
FYI — Facebook took this post down and suspended my account for it for some reason. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Jan 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Congratulations! When Facebook bans you, it means you've done something right. Thanks for another great post.

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I just realized that when I went to post the comment below. I wonder when FB will catch up to the new messaging?

The beginning of this piece quotes British sources saying exactly the same things, as if there had been international coordination on a sudden pivot in messaging, something that seems more likely than not to me, to put it mildly.


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Jan 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

CONGRATULATIONS!!! You hit a cord! 👌😌

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Jan 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Ugh, when will it end? The FB banning. There are some comments in yesterday’s post wondering where it went. One of your followers posted the link for today’s issue.

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When it affects FB bottom line. If boycott FB then they start to listen. But if you accept and stay on then they will keep banning and censoring.

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Just waiting for Truth Social to come online. Lets see if it truly hokds water

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Jan 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Why are people still on FB? I shut my account down. Is it not enough Zuckerburg messed with elections sanctioned user for not supporting Biden we still have to be on the FB. Should just shut the FB down. Will be happier.

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Jan 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

This is a badge of honor. Scotus decided osha blocked CMS allowed.

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I can’t wait until he blogs about this one!

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Jan 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I was wondering what happened!

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Too much talk of China for them . 🦩

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Ah, I bet that's it. Plus I used the word, "racist."

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How do we get your daily posts please?

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Figured that’s why we haven’t seen you. Thanks for all you do. - blame will hurt international relations 🙄 what a crock!

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I might get canceled. Mad rant.

3 considerations.

Just 3.

Nothing more.

Nothing less.

I have officially reached the end of my rope. For whatever reason, it just hit me hard last night. Normally, I try to deflect my anger by using humor, but I am so pissed off right now. This whole mess is so UNBELIEVABLY IDIOTIC that it defies explanation.

3 things. That’s it. 3

1. Forcing me to inject something into my body…..MY BODY, got it?!....is a complete violation of bodily autonomy. It’s my decision, not anybody else’s, PERIOD. That should be enough to end the discussion. INFORMED CONSENT….look it up! NO PERSON CAN DETERMINE THE RISKS THAT ANOTHER PERSON CAN OR CANNOT TAKE! (Incidentally, if I hear some useless cretin utter the word “asymptomatic” one more time someone’s gonna have to call the cops and a news crew!)

2. It is an INDISPUTABLE FACT that a vaxxed person has the same chances - probably better - of getting covid, the flu, whatever the hell you want to call it, as an un-vaxxed person. GOT IT?! I will beat this drum until my last dying breath: If the shots don’t prevent you from getting it and it doesn’t prevent you from spreading it, then just why in the hell am I being forced to take it and have my livelihood threatened to boot?! Please spare me the “It will lessen the severity” line of bull. Just shut up already!

3. These shots have proven to be extremely toxic to some people. This is not up for debate! READ THAT AGAIN! When some far left looney tells me that it’s safe for most people, that is - by definition - an admission that it's NOT SAFE for everybody. GET IT?!

No one else gets to make that decision for me!

Oh by the way….THERE IS NO EMERGENCY! SHUT UP! TURN OFF YOUR TV! Elderly people with compromised immune systems, suffering through several morbidities have been dying for years. It’s kinda how it works. No, I don’t like it either, but you’re going to have to take that up with a higher authority.

That’s it. Just 3, and we don’t even need #2 or #3. But, no…we are so screwed up as a society that this has to go to the Supreme Court….AND, they are currently STALEMATED??!! Are you freaking kidding me?! Is this a joke? Am I on Candid Camera? Maybe if they moved on from looking at case law from the time of the druids, and focused on how this would exacerbate an already horrific situation.…Hey, maybe they could even throw the Constitution in there just for laughs. Just what the hell is the problem here?

If there are any Apex Predator Hospital representatives here fishing around for information….BITE ME!

Granting highly coveted status and preferential treatment to your employees who wave their vaccine card around like it's some kind of impenetrable force field of life just proves that you are pompous, intellectual pinheads with massive superiority complexes. You’re either complete assholes, stupid or both! I suspect both.

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I love it, Eric! Spot on. I feel compelled to add a #4: the massive censoring and denial of effective early treatment cheap repurposed drugs. Which resulted in several hundred thousand deaths. 🤬 Fauci, Hotez et al "Ivermectin doesn't work!" Liars, murderers.

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yes !! Thats a huge deception and I am so angry at the medical community for falling lockstep into it !

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This is where I think, if there is no God, no judgement, no consequences, well, Annie, get your gun. So in order to keep from becoming an enraged homicidal maniac about this genocide, I have to believe that there will be a Great Comeuppance if not on this planet, somewhere in the souls of the evil doers.

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Channel you inner Annie Oakley ...

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Exactly! And to your point #3, that the rallying cry is "The shot is safe for MOST people!" I say, "Well, yes, so is covid."

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What an excellent point!

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Clever...but that near haiku sentiment only resonates to the already woke in our echo chamber

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Let the people say AMEN.

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Eric you are not alone with your anger. Strangely every day that reveals more backpedaling and main stream acknowledgment of what many of us have been screaming for 2 years makes me even more angry. So much irreparable damage done.

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Think of ALL the entities that have irreparably broke trust with us.

Doctors, employers, friends.

I will not just “forgive”, they have to actively pursue forgiveness at this point.

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That’s how I feel too. I have totally lost trust in conventional health care, government, DoJ, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Agri and of course most journalism. As well as major disappointment with fellow human beings who treated us truth seekers like pariahs. One bright side is the discovery of these substack writers and commenters to keep me feeling sane in our upside down world.

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Me, too. Friends included.

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Yep. 💯 with you.

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I feel the EXACT same way. Thank you for putting in to words what I have been feeling.

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Eric, the "public health" authorities (especially Lord Voldemort) want to ensure that the entire population is put on high blood pressure medication!!! This will keep them all in the $$$ until the next "natural" disaster.

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Don't forget statins.

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And the latest two biggies...pills that ‘clear up your skin’ or ‘lower your A1C’. 🤡

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Are you referring to Accutane? 😔

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That one, and many others. Wouldn’t it be great if USA went back to banning all prescription drug ads? It’ll never happen though, I fear.

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You’re my spirit animal today. Spot on. I came back from my Christmas vacation thoroughly pissed and finding myself getting more aggressive with the virtue signalers at work. Got about 10 more weeks before they shitcan me for non-compliance.

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I absolutely love this post, Eric. I’m retired, but my daughter is a Registered Nurse working in a Phoenix hospital, and I can tell you this is also EXACTLY how she feels. Thanks for saying it so eloquently.

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Excellent Eric. You struck a chord here. Can we quote you anonomously (or wth attribution if you want)

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Surely. I'm expecting Merrick Garland any day now. : )

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Thank you for putting ALL my thoughts into such eloquent wording! Bless you😘🙏

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The government has been lying to us for over 100 years. One notable instance is the perpetuation of a myth that viruses actually exist and transmit disease. - https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/notes-from-yesteryear/germ-theory-versus-terrain-the-wrong-side-won-the-day/

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That is an interesting article - a lot to digest. One thing right off is that I cannot believe there are parents who force their children to get Gardisil shots. Same with the Covid shots. I hope when these kids grow up, they are able to forgive their ignorant parents.

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I was ignorant until I reached retirement and caught up on reading and followed my inner curiosity. Today's generation are probably trapped for similar reasons

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I wrote on Gardisil here… very disturbing. This week PETA appeared on Tucker to say male monkeys have been experimented on to become Transgender. I touch on ‘rapid gender dysmorphia’ in this piece: https://awoke.substack.com/p/we-already-know-how-this-ends

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They want to add both those shots to the demanded shots for children. Would that take the parents off the hook?

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The government and the media have been lying forever :)

Or at least since we left the Garden.

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Only gov't and media? No one else lies? LOL!

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Good point. But, it is most serious if we can't trust the Government or the media to tell the truth. Our Constituional Republic cannot function in that environment.

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If the past is based on government lies, needless wars and deceptions we can't expect a return to the old normal would be a good thing.

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You got it ! 💯

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You spoke for me today Eric! But said it better than I could. Spot on!

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Eric, we should be friends. It’ll help both our sanities :)

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Eric, someone calling herself 'Ocean Claire' just copied all but your first few lines and posted them as her own 10 minutes ago on Jordan Schachtel's Substack. Made me wonder if the post is yours originally or not.


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By Jove, that's me alright. Isn't that interesting? 😁 I left a comment on my comment.

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I stopped by to say howdy. 😜

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I guess she liked it well enough to steal lol

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She left out the best parts! 🤣

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I just noticed you said SCOTUS is stalemated. Is that something new being reported today or are you inferring that based on them not ruling immediately?

I thought I had heard several sources saying we’d hear something today.

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We heard from several sources that we would hear something on Monday. The longer this goes on the more I want to move to Alpha Centauri.

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But are you surprised? After the election defection that have kept us in this mess, I would have frankly, been delightfully flabbergasted to see a speedy ruling. Just keep stalling. How sad that our government is completely taken over.

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Jan 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

This is part of something MUCH larger so I'm not yet buying it. The psychological damage you can do to societies by making it seem like things could be ending and then pulling the rug out from under everyone would be immense.

I'm a data person in my career and there was no excuse for the data sloppiness and flat out lies so if this is ending we need to start looking at whatever we can do to charge a whole bunch of people before they move on to the next evil plan.

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I have to say I'm with you, and every time I see what narrative the Legacy Media is pushing, I can't help but be reminded of the Trusted News Initiative (TNI). Look at who some of the key players are and know that Gates has donated >$100M (can't find link) to the TNI:

"The Trusted News Initiative (TNI) was set up last year to protect audiences and users from disinformation, particularly around moments of jeopardy, such as elections. The TNI complements existing programmes partners have in place.

The partners currently within the TNI are: AP, AFP; BBC, CBC/Radio-Canada, European Broadcasting Union (EBU),Facebook, Financial Times, First Draft, Google/YouTube, The Hindu, Microsoft , Reuters, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Twitter, The Washington Post."


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Boycott any news agency who participates.

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I created a page with a collection of methods of psychologic terror and torture to achieve social compliance. A combination of these PsyOp weapons have been successfully deployed by the cabal for years. Covid is the equivalent of the nuclear version - https://justpaste.it/8yyte

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what an Informative page. Thanks. I encourage others to look at it and bookmark it

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🙌 It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings and considering that, according to "them," the fat lady will get covid and die, we're in a world of hurt. --- It's gonna get worse. LOTS worse.

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Oh, yeah. It’s never over.

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lesser of two evils seems to think that it is better for a Covid positive vaccinated person to work in hospitals than a Covid negative unvaccinated. No one would have believed this sort of rationalization in public health would have been possible 3 years ago.

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Can’t make this stuff up! Twisted brains at work. And I see my doctors falling for it more and more. My oncologist asked me if I was an anti-vaxer? My PCP walked out of the room in a huff when I refused the vax. How does one continue to have faith in the medical field when “do no harm” flies out the window due to politics?

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My wife & I have experienced this. It's dang time for REAL Doctors (not admin or tv "doctors") to band with nurses & other healthcare/scientists to create a parallel medical/health care & insurance universe managed & carried by the sane ones. The ones that do live by their oath & truly seek life improving solutions to human ailments. It's time! May the God of the universe hear me and light this fire in the psyche, stomach pitt & heart of all the right providers!

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I join you in your prayer. May God make it so. 🙏

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Your doctors may have violated a law or at least a standard of care by doing more than giving you information on the vaccine.

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I don't understand your comment. Would you elaborate, please?

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'Help,' when I practiced medicine, I did not substitute my judgment for my patients'. They have their own values, situations, health conditions, etc., and what is right for me might not be so for them. We should provide full information to them, both pro and con, and then it's their decision. Getting angry at a patient or name-calling because they won't do what you want them to do is highly unprofessional and unethical.

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Jan 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, you have been my Rush Limbaugh through all of this Covid mess. Thank you!

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”If you’re not sick, you can stay at work. Forget about the test." -


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Jan 13, 2022·edited Jan 13, 2022

The media is not heralding the end of the pandemic, they are priming the pump for the 2022 mid-terms. This is an attempt to make everything look wonderful to minimize the election day carnage for Democrats.

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I love the optimism and wish I could be more hopeful but I’m still seeing people fired for this crap and govt contractors bringing in N95 masks, so it appears that quite a few people/companies still haven’t gotten the memo. I am still required to get a test if I want to go into the office but my vaxxed co-worker with Covid and a fever yesterday can come in with no test today…. Science!

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The covidians are like drug addicts and I don't think they can give up cold turkey, too painful.

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I agree! Addiction on steroids!

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Yep. My daughter still has to submit to a PCR test at work weekly.

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Didn't get the memo....like our illustrious president. Based on his comments today, Joe Biden didn't get the memo. Maybe Susan Rice didn't tell him.

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Jan 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I'm over here massaging my neck, trying to alleviate the whiplash. 🙄

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Jan 13, 2022·edited Jan 13, 2022

Michigan didn’t get the memo. Still digging up back death certificates and relabeling cause of death to Covid. Now at 10,637. Many hospitals still putting off elective surgeries due to lack of staff after firing unvaccinated. Still labeling new deaths of Covid too. Testing is off the charts. 300,000+ tests daily. No idea how labs can keep up with that.

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This will be the fascinating part to me: Who will be psychologically able to pivot 180 degrees to The New Truth, acting as if there was never an Old Truth, and who won't? Based on what Aldous Huxley wrote about Pavlov's fear-based behavior modification experiments on dogs in his Brave New World Revisited (chapter on Brainwashing), a proportion will never change their behaviors.


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Gov Brown of Oregon!

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The city of Omaha,Ne just did a 4 week mask mandate. Since the other one worked so well.

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That makes me sad about Nebraska. I thought they were one of the good guys.

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Oregon is the same way. Tucked away in their little autonomous, autocratic kingdom, Gov Brown is headed hell-bent on destroying the unvaxxed and securing her kingdom.

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It feels like the PNW has been tucked away and is quietly being stripped down to nothing, people terrorized and businesses destroyed. The rest of the country knows not, how evil the tyrants there are and what they’ve been up to in the dark. Brownstain, Insleezy, and Newscum are conniving and dripping blood from their fangs as they plot destruction. My family still lives there. We escaped. I’m sad for them.

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It's like the three governors have their own country with three autonomous states, and it's worse than Bidens America. So sad and frustrating. We have thought of escaping. Where did you escape to?

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We escaped to Florida. Best decision. Hard move leaving family and friends but now they all have somewhere to come visit when they feels suffocated. So that’s been good. When they leave to go home though it feels like we’re sending them back into the lions den. 😖

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Our WA dictator has Covid quarantine camps being staffed up, so your governor Witless has a ways to go...

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God help the Pacific Northwest (seriously: that's my prayer)

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And the new NYC mayor wants all kids vaxed and boosted if they want to attend in-person school. And of course masked!

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Hi Kaitea, I read Ohio has maxed out testing ability. Our cases have pretty much remained evenish because labs can't keep up with the immense volume. Not sure how accurate it is but it is certainly makes sense. Perhaps Michigan is in a similar situation with regards to capacity?

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Maxxing out on testing capacity tells us more about our irrationally fearful fellow citizens than about the government.

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“There are three types of lies -- lies, damn lies, and statistics.”

― Benjamin Disraeli

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I thought that was Mark Twain

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He was quoting Disraeli.

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Jan 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

It's like Christmas all over again! My question is, with all this 2.0 goodness oozing from the left, what will happen to the vax mandates, masking, restrictions? Don't tell me they will attempt to still impose them despite 2.0 - but there again, that's the kind of evil stupid we're dealing with here.

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You do understand the timing of the Narrative 2.0 rollout: Brandon's SOTU address has been postponed until March 1, to allow this Covid is done "good news" to blare from every MSM media outlet - and thus allow President Brandon to declare his administration's VICTORY OVER COVID, laying the groundwork to defend Dem policy in the midterms and maintain Congressional control.

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The odd thing is that Biden doubled down on vaxxing and masking today. His script writers haven't gotten the memo.

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It's what happens on an election year. Especuially when polls are saying...TURN QUICK or sink!

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Organize those deck-chairs...I see an iceberg!

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Yep! We all get it.

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Soo deviant and diabolical.

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Yes, Jeff covered that thoroughly earlier in the week.

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Jan 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I will not drink my coffee unless I'm reading your daily update. Seriously, Coffee & Covid!! Is there any word on Dan Pisano? We are still praying daily for him and others like him and we will be relentless in our prayer. And while I'm at it, maybe the group here could throw up some hands to God for my daughter, a brilliant 25 year old biomedical engineer with 2 dialysis technology patents under her belt but has cut us off *entirely* because we wouldn't get the jab. NYC has absorbed her like Soylent Green; I never thought I'd see it. It's painful, but no 25 year old is going hold me emotionally hostage over an experimental frankensteinian big pharma grift. I pray that smart young adults like her start reeeeallly doing the deep dive research they are known for and finally realize what is going on. Bless you Jeff!!

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what I still fail to understand, is how they can continue to report cases when they are using an un-authorized test. The PCR test lost it's credentials on 12 31 21. this whole downturn was predictable based on that alone.

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I expect DeSantis will step in to report most all positive "cases" were asymptomatic. The caveat on the rapid-antigen tests instruction sheet says a positive result has to be symptomatic and confirmed by a healthcare provider. Raw positives are not supposed to be counted as "infections".

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No, that was just the CDC's PCR, and the rationale was that there were many others available on the market now.

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Mr Childers nailed it a few days ago with Narrative 2.0. Its all over. Burn the masks, hug your un-vaxxed neighbor, "booster" means group supporter again. The truth telling will come when FAA tosses mask requirement for flying. Need a betting pool on the date for the FAA toss. After all, the Dems need to get re-elected this fall. That is the Narrative 2.0 imperative.

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