Aug 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Gov DeSantis has a highly intelligent and respected surgeon general. Two years ago, he took his advice from. Drs. Atlas, Battacharya and Kuldorff and never looked back. Don’t you wish the governors of illinois, California and New York had the wisdom to do the same.

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Aug 4, 2022·edited Aug 4, 2022

Well the DeSantis surprise Jeff mentioned is now out, he suspended a Soros prosecutor (state attorney) in Hillsborough County and replaced him with a law and order type. The prosecutor made numerous statements saying he would not follow Florida law regarding gender nonsense and abortion restrictions, so DeSantis gave him the boot.

Almost all governor's have strong executive power over county-level activities as counties aren't sovereign but administrative divisions of the state. DeSantis is the only GOP governor with the guts to do this type of stuff, the rest are practically worthless by comparison.

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When I heard that, I was wondering if it was the news Christina Pushaw teased. Must be since his refusal to follow the law with respect to transgender "issues". I too admired his guts to suspend that prosecutor and then wondered if any other governors have done anything similar.

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This is not his first action like this either. Remember he suspended the Broward County Sheriff in the wake of Parkland. He also suspended the Broward County registrar after years and years of vote counting shenanigans. He appointed replacements for both and things have improved quite a bit from what I've read. He also stripped counties and school boards of the ability to mandate masks. Couple that with clobbering Disney of their special tax status when they tried to interfere in state law.

What is so different about DeSantis is that he actually uses his constitutionally-granted power to fix things and advance his conservative agenda. There is not another Republican in the country with the courage to do this as they cower in fear of being called names by the media.

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Fantastic news!!!

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Governor DeSantis is a true leader!

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Again needed in Michigan!

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There is a lot of federal $$ attached to these 'MP states of emergency' and all of these states who are lined up never tire of receiving $$.

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Money Pox🤑🤑🤑

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Yes, this.

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As our First Lady, Casey DeSantis, tweeted out, Dr. Joe Ladapo is the best surgeon general in the country. He is indeed.

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Yes he definitely is!!!

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He absolutely is!

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And Michigan!!!

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Tucker highlighted the Republican candidate for governor last night. She looked impressive upon first sight (and listening) 🙌

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It is likely the reason she was picked. She is camera friendly, nice looking, and knows her way around a camera. She will be packaged as a “come out of nowhere” strong conservative candidate who can take on Whitmer. Until that’s yesterday’s news. And until debates start happening and Whitmer and her pro liberal media in this state start chewing her up and spitting her out.

I ask myself why if she was such a great candidate, the Dems in this state had to have a good turnout to vote for her, cross over voting.

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We have a rhino establishment stooge being presented to fill in the seat for our rhino Republican governor, Charlie Baker the faker, in Massachusetts. Our current attorney general, the unabashedly blue tyrannical Maura Healy, came out hard, as soon as the injections were rolled out, in the spring of 2021, to push to mandate all frontline responders be injected. When the news asked our rhino Republican governor what he thought of that idea, Baker looked into the camera and said he wasn't for forced injections, and the last time he checked, it was a free country. In a matter of months, all frontline responders were being forced injected, including Baker's own State Police Force. Everybody that works for the state of Massachusetts was forced to take the injections to keep their job, and no religious exemptions were granted to my knowledge. One state trooper spent quite a few days in the hospital after his injection. Now, we have a hotly contended Republican governor primary race, in our decidedly blue state. Now Republican, (but former Democrat) Geoff Diehl (his running mate is a nurse, who worked during COVID, who got COVID, who refused the shot because she was breastfeeding, and got laid off) has a huge uphill battle against the Republican party's new stooge. We are in a pickle in Massachusetts. I bought a condo in Florida last year, that I'm renting out, but that I'm reserving for a quick homestead, if need be. And if DeSantis on the Ladapo leave, I may go to Mexico. I have a friend that's already made the move to Mexico, and she doesn't regret it. She's a New Jersey refugee.

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Aug 4, 2022·edited Aug 4, 2022

One Dem strategy this year (in states where voters can jump parties to vote in primaries) is to vote for the "most extreme Trumpish R candidate", because the Ds believe the general public will not support open conservatives in the general election. Risky strategy, and hopefully fatal to the Ds.

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I hope this is one aspect where their assumptions and arrogant belief that they can predict voter behavior will come back to bite them. This kind of thing has happened before, where they make assumptions that prove to be off base, so it’s not unprecedented.

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Exactly. I fear the Dems in Michigan changed their party affiliation in order to vote for her. She will never make it to the governors mansion.

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She is the RINO candidate. All of the other candidates were more conservative. I was so disappointed that Trump endorsed her.

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I don’t know that she is necessarily a RINO, but she is the most moderate of the 5 candidates that were running. She checked all the boxes for the establishment Republicans and I believe Trump endorsed her because she would have the best chance of winning. The news media has given no coverage to the GOP race, so most people had no idea who the candidates were. The Left will not attack her because she is a woman. If they try to use abortion as a one shot deal, they may rile up the Conservatives enough to rally around her. It will definitely bring attention to the abomination that is the abortion initiative that will be on the ballot. Hopefully, that will get lots of coverage. We now HAVE to support Dixon in great waves because a loss for her will affect down ballot candidates like DiPerno and Karamo, who will be excellent AG and SOS. We have to play the game like a Leftist.

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Absolutely! DiPerno and Karamo are fantastic, and, of course, Tudor Dixon is far superior to Whitmer. Have you seen Karamo's new ad against Benson? It's dynamite!

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And Ohio, where our pro life governor 1st Covid spokesperson was pro abortion.

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No more wine with DeWine...or should we rewrite to whine with DeWine.

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I wish EVERY governor had this wisdom!

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From Canada don’t even know what to say… seems most of our leaders have lost something DeSantis has so much of

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Common Sense? A Backbone? Courage? Dignity?

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My mom called it chutzpah.

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In mixed company, call it scrotum.

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There is a Reddit site I look at on occasion called r/FloridaCoronavirus. I just shake my head at how much these folks think DeSantis is awful. I'm on this kick of trying to understand folks on the other side and have yet to understand that wacky and fearful group. Like many of us, I'm that governor's cheerleader, admirer, have a crush on him (all in good fun) and would climb that dude like a tree 😂 if life would roll back 30 years for us both--ok, 30 for me and maybe 15 or 20 for him...

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Reddit is full of ultra leftists. Keep that in mind when you visit. If you are conservative you will get downvoted and even banned for a post that is not even controversial.

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Nice - love the attitude :)

I can NOT read what others are thinking because it gives me anxiety and it's why I stopped watching TV 6 years ago too. I hate hearing, reading lame, bullshit stuff that I know 100% is just not accurate. I give you a ton of credit for immersing yourself in how the other side thinks.

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Got to keep an eye on the opposition. "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer."

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Thanks, but I haven't made any good advances in the effort so far. Just looking for the right moment to butt in with the right information.

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They’re blocked from any other information, and have been conditioned for years by the media and Pharma propaganda to look down on everyone who thinks any differently. They lack any intellectual curiosity about any of it and don’t feel anyone has a right to question it because only the bad people do that.

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With you all the way - well, short the tree-climbing bit. Have family in florida, and they all feel as the reddit bunch - "he's awful". Amazes me, guess I fell from a different tree - lucky me!

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It's a "Scoreboard!" Moment. Florida is gaining in NEW residents from the People's Republic of the the Northeast every day! Probably it's just our amazing weather, right? I think the new residents are opting for "Climate Change" ... in more ways than one!

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My intended objective is to insert an innocuous comment--something not obviously the polar opposite of what they are saying but something fact-based that will get them to rethink their beliefs. But when I read all of those comments all my brain comes up with is "why don't you just move to another state you ingrate?!" 😂

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Thought that, a time or two - and a few other responses have crossed my mind, I must admit. Tiresome, all of this.

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Probably they were also the ones swooning over Andrew Cuomo in 2020 too 🙄

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I've tried to understand the leftist, feelings first dogma but it's just senseless. Our neighbors are far left and trying to have neighborly chit chat is getting harder and harder. They became hermits for over a year when covid hit and vaccinated their kids who were terrified to go anywhere. Now they want the MP jab 'cause they swear it's airborne... 🤦I told them to quit listening to the mainstream media, don't think it'll do any good though.

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The fear they're living is so hard to penetrate!

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"Fear is the mind killer"- Frank Herbert

Too many allow themselves to be ruled by fear, not realizing that it is the very thing that will enslave them. They voluntarily abdicate their power to those who encourage fear and never see the contradiction.

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Weird how it's all turned into a MAGA thing too. Just yesterday I read Robert F. Kennedy Jr's small book called A Letter to Liberals. It's a free download from Children's Health Defense website. Here are a few good appropriate quotes from that book:

"Orchestrated fear and blind trust in Dr. Fauci and entrenched opposition to Donald Trump caused many liberals to abandon not only their antipathy for censorship, but the other core concepts of liberal ideology..."

"Liberal media and social media outlets mischaracterize all dissent from official orthodoxies as right-wing Trumpism."

"Today the unifying passions of the Democratic Party are a ferocious hatred of

Donald Trump, an orchestrated and often irrational fear of COVID, and blind support for all public-health mandates. Like every hatred, Trumpaphobia gives power to the object of its abomination. Ironically, Trump is now dictating policy choices for Democrats. Liberals turned against the heroic whistleblower Julian

Assange when Trump expressed his sympathy for the jailed journalist and free speech and civil rights advocate. Democrats abandoned their sturdy opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership when Trump criticized the TPP. Similarly, Trump’s occasional and minor disdain for Dr. Anthony Fauci blinded Democrats to Fauci’s five-decade role as the architect of industry capture of the public-health agencies. Trump’s endorsement of hydroxychloroquine prompted liberals to toss the remedy into the same dumpster with Trump’s global-warming denialism, despite overwhelming scientific support for the remedy."

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Thanks for mentioning this book and commenting on it. I read the message about his book this morning and thought it looked interesting.

On the other hand, the opposition didn’t start with Trump although it reached a new level of strident and unhinged after his election. A lot of the same was going on with regard to the Tea Party, and also generally conservatives even way before that. But yes, opposing anything Trump supports seems to ne the platform for many liberals and Democrats.

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You could say, or he could say, really love your peaches, want to shake your tree! 🤣

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...such a Joker 😎

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Many more of our cherished elderly would have stood a chance at survival and recovery I think!

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I don’t think it’s a lack of wisdom so much in the cases of the other governors, but a love of power the woke agenda, as well as being completely uncaring about who is harmed by their policies.

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I’m sure George Soros and some suspect foundations have helped their war chests.

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Both. And they are captured by the big hospital CEOs. Our legislatures are as well.

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It’s time to move to Florida!😎

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I’m moving!!! 😎👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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While Texas is not nearly as bad as NY and CA, Abbott can learn a thing or two from DeSantis.

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And Oregon!

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Your comment made a lot of sense until you used the word "wisdom" in the same sentence with "governors of Illinois, California and New York. "

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And Washington!

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Michigan too!

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Jeff, your updates are always too short. I find myself sad on coming to the end of them.

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Me too! I love every single one! Jeff is BRILLIANT!!!

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Your statement reminds me of the old adage: always keeping them wanting or coming back for more.

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Aug 4, 2022·edited Aug 4, 2022

I know, it’s like when you get to the end of a great vacation and you don’t want to go back home. Or the end of a great book and you want to read a sequel!!

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Jeff’s my primary new source these days! Makes sense of the nonsense!😝

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Agreed. I’d like to have enough material to read for at least an hour a day!

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I would love that too, but I feel like Jeff is already devoting so much time to C&C when he has many other things to do. I am grateful his posts are as long as they are!

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You can go back in time and read his posts from a year ago and compare day to day. Worth the read!

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Come for the C&Coffee, stay for the comments.

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Exactly. It’s part of the experience

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Pelosi went to Taiwan for two reasons. First, to make sure the authorities are scrubbing the evidence of US Biolabs and other corruption/money laundering before CCP invaded. Second, to grab the pre filled out bags of AZ primary ballots she ordered so they can be dropped off in Maricopa County. That’s clearly why they have stopped counting in AZ. Waiting for Nancy to return with the bags.

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Monkeywerx included a map in his recent Youtube showing that there was a US biolab in the same place where Pelosi stopped in Malaysia before heading to Taiwan. Just saying.

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I'm sooooo sure it's just *another* coincidence. I have to wonder: given all the biolabs the USG has around the world, what are the odds "coronavirus" is the only weapon they are going to use on us.

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... I'll take the 'over'.

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She had to get her "live forever" injection straight from the lab she grew in.

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How many biolabs do we have?

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This article, from Bulgaria, written in 2018, says there are 25 Pentagon-funded biolabs around the world - https://dilyana.bg/the-pentagon-bio-weapons/ Read a lot more on this in 2020 when I first started digging into the origin of the virus, but now not sure where I put the links. Those are just Pentagon, and not counting all of the NIH funded ones. Suffice it to say, a lot of dangerous stuff going on for a long time now.

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Metabiota - Hunter's group is heavily involved with them - snagged them contracts with ALL the DOD, CDC worldwide biolabs. They have subcontracts in all of the Metabiota also has an insurance policy program, well underwritten and reinsured through a huge fund in Switzerland -- wherein countries or their subdivisions can buy a policy that should there be an outbreak of a deadly disease - Ebola, etc. Metabiota will sweep in and do all the monitoring and coordination, oversee mitigation and they will work with, coordinate, network, make contact with international aid groups and WHO etc. How convenient!

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Oh wow 😳

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Quite a few I am sure. Curiously, no one in the communist party of America (dems) seems to want to know. Or do they already know and used a creation to achieve a political aim?


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She was getting her vaccine for sure. Better if the vaccine comes from the source.

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I tend to believe Nancy provided perfect cover for the Chinese, with their threats of response to her visit, simply to allow the their navy into critical positions surrounding Taiwan, with live weaponry. Nancy did Xi and the CCP a favor. I'm sure she owed them at least one. China is now waiting for the right moment to finish what Pelosi helped create. She's toxic, like the whole of this regime, wherever she goes.

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I as well. This was calculated to help them, not "stand up to them". The CCP owns this illegitimate administration.

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Yep. This is not the first favor a high-ranking Democrat has done for the CCP.

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Interesting thoughts. I’m sure she owed them way more than one. I’m in the spring camp, that if they are going to do something it will be in the spring. Two reasons. First, US is likely to have divided government (assuming no steal or cancelling the election, and you know they are going to try one or both) and that makes a unified response more difficult. Second, and maybe more critical is weather. Typhoon season is just beginning in the South China Sea. A naval blockade would be foolish at this point. They could put it in place, and then have to end it due to an approaching typhoon. An amphibious assault is problematic at anytime. But the weather is not conducive at this point, and won’t be until at least April, maybe May. And while air power can better deal with the weather issues, it can’t accomplish what they want.

Of course you never know. But given my theory of the real reason Pelosi went, I think the Taiwan govt has 10 months to destroy the evidence.

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ALSO THE INSIDER TRADING PROBLEMS AND PAUL PELOSI'S DUI CASE WILL BE STARTING - Paul also had drugs in his system and handed the cops what he thought was his get-out-of jail card...:

WWIIIsteria: Nancy Pelosi Does Taiwan Memes (She Likes Gasolina while China Huffs and Puffs!)

- She likes gasolina, China huffs & puffs, gives redlines & more redlines, China's final warning, aPAULing behavior by Paul Pelosi & more Nancy Pelosi does Taiwan memes as we impatiently wait for WWIII!


WWIIIsteria: Nancy Pelosi Does Taiwan Memes (The Face That May Launch 1,000 Ships!)

- America’s favorite stock-trading granny & Helen of Troy checks up on her chip investments (on taxpayer's dime), let's hope she doesn't embarrass us (or worst) and more Nancy Pelosi does Taiwan memes!


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If you were married to Pelosi, wouldn’t you need alcohol and drugs? I don’t blame him and give him some more.

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Just before the COVID outbreak she went to China. Wonder what destructive "arrow in her quiver" she brought this time...

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Very good Taiwan observation. You make good sense.

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Succinct truth!

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Wait! What?

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Great read as always.

Was surprised there was no mention of the AZ primaries. Except that as of this morning they are stalling and trying to round up enough votes to steal the election from Kari Lake. And good ol Hobbs, who should recuse herself since she is also running, will wait to certify the election until AFTER they have rounded up enough fraudulent votes to declare Kari Lake the loser. And so 2020 continues into the, what, third day of counting? Hmm. Let’s keep counting until we have enough votes to get the selection process secured. 😡

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I remember the days, not too far back mind you, where they not only completed counts on election night but HAD to complete it by that night...

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Aug 4, 2022·edited Aug 4, 2022

OMG am I THAT old!?

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

The situation in AZ should be a huge embarrassment to everyone involved! It is unacceptable to have a state that is still counting ballots days after the polls closed! Didn’t they learn anything from 2020 or was it that they could cheat and get away with it! Arizonans, rise up and retake your state from the corrupt officials managing the elections!

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As I understand it, Greg Phillips and Kari Lake already have lawyers working on it because they knew the steal would rear it’s evil head. But, AZ citizens should go to Hobbs location in huge numbers just to let them know they won’t get away with it this time. The people have to start showing up to put a stop to this. Especially in the county that only provided a supposed, less than 75 ballots for Republicans to actually be able to vote on Tuesday. That adds to their corrupt book and makes it 102 ways to cheat. Don’t give them in person ballots to vote in the first place!

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People should have learned 2 years ago, getting involved after the steal is too late. People need to get off their asses and be poll watchers and have trusted people observing the entire process from start to finish. I'm expecting that is what is being done in AZ. From what I've been seeing on twitter, Kari is still expected to win.

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Looks like AZ Rs and Is were well prepared with ballot box watch parties, full up on election observers, all over the printing of incorrect ballots, hovering around the election boards, county offices, etc. They did a lot of outreach prepping voters how handle themselves when they came to vote, their unopened mail-in ballot in hand and told they had already voted. They filled all vacant precinct chairs with conservatives. I read that in 2020 just about all the Republican election observer positions in every state were underfilled and even unfilled.

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Wow! That is great to hear. I had heard they had watch parties at the ballot boxes. Even reports of cars that pulled in, saw there were people watching, then left. 💪🏻 🇺🇸

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Yes. I think they were prepared for this and have taken steps to stop the steal. We’ll see.

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I volunteered to be an Election Day worker in CA and the disqualified me because I’m not jabbed. 🤨

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Wow. Just wow! I’m enough of a fighter I probably would’ve looked into taking them to court over that.

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I volunteered to be an Election Day worker in MO. and was asked to be an election judge in the very next election. It’s a very long day but worth it knowing you’re actually doing something to try to prevent fraud. And I’m not jabbed and no one even asked that question. The difference between a red state and a blue state.

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"Hobbs, you steal this election, you will reap the whirlwind. You won't know what hit you!" (with apologies to Chuckie Schumer)

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Yes, they learned they can cheat transparently and outrageously and get away with it. They don’t have to keep it under cover anymore.

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This.^^^ When you can steal the highest election in the land and absolutely no one does a thing about it, you are certainly wide open for lesser state elections.

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And Presidential elections to come.

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Yes, exactly. We should expect even MORE cheating than 2020. It would be naive to think because they were successful in 2020, they are going to stop. Wait till this Nov. They will pull out all the stops. And why wouldn't they? The Nazis have shown their hand and it is now "all or nothing." Everything is on the line. If they fail (and that's a big question), I expect the Democrat party to literally disappear and never be seen again. Whatever happens, our political landscape is forever changed and will never go back to what was.

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They will keep cheating until they are stopped. Until there is accountability and real consequences they will not stop. 2020’s successful theft gave them all they needed to double down and do it more! As long as you let a 5yr old throw a temper tantrum, they will keep throwing it. They think they are in charge at that point. It won’t stop until the parent steps up and acts like a parent with authority and disciplines the child. Oddly enough, once that happens the kid is much more secure in their place, knowing who is in charge because there were consequences. It’s not rocket science. Speaking from experience. 🤷‍♀️

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"Until there is accountability and real consequences they will not stop."


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Yes, they will pull out all the stops! They have no morals! Cheating to get what you want is the marxist way of doing things! We are not the first country! There is nothing new under the sun!

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Its the only option when so many voters WAIT for election day to turn their ballots in or vote as it throws off the supercomputers and algorithms modeling turnout and thus, how many votes are needed to be found in car trunks etc....

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With CA having exclusive mail in elections I bet other states will go this way also and slam dunk whatever they wish, no questions asked.

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I think Oregon too - only thing you can do is hold onto the ballot and turn it in on election day to throw off their algorithms and supercomputers...

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Yup! 40 yr Oregonian here. Oregon is exclusively mail in. They’ve perfected the cheat there. Never had the chance to vote in person until we moved to Florida 2 yrs ago. Best experience ever. No wonder they are robbing us of it by forcing mailing in ballots in blue states. It takes something away from you when you mail in a ballot you have no idea if it ever got received, counted or even mattered.

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In Oregon, they used to say a ballot had to be in by 8p on election day. If you mailed it it had to be mailed by X day. (about a week before/) You had to put it in a ballot box if you were after X day, now it's a free for all, you can even mail on election day. Just another way to cheat. It's getting worse not better. We can thank 43-ish years of democratic control, and now especially Komrade Kate.

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Yup. To all of it. I still maintain Oregon was the training ground to perfect the cheat. A very small, seemingly insignificant electoral votes and unnoticeable to the rest of the country up there in the corner. They got away with it there and spent 40-50 years working out the bugs so they could do it in 2020 nationwide. Komrade Brownstain was in a long line of scum that took over Oregon. 😡 It used to be a great state.

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Quite honestly. You have no idea if your vote counts in Florida either since your ballot gets scanned into a "black box" machine. Until we go back to paper ballots, where the voter gets a certified copy of his ballot before leaving the poll, and the votes are counted by hand with representatives from both parties present along with an independent ( if you can find one) observer, we'll never really know. I don't need to know who won immediately. It can take a week or two for all I care as long as I have faith in the process. Right now, I have zero faith in our elections, in any state. The electronic machines and mail in cheating must be banned.

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I agree with you. I just know how we felt getting to go in person and exercise our right to vote. That what I was getting at. Having done it both ways…showing up in person far outweighed anything we ever felt mailing a ballot in.

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That's the desired outcome, you maggot voter, you. You're prolly an insurrectionist at heart, with a Gadsden flag decal on your automatic weapon's stock.

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In CA everyone is mailed a ballot. We can still vote in person. I still do.

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A harbinger of November.

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I am aware of AZ but don’t recall details.

But, suffice it to say that I am sick and tired of RINOs also getting in the way of real election integrity and reform. Sadly, my state suffers the same.

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It’s still happening this morning!!

I agree 100%. A lot of states are in the same boat. I don’t know how we get back from all this. I don’t think there is enough citizens uprising. America hasn’t stood up yet. 😞

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I agree! Too many sheep still out there!!

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AZ is one of the states which has had a high % of mail-in votes for 10 years or more (this is not new) and also waits until election day to start counting them. It's truly idiotic. FL has all of their mail-in/early votes pre-counted and tabulated (at least I think they do).

Anyway, people following the race closely think Kari Lake is going to win. The data drops yesterday were in Kari's favor. Follow @Garrett_Archer or @ElectionWiz on twitter.

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This is actually smart to wait until the day of. If they are allowed to start counting early, it will give the dark side a heads up on how many extra ballots they need to make “appear” by Election Day.

I can’t stand my Governor, Larry Hogan, but this year he smartly made it so counting couldn’t start until two days after the election. The Democrats were pushing to do it EIGHT days before and pushed legislation to do so. He vetoed it. They’ll eventually get their way since he’s out of office soon.

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Yes, we need to not start counting until the election day. Monday I along with the Democratic worker alphabetized all the absentee ballots to speed up the opening process on election day Tues. in MO.

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Unless Dan Cox gets in. Vote for him!

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Good point.

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I’m not on twatter. But I do follow Greg Phillips on other sites for updates. Thanks!

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Like I told the Republicans in my area make sure you have a bag of ballots you drop off at the same time as theirs. They do not want to play fair and cheat. So we have to as well.

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It is never right to stoop to their level and do wrong. The corruption needs to be exposed and brought to justice. If justice is not accomplished here, it most certainly will be done by Almighty God and His Son the Lord Jesus Christ. You can bank on it. He is faithful to keep His promises.

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I just watched 2000 Mules. If you haven’t yet, I highly recommend it. The plan to steal the election was so simple, but it only works when drop boxes are used. Mail in voting works the same way. Until people are arrested and punished nothing changes and people have to be aware.

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Absolutely outrageous! The corruption is off the charts! 🤬🤬🤬

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Aug 4, 2022·edited Aug 4, 2022

People who are all "Pray for Ukraine" need to look at alternate news sources. The Ukraine War is a big propaganda operation. Ukraine is the mafia of Europe. Our billions are going there to be money laundered. Look at these sources: George Webb- Investigative Journalist (on Twitter and Telegram), and Intel Slava Z on Telegram. Both of these reporters are on the ground in Ukraine and independent reporters.

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You are so right! Ukraine is one of the top 3 (I believe) most corrupt countries in the world. All of this money we have sent them is being used by the oligarchs to buy bigger mansions!

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Yes! While we have millions of people in the USA who cannot afford rent or food because of the 40 year high inflation. It's sickening.

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I read in a foreign paper that right after we sent the money, Ukrainian gvt officials were reported to have bought 25 million dollars of luxury properties in Switzerland.

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Zelenskyy has a very nice mansion in FL he's had for years.

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In Florida? You mean, not in The Vineyard, next door to Barack (The One) Obama's place? Poor Zee.

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Yes and we go bankrupt as a nation so “others” can take control

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Alison, thank you for mentioning these sources on Telegram. I'm finding Telegram to be an excellent place to find up-to-the-minute new info, so long as you know who to follow. Highly recommend following Amir Tsarfati on Telegram for Middle East news updates.

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Yes, I have a slew of channels in telegram I've winnowed to the most informative for my purposes. Makes an easy skim once or twice a day to get a feel of what is happening. Yes, Amir.

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Also ASB Military on telegram, Gonzalo Lira on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfUzUq5L9NFv2GMVGbEBgkg/videos, and https://southfront.org/ (loads slow though) as well...

In comments at https://covidsteria.substack.com/p/community-covid-resources/comments, I have dumped a bunch of links to various alternative resources that I have come across for COVID, Russia, general news etc...

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Great, thanks so much!

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Russians with Attitude on Youtube etc BUT their talks are a bit long and it depends on who they are interviewing... e.g. they recently did a good one with a Canadian journalist in the Donbass who explained how much power-influence Ukrainian nationalists have in Canadian politics...

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I knew it from day one. All a lie. And...if everyone in the world is buying it and hopping on board, it is super suspect and worthy of a hard NO in my book!!

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If you believe the msm narrative on Ukraine then you have been taken in. At this point, get your monkeypox vaxx as well.

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George Webb is also on Substack.

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Couple of quickies…

Thomas Friedman sowing possible seeds of discontent between US and Zelensky and his all alleged trustworthiness. Sounds like the possibility is being left open to a potential Heel Turn by “Elton Penis” in the eyes of MSM.

Democrats continue to provoke trouble of any kind in anticipation of a November electoral bloodbath. The reason for the Taiwan visit? The only thing that saves them is a state of emergency which gives them the better chance of falsifying results.

Zerohedge reported that fraud lawsuits may start flying between life insurance companies like Lincoln National and pharmaceutical companies as the life companies are paying out exorbitant death claims based upon fraudulent data that are now looking more like vaccine injuries rather than normal deaths.

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Watch for a federal bailout of the insurance companies "for covid."

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This will be the indicator that the fix is in. Insurance companies are the only major institution both positioned (they have the data) and motivated (financial exposure) to hold Pharma and the vax pushers accountable. Once Congress starts pushing the bailout we'll know there's been a backroom deal.

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Exactly right. It's hard to fight them when they control all the political power and use OUR money to fund the "hush money".

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Aug 4, 2022·edited Aug 4, 2022

Hush money for the cover-up. 1) The exponential rise in all-cause mortality is so huge, I question if it is even possible for them to cover it up. Ed Dowd has published insurance data of a 4-sigma rise in all cause mortality. And the trend is still going up! This is so huge I don't know how it can be covered up. 2) I am waiting to see if there is an insurance company out there that is managed by patriots who will go ahead and publish the truth. Pray for it.

A friend of mine observed that no one in our Gov't is a patriot. Everyone of them is only out for themselves. Is there anyone in Corporate America that is an American Patriot?

Here is Ed Dowd's latest 10 minute update...


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I have to correct myself here as I misspoke. Scott Davidson, CEO of One America, said that a 10% rise in all-cause mortality WOULD be a 3-sigma event or a one in two hundred year event. He said what they are actually seeing across the life insurance industry in the third and fourth quarter of last year is a 40% increase in all-cause mortality which he termed "unheard of." That was earlier this year. I don't know if we'll get an update. The 2 minute video with Scott Davidson in down in the body of this page:https://sensereceptornews.com/?p=9030

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Aug 4, 2022·edited Aug 4, 2022

🙏 I do remember hearing somebody say the insurance companies would just push their rates up. Easy enough to sweep it under the carpet by doing that? We'll see. It may depend partially on how long people keep rolling up their sleeves for these god-awful "boosters"...

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Thanks! I watched it.

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Yep gotta keep those lies a flowing on the real cause of death.

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They already did very nicely with the PPP "loans."

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Seriously. How much are people going to put up with at this point?? I think it's going to break soon. Kinda like that led Zeppelin song. "If it keeps on raining, the levee's gonna break...." 🎶

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Modern Monetary Theory will strike again.

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RUSSIAsteria: Best Ukraine Hypocrisy Memes (Let the Provocations Continue!)

- Russia vs USA foreign policy + NATO-Biden Regime Ukraine policy summed up, Brittney Griner remains safe from our anthem, Greta is unhappy, the Germans are screwed & more Ukraine hypocrisy memes!


I included a video from Gonzola Lira starting at the 5:45 mark which some Americans and Israelis may NOT like hearing BUT its totally true - we do provocations and then blame the other party and when that fails, we fake something e.g. gulf of tonkin, weapons of mass distruction:

- https://youtu.be/Mt01ULf5t8A?t=345

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True, all true.

Ukraine has been the go-to for sex slavery. There were/are a well-known ring of Israeli traffickers of women and children operating out of there. People from all nations - including yes, the U.S., procured bodies there. There was the baby farm where women were imprisoned. Our DOD and CDC aided abetted and helped the disease experiments on Ukraine communities and as we heard, developed a Dengue 1 variant in mosquitoes that were seeded all over Cuba and caused huge problems. Dengue is very bad and long term.

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Many Ukrainians work in Turkey and many women get trafficked there - I remember seeing a documentary on Youtube about it.... One reason for the hatred of Putin is because he cleaned up Russia and made the oligarchs answer to him wheras Ukraine remained the wild east and a puppet of the West with US interests-elite exploiting the country....

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I like your questioning of pelosi’s visit… because we know nothing is as it seems today.

My initial thought was it was not to show support but to create provocation.

And I am currently questioning why the US is allowing the materials used to make fentanyl to be shipped from China to Mexico before flowing into the U.S… when fentanyl is now the number one killer of our youth.

Who needs to invade a country if you can destroy it without every stepping foot on their soil.

securing the Mexico border is about saving people’s lives from drug addiction and overdoses… as much as immigration policy

My cousin’s beautiful only daughter died a few weeks ago… she was 21 years old and got addicted to percoset during the lockdowns… hers is a Story of the collateral damage done to young people during these lockdowns. She became depressed and was experimenting with pills.

Today is her memorial. A young girl’s life cut short.

She thought she was buying a percoset and the autopsy showed no percoset in her system… it was a 100% fentanyl pill. Well I seriously doubt the local drug dealer wanted his user dead… so who killed her with that fentanyl pill? How did it get stamped like a percoset… if it’s 100% fentanyl… to me, someone murdered her.

China is primarily responsible for this fentanyl crisis in this country… aided by Mexico. And as far as I can see, our country’s leadership is doing nothing to stop the mass deaths of our youth.

And to me, that makes about as much sense as pelosi’s trip to Taiwan.

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That is heartbreaking 😞

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Another young local girl died a day later too… authorities are thinking from the same batch of fentanyl pills.

We have to tell our kids at home that they can not experiment with any pills/drugs right now. It’s just too way dangerous. They’re lacing everything. Pills. Weed. Somehow- vape pens… money lying on the street.

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The father of lies is hard at work.

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His choices were installed in the White House, that's for sure.

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This is one of the most tragic stories I've read or heard of since March 2020 when the world as we know it came to an end. How come the real criminals literally get away with murder. You are so correct, nothing is as it seems.

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I am so sorry for your loss. ❤️ My cousin's daughter feels like a niece to me, I'm sure your's did too.

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I’m sorry for your loss😞

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

1) You have to go back and listen to what Fauci said months ago, because media (including conservative media) glossed over his revelation and ignored the most important thing he said. I don't remember him ever saying that the NIH never ever funded GoF research, and that's not what Rand Paul asked him. Rand Paul asked him if the NIH funded GoF research in Wuhan, China. Fauci said that the GoF research associated with the NiH grants wasn't conducted in Wuhan. The part that media ignored was when he clarified that the GoF research was conducted in NORTH CAROLINA. If you read the scientific papers, they state clearly that they were given a waiver for the ban on GoF research.

2) For conservatives worried that monkeypox will be used as a guise to steal our elections, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Get off crackbook and talk to your local or state GOP (or LP if you prefer) about being a poll watcher. If you haven't had a state primary yet, talk to your preferred Gov/Senate/Congressional candidate about being a poll watcher at the primary. They stole it once, and they will continue to do it until we stop them. Find a way to get involved.

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YES! Or sign up to be a poll worker! I have worked every election since 2020 and they are often short of workers. Thankfully I think my election board runs a tight/clean ship at the polls on election day, BUT I have no idea how well clean the voter rolls are. MO has very limited mail in voting, if you mail it in, it has to be notarized, no ballot harvesting, no drop boxes, and the only in person early voting is at the election office. State passed a voter ID law that goes into effect in November that says you have to have a photo ID to vote. But if they give DL's to illegals.....

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I was a poll watcher in 2016 at a 90% dem precinct. We are pretty much the same as you with regard to early voting, harvesting etc. We've had voter ID for several elections now - the Shelby v Holder is from Shelby Co AL, the county just south of mine. The problem is that not every voting precinct is trustworthy. Most of the cheating now is absentee ballot, and the ballot counting is overseen by the Probate Judge. In one example, there were 10 absentee votes all from the same house which turned out to be an abandoned property. I'm not sure if those votes counted or not. Another way they cheat is by pulling out a stack of ballots at the end and running them back through the machine. In that case, they would have to fraudulently sign the poll books to make the numbers match the machine. The Dems have been caught doing this before in my county, but it's nearly impossible if the poll watcher is there and stays the whole time.

I'm not worried about illegals voting in AL, nor in most states. The simple fact is that they don't speak English and we don't speak Spanish. These cheating operations are done in the large metro inner city areas where there is high poverty areas and enough liberal rich people to fund the scams. Why would rich and/or radical liberals waste time with the language barrier when they don't have to? In AL, very few hispanics live in the metro/inner city. They live in typically low crime rural areas and in some suburbs. They live close together in apartment complexes and trailer parks which are red counties. If they are used in cheating scams, it's in CA, AZ, NV, TX, NY, FL and other places where there are a lot of legal hispanics living there.

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Yes, your answer is more detailed. and agree not all precincts are equal. Our area/election board is pretty well staffed and leans 60% or so R (based on presidential voting - we don't register as a Party in MO), but only covers the suburban part of my county. The 'city' has its own election board, and went 80% D in Tuesday's primary. They struggle to recruit R's to work the polls, but you have to be a resident of the city, so I can't work there. Actual litigated cases of fraud have been proven there multiple times. D's will call to work the poll and say they are an R - and there is no way to know if they are really an R since we don't register a party. So very possible that in the deep blue precincts, the entire staff is D.

Our poll books (number of voters checked in) have to match the number of ballots voted before we can leave, and then the ballots are sealed in a carrier and taken by a bipartisan team directly to the election board. So no opportunity to add ballots as long as there is a fully bipartisan team watching and signing the document to say that the numbers match.

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What you describe is exactly what we do. I know about this cheating method because it was discovered in a recount about 10 years ago. In this instance, in one box there were ~200 more votes on the original tally than on the new/recount tally. The cheating was done at the poll before the ballots were sealed up. Our inner city precincts are 95% Dem. The cheating was apparently tied to a local race and wouldn't have been discovered except for the recount.

This is why I suggested being a poll watcher. Our county GOP heavily recruits volunteer poll watchers. We don't ever have enough to cover them all, so we cover the ones with the highest % Dem. We lost all of our GOP judges during the Obama elections, and we lost our DA and Sheriff a few years ago.

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I wrote my congressional delegation AGAIN. Our junior senator's response was he left all that to our governor, he meanwhile is doing more important Senate stuff. He was reelected in 2020, unfortuntely.

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

"We’re all stocked up on Governors and are satisfied with our current provider. Thanks for stopping by, but we’ve got a Python in the backyard and have to go now."

🤣 I'm sending this to everyone I know!! 🤣

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Aug 4, 2022·edited Aug 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Not only should Mimi Plevin-Foust not listen to faux experts like Barr-Yammer-on, but she also needs to adult-up and tell her daughter, who is also a faux expert, that they will not be wiping down anything. It's disgusting to see so many parents succumbing to the fantasies of their children.

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Abstinence is not a concept for that "network". AND Abstinence should be reintroduced AND reemphasized to preteens/teens/young adults. That would STOP MPX and other STD/STI's IMHO.

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Yes I wondered how old her child was and why the parent was not explaining to the child that wiping down groceries is unnecessary and paranoid behavior.

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Those Russian students know fake news when they see it! Impressive.

In all seriousness, we should be teaching our kids how to think critically about official US ruling class claims and provide an objective methodology for arriving at the truth.

Or else we might end up with a generation of mask-wearing kids staring blankly at screens of Rachel Maddow regurgitating the drivel pushed by US state department and Soros open society.

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We already have two generations of "mask-wearing kids staring blankly at screens..." they're called millennials and gen z. They have grown up in an education system designed to indoctrinate them into said drivel and remove all abilities for gaining critical thinking skills.

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My son was a conservative millenial in north east colleges. While his professors didnt always welcome that, he was atleast able to voice critical thought. He said his Washington DC alma matter today is unrecognizable as they dont even invite conservatives on campus for lectures.

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I was a conservative GenX at an extremely liberal college and had a great experience overall. A few professors made snarky comments about Republicans and conservatives but mostly politics stayed out of the classrooms. Individually, the other students and I had interesting and challenging debates about many different subjects. We were able to agree to disagree. It was a real educational experience for me because I learned how to defend my ideas better and understand why I believed what I did. But also realized that others had different life experiences that led them to believe differently and that was ok. The first rumblings of political correctness and cancel culture were present but didn’t really affect me then. I had some fantastic professors who really pushed me to think and analyze information. But now, it’s such a woke train wreck there 😞

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My grandson, who's 15 , thinks for himself. He can see BS, thankfully. I think millennials and gen z-ers who can't are going to wake up. At least a little. Man's extremity can be God's opportunity. The lost libs are pushing the gas pedal into overdrive, and the blinking red fail light has been lit. Something will give. It has to. 🙏

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Hence the resistance to CRT, and the new sex ed. Home schooling or possibly charter is the way to enlightenment and saving our country and producing constitutional fiscal Christian compassionate conservatives. Amen and AMEN!

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Thought I’d share what my Dad used to tell me. Each day I see more and more how wise he was indeed. On ‘experts say’ he’d say: ‘an ‘ex’ is a has been and a ‘spurt’ is ‘a drip’ and who the heck wants to be or listen to an ‘has been drip’. His humorous way of telling us to research and apply logic for ourselves. Have a wonderful day fellow C&Cers!

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That made me chuckle!

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Jeff, you can't get too much sleep at night thinking up hilarious quips for your readers! Thank you for everything you do for us

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Spot on Jeff!!! Nancy Pelosi is on China’s payroll and part of the WW111 narrative building. The only disaster “narrative “left to stop the 2022 midterms.

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Living in the UK. Will you let us know what Gov DeSantis’ announcement is tomorrow? Deleted my twitter acct. had enough of their banning nonsense.

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Today WA state department of health plans an announcement of experts on MPV… and at the same time FL Governor Desantis plans an announcement that will rattle the left. Bring on the popcorn! 🍿

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This made me think of Zack Williams and his version of the battle song, "Rattle."

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Can’t wait! 😁

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