Aug 11, 2022Β·edited Aug 11, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Lots of information today. 🀯🀯🀯

So I’ll pick this one. Solar system baffling the scientists. πŸ˜‚

How about we just settle on God created the heavens and the earth. Then, He strategically made Venus spin the opposite way. For the purpose of baffling humans and getting a good laugh while they spend centuries trying to figure it out. Can’t tell me God doesn’t have a sense of humor. πŸ˜‚

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Using the Mars/Venus man/woman analogy, of course Venus would have to spin the opposite way from Mars πŸ˜†

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Finally! Someone gets it. But then we have the issue of transgender. Everything is so complicated. : )

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That would be Uranus, which spins on its side.

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Uranus holds the clue to the origin of Monkey Pox.

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Winner winner chicken pox dinner.

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This line wins the Internet for today.

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Wow! Coming from *you*, that's quite a compliment! Thank yoy!

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Really, Uranus spins on its side???

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According to Wikipedia:

"The Uranian system has a unique configuration because its axis of rotation is tilted sideways, nearly into the plane of its solar orbit. Its north and south poles, therefore, lie where most other planets have their equators."

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if we all lived on Uranus we would think we were unique b/c all the other planets spin differently than us

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Great one

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Hahaha πŸ˜† πŸ˜‚ That's sexist. Lol and sarc πŸ˜…

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πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚

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That’s good!πŸ˜‰

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Came here to say that!!

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It’s clear at this point that God has an amazing sense of humor! I mean, seriously, look at the most ridiculous of his creations! No science needed! 🀣🀣🀣

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The duck-billed platypus being the only example needed. Or the echidna if you want another. 🀣

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The Blob Fish beats all I've ever seen !

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Exactly my thought as I read this too!! God truly does have a sense of humor. 😊

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Check out how Fake News is Reading From a Script in unison, to Promote Civil War in the US - https://tinyurl.com/39kamt43

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Shocking. More psychological warfare being waged upon US citizens like the scamdemic. I think they will regret getting what they want. It will be the permanent end of them.

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its like when I was a kid in the 1970s and 80s and we watched pravda in social studies class and analysed it. all anti western propaganda. thats what Im watching now here

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For a different theory on the creation of Venus, look up the writings of Immanuel Velikovsky. He was vilified and disgraced by the Science Establishment for being, basically, a heretic. He postulated that Venus is rather young, compared to the other planets and that it was β€œkicked out” from within either Jupiter or Saturn, I don't remember which. Is he right? Who knows.

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Aug 11, 2022Β·edited Aug 11, 2022

What's amazing is these scientists are employing an "alien (or asteroid) of the gaps" methodology in their explanation.

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Indeed. "Aliens/Asteroids did it" is Science[TM], but don't you dare suggest "God did it" or you're an ignorant luddite.

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And if Venus's atmosphere represents a "runaway greenhouse effect", how come her temperatures π’Šπ’π’„π’“π’†π’‚π’”π’† as you approach her surface?? "Temperature changes slightly traveling through the atmosphere, growing 𝒄𝒐𝒐𝒍𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 π’‚π’˜π’‚π’š π’‡π’“π’π’Ž 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒆 (Italics added). Temperatures are cooler in the upper atmosphere, ranging from (minus 43 C) to (minus 173 C)."


Temperatures are cooler in the upper atmosphere and TheExpertsβ„’ tell us Venus is a runaway greenhouse due to atmospheric carbon dioxide?????????

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And several planets emit more energy than can be accounted for by solar albedo. So the nuclear fusion furnace is contributing to "global warming" from the inside-out and earth is one of them.

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That makes too much sense, so of course, they won't agree with it. lol

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DJ Trump will begin posting on Telegram beginning Monday. Sign-up now. He needs subscribers to kick-start the site. -- t.me/MrPoolofficial45

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Strength, courage, hope:

For all of them were trying to frighten us, thinking, β€œThey will become discouraged with the work and it will not be done.” But now, O God, strengthen my hands.

β€” Nehemiah 6:9

β€˜Do not fear, for I am with you;

Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.

I will strengthen you, surely I will help you,

Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’

Behold, all those who are angered at you will be shamed and dishonored;

Those who contend with you will be as nothing and will perish.

β€” Isaiah 41:10-11

Blessed be the Lord,

For He has made marvelous His lovingkindness to me in a besieged city.

As for me, I said in my alarm,

β€œI am cut off from before Your eyes”;

Nevertheless You heard the voice of my supplications

When I cried to You.

O love the Lord, all you His godly ones!

The Lord preserves the faithful

And fully recompenses the proud doer.

Be strong and let your heart take courage,

All you who hope in the Lord.

β€” Psalm 31:21-24

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These really spoke to me this morning, thank you!

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That one from Nehemiahβ€¦β€οΈπŸ™πŸ»

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God has been laying many of these scriptures on my heart as well. Thank you for sharing!

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Your posts are just what is called for at the time. I have shared some with friends. Thank you!

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Thank you for telling me this. So thankful for His word that comforts and encourages. God bless you!

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A retired doctor friend who is very aware of what is going on with the medical community, Jab and our world, was admitted to hospital unrelated to Covid. Without his knowledge or consent, he was injected with the spike 2x in one day! He’s letting friends know as no one knows what’s going to happen. Medical malpractice!!!!

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Aug 11, 2022Β·edited Aug 11, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Wow! And that’s EXACTLY the reason my husband said absolutely no way will he go into a hospital for any reason. Period. Me too. (I also say that knowing accidents happen that can put us there, and not everyone is able to say they will not go for any reason β™₯️)

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Aug 11, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I prepared a paper I carry with me. Notorized

No Remdesivir, no vaccine, no blood from vaxxed person, no vent. Plus a sign to post on bed to the same effect.

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Aug 11, 2022Β·edited Aug 11, 2022

We did as well, although at this point of lawlessness.. I think they don't give a crap what we have, say or do.

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On the bright side, at least your surviving family members will have well-documented grounds for a lawsuit.

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They will not post a note with your wishes above your bed or by your bed. When my father was in Rehab for a stroke and could not swallow, I wrote on a large post it note, "Please do not give anything by mouth, patient cannot swallow." It was taken down by administration within minutes. "No one is allowed to post a note concerning a patient above or on their bed. It is against the law." Even when it protects the life of the patient? "That is correct." My father would ask everyone for water...πŸ˜₯

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Did they show you the actual law?

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I was shown what appeared to be a State of Florida document that indicated it was a law. When I asked his doctor he concured, although he said it was often reasonable to need some kind of notification to prevent patient harm. It was a very difficult time. I was staying at the facility, in my father's room 18-20 hrs a day due to repeated issues with his care.

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And what law might that be, O Great And Mighty Hospital Administrator?

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That's why family or friends need to be there at all times.

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Wonder if the blood bank has that info - whether or not the blood comes from unvaxxed person.

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My family does not donate blood now. If our unvaxx status renders us unclean, not eligible for organ transplants and superspreaders, they can't possibly want our blood. That would be hypocritical. I know I don't want their blood or organs.

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You can bank your own blood if you are having a procedure done.

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I went into a Red Cross bloodmobile about a year ago, intending to donate, and asked if they separated donated plasma according to vaxx status of the donor. The nurse said they did not. I also asked if they screened donors for covid antibodies prior to donations; they did not. I took my untapped blood home with me.

Seems to me we purebloods are harboring a precious commodity. Wondering how soon a bounty will be placed on our heads.

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I donated blood right after the craziness began and they checked with their office for me (I was at a mobile donation point). They do Not distinguish whether or not you’ve been jabbed. Not very comforting is it?

And all the baloney about docs, nurses being β€œheroes is just that….baloney.

The heroes are the Dr. Zelenkos of the world sticking the necks and reputations out to try to protect and heal us….for no personal gain.

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I know they ask when you donate. Not sure how or where they keep that info.

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You know, that has been on mind for some time - wouldn't want to take that chance ...... and would NOT trust them or their response. Sad, isn't it?

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Hmmm very good question

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I might even want to have that tattoo'd on my left arm near their favorite IV vein. lol

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It's such a shame. I paid for health insurance almost all my life and now growing old I am terrified of needing medical care. What little savings I have may go to getting medical care somewhere outside the US, paying cash and getting the care I paid for without medical secret agents doing Lord knows what to my body.

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Don't be terrified, when you submit to fear you relinquish your power. In fact, don't ever use that word again. Learn everything you can both medically and legally, take proactive measures to protect your rights and bodily autonomy, but most important, trust God. These vipers are no match for Him.

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Amen. Love this response.

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I hear you. It is a real life battle for each of us. We are doing our best to stay healthy by eating much better and exercise in even little ways. But if things go sideways as we continue to age….hmm. Gonna have to trust God that He will intervene somehow. I know He is able to. Faith is my rock.

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Thank God for acupuncture, homeopathy, and naturopathy.

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Don't forget what we put on our bodies. Lots of nasty stuff gets absorbed transdermally and the cosmetics industry in this country is largely unregulated.

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Well, this is a very nice sentiment that I want to agree with.

Unfortunately should we be in a severe auto accident, we will be hauled to the hospital.

Should we find ourselves with some other unexpected, life threatening illness, we may need to find ourselves in a hospital.

Unfortunately some of us have chronic, life-altering medical conditions that require or may in the future require hospital care.

So please be gentle when you say this and realize that unfortunately not everyone has this luxury. Also, not everyone - even those who distrust hospitals - feel like they have a reasonable alternative way to care for themselves outside of the conventional allopathic model.

Those of you who are old and healthy and haven’t yet suffered at the hands of the medical establishment with their bad dietary advice and drugs that may help but also harm, please remember and pray for those of us who ourselves or whose loved ones haven’t been so fortunate. It really is hard to be in this predicament. πŸ˜“πŸ˜“πŸ˜“

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I apologize. I was not meaning to be flippant or come across hard hearted about it. I full well know what you are talking about. We have a special needs daughter. So medical intervention is at our door all the time. Plus I’m mostly healthy, but have my chronic issues as well I’ve recently been getting away from pharmaceuticals that have done damage to me, and figuring out how to take my health issues into my own hands. Steering away from the medical establishment. However, I full know what you are saying. Which is why I am always looking for ways to protect my family should the need arise and we have no choice but to go the hospital. And you are 100% spot on. Accidents happen and can be out of our control completely. For those instances I have to trust God in whatever the outcome is. He is the One who has the final say. He alone decides what happens to me or what doesn’t happen to me.

This struggle is REAL. I do get it. I have family members to protect besides my own self. Again, I apologize if I came across like one shoe fits all sizes. It doesn’t. Not everyone has the luxury of staying out of a hospital or away from doctors. There but for the grace of God go I.

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Exactly. We are all in different stages of life. Those older or with conditions have had a lot more interaction or intervention from the medical establishment. We are in God's hands and faith plays a huge part. We need to have painful discussions with our loved ones about what could happen...but we pray won't. There is no need to apologize for our different viewpoints as we are all on a different part of this mountain. Bah!!

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Different parts of the mountain.


And we can all shout out encouragement to each other.

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I love this comment.

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Oh, I know you didn’t mean to be flippant.

It’s just hard hearing folks talk about β€œnever seeing the hospital again” and living off grid, when, for us, as much as we would like to, we can’t.

I’m busily learning homeopathy, so hopefully we can at least manage a bit more self-sufficiently and our kiddo will have a better chance of better, longer health.

Thanks for sharing part of your own experiences.

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No worries. Honestly, In some ways C&C feels like a family to talk and bounce ideas around. Sometimes we don’t say things as great as we wanted to. Sometimes we disagree. It’s ok too. But, I do believe we need to walk in humility and grace even with online friends. We are all trying to figure this out as we go.

As much as I’d love to live off the grid that won’t happen for us either. So. We do what we can to be responsible for ourselves as best we can, and help others when in need. I applaud you taking care of your family. I don’t know you but you are a regular on here too. Someday It would be fun to have a family reunion and meet everyone in person. πŸ˜‚ Complete with user name tags πŸ˜‰

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Love this post Sunnydaze!! Gave me warm fuzzies πŸ₯° I totally agree with what you wrote!

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Gamer tags. Like in Minecraft. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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Well said, Copernicus.

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I had a friend whose father-in-law entered our small local hospital with COVID. She told me that the staff was very nasty to all of them because he refused Remdesivir. But when they got him home, a nurse called her and told her that they were right to say that because "Remdesivir is killing people."

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This is my fear too! I am afraid they will start asking people if they have had the jab, and if not, they may try to give it to you without consent. I recently went to get a mammogram and on the form I had to fill out before I went in, it asked if you have taken the jab. Why on earth would they need to know that for a mammogram? I just left it blank.

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Actually, I'd heard that they need to know because of marked swollen lymph nodes in some folks post-injection and because apparently that can interfere w/ or show up on mammogram???

I don't entirely understand it myself. Was a significant reason that I skipped mine last time 'round. Since then I've learned (and had suspected prior) that they aren't actually all that great for reducing mortality from breast cancer anyway... as with many of our screenings. But don't get me started. We think we are "preventing" but all we are doing is detecting what's already there. True preventive care would keep us from getting the things in the first place.

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Check out thermography.

I’ve used it instead of mammograms for maybe 20 years now

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Aug 11, 2022Β·edited Aug 11, 2022

Thank You! It's good to know that there is actually a valid reason, other than them just being nosy. I completely agree with you on the screening issue. Many women with dense breast tissue are being told they need mammograms every 6 months- I was told this last year- even though I always had it. Anyway, I told them that I do NOT want to do that. How do we know that all the radiation from the mammograms is not contributing to getting cancer? I know many women who are opting out of the yearly mammograms. I really wish there was a clear consensus on what is really necessary.

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Genevieve, I have done a yearly Thermogram for the last 5 years. Simply put, it measures heat in the body. Inflammation can increase heat and increased circulation also produces heat. When there are changes noted it could be an indication of initial tumor growth. If that happens then I will have a mammogram. Trying to limit radiation exposure as this alone is a risk factor for developing cancer.

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Joanne, What type of facility does thermography? Is it covered by health insurance? I agree with limiting radiation exposure.

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If you have dense tissue, you need an MRI. Just get one instead of a mammo once - so you have a baseline. They can’t see anything on a mammo for dense tissue. I say this as a BC survivor who was given a CLEAN mammogram at 37 & an MRI that was Stage III.

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Congratulations for beating cancer, and I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I have heard of this kind of thing before unfortunately, which is another reason I question mammograms. They recommended that I have a Mammogram and an ultrasound every 6 months. When I questioned why can't I just do the ultrasound they said they "look at different things" These same people also will tell you that the radiation from the mammogram is not dangerous, but after the past couple of years I have learned to question and research everything!

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My husband and I have agreed to the same thing.

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Jeff, please tell us how we legally protect ourselves from this medical malpractice should we have to be admitted to a hospital, and potentially in an unconscious state, say from a car accident or heart attack. Is there any legal vehicle to prevent unauthorized vaccination as the only means of receiving lifesaving treatment? It scares the crap out of me!!!

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Jeff wrote about this on 2/3 . You can find it under 'resources' on the C&C main sub stack page. its called Hospital Covid guide 1.0.. Don't be afraid be prepared!

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Thank you. I just got. It is very comprehensive

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Thanks for the reminder Julie. I thought I had previously read something. Appreciate you pointing it out.

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I was so happy my daughter gave birth at home last February. I was really worried the staff would start giving newborns COVID shots on the sly. I was just told by a friend that the MMR will now be a dual shot with COVID. I don't know if that's true or not, but parents really need to be aware of what's going on with childhood vaxxes (if they even continue to have their children take them).

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I’m a RN who gave my children the childhood vaccines, which were about 15 or 16 vaxxes from 0-18 yrs. Now that number has risen to 56-60 preCovid!! I’ve committed myself to digging into this since I now have grandchildren and have learned so much about Big Pharma through the Covid mess and I regret giving my kids all those vaccines and am strongly encouraging my daughter to not continue the vax protocol with her little boys. It’s a crime, just like the Covid vaccines, and it appalls me that MD’s are going along with this! Stay out of hospitals if you can and look for Holistic or Homeopathic doctors!

Congratulations on your new grandchild!

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Thank you! Same story for me. If I had to do it all over again, I would not have them get all the shots. At least my children never got the HPV vax. Unfortunately, according to my daughter, it's not that easy finding a pediatrician or family doctor who will take children on as patients if you won't agree to all the vaccines.

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The doctors get a bonus from insurance companies if a large % of their practice is β€˜fully vaxxed’ including flu and soon Covid vaccines. So there’s a huge financial incentive for them to push all Vaxxes on everyone.

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Sad. I think that would be called a bribe.

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About 250 attorneys are participating in the loosely affiliated group known as the COVID Resource Network. Organizers say they expect it will grow exponentially as more β€œfreedom-fighting” attorneys commit to helping patients get access to drugs they want to try, help workers fight their employers’ vaccine mandates, prepare to enter the hospital with proper power of attorney documents, and more.

β€œWe’re just trying to move the needleβ€”that’s what patriots do,” said West Palm Beach, Florida, attorney Rachel Rodriguez, who is, for now, hosting the network’s intake form on her law office website. β€œWe’re sharing ideas, pleadings, motions. We’re trying to multiply our efforts,” and save time, which, for some clients, is running out.

The plan is to expand the network soon to include a nationwide list of medical providers who would offer help by advising on how to avoid the hospital and treat COVID-19 at home, or suggest treatments that could help hospitalized patients.

For now, people with an urgent legal need related to COVID-19β€”such as a patient worried about legal documents needed before checking into a hospital, or the family of a loved one being treated in a hospital, where care may not be optimalβ€”can fill out an online form requesting help. Volunteer attorneys sort through the requests and send SOS emails to custodians maintaining lists of willing lawyers who have experience with cases involving COVID-19.

Attorneys from around the country started coming together to share ideas, strategies, and even files at the request of Jeff Childers of Childers Law in Gainsville, Florida.

β€œNone of this would exist without [Childers],” the lawyer said.



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Amazing! Thanks for sharing this resource! Way. To. Go. Jeff! πŸ’ͺ🏻

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These men and women are a part of the great patriot army, born for a time such as this. They are rising up and we greatly appreciate each and every one of them. Thank you

Runemasque for this post!

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This is fantastic!! Very encouraging!! Jeff is a true warrior!

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Yes, Jeff. THIS ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️

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I agree! I told my daughter if she has any reason to be admitted to a hospital I need to be her first call so I can jump on a plane and be her advocate.

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Yes please! This is horrifying!

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We have medical facilities in Eastern NC that are requiring the jab for all New employees. And a reminder as Jeff said. For a variant that is NoLonger in circulation. And on that note. Have you had a glimpse at Birx’s book? What a crock. She believes we can get herd immunity from the flu shot!!!

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They are the enemy.

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Ok, I was given the link to Jeff’s suggestions to protect oneself from this medical tyranny. Go here and be prepared! Thank you, Jeff!

Link: https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/-hospital-covid-guide-10-

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This is real. In rural Minnesota, I have a friend who went to the hospital with a diabetic emergency. While he was in a bad state, they have him the Covid shot. When he was recovering, he asked them what they gave to him. Only then did he find out. He was angry, because he did not want to get the shot. He does not want to litigate, sadly. I am a regular person, and I offered to help to hold them accountable. A lot of people don't want to step into an enormous fight, but, I wish he had.

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Long story short... my sister assured my mother that the covid jab was safe and effective siting the Israel studies published in 2021. I had been talking to family for months and waiving red flags to help them assess the risks. My sister, in secret, takes mom to get her first shot. Mom ends up with congestive heart failure several months later. She’s hospitalized twice and is weak and traumatized. She knows she doesn’t want the shot and tells them no when asked. The nurse sends in the doctor and he pressures her into taking it... my mom, in her distress and wanting to come home, takes the jab. We find out they gave her two doses plus flu shot! All at the same time! She now has purple toes with necrotic tissue. When you are in hospital you are a hostage. They see you as a pharm animal and care not about ethics, morals, or humanity. I am not feeling very merciful about this... I want to shove their stethoscope down their lying throats.

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I can't "like" this comment because the rage I feel when reading it is overwhelming. In any other time, place or situation, there would be lawyers waiting as your mom exited the building to file suit against these bastards. I don't even know how you deal with the conduct of your sister. I'm sorry, Banjocat.

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Oh, it has been extremely difficult to maintain relationships. Example http://banjocatcreative.com/comment/ I have ten siblings. My sister lives 5 minutes away from my mom. After my mother was released from hospital my sister panicked and wanted to put her in assisted living. My sister has a large home, money, comfort... I couldn’t let that happen so I said goodbye to my husband, got on a plane, and I’ve been caring for my mom for the last three months. I have no idea what my future holds... I have to trust God on this one.

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Oh my goodness Banjocat. I am so sorry for what you are going through and up against. 😞 It angers me, too. It is wrong. I pray your husband will be supportive and work with you on this. Tackling it together as much as possible. I believe in prayer and I will stop and pray for you, your husband and your mom right now. β™₯️

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Thank you so very much... my husband is struggling (as am I) but he is very supportive. Big hug to you and your loving heart.

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Oh, my. I read your post, BC. Such darkness - caused by the fear which has been carefully cultivated 24/7 over the past 28 months - in souls. Your family member is really unwell spiritually. She has been ensnared by the Devil.

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Yes I feel the same. It’s sickening.

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Mercy is for those who need it. These people are not asking for mercy. They are predators.

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Aug 11, 2022Β·edited Aug 11, 2022

We are on the road back to the pioneer days, when whites and native peoples both treated their own illnesses at home, using time-tested "natural" remedies and accepting the results.

Two centuries developing remarkable medical technology and pharmaceuticals, crushed by the greed of a small group of thugs who are gods in their twisted power-crazed minds. Poultices and witch doctors: Time's a'comin' to circle back.

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I'd take the poultices and witch doctors any day over this mess

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Yes he needs to fight if at all possible for I fear he may well need the money he might gain to deal with the cost of the aftermath on his health.

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My guess is there will soon be plaintiff's lawyers looking for just such situations. COVID-related cases are starting to work their way through the system. The scenario you describe is clearly illegal. I know many people believe the PREP act and various state mandates insulate providers and facilities from all liability, but in New York, at least the courts have not ruled that way. We'll see...

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Also, my mother in law got covid. She went to the doctor, who offered to give her a shot to stimulate her immune system. My husband happened to call her on the phone during the appointment and warn her what that was. Otherwise she would have got it, because the tendency to trust the doctor is so basic for her. She did get through her Covid very well after that, but she got anxious about taking the protocols recommended by Zelenko, etc, because, if a doctor isn't standing there affirming them, she starts to feel uncertain in the moment. Her husband took the protocols right away. They both got through the illness well, in their 70's and 80's.

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Aug 11, 2022Β·edited Aug 11, 2022

And the MSM wonders why people don't trust the medical community?

This example is why, short of an axe wound where I will bleed out, I will never willingly go to a hospital.

Congrats Fauci, you destroyed America.

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At least for now.

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Yep, but he also had a lot of help from various politicians.

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I went to the E.R. twice during a covid bout for fluids (I couldnt keep anything down and went purely out of desperation). The one doctor tried to intimidate me because I hadnt been vaxxed and was using liquid ivermectin to try to beat the virus. Could he have made them inject me, even though I wasnt there for that? How do I find out? Is there a test my REAL doctors (not connected to insurance companies) can do to find out?

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I don't know everything, but I would ask to see your medical records. If they give it to you internally, they must be beholden to document it. You have a right to all of your patient records. Probably a good practice to review them no matter what.

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I can try that. A lot of the medical records are now online, which makes you jump thru hoops to access (give them access to your phone). I can try, tho. Thanks!

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Even at appointments, they always want me to check in on a tablet, which won't work unless you fill out a domestic violence and suicide assessment. Finally I realized I just need to use paper and decide which information I want to offer and which not. I don't want to be just led along every path that they want to take me.

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My dear, sweet, always gracious, now departed mom had a curious habit of writing NOYB on any governmental form she found too intrusive. I used to laugh about it but now I’ve picked up the habit. Thanks Mom!

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Right there with you... they always ask for my driver's license. I tell them you can see it to prove I'm me, but you can't scan it. That generally causes them to get snippity and say "I can't scan your license?". I tell them that I am more than happy to let them scan it when they can provide written documentation that their computer system is 100% secure against any hackers. That usually ends the conversation :-)

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Love this!!

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They are always trying to convince me to use the online system, but I refuse. There was a system of healthcare that recently came under fire for violating patient privacy. I tell them I need print. Also, ask for the patient rights printout and go through it, so you can better advocate for yourself with their own literature.

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Try asking for paper documents, I’m pretty sure you are legally entitled to those, however, we’re also entitled to not be given treatments against our will…

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Will do! Thanks!

And yeah, we should be.

Also, the 1st time I went, they would not allow anybody to go back with me. They had me "sign" things without me reading them. They "told" me what I was signing, but I never saw PROOF of what I was signing. (It was some stupid electric thing I signed - kinda like when you use your debit card and sign a screen.)

I was so incredibly sick that none of that occurred to me until after I got home and had a day or two to think about it. :(

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You are so right. I think we need to stop going along with this stuff. They need to know that it is not an honest and trustworthy way to go about things. I don't like that they have me sign a permission to treat. I'm not sure what I can do about that. I'd rather not have to sign an extensive legalese just to talk to a doctor. I have not examined it carefully yet.

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Kelly, you just need to submit a release and they MUST provide you your records. And they can't charge you any ridiculous fee or make it difficult. Here's one example of a request letter (ignore the part about sending records to a lawyer - you can just direct that they send them to your home address):


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Thanks! I will try that!

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The MOST they can charge (and typically they don't charge individuals requesting records) is $6.50 no matter how big the record. This falls under the HITECH act which was part of Obamacare.

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Request a copy of your medical records

Any and all times you leave an ER

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this is horrible, and something I have been concerned about for the past year, what state did this abomination happen? This is why people must have advocates with them 24 hrs a day. Hospitals have now turned into torture chambers. Will pray for your friend, and our country.

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I've had this conversation with my husband and we both agree unless ABSOLUTELY warranted we will not go into any hospital. I truly believe that this could happen anytime and anywhere. I would sue in a NY minute.

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Agreed! I would think that if you could prove it, you would definitely have a good "case" there!

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Wow. Just wow. 🀬🀬🀬 my fear for sure… don’t get hospitalized!!!

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That is beyond unimaginable! 🀬🀬🀬🀬

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Jane- Was the jab done while he was under anesthesia? If so, how did he find out that he was jabbed?

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I do not know. He was groggy when I spoke to him. He’s In another state. But he is a doctor and very intelligent and probably asked questions and may have looked at his chart.

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Jane...how does that even happen??!! How is he now?

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Whoa! How did he find out? I have a similar concern for a loved one.

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Oh my gosh. I’m shocked. What did he say ?

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Aug 11, 2022Β·edited Aug 11, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Regarding bullying:

On 9/11 I was working in Europe. As I sat at my computer staring at the twin towers fall over and over, my boss came over to me and said sadly, "I'm very sorry for what happened, but your country deserved it for the way it meddles in the affairs of other countries." That was the first time I had ever heard anything other than that we were a shining light on a hill.

America has been bullying other countries for a very long time. Our government is more like a cheating, cruel husband who pays his wife an exceedingly generous allowance. She pretends to trust him, and he pretends to be faithful. They both know it's a big, fat lie, but they both benefit. If a pregnant girl showed up at the front door though, the façade would be destroyed, and there would be consequences.

It's the same here. The FBI is pregnant with corruption and just showed up at the front door. The divorce is going to be a legendary.

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What we are witnessing is "trickle-down-bullying" among peers, fellow citizens, doctors, and governmental officials. The comments at C&C today are an indication that too many folks(often elderly) are forced to get the injection against their will. This is bullying of the highest order--and in fact, it is euthanasia.

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Wow, great comment. I always wondered about Kings I and II, how God sometimes judged the nation because of the kings. But, now it's really clear. A corrupt head invites corruption to all its body parts, until eventually the whole body is sick and eventually dies.

This is murder.

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Beautifully stated! Perhaps more metaphor, poetry and comedy will get us through this phase of societal illness.

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There is some truth to that, but there is also a lot of resentment and jealousy on the part of certain countries that they are no longer top of the heap rulers of large empires. And I’m sorry, that is a terrible thing to say to anyone after an event like that. β€œI’m sorry but… β€œ is a weasel way of jubilating about death and destruction happening to others. It’s Schadenfreude pretending to be compassion. I mean what if we said that to people from other countries about tragic events? β€œWell, I’m sorry about the Bataclan but it’s your fault for allowing all of these radicals to come into your country.” Or β€œWell I’m sorry that your earthquake destroyed all the houses but it’s your fault for electing corrupt leaders who took bribes so the shoddy construction could go ahead.”

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I spent a month in Canada many years ago and was struck by the small slice of Canadians that seemingly hate the US just because it's so big and pervasive. It's like the younger brother who dislikes his older sibling because he was the football star and straight A student and the younger kid is forever in his shadow. The inferiority complex is real in many smaller countries.

On top of that, anyone who says, "I'm sorry for what happened *but* I'm really not sorry as you deserved it" is a grade-A hypocritical jerk. It would be far more honest to just come out and say the US brought it on itself rather than to cloak it in disingenuous sympathy.

All that being said, the US has behaved atrociously in much of the world and what comes around goes around. However, nearly every other country on the Earth has done similar actions, they just have not had the military power the US has to project it across the globe. Read about what Belgium did in the Congo, or Canada in its residential schools toward Indians and Eskimos, and of course Germany. For a German to say the US deserved it due to it's past actions is the Chef's kiss as they say.

Many people are jerks, and people that rise in power are often sociopaths. That's clear to us now as the US is hell-bent on spreading self-destructive immorality around the world. However, we did the same thing in Vietnam when we propped up a corrupt and despicable regime and killed countless Vietnamese because our leaders were convinced they were the good guys. Look at the invasion of Iraq for a more recent example. George Bush filled with intolerant self-righteousness and chip on his shoulder (as Hussein allegedly tried to kill his dad) put the entire Middle East into turmoil which resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands.

Bottom line is that man is a sh#t head, and no country has a monopoly on it. That's why we all so desperately need God's grace through our Savior. People than genuinely love God and love others don't act this way toward others.

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Well said. I agree with much of what you wrote. The difference is that as Christians born in America, we have zero political influence over other countries, so I am less interested in pointing out the mote in their eyes, if you get my meaning.

The only country we have influence over is America, and what influence we had, we have frittered away so that we can watch our big screen TVs while eating Hot Pocketsβ„’. Let's repent of our own sins first, and then we can actually help others.

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Yes, well said! I agree. We don’t have a monopoly on evil and actually we have done more good than many other countries. Our people are consistently generous when there is need elsewhere in the world. We have helped our enemies and adversaries once the conflict is over instead of conquering them and taking the spoils. We have many faults (arguably due to the increasing size and power of our federal government more than anything else). But it’s pretty disingenuous to criticize our country when everyone else has done the same or worse for centuries (not just decades like us). Of course we should try to remedy our faults and not be so blindly proud of our country that we think it’s perfect. But his reaction was boorish and petty imo.

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I mean, I highly doubt he would’ve said that to someone from England and they arguably committed thousands of times more offenses against dozens of other countries and peoples over the centuries πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

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Well, he was German, so...

Seriously though, I must disagree on this. I am very grateful he said it because I, like most Americans, was blissfully and partly willingly blind to the machinations of our government. Was it worth people dying? No, of course not, but I'm still glad he said it. I'm really tired of people being critical when someone is truthful, as though being nice is a higher virtue.

Yes, there are many who are resentful and jealous, but of what? Perhaps they're resentful because our government is a bully with a hidden agenda? If I were a citizen in South America, for example, and I knew that the US State Department tied funding to promoting LGBT-whatever and my government participated because they were greedy for money, I might be a bit resentful too.

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Well I’m glad you took it as a positive. If you’d had someone die because of it, maybe you would have had a different reaction (or maybe not, I don’t know you). I could almost have guessed he was from a western European nation, as they all were big deals before the US rose to power and did not hesitate to throw their weight around, oppressed and took advantage of other countries. Although I agree it is good to have one’s eyes opened and not be naΓ―ve, I think his purpose was not to really inform you but to be gleeful about something bad happening to a country and people he apparently despises. I don’t know, while I see your point of view, I don’t agree and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It just strikes me as spiteful and immature. Maybe I have had too many of these kinds of experiences with Europeans and have become overly sensitive. But I’m frankly sick of their superiority complex and their gleeful enthusiasm with fake sympathy when anything bad happens to the US or its people.

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Frankly, I don't know what his sentiment was, and I was there! My own impression is that he was speaking with typical German bluntness (no offence to any demure Germans reading this).

I think I understand your sentiment, and I also understand why you would be frustrated by repeated experiences. People who are of the world do tend to act this way, no matter what country they come from. We shouldn't be surprised, but instead let's recognize that this is another example of how God's Word is true! I'm often astonished, although I shouldn't be, by how accurately the Bible portrays the actions and thoughts of unbelievers.

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It is fascinating that it was a German saying such a thing given THAT country's history in world affairs.

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I guess he should be a quasi-authority then :)

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Typical hypocrisy. Maybe they’re just relieved there is a different bad guy to point the finger at after them being the bad guy for so long.

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I guess I can’t get over the disconnect between the idea that the government did some terrible things so it’s justified that innocent people were killed. That is pretty much what he was saying. I am sure none of the people who perpetrated those acts in other countries were harmed in any way by the attack nor did this stop those activities. Maybe he’d also be okay with it if a Jewish person bombed a random building in Berlin or Frankfurt for what the Germans had done to them and killed a bunch of people πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ Somehow I think not, though.

Like I said, I’m glad it gave you a lightbulb moment, but I still think it was a jerk comment to make, and I personally would have been very offended by it on behalf of those who lost their lives, their limbs and health, or their loved ones.

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As always, at risk of great redundancy: Follow the money. Tracking how resources are distributed; who owns the central banks; and the faux metrics of a dying paradigm's last gasp effort to convince folks that depressions, recessions, and inflation are akin to weather patterns--will reveal how (and who) the Matrix is maintained. Empire is often like a tumor.

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You're right, of course.

Yet, the sentiment is still true for many, many people around the world.

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Thank you for saying this. I 100% agree, and I didn't wake up to the idea that America was a bully until 2010. After WW2, we were essentially the only world superpower and we squandered it. Under the guise of 'fighting communism' our CIA toppled popular elected leaders and replaced them with corrupt, and often abusive, leaders friendly to US corporations. All that while Marxism was spreading throughout the US like a cancer. If communism is such a terrible economic system (which we know it is), just let those countries fail on their own.

The FBI has been corrupt almost since it's inception. How could it not be with a blackmailed crossdresser running it for so many decades? They spied on MLK Jr and sent him a 'you should just kill yourself' letter. Ruby Ridge, Waco, Richard Jewell. This was known for a very long time (watch them portrayed as incompetent fools in Die Hard) but then they spent a long time rebuilding their image in movies and TV (Silence of the Lambs, Profiler, etc.). Over the past several years, we are just being reminded of what they always were, corrupt thugs.

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The biggest thing they've done is get the American people battling each other due to weaponizing our goodness, our values, against us. Virtually all of us have been fooled by corruption of sociopaths, at all levels of government, church, education etc. Be compassionate with all people as we learn the truth, we all have logs in our eyes.

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The US deep state has been bullying other countries for a very long time. For someone to point that out to a citizen of US who doesn't know it not bad. What would be is to blame all in US for what our secret agencies do w our money while lying to us. Just as we don't take it out on regular Chinese people because their corrupt government is doing bad things. Best case scenario: all peoples of world wake up to what their corrupt governments are doing, say no, and find other things to have national pride in. US should have national pride in many things incl having the Constitution we do, but NO to feeling pride for bullying other countries under guise of "bringing Democracy" etc.

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As the saying goes...follow the money! C.A. Fitts ( a notable whistleblower) performed a federal audit and discovered $21 Trillion unaccounted for. Poof! And with the recent Ukraine money laundering op we heard about Billions in "aid" [?] to support what? As much as tracking budgets is a mind-numbing detail of adult life, we truly have to wrest control of the US Treasury from the foxes and stop the financial hemmoarghing of our Govt henhouse. Centralized banks and centralized Government are both at fault and prone to insidious corruption!

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To take a little different tack on this, if history has taught us anything, it is that Governments, especially as a large institution, are not to be trusted...ever. It is my observation that people around the world find Americans as individuals, friendly, generous and likable. I find this to generally be the same for other people regardless where they are from. However, when a house wife in the Middle East looks out her kitchen window and sees a USG warship pulling into their harbor, that only engenders fear of what the ship is there for. Other people may like Americans but they fear the USG.

Your German boss was probably just being honest. Rather than saying we deserved 911, he probably should have said we should have expected it. That would have been more accurate. The USG has been poking sharp sticks into Middle Eastern snake pits for a long time. When you do that, you should expect to get bitten. We have done more to recruit people to Middle East terrorist organizations by our (the USG) own actions than any local recruiting could have done without us. "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."

Comparing ourselves to other people or other governments is a mistake. No one is more righteous than anyone else or without fault. And a comparison justifies nothing. As I said, if history has taught us anything, it is that governments are not to be trusted. In 1860, the US federal government was transformed from a constitutional republic to an imperial empire under President Lincoln when the Federal Gov't declared war on the seceding States and their fellow American citizens in those States. The USG has been an empire ever since and every war the USG entered since, against the sage advice of the founding fathers, was waged to further that empire.

We have to remember that our identity as a people, as Americans, is not the Government. Our identity is the American people themselves, our culture, our history and our shared values. Governments can, and will, come and go. This is true of us, it is true of the Russians and it is true of the French who have had more governments than I can remember over the centuries yet they are STILL French. The current Federal USG will not last forever. The corruption and despotism we are currently living with is indicative that the USG is morally illegitimate and fiscally bankrupt. The USG empire cannot be sustained any further and will soon go the way of the USSR empire. As the right and left wings of the Enlightenment, that 500 year civilization cycle is coming to an end and we have the privilege of witnessing part of that.

The big question is, What next? I only see two choices immediately ahead of us and it appears to hinge upon the upcoming election cycle this year and 2024. We will either continue the current political momentum and descend into an American version of Nazism or we will institute a reconstruction of our political structures to return to the principles of our founding documents based upon a Biblical morality supported by the fiber of the American culture and people. This will require a full accounting, judgement and restitution of every individual and organization responsible for the mass poisoning and slaughter we are living through. I have heard people say that what we are witnessing is unprecedented. It is not. We think it is because most of us have been alive only a few decades. We have seen this despotism in this country before when the Federal Gov't declared war upon her own people and began a horrific slaughter of Americans in 1860 and the fundamental nature of the USG was forever altered. If we lose this battle, we will have lost the war. However, I think before that happens there will be a split among the States which we are already beginning to see. The split is now more fundamental. It is no longer just Red vs Blue. It is either liberty or despotism. It happened before. It can happen again.

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So well said and very thoughtful. I think one of the critical errors of the past was the ratification of the 17th amendment. If it were repealed, instantly the focus of the people would return to local elections where their attention belongs.

It seems every generation thinks it is the last generation, but I dare say we still haven't dropped to the level of 1st century Rome or late 1st century Jerusalem, never mind Sodom. Things can get a lot worse and probably will, not to sound too doomerish about it.

I find your comment about the split amongst states interesting. I wonder if there will be a precursor first of rural areas against cities within each state. I live in a red-turning-purple state. Many West Coasters are flowing into the towns and cities here. Our state is no longer unified, it seems, on a direction. Meanwhile, people with a Biblical mindset are not flowing to leftist-run states. The conclusion is troubling.

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I believe you are correct about the 17th amendment and an important point. For the same reason, the Constitution does not provide for the direct election of the President. The founders never believed in "democracy" and viewed it as a destructive form of gov't. They designed the Constitution as a hierarchical republic. Repealing the 17th would be an important step.

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Much of what you state is factually credible. Still-we need to graduate from 'blame-game' rationalizing and look at what we need to create in order to replace obsolete "governmental" formats that fail to adress the needs of the citizens. It still seems to start with money and monetary "systems". Bureaucrats are merely messenger-boys.

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First thing: dismantle the Federal Reserve and re-institute sound money not subject to the whims of politicians and bankers.

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According to fringe reports(not Rothschild's media) the entire world --to include the US--is now on the gold standard. RIP fiat.

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Huh? Well that caught me by surprise.

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We live in the age of surprise. Imagine what happens when no one believes anything the government and media tell us to believe. It's going to get even weirder.

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Great Analysis!

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Too bad they ain't raiding Pfizer, WHO offices, WEF alumni...

Clear and present danger.

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Writing of well established scientific facts, I am currently listening to the audio version of Peter H. Duesberg's book Inventing the AIDS Virus. The parallels between what happened with AIDS and how the virus from China has been handled are numerous. And guess what? Anthony Fauci looms large in both of them. It's a book well worth reading as it gives deep insights into how funding from the federal government sways scientists from working on stuff that should be worked on while reinforcing a convenient and profitable narrative for Big Pharma.

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Robert F. Kennedy's book The Real Anthony Fauci also lays out this scenario.

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Yes it does. Duesberg's book goes into incredible detail regarding the issue though. The whole focus of his book is about politically motivated government "scientists" promoting HIV as the sole cause of AIDS so hundreds of millions of dollars in research grants from taxpayers' money can fund their studies. Just like with the virus, no alternative hypotheses that contradict the FDA/CDC/NIH/NIAID narrative are tolerated.

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Sounds like a book worth reading. Thanks for the recommendation!

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It is! But it's out of print and rather expensive even used, between $100 and $150. However, the audio version, if you can do CDs, is priced much better, I got mine from this guy. - https://www.ebay.com/itm/313720561949 Maybe it's available in other formats too.

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I imagine given it's counter-narrative nature, it is really hard to get your hands on this book.

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Thank you!

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It’s also available on Audible.com. I listened to it, also Kennedy’s book. Both great books.

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Yes, it’s a worthwhile read, I also just recently finished. You can find it as a free pdf here. https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ACfIfol%2DeXKd20A&id=A1506D9F8F256650%21111153&cid=A1506D9F8F256650

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Aug 11, 2022Β·edited Aug 11, 2022

Thanks to you, too!

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Thank you!!

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Just like what Robert Kennedy JR writes in his book the real Anthony Fauci.

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I really have to buckle down and read this book.

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I really hate getting to the end of y/our Coffee and Covid updates! It is a small uptick in this otherwise sad state we find ourselves in.

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That and my morning run are the best parts of my day!

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I look forward to this every day!!!!

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I'll never accept the idea of returning to school before August is even halfway over. When I was a kid (yep, one of those posts) we took our 2-week vacation DURING the first two weeks of August. We went back to school AFTER Labor Day. And I lived in upstate New York, so naturally we walked to and from school uphill both ways, in the snow.

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Ditto! It’s absurd that summer is cut off before it’s over. Hate it!

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We were country folk. County fairs weren't even held until end of August/beginning of September. Had second cuttings of hay to put up, also. And, we walked uphill, both ways, in the snow, BAREFOOT!

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My posting as well.

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In Saratoga Springs, NY, we saved barefoot, shorts & tees for spring, snow melted down to 3 feet or so, temps up to +32F.

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LOL, I know that's right. Perfect!

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I went to college in upstate NY. To be more precise, I'd amend your statement to "10 feet of snow."

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LOL, and with drifts touching the power lines.

(Seriously. Chittenango (suburb of Syracuse), maybe 1967.)

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That's the same thing my dad says, that the snow on the side of the road reached the power lines (he grew up in upstate NY, and would have been 13 in 1967).

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Aug 11, 2022Β·edited Aug 11, 2022

Same. As far as the calendar, rural NY state childhood, uphill in the snow (in below zero weather πŸ˜¬πŸ˜†) and not being on board with school starting before Labor Day (it’s just not right somehow!).

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Makes sense where I am in desert SW, we've always had shorter summer breaks with longer breaks when weather nicer, but in places where fall is harvest season? I went to school in Idaho, we had a week off for potato harvest AND for the first week of hunting season.

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Same here. I grew up in the Bay Area you know how brutal the weather is there, only we did it bare foot. ; )

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When all else fails to stop Trump, there’s the asteroid!🀣

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Where's DeSaintis? Should we put out a BOLO? His initial tweet was very tepid, sounded just like McConnell's tweet.πŸ€”

FBI/DoJ are looking for the declassified evidence Trump has of their corruption and abuse of powers. They're acting out of fear. I love Trump because they're TERRIFIED of him!

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Yes, he has been pretty quiet on this particularly since it happened in his state. It's not a good look. I suspect he's sitting back just on the tiny chance there's something actually here so he can jump in for the nomination.

Love Heavy D but we need warriors, not politicians. Hopefully we'll hear a lot more from him soon.

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This is a trap for DeSantisβ€”I hope he side steps it.

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Not sure how it could be a trap unless Trump actually did something wrong and DeSantis was involved (unlikely and nearly impossible IMO). If it's some sort of political guilt by association "trap" then that's exactly the type of thing we expect him to fight tooth and nail.

I don't know what his motivation is but we don't need leaders that side-step things but attack with full force. The FBI/DOJ flubbed this one badly as they didn't expect the huge public outrage (due to their own echo chamber). This is exactly the time to go on the offensive, not sit back and read the tea leaves.

Hopefully we'll see something soon, but this is the first time I've seen DeSantis act seemingly political on a big issue and it's concerning.

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I agree but you see how the Raid is already hurting DeSantis? If he defends Trump he’ll be implicated in whatever it is they are cooking up against Trump. I’d he doesn’t defend Trump he looks weak and political. Doesn’t Trump have a New York house? Why didn’t they raid that one?

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I agree and who knows what sort of wheels within wheels is going on. The problem is that a leader boldly defends what is right and condemns what is wrong, not wait to see which way the wind is blowing. DeSantis has done this on virtually everything else which is why we love him. The longer he stays quiet here the worse it looks.

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Food for thought

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Side stepping it makes him look weak as dishwater and possibly compliant with the FBI. He needs to start talking pronto. This is perhaps the biggest happening in Florida’s history. Donald Trump is a resident of this state. Where is his protection from a politically motivated FBI raid on a former President of the United States of America?

I certainly hope that DeSantis political ambitions are not running the show right now.

If that’s his true character, Washington D.C. would eat him for breakfast.

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DeSantis is not weak. He is not one to mouth off without facts. So many politicians virtue signal and verbally wring their hands. DeSantis does something and then says what he did not will do.

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I am wondering if he is being careful about his response because of that possibility too.

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I think so too

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Sundance of The Conservative Treehouse says watch DeSantis’s response closely. He seems to be revealing himself as a politician who has had a good run satisfying people at a state level with a cooperative legislature supporting him. But where is he when he needs to answer some very important questions about what did he know and when did he know it?

Ron DeSantis is no Donald Trump.

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Sorry ~ didn't see your comment and posted the link to the CTH article elsewhere in this thread.

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That sounds like a good thing to do! Don’t be sorryπŸ˜ƒ

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I believe those agents wanted to see how huge and incredible Mar a lago is!!

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And rifle through Melania's underwear drawer.

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Hopefully, he is busy war gaming how to expedite the permanent removal of all Federal law enforcement from the state of Florida.

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I’m beginning to wonder if the timing of this Trump raid isn’t also related to DeSantis suspension of State Attorney Andrew Warren…

Tit for tat … 🧐

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Hmmmm, makes sense.

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Political Chess.

He’s thinking.

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"β€œIf you’re going to prosecute an ex-president, your case must be simple, clear, and damning. It must also avoid novel legal theories and any whiff of selective prosecution.”

Hasn't that ship already sailed? Didn't it sail when Hillary, who lost the race for president and will NEVER be president, unlike Trump who as president (which Hillary will never be) had limitless power to DEclassify anything under the sun, when Hillary was caught with a private server in her bathroom on which were numerous classified documents and Hillary, who destroyed evidence AFTER it was subpoenaed, was never raided, indicted, prosecuted, or imprisoned for such egregious criminal acts? As compared to a submariner who took 6 pictures of the inside of his submarine, for personal use only, and landed in the hoosegow?

Those jackelopes at National Review, to whom I will never give another click, STILL think selective prosecution isn't the stock in trade of the DOJ and the FBI? SFB, they have. (F=for, B=brains)

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The part about Perry and his phone really pisses me off! They now can destroy any of our reps at any time. Almost like our republic is dead? Your prediction of indictments is spot on. Divide and conquer is the enemy’s normal operation. Divide Americans up so they can Build Back Better w a total new form of control. Sadly this slow boil is working … for now.

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Our Republic of yesteryear, does not exist. The country we all grew up in, doesn't exist. We turned our back on God, we pushed Him out of the schools, churches and homes. Sadly, we now have corruption galore, evil galore and vice galore. The truly sad part, I think, was it wasn't intentional 100%, a lot of us, got caught up in silly drama of living, and lost sight of the big picture. Keep praying to God, begging for forgiveness for us and our world.

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True. There is always an arc to all civilizations. We get to live in the downward/end of this one. How God finishes this arc I am not sure, we can only get right w Him and reach out to family and others so they can be ready as well

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The phoenix shall rise from the ashes. We must not comply with the dictates of ignorance.

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I know, it is truly disgusting. They will stoop to any level to get at people they perceive as being their enemies.

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The Republic is not almost dead, it is dead. It died on November 3, 2020 with the take over of the country by installing two mush heads as figure heads for the totalitarian Davos/WEF deep state cabal.

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Thank you for another amazing morning brief. Your wit and sarcasm makes the news more palatable. I'm just going to throw this out there, if there is a race that they will cheat on, it will be the Chaney race. Can you imagine how "upset" she would be if she lost after all that she has done for the democrats?

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β€œI’ve noticed over the years that many odd mysteries of science ultimately result in scientists throwing their hands up in the air and invoking asteroids, as a kind of temporary deus ex machina which papers over the embarrassing gaps in scientific knowledge, until scientists can cook up a better theory.”

This just happened to me the other day. When I cited the Black Plague as proof of the existence of viruses/contagion, the possible explanation provided was interstellar debris πŸ€” No disparagement intended as this was from one of the more reasonable virus skeptics, but it is supporting evidence for your statement above.

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Although, black plague isn't caused by a virus, it is a bacterium: Yersinia pestis.

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Good point.

Regardless, amazing they think the "non-existent" things that can't remain viable for extended periods outside of a host can survive traveling through space & entering the earth's atmosphere. 😁

Otoh, I saw one of the more extremists claim there is no such thing as bacteria, it's debris generated by systemic toxins (or some such). πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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I am noticing that as well! I have several friends who are denying that viruses exist (right now my friends and I have to agree to disagree). I tend to believe in viruses and bacteria, but that's because I am fascinated with biology & parasitology. I recall taking a plant pathology test in undergrad and learning all about plant viruses (like the tobacco mosaic virus). Life and biology are amazing :)

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I believe in them because the evidence of their existence is overwhelming.

Bacteria are ubiquitous in the environment...we can see them individually under a microscope & grow them in a variety of media.

Viruses are visible via electron microscopy and we can replicate their dna or rna via pcr.

It's a serious indictment of high school biology which, we now know, is indoctrinating them with pseudoscience crazy, leaving them vulnerable to quacks with empty claims & long debunked "evidence".

Gotta wonder how many generations are now brainwashed beyond repair. 🀷

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I haven't read it, but there is a book written about the Black Plague and that theory. I had been considering looking for a podcast with the author to get the downlow on that theory. I can't remember any names.

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Jeff. No commentary on the requirement for the DOJ to issue the warrant reasons by Aug 15? That came out late yesterday fox news epoch times and newsmax ran the story. Reinhardt issues a summons to DOJ to come clean. Why would the magistrate do that? Who would have forced his hand or is he caving to pressure?

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I hadn't seen this story, as I've been busy and away from electronics. For others who might be in my boat:

"The Justice Department has to respond to motions to unseal a warrant that triggered the FBI raid on former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home, according to a magistrate judge who reportedly approved the search.

"Judicial Watch and the Albany Times Union newspaper filed a motion to unseal the document earlier this week, which was granted by a judge in the case.

"β€œOn or before 5:00 p.m. Eastern time on August 15, 2022, the Government shall file a Response to the Motion to Unseal,” wrote U.S. Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart on Wednesday afternoon, referring to the Department of Justice.

β€œThe response may be filed ex parte and under seal as necessary to avoid disclosing matters already under seal. In that event, the Government shall file a redacted Response in the public record. If it chooses, the Government may file a consolidated Response to all Motions to Seal,” he wrote."


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Saw this imagine will redact the crap out of it and won’t be able to green anything. Friend subscribes to Oreilly and he had Ex FBI agent on the show. This agent said only way the warrant would be appropriate is if there was a tip from within trumps workers helpers etc. I don’t see how this could be as MAL was closed for summer in April of 2020. The documents were shown to the FBI and an extra lock was added to the safe room where the boxes were stored.

They now said fbi went thru Melania’s wardrobe. Probably looking for cross dressing ideas. What else could they find in a woman’s closet?

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Garland just came out and said he was personally involved in approving the warrant. The FBi did they job and attacking FBI for that appropriate. He answered no question. Said that trump attorney has copy of warrant when I heard her say just saw it and was not large enough issue to warrant a warrant and raid. Garland said we will know when I decide it is appropriate.

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Garland is such an evil swamp creature 😑

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He is the worst of what Biden has put in control. The order for release still stands for Aug 15. So they may release the document completely redacted. They can’t go after trump for documents Bc Obama left with tons of documents said would scan and send them back to archives. Obama never did. Trump is complaining about this on Truth Social. πŸ˜‚ I never followed trump on Twitter, now I’m kind of enjoying his commentary on the social website.

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There was a breach of an fbi office in Ohio not sure if related but the FBi is feeling the heat it would seem.

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Yes I saw that too, Cincinnati, I believe.

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Maybe they were trying to get ideas to classy up Jill’s wardrobe πŸ˜†πŸ˜› Impossible task though that might be…

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I'll bet it was female FBI agents rummaging around in Melania's closet.

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Yeah I wondered about that too.

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I guess i'll have to buy some Burner phones for when the FBI comes to my door. Ill just hand them one.

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They can have my obsolete Nokia C3.

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I just found 2 iphones in my junk drawer (maybe a 3 and a 4- SO TINY). I could give those to them!

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