Mar 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

" Turns out that HHS used your money (tax dollars) to buy massive amounts of advertising..."

And in ALL that advertising, not even one word or one second was spent talking about known and potential side effects.

Y'know, the kinds of disclosures literally EVERY OTHER pharmaceutical advertised on TV has to spend 75% of their air time telling you about.

But with the clot shots, NOT A SINGLE WORD WAS EVER UTTERED in the ads about side effects.

Prison is too good for those folks.

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Big Pharma couldn't advertise because of the EUA status of the "vaccines". Nice to know our government was able to fill the void, and fill it they did, with the biggest advertising ~ oops! propaganda ~ budget ever!

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I don't mean Big Pharma. I mean all the PSAs, etc., that were broadcast on TV.

You'd have a 60-second PSA for the clot shots and it would be all rainbows and pixie dust and big-toothed smiling assurances from young, attractive useful idiots...then the very next commercial would be for some drug and it would spend 45 of its 60 seconds telling us all the bad things that could and that have happened to people taking that drug.

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PSAs are the way government "advertised" for Big Pharma, since Big Pharma couldn't legally do "vaccine" commercials...

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Right, but my point is, those PSAs contained nary a word about side effects, unlike drug companies' ads that spend around 75% of their airtime listing side effects.

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Why would the government want to mention side effects? They don't have to and it would certainly complicate their "everyone needs to get jabbed" narrative...

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You're missing my point. I'm not so naive as to not understand why the government *didn't* lay out the side effects of the clot shots.

My point is to observe the disparity - the dishonesty - of the government *requiring* TV ads to lay out the side effects of all other drugs while they themselves remain absolutely silent about their own, in arriving at my conclusion:

Prison is too good for them.

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Not even like the Big Harma normal druggie ads where the side effects rattle by you so fast the only word you really catch eventually is β€œDEATH”.

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I want a list of celebs that took money to promote the shot. jLo, Jennifer Aniston, etc. i want to know.

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Just the Jennifer celebs? Or everyone else, too?

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All of them. I am not a celeb watcher so those were the only two that came to mind lol

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Almost all the Hollyidiots are dead to me now.

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I wish these government mouthpieces could be sued

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Aniston is now dead to me. She was about the only A-lister I I felt neutral about. No more.

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Elton John

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Wow, did not see any ads featuring him.

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Connie Schultz. I’m sure of it.

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"The government’s media contracts pushed β€œinfluencers” from β€œcommunities hit hard by COVID-19” and β€œexperts” like that parasitic worm Anthony Fauci and other β€œacademics” to be interviewed and to promote vaccination in the news."

The best treatment for parasitic worms is Ivermectin. What can't it do?

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Mar 7, 2022Β·edited Mar 7, 2022

So true! They made any side-effects sounds so trivial. The only treatment they offered for the jab was to get vaxed. Then, if one had to be hospitalized, the only treatment they offered as a first-line of defense was Remdesivir. A kidney and liver killer. They avoided any other treatment for 2 yrs! Now Pfizer has a pill for treatment. Does anyone even know what’s in it? Really now, I never had Covid this whole time, but I would have felt helpless if I had to be hospitalized with a serious case of Covid.

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My dr brother in law told me not to worry about getting my 15 yr old ice hockey athlete son vaxxed. That if he got myocarditis it’s treatable. 🀬 Like heart damage is a skinned knee. And this doctor loves my kid. DRS are BRAINWASHED

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Lordy. No matter how mild there is some permanent tissue damage that does not regenerate but becomes scar tissue. That’s what many cardiologists say. Your BIL is dangerous IMHO.

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Remdisivir leading to the vent almost murdered my sister in law. She narrowly escaped the hospital murder center. Then 3 months later her employer is trying to fire her unless she gets jabbed.

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That’s just awful! The mandates to get the vax will ultimately cease. I’m even hearing about employers dropping the mandates now. After they’ve laid off half their staff. Will they ever admit to how wrong this was?

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Never tho't about that aspect! So true. They’re still pushing her in west Michigan!!

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Yes, same in MO, although petering out lately. Just in time for wall to wall 2022 election ad revenue to kick in.

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They're kicking it up a notch here. (Also, midwest area.)

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Well we don't watch a lot of TV but hubby turns on local stations in the AM for sports and weather while getting ready for work and the volume of ads then has gone down but maybe I've just gotten better at tuning them out??

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I mostly watch MeTV, AntTV, TwisT, odd rerun channels. They hadn't really run many, if any, vaxx ads. Within this last month they started showing up regularly. That's the only reason I noticed. I'm in a different Mid-Western state from you, that could be a reason, too.

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Piles of federal $ and a deadline to spend it all.

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I've been trying for 2 and a 1/2 years to catch this damn thing, by totally ignoring every "mitigation strategy" I've been instructed to follow. No luck.

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Yep, I've been 'dining in'. Grocery shopping with no mask. Hugging people at meetings.

And the worst... shaking hands! Still no covaids! Dangit!

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Mar 7, 2022Β·edited Mar 7, 2022

What worked for me was traveling through 4 super crowded airports and sitting in completely full flights of those massive three rows of seats jets during the "Delta wave" last summer (apparently, something was going around). No need to mention that I didn't wear a mask much of the time, because masks make no difference anyway.

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This would be a pretty good reason to consider the terrain theory of disease and health. I don’t think I’ve gotten Covid either. I think I was the only one in my household who didn’t get it. Maybe all of that funky alternative stuff I do to make myself healthier turned out to be pretty useful. Or maybe we are just lucky.

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You monster !!! /sarc

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covaids! brilliant!

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Computer-generated viruses can only infect other computers

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Did you have the Swine Flu in the past? Interesting read, and link to a recent paper, postulating that Swine Flu provided COVID immunity. Article also indicates that giving children flu vaccines might make them more susceptible to COVID.


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damn immune system!

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If you had a previous coronavirus infection, you may have T-cell memory that will work for the current version. Saw a study a year ago+ when the T-detect test came out and got an EUA. https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(20)31008-4 . My SIL is the same as you, never got it. Works in a big mfg plant that had to shut down twice due to so many being out sick with it. 'Exposed' by close contact with an infected person multiple times. Still hasn't gotten it.

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have any thoughts on what might be protecting you?

favorite food(s)?

vitamins you take?


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Without being flippant at all common sense I suppose played the biggest part

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I've heard blood type helps as well. Those of us in the family with type O have not gotten it despite being exposed daily and taking no precautions.

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FWIW, I have O type blood and as far as I know have not had it until, possibly, very recently (a rapid test was negative, but all the symptoms matched). So it seems not to be absolute immunity, at least.

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Not stressing about every little thing helps a lot

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Hubby and I had it in Dec/Jan 2020, before it was a 'thing'. I was down for the count for a week, but my hubby had a milder case, but both of us had the hacking cough that hung on for weeks after. We tested positive for antibodies a year later, it's the only time we have been sick since. Weird he had milder symptoms than me but some have suggested blood type. He is O+ and I am B-. Who knows?? We've been taking the Zelenko protocol as prophylaxis since my sister found him in late 2020. Sold on that as we have had none of the seasonal crud that usually comes around at least once a winter in our house. We eat reasonably healthy with some falling off the wagon for special occasions/holidays.

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Thanks for the tips.

My wife and myself came down with it after a Christmas Party (2021)

My wife had an awful fever for two weeks. On the sixth day she started the treatment that cannot be mentioned(ivermectin) and the fever started to slowly reduce the day after.

I had a mild case...gone in three days.

We both are AB blood type both unjabbed.

Lots of zelenko type vitamins for both of us before getting it and during it.

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Yeah hubby said he would get the jab before it came out. but when we got our antibody test results back we were like, eh, pass. He is more trusting than me, I would not have gotten it even if antibodies were negative. But is a big mystery why it's so different. My neighbors across the street and their adult kids & spouses all tested positive after a super bowl party in 2021. 5 with symptoms, one NONE!? The 5 all recovered with the 'alternative treatment' regimen. The mom with no symptoms has never gotten it.

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Vitamins C D Quercetin Niacin NAC

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My son got very early coronavirus in late November 2019, at UC Davis in CA. No one knew what it was at the time, and we only figured it out later. Since that time, he of course remains unjabbed and was always fine until he apparently got Omicron right at the end of December, so that was 2 years of not catching anything. His girlfriend took a covid test (which might be worthless anyway) and it showed positive. My son had the same thing as her (he came down with it 6 hours before she did) and didn't test, but obviously they both had the same illness (she also had the original Covid in 2019). They were sick for several days and kind of under the weather for about a week and a half. I've read that even natural immunity from original covid may not confer immunity for Omicron, and that appeared to be true for them. Then, here we are about 6 weeks after that and he came down with a cold which lasted several days.

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I'd been thinkin' all along that we need to have Covid parties like the chickenpox parties of my childhood. Just catch it, and get on with life (geez).

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I hear you doing everything wrong according to my vaccinated family. Still healthy still doing normal things. My family not doing so good. Several vaccinated had Covid.

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I wore a mask one time at a hospital. I walked into a support beam from my glasses fogging up.

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The struggle is real! πŸ˜‚ my daughter is in special Olympics. In Florida. We were told she had to wear a mask while at practices at this ranch (while the owners refused to wear one πŸ™„).

For safety, right??!

Ummm, my daughters glasses were fogged up so bad every time, she couldn’t see… WHILE LEADING A 1200lb HORSE! And they didn’t see the hypocrisy…ehem…lack of safety of that. πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ We didn’t go back to that particular ranch. And guess what…the new ranch…not an ounce of covid batshit crazy there!

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The fogging is a sign that the mask isn't working at all, because the air is flowing in and out at the points of least resistance; in this case, across the top of the mask. In occupational risk settings, even N95s must be professionally fitted in order to be considered protective. At least, that was with the 'old science,' lol.

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A bit late now, but mask defog keeps that from happening. It’s the kind SCUBA divers use. I use it on my sunglasses in summer when going from air conditioned buildings to outside. The brand I use is Stream2Sea because it’s made in Florida

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I don't wear glasses, but the first time I tried to wear a mask was at an airport in early May 2020. It made me so disoriented I FELL DOWN flat on may face on the floor, along with two suitcases. I'm in my 60's so it kind of freaked people out -- but no one was allowed to come within 6 feet of me, which was fine with me. That was back when there were only about 5 people on each airplane, so social distancing was pretty easy. Also, that was back when I still believed in Bad Santa, I mean Covid. I just took the damn thing off and didn't wear it again (they were not mandated yet.)

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The mask has the same effect on me. Extremely disorienting, and I can't focus on anything else. I stopped wearing them in my uber-masked location long ago.

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I'm pretty sure I caught Omi at Costco one crowded Sunday. I had also gone off my zinc/vitamin cocktail that weekend so maybe that helped too. You might try that. ha ha..

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I finally got the ohmygod variant in mid-January (presumably from my husband). Weird symptoms compared to earlier variants, but I got the test because I wanted us to to hop on my ivermectin stash STAT. Husband (71, unjabbed) was over it in about 4-5 days from first symptoms. I (66, unjabbed) was good after a week, but still fatigued for another couple weeks. All in all, we were ready, sailed through (relatively speaking), and now have natural immunity.

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My family and I have been doing the same. Not one of us has managed it πŸ˜‚

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Same here, for both my hubs and me. We've been around covid infested people a few times, but for all this time we haven't had anything despite going where we wanted and never wearing masks. Until this week: We both caught what is known as the common cold, moderately severe. Bummer, first cold either of us has had in several years. But still no covid!

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I am in Eastern Ontario. We finally ditched the socializing license (aka vax pass), but masks are still required indoors.

Thing is, a lot of us Northerners got a shot of courage around the end of January...honk honk.

I pretty much stopped wearing my masks. And I am seeing an increasing amount of full facial nudity. My husband has also noticed this.

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Can "grey" turn into racist hate-speech?

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Happy to share that today, for the first time in two years, all 3 of my kids are at school, showing their faces. Thanks to all of you who keep fighting the good fight. Hope we can get the masks off toddlers and all kids soon!

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Yes! First time in 2 years for my son. Last time he was free he was a child. 2 years later he is a young man, bigger than me and ripped with muscles. 2 years is a LONG time in childhood. It’s criminal.

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Sure is. I will never forgive or forget. Hope your son has a great week smiling it up.

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

We woke up yesterday to a 50 cent rise in gas prices. Went somewhere, and driving back home saw that several more cents had been added. And now, to replace "because science" the new explanation for everything is "because Russia."

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Gas stations can only raise prices up to once daily. All our Shell stations jumped 50Β’ higher than everything else for some reason. They were empty. The others will surely catch up.

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Yesterday, a gas station in Gainesville removed the big Price-per-gallon signs. You had to drive to the pump to find out.

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90 cents a gallon in less than a week. 20 cent leaps every day in MI.

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OBiden claims that Putin did it.

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Had a coworker yesterday tell me about his family situation- his mom had surgery in 2020, then started complaining about sharp headaches and other ailments after. He said they all caught covid last year, and since then she was only given months to live. He blames his unvaccinated father for all of this, because he refuses to wear a mask. I told him any of them could have brought it home, that the vaccine neither prevents catching or spreading. So many questions. Did his mom get the vaccine? But he wouldn’t hear any of that, only that it’s all his unvaxxed dad’s fault.

We need to keep at it, speaking up, showing the proof that continues to come out. Otherwise the closed minded will continue to blame us β€˜antivax’ for all their problems.

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9 family members went on a cruise over Christmas/New Year's. Y'know, cruises that had the most draconian Chinese virus rules.

All 9 were vaxxed and boosted.

8 of them returned home with the WuFlu.

I bet your friend's dad gave it to them.

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I had a good laugh from my vax fanatic brother. They went to a small dinner party with all vaxxed friends. They all had to do a quick test at the door. All were negative on that. Of the 20 people at the party, 12 came down with Covid. My brother didn't offer any explanation for this.

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By the way my husband said there can’t be nazis in Ukraine because their President is Jewish. FYI πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

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Read books written by Edwin Black to answer that seeming enigma

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, if you are ever having a bad day, just know that a man from Louisiana believes that Coffee & Covid is the best thing on the internet. I am grateful that a good friend told me about you about 8 months ago. I wish you had a platform on tv so the word could spread. If DeSantis is our next president(I pray that he is), he should bring you on his staff. If he does, please keep your communication with us peasants going. God bless you, your family, and your staff!

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I second that….Thanks so much Jeff & God bless you

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In a lighter vein, the first thought that popped into my mind, after Jeff reported on Risk Budgeting and that UC Irvine expert who said he MIGHT go to a dinner party DEPENDING on how many people were going to be there, was that this probably also depended on whether or not the party was at The French Laundry. Because, you know, eating at places like The French Laundry confers Negative Risk. Just like Negative Interest. (Back in the day-well maybe a thousand days or so back-printed money incrementally lost value if it sat around for too long. That puts new meaning on the concept of stale bread!) Maybe this negative risk/negative interest analogy will spark you other readers to come up with additional creative ways to fudge your risk budgets.

Also, if you are maintaining a "creepy thoughts" budget, entertaining the Pelosi-Fauci love child concept just blew your remaining balance for 2022.

Lastly. Science. They keep on using that word. I do not think it means what they think it means.

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When they talk about science, what they're really talking about is TV science. Refering to studies from Grandpa Munster shouldn't be admissible.

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Dr. Evil's fraternal twin. No wait, that's Klaus Schwab.

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Mar 7, 2022Β·edited Mar 7, 2022

β€œScience” means political science, not laws of nature, physics, and true medicine (that does no harm).

Every one of us needs to change our daily speech. That is the social and media weapon used against the world. When others use the right language the scales begin to fall on the rest:

- Political science, not science.

- Counterpoint, not misinformation.

- Conflicting data, not disinformation.

- Injection, or shots, not vaccine. Never use vaccine. Jabbed seems to be a UK/ Aussie term which I like but may be signaling too much for those who are/will suffer cognitive dissonance.

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Mar 7, 2022Β·edited Mar 7, 2022

And then there's this type of "risk budget". Our neighbors were very friendly when we first moved in next door. Invited us over frequently. At the beginning of Covid everyone was understandably cautious. They, like us, said they were going to take a "wait and see" attitude about the vaxx. Then suddenly they said they decided to take it cuz they like to travel. (Still not a good enough reason for us, & won't ever be) When things started loosening up, we invited them to our house. He said yes, we got a text for her a while later saying they would have to decline. If they visited with us they would have to quarantine to see their new baby granddaughter. So we are ostracized in a different way because we choose to live our lives more freely than that.

We've got other friends who want see us but because she is so fearful of Covid they don't associate with anyone unvaxxed. His words to my husband were "when are you gonna get vaxxed so we can see you again". Scratching them off our friend list. At least our immediate family (2 daughters, their husband's and one mil are all on the same page). What happened to the old "rule of thumb" live and let live?

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Mass Formation Psychosis: the gift that keeps on giving.

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Sadly, it is still alive a well with the covidiots.

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Any friend that chose fear over friendship is now just going to be in my acquaintance list. It’s sad, but we can do better than having friends like that.

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Mar 7, 2022Β·edited Mar 7, 2022

Sad to say it, but good riddance. We now know the humanity and intelligence of those around us

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I have a hunch that you might like www.lateralthinkingdepartment.com

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Agreed,I just signed up, I've looked at other insightss you've posted here and yes, it's my line of thinking. Looking forward to it

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Thank you! Enjoy. Always open to topic suggestions if you run across anything weird that makes you giggle.

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

The first casualty of war is truth, and the second is innocence. The Russians are what they are - I watched various subtitled speeches of Putin (always better to hear what people say directly) and can safely say this man is extremely well read, obsessed with Russian history and Imperium, and slightly unhinged when it comes to righting the wrongs of the fall of the Soviet Union.

The Ukrainians are freedom loving, liberal, democratic saints who only want to be free and arrange pride parades /sarc off. Why the very messy and chaotic history of what has actually been happening there for the past decade is being memory-holed is beyond me

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The Pfizer-zombies need things really simple: bad guys who can do no right, and good guys who can do no wrong.

They’re intellectual adolescents and easy to manipulate if you can successfully start the virtue-signaling cascade/arms-race.

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Lefties (and I was one once) suffer from Knee Jerk Syndrome. Aka NJS. One name or word triggers an automatic hate response. I saw a flare up this morning in my husband when I mentioned desantis building increased port capacity. Where is the drug treatment for that? β€œIf your brain suddenly convulses during conversation or exposure to MSM ask your doctor about……….

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There is also a new syndrome called Ukraine Whiplash β€”caused by the sudden pivot to the new Ukraine Narrative. My 2 sisters are suffering from that now after trying to infect me with the dreaded Covid Narrative disease. But I have the prophylacticβ€”the β€œBlock this Contact” button. Safe and effective.

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LOL - "brain convulsion" - NJS (or just JS) certainly isn't limited to Lefties...

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Perpetual 14 year old girls wearing the latest fashion fad on their faces. Can't expect anything different.

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Out biking yesterday on trails very crowded with walkers, other bikers. I noticed that many adolescent girls were in masks, even when the rest of their family was not. Like they were trying to hide, like the mask helped them live out their insecurities.

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Exactly this- my observation of 13 year old girls. Those who seem most troubled (independent of COVID specific fears) are the only ones still in masks.

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1984 - sharp pivot to new enemy to hate

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β€œEven Fox, dammit.”

Glad you’re waking up and, uhh, smelling the coffee.

Fox sold out a long time ago.

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Wonder who paid them all to call the election early and not be alarmed or surprised when counting stopped simultaneously on 11/3-11/4.πŸ€”

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Remember that pretty much everything is owned by two or three companies that own each other.

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If things get confusing, that's a good thing to remember....NeoFeudal Duopoly?

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Fox was awfully quick to call AZ for Biden

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

My BIL wintering in FL just came down with *C for the second time. First time last August after his two jabs apparently wore off. Got monoclonal antibodies after 4 days of suffering here in MI. Quarantined for two weeks. My SIL claimed he got it from talking to an unmasked clerk for 15 minutes in a store. Waiting his 90 days got the booster and headed down to FL. Got sick last week. Tested positive and found a doctor who put him on Pavoloxid, Pfizer’s answer to Ivermectin. 2 pills a day for 5 days. What’s with the 5 day thing? Sounds too much like Rundeathisnear and their 5 day protocol. I really love my BIL and pray for his recovery but know they will never admit they’ve been duped.

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

The Mitchell and Webb "Are we the baddies?" skit is taking on a whole new meaning regarding Facebook and Nazi imitating Ukrainians. Also, Justin Trudeau used one planted Nazi flag to demonize the entire Freedom Convoy trucker protest, and now we're at the point that Facebook is basically saying, "What's wrong with a few Nazi's if they are fighting for the Ukraine?" Madness!

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Ha! Mitchell and Webb - my favorites. I'm quite pleased that their little sketch will live on and on... they made a show called The Ambassadors which is just fantastic as well.

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"Science is not always immediate. Sometimes it takes months and years to actually find out THE answer."

Then again, sometimes it takes just 90 days of testing AND then jabbing the control group. Because science.

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

RE: all this advertising - I listen to a lot of talk radio and even on the conservative stations, I have bitched for years about how many federal agencies have what must be massive ad budgets - running ads for things like getting flu shots, wearing your seatbelt, and my personal fave: https://fatherhood.gov/ which includes a link to 'dad jokes'. The welfare state has decimated the role of fathers, so now HHS has to promote a website and commercials to remind men how to be fathers. SMDH

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

"It’s going to be uglier than a Fauci-Pelosi love child." Jeff, that was a good chuckle to start the morning.....until mental images of what the child might look like started flowing through my head. All while I was eating breakfast. So, again, thanks for the smile...and nausea.

Mask update - in my area (NE Kansas, KC metro), there are no city, county, or state mandates that I'm aware of, but at least half the people are still wearing them. As the Great American philosopher, Ron White, said "......you can't fix stupid".

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, Mardi Gras was also mask-free and normal in hard-locked-down New Orleans over the past few weeks. There's still indoor masking orders, vax pass for restaurants and schools, but somehow, everyone enjoyed parades barefaced and crowded together. Baby steps.

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