☕️ Coffee & Covid ☙ Thursday, August 25, 2022 ☙ EVIL ELVES 🦠
Big wins in Florida; hyper-hedonist wins VAIDS bingo; DeSantis says a mean tweet; Dems start throwing Trump under the jab bus; watch out for car exhaust; Fetterman grateful for slurred speech; & more.
Good morning, C&C! Your Thursday edition roundup includes: big wins on lots of Florida school boards; Italian hyper-hedonist wins virus bingo; new mRNA jabs on the way to boost spike protein uptake; DeSantis says something mean about Fauci and media overreact; Dems pave the wave for throwing Trump under the vaccine bus; Rand Paul not impressed with CDC’s reorg; another commonplace hazard poses risks to your heart; Fetterman struggles to speak normally after recovering from mysterious stroke; Musks lawyers make a move; and the Russians plan to try Ukrainian nazis for war crimes and everyone panics.
🔥 Yesterday I flew to Miami to visit Dr. Gold in federal prison. I can’t say a whole lot about it, but she is in good spirits and is as well as she could be under the extremely difficult circumstances. She’s taking advantage of the time to write two books. And I now have a better contact for the multiplier results, so hopefully we’ll get some intel on that soon.
I have lots of thoughts about the experience and will write more about it soon.
🔥 Great news! Nobody said it would be easy, but the turnaround has begun. The New York Post ran a story yesterday headlined, “DeSantis-Backed School Board Candidates Win Big In Florida Elections.” Not too bad for a lot of first-timers! Here are the figures:
21 out of 30 school board candidates that DeSantis endorsed won, including 4 out of 7 who faced opponents having strong Democrat party support.
4 of the remaining 9 candidates are now in runoff elections and could still win, which would make it 25 out of 30.
In Sarasota County, one of the few rebellious counties who defied the Governor’s mask ban last year, all three open seats went to DeSantis-backed candidates.

Moms for Liberty claimed FORTY THREE school board wins in Florida (including 14 runoffs), with Brevard, Sarasota, Duval, Clay and Miami Dade counties now having majority boards favoring parent’s rights. It looks like we picked the right group to multiply!

💉 Well, it’s finally happened. Newsweek ran a story yesterday headlined, “Man Tests Positive for COVID, Monkeypox and HIV After Spain Trip.” There’s so much material here I hardly know where to start.
Let’s begin with the euphemism alert. A “Spain Trip?” Sounds like a nice holiday in Barcelona or something. I’m guessing that a festival of some kind was involved. But even without going beyond the Newsweek article we know the real story, because Newsweek admitted the unlucky man had “condomless intercourse with men during his stay in Spain.” Men, plural. We was a busy little traveler.
The Journal of Infection published the report about the 36-year-old Italian man, so I went to the source for more detail. First, the man had tested negative for HIV as recently as September 2021. He was fully vaccinated for covid in late 2021, and had his FIRST covid infection a month later in January. Then he was again re-infected in June on his Spanish holiday.
Within a few days of getting home, he developed monkeypox blisters, went to the hospital and —for some reason — they gave him a full STD screening. That’s how they caught the HIV. The hospital also gave him a normal covid screening, which is how they diagnosed that virus.
All the papers reporting the story are pointing out that it’s a first-time triple infection, like the guy won at mRNA-bingo or something. I hope they give him some kind of prize; maybe a Darwin Award or something. But seriously, this is a terrible sign for the man’s immune system. He seems to have picked up everything that was going around. In spite of his ‘active lifestyle,’ he’d previously avoided HIV until this year.
I wonder what could have depressed his normal immune defenses so much? Experts, baffled.
💉 CNBC ran a story yesterday headlined, “Omicron-Specific Covid Booster Shots Are Just Weeks Away. Here’s Who Will—And Won’t—Be Eligible.” I know you’ve been counting the minutes till the new formula shots were available, so I got the story out as fast as I could.
They’ve labeled the new shots “bivalent,” because they supposedly protect from two variants. Pfizer and Moderna claim the new formulations target both Wuhan strain and BA.5. But for some reason the new shots will only be available to people who already took the first ones. CNBC explained, “if you’re unvaccinated, you won’t be eligible for the updated formula until you complete a primary series with the existing Covid vaccines.”
Now, don’t be TOO upset about that. I know you’re disappointed. But maybe jabbed people need the new shots more than unjabbed people do.
Many independent scientists have predicted the Omicron-specific spike protein produced by the bivalent shots will not help reduce reinfections, and might actually be worse, since the Omicron spike binds to ACE2 even more easily than the Wuhan spike does.
Still, some people seem addicted to the spike, and are competing to see just how much spike protein the human body can tolerate.
💉 Governor DeSantis fired up the outrage machine yesterday at an event where he was “critical” of retiring puppy-torturer Anthony Fauci. Specifically, speaking for many of us, an exasperated DeSantis blurted, “I’m just sick of seeing him. I know he says he’s gonna retire. Someone needs to grab that little elf and chuck him across the Potomac!”

That’s all he said. But here’s a predictable roundup of the hysterical over-reaction by corporate media, diligently racing to defend their favorite deep state madman:
Oh no! DeSantis didn’t say something mean about Fauci, did he? At least he didn’t tweet it.
Actually, this is a total Trump maneuver. Add one part of ‘insulting nickname’ to one part of ‘edgy comment driving media crazy,’ and you get a tasty cocktail that dominates the news cycle for several days. Nobody else cares but it drives the media bonkers. Classic Trump media trolling.
💉 And just like clockwork, here it is. Politico ran a story yesterday headlined, “Trump White House Exerted Pressure On FDA For Covid-19 Emergency Use Authorizations, House Report Finds.”
Democrats on the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis released a scathing report yesterday that, among other things, blames rushed vaccines on President Trump, or at least started building the foundation of blame. Here is what the Politico article said, just about the vaccine issue:
The Trump administration pressured the Food and Drug Administration… to authorize… the first Covid-19 vaccines on an accelerated timeline[.] The Democrats’ investigation also documents… the White House attempts to block the FDA from collecting additional safety data on Covid-19 vaccines[.] The Trump administration also tried to pressure the FDA to authorize the first Covid-19 vaccines ahead of the presidential election.
Now, it doesn’t make any sense to blame Trump for rushing the vaccines if the jabs work great, since he’s the hero in that scenario. It only makes sense to set this hit piece up if the jabs are trash. Trump has once again put Democrats in a box. He’s continuing to take the credit for the one thing the Democrats are most boastful about. Sure, we can argue about Trump’s strategy, his original role, whether he was fooled or not, and whether he should, as Alex Jones advises, disavow the jabs.
But let’s just look at the timing, which is much more interesting than that well-worn argument. This tentatively anti-vaccine report was released at the same time as Fauci’s resignation, the CDC reorganization and mea culpa, the White House’s signal of an end to free shots, and HHS’s elevation of a new agency to take over pandemics.
It’s more evidence that a major pivot away from shots is stealthily underway. But why?
🔥 Rand Paul is unimpressed with the CDC’s big giant reorganization.

💉 In the bottom story of the day, some timely advice from the UK Daily Mail yesterday:
For some weird reason it’s always heart attacks and strokes that are caused by ordinary everyday things lately. It’s like we’ve cured every other disease. So odd.
Anyway, I’m not sure I agree with the “study.” I think it’s more likely that looking at Nancy Pelosi for more than a few seconds will cause a heart attack than car fumes. But I give them points for trying.
💉 Jabbed and boosted hoody candidate John Fetterman, who is running for the Senate in Pennsylvania against Doctor Oz, spoke at a Pittsburgh rally yesterday. Local Action News reported on the talk in a story headlined, “John Fetterman rallies with Steelworkers union in downtown Pittsburgh.”
You may recall Fetterman, 53, is a habitual casual dresser who is quadrupled jabbed and had a sudden and unexpected stroke a few months ago. Action News reported that he’s STILL struggling to speak normally: “Fetterman stayed on message while sometimes reaching for his words … an after-effect of his stroke.”
At one point in the attached video, Fetterman says something about the union, then tries to say the word “union” again, but can only grunt out “uhn.”
Still, he’s grateful for the shots. It could have been so much worse.
🔥 Elon Musk’s lawyers stepped up their battle with Twitter earlier this week when they subpoenaed disaffected Twitter founder Jack Dorsey for deposition. That’s a HUGE move.
Dorsey is clearly hostile to Twitter. First, he was involuntarily ousted and, from all visible evidence, he has some hard feelings about it. Second, and possibly corroborating that, he’s publicly supported Musk’s takeover.
Here’s the thing: Dorsey is an independently-wealthy billionaire who knows where all the bodies are buried, hates Twitter’s board, and likes Elon. Twitter’s attorneys have to be wondering: what’s he going to say? Dorsey could literally win or lose the case for either side, but especially for Musk, especially if he agrees that the disclosed number of fake Twitter accounts is too low.
Asiago and sea-salt popcorn popped.
🚀 Reuters ran a story Wednesday headlined, “UN Rights Office ‘Very Concerned’ About Planned Trials of Ukrainian POWs.”
The Russians plan to start holding ‘international’ war crimes tribunals against captured Ukrainian soldiers. On August 2nd, Russia’s supreme court ruled that the Ukrainian Nazi-affiliated ‘Azov Battalion’ was a terrorist organization, clearing the way for captured fighters to be charged as terrorists.
The Russian embassy in the U.S. published a statement about the trials, which included this interesting nugget:
The International Tribunal in Mariupol can shed light on the true essence of the Kiev regime, of which the United States diligently creates a bright and heroic image. American citizens will finally learn that in reality, their government is helping those who purposefully kill and torture the Russian people of Donbass and Ukraine.
It kind of sounds like one of the Russians’ objectives for holding the trials is to get information to the American people that is otherwise unavailable from Western corporate media. It’s a shame we’ve gotten to the point where many folks trust the Russian embassy more than CNN.
For his part, Ukrainian president Zelensky, or Zelenskyy, or whatever his name is, was outraged — outraged! — about the tribunals, vowing to shut down all peace talks if they go forward: “If this despicable show trial takes place, this will be the line beyond which any negotiations are impossible…Russia will cut itself off from any negotiations.”
They have an expression for that kind of talk. It’s called cutting off your nose to spite your face.
Meanwhile, the U.S. State Department reacted to reports of possible “tribunals,” calling the trials — which haven’t happened yet — a “mockery of justice.” At least we aren’t pre-judging things! The U.S. then urged Moscow to abide by international human rights laws, like by not setting up secret bioweapons labs in corrupt and unstable countries with weak or no oversight.
Russia should follow OUR example.
Have a terrific Thursday! I’ll see you back here tomorrow for the fabulous Friday edition.
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Lots of people on Twitter (including my brother) told me that the unvaxxed, like me and my wife, belong in a camp.
Yet Monkeypox, HIV, and Covid positive sexcation travellers are free to roam the earth?
What a crazy 🤡 world.
Speaking of elections and our great Governor, this seems like the appropriate time to talk about Charlie Crist. Ah yes, Charlie Crist..... Another worn out, hollowed out Soros turd resurfaces to the top of the toilet bowl. Oh Joy. We'll be the mirror image of California within 48 hours with this dipstick at the helm. I'd rather be forced to watch Jaws 3 than have to endure the next few months of this Brandon loving, miscreant worm oozing back into the slime light. Let me guess, he's going to start by equating DeSantis with Hitler and Nazis.