The legal and narrative connection between Covid-authoritarians in government and civil society using private actors and civil court judges to circumvent Constitutional limitations on violating bodily integrity in the two contexts - abortion and masks/lockdowns/injections — makes a lot of sense.

But I’ve had a number of conversations with people who have already identified it as a hypocrisy issue: those who believe that bodily integrity should not be violated with masks and inoculations (“my body my choice”) should also believe that it shouldn’t be violated with abortion restrictions.

From that legal and narrative linkage, if the Texas law stands, and spreads, and successfully superimposes the private actor civil enforcement of abortion restrictions, then it also solidifies the private actor/employer/business-owner Covid intrusion on bodily integrity of masking and injections and any other medical intervention the government and its private sector enforcers choose to impose now and in the future.

I can see how that’s a win for pro-lifers currently seeking to protect the lives of the unborn.

I can’t see how that’s anything but a loss for those who want to protect their own lives and their children from harmful and increasingly deadly government-issued medical prescriptions and want to protect the liberties of all other individuals to make those medical decisions for themselves and their children without government or private sector interference.

If the idea is to somehow later try to make a distinction between types of medical decisions subject to private/civil litigation oversight, and make abortion in the “yes” category and masking and injections in the “no” category, I don’t see how that works.

Further, it opens a door to a future piece of legislation in which an ideologically-opposite Texas or other legislature could grant future private citizens the right to file civil suits to force women to submit to abortions, if that future majority wants to eliminate rather than protect babies.

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NJ & NY - and I presume other government entities - published phone lines so people could tattle on neighbors and shop keepers who gathered outside of their immediate households and who were maskless on the street or elsewhere or eating in restaurants or singing in church, etc. The rats didn't have the ability to sue directly, but they were encouraged to act as police informants - anonymously. This may not be a legal parallel to the my body/my choice work-arounds, but it certainly is a cultural precedent setting up regular citizens acting as enforcers.

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Pro lifers mean well, but they have the same single mindedness of the Covidians, and calling this any kind of victory, and deciding they are FINE with ending bodily autonomy after all, and disregarding actually born and living children really really shows this

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I agree, if they really tried to go for that trade off/betrayal. Again, I suspect it's more to make points about double standards, since it would be inappropriate to tank shields we can use against vaccine tyranny on behalf of anti-abortion/pro-life. I sure wouldn't back that. We must use all the power we have, not leave arrows in the quiver as our side always does, acting like we're in a game of badminton by Marquis of Queensberry Rules while domestic enemies of the USA fights it as a war to win and USE power when they have it, as they always do. For the past 60 years, it's like the primary moral consideration of otherwise sensible Americans is to know how to lose well, but above all, lose.

Whether or not one opposes abortion, Roe v. Wade & many other decisions were surely correct to the extent they reinforce or lead to rights to privacy, to be free of forced medical treatment etc.

Check this out from Attorney Larry Becraft's outstanding motion for preliminary injunction on behalf of America's Frontline Doctors (must read motion!):

"In the Supreme Court’s seminal “right to die” case, Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Dept. of Health, 497 U.S. 261 (1990), it addressed whether an individual in a persistent vegetative state could require a hospital to withdraw life-sustaining medical care based on her right to bodily integrity. 479 U.S. at 265-69. Chief Justice Rehnquist noted that “[b]efore the turn of this century, [the Supreme Court] observed that ‘no right is held more sacred, or is more carefully guarded, by the common law, than the right of every individual to the possession and control of his own person, free from all restraint or interference of others, unless by clear and unquestionable authority of law.’” Id. at 269 (quoting Union Pacific R. Co. v. Botsford, 141 U.S. 250, 251 (1891). He continued: “This notion of bodily integrity has been embodied in the requirement that informed consent is generally required for medical treatment,” Id. at 269, “generally encompass[es] the right of a competent individual to refuse medical treatment,” Id. at

277, and is a right that “may be inferred from [the Court’s] prior decisions.” Id. at 278-79 (citing Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905); Breithaupt v. Abram, 352 U.S. 432 (1957); Washington v. Harper, 494 U.S. 210 (1990); Vitek v. Jones, 445 U.S. 480 (1980); Parham v. J.R., 442 U.S. 584 (1979).)."


The right to privacy and to be free of medical tyranny predates Roe v. Wade. It's clearly inherent in the Bill of Rights, not specifically enumerated, but implied, and not just in those 9th-10th Amendment catch-alls. I have no issue with those two emanations and penumbras and neither would the framers.

I couldn't view online, so I downloaded. It's worth it.

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Yep. Hope he's right, but the analysis 'seems' likely to have been a bit euphoric and too easily portrayed as "cake and eat it too" in and out of court. The author has a great sense of humor, so I figure that's what this is.

If a "you do it so we can too" argument were actually deployed in court, would legal victory of the pro-life Texas paradigm imply victory of the "Your Body My Choice" covid injection paradigm? Would the Supreme Court say "yeah, we're cool with both of those"? I oppose abortion, but a side-door way to stop abortion (which as you say could even legally cover forced abortions), would not justify rolling over for perpetual medical tyranny in return.

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The pro-life argument against "my body, my choice", is that it's not your body that is being destroyed. It's the baby's. So it would seem to be a matter of establishing a baby's personhood in utero, and thus, it's right to life.

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The Pro-LIfe people need to start saying "Baby's body, My choice?" just to clarify the issue and keep it in focus.

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"Our bodies, my choice" is something I read somewhere, maybe choice42's website? She has phenomenal videos about this stuff.

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Yes, and that’s also the argument used by the forced-injection advocates: you must do it because your refusal endangers others. I realize the data on infection and transmission don’t support their argument, and also that they don’t care about the data. They argue on the principle of an individual’s obligation to comply to protect society, as a condition of being a member of society.

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I realize that the left requires neither logic nor consistency in their argument, but this is not as much a rebuttal as it might appear. In the pro-life case, there's no question abortion ends a life, once you admit that the baby is, in fact, alive and human. In the vax mandates, you're forcing a prophylactic action which may or may not save a life and the life it might actually end, is yours. There is no legal precedent that I am aware of, that requires anyone to risk their own life to save another. This applies in cases of abortion as well, as everyone agrees that an abortion is an acceptable choice if you're saving the mother's life.

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The data is garbage. It's been skewed since the beginning. As just one example, Google totally rigs the search results to reflect the bogus narrative. Reminds me of a quote attributed to Mark Twain, though I believe it was a congressman of the times: "There are 3 kinds of lies.....Lies, damned lies, and statistics."

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Dr Peter McCullough says these Experimental Gene Therapy injections are killing people and they must be pulled off the market immediately.


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Thank you for information about the Fried news conference. A liberal “friend” on FB sent me the link to it, saying it proved masks are needed. Now I can counter with facts.

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From the article. “First, Biden’s team taught blue counties how to pass emergency orders making private BUSINESSES force customers to breathe through wet fabric. See how easy that was? It’s just BUSINESSES making people do it — not government. So, no pesky legal problems! (I am making an assumption that it was Biden’s team, because it was clearly orchestrated by SOMEONE since it happened in unison all over the country in all the blue counties with close affiliations to the Biden Administration, all at the same time. Ditto for the jabs.) Thank you Mr Childers, I told many friends of mine early on that Biden probably sent goons to CEO’s of large corporations, especially those under heavy federal regulations, to push mandates, and make offers they couldn’t refuse. Along with suitcases full of cash to make said offers more palatable. Keep up the good work!

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From the article. “First, Biden’s team taught blue counties how to pass emergency orders making private BUSINESSES force customers to breathe through wet fabric. See how easy that was? It’s just BUSINESSES making people do it — not government. So, no pesky legal problems! (I am making an assumption that it was Biden’s team, because it was clearly orchestrated by SOMEONE since it happened in unison all over the country in all the blue counties with close affiliations to the Biden Administration, all at the same time. Ditto for the jabs.) Thank you Mr Childers, I told many friends of mine early on that Biden probably sent goons to CEO’s of large corporations, especially those under heavy federal regulations, to push mandates, and make offers they couldn’t refuse. Along with suitcases full of cash to make said offers more palatable. Keep up the good work!

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No. Ending abortion would NOT make this communist hellscape worthwhile, will NOT make the coming famines worth it, will NOT make the lives lost to vaccines and lockdowns worth it.

Bluntly, all the people killed by this communist shit were here first.

All of us looking at having to find creative ways to get by if lucky or fall through the cracks for remaining nonGMO were here first.

And you would just dismiss all of that, you who likely hasn’t missed any checks through all of this and likely won’t and for what?

Just to encourage our enemies to breed? Seems like an own goal to me, but what would I know?

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Great writing! Thank you for giving me a reason to be literally 😆 LOL’ing. I needed that!!

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Young Man Tells Brutal Truth On Why Majority Of Black Community Is Hesitant On Getting “The Jab”


NYC is now a Segregated City. Most black people aren't allowed in restaurants anymore and the mostly white injected people inside treat blacks just like they did in the South in the '50s and '60s. They flip the Bird, and tell them to get the F(#k out.

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The Biden administration is completely fake and they are making it plain. He is now on a movie set across the street from the White House because they can't get a Teleprompter into the Oval Office. Now a totally incompetent woman is going to have to take over and all she does is laugh when she is asked a question.


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20 thousand is quite a milestone.

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I’m encouraged things could turn around for the good of Americans, God bless the USA and people like you Jeff! ❤️❤️

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"Joe Brandon. I mean Biden" I think you just won the internet.

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I mean if you think about it, if a female is assaulted/raped they should take a pill immediately so they do not have the spawn of some psycho.

6 weeks is plenty of time to make a decision IMO. If consensual unprotected sex took place and a pregnancy occurs, well trust Gods plan or 6 weeks to test yourself, but the risk was taken and I feel this is appropriate accountability. Texas is on the right track.

I still see parents masking their small children and it’s all I can do to keep my mouth shut.

What really worries me in the long run of Covid is our declining education in this country. Already we were slipping globally and the “scamdemic” is pushing our children further behind. Very sad.

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And medical conditions and complications can arise AFTER the 6 week mark.

Anencephaly and extreme microcephaly aren’t detectable til around 18 weeks, and these creatures can live for YEARS without ever knowing they did, and ruin the whole family’s life.

Any existing normal kids get hosed, and any future ones either don’t get born or are hosed

And no, women should NOT have to explain/justify these things to any random busybody. That kind of situation is difficult and painful enough without dealing with a screeching mob of subhumans out to ruin them!

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these "creatures"???? "ruin the whole family's life"??? Do you actually have any experience with families with disabled children? I would say that the majority of them are much less selfish toward their disabled loved ones than you appear to be.

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When they don’t develop a brain, they have more in common with potatoes than people. If a family wishes to birth and keep such a child, I’m certainly not going to stop them. But I’m certainly not going to stop or blame anyone who wants an actual child capable of experiencing life, and that doesn’t take away from existing functional children

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School choice vouchers is the only practical solution to that problem.

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Love reading C&C

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Is there a way to contact you? My employer is mandating all employees be vaccinated by December 8 or be fired per the Biden mandate dated September 9 on the Whitehouse website. The company is a military defense contractor in Florida.

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