Regardless of which side others choose to lean, the info here is critical for every human to read. AND those who often say to me after discussing such credible / verifiable data?

“Oh, the percentage is low though”….. (NOT)

My response remains the same to these willful ignorants…. “What would you say if your child was in that low percentage?”……. 😘🤫🤭

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Thanks for all you do Jeff.

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So very sad for the children who are affected by the vaccine and yet buried!

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Concurred 💥

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Can Florida quit OSHA over vaccines?

Hours after Thursday’s unexpected request by Gov. Ron DeSantis for lawmakers to return to Tallahassee and pass laws against vaccine mandates, Florida’s top GOP legislators had a surprise of their own. Florida should remove itself from the direct federal oversight of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, they said. Instead of submitting directly to federal regulations, Florida would create its own workforce safety program — an idea that could cost millions and make the state the first to withdraw from direct Occupational Safety and Health Administration oversight in nearly 40 years.



With gentle pushback, businesses want Florida to let them choose their vaccine rules

As Gov. Ron DeSantis calls legislators into special session next month, the quiet pushback of the powerful business industry is already being felt. Although the governor may have declared war on employer vaccine mandates, he has also carefully steered clear of any talk that he will ask legislators to outlaw the practice by private employers, as Texas lawmakers tried and failed to do this month when faced with business opposition in that state.




Florida is ditching palm trees to fight the climate crisis

When you think of Florida, beaches and palm trees come to mind. But what if those palm trees were slowly replaced with other trees? That could happen over time because of climate change, and communities in South Florida are trying to save the world from the climate crisis, one tree at a time. "Palm trees do not sequester carbon at the same rate as our native canopy trees and do not provide shade, cool down streets and sidewalks to help counter the urban heat island effect that canopy trees do," said Penni Redford, the Resilience and Climate Change Manager for West Palm Beach


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As I see it, if private businesses are comfortable with mandating shots, then they better be comfortable with allowing for religious exemptions (or any other exemption for that matter) without having to have Jesus float through the ceiling of the HR office. Purposely trying to trip people up with pointless and meaningless hail mary questioning is abusive and unnecessary.

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How can an employer legally ask me for my vaccination status?

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Right?? What happened to HIPPA laws?

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Well, from what I just read they can ask you anything (basically) and so long as they do not disclose that information it doesn't violate any laws. Either that, or they changed things to suit their needs.

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It’s sad what our world is becoming. Scary too!

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Jeff, as I understand it this is not a staffing issue at the port. There are millions of containers not outgated at the port as well.

There is a theory relating back to Trumps Executive Order on Election Interference which does not necessarily pass Occams Razor test, but it passes my smell test, and if I were a lawyer in Los Angeles or a PI, I would want to know.

I can tell you my clients are none to happy with their freight sitting in limbo.

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Mike Lunderville, Can you further explain your theory as to why the ships are waiting? I don't follow politics enough to understand your theory for the delay.

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Susanna it is not my theory so I cannot take credit for it, although it has some merit. Let me give you some background.

Ocean container pricing pre-Covid

Shanghai - Los Angeles = $1800-2100

Ocean container pricing today

Shanghai - Los Angeles = $25k-30k

So in less than 2 years in the most widely traversed trans pacific trade lane that is a 14x increase.

What are the motivations? And from who?

The Chinese don’t want this as it makes Americans buy less from their country. Americans don’t want this because it furthers more hyperinflation against our dollar and makes a gallon of milk go up right now 20%++.

We have 2 competing countries who for all intents and purposes do not want this to happen, yet it still does.

Let’s now assume the election was stolen as much of the data lends credence to... Trumps EO against election interference says...


The theory that relates to this order is the seizure of property from companies or individuals that were involved. Walmart CEO for example went to college with Hunter Biden. If for example Walmart was complicit in assisting with election fraud (and I only use Walmart as an example, I am not saying Walmart was involved), then the seizure of their assets would be OK under that executive order.

What I know as fact...

We are short drivers in the ports, we are down normal amounts of port workers, but none of that would look like the strike from 2001, and this is worse.

Whatever is happening it’s not what the actual truth is, that I know. The above is a theory and not prove able with facts therefore technically a shared opinion, but it might be part of a bigger operation and we just aren’t privy to the details.

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I would like to share your posts on my private COVID group page and Facebook page. Is there A way I can do that? Here is the link to my COVID group page. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1052134302211333/permalink/1052136608877769/ Thanks. Amy Adams

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Thanks Jeff. I continue to be appalled at the denial, lies, and hiding important documents and reactions. How low can you go?

Maddie was at Senator Ron Johnson’s press conference with Ken Ruettgers and his wife Sheryl and 4 other people who were injured in the trial. Https://C19vaxreactions.com

One of the nasty comments suggested Maddie’s mother “made this up and was a munchausen mother who was torturing her child. This kind of lunacy lacks any semblance of humanity or caring. 😢🤦‍♀️ It just makes me sad knowing how many people are suffering or have died from this experimental - not a vaccine - shot.

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The number of container ships waiting offshore dipped to the low 60s and high 50s from a record high of 73 on Sept. 19, trans-Pacific spot rates plateaued, the Biden administration unveiled aspirations for 24/7 port ops, and electricity shortages curbed Chinese factory output.

Exhibit 7 shows delivery time accelerations were associated with the both the Covid19 (2019) and Swine Flu pandemic (2009- Aug. 2010)


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I was wondering if you could file an EEO complaint with respect to the religious exemption form questions.

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Regarding the ships, I was wondering how long it would take to reroute, and if it's 6 days then why not come to Florida. The final question is, are ships rerouting or just anchored out west?

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Jeff, you just make too much sense with the cargo ships 🚢 going into the Florida ports, makes me wonder how these shipping magnates built their empires now that they employ their sit and wait months long business strategy! You are so on point with your wit, life with Covid would be so dull without your newsletter; now, I’m going to donate and share with all the folks I can. You’re a blessing and a lifesaver 👏💯‼️

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The language from the EEOC Compliance Manual on Religious Discrimination Title VII Section 12 is abundantly clear, is it not? For those with a sincerely held religious belief this should be a walk in the park. These HR departments are either totally ignorant of the federal laws or are being instructed and polluted by the infestation of slime balls that occupy the other side of your profession......and yet, they are getting away with it. Being placed on "unpaid leave" is clearly an act of retaliation because of your sincerely held religious views and violates federal law. Of course, they will throw around terms like "insubordination", which is just more word salad. Purposely, thinning out their own workforce and jeopardizing the livelihoods of hard working people because of some twisted, profit-motivated political ideology is just sickening. Mayo Clinic here in Jacksonville has joined the idiot parade. Oh, the things I could tell you about this place.

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Do you have a title or citation for the John’s Hopkins article mentioned here?

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Does anyone? My ex is trying to use the court to make our children get the shot and I’m looking for research to support my opposition. Any help appreciated!

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Thank you for the update, again. This is another post to share.

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