☕️ Coffee & Covid ☙ Thursday, April 7, 2022 ☙ THE ANTI-VACCINE 🦠
More bad news for boosters; DeSantis signs the No Patient Left Alone Act; the New York Times cancels Christians; Reuters fears moms; J6 defendants get some encouraging news; and more...
Good morning, and Happy Thursday! Today’s roundup includes: Biden extends the moratorium on student loan repayments; more bad news for boosters in the latest UK data; Governor DeSantis signs the No Patient Left Alone Act into law; bad news for Biden as Hunter’s sketchy antics make news; the New York Times cancels Christians; Reuters fears moms; J6 defendants get some encouraging news; and a minority report about more bad news for Biden’s foreign policy.
🪖 The main anti-narrative doctors, like Drs. Malone and McCullough, have set up a “Declaration of Rights” at their International Covid Summit web page: https://www.internationalcovidsummit.com/declaration/. Please take a quick moment to go over there and sign the declaration, if you agree.
🪖 Dr. Peter McCullough is also involved with a group that has set up a new website for reporting vaccine injuries that is much easier to use than VAERS, which has been widely criticized for being nearly impossible to work with. The new site is https://www.truthforhealth.org, and we should make sure that vaccine injured folks know where they can go to report their injuries without having to endure the painful ordeal of VAERS.
The site explains that the doctors hope to collect better information about injuries and adverse effects than VAERS. So.
🔥 Welp, Joe Biden just extended the moratorium on student loan repayments again last night, because “the economy is booming. Wages are rising.” Or something.
💉 The latest UK data appears to show that people who’ve taken the safe and effective third boosters are now FIVE TIMES MORE LIKELY to catch Covid-19 than unjabbed people. I know what you’re thinking, but stop it. An anti-vaccine is still a vaccine. We can just tweak the definition if it makes you feel better.
🔥 CBS News reported yesterday that “more than 150 transactions involving either Hunter or James Biden’s global business affairs were flagged as concerning by U.S. banks for further review,” according to CBS News investigative reporter Catherine Herridge. “Some of those concerns included large wire transfers.”

I don’t know about you, but LARGE wire transfers are my favorite kind of wire transfer. They are SO much better than small wire transfers, know what I mean?
“This week, Grassley released bank records indicating James Biden’s company, The Lion Hall Group, was paid directly by a Chinese finance consulting firm,” Herridge explained. “In our interview, Grassley did not allege the Bidens broke the law, but he said it’s concerning that both Hunter and James Biden were promised retainers for their China work totaling $165,000 a month in 2017, after Joe Biden left the vice presidency.”
Hunter was doing pretty well for himself. His “board seat” at the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma was hauling in $83K a month.
But note the date in yesterday’s CBS report — 2017. That’s five years ago. The real story about all this is: why is it a story NOW? The corporate media was happy to ignore the Hunter Biden corruption story during the 2020 election season. Now, two MORE years later, it could fairly be criticized as “old news.” Could the media’s new enthusiasm for the Hunter corruption scandal have anything to do with the spectacle at the White House earlier this week where Obama and Harris are clearly seen dissing Joe Biden? Check out how Obama even ignores Biden as the former vice-president tries to get Obama’s attention by placing a hand on his shoulder — and leaving it there:

Is Biden the president or not? Wait, don’t answer that, because insurrection.
How about this? Jen Psaki is being forced to try to answer difficult questions about some of the stuff rolling off the now-verified Hunter Biden Laptop from Hades. During a recent press conference:
Fox News’ Peter Doocy: “There’s evidence that Biden was once office mates with Hunter and his brother Jim.”
Psaki: “That is not accurate.”
Doocy: “So when Hunter Biden is emailing a landlord ‘please have keys made for office mates Joe Biden and Jim Biden’?”
Psaki: “They were not office mates.”
Misinformation! I think she just called Hunter Biden a liar? I suppose that’s a better option than admitting that Hunter and Joe were, in fact, office mates at one of these sketchy businesses Hunter was running in China.
🦸♂️ Yesterday, Governor DeSantis signed the No Patient Left Alone Act into law. He explained at a press conference that the new law “protects the right of Floridians to have companionship when hospitalized.” The new law is a good start, ensuring access to patients under a variety of circumstances. It would have been even better if patients were always accessible. In my Hospital Guide, one of the critical strategies I suggest is to ALWAYS have a relative in the patient’s room, 24 x 7.
But we’ll take it! The Covid fallout continues, and corporate hospitals just lost some rights in favor of patients. Progress.
🔥 The New York Times is taking aim at Christians, because it doesn’t like them getting organized and messing about in politics. Christians are better when they stay OUT of politics. The story, headlined “The Growing Religious Fervor in the American Right: ‘This Is a Jesus Movement’,” argues that “praise music and prayer blend with political anger over vaccines and the 2020 election.”
It’s a dark, scary article, suggesting that the U.S. is on the verge of becoming a dystopian theocratic dictatorship, you know, like how the country started out, or during the Civil Rights movement, back when Martin Luther King, Jr., was a PASTOR. But the Times warned that, if Christians keep mixing religion and politics and singing pop praise music, things could get all mixed up: “Political ambitions come to be about defending God, pointing to a desire to build a nation that actively promotes a particular set of Christian beliefs.”
Imagine THAT horrifying potentiality.
In particular, the NYT seems to have a real problem with pop praise music, warning “The anthems of the contemporary evangelical church, many of which were written in just the last few years, are blending with rising political anger, becoming the soundtrack to a new fight.”
The Times has SOME idea where all this unseemly lyrical religiosity started. It thinks it might be something to do with the government shutting people’s churches down but keeping strip clubs and liquor stores open. The Times explained, “The explicit use of evangelical worship for partisan protest took root in the early pandemic lockdowns, notably after California banned indoor church services and singing.”
The nation’s top paper seems confused by all this revival. It quotes Ché Ahn, the pastor of Harvest Rock Church in Pasadena, who became a local hero when his church successfully sued Governor Newsom for banning indoor worship during the pandemic: “We are seeing a spiritual awakening taking place,” Ahn said. “Christians are becoming more involved, becoming activists. I think that is a good thing, because the church has been slumbering.” No doubt. I wrote a viral post about this very thing over a year ago, saying the Church was asleep.
In a different political era, we might be talking about Covid chickens coming home to roost. And Covid chickens are the most irate birds among fowl.
🔥 But, you know what’s even scarier and even more “Handmaid’s Tale”-like than Christians getting involved in politics? MOMS getting involved in politics.
Yesterday, Reuters ran a story headlined, “From School Boards to Statehouses, Conservative Moms for Liberty Push to Grow Influence.” It notes dourly that “Florida Governor Ron DeSantis invited a member of the group to stand alongside him” recently when he signed the Parent’s Rights in Education bill. My gosh! Not that! Not a Mom standing next to a Governor!
But, if you can believe it, it gets worse. According to Reuter’s alarmist story, “In March, DeSantis named a member of the group, Esther Byrd, to Florida’s Board of Education.” In other words, the moms are infiltrating the government!
How far we’ve fallen.
But why? What can explain this terrifying development of moms getting involved in politics? Reuters reports that “just over a year ago, Moms for Liberty formed with a few parents upset over their school districts’ COVID-19 mask mandates” but now it has 80,000 members in 34 states. (Although Reuters seems skeptical, noting it “couldn’t verify” those figures.)
More Covid chickens.
In case you think this is just a little political puff piece, I mean, why NOT have mom’s involved with politics? Moms are just people, right? Nope. “The National Education Association, a top teacher’s union, says the group is ‘working to impose a dangerous agenda.’”
See? Moms are DANGEROUS. They could hurt you. And not JUST dangerous:
Democratic Representative Carlos Guillermo Smith said the group preyed on unsubstantiated fears of teachers ‘grooming’ young children for sexual abuse and promoted conspiracy theories that were once only on the party’s fringe.
In Smith’s words, moms also PROMOTE FRINGE CONSPIRACY THEORIES. (Well. Give it six months.)
What kind of conspiracy theories? Reuters tells us that Tina Descovich, M4L’s co-founder with Tiffany Justice, said “Moms for Liberty is concerned about anyone that is opposed to a bill protecting children . . . from sexual content.”
See? Fringe conspiracy theorists! Stupid moms. They’ll believe anything.
Who else thinks we should multiply Moms for Liberty, since the left is now trying to cancel MOTHERS who just want their kids to get a better education? Let me know in the comments.
🔥 The January 6 defendants got some encouraging news yesterday when a Trump-appointed D.C. Circuit Court Judge found Matthew Martin not guilty on all charges. According to the facts developed at his trial, Martin walked into the Capitol past quiescent police, behaved at all times in an “orderly fashion,” and left the building after seeing confrontations between police and some rioters.
Of course, grasping at a handful of Martin’s anti-government text messages, federal prosecutors described Martin as a scheming insurrectionist and asked the Court for a two-year prison sentence.
Ultimately, the judge found that the government failed to prove that Martin intentionally breached a restricted area when he walked into and out of the Capitol building. So.
🔥 There was more bad news for Biden’s foreign policy yesterday, which has been described as “uniting the world.” The UK Telegraph ran an article Thursday headlined, “Israel’s position on Ukraine spells disaster for the West.”
Now, let me say once again, and I will keep saying it, I am 100% opposed to Russia invading ANYBODY, not least Ukraine, and I could not possibly be more sympathetic to the Ukrainian PEOPLE, who are clearly horribly suffering under the ravages of war. When I criticize the media or our government, I am NOT suggesting I am sneakily supporting or surreptitiously sympathizing with communist schemer Vladimir Putin. I am just wondering whether this whole thing might have been easily avoided or could be quickly de-escalated by employing an ounce of grey matter.
That said, although corporate media has universally praised Joe Biden for “uniting the world” behind his allegedly brilliant foreign policy opposing Russia, there’s a conspiracy theory brewing that Joe’s plan isn’t working. At all. The theory is based on the FACT that India and China both appear to be aligning with Russia. In fact, two days ago General Milley told Congress “We are now facing two global powers, China and Russia, each with significant military capabilities, both who intend to fundamentally change rules based on the global order… The potential for significant international conflict between great powers is increasing.”
So in other words, it’s going great.
Now India also seems to be leaning toward Russia’s side. Yesterday, Bloomberg reported “President Joe Biden’s top economic adviser said the administration has warned India against aligning itself with Russia, and that U.S. officials have been ‘disappointed’ with some of New Delhi’s reaction to the Ukraine invasion.” Uh oh.
If both China and India fail to support the U.S. at the United Nations, then the U.N. won’t be much help at all, because between Russia, China, and India, the U.S. won’t have the votes it needs to accomplish anything significant.
Anyway, China is the US’s traditional enemy, and India has been neutral to slightly-favorable to the US in recent years. Biden’s loss of these two countries might be explainable. Can’t make an omelet and so forth. But the Telegraph reported yesterday that it now looks like we’re losing our key strategic ally in the mideast, Israel. Which is, in the Telegraph’s words, “disastrous.”
The Telegraph explained that “Israel only belatedly supported a UN vote condemning the invasion, is refusing to send defensive arms to Ukraine despite repeated requests and is yet to bring in any sanctions.” It also notes that Russian oligarchs’ “private jets are beating a path to Israel as they look for new jurisdictions to store their wealth.”
How is this possible? How incompetent do you have to be to lose ISRAEL? Biden is doing terrible. This could be 1,000 times worse than Afghanistan unless the adults start managing things. At some point, you’d imagine the various vested interests would become unwilling to put up with all this chaos.
Have a terrific Thursday, and I’ll see you back here tomorrow to wrap the work week.
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Multiplying Moms For Liberty sounds good!
MULTIPLY Moms for Liberty (I am also signing up/getting involved, thanks for the lead!)