It's sad that the lawsuits for all affected over the mandates have taken so long and the damage has already been done. I pray for the Military and hope this gets settled soon. I am one that has now lost my job due to the mandate. United Healthcare has instituted a COVID policy of which most staff are required to get the jab, stating the shot is safe and effective. Man I hope this comes back to bite them in the you know what. I applied for a religious exemption and was denied because my "business unit" decided that no remote work would be given. They didn't want to set PRECEDENCE! Being let go, not for job performance but because of a shot. In my opinion, is dangerous, I can't believe that people just lined up to get it. Crazy world we live in.

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Joy, I honor your courage to be willing to lose your job to protect your freedom and bodily integrity. One of my daughters who live in NYC has told me that if the NYC mandate is not overturned, she will get the jab, even though she knows of the potential danger. She is not willing to escape because her job and friends and home mean too much to her. I pray for it to be rejected.

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Thank you, that means a lot. I'm sorry that your daughter will take that risk, I can only imagine how you must feel. I wish more people would see that no job is worth this risk. Yes it's very scary and it will suck but the risk is just too great in my opinion. Best of luck to your daughter, I hope this nightmare stops soon.

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I am sorry you are going through this. Not sure if you're in FL but if you read the newsletter from 2 days ago Jeff placed a link for the Department of Legal Affairs where you can file a complaint. You are eligible for unemployment assistance as well if fired over mandates. Again, if FL - did they deny you before the new law or afterwards? So if afterwards they just chose to ignore the law and deny the exemption.

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Thank you. I'm in Louisiana, wished we lived in Florida now.

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That's nuts, Joy. My sister works for United Health and has been a full time remote worker since forever. So they're saying letting you wear a mask or whatever is an "undue burden?" shaking my head. Maybe file with EEOC anyway?

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Yep, no shot no job. They consider my position essential so I can't work remote full time.

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wow! not that essential I guess. what hypocrites.

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Are you going to sue under Title VII?

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Not sure yet, my husband wants me to.

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I work for a large Govt Dept and we got an email yesterday about boosters: basically, "don't forget to get your boosters! It's the "best way out" of this problem ...."" (didn't explain HOW, but, whatever...) and crucially, the email said "We are not requiring proof of your boosters shots at this time." Yep. Boosters are coming. And three million Federal workers will become "unvaxxed" overnight. And how are they going to claim an exemption when they already got the first ones? It will be so much harder. (Sukkas!)

Do you know Vaccine Happy Vermont only has 45% overall booster uptake? And even 30% of people over 65 are apparently "not interested" in the boosters? If they add boosters to these idiotic mandates, they will only increase the numbers of the permanent "vaccine hesitant."

My Dept still has not told anyone (about 20,000 people) if we are getting our religious accommodations approved or not. Or even told us when it might happen. I have to spend Christmas wondering if I'll be fired or what. Such horrible cowards they are! But I'm fine to get fired; I've made peace with it and I'll be happy to find a "normal" job and tell everyone exactly what happened. And file a lawsuit of course.

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Spent the week of Thanksgiving wondering if I’d have a job the following week. It was horrible & a blessing all at the same time....horrible because of the obvious, a blessing because it brought me closer to God. I ended up being approved, thanks to Jeff’s awesome coaching, and subsequently, the mandate for CMS was halted. Praying for you today.

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Right there with you - submitted my request before Thanksgiving. The following week, endured a grueling interrogation into my religious beliefs by an attorney representing my employer. Thanks to Jeff's primer on religious accommodations I was prepared for all the questions he said they could ask. I'm told the accommodation will be approved. I'm also aware that my employer is working on a "revised" policy that is going to require continuing boosters based on the pharmaceutical company recommendation and at least one regulatory agency (CDC, CalOSHA, county health dept).

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wow-- that sounds rough. I hope you get approved!

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That's great you got approved! Thank you for your prayers -- I've been surprisingly relaxed about this whole thing after I sent my request in on Nov. 8. I credit God and Jeff for that. It's not up to me and out of my hands, and I sort of want to quit the job and move to Missouri anyway. But the way they're treating people, like livestock that have no rights is appalling!

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we got an internal Teams message about free boosters x date. so yeah I am sure the mandate for boosters will be coming soon, the 2-jabers will become un-boosted lepers.

and FREE why do they continue to use FREE....is that a trigger word to get the sheep to follow?

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Ha! Free, exactly. You know the vax rate would be waaaay lower if people even had to pay $1 for it. Free is a magic word. I've known people who look for reasons to go to the doctor so they can "use" their "free" visits etc. It's a sickness. lol

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A free death shot. We'll darn, sign me up!

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My fed agency said this week that they are still waiting for DoD "guidance" so that the exemptions will be "fair" and "equitable" among all the DoD agencies. In the meantime, they are not requiring testing of the Infidels until probably January.

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At this point, the best I can tell Dr. Death is some sort of mutant cockroach. "It" spends most of its time hiding. It’s tricky to guess how many there really are. One or two out in the open might mean dozens or hundreds hiding in the walls or beneath the floor. "It" doesn't like coming out in daylight, frequents the sewer, vacations in dumpsters and spreads bacteria and disease with absolute glee. Upon further research, I've discovered that if someone would simply stop filling up "its" water glass this 2-legged, virulent, toxic hemorrhoid would keel over and die in about a week and a half.

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Oh...and "it" drops sh** everywhere it goes.

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Tell us how you really feel, Eric! :)

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Sorry, I should write with better clarity. : )

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Coffee tastes so.much better with your daily current info. Just a big THANK YOU to you.

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Absolutely! Although I drink tea, not coffee. So it's more Caffeine and Covid for me. :) The best part of waking up....

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"Public health experts are the REAL public menace."

I would argue it's a two-headed monster. Public health experts AND the corrupt, dishonest alphabet legacy media. Without the media's full-on assist and cheerleading and dishonest/nonexistent "journalism", the public health experts would be disgraced and in disrepute for their incompetence and/or dishonesty.

Both, but especially the media, need to be burned to the ground, the earth salted where they stood, and rebuilt from scratch with all new players.

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I don't understand how Fauci still has a job. It is clear though that he is in regular contact with health officials all over the world, because they all sound EXACTLY the same in their messaging and tactics

They need to go, all of them.

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I can't understand it either. At best, Fauxi is ineffective. At worst, he is a criminal. And all the evidence to prove both beyond a reasonable doubt are hiding in plain sight.

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No one has filed the criminal lawsuit yet. I guess we need to figure out who has standing and get on with it. https://www.bitchute.com/video/zkBxpUocp4PT/

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For about a half year, Washington's electronic highway signs have been telling drivers this:

Together Let's End Covid

Please Vax Up

As Jeff notes, the virus is very much still around in the state.

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The more they vaxx, the more covid there is. Strange, huh?

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Thank you very very much for your news letter. It takes some of my

anxiety away from what's happening in this crazy world!! Thank you again!

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From the moment Bill Clinton absurdly argued the definition of "is" I foresaw a day when definitions of anything would be manipulated by other power-drunk creatures. I hope Fauci speeds up his rhetoric, for evil always slays the wicked when it goes to far - and he's getting really close.

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Yes, I have thought of "is" often as I have watched medicine redefine words in an attempt to push an agenda. From replacing the word "sex" with "gender" and calling "pregnant women" "pregnant people" to redefining "vaccine."

Hopeful that Fauxi will be given more opportunities to double-down and contradict himself. As much as I'd love to see him convicted as a war criminal, would be good to watch him dig his own grave first.

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Exactly on all the above!

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Would love to see Fauci implode!

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Wait for it…😎

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Hey! Spoiler Alert, dude!

"And, things didn’t turn out too well at the end of the movie for either Khan or Thanos."

I suppose next C&C you're gonna tell us that rosebud was his....HA! No way.

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I know exactly what my family would say about Fauci’s idea for get togethers. The polite version can be summed up in one word: No

I’ll be going home for Christmas. Thank God we all live in Florida

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I'm surprised Jeff (or no one else here) has mentioned Advent Health in FL has stopped the jab mandates for their employees. Big news!


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Jeff, one reason why I love your newsletter is that it keeps me informed while laughing, but also inspiring a bit of hope. Today's good news is that the Rs are fighting the mandates. Even if it's futile, hopefully they will see this as a good political strategy, people will get behind them, and this bodes well for litigation.

And then I read one of my other favorite substacks and I am back to crying. A great piece written by the wife of a heroic physician. Worthy of reading and sharing: https://rescue.substack.com/p/the-despicable-defamation-of-a-lifesaving/comments

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Leila ~ Thank you so much for posting this article! It is excellent, and since it was written by a liberal, I "dared" to send it to three liberal friends. I am hopeful that it might erode their belief in the prevailing narrative.

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You are quite welcome. I get what you are saying about it coming from a liberal. It's crazy how our beliefs on treatment and vaccines and mandates have been associated with our politics. Most of my own family is unreachable on this issue and it breaks my heart. Maybe this story will open their minds a bit if I could just convince them to read it. Curious how your friends respond...

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Very sad state of affairs here in VT. My 64 year old BIL, with comorbidities, was exposed to COVID. I immediately offered supplements to take, in addition to Ivermectin, should he or my sister test positive. Silence, followed by a quick change of subject. Talk about heartbreak ~ it puts a whole new spin on being willing to die for your beliefs. As such, it probably won't surprise you to know that I haven't heard a peep about the article from any of the recipients...

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I am so sorry to hear that. Heartbreaking and infuriating. Hope if they get symptoms they will reconsider.

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The action was largely symbolic, but it allowed Republicans to press an attack on Democrats that is likely to be central to their midterm election campaigns.


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I was wondering why they were waiting to change the ‘fully vaxxed’ definition- this certainly explains it. I feel deeply sorry for anyone forced to get the jabs to save their jobs, only to now now be forced to take boosters to keep their jobs. I can only hope that causes more people to resist.

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So Alex Berenson just announced what I knew was coming: colleges are starting to require boosters.

"Bowdoin College and Syracuse University are just two of the institutions of higher education now telling students to get boosted or get lost. Here’s Bowdoin’s email from yesterday: “effective January 21, 2022, Bowdoin is requiring all students, faculty, and staff to receive a COVID-19 booster shot within thirty (30) days of becoming eligible.”

So my college daughter, who is regrettably double-vaxxed, will be forced to get the booster...and no religious or medical exemption could possibly be considered since she already consented last spring.

We need to fight more than government mandates. We need to shut down this absolute shitshow.


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I can't comment on Alex's substack because I'm cheap/poor - but this is maddening. Extremely unfair to the current students to keep shifting the requirements like this! Bowdoin has been, frankly, an outlier in a bad way throughout (and Bates). I assume it's something about Maine or New England in general. They've lost their minds up there.

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Just searched online to see what other schools are doing this, and it seems to be spreading rapidly, especially in Massachusetts. I assume they will soon be adding omicron vaccine to the mandates as well. Madness.

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Religious exemption can be used anytime. Your daughter could have become religious yesterday, and now the Spirit has moved her to abhor any future jabs. It costs nothing to demand it.

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Yes, I understand she COULD file for an exemption, but think it unlikely it will be granted given what I have heard about others who have tried. Knowing my daughter, she will most likely go along with the booster just to avoid having to get tested and be seen as a social outcast.

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