Ugh on the affidavit. As a former, now thankfully retired, national security crimes investigator I almost threw up when I read the redacted affidavit. There's plenty to read between the lines to know this was a pure political hit job. The elements of the crime of espionage aren't even close to being met and IMO, this will not end up in any court; it'll be just another embarrassment to the FBI, DoJ, and this administration. DoJ knows it and we know it. If a President's mere storing of records at his home under lock and key is a crime, then let's go after every living former POTUS, because I guarantee Obama, Bush, Clinton, and Carter are storing classified documents and all claim presidential privilege. As an aside, the reason I am glad I am retired is because I'd likely be fired for refusing to carry out illegal orders. Shame on every single FBI agent who participated and is participating in this farce as a political stooge instead of speaking out against the politically motivated and illegal activities of this administration and standing on the right side of the law.

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It's gone beyond that though, hasn't it? Speak out and you're canceled, fired, buried gagged. People like Dr. McCullough and Dr. Marik and Dr. Korey are finding ways to operate outside the paradigm. I write my elected officials constantly, in part because I am my own boss. A secretary at the city of Boston told me she loves my emails, and shares them with all her friends, but went ahead and took the jabs anyway, and can't speak out, because she needs to keep her job. And Dr. McCullough and Dr. Korey and Dr. Marek et al. are maligned by big tech at every turn. A big part of the reason I write my elected officials on a regular basis with links to scientific studies and opinions from these MDs and other credential scientists like Dr. Stephanie Seneff is because I know my elected officials are missing very important information from these doctors and many others. This is an information war. But of course. Yet, it's on overdrive now in ways we've never seen before. Did you all listen to the talk with Dr. Korey and Dr. Mark Crispin-Miller this week? Steve Kirsch hosted it. Dr. Crispin-Miller mentioned that we've never seen this kind of information suppression and propaganda worldwide, in lockstep, on the scale ever before. There were so many good things mentioned in that interview. I highly recommend listening. Even down to the premise that Trump was not elected, but rather selected, in 2016. Many of us remember Dr. Fauci stating that there would be a surprise pandemic during Trump's presidency. Fauci told that to the press in 2017. The premise of Trump being selected in 2016 being that the "warp speed operation" would have never rolled forward under a Clinton administration.

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This: "...Dr. Crispin-Miller mentioned that we've never seen this kind of information suppression and propaganda worldwide, in lockstep, on the scale ever before."

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🙄 Trump was selected? By? Literally nobody with power wants him in office, and they tried everything to disqualify him when he was president. Please.

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You're probably right. I'm probably trying to give Trump too much credit https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2022/01/trump-supporters-who-is-our-fighter/

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Please share with us what was said about why "operation warp speed" would not have proceeded in a Clinton administration. Also, can you share link to the discussion? Thanks

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Basically, Trump looked like a patsy for them in regard to this operation. He has a reputation of being an aggressive businessman. They probably anticipated that it would be easier to coax him into casting long-standing regulations and proper trials aside to come up with a "cure." He was definitely in over his head on this one. Still is. Hillary Clinton, for all her faults, probably would have been more cautious and methodical. I think they selected Biden in 2020 because they knew they could control the narrative moving forward so much easier with him ,once the genie was out of the bottle with the EUA approval. I don't think Trump would have caved to federal mandates.

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That's an interesting idea, haven't actually heard that one before. Do you have any article link fleshing it out?

I'm a little skeptical. Since when aren't Hillary or Bill game for anything that is made worth their while? Conventional wisdom is that Trump was a threat to the deep state in lots of areas, hence the need to kneecap his administration with Russia collusion hoax, impeachment, etc. Would they really take a chance on him hoping he would react the right way on covid, rather than count on Clinton to do the bidding of powerful sponsors?

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Aug 27, 2022·edited Aug 27, 2022

No, that's just my hypothesis. Professor Crispin-Miller brought it up in his talk with Dr. Korey this week, that he has a theory that Trump was selected in 2016. He didn't go into details in his talk, but the idea resonated with me immediately when I heard it. For the reasons I personally stated above. I think Crispin- Miller may have said more about it elsewhere, but he hesitated to even bring it up during his talk this week, noting something to the effect that it drives Trump fans crazy when he mentions it. I'd like to see some more of his opinion on the matter if it's out there. Matt Tiabi wrote a great substack on Crispin-Miller. I subscribe to both their substacks, and the talks I've heard from Crispin-Miller are always impressive to me. He's not attached to the Trump personality. I'm not either. I have been a fan of a lot of his policies during his 4 year Presidential tenure, but I actually am not a fan of his reactive personality. I think he takes the bait too easy from all of his adversaries. I do realize that Trump's fighting spirit has enabled Trump to accomplish the many of his policies that I supported though.

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Sure, what independent journalism teaches us is to refer to authority, swallow every bit of information unquestionably, and never ever use your own head and logic to examine what you hear. Experts are always right!

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Ann Coulter had a good take on Trump back in 2016. A political creature with Trumps attributes and without his ego and faults is an animal that does not exist in nature.

Of course, when he disappointed her on immigration and other policies, she became as antiTrump as anybody not on the Left. So go figure.

Now DeSantis is looking more and more like that mythical creature we didn't think existed.

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Come back to earth please, and take some deep breaths of oxygen. Trump talks positively about the injections because he used his business acumen and get-it-done energy to pave the way. That’s it. Just like he did for making tons of big, beautiful ventilators. It’s one of his faults- He displays that NY bravado and narcissism. But he is not responsible for the product. I support Trump for his populism and fearlessness. He’s wrong on the clot-shots. I pray he does a better job of weeding out bad apples next time. DeSantis is probably better, but his time will come. Dream ticket for 2028: DeSantis and Lake.

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Sure, so perhaps he was selected in 2016 for that purpose? I have more questions than I do answers. I don't think he's so stupid as to not know these injections are maiming and killing people.

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Trump is responsible for the death and/or vaccine injury of every patient that got the "vaccine" on his recommendation.

DeSantis/Greene would be a better pairing because Lake has less experience in elective office than Harris.

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I like Joseph Ladapo but he's probably in the right place as surgeon general 💕

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Not really. The EUA existed long before Trump. The FDA, Dr Fauci, Big Pharma and medical institution corruption were there long before him. Presidents don't set up trials and don't approve pharmaceutical drugs. If we had a Democratic admin, the country would've been more like blue states and Canada. The entire Democratic party is captured. Trump provided at least some counter-narrative and resistance to the agenda.

I listened to the podcast but didn't buy this part. Too many variables. For one, you don't control what candidates are running. It's like back to "Putin installed Trump".

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It is more important that Biden installed Zelensky.

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Why do you think Trump can't stop promoting the vaccine? I thought this article asked some pertinent questions. I have more questions than answers. https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2022/01/trump-supporters-who-is-our-fighter/

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Sure, he can stop promoting it. But he can't order the media to stop promoting it. He can't order the FDA to stop its approval. He can't stop it being available to the population. He can't violate contracts signed with Big Pharma early in 2020, every country signed them.

"White savior mentality" from the article works both ways, saving the idiots from the lockdowns using the vaccine and saving the idiots from the vaccines by continuing the lockdowns. Idiots always need a Big Daddy to tell them what to think and do.

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I heard Marik on CHD... The guy is a pisser. He corrected Polly and said Korey wasn't a real doctor, he only had internet degree.

Since I am hyperactive, low attention span,not very bright, gonna look for more videos of him..Videos easier than reading every time.... How have I not seen him before...

Also he wrote scathing letter to officials on "approval" process

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I'm having a hard time believing the DOJ, FBI, and the Judge would think they could get away with any of this nonsense. They're evil but not dumb. It makes me wonder if they know full well that they don't have a leg to stand on but their real goal is to create alot of chaos (which the left loves). EVEN IF they can indict Trump, it wouldn't prevent him from running in 2024. There has to be some other angles going on here. OR, maybe they really are stupid?

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I have this whole ongoing question of "evil" or "stupid" or a strange "combination of both" for so many of the actions the elected officials and bureaucrats have taken the last two plus years. I wonder if many of the judges are being threatened, even ones like ACB. Not this judge though. He's rotten. Ignorance and evil are a nasty mix, and I think his behavior exhibits both.

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I like the concept: ignorance and evil equals rotten

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Yes--I too have been meditating on this particular either/or question: Evil vs Stupid. How about: Evil is allowed to persist when people remain ignorant. I might also argue that in terms of a highly enlightened evolved homo sap species, Evil will become obsolete. Consider a possible Mr. Spock response to the quandary: 'If the chosen actions are of little benefit to the vast majority of humans, then it is logical to create another approach. If the "greatest good" is the guiding intention for a civilization, then evil must be defeated.' [end of Spock-thought]...

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Well said. I do struggle though with the concept of “greater good”. I’m not sure it actually exists. The greater good seems to be a ploy to con people to do something. Live long and prosper. : )

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Greater good does not exist on the scale the elites want us to believe. The concept of greater good does at times benefit communities. In native culture, when one of their community members fell ill, at hut was built to isolate that person from the rest of the community as to not infect the entire community. That was done for the greater good. Ensuring that everyone has access to a steady supply of electricity and fuel at affordable prices would benefit the masses and that could be considered to be for the greater good. In communism the concept of the greater good doesn't exist. The words are used as propaganda to coerce the masses into behaving the way those in power and control want them to. They want us, the little people to give up everything we know and love for their greater good - more power and wealth. We all saw how that played out during the "pandemic". We were locked down, they were not. We had to make sacrifices, they didn't. Untold numbers of small businesses shut down never to reopen and people lost everything they own, whilst the big money-makers (box stores) remained open (plus Amazon), and increased their wealth by millions if not billions. Was that really for the greater good? They really don't care about the misery, death, and destruction their hunger for wealth and power leaves in its wake. Have you ever known anyone like Bill Gates, FJB, Obama, the Clintons, or any of the other death and destruction fascists/communists to actually spread their wealth for the greater good? When any of them and our politicians say you/we have to do something for the greater good, you can bet it's for their good, not yours or mine. Actions do speak louder than words and their actions are definitely not for the greater good.

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Right. Lot's of language obfuscation. The level of inversion and gaslighting has reached an apex. Authenticity is most definitely at a low ebb in these times of mental derangement and cognitive dissonances. pax

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Human beings are 'meaning-making' machines. I don't mean to suggest that humans are machines--this is just a manner of speaking(although "Automatons" is a useful term). We do follow the patterns which society has taught us--how to behave and the distinctions between good and evil--although both are misunderstood and cleverly re-designed to allow for some con-artists to get away with crimes against humanity, for instance. This new age, that is post-literate, is a mind-field where we may be mis-directed and confused to the point of mass distraction. We know in our hearts when we do a good deed. And the philanthropaths in the realm may indeed be psychotic to the degree that "evil" actions may be justified(for themselves at least.) I believe that most conscious- well adjusted- humans know the difference between the greatest evil and the greater good. pax

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Evil I'd say are the perpetrators and stupid are those who follow them. Though, the people who give the orders are evil those who carry those orders out are even more evil, even if they are stupid enough to believe in those who give the orders. You know, it's all in the name of the greater good.

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Right. So I get your use of the phrase, "greater good"--as in: a useful tool which is inverted and rendered meaningless. This is the current state of dysfunctional languaging in society. "Gaslighting" (or: deceptive manipulation) is commonplace among the political players who have zero interest in any "greater good." If those dark players were truthful they might engage in a PR campaign touting the "greater evil" as a desirable state of affairs. It just won't appeal to anyone who has a heart and cares about other life forms. A Death Culture is the basis for the unsanity we are witnessing re the current genocidal actions in plain sight. Compliance supports the evildoers, as you say--for anyone out there who still doubts that they are powerless to make a dent.

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Look at everything they have gotten away with during the pandemic….it really isn’t a stretch for the DOJ, FBI and Judge to do this. I mean the entire planet was shut down and fed nothing but LIES for 2 years and the majority of humans did not question a thing! This is just more of the same theatre of smoke and mirrors which the medicated masses will follow without questioning.

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They didn't care, they just needed the evidence of deep state/gang of 8 malfeasance back in their filthy claws.

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I couldn’t agree more. They are scared to death that Trump may have some classified dirt on them that would expose the extent of their blackmailed / paid off evil.

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Creating chaos is definitely a big part of their playbook.

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Outstanding thorough report on the vindictive slimly political first time ever raid affidavit against a former president, and equally outstanding comment RS...

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No need to feel nauseous fellow patriot. We live in a time of great revelation: Liars for Hire are the norm when it comes to DC politics. Look who's posing as POTUS? I mean...hello, people.

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I don’t put it past the DOJ, FBI and Biden to take it to court. Regardless of how clearly political this all is, even without the affidavit. They impeached him TWICE over fake stories. They will do everything in their power to make sure he can’t run again. And honestly, I’m a big believer their evil little hearts will manufacture something if they have to. Their hate for this guy has NO LIMITS. And it literally fuels my support for him even more.

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Aug 27, 2022·edited Aug 27, 2022

Sun Tzu says: "All war is based on deception." Our own government is deceiving us because our own government is at WAR with us. It's time to wake up to that fact.

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King George was a piker compared to our current governments.

The Declaration of Independence should be required reading.

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Thank you Don and Vonu! This Nazi coup (2020) and resulting war has already taken more American lives than all the wars, conflicts and actions we have been involved in since 1775. And most Americans have no idea they are being attacked.

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Which Nazi coup?

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The fraudulent 2020 election

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The DNC are Bolsheviks, not Nazis.

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Technically I think you are right. They are Bolshevik politicians. But it appears to me that the people behind the whole genocidal agenda like Schwab and Soros etc are Nazis. For this iteration in history of tyranny maybe we need a new term. I think they have all melted into a new tyrannical movement using 5th Generation warfare to destroy American culture.

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As a very dedicated intel analyst, Jeff Prather, has stated to the point of redundancy: "You have to get your head in the fight." If some folks haven't yet realized what is happening(in plain sight)...then they'll become canon fodder(in a figurative sense.)

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It's not "our" government.

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I can agree that 1871 was the year the constitutional government was stolen from us.

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Gotta admit....you GOT ME with your intro!😁

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About midway through I thought “this sounds like Hilary”

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Same 😆

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Me too!

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right? I was confounded by what I was reading thinking, this can't be true. Surprise, it wasn't

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Me too! It was awful...🤣🤣🤣

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Me too 😂

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Me too.

Thank you Mr. Jeff Childers for your thoughtful and reasonable explanations today. Once again a breath of fresh air.

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My jaw dropped when I read that. I thought it was April 1st.

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My heart sank until "lots of hostile foreign....." Got me.

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What a disgrace. I hope that Biden falls Into the pit he made for Trump.

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He is nothing more than a poor tour guide for that pit.

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Very true - but even a child is known by his actions so Biden is still accountable 🤣

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Recognition of Biden's foibles has never been absent.

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Excellent as usual. Don't you just love DeSantis? Wow....accountability. What a concept.

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I love this guy and do not believe in any way that he has sold out to anyone. He maintains complete upstanding morals and is not afraid to stand up to the liberals who are destroying our country!

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Hey, I love DeSantis too. Been supporting him from the moment he ran for Congress. I must be one of a dozen people who have his book.

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He wrote a book?

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Yes, he did. When he first ran for Congress.

Dreams From Our Founding Fathers: First Principles in the Age of Obama

by Ron DeSantis | Sep 23, 2011

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It's good to know he's always been of this honorable ilk. I've been listening to him carefully for the past 2 years and he strikes me as sincerely sincere. Very very honorable. I just get such good vibes from him! And I'm an artist, so vibes are important to me. Lol

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Tucker Carlson did a long interview with him that lets you know who Ron DeSantis is. It was done last year and is on FoxNation.com or TuckerCarlson.com. Ron DeSantis is what you see. There has been no change in the man from the time he was running for Congress until now as governor.

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Check out theconservativetreehouse for a different take. The big club is doing what they always do, installing DeSantis. I think he is a wonderful governor, but he doesn't belong as President.

I'm no fan of Trump, but he is independent of the Big Club. Divide and conquer. Instead of all of us against TPTB, everyone falls into traps putting us against each other so their decision wins.

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Aug 27, 2022·edited Aug 27, 2022

So who do you think would be a good president?

By the way, FYI, NO ONE is installing DeSantis. People all over the country admire what he has done in Florida. He is, by far, the best governor in the country at the moment.

As 2024 draws closer watch the Left do everything they can to attempt to destroy DeSantis.

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Accountability ought to be mandated by law instead of optional by whim.

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There are plenty of laws. What has become lacking is enforcement. DeSantis has just enforced the findings of the grand jury. The grand jury found this school board was incompetent and was guilty of misfeasance and malfeasance. They were guilty of misusing funds that were for safety and redirecting those funds into woke ideology while the infrastructure of the schools deteriorated and there were no safety improvements made as directed and voted on by the citizens of Broward. They ought to be charged and in jail.

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Unfortunately DeSantis has no arrest powers, so it is up to law enforcement officers that are in full abdication, at this point.

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He relieved them of their positions on the board. The most important thing was getting them off the school board before they could do even more damage. Charges may come from the grand jury to prosecute them. After all, isn't that what a grand jury is convened to do?

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The sole job of a grand jury is to return indictments that prosecutors can choose to prosecute, or not.

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Wouldn’t this now open up the Board members to lawsuits from the Parkland parents?

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Gosh, I sure hope so.

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Of all the plausible uniparty candidates for Pres., certainly Desantis is the least unacceptable. If for some reason I was offered the opportunity to vote for him, I'd want a better understanding of the Rebekah Jones affair. Her story is the sort of thing we know deep state bureaucrats do repeatedly, but I have no knowledge of what really happened. I prefer to avoid heat, humidity, hurricanes, mosquitos, and so do not live in Florida.

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Do you not believe the Florida Office of Inspector General found her claims to be unsubstantiated or unfounded, and exonerated officials she accused of wrongdoing?

As a former longhaul truck driver, I have been in places from coast to coast that have heat, humidity, hurricanes, blizzards and mosquitos other than Florida. IMO, southern Louisiana is far more insufferable than Florida.

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I’d move to Florida immediately if my husband could tolerate humidity!

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That's why we have air conditioning. You'll get used to it.

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It’s not me; I can do that, but my husband never did. After 12 years in NC, we now live most of the year in SD. :)

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Just as you will when your smart meter shuts off your air conditioning instead of your entire electrical service.

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The Ocala area is lovely and doesn't have as much humidity as the coasts do. Same for The Villages.

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I've been a snowbird for 20+ years.

Florida, south Texas, and Arizona have similar winter temperatures, with the latter having the lowest humidity.

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Thanks. We’ll be snowbirds for the first time this coming year, and we chose NC since our 2 children live there. Florida would have been my first choice except for that fact.

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I thought that NC got snow.

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Not much, especially away from the mountain area. So minimal and warm compared to a SD winter, that we consider it snowbirding …

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...and now, unfortunately, the lowest water source?

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As a result of having the highest geoengineering load.

It is going to be interesting when Lake Mead and Lake Powell cease to have enough water to generate electricity to power the burgeoning electric car sales.

There is more terrascaping in Arizona to save the water for the crops in the southwestern part of the state which compete with those in the worse off one in California, who haven't, yet, benefited from the proximity of the Pacific Ocean by substantial desalination.

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Ms. Jones lied and it has been well documented.

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Can you cite it for those who doubt everything the media tells us, with good cause?

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Nothing personal, but the New York Post is called the New York Pest for good reasons:-)

A Florida source would have a lot more credibility.

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Hey, do your own research. Ever hear of Google, Duck Duck Go, Brave, Bing? Try one or more out.

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Wake up, folks! Wall Street and RNC purchased DeSaintis as the "acceptable alternative to Trump" right as Trump's home was raided. Don't say I didn't warn you.

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Sheesh...that is NOT true. Go soak your head.

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What are you warning us about, exactly?

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Remember how Giuliani is called America’s Mayor? DeSantis is Americas Governor.

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Fortumately, New York City is New York's City.

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Acting on a tip from Paul Pelosi, I bought stock in all the companies that make black felt tip pens. At the rate DOJ is using them, I expect to retire early on my gains.

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Aug 27, 2022·edited Aug 27, 2022

The Broward school board suspensions awakened me to the fact that there have been no school shootings of major note since the Ocala, TX one. So many unanswered questions there as well and went away with all the next fear porn news cycles. I wonder when more convenient school shootings will occur? Likely after the election when the Dems, surprisingly retain the Congress. Then it will be full on to strip the second amendment completely from the Constitution.

It’s almost pathetically amusing to listen to Fox News try to tie J6 to the raid while saying this is such an abomination of justice, and unprecedented in the annals of American history. I think “unprecedented” should be the word of the last two years, maybe the century. If only Fox, and I’m talking you Tucker, had the stones to keep the story in the news about the J6 detainees/jailed inmates who are being held without charges and no one wants to touch this more than a one time denunciation.

Amazing how this has been the news cycle for two almost three weeks, and it’s the same regurgitated garbage we’ve had for a decade.

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I was thinking the same thing about the convenient school shootings.

Lets somehow encourage Tucker re: J6

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“clear evidence of incompetence, neglect of duty, misfeasance or malfeasance” - Surely, this could be applicable to just about any 3 lettered agency. C'mon, how hard is this?

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Hey Eric. This is completely off subject but I wanted to reach out because there was a discussion a month ago today regarding getting off acid reflux pharma pills. Lots of advice for this of us on that subject.

Well. I went off them the next day. I’ve been free of prescription acid reflux pharma pills for one month today! I stopped drinking all soda, backed way off spicy choices but not all. The only other thing I did was guzzle 🤮 a glass of water with 1 tsp apple cider vinegar for the first three days, then waited about two days and did it again. Repeated that for another week. Added in some after meal papaya enzymes regularly. Now for the past week and a half have used nothing! I feel liberated!!

Just wanted to thank you for starting the discussion as everyone’s input was great.

Hoping you have been able to find something that works for you as you embarked on this jour way too!

PS- I had been taking them for almost 10 years

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Awesome! I went through a massive detox......and it was brutal for 2 weeks. Off of all meds now! The only thing I do is swig a bit of Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar a couple of times a day. Reflux has disappeared. Imagine.

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That’s excellent! Congratulations!! 🙌

The first two weeks were hardest for me too. I was skeptical it would work. One day I gave up and took the pill out of desperation. But then kept trying. Same ACV for me too as research showed it needed to have the mother so I used Braggs too. After the 2 weeks it got better, and then all last week (week 4) nothing at all. I can feel it at times but I’m not afraid to chug ACV now 😂

I was on one other pharma garbage pill that was causing hair loss but had the benefit I needed. I got determined. Went off that and it’s been 3 months without that too! Hair still hasn’t grown back but I’m hopeful.

It really is liberating to be free of them. I have one more pill for my thyroid I don’t know that I can be free of. But only on one makes me so incredibly happy!! 🙌

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I would suggest contacting a homeopath for the hair loss issue as there are remedies for that.

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Trying to find one

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I would recommend Ellen Bench, Stevensville, MT. She was recommended to me from someone in Kansas.


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Eating more, and better,, protein is frequently efficacious.

Hair loss is common among vegans.

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Haha. I’m definitely not a vegan or vegetarian but good info for those who are.

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Just be careful slugging ACV. It can be very corrosive to the enamel on your teeth I hear.

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Yes. I saw that in my research. Each time I use it I also rinse my mouth several times so it doesn’t sit on my teeth. 😉

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Use a straw. Same goes for ascorbic acid

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Try emu oil shampoos or conditioners. They help restore scalp balance and promote hair growth naturally.

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Kudos to you all for adopting a healthier route to wellbeing!!!! 🎉

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You might also look into Liquid Chlorophyll ES from Nature’s Sunshine. I’m no spokesperson, but can attest to it’s digestive system support. Digestive issues run in my family. I’ve spent years trying lots of different treatments. Best results for me have been diet changes and adding the above mentioned remedy to my morning bio coffee. I haven’t taken any prescriptions for heartburn in several years. An interesting article for the curious. https://www.iherb.com/blog/chlorophyll/1397

Don’t wait around for the FDA to support natural remedies like liquid chlorophyll. They’re too busy making sure we’re pumped full of food dyes, toxic preservatives, toxic ingredients, liberalism, poisonous pesticides, wokeism, fake meat, fake news, bugs, Bill Gates’s fantasies and DNA altering jabs.

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Lemon juice worked for me. As did lots of turmeric, ginger and raw honey.

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Fantastic Eric, glad to hear it. You deserve a bowl of your fav ice cream.

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Acid reflux disease is a frequent misdiagnosis of hypochlorhydria, which can be confirmed by consuming apple cider vinegar.

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Levothyroxine is the only thing I take. My homeopathist thinks it's helpful and supportive and is fine with it. She nearly had a fit when she found out I was prescribed Prilosec. I got inflammation after taking a vaccine by the way. Right before the pandemic shutdowns. That's why I was prescribed the Prilosec.

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Hypochlorhydria should be eliminated as a cause for what Prilosec is frequently prescribed for.

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Aug 27, 2022·edited Aug 29, 2022

Homeopathy (and improving my cellular mag level) has helped me reduce my thyroid meds by half

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My homeopathist gave me a remedy but it didn't really work. I had the feeling I wasn't ready. How have you improved your cellular magnesium level? I take powdered magnesium citrate. Is that what you've used?

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If one remedy in homeopathy doesn’t work, it means likely it wasn’t the correct remedy for you. Homeopathy treats people, not the disease. So many times, apparently, the same diagnosis may need different remedies in different people, based on how the diagnosis manifests in symptoms.

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If anyone has heard of a way to get off Levothyroxine for thyroid, let us know!

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Look up “Joette Calabrese thyroid” or her name with hypothyroid. She doesn’t give you a plan for gettIng off necessarily, but she describes ways of supporting the body with homeopathic medicines (which are all natural) that may uproot the condition and allow levothyroxine dose to be reduced or, perhaps eventually, eliminated. She does NOT recommend stopping thyroid meds on one’s own or without consulting one’s physician.

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Thank you. I will check her out.

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When I lived in Greece in 2012 and took a nice long break and ate really clean food and hung out and had no stress I didn't need it. 🥰 But then, it was back to reality, and full steam ahead in the States. I think it has been in large part my restless pursuit of the almighty $$$ that is done me in. That and the stress and toxicity that I've experienced in this country pretty much since the '80s. I was a kid in the '70s, but I don't think it would have been a cakewalk being cognizant of Nixon and his shenanigans either. I'm 55 now, and feel like I'm just approaching being solid financially. So I'm hoping to ease off now. But the globalists seem to be ramping up. That's another reason why I like to be on substack blogs like this. To get information that might help me protect myself that I'll never hear in the lame stream.

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Ah, that demon stress! Very difficult, in this day and age, to remove oneself from the toxicity. My faith walk and retirement helps but it can be an ongoing struggle.


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Have you tried Googling "a way to get off Levothyroxine for thyroid?"

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Yes. Haven’t found anyone that offers a solution.

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I missed this discussion, but water can be a miracle cure for acid reflux. Read, The Body's Many Cries for Water.

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I did increase my water a lot (because I wasn’t drinking pop anymore).

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Happy for you! I carry papaya enzymes wherever I go and they have never let me down....plus, they taste good.

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That demented, degraded loser in the WH revokes Presidential privilege? I have absolutely no idea what world I'm in anymore. Sorta like if an "emergency" can revoke all the inherent natural rights of the individual, well, then the individual doesn't actually have any rights then, does he?

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The idea a current president can revoke a former president's priviledge strike my non-lawyer mind as absurd. How could that even possibly be legitimately legal?

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He's disposable, he does not care. Jeff is right about the others' silence. Chilling.

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Aug 27, 2022·edited Aug 27, 2022

A meme going around yesterday pretty much said it all.

Headlined FBI affidavit….blacked out page except for the words…ORANGE MAN BAD.

I’m glad there are people with legal minds to sift through all this, but seriously, to my non-legal mind, this summed it up nicely.

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Right Now, I'm thinking about HEAVILY redacting my 2022 tax return.

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The left is consumed with Trump hate................something is Trump must really disturb the demonic spirit in them because good folks would not do what they do

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It’s not just the left. TDS is alive and well among many supposed conservatives, who mostly like and benefit from the Uniparty. It’s all about what they fear losing, I think. Some wouldn’t admit it and make mealy mouthed claims about their past support.

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I so appreciate your knowledge in the law to break this down into words even I can understand. Thanks for all you do, Jeff!

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"For years, bereaved Parkland parents believed the school board was responsible for the deaths, for implementing ineffective woke disciplinary policies and diverting grant money that should have gone to safety equipment and staff to woke programs instead."

Here is a book well worth reading on the subject. Written by the father of one of the victims. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/43309899-why-meadow-died

Why Meadow Died: The People and Policies That Created The Parkland Shooter and Endanger America's Students

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That book was an eye opener!! A must read for all Americans!

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Joe doesn't know what's going on. This is O's third term, behind the curtain, with Susan Rice.

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That's what I think as well.

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