☕️ Coffee & Covid ☙ Thursday, August 11, 2022 ☙ KING GARLAND 🦠
The world watches the Trump raid saga; the FBI raided a Republican lawmaker's phone; a great test for the raid's legitimacy; jab deaths; jab disabilities; a damning Thai jab study; and lots more...
Dear C&C Army, it’s Thursday already! For many, this was the first week back to school and I hope everything went smoothly and masklessly for everyone. Our roundup today includes: other are countries starting to notice the FBI raid and are thinking about it; FBI Director criticizes criticism; another Trump impeachment Republican falls; National Review surprises with a good test for the raid; the FBI raids a Trump-aligned lawmaker’s cell phone; a sudden and unexpected death; disabilities skyrocket in Israel, and experts are baffled; a new Thai study shows kids at risk of jab injury; Denmark bans covid jabs for kids; the AP fact-checks the 87,000 new auditors; Biden’s foreign policy emerges from the fuddled fog of Joe’s brain; and a stellar example of settled science.
🪖 Despite the fact that I have a number of contacts at America’s Frontline Doctors, my team has been unable to reach any of them to get feedback on our multiplier. The guess is they are under a communications lockdown while Dr. Gold is detained or something. I’ll keep trying.
🔥 Fox ran a story yesterday headlined, “El Salvador President Rips FBI Trump Raid, Questions What US Gov’t Would Say If His Police Targeted Candidates.”
The story notes that since 2019, the U.S. State Department has sent reports to El Salvador identifying people allegedly involved in public corruption in that country. It’s a safe assumption we do this with lots of countries. Our credibility to opine on other countries’ corruption only comes from having a largely corruption-free system of our own. So our world image is important currency that we rely on to point out other countries’ flaws around the globe.
The article is based on a tweet posted by the president of El Salvador, which raises an interesting angle about the raid we haven’t yet considered. We’ve been so busy thinking about how the raid affects OUR lives and OUR politics that we haven’t given much thought to how the issue will play internationally.
Other countries are watching. They saw the same unprecedented, politically-motivated raid that we did. They’re all thinking about it now. What does it mean to those countries if the Biden Administration, with all its political, economic, and military might, completely abandons any pretense to morals or ethics or consistency, and resorts to raw force to get what it wants? How does that affect THEM?
THAT is what they are probably thinking about, a lot. And that means the raid’s injury to our republican form of government has also injured the world and the United States’ standing in it.
Great work, Joe! What could they do for an encore?
Don’t answer that.
🔥 In a story headlined, “FBI’s Wray Denounces Threats Following Search of Trump Home,” the AP noted that FBI Director Christopher Wray refused to answer questions about the raid during an unrelated presser yesterday, but did express his displeasure with vague online ‘threats’ against federal employees.
Wray called random online loudmouths complaining about the raid “deplorable,” and delighted the AP by stressing that “Violence against law enforcement is not the answer, no matter who you’re upset with.”
If violence against law enforcement is not the answer, it would have been informative if Wray had explained what the question was. Don’t get me wrong, I’m pro-police and I oppose violence against anybody. But I’d like to hear Wray explain why all these people are so upset.
🔥 Incumbent House Representative Herrera Beutler (D-Wa), one of the ten Republicans who voted to impeach President Trump, was defeated in the Republican primary earlier this week by relatively unknown candidate Joe Kent, a former Green Beret and ardent Trump supporter.
Beutler outspent Kent during the race. She was backed by various RINO groups including Winning for Women, Maggie’s List and some super PACs aligned with “the Republican Party establishment.”
According to the Hill, which reported her defeat, Beutler went down because of her impeachment vote. “It was all the impeachment vote,” a national Republican strategist told the Hill. “There was no other factor at play. She wouldn’t have had a primary if it weren’t for that vote, and even if she did get a primary without the impeachment vote, she would have been fine.”
🔥 Next week, Liz Cheney, one of two Republican January 6th Committee members who has become the odious J6 Committee’s disposable figurehead, faces Harriet Hageman in Wyoming’s Republican primary. C&C multiplied Ms. Hageman. So stand by.
According to the Hill, Jennifer Lim, executive director of (fake) Republican Women for Progress, said “All the signs aren’t looking good [for Cheney]. I think a lot of people are expecting [Cheney] to fall victim to what happened to Herrera Beutler, unfortunately.”
Unfortunately, Republican Women for Progress appears to be a crypto-marxist front group. So.
🔥 As people continue considering the raid and its consequences, more well-formed ideas are starting to emerge. Surprisingly, one emerged from the never-Trumpers over at National Review in an article helpfully headlined, “How to Prosecute Donald Trump.” The oddly-framed article was based on this simple and excellent thesis: “If you’re going to prosecute an ex-president, your case must be simple, clear, and damning. It must also avoid novel legal theories and any whiff of selective prosecution.”
That is exactly correct, and neatly stated. And it also shows how the raid failed so badly, on each and every element.

🔥 Fox ran a story yesterday headlined, “Trump Ally Rep. Scott Perry Says The FBI Seized His Cellphone One Day After Mar-A-Lago Raid.” It’s actually worse than the headline makes it sound.
While traveling with his family earlier in the day Wednesday, Representative Perry — a close Trump ally — was approached by three FBI agents who handed him a warrant and demanded he hand over his cellphone, which he did. Not surprisingly, Perry told reporters the “phone contains info about my legislative and political activities, and personal/private discussions with my wife, family, constituents, and friends.”
Significantly, back in October, Representative Perry filed articles of impeachment against Attorney General Merrick Garland.

While the raid on Perry’s phone is not as historically unprecedented as the raid on Trump’s residence, it is still pretty remarkable, and is not getting anywhere near as much coverage as it should, having been completely eclipsed by news about the Trump raid. It sure like like the DOJ retaliated against Representative Perry for filing articles of impeachment against the Attorney General.
Perry’s phone holds a TON of sensitive and confidential political information, such as emails and texts about Republicans’ midterm election strategies.
It could be that the timing — a day after the Trump raid — was coincidental.Or it could have been timed for news about Perry’s phone to be obscured by the Trump raid. Either way, the timing is suspect.
It looks like J6 has something to do with the phone raid, too. PennLive ran a story yesterday headlined, “FBI Delivers Subpoenas To Several PA. Republican Lawmakers: Sources Say.” According to the article, federal investigators delivered subpoenas or visited several House and Senate Republican offices in the Pennsylvania Capitol on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Sources told PennLive that the supoenaed information centered around Representative Perry and his involvement in Trump’s alleged January 6th plan to coordinate alternative slates of electors. The J6 Committee has been very interested in Representative Perry.
Late last fall, I predicted that politically-motivated prosecutions of Republicans over January 6th would begin this summer, in order to have the greatest effect on the midterms. Attorney General Garland is not disappointing me. If my predictions are correct, in late September or early October, look for the J6 Committee to publish a stinky report accusing the entire Republican Party of being domestic terrorists or something.
And look for arrests, or at least indictments, to start in a month or two.
💉 Kelly McKee Zajfen is a model, best known as one of Megan and Harry’s close friends. Earlier this week, one of Kelly’s 9-year old twins was found unresponsive in bed after he didn’t wake up in the morning. The 9-year-old boy, George, had no known heart conditions. The devastated parents are waiting for autopsy results.
💉 The number of disability certificates issued in Israel in the last two years has skyrocketed, independent online analysts say.
2022 seems to be on track to blow out 2021. So weird. I wonder what could possibly explain this. Despite being CERTAIN the jabs are safe and effective even without reliable data, experts are, of course, baffled at what could be causing all these permanent disabilities.
Personally, I blame Vladimir Putin, for invading Ukraine. That’s probably what did it. Somebody should sanction him.
💉 A new preprint study from Thailand did a controlled review of 300 children aged 13-18 who took the Pfizer jab. Researchers closely monitored all their cardiac markers for a few months post-injection, and found that a third of the jabbed children experienced cardiac side effects.
The side effects ranged from mild (chest pains) to severe (hospitalization). Three kids in the study — one in a hundred — were hospitalized for clinical myocarditis or pericarditis.
While all the patients recovered, what is unknown are the long-term effects of all these sub-clinical cardiac injuries. In adult populations, similar sub-clinical cardiac injuries usually have poor long-term prognoses. Dr. Peter McCullough — a cardiac specialist — has opined there is no such thing as “mild” heart injury due to the long-term consequences.
The preprint study was published in Cardiology and is titled “Cardiovascular Effects of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine in Adolescents.”
I have questions. Why hasn’t a study like this been done for adults? How hard would it be to follow a couple thousand patients after receiving the jabs to measure all their cardiac markers for a few months?
Why wasn’t this study done before the FDA approved the drug for use in kids?
Finally, it is well-known there are lots more cardiac side-effects from Moderna than Pfizer. That one needs a study, too. Well?
💉 Canada’s Western Standard ran a story yesterday headlined, “Denmark bans COVID vaccines for children.” According to the story, the Danish government has barred children under 18 years old from taking covid vaccines due to the low risk they face from the virus.
In a June statement, the Danish government said it will no longer be possible for children under 18 to get the 1st jab, and from September 1st it will no longer be possible to get the 2nd jab, although high-risk children can be vaccinated after being assessed by a doctor.
Although Florida discourages jabs for healthy kids, the official U.S. policy is that every single American baby and child should get the “safe and effective” jab that was designed for a virus variant no longer in circulation.
🔥 In fact-checking news, yesterday the AP “fact-checked” the claim that 87,000 proposed new IRS agents in Biden’s Inflation Reduction Bill would create a “mob of armed auditors targeting middle-class taxpayers.” What nonsense! The AP helpfully fact-checks that vicious and unfounded rumor as false.
Wait! Sorry, sorry. My mistake. They didn’t fact check it as FALSE. They labeled it, “misleading.” Misleading because not ALL of the 87,000 new employees will be auditors, you see. They are hiring TWO kinds of folks: “The Treasury says it will hire experienced auditors and workers who will improve taxpayer services.”
So stop lying about the bill! True, it WILL create a mob of auditors targeting middle-class taxpayers, but there will ALSO be some new workers IMPROVING the audits. And not all of them will carry guns. So please get it right and quit misleading everybody.

The AP inadvertently fact-checked something right though — the claim that only corporations will pay the new taxes. AP quoted economists who said something very similar to what I did about those taxes:
It’s possible, though, that the bill’s new corporate taxes, including a minimum 15% tax for large corporations, could cause indirect economic impacts… “Economists are generally in agreement that the corporate income tax is borne not just by the businesses, but also by shareholders and by workers,” Holtzblatt said. “So that tax that gets imposed on the corporation, some of that might end up getting shifted to workers in the form of lower wages.”
Added Garrett Watson, a senior policy analyst at the Tax Foundation: “Distinguishing between whether lower after-tax incomes happen because of a direct tax hike or indirect incidence may be a distinction without a difference for many households.”
Now, the AP used those quotes to fact-check as FALSE the claims that taxes were going to be raised on lower-income folks. That’s how fact-checking works. See, the economic impacts on people making under $400,000 will be INDIRECT effects, so it’s false to say TAXES are raised on the middle and lower class. They’ll just be paying higher PRICES for everything, in the exact amount of the taxes.
Try to keep up.
🔥 Earlier this week, I challenged you all to explain the Biden Administration’s foreign policy. We didn’t really nail anything down, but now I think I’ve figured it out and it can be described in two words: childish bullying.
ZeroHedge ran a story this morning headlined, “US Threatens African Nations With Sanctions If They Buy Russian Products Other Than Grain.” According to the story, hyphenated-American Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield warned African countries last week they better not buy anything from Russia besides grain and fertilizer, or else they could face sanctions too.
Specifically, she ominously advised, “We caution countries not to break those sanctions because then… they stand the chance of having actions taken against them.” Her comments were made in preparation for Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who will be visiting Africa next week to do damage control after Russian and China have been romantically courting the entire continent of Africa.
ZeroHedge suggested that the bullying strategy, which it calls “the US approach of using force to get the results that it wants,” is backfiring, and is just pushing more countries closer to the Russia-China bloc. I think that’s right. The Biden Administration is giving countries childish ultimatums, ignoring their economic realities, and it is working about as well as when someone gives their girlfriend an ultimatum.
“It’s him or me,” is almost never a good move. It might work for a little while, but it usually implodes with the guy getting dumped in the most embarrassing way possible. That’s the entire Biden foreign policy.
🔥 Now for something completely different. The Economist ran a baffling story yesterday headlined, “Earth’s Continents May Owe Their Existence To Bombardment From Outer Space.” Sub-head: “Rather than forces within.”
The article exposes an interesting conflict that is brewing in the science of early Earth history. Apparently there is growing dissatisfaction with the long-held explanation of ‘plate tectonics’ as having formed the original continents. The article describes a new Australian study attempting to reinforce a competing “asteroid theory” of how the continents formed, because the old theory is leaking. The problem has to do with how hot the Earth probably was in the early days, and whether plate tectonics could occur at those high temperatures.
I’ve noticed over the years that many odd mysteries of science ultimately result in scientists throwing their hands up in the air and invoking asteroids, as a kind of temporary deus ex machina which papers over the embarrassing gaps in scientific knowledge, until scientists can cook up a better theory. Whenever scientists start invoking asteroids, you know the old theories are completely falling apart.
Why do I mention this story? Because I GUARANTEE you, there was a time where if a scientist heretically “denied” the tectonic theory of continental development he’d be banned from the college’s snack room and disinvited from playing in the regional hackeysack competition.
Yet here we are. I bet you never even knew that the tectonic theory was a “theory.” You probably just thought it was “settled science.” So in other words, some of the most well-established “facts” in science can — in the blink of an eye — get discredited and replaced with dumb placeholder theories, like blaming it on asteroids.*
Science does a good enough job of cementing its own thinking and acting dogmatic. It SURE doesn’t need the government’s help in doing that.
(* Venus is my favorite example. The “settled” explanation for the formation of the Solar System is that tiny particles swirled around the sun, eventually forming planets, and the rotational effects from the swirling explain why the planets all orbit the Sun going the same way, and all why they all rotate in the same direction. Um, except Venus. Venus spins the opposite way from all the other planets. Oops. The experts are baffled. Out of many nebulous and unlikely theories, the most widely accepted explanation is a massive asteroid strike that sent Venus spinning the opposite way. Asteroids! They can do anything. Okay, astronomical C&Cers, you can have at me now.)
Have a tremendous Thursday and I’ll be back tomorrow, with a hot new over-caffeinated update.
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Lots of information today. 🤯🤯🤯
So I’ll pick this one. Solar system baffling the scientists. 😂
How about we just settle on God created the heavens and the earth. Then, He strategically made Venus spin the opposite way. For the purpose of baffling humans and getting a good laugh while they spend centuries trying to figure it out. Can’t tell me God doesn’t have a sense of humor. 😂
Strength, courage, hope:
For all of them were trying to frighten us, thinking, “They will become discouraged with the work and it will not be done.” But now, O God, strengthen my hands.
— Nehemiah 6:9
‘Do not fear, for I am with you;
Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you, surely I will help you,
Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’
Behold, all those who are angered at you will be shamed and dishonored;
Those who contend with you will be as nothing and will perish.
— Isaiah 41:10-11
Blessed be the Lord,
For He has made marvelous His lovingkindness to me in a besieged city.
As for me, I said in my alarm,
“I am cut off from before Your eyes”;
Nevertheless You heard the voice of my supplications
When I cried to You.
O love the Lord, all you His godly ones!
The Lord preserves the faithful
And fully recompenses the proud doer.
Be strong and let your heart take courage,
All you who hope in the Lord.
— Psalm 31:21-24