May 21, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Good news! Brazil's president says they will not sign the treaty to give WHO any authority in their country. I hope the petitions we sign here do the same.

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Good for Brazil! Someone's got some balls!

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Fat chance since the USA is pushing this WHO crap. Yes we must fight it but deck looks stacked yet again.

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November can't come soon enough.

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Do you have a link to the petitions?

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That is SPECTACULAR news!!

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If they start trying to mask the monkeys we've got a plot for a new Planet of the Apes movie. I can already see the trailer.....Crazy ass gorillas dragging Fauci behind a horse. I'd pay top dollar for that.

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Send the flying monkeys!

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After he's been drug and covered in horse excrement, the creepy flying monkeys can cart that heinous Munchkin off to the castle of the Wicked Witch of the WEST for torturing. His vocal cords cut, so he can't cry out, his head stuck in a box of sand fleas, for them to strip the skin off his ugly little head. --- I've had 2 Beagle mixes. The sweetest most gentle dogs. He deserves what he did to those precious little dogs, only worse.

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i so agree.

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Hell will hold him in a special section. Revenge is mine says the Lord!

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MONKEYsteria: Best Monkeypox Memes

- Monkeypox (the "K" is silent) is COMING to get you, but the memes are already here!


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I’ll bring the popcorn lol

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I'm there in that theater with ya, Eric! Hopefully, the horses (I want to see a team drag him!) take a good dump during the drag! 😁 Big smiles all around. 😁

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Looking forward to your piece on 🙈🙊🙉 pox!!!

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He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High

Will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.

I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress,

My God, in whom I trust!”

For it is He who delivers you from the snare of the trapper

And from the deadly pestilence.

He will cover you with His pinions,

And under His wings you may seek refuge;

His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark.

— Psalm 91:1-4

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I skipped the details about “monkey pox” in Jeff’s newsletter because it’s just too gross and I didn’t want those mental images.

Also, I shared this Scripture not because I believe these things the rulers of this world are using to try to control us amount to anything. They are only pathetic fear mongering tactics. I shared it because it’s a beautiful and comforting passage.

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I love this psalm! Thank you for sharing it.

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I was praying that today. Live faithful and fearless that’s my goal.

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That is the real faith. Do not follow the false humans. You got an immune system and when your time comes, die in peace. Why try to live a few days longer amidst beeps and blurping machines?

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This is what I’ve told my children. I want to go in peace; no hospice killers, no hazemat suited beings.

But only God knows how it will end.

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Yes! I want a t-shirt that says something like “I live and breathe in faith, not fear!” Maybe with a 😷 with a🚫over it.

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I find myself feeling so aggravated out in public, but it has gotten better as the Lord has reminded me to walk in freedom.

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Janice, I've never been one to think much about God, Jesus, or the Bible, but these past 2+ years have changed my whole outlook. I now refer to my Bible for comfort and support, and I now acknowledge that God and all the angels walk with me and protect me. I try to comfort others with the knowledge that GOD will work everything out and with the knowledge that, even if good does not prevail in our lifetime, we will eventually be seated at the right hand of God in eternal splendor.

So, I guess you could say that this scamdemic, these ungodly public officials, have been a blessing, not a curse, at least for me.

Thank you for sharing!

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Laura-ann, thank you for sharing this. Your comments made me think of these verses:

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

— Romans 8:28

[God our Savior] who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

— 1 Timothy 2:4

May He draw us all ever closer to His heart and to truth.

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Love this! My rock in life!

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Perfect scripture to carry around these days!

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I ADORE this Psalm!

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May 21, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I always knew ‘masking’ up was a control mechanism and THEY will keep using it. Last night I attended the visitation of a young wife, mother, teacher who had lost a 3 year battle with Stage IV breast cancer. She was a very well liked person in the community so I knew the visitation would be crowded. It was spread out over 3 rooms so, it did not seem as crowded, but there were at least a 100 people while we were there. I saw two people of those hundred masked. And these were not just the paper masks, they were the new, knock off n95’s. I have come to the conclusion that these perpetual mask wearers totally believe in their warped minds, this will save them when everyone else is dead from a virus with the potency of a bad cold. I no longer wish to hear about medical complications that keep them in masks, it’s bologna, and every sane person knows it.

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Yesterday, driving back from the club, I saw some (obviously brain dead) guy in his car, all alone, with his mask pasted tightly to his face. Ya never know when a rogue germ will come flying through the air vent.

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May 21, 2022·edited May 21, 2022

Reading your comment I had the mental picture of a “Mr. T” viron coming thru the car vent yelling “HA! I GOT YOU, SUCKA!!!”

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My job is back to forcing the face diapers. Even without the mandate some people never took them off. Sick times we live in .. and no i am not talking about the virus 😆

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I’m sorry to hear that Ken.

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Sorry i work with and live in a state full of mindless drones. Funny i was wearing my fake mask (on my chin) and a perma-masker asked about it. Another colleague was wearing his and she wanted to know wear i got it … er … Amazon (actually Fakemaskusa) lol.. she sees the mesh and asks if it works. What i was thinking “no masks work, this one def doesnt work” lol .. instead i said well it will still stop spit, etc .. so yea sort of” lol.. i gave her one. Cant wait to see her in a fake mask 😂

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That is so hilarious! 😂😂

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So sad.... Seriously Sad....

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Yes Laurie! But, I’m honestly TIRED of looking at these people. Here in Commifornia, the grocery stores are packed with these morons. It’s like being in a sci-fi movie. No one smiles, laughs, talks. It’s truly pathetic. I live under the protection of God, not man.

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I once felt sorry for those who are still wearing masks, believing they were so inundated with fear that wouldn't be able to function without them. Now, I am just over it. They have not ceased living, they are just living in the lie, and by ignoring the facts they are supporting the lie. DONE!

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Very good comment, and I'm very sad for your loss. Also, you know you're a classy writer when you spell it "bologna" and not "baloney".

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"Is that a monkey in your sauna or are you just happy to see me?"

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May 21, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

As an eye doctor I would strongly advise all of you NOT to scrub your eyeballs with baking soda and a toothbrush! Why do people keep calling for REFORM or REPLACEMENT of people at these agencies (NIH, FDA, CDC) These agencies need to be disbanded. Remember when the antitrust laws were used to breakup ATT and "bust" standard oil? The Sherman anti trust act was never even needed. ITs origin lay in jealously and and attempt by lessor competitors to hamstring competition and establish a protectionist monopoly. So we never should have had the SHerman anti trust act for the private sector. BUT in the public sector we have the NIH MONOPOLIZING medical research funding. WHy isnt this a glaring problem to everyone. Monopolies result in poor quality and high prices, conflicts of interest and corruption. The story yesturday about administrative law was very interesting and salient to this. These federal health agencies have no legal or moral right to control drugs, suspend leases or do anything that they currently do...

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The elephant in the room must have Monkeypox.

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Everything is a monopoly now, with two Mega Corps. owning everything. It's just smoke and mirrors.

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It seems that way. But its not the fault of capitalism or corporations per se. its the consolidation of political power and corporate power. People call it by different names:Merchantilism, corporatism , fascism . The concentration of political and taxing power is to


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May 21, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I’ll see your bio weapon theory and raise you one more. We need to see what the jab status is on these people who are symptomatic with this virus. We know it induces an immune deficiency in some people. If this virus has been around since 2018 it has likely spread all over the world and is just now presenting symptomatically , whereas before, a healthy immune system could suppress symptomatic expression.

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May 21, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Yup, latent virus activation due to vaccine induced immunosuppression. Same thing happening with shingles. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S027869152200206X

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And who has it, again? Remember the 1980s, the "AIDS" epidemic, and the real cause of the issues being seen. Certain "lifestyles" are hell on the immune system also!

(If you don't recognize the references, read "The Real Anthony Fouci." You will.)

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Poppers and all night sex orgies enters the chat.

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I don't even want to know where the lesions are showing up

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I certainly hope we do not see those pictures. I'm a PG rated person. :)

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Well, that explains why they keep plagiarizing photos of shingles...

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Same thing is happening with tuberculosis. A family member was recently diagnosed with scrofula, a cutaneous form of tuberculosis. She must have been exposed at some point because she had positive tb skin tests in the past and had to screen with chest x-ray instead. Took the vaccine and has now been dealing with scrofula for close to a year. It's so rare it took that long for a diagnosis!

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The A-Z vax was built on a "deactivated" monkeypox chassis. Another coinkeydink.

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The jab…

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Yes, I was going to post this too. There's not really any clear evidence for origin yet, but a previously-asymptomatic virus now revealing itself is certainly a possibility. (As others said, see shingles etc.)

I've said before, the worst part about all this is, given everything that's happened, it's impossible to trust any information enough to rule out most conspiracy theories any more - most of the time there is at least one other possible explanation, but governments etc have all destroyed their own credibility so badly that people can no longer be ENTIRELY sure that it's mere incompetence or coincidence. (The world is a crazy random place - I would bet that at least one of the "suspicious" happenings recently is a genuine coincidence, but who the heck knows WHICH one is the coincidence and which ones aren't?)

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May 21, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Im a member of the AAPS, the Assoc of AMerican Physicians and surgeons, which is an org dedicated to the private practice of medicine. They oppose any and all gov meddling, intrusion, control funding and regulation of medical care, research or insurance. There is an article in the current newsletter comparing many American citizens to "non-player characters " (NPCs) in a video game. People who just accept everything and never question. People who speak in memes and hackneyed clichés and repeat the same thing over and over and get uncomfortable when you challenge what they think they know


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May 21, 2022·edited May 21, 2022

Thanks for this link to the AAPS - an org I was unaware of.

So much of this article was notable and quotable, but just to encourage other readers of this substack, here is but one excerpt:

“The takeover [of the medical profession] by cultural Marxists is virtually complete. They have discovered that they only need a small majority to rule. In Western democracies convincing 51% is as good as convincing 99%. But the Narrative can be implemented without a majority; all that is needed is to convince the brainwashed college graduates whose connections and status will propel them into leadership positions in academia and industry.”

This was a very scary, but at least hopeful pulling back of the curtain for those who are not medical pros.

Sincere thanks.

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no problem. AAPS has been a great comfort and resource to me. There is actually quite a large cohort of docs out there who hate the direction organized medicine has taken. The consolidation, the rise of third party payment, managed care, worst of all is medicare. Medicare is welfare medicine for old people. When social security was proposed in the 1930s part of it was supposed to me medicare as well, but this was blocked b/c of efforts by doctors and true old right conservatives. THe medicare program was blocked and stymied and delayed until 1965 when the progressives were finally able to ram it though. Harry Truman famously was the first person to get a medicare card in a ceremony in 1965. even then the people promoting medicare wanted it to apply to everyone. They wanted a state takeover of the medical system. fortunately that was stopped. now we have worth of both worlds. the Over 65 crowd have their care coordinated and paid for by a soviet style polit-boro called the "centers for medicare" which is part of the federal executive dept of health and human services. So we have politicized medical care for old people. ( a giant dependancy vote) and then we have the commercial sector which is heavily , agnoizingly regulated by all kinds of state and federal codes and mandates; worst of all the Affordable care act.

75% or more of all US health care spending is funnelled and controleld by the US fed gov.

It essentially is a regulated monopoly at this point. and once again what do you get with monopolies: high prices and low quality. Welcome to the US healthcare system.

So imagine how those of us feel when knowing all this we see and hear people like Bernie Sanders talking about EXPANDING medicare to the entire population . INSANITY. Epic shakespearian levels of economic ignorance, political pandering and fear mongering.

Then we have these giant federal health agencies like NIH which controls grants from tax money. The system is like the federal reserve, or the defense industry; a giant crony cartel that serves the interests of a few well connected powerful people.

Dr G Keith Smith, a physician at the Surgery center of Oklahoma has written about this.



John Goodman in his book "priceless" talks about this

THere is no free market in medicine , insurance or even research in the US and the West anymore. AS a result we have stagnation, high prices, decreasing accessibility and quality.


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What a small world - the LewRockwell.com article you posted was from the partner of another anesthesiologist, who happens to be an old friend of mine - Dr. Steve Lantier.

Despite being very aware of their “no-govt-money” medical practice for years now, it took the COVID scamdemic with its mandatory death sentences … uh, I mean … *CMS medical protocols* to awaken me to how bad our current system is and how badly socialized govt run healthcare really is. We are well and truly screwed as things stand today.

Nonetheless it gives me the slightest glimmer of hope that at least *some* doctors are aware of the problem. Thanks for being one of them.

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Marxists don't have or need anywhere near 51%. They play by different rules, where reasonable people do NOT disagree, so if you disagree, you must be UNreasonable and destroyed. Weakness gets rolled over, as we've found in the most grotesque school boards lately. We must stay alert and hang together, or we will surely hang separately.

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Umm....they cheat. Those are not rules. Liars and cheats will never rule in my house and I have guns with ammo.

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Sounds like a mental illness kind of thing to me.

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May 21, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Spitting my coffee out everywhere this morning! 🤣😂 thx for the laughs Jeff!

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Here, too, Bridget!

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"Meanwhile, New York City’s Health Department recommended yesterday that people wear masks to stop the spread of monkeypox."

First we had cloth masks, then we were supposed to use paper masks, then N95s masks, but based on the way the monkey pox is transmitted, sounds like they'll want us to wear leather masks.

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I think I hear “YMCA” playing in the distance… 🎶

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And as Jerry Seinfeld said, "Not that there's anything wrong with that!"

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Can we wear monkey masks?

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Thanks for this information. This is rather interesting to piece together. Dr. Malone just released a post that I find rather succinct and really grounded that adds to this factor.


The most important thing about monkeypox is that although it is similar to smallpox it's not the same so people drawing comparisons to smallpox are really not being factual.

Monkeypox is also a double stranded DNA based virus, which means that it is the least likely of all forms of viruses to undergo mutations. RNA viruses undergo mutations at a much faster rate, and single stranded (SARS-COV2 is a single stranded RNA virus).

From what this appears to me is that there may have been some travel occurring to these regions of Europe where these activities were occurring. Personally, I really don't care what people do, and it may not be transmitted through sexual contact but that sexual contact would put you into close proximity to someone for a decent period of time.

I guess we should see if there were any exotic animals around the area? That seems to be the plausible factor- exotic animals nearby a large group of people in this case, unlike a certain Wuhan market.

Either way it's not time to lose our heads and we should remember that institutions prey on the fearful. If they see us being fearful it only gives them incentive to further their endeavors.

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This is too much!! Laughing out loud. Scrubbing your eyeballs with a toothbrush and baking soda...belly laugh! But having been a Russian major as I stated in previous posts, I can read all of Sir Jeffrey's newsletters and recall Chekhov's quote of "laughter through tears". What has happened to the intellect of the masses??? Since I now reside in FL, I rejoice at all the ways we are the new mythbusters!!! The whiners in all the other states can keep their fear porn rolling... my response will always be, "SCOREBOARD!!"

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May 21, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff-your Monkeypox coverage may be your best yet! Thanks for doing the googling and research so we can spare our eyeballs ;)

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Bridget posted this recently, but it was late and most missed it. Devastating!

THIS IS ON THE NIH.GOV site! Send it around!



(Here's a backup: https://archive.ph/tOURi# )


The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history, characterized by official lies in an unending stream lead by government bureaucracies, medical associations, medical boards, the media, and international agencies

--- another snip -----

When this pandemic started, hospitals were ordered by the CDC to follow a treatment protocol that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of patients, most of whom would have recovered had proper treatments been allowed.[43,44] The majority of these deaths could have been prevented had doctors been allowed to use early treatment with such products as Ivermectin, hydroxy-chloroquine and a number of other safe drugs and natural compounds.


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How the heck did this manage to get on the NIH website? Glad it's been archived!

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Can you believe it? That writer has to be one of us! It was perfect. Perhaps the best wrap up of the covid scamdemic. Hosted by the nih.gov itself... is this an Elon prank? lol

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Hat tip to whoever is responsible!

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I read this yesterday! It’s excellent!

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May 21, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers


Great news about Oklahoma. But check out Michigan….our official law on the books provides an exception ONLY for the LIFE of the mother.

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Any ob/gyn worth his salt will tell you that situation does not exist. And Everett Koop said “In my 36 years in pediatric surgery,

I've never known of one instance where the child had to be aborted to save

the mother’s life.”

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Very very rare but here’s one. …

Gianna Molla, a pediatrician. When pregnant with her 4th child doctors discovered she had developed a fibroma in her uterus, meaning she was carrying both a baby and a tumor.

Doctors gave her three choices: an abortion, which would save her life and allow her to continue to have children, but take the life of the child she carried;

a complete hysterectomy, which would preserve her life, but take the unborn child's life, and prevent further pregnancy;

or removal of only the fibroma, with the potential of further complications, which could save the life of her baby.

She asked that they save her baby. They operated and child's life was saved and she continued the pregnancy . However complications continued throughout her pregnancy. She recognized she may lose her life during delivery. Dr. Gianna was quite clear about her wishes, expressing to her family, "If you must decide between me and the child, do not hesitate: choose the child! I insist on it. Save the baby."

The baby was delivered by Caesarean section. The doctors tried many treatments and procedures to ensure both lives would be saved. However, a week after the baby was born, Gianna passed away from septic peritonitis.

What a saint!

When an operation’s goal is to save the life of the mother and a side effect is the loss of the baby it is a loss of life but very different from intentional abortion.

This type of situation has always been considered medically different from voluntary abortion and to my knowledge has always been legal. An ObGyn could confirm this.

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Thank you for sharing St. Gianna's story. I always think of her when that issue is brought up in abortion debates. It's the only exception I would recognize as valid, but as you've pointed out, it's different than a standard abortion anyway, but even then I know that if it does come down to that awful choice, I would want my baby to live. And I would look to St. Gianna for guidance and pray for strength.

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When excepted for rape or incest it seems to me that what they’re saying is that a persons value derives from who their bio dad is. Patriarchal?

Rape or incest should be capital crimes with the victim choosing the method of execution from a list of methods no less than 500 years old.

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I remember reading about a pro-life activist who was the product of her mother's rape, and I believe it was the argument for that exception that got her involved in the movement. When her friends voiced that opinion, she asked them if they thought she should have been aborted and they said, "of course not, we didn't mean you!" and she replied, "then who exactly did you mean?" The baby is always an innocent victim in those situations.

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Thanks, Mike.

It is indeed just like the “ultra conservative” Okla legislature to pass a bill that is seemingly conservative while leaving a loophole wider and more open than the Tallgrass Prairie for the evil to saunter thru.

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My Michigan needs a good housecleaning!!

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Then could you send them plus extra helpers for Oregon?

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thanks for taking the time to read comments MR childers. This vac mandate and testing regime for healthcare workers is so pointless and toxic. It has to stop soon. Also checkout the decision in Louisiana by the gov to suspend mandatory vax for schools. THe attn gen of Louisiana pushed this and pressured the gov. This AG seems like a great team reality asset! Do you know him? The city of N Orleans apparently is exempt from the state law b/c of some historical quirk in the law. Also this is very relevant for me b/c my 18 yo son will be started LSU in Baton Rouge this year. he had natural covid in AUg 21 and was never vaxxed. THe failure to recognize natural immunity and force this vax on kids is a monstrous moral crime. There absolutely must be penalties and accountability. Im at a point where once my younger son finishes high school in 3 years I am looking to move away from NJ and possibly change my career focus from practicing clinical ophthalmology. I have a biochemistry background. Im very well versed in Austrian econ and ive read and studied broadly in history and philo. I've probably read just about everything Ludwig Mises and Murray Rothbard every wrote. THe more I read and learn the more I understand that this covid episode represented a psychotic fascist episode in AMerican and world history. These trends must be resisted. We need to restore federalism and roll back the state. Drown it in a bathtub, remember that one from Grover Norquist.

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Good perspective and good comments. I think partnering with good, like-minded people like you, and Jeff and others on this blog is where our future hope lies

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Those of us who still retain a decent sense of right and wrong, those of us who have ability, ambition, prudence, compassion , have been busy building our families, careers, businesses , relationships and have allowed sociopaths to take over the reins of the state apparatus. These people a weak. They are bullies, cowards, liars. Their end is nigh

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What I wouldn't give to have a doctor who's read Mises and Rothbard. :)

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What i wouldnt give to have more patients who understand that “dr” fauci is one of the greatest villains in human history

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There's got to be a way for patients and doctors who both have their eyes open to find each other!

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Maybe an app that can be like a clearinghouse or listings through americas frontline doctors

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Yes! I would use that. :)

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Is the mandatory vax suspended for college students in Louisiana? I was thinking that since it’s been added to the required immunizations for college that that would remain?

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Its ridiculous how if u search google or other news sites u wont find this but here it is. Check w the Louisiana health dept



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