Someone mentioned the other day that a lot of mysterious deaths are occuring in hotels and motels. I thought I would do a little digging to find out what’s going on. These deaths could have been avoided with a little research of the hotel names and slogans. There are subtle clues. I’ve compiled a short list of hotels to avoid:

mRNA Hotels & Suites - “Leave your worries and your family behind.”

Pfizer Resort Hotels - “Lying down is YOUR job…Let us lie about everything else.”

FDA Economy Inn - “The best rest you’ve ever had… and then some.”

CDC Econo Stay - “A coroner in every closet.”

Fauci’s Experimental Inn & Spa - “Best wake up service in town…..but you won’t need it.”

Klaus Schwab’s Dirt Nap Inn - “When you’re dead tired, we can help.”

Johnson & Johnson Resort Hotels - “The only thing between you and a good night’s sleep is cardiac arrest.”

Gravesite Manors - "The hotel for your soul."

Stephen King's Shining Star Hotels - "Enjoy our Pancakes, Mandates and Muffins Continental Breakfast."

Walensky's Toe Tag Inn - "Free Shuttle: Maps To The Morgues."

Motel 666 - “We'll leave the coffin lid open for you.”

The Luxury Cabins at Bill's Cemetery Gates - "Come for the shots, stay for the plots."

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Mar 28, 2022·edited Mar 28, 2022

Eric, you’re truly a sick human being.........please keep it up.

Here’s one more for your list:

Motel Deep 6: We’ll turn the lights off for you.


Biden-Your-Time Inn & Bar: Free shots until you end up under the table.

And... don’t forget T-slaws new e-car manufactured in Ireland..... the My-o’Car-“Ditis”. It’s a “swell” vehicle. Go ahead, load it up, it really grows on you......until the lights go out.

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Sorry, didn't read this. until after I posted Booster's Motel Six Feet Under: "We won't leave the light on for you." You got there first.

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Nuremberg Suites - Happy Hour for Us and Complimentary Shots For You.

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Love it!!

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Hopefully you post this somewhere else too. We all need a good laugh.

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Very clever!!!

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Fauci’s Experimental Inn & Spa - “Best wake up service in town…..but you won’t need it.” Hilarious! 😂😂😂

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Walensky's Toe Tag Inn....BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Thanks for the epic humor this morning, Eric!

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Love it!

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AbSOULutely perfect genius!!! So, so verily very much truth in comedy especially yours here!!! THANKS!!!

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Good one, especially the last one, "Come for the shots, stay for the plots", my Tuesday morning (I know, I'm a day late) LOL moment, and BTW, "Bill Gates of Hell" is the "entity" I most hate seeing in any new clip, t.v., video, paper or otherwise - he makes me ill. Thanks for sharing. Cheers!

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What about "Dr. Evil" aka Klaus Schwab in his creepy leather outfits?

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Yup, Klaus Schwab is 2nd in line after B.G.

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Very good, I wanna copy and speed this along…

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Epic! 😂 Thx!

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I love it!

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Thank-you, yet again, Eric, for all the smiles. They are very appreciated!

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Booster's Motel Six Feet Under: "We won't leave the light on for you"

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Awesome!! 👏

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RE: Africa low Covid rates… much of Africa, supposedly, takes HCQ and calls it their Sunday-Sunday pill ‘cause they take it weekly to protect them from Malaria, but im sure this has nothing to do with low C rates ….

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I have read that both Ivermectin & HCQ are over the counter meds in Africa.

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OTC in UK as well

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It should be here in the US too !

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Instead the US wants to make Vitamin D a prescription… and add in other “ingredients“ for your health…

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Kidding, right????

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No serious. 🤬 and it has already started… read your ingredients before you buy and/or trust your source.

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Ivermectin is widely used too apparently. As an anti parasitic.

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IVERMECTIN BOMBSHELL == A confidential FDA document from April 2021 lists Ivermectin At the bottom of page 17 as one of three drugs listed under "clinical trial settings". - https://tinyurl.com/2p8sb9t5

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Mar 28, 2022·edited Mar 29, 2022

Supposedly by who? I'm not sure they're addicted to pill popping in Africa like they do in the West. From my friend who came from Cameroon and pays close attention, Africans don't believe in convid and there are pan-African media that are truthful (I watched their videos).

From my own anecdotal experience in the US, in a highly compliant and vxxed county, I still know hundreds of people age 0-100 who lived their lives normally (under the circumstances), regularly congregated for 2 years, didn't comply with any measures, didn't do any prevention, didn't take the vx, and are doing just fine, nobody died or got hospitalized after catching cold. I know a few who took ivermectin after getting sick, others used natural remedies. Many never got sick despite being next to sick people. I'm one of them. It just looked like regular flu season. Sure, there are people who untrained and damaged their immune system by sheltering, sedentary lifestyle, disinfection, fear, masking, injections, got sick then got maimed or killed by bad medical care. Otherwise, covid is FRAUD.

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I thought it was ivermectin but you are probably correct it being HCQ.

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It could be both? Actually, a Dr. friend in Cambodia and i were talking via text back when and he said they weren't experiencing much covid, come to find out, they take Ivermectin regularly there too. Go figure.

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I’m sure “ they” will never admit these drugs are used and could be a clue to the “ mystery”. It would cause “ vaccine hesitancy!”

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IVERMECTIN BOMBSHELL == A confidential FDA document from April 2021 lists Ivermectin At the bottom of page 17 as one of three drugs listed under "clinical trial settings". - https://tinyurl.com/2p8sb9t5

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Thanks Harold - so they are burying it.

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Or that they get a lot more sun, more vitamin D.

Virus theory is a joke, even the Spanish flu couldn't prove transmission


Time to wake up, before the next bullshit virus

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Mar 28, 2022·edited Mar 28, 2022

The famous “they” are trying to wipe out us boomers. They pretty much got rid of our parents. Haha! The jokes on them. I decided to be healthy at 65! I get at least 30 minutes of exercise every day. I cut out my favorite soft drink, Sundrop, (boo hoo), and most other sweets and bread. Like my sweet mother always said, “No doctor is going to tell me when I’m going to die!” I’ve signed up for a private pay doctor and I ditched the simvastatin my last doctor prescribed. I’m going to live as long as I’m alive.

I’m adding this. No way is Biden, Gates or Schwab going to have any part in when I’m going to die. They can go to hell and unlike Davy Crockett I’ll stay in Tennessee.

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Sugary Sundrop is still safer than the the Trump/Biden death jab.

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True, but my kidneys have been off a little. I’m going to have one occasionally because I honestly love them. They’ll have to hold me down to get the shot.

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I'd rather take a bullet. I foolishly got the first two jabs. It's hard being angry with yourself.

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Forgiving yourself is the only way to heal. I’m sure you took it in good faith and trust. Don’t be angry at yourself. Be angry at the devils walking on the face of the earth who developed it and then lied about how safe and effective it is.

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Actually, don't be angry at all. It suppresses your immune system.

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The thing is though, now people will listen to you. You can use your voice and be heard in a way some of us cannot.

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Forgive yourself right now. Whatever reason you did it, never mind. Just learn from it. Believe NOTHING you are told, go and research it yourself. Start by reading the BIG FAT LIE and change your diet (get rid of processed oils), and everything else you were led to believe during your lifetime. Start now. You will feel so much better. Medicine/vaxxines follows on from there. Ask us, we will give you the books to read. Then excercise...is it good? Bad? Then everything else you have been told is FACT. You will be surprised at how liberated you feel.

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I mean infamous “they!”

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Jeff...we need a shirt saying “The experts are baffled. Again.” 🧐

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Followed by "So weird."

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Regarding the NYT story on Africa, remember when natural immunity was a conspiracy theory and we were "science deniers" for daring to mention it? I know it shouldn't, but it still shocks me how easily the media can memory hole what it said previously and pivot the narrative. It's frightening.

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Makes me wonder what is motivating the NYT to nibble around the edges of the truth ~ 🤔

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They’ve been taken off the leash.

Same in U.K. now, with both tabloid & broadsheet newspapers breaking stories about masks not working after all & experts finally admitting that lockdowns didn’t work.

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Jacinda wants to mask everyone up. We're protected by Bill of Rights and case law that the CEO of the Ministry of Health made up at the podium a few times.

But she thinks we need masks. We're being naughty and she needs someone to blame. She's a piece of shit.

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Yes...so weird...

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'The story concludes that Africans should STILL get the shots, of course. “Because at this point, it’s not for those people: It’s to try to prevent new variants,” an expert explained.'

Take the jab to prevent new variants? What? After all this time there are still "experts" who don't understand that mass jabbing drives variant creation?

"Soccer is a dangerous sport. These days."

Just think: a while back the big concern was about the long term dangers of heading in soccer. Now that's out the window and we're heading ( ! ) in the opposite direction, actually advocating jabs that cause near term harm, including death.

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Curious that the practice of taking HCQ in these countries is not connected to low Covid rates….it’s just so weird.

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I heard during the start of Covid here in America large parts of Africa took HCQ once a week for years.

It was called a Monday Monday pill. It works on various African diseases as well as Covid.

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A relative takes regular HCQ for her auto immune disease. Her doctor urged her to take the jab. 😵‍💫 She took the J&J and had terrible side effects. The entire jabbed and unjabbed family got Covid, but she did not. I kept saying, you are taking HCQ! No need to take the shot! You won’t get Covid! And she hasn’t. Still won’t connect the two. SMH.

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Science hasn’t gotten to that page yet-just wait!

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I read somewhere (sorry no ref) that one of the reasons African countries have lower rates of infection is that many people take ivermectin prophylactically to prevent malaria. Some countries even give it out for free.

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As usual, the NY Times hasn't been paying attention to basic immunology and virology. Vaxxing populations during a pandemic drives new variants, but that has been the plan all along hasn't it? To keep this plandemic going as long as possible. Africa didn't cooperate so now they must be made to do so. I'm often jealous of some cousins who live in Tanzania where things are normal.

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Mar 28, 2022·edited Mar 28, 2022

The gift that keeps on giving. Now these poor children with vaccine induced heart problems will be injected with toxic gadolinium periodically to study their heart. How long until that bio-accumulates and causes other problems?

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Everyone who participates in Big Pharma becomes a "medical experiment". Just my opinion, (that I've held for 30 years) since I had issues they couldn't diagnose but wanted to prescribe for.

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That just happened to a friend. Testing incomplete, no diagnosis yet, but: "Here, take these medications." She didn't.

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I get the feeling that a great many doctors feel they aren't doing anything unless they give you a prescription. Like they haven't done their job otherwise. Very sad.

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How does a shot that doesn’t stop infections, stop mutations?

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Now you've done it! Now they have to come up with yet another fabrication.

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It doesn't.

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Really good question!

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I think Africa might have wised up after Gates killed off a couple million of them and sterilized millions more with his trials. The book on Fauci by Kennedy is an eye-opener. I can’t read too much of it at a time because the things he and Gates/Gavi/BMGF/WHO/CDC/NIH have done are horrific. Blacks, Africans, orphans, and homosexuals were their main targets but they have become less targeted with the Covid shot. The book makes me so mad/sad that these monsters walk among us.

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Yep, Kennedy's book is tough, to be read in small doses only to prevent your head from exploding from anger.

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Exactly. It makes me so angry. How could they be so cruel? And $340 million to find a cure for AIDS and all he could do was lie? Wouldn’t want to use cheap medicines… Fauci repurposed AZT after Canada and scientists in the US decided it was too deadly?! Knowing he would kill hundreds of thousands? He’s a monster. Gates too. Eugenicists. 😡🤬 They let cheap drugs like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin be passed over for Covid too - they need to be imprisoned for the rest of their lives. Two more people we won’t see in heaven for sure. ✝️

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Like eating too much chocolate

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It makes your head spin!

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Mar 28, 2022·edited Mar 28, 2022

"Because at this point, it’s not for those people: It’s to try to prevent new variants"

Ahhh, just like masks at the beginning. "You're not wearing it to protect yourself, you're wearing it to protect the OTHER guy."

Total bullsh*t dishonest guilt-tripping. "It's your duty." NFW it's NOT my duty to do something useless or possibly destructive just to ameliorate YOUR idiotic, insane sense of fear.

F them all. Stock up. This is not likely to end well.

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Amen to that, Andrew tG!

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Yep, totally agree about Africa. Since the beginning of the plandemic I was looking at the infection maps and noticed that Africa was always lowest. As soon as the news started bashing Trump about HCQ I knew why Africa was lower. In Africa they regularly take antiparasitic meds, malaria meds, etc. It is so obvious if you're paying attention, but the "experts" just cant figure it out. Meaning they won't admit it bc that would mean we were right about ivermectin!

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Check out India too. They hand out Ivermectin like candy. Gee, I wonder what it could be that keeps them from getting sick 🤔

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IVERMECTIN BOMBSHELL == A confidential FDA document from April 2021 lists Ivermectin At the bottom of page 17 as one of three drugs listed under "clinical trial settings". - https://tinyurl.com/2p8sb9t5

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They mail a pack of 20 to each person for Covid treatment!

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IVERMECTIN BOMBSHELL == A confidential FDA document from April 2021 lists Ivermectin At the bottom of page 17 as one of three drugs listed under "clinical trial settings". - https://tinyurl.com/2p8sb9t5

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Mar 29, 2022·edited Mar 29, 2022

I immediately found it suspicious that no one would discuss Africa. Or India later on, where they had an explosion of cases that were quickly dealt with by using IVM, which they doled out in little kits along with some other things.

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Chuckle. Is plandemic PLANNED DEMIC? LOVE IT

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Increasingly, your Substack makes me so angry when reading it Jeff. Absolutely none of that has to do with your Substack per se, of course, it’s the things you are reporting on, especially today about kids whose hearts are completely destroyed. Besides immense compassion for these kids whose lives have been taken from them just as they got started in life, anger seems like the only possible reaction to the injustice and horror of what they have done to children.

And then the “experts” pretending the obvious doesn’t make sense in Africa. Like what the hell are you playing at “experts?” All those nursery rhymes as kids must have been written as code for things going on in the world in the past. The Emperor’s New Clothes is constantly being played out right now and we need a child to point out the obvious for the stupid adults following along with ignoring the obvious. Oh wait, we’re killing off our sweet children with abortion and now the jabs.

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Well there are lots of us who are angry. The key is to turn that anger into motivation to act. I've joined a couple of local grassrooots groups, we organized protests to stop the mask mandates, open schools, and support a teacher they tried to cancel. We're knocking doors to support local candidates in the April election, then will move on to the others after that. I'm running for committeewoman to help motivate the party to be more active (we are a red state but complacent) And so on. Use the anger as fuel.

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This, this, this! Small-r republican self-government *requires* active citizen involvement in all areas of our civic life. The socialist/communist Dems have been able to have disproportionate impact on our civic life by *working on it.* There are more of us than there are of them, so if we can mobilize like-minded citizens to get involved, we can push back in very significant ways.

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Yep, our local suburb is 'red' but too many people don't engage at the local level. Covid did us a favor in that regard, a lot of people came to realize just how much the left had infiltrated our local government. I HOPE all the keyboard warriors show up to vote on April 5!!

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Yes, absolutely agree there. Anger is best used as a fuel for good.

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Mar 29, 2022·edited Mar 29, 2022

Some days I run the gamut of anger, horror, depression, sadness etc. I’ve never seen anything like what is happening now. Occasionally I just have to take a break from reading about all the insanity,and turn back to prayer and God’s word to get my head straightened out.

It is extremely frustrating that the ONLY places we hear/read truth is a sort of underground news network. Everything else seems to be an alternate universe. I keep thinking that someday soon the truth will burst forth and there will be no hiding it! No excuse for people to have their heads in the sand, the dots will finally come together and they’ll begin to understand the huge deception in play. I keep thinking that….

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