'll show you how there is money laundering through Big Pharma to make a few people very wealthy."?

-Abortion: watch the less than one hour program on DailyWire "Choosing Death". Many of these young people are coerced to have abortions at Planned Parenthood facilities because that is how they make their money.

-Anti-gun and mass shootings: a coverup for the mentally ill who have been further screwed up by some sort of pharmaceutical. Anti-depression meds can really help some to get out of a black hole but, I think (no study to back it up), many people do not manage it properly and it throws them into a spiral of depression.

-Crappy processed food created with ridiculous chemicals and additives blessed by the FDA: The shit isn't good for you. It screws up your body and brain.

-Trans-gender: Pharma wants to make $$ off all of these hormones they're issuing and then the mental drugs they'll need to treat the people afterward.

-Covid or any disease du jour: I don't think I need to say anything to this group...it's why we're here.

I apologize for the rant. I'm sure I sound like a wild animal and some who need medications may have been offended. Must be these damn bio-identical hormone pellets...I wonder who makes them?

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I understand your rant.

(From my post above)

"Wait till the real thing hits". Too true and too sinister. Our only hope is God is preparing His move, a Reformation move, that will restore righteousness, truth, and justice (perhaps to usher in the millenial kingdom). And what ever part of His body he calls on is going to be embewed with His power from on high(Think perhaps Donald Trump and the loyal military intelligence intelligence [maybe Q]. We are not going to be able to save ourselves without Him. We are his body.

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The Crusades. We need them.

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Well said!!

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Susan I loved what you wrote and I understand completely!! As I told a group I lead in Bible study this week- None of this is a surprise to the Lord .. He ultimately wants us to partner with Him to bring His love โค๏ธ and purify the hearts ๐Ÿ’• of His children bringing them back to Him. Therefore- what is your assignment in these items you listed? Maybe itโ€™s to intercede as you shared or maybe share that list with others as I found it very impactful!!

Either way, I pray the Lord gives you peace knowing His plan is perfect and will unfold in this crazy world we are in till we reach heaven ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ™ Blessings !!

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Thank you for engaging with me Rhonda--this is very kind of you. As I walked on the treadmill this afternoon, I was constantly tempted to look at Instagram, YouTube, Gab, etc. Each time I picked up my phone, I had an unsettling feeling. Each sensational storyline I read compounded what I already felt. It wasn't news, it was more like misery loves company. I think my assignment is to get into a position of peace, listen to God and figure out how I can share what is happening in a non-threatening way to those who seem to be "caught" on the other side. His plan IS perfect! I need to be less of an empath and more a person of action with love. Enjoy your weekend:)

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The Mafia doesnโ€™t hold a candle to our current politicians.

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Jimmy Hoffa is rolling in his grave.

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Frankly I'm done with gay. I use to support gay marriage. Just allow this, and we're done?

Nope! Now it's morphed into every TV show has perverted gays. Trans-gendered freaks allowed into the girls locker rooms and bathrooms. Grooming of children to go gay.

Let's stop the support of the gay agenda. Time to go more biblical and conservative. And wholesome.

Russia does not allow the gay.

I'm down for that here in the usa. No more gay.

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All of this amounts to rebelling against the one and only true God and His laws. They think they can control the world but the truth is no one can thwart Godโ€™s plan for His creation and His people.

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Iโ€™ve thought this very thing. Everything with these people has been a slippery slope. They seem to be so angry they canโ€™t take a win and be happy. They have to demand more and shove everything in our faces when all we really want is to be left alone.

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May 27, 2022ยทedited May 27, 2022

My gay neighbor in a condo complex hung a gay bird house on a tree right in line of sight of my deck. Really? Now Iโ€™m pissed. Iโ€™m not sure how to handle this. Any advice would be appreciated.

Unfortunately, Iโ€™m having a hard time looking at it and seeing Godโ€™s promise instead of what theyโ€™ve stolen it for. Their middle finger to God Iโ€™m sure.

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Hang another bird house bigger with a Cross that says Jesus Loves You .. or Jesus Lives Here .. also ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you what He would like you to say to him .. maybe there is something more to this God wants to show you.

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Thank you! I was actually trying to look up something like that lol! But I donโ€™t want to be antagonistic either. I will ask the Holy Spirit to guide me! Thanks for the reminder!

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Boy oh boy, I hear that! All this crap was unheard 50 years ago...I liked it that way.

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Agree. Just had a discussion with my nephews. ( both 20 somethings. They agreed.

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From my post above

"Wait till the real thing hits". Too true and too sinister. Our only hope is God is preparing His move, a Reformation move, that will restore righteousness, truth, and justice (perhaps to usher in the millenial kingdom). And what ever part of His body he calls on is going to be embewed with His power from on high(Think perhaps Donald Trump and the loyal military intelligence intelligence [maybe Q]. We are not going to be able to save ourselves without Him. We are his body.

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From now on every decision I take will be optimal. Some may be more optimal than others but, you know, theyโ€™ll all be optimal.

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Ha! Loved this, too. Optimal is now a part of my everyday conversations...

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In an ideal world, Jeff, Boris Johnson would be dragged through the streets by his hair with the other 649 oxygen thieves who inhabit our House of Commons and dealt with in the way in which we used to deal with traitors, back when we were vaguely serious people.

But we don't live in an ideal world, and so, for now, we don't want to get rid of him - the alternatives are even worse.

Pretty much everyone in his party is signed up to the eternal jabs, lockdowns, and passports, and the opposition parties are the same, only they want more jabs, harder lockdowns, and quicker passports.

His absurd behaviour - and don't get me wrong, he is absurd - is actually a good thing, because all but the dimmest and sheep-like of my fellow Britons can understand the argument that *if the government didn't fear the virus there was no need for them to fear the virus*.

There does seem to be some rebellious streak in Johnson - we're governed by stupid, humourless authoritarians and the fact that he likes to go on the piss and have a good time, and can't help getting caught, is better than having Keir Starmer (who?) in charge.

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Hear, hear! Well said.

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Dont forget his dear old dad who wrote a "predictive programming novel" just to let us all know....

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I did not know there were allegedly 16 (!!) parties, wow! Still trying to figure out the Light Saber Dance, though. :)

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They were taking the absolute piss, as we Brits would say, Anna. Mind you, I never obeyed their stupid fucking rules anyway, so I don't really care. The people who are really pissed off about it are the wankers who did.

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My heart and mind hurts at losses and the lies! What does the FDA have to do with gay discrimination? Help me understand the connection!

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You would think the department of agriculture would oversee things like, oh, I donโ€™t know, AGRICULTURE maybe? Not contrived LGBTQXYZ grievances and agendas.

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And we are at the brink of having a food shortage,,..makes me sooooo angry

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Yes, and it is righteous anger that we must pour into prayer to the One who owns it all, that He will turn the evil back on those who perpetrate it and rescue His people for His glory and for the sake of His name!

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Let those be ashamed and dishonored who seek my life;

Let those be turned back and humiliated who devise evil against me.

Let them be like chaff before the wind,

With the angel of the Lord driving them on.

Let their way be dark and slippery,

With the angel of the Lord pursuing them.

For without cause they hid their net for me;

Without cause they dug a pit for my soul.

Let destruction come upon him unawares,

And let the net which he hid catch himself;

Into that very destruction let him fall.

โ€” Psalm 35:4-8

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If there was ever a time for deprecatory psalms, this is it.

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I had to look up that word...and now I say, amen. ๐Ÿ‘Œ

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Amazing how God gave us scripture for all seasons.

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Yes, it amazes me how I can read the same words multiple times in different seasons and peel back the layers of meaning and pertinence. He is Lord.

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Thank-you! In Jesus name, I pray. ๐Ÿ™

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May He come quickly! I wonder if I will have any mind left soon!

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I get it! Without Jesus Iโ€™d be crazy or dead!

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We all would be! Breath in our lungs from our Heavenly Father!

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Hereโ€™s something I posted on MeWe today and thought it pertinent to our discussion here:

Todayโ€™s lesson in Sunday School solidified in my mind that everything we are encountering today is just evil. I have been describing it all as โ€œstupidโ€ and โ€œasinineโ€ and โ€œmaddening,โ€ but none of these adjectives goes far enough or gets to the root. The root is that evil has been unleashed by a God who has given man over to his evil desires. Consciences are seared, eyes are incapable of seeing the light, souls are dead. May God have mercy on His people as we stand in a culture that is fallen.

I was reminded during the sermon this morning of something I wrote back in 2014:

โ€œPrayer is the spark that ignites a mighty work of God, and faith is the fuel that sustains it.โ€

Let us pray like we believe God is faithful and all powerful and merciful, and watch Him set hearts ablaze with His holy fire.

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Yes, it is pure evil from satan. Man has always had free will. God permits. Man has to choose wisely! I have been praying and praying and praying. I guess it all has to take its course. We are to be over comers! Today I am very down, weary, and sick of it all! But, I am a over comer!

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Dept of Ag also tells us how much it costs to raise a child.

Not sure they have any real knowledge on that one unless we are all farmers.

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LOLโ€ฆ.complete gov remake necessaryโ€ฆtoo top heavy and unnecessary

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What we once considered US government agencies have become DAVOS mouthpieces

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I agree and they try for more relevancy and power to go beyond what they were created to do,

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So let me know if I have this correct: Allow "co-ed" bathrooms or we cut off your food?

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Common sense ??? STUPIDITY reigns!

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5% of funding

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Oh ok so a wrist slapโ€ฆstill seems pretty wrong though.

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Better than taking more

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Where are the parents????

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And in my area, a fit 21 year old dies in his sleep...

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Check out Mark Crispin Miller's substack. Every week he does list of those that "suddenly and/or unexpectedly" died. If he doesn't have your 21-year old listed, just put a link to the obituary in the comments section of his most recent post.

Mark Crispin Miller | Substack


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Same here. A 30 year old woman. In her sleep. Do ' They' have a switch ' They' turn on at night??

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A healthy 38 year old man has a seizure while out fishing with friends. Before they can get him back to shore, he is dead. Heart attack claimed, autopsy in 30 days.

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How many are stroking out while driving? Yikes.

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Omg. SIRENS in my small Town all day, everyday.

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Or flying a commercial jet?

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Laurie, a friend and former co-worker 53 years old was out fishing on his boat, had a major heart attack and died last month. No previous health issues.

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That's so sad too.

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You've definitely mastered the saying, "If you're going to tell people the truth, make them laugh. Otherwise they'll kill you." Gently unpinning hand grenades in the king's court. Impressive!

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He had me at outgassing his pie hole ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ’ฏ๐ŸŽฏ

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Me, too, Veronica. I laughed out loud -- back in my seat again!

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Me too. ๐Ÿคฃ

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However, lately comedians are even targets.

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Ask your embalmers if they have found any mysterious fibrous clots in the veins of the vaxxed that have passed suddenly - you'll be sickened

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A co\/ elephant in the room - canโ€™t ask the grieving family if they will have an autopsy done to determine the cause of death.

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I really hope that someone/data mining company will start gathering up all these autopsy reports of those who had died recently. I am sure that we will see staggering evidence of vaccine injuries!!

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I'll bet that they get "redacted" or just disappear. Can't let the facts get in the way of destroying everything. They believe that the end always, always completely justifies ANY action or lie.

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Another great and funny write-up Jeff! These elites are insane and evil. If I was Satan, I would be doing exactly what is being done. Those who go along with it, go along with Satan by default. It's his world.

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May 27, 2022ยทedited May 27, 2022

re:Davos/WEF So, I have a question. Where ARE these videos of the WEF panel discussions coming from?

Why are they being allowed to be released?

Have you noticed that the ones that are getting out are enraging โ€œour sideโ€ almost like getting us riled up is the point?

Itโ€™s become exhausting, but Iโ€™m at the point that not only am I questioning the narrative about everything, Iโ€™m also questioning the motives. Maybe thatโ€™s the point, to completely break down all trust in society?

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Fear tactics have been used forever to keep the masses under demonic rule. The Roman Empire was really good at it. Keep pumping out the fear in all ways possible. Today technology is the way to force fear into all ears and eyes worldwide. But I say:

The Lord is with me, I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me? ~ Psalms 118:6

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Reasonable questions. Thanks for raising them.

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Just giving everyone a heads up of what's coming. I suppose.

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