Multiplying Moms For Liberty sounds good!

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MULTIPLY Moms for Liberty (I am also signing up/getting involved, thanks for the lead!)

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Yes, let's multiply M4L. Some of us are also Grandmas!

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Or folks who have to inhabit a society with the products these awful schools are producing, so EVERYONE needs to get on board this train!

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Apr 7, 2022Β·edited Apr 7, 2022

I'm liking the M4L moniker; feels a bit badass. πŸ˜‡. Count me in for multiply and will look for a local group. Otherwise, will join Florida and work on it

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We’re the most dangerous but don’t tell anyone.

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Remember when Gov. Terry McAuliffe ran for re-election by promising to β€œKeep Parents Out of Classrooms”? - https://tinyurl.com/mr48n5aw

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Keep dem/rino control freaks out off office!!!

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Agreed! I just signed up too

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With this new "identify as you want" ideology I can't help but think about Steve Martin in The Jerk: "It was never easy for me. I was born a poor black child."🀣🀣🀣 (I wonder how that would fly at the Al Sharpton Cineplex in today's goofy environment?) The part where he struggles to find his rhythm would send the nut jobs into an epileptic frenzy! 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

Today, I feel a bit like a head of cabbage....I think I'll throw my hat in the ring for Supreme Court Justice or run for political office in New York Sh*tty. The possibilities are endless.

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Stuff some spaghetti inside that cabbage head and you’ll be a genius running for President next.

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I say we multiply Moms 4 Liberty! Great article today Jeff. As always

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Thrilling to see "MOTHERS" in all caps! (But I'm sure you meant BIRTHING PERSONS, right?) How antagonistic of you.

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Mom's getting involved in politics?....Remember when Gov. Terry McAuliffe ran for re-election by promising to β€œKeep Parents Out of Classrooms”? - https://tinyurl.com/mr48n5aw

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Great work!

Separately though, and to me, the scene with the shunned hand on the shoulder is emblematic of who "the president" (most of your readers despise and who has the abysmal ratings) really is. i.e., Obama. I don't blame Joe Biden for any of the catastrophes plaguing us. They're all part of Obama's earlier pledge to "fundamentally change the U. S. of A.," just as he promised us in 2008. I'll never forget him saying that 5 days before the election.

The Ladies for Liberty are devoted, but nowhere near as devoted as the mega-dedicated Gramsci-ites who want to destroy God by destroying the U.S. You have to hand it to them. And by the way, I fear that the Church is still fast asleep. Name a national religious leader worthy of being honored with the term, "godly leader in a crisis."

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Apr 7, 2022Β·edited Apr 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I can’t find a church in my area that isn’t tied to the hip of every politician pushing them around. I have left mine. The church around me is dead. We got sermons on community and fellowship while sitting 6 ft away from each other masked or the doors closed snd online. Now not even a damn coffee pot set up after church. It’s alarming because I see Satan in every step of Covid from the very beginning.

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

We streamed Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills for a year. Then we discovered a home church in Phoenix that gathers to watch the live stream of Hibbs on Sunday. We now have the fellowship of believers that we missed. This church is actively involved in being watchmen. It is Awake-not woke. Pastor Hibbs is currently going thru Romans (Sunday) & Hebrews (Wed).

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AWAKE NOT WOKE. Love it! Good bumper sticker.

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Perhaps a new thing to buy at the CandC gift shop

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I'm probably the only one who thinks they ruined the word "woke" too, right along with "gay". I always like calling them "snowflakes" though.

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Jack Hibbs is such a great teacher. Most Calvary Chapels are really good on sound Biblical teaching though some are getting a bit nutty with worship. We are dealing with this now at our CC as worship is starting to feel like a Pink Floyd concert. I have to wonder if this is pleasing to God. To many churches are trying to make worship an emotional experience at the expense of holiness IMO.

It's disconcerting for me as I was in the world for many years and don't like the uncomfortable parallels to worldly rituals. I think many in the praise band grew up as good kids and really don't realize how they are making church emulate a nightclub. At least I hope that's the case.

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Apr 7, 2022Β·edited Apr 7, 2022

For Catholics, you can find the ROCK at your nearest Traditional Latin Mass - assuming, of course, that your gay bishop hasn't banned it. (Go to https://www.latinmassdir.org/ )

No felt banners, no swishy priests, no masks, no social distancing, no altar girls, no sacrilege Just the 2000 year old Roman Catholic liturgy.

BUT you have to get there early - they're jammed with young families who take up the whole pew with their 11 kids. LOL

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There are a lot of new young priests who are very traditional. We recently got a new priest and his Mass is full of tradition and as close to a Latin Mass as one can get. They are out there, you just need to look around.

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And we need to be using the greatest spiritual weapon we have, given to us by the Mother of God, the Holy Rosary! Pray it daily, as she asked us to.

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Exactly! That is why we watch Central Church in Charlotte, NC. They still have a real choir and sing wonderful worship songs. Plus, Pastor Livingston is a true man of God.

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Wow, I just brought this up with the Elders of our church. I was on the worship team for 5 years or so and then led worship for 5 years. The object of praise and worship before the sermon is to lead the congregation before the throne of God. To prepare their hearts and minds to hear what the Lord is saying to each person. When someone is on stage in the spotlight screaming out words that are unrecognizable or are not praise words to the Lord himself then it is not worthy of Him. Churches that do this need to get a grip and get back to the actual worship of God.

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Amen or the volume is so loud you can’t even hear yourself in the congregation. That’s my pet peeve. For me worship is lifting our voices together. I lead the worship for our Bible study and I make sure I’m leading, not soloing. A huge blessing to hear all the voices singing His praises.

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For those who like liturgical worship, there are independent Anglican denominations made up (mostly) of those who found Episcopal/Anglican/Catholic mainstreams too woke. (Might be worth looking at the Eastern Orthodox churches but I'm not as familiar with them.) We just had to leave our denomination in 2020 and are now happy in a church that combines Bible-based preaching with a sense of the sacred in worship.

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Wow. I love this idea. I wish we had something like that for our area. We still don’t know many people after moving to central Florida almost two years ago. Love Florida though!

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I have been watching Jack for two years now. His teachings are meat and not milk! My own new pastor is catering to the new believer (rightly so) but us older believers needed more so many of us found other teaching resources. Jack is filled with the Holy Spirit, not afraid of anything or anyone and filled with joy!

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Please don't give up, there are good churches out there and it's important to fellowship with other believers.

Take a look at the websites of churches in your area and look for ones with a clear and uncompromising statement of faith prominently linked on the home page. If it's missing or hard to find it's a good indicator the church is more concerned with pleasing man than pleasing God. Also, is the Bible the center of all teaching and everything the church does? God gave us His word to teach us about Him, how we are to worship Him, and how to live our lives. A good church tests everything against the Bible and flatly rejects secular trends that are contrary to His word.

Other red flags are absurd "mission statements" and the like that look like they were written for corporations rather than a God-fearing church. Nothing wrong with a big church but if the pastor acts like a celebrity rather than a humble man of God it's a real problem.

Good luck and please don't give up as a solid church really is essential for the spiritual growth of all believers.

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I second this and will specifically recommend the LCMS-Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. But one that is Confessional! You can tell from the websites exactly as Jeff C describes.

The LCMS church’s (I believe also with the Catholic Churches) in Minnesota sued the governor at the start of the pandemic and won to stay open.

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I have looked in my area and there is a LCMS about 10 miles away. I actually took art classes in that very church until last year. I may give it a try. Their β€œAbout Us” and what they believe looks like what I need and reflects mostly what Jeff C has advised. It’s a big church so I would like to see more than the 25 to 30 who now attend my current Methodist church. Young families as well. Thanks. It’s rural out here so I have limits on how far I will drive in order to be involved outside of Sunday worship.

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Thank you for the cogent explanation when researching churches. I have employed some of the suggestions, but not as logically as you explain.

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

they call it the book of revelations because it reveals all corruption of the church. Praise God people are seeing this now. It's painful but at least we know

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Exactly. I’m much closer to God and eyes open. I attended a fundamentalist church for 25 years in the past strong on Bible and prophecy. I remember a sermon we got one time we may have to pull people out of the ruins and minister to them as we are called. We are facing a kind of ruination now. That is about the only sermon I remember snd has stuck with me all these years. Why? I finally realized what was going on about the true source of this evil last summer and it was a powerful moment for me. I got to my knees.

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the elephant in the room............did people take the mark of the beast? People will not even talk about this. The shots did not work but they did put nano tech into bodies.

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A church friend of mine brought her 5 yr old granddaughter up from Mexico so she could get her jabs. She’ll be back again for the booster. More research done on safe and effective car seats then a mystery jab into her grandchild s innocent body. Nothing reaches these brainwashed people. Nothing. Gramma is already having some strange health stuff. Blood, etc.

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I think about that a lot. I didn’t get jabbed at first for health reasons. Then the government is not going to tell me to do anything. Nowβ€”I don’t want any mark or government ordered crap inside me as it goes against Gods gift of freedom.

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Give pastor Gary Hamrick a try. Cornerstone chapel, leesburg. VA on YouTube.

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Thanks! I need some community of believers so I don’t feel alone.

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YES!!!! We started watching him about six months ago! We can’t find a local church that is strong biblically and wide awake to what is happening. Soooo glad we found Gary Hamrick and Cornerstone.

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I wish they'd use alt-tech, instead of nasty facebook and youtube. How about Rumble and Gab? Why give traffic to the bad guys. https://cornerstonechapel.net/hello/

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We have a tiny little church in a tiny little town and our church live streams the services on the church website. Anyone can watch through FB or YT also but why use them if the church website shows it? If we can do it, anyone can do it.

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The apostate church; and the members are so blinded they don't even realize what is happening.

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It’s very hard to be around them. I’ve been shunned and shamed. But I have incredible God given peace and joy. I don’t trust either party/cult. I’m Gods now.

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Same with me, Janet. I know who is in charge of this whole worldly mess!

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Janet, in the grand scheme of things, God is the only one who matters. Jesus was also shunned so you are in good company.

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We are told not to be yoke (paired up with, linked to, close friends) with the ungodly. But we are suppose to witness to them all the time. I'm doing a study about iron sharpening iron. :)

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many churches are just real estate investment operations tricking people by providing entertainment

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some even bragged about having bought moderna stock and made a huge profit. I hope they forgot to sell it before the downfall LOL

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The churches in my area are big into "service", which is simply a euphemism for woke or political activism. SMH.

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Service trumps salvation in many churches. 😒

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My ex-church called it 'social justice'. Ick. Now I attend a traditional church whose only purpose is to save souls.

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Probably why Jesus was saying, "I knew you not." The deception and deceptive "Church" (aka religious) people are still alive and well like ghosts of Sadducee's and Pharisee's. He didn't approve of them either.

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Yep, there are scriptures about the blind. Jesus talked a lot about them. :(

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If I hadn’t been in a fundamentalist biblical church for 25 years that preached prophecy also I would not have recognized what is happening now. I am grateful for that. None I know around me have a clueβ€”including the regular church goers.

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You are so right! We barely teach the three Rs in schools, so it shouldn't be a surprise that our churches don't teach from Scripture or have actual Bible Study Classes.

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Strange enough some churches here require masks, no singing, distancing, until the coffee is ready. Then they stand together face to face drinking coffee and chatting. You know, the virus knows it should not interfere there! (so I have been told, I am no longer going)

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My spouse's old hospital had the main entrance locked and guarded for over a year, but allowed people to enter through the ER only. I figured they had some sort of treaty with COVID not to attack people at the ER entrance - like the one steakhouses had not to attack diners once they were seated.

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It needs only a little bit of brains to comprehend the hilariousness of this situation. Even a child could see it. But not the so called smart humans !

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That’s interesting. So sick of the nonsense and cognitive dissonance. The obedience to politicians and health frauds. False gods and idol worship. Covid is a cult.

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Mark Oshinskie wrote a wonderful piece a while ago with that title.

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Then the district moved pastors around during the closed time so we were faced with someone new we didn’t know and had never preached a sermon in English. The young families snd children left. It’s mainly old like me and many can’t understand what he says. Such a mess.

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I'm so thankful that my church (in wacko WA state, nonetheless) has godly, righteous church leadership that has met and worshiped in person, primarily maskless for all but about the first 4-6 weeks of "flattening the curve." AND a church just down the road from us sued our illegal governor for discrimination when the mandates he put out for churches were more draconian than those for restaurants, etc.

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Good to know! You are blessed! Washington and Oregon seem to certainly have wacko leadership. That Oregon governor is certifiable.

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Oh and yes! I'd love to multiply this M4L group!

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Come check out our church in Navarre, FL! Navarre First Assembly of God! We have fantastic, dedicated leadership that does not shy away from the Truth. We fellowship, we dine together, we worship together and yes, we have coffee. You can visit in person, or find us online at Navarre1st.com; also streaming on YouTube and Roku.

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My pastor, Rob McCoy of Godspeak, has been a Godly leader throughout this mess.

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So, so true. His fingerprints are all over this administration. Neither JB nor KH could concoct and carry this out so intentionally.

Remember, if Biden goes, Harris becomes pres and can pick the next VP. Lots of prayers and actions needed by moms and dads to contain the damage of the current and future set up.

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Charles Stanley and Alister Begg, both Godly leaders in crisis

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How about Charles Stanley and Alistar Begg. Very Godlt Leaders in crisis.

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πŸ™Œ There are a few I can think of who SHOULD be leading, but nothing is happening. I'm not very surprised, sadly.

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John preaches great sermons...some of the best. However, he also believes, fervently, that we are deep into the "end times" and that Christendom is powerless to halt our national moral meltdown. "It's too late." Nor does he believe Christians are tasked with being salt and light in culture, as per Mt. 28:20, Psalm 8:5-6 and 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. Thus, a leader in sermon giving, but not a man for the present crisis. D. James Kennedy could maybe have been one, but alas, he's gone.

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Nice talk but no action. I first watch what pastors do. The ones I went to were good people, helping the needy. Unfortunately they are now in their late 80s and the only younger one got dementia.

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The NY Slimes fear of Christians is a good thing. It means the Truth is winning.

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It's biblical!!

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Your new title for your articles should be " Coffee, COVID, and Current Affairs". Thank you so much for all of the fantastic information you provide to us.

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I like it

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Can we hope for just Coffee and Current Affairs one day? (I will not hold my breath)

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I would suggest Coffee and Current Affairs..

Only because I'm banned from Gainesville Word of Mouth Censorshipfree for posting C&C. I'm told by one admin "Covid's over, we dont want any more covid news."

I tried to tell him that there was so much more to your posts. Now I can't find the group to appeal.

So much for censorshipfree.

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Coffee and Censorship?

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I had a "Current Affairs" class as a senior in high school in the 70's - too bad Jeff wasn't the teacher!

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I think they called it Modern History at my school.

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I think we had some "modern" stuff too. I remember that boys (back then, if you weren't a girl, you were a boy) weren't allowed to take Home Ec. It was for girls only! So strange. Must not have been based on science.

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Current affairs...and jelly donuts.?

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Yes! Multiply Moms for Liberty!!!

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Yes to multiplying Moms for Liberty 😊

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Multiply M4L!

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I say let’s multiply the moms. I am also getting involved in my local chapter. Thanks Jeff!

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

There's so much in today's blog!

-Student Loan Payments: He just keeps dangling that carrot on a stick to the students with loan payments. Man-up, the kids need to grow-up. Make a decision which better not have my money paying a student loan for someone else (unless I decide I want to pay for someone to go to college--in that case, I'll pick the person).

-While watching the clip the other night of Biden walk around looking for someone to talk to, it's even more sad because he looks the part of a lost person. That same evening I glanced at Q-Tip on my vanity and thought of how it looked just like Joe. Stiff in the center with a messy cotton top. I'll never unsee it. I think of cleaning my ears every time I see him now...

-NYT aim at Christians: I just finished the 2nd out of 6 sessions of a Constitution Class. The 1st and 2nd sessions were more God based than I realized. When the instructor dug into the heads and meaning of the words of our forefathers, just wow! They knew that religion and morality were necessary pillars.

Thank you to the moms! We need to elevate those moms, parents, who are parenting! That's what this is all about "parenting"! Not just being a parent.

-Could this Matthew Martin case have been the Dems just dipping their toe into the water to see how it rules? I feel like he was a mild test case, a dispensable one...

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Iirc, there are videos of the capitol police inviting people in. They will have a hard time convicting anyone with that kind of video evidence.

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Are you taking the free online Hillsdale College course, Constitution 101: The Meaning and History of the Constitution? It sounds like it could be. Even though I thought I knew a few things on the subject, I learned a lot. The lessons on the regressive "Progressives" particularly opened my eyes.

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Hillsdale is fabulous!

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I signed up for the class through Patriot Academy. Well, first through "Audit the Vote PA" group on Telegram which links a registerer to Patriot Academy. Funny you mention Hillsdale though as I started a class there on the Genesis Story.

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Read β€œThe Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate”. Spells out the Godly resistance we must make when governments from top down become tyrannical and immoral. An eye opener.

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Really appreciate the referral to this. I'm looking into it.

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Multiply M4L

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Yes! Let's support mom's for liberty. Let's Multiply them :)

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Unfortunately the left wants to not only cancel the mothers who want their kids to get a better education but the kids themselves 😒

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Apr 7, 2022Β·edited Apr 7, 2022

The Children of Men

2006 movie

All women infertile on earth (cancelled?)

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