Competing stories about whether the jabs supercharge your immune system or undermine it; a baffling pilot shortage; and something big is happening in nuclear Pakistan that you never heard about.
The lies have gotten so bad that if the government claimed that a terrorist detonated a biological/nuclear weapon nearby and that I would need to be evacuated, I would not hesitate to disregard their order and stay put. ALL trust is gone.
Yeah, funny, read another substack yesterday debunking a lot of the long covid as psychosomatic. My comment was - MY long covid syndrome is that I no longer trust anyone who presents themselves as an expert or an authority. On anything. It's good that people are waking up, but too many are quick to follow charlatans promising 'the real truth' which is hyperbole coupled with a 'send me money' appeal. Sad fact is we all need to do the work/research to uncover the truth. And it's fairly elusive these days.
My long Covid syndrome is not talking to my sister who wouldnβt go around unjabbed non GMO people. Not sure how long this syndrome will hang around. Itβs not so bad actually
Oh yeah forgot about that syndrome. Covid has cost me some friends. You can only try to talk sense into people for too long before you just shrug and walk away. But have made new ones. People I can talk to without having to 'filter out' sensitive topics.
Just like when "my" government here in Insane Francisco claimed a biological threat everywhere, I did not hesitate to disregard their order TO stay put. Traffic was good back then.
Yesterday I worked a volunteer job with a lady who at 70 was telling me a few weeks ago some of her high school graduating class had gotten together for a 50th reunion, denied them two years ago in the lockdowns. She reported she had just gotten a text from one of the attendees telling everyone he had just tested positive for covid. He thinks he got it at the reunion gathering which was at a small hometown bar and grill. He just wanted to tell everyone they might be infected without knowing it and to test and quarantine if positive. This lady had been jabbed, got CoVid a couple of months later, got boostered after the 3 month wait time and gotten covid again, only this time she was quite sick. This lady is not a hypochondriac, she is simply a widow who lost her husband during covid though not because of it. She goes by what her kids and the media along with the medical profession tell her. Remember all those millions of free jabs, that were 95% effective. They still believe it along with case numbers that keep going up because we keep using faulty tests and then quarantine, rinse and repeat, again and again. This is what disheartens me.
So purebloods are living life without the drama, but the Jabbed are strung out on the Fauci sauce and repeatedly getting Convid. Nice work, Health System.
There are jobs lost, family members disowned, developmental and educational delays in children, traumatized children and parents, grandchildren under 5 tethered to masks, personal services still being refused, and other dramatic conditions put upon unvac non-Covid survivors.
Yup. There will be discrimination against us lepers for a long time. Govts do not like people who don't kowtow. Look at Canada and the US with their travel and work mandates still firmly in place.
Totally right. I did not trust doctors to begin with (the few American doctors I have been to did not wake my trust at all) so now I avoid them at all cost. The only trustworthy doc i found so far is the vet. They did not mask up during all this time and he checks the animal before giving them yet another shot. Great folks. If I get sick I will go there !
I used to believe that the U.S. healthcare was at least ok. My recent experience is that I can't get timely, effective, safe treatment for anything from my family care doctor or the hospital. No trust whatsoever.
Last month, after a kidney stone procedure while I was in the recovery room and the nurses didn't know I was conscious. and One related that he didn't feel well. The other asked if he was going to get COVID tested at work. He said "Hell no. What? And risk being quarantined and given a kidney killer drug " (I'm still not exactly what he meant.) The other two just kinda chuckled and didn't disagree.
That's tragic but it's to be expected. The legions of people who are double- and tripled-jabbed will be hard-pressed ever to admit that perhaps they were lied to and are now much worse off than had they simply trusted their God-given natural immunity.
The government and BigPharma force-fed them drugs. Now they are force-feeding rationalizations.
Off-topic, as a former Michigan resident I still read the local papers and was shocked to read about the signature scandal with five Michigan GOP gubernatorial candidates, Chief Craig being among them. The Whitmer Cabal is deeply corrupt and the cynic in me sees this as a tactic to eliminate the opposition.
I donβt know quite what to make of this. I was never a supporter of Chief Craig. He was a Democrat, a couple of years ago. He was the MiGOP pick and heavily funded by them. Since I trust none of our top GOP state Legislators after they certified an election they knew was totally corrupted, I always thought his nomination was a political ploy put up by the establishment political groups. I figured, Whitmerβs cabal had made a deal with the likes of Shirkey to get Craig in place to win the GOP nomination. He has no platform and is not articulate in any sense. He has been on Tucker Carlson which gives him credibility to many who still believe Fox is conservative and truth telling. Whitmer would suddenly start βbeing great for Michiganβ and win because the grassroots conservatives think Craig not much better than her. Election could be tilted and no one would be the wiser.
Perhaps itβs that a couple of grassroots candidates were gaining a bunch of steam and after the debate near Grand Rapids for GOP hopefuls, in which Craig and another disqualified candidate, Brandenberg, did not attend gave reason to get them disqualified. Funny thing, out of the 5 or 6 supposed disqualifications, the ones on the list were the ones I liked least after a very good debate. It remains to be seen if this will actually go through. It may be a smokescreen to gain popularity for these disqualified in name only candidates. One thing is for certain, everything they do is planned, not reactionary.
Thank you for that great explanation. The Michigan GOP is a train-wreck and everything you said undoubedtly is true.
I still have family and many friends in Michigan and the general perception is that: (a) too many people already have forgotten the damage that Whitmer's regime caused and, consequently: (B) Whitmer will be re-elected. Once again, the Detroit Lions and their fan-base are a metaphor for Michigan.
If your family and friends are around the Detroit area, the bedroom communities surrounding that area, that maybe the perception, however, though the two parties want us to believe, everything goes through them, it does not. Much of this is being thrown out there because βSecureMyVoteβ petition is making a last mailing surge to make sure we have double the required number of signatures. This petition is very close to a bill passed with bipartisan support last year out of the Legislature to the Governor, who promptly vetoed it. A brutal winter put us behind in signature gathering, and then in March a ruling came down from a Liberal judge that the petitions from there on out would be invalid because of a printing error that listed only one box instead of two for paid and unpaid circulatorβs. Old petitions had to be thrown out, people didnβt know if their signatures counted, and funds had to be raised to print new petitions and get them distributed. Over 540,000 petitions were mailed out last week. I got mine on Tuesday, got 9 easy signatures, people were actually asking me to sign, and mailed it yesterday. They want all the sheets mailed in today, even if you only have one signature. Or drop them at a GOP hub. This heartened me to see so many people making the effort to get this done. People have not forgotten what was done to this state, and we will hold them accountable.
They are predominantly in the northern suburbs of Detroit. There's definitely a distinction between the world view of affluent liberals who reside in Birmingham, Royal Oak, and Bloomfield Hills and the rest of the state. It's easy to be a social justice warrior and to speak of reparations when you have very little at stake or to lose.
"People have not forgotten what was done to this state, and we will hold them accountable."
Sadly, the former Michiganders we encounter here in the south are all disgruntled conservatives. Michigan is being piloted from Wayne and Ingham Counties.
Very much so. With the exception of enclaves in a few left-leaning counties like Wayne, Oakland, and Washtenaw, Michigan is basically conservative. The problem, as is often pointed out, is that Michigan's GOP is dysfunctional and the state's political machinery is deeply corrupt.
One detail that's been nagging my curious monkey mind has to do with, 'saving face.' I believe beyond a shadow of doubt that many folks who invested in the governments and media's exaggerated global pLandemic do not wish to admit that they were duped. It smacks of Idiocracy(another good film to review, btw!)
Remember, these are the same people who dutifully complied and were thus inherently morally superior. Imagine how they feel now as Fauci, et al. play the role of "Lucy" repeatedly pulling away the football as humanity's "Charlie Browns" are running up to complete the place-kick.
That moral superiority and an admission that they were duped is a lot to process. They've resorted to rationalizations and the hope that some doom will still befall the unvaccinated as a way to reassure themselves in the righteousness of their decision.
"He would have died much worse if he hadn't been vaccinated."
The venom is so strong as true believers message Frontline docs to say they are evil for prescribing IVM and other preventive or early treatment meds and measures. The believers wish prolonged and painful death on the uncrowd. Difficult for me to comprehend the type of blind rage and hatred that some spew
I just read that Moderna is destroying millions of jabs. Nobody wants them. So yes, people are waking up alright. Unfortunately too little too late. They got the poison in their body and only god knows if they will survive it.
Me too. The programming is so pervasive and sad for those of us that see through the lies. I believe all people are inherently good but are easily corrupted through our emotions. That is what they prey on. They have skillfully taken out the Creator in our history and lives which is the crux of the matter. Having faith and a belief in The Creator is thought of as old fashioned. The push for Scientism is their replacement. How is that working out for humanity?
It's amazing, Kim D. I used to feel that people are inherently good. This is why I went to law school: I was a classic SJW and I wanted to help people.
My beliefs have changed radically and my calculus has evolved. I now believe that thirty percent are inherently 'good'. (That said, my brain still spins when I think about being introduced to classic philosophers in middle school and confronting the subject of 'objective good'.)
Ten percent - people like Fauci, Biden, Schwab, Mao, Pol Pot, Attila the Hun, et al., are inherently amoral and selfish and will do whatever they can to accumulate power even if that means condemning millions of innocent people to misery and death.
The remaining sixty percent are pragmatic utilitarians and will follow the tide in order to get by with as personal little inconvenience as possible. If that means getting jabbed four times to take a plane trip to Spain or to see 'The Boss' live in New York they will do it. If that means looking the other way as their neighbors are herded off to a concentration camp, they will do it. If that means joining the other side and doing a 'John Kerry' and saying that they were "before [it], before they were against it," they will do that, too.
In summary, I've learned that too many of my fellow Americans (and humans) are horrible people. Like driving, I live defensively.
Thanks, Kim. I wonder about this, as well. I now understand how easy it was to dupe Hutus, Khmer, Germans and Vichy French, and the rest to participate in genocide. It's a very thin line.
I can relate to your observations and conclusion, and to add yet one more layer to the cake: I consider the evidence of mental illness, as in psychopath and sociopathic behavior as significant. Perhaps years of inbreeding among the ruling elites may provide a few clues re this phenom.
Now, when you say "wild birds" are you saying that in the common context, i.e. robins, sparrows, parrots, or in the English sense, i.e. "Daphne got buggered on lager and slept with me mate. She's a wild bird"? I'd believe either interpretation is possible.
100% of people are selfish, but most have enough empathy not to do anything that hurts other people "too much". And most of the rest (who might do something that hurts others if they could get away with it) are well aware of punishments and social disapproval so they won't risk it. Then, there are the remaining few...
(PS - it's often been said that anyone who thinks people are inherently good, has never had children!)
Youβre spot on we created a tremendous void when the Supreme Justices decided in the 60βs, that there was no place for religious expression such as prayer in schools. Of course this void was promptly filled by the radical left agenda. Now the fruit of these decisions are the public school system is quite the cesspool of every deviant concoction from out the mind of man.
3 years ago, I had actually considered getting the shingles vaccine. Now I'm not getting ANY vax EVER again! I'm still working my way thru RFK's book, and getting angrier with each page.
I went in for a tetanus booster a few years ago and after being handed the receipt (CVS) it was a tetanus/pertussis combo shot. I asked why I was not told of the pertussis being included and she said that is just how it is made now. I'm with you. No more vaccinations ever again.
I took the tetanus shot in November 2019. January 2020 I started having sciatica issues with my right leg. Eventually went to Dr had X-ray and found I had arthritis with bone spur right hip. Follow up this year and my hip is now bone on bone. My money is on the tetanus vaccine. Never taking another vax again.
There's very good evidence that the increase in shingles is directly caused by adding chickenpox (varicella) to the childhood vaccine schedule back in the early 2000's. Shingles are caused by a reactivated long-dormant chickenpox virus. When kids actually got the chickenpox, adults were continuously exposed to it throughout their lives thus strengthening their immunity to shingles. Once kids stopped getting chickenpox, the immunity boost to adults stopped and shingles took off.
Unsurprisingly, this was predicted by many but was completely ignored by the FDA and CDC when adding it to the schedule. Merck however, knew exactly what they were doing as they rolled out the adult shingles vaccine shortly after the the childhood chickenpox vaccine.
So we've traded a harmless childhood disease, with a 100% recovery rate, for decades of suffering for those who develop shingles. Merck knew chickenpox was harmless in children, but sold the vaccine to the public by stressing how inconvenient chickenpox was for working parents. Must not let raising a child stand in the way of a fulfilling career after all.
Of course the mRNA shot immune suppression is now just throwing fuel on the fire.
Several years ago my doc (a DO) told me I better get the shingles vax because I was at that age. I told her I didn't believe in vaccinations. Her reply was she did not believe in getting shingles. She subsequently moved to New Zealand with her young family right before CV. I wonder how she is doing now?
Same here! I got the one-shot shingles vaccine about 5 years ago and was planning (pre-pandemic) to get the "more effective" two shot deal. Not anymore! And I'm almost finished with RFK's book. Everyone should read at least the first few chapters and the last chapter. The chapters in between are excellent and important, but many people just don't have the time to read so extensively.
I'm not sure anyone follows the main serious side effect of the shingles vax. I read 6% chance of paralysis which lasts for up to a year?? I'll take my chances thanks
According to the people I follow on Twitter at the time, our State Department and/or CIA paid off several members of Pakistan's parliament to oust the extremely popular Imran Khan. Another US fomented coup. They never end well.
Did anyone see that the YouTube video of Victoria Nulandβs telephone discussion setting up the cast of the new post coup Ukraine administration has just been deleted after eight years.? Another case of erasing history as introduced by George Orwell.
Hell, nothing like that ever happened here in the US. Quid Pro Dementia Joe is the most popular prez in our history, with hysteri... er..historical record 80 million votes!
I am presently listening to the audio book version of JFK and the Unspeakable. The CIA, which came into being just after WWII, was formed so as not to be accountable to anyone. It's a rogue organization with their own military that answers to no one except perhaps the the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) that Eisenhower warned us about in his January 17, 1961 farewell address. And I don't think it's a reach to state that the US taxpayer funded MIC is the enforcement arm of the globalists. It ain't a pretty situation.
We don't hear anymore about what is happening in Afghanistan from our US media, either. The only real news that I get is from a ministry in Pakistan that is still working hard to rescue people from Afghanistan. It's really something when going from Afghanistan to Pakistan is considered rescued...but it's true.
"So maybe a well-primed unjabbed immune system doesnβt NEED as many B cells."
Clearly you don't have to be a vaccinologist to have a good, clinical thought process. Always impressed that you seem to have better deductive reasoning than most of my doctor friends. Let's just hope that the long term consequences of this don't end up in any sort of long term immunodeficiency, B line mutations, lymphomas, leukemias, etc.
I was recommended this video on the NIH/NIND study on vaccine induced neurological injuries and it is very informative. He explains the B-cell process in depth. An injured vaxxed patient describes her arduous journey. Excellent video.
My husband is a mechanic for said airline. Thankfully they accepted all religious objections to the jabs, but as we know, they should have never been mandated in the first place. AA is a very different company than it was when he started there 36 years ago, but then, the world is different tooβ¦
Just a note, on the objection form, which consisted of a pile of ridiculously intrusive questions, my husband stated, among other things, βI get medical advice from my doctor, not my employer.β π―
Off topic. Several months ago airports around the US got 5G stooped from going live around the airports. Any word if they've got the electronic interference fixed or just silently got 5G up and going?
Kind of exaggerating the story, eh? Itβs like the telephone game.
American pilot Bob Snow had a Cardiac arrest after landing. There was no emergency landing.
Itβs not unusual for no one from an airline to show up for your medical event in the hospital. In fact if they did show up I would say that would be highly unusual.
I completely agree with your characterization of the abject losers "leading" U.S. airlines as "masterminds". Words fail me to describe their craven, simpering obedience to the federal scum. (So...maybe words don't fail me? But I digress.) To see the likes of Ed Bastian, for example, with his stupid ass branded mask on with two thumbs up telling me all about Delta's concern for my health while one of the greatest achievements of mankind -- flight -- crashes (pardon the pun) all around him??? And he's responsible for it! Did these a$$ wipes "in charge" actually believe the crap about the slave rags??? Did they actually think they had the legal authority to violate the FAA's own regulations and force experimental medical interventions on their most valuable assets -- their pilots???? They have proven their mediocrity. They have proven their cowardice. They have proven their willingness to sacrifice lives and liberty. They disgust me.
The lies have gotten so bad that if the government claimed that a terrorist detonated a biological/nuclear weapon nearby and that I would need to be evacuated, I would not hesitate to disregard their order and stay put. ALL trust is gone.
Trust arrives on foot and
leaves on horseback - Johan Thorbecke
Thatβs good and very true!
Yeah, funny, read another substack yesterday debunking a lot of the long covid as psychosomatic. My comment was - MY long covid syndrome is that I no longer trust anyone who presents themselves as an expert or an authority. On anything. It's good that people are waking up, but too many are quick to follow charlatans promising 'the real truth' which is hyperbole coupled with a 'send me money' appeal. Sad fact is we all need to do the work/research to uncover the truth. And it's fairly elusive these days.
My long Covid syndrome is not talking to my sister who wouldnβt go around unjabbed non GMO people. Not sure how long this syndrome will hang around. Itβs not so bad actually
Oh yeah forgot about that syndrome. Covid has cost me some friends. You can only try to talk sense into people for too long before you just shrug and walk away. But have made new ones. People I can talk to without having to 'filter out' sensitive topics.
I'd wish you to get well soon, but you seem to be getting along alright....π
Yes the side effects are rather pleasant actually!
That's how I took your post. I'm very glad you are feeling well. π
Just like when "my" government here in Insane Francisco claimed a biological threat everywhere, I did not hesitate to disregard their order TO stay put. Traffic was good back then.
That was a nice 1.5 years.. The 101 drive was a breeze going thru the South Bay.
There are people who still do NOT question the infor dished out on monkeypox! Like where are the evidence? Has been clinically confirmed? By whom?
When I queried that on another Sub, someone asked me what evidence I needed!
They are laughing at how easy it is to play us.
You and me, both. Iβd rather face whatever with my God and my resources than submit to any government mandates.
Should be called Donkeypox...Took 2000 mules to elect one Jacka$$
You have won the Internet for today.
Good one. The movie was fantastic
Amen and AMEN! More people (especially sheeple) need to see #2000Mules
LOL!! Love it, Kim!
π€£spilling my coffee!
Yesterday I worked a volunteer job with a lady who at 70 was telling me a few weeks ago some of her high school graduating class had gotten together for a 50th reunion, denied them two years ago in the lockdowns. She reported she had just gotten a text from one of the attendees telling everyone he had just tested positive for covid. He thinks he got it at the reunion gathering which was at a small hometown bar and grill. He just wanted to tell everyone they might be infected without knowing it and to test and quarantine if positive. This lady had been jabbed, got CoVid a couple of months later, got boostered after the 3 month wait time and gotten covid again, only this time she was quite sick. This lady is not a hypochondriac, she is simply a widow who lost her husband during covid though not because of it. She goes by what her kids and the media along with the medical profession tell her. Remember all those millions of free jabs, that were 95% effective. They still believe it along with case numbers that keep going up because we keep using faulty tests and then quarantine, rinse and repeat, again and again. This is what disheartens me.
So purebloods are living life without the drama, but the Jabbed are strung out on the Fauci sauce and repeatedly getting Convid. Nice work, Health System.
I love walking in freedom from fear and foolishness. Thank you, Jesus.
When the Romans come by and demand to roll up your sleeve, would Jesus take the Jab?
I think He had some strong words for the power hungry hypocrites and liars of the day and didnβt buy what they were selling.
He just might turn over a table full of syringes. money changers were of particular issue for Him.
Ohhh heβd have a good time dealing with big (p)harma
Heβd see beyond at their motives and use common sense.
He also had/has the handy thing called omniscience. π
Amen, Janice!!
We are so blessed! God watches out for his own.
And blaming the uncrowd -- the unjabbed.
Not exactly no drama.
There are jobs lost, family members disowned, developmental and educational delays in children, traumatized children and parents, grandchildren under 5 tethered to masks, personal services still being refused, and other dramatic conditions put upon unvac non-Covid survivors.
Yup. There will be discrimination against us lepers for a long time. Govts do not like people who don't kowtow. Look at Canada and the US with their travel and work mandates still firmly in place.
Donβt forget AUSTRALIA & NZ!
Good way to put this!!
It has gotten so bad you canβt even trust attending physicians any longer.
Unless you have your own personal doctor who has been vetted over time you simply canβt automatically trust a unknown doctor.
Big Pharma has utterly corrupted the CDC and the entire medical profession belongs to them.
Big outfits such Avera, Sanford, Humana etc all are complicit in the Covid / vaccine lie.
I just canβt walk in and turn my body over to these lying medical institutions, they have lost the trust of the people.
Totally right. I did not trust doctors to begin with (the few American doctors I have been to did not wake my trust at all) so now I avoid them at all cost. The only trustworthy doc i found so far is the vet. They did not mask up during all this time and he checks the animal before giving them yet another shot. Great folks. If I get sick I will go there !
I used to believe that the U.S. healthcare was at least ok. My recent experience is that I can't get timely, effective, safe treatment for anything from my family care doctor or the hospital. No trust whatsoever.
Last month, after a kidney stone procedure while I was in the recovery room and the nurses didn't know I was conscious. and One related that he didn't feel well. The other asked if he was going to get COVID tested at work. He said "Hell no. What? And risk being quarantined and given a kidney killer drug " (I'm still not exactly what he meant.) The other two just kinda chuckled and didn't disagree.
That would be Remdesivir, the kidney killer drug.
He might have been referring to Paxlovid, which can damage the liver. Uncertain whether it is a risk to kidneys
That's tragic but it's to be expected. The legions of people who are double- and tripled-jabbed will be hard-pressed ever to admit that perhaps they were lied to and are now much worse off than had they simply trusted their God-given natural immunity.
The government and BigPharma force-fed them drugs. Now they are force-feeding rationalizations.
Off-topic, as a former Michigan resident I still read the local papers and was shocked to read about the signature scandal with five Michigan GOP gubernatorial candidates, Chief Craig being among them. The Whitmer Cabal is deeply corrupt and the cynic in me sees this as a tactic to eliminate the opposition.
What's your take on this?
I donβt know quite what to make of this. I was never a supporter of Chief Craig. He was a Democrat, a couple of years ago. He was the MiGOP pick and heavily funded by them. Since I trust none of our top GOP state Legislators after they certified an election they knew was totally corrupted, I always thought his nomination was a political ploy put up by the establishment political groups. I figured, Whitmerβs cabal had made a deal with the likes of Shirkey to get Craig in place to win the GOP nomination. He has no platform and is not articulate in any sense. He has been on Tucker Carlson which gives him credibility to many who still believe Fox is conservative and truth telling. Whitmer would suddenly start βbeing great for Michiganβ and win because the grassroots conservatives think Craig not much better than her. Election could be tilted and no one would be the wiser.
Perhaps itβs that a couple of grassroots candidates were gaining a bunch of steam and after the debate near Grand Rapids for GOP hopefuls, in which Craig and another disqualified candidate, Brandenberg, did not attend gave reason to get them disqualified. Funny thing, out of the 5 or 6 supposed disqualifications, the ones on the list were the ones I liked least after a very good debate. It remains to be seen if this will actually go through. It may be a smokescreen to gain popularity for these disqualified in name only candidates. One thing is for certain, everything they do is planned, not reactionary.
Thank you for that great explanation. The Michigan GOP is a train-wreck and everything you said undoubedtly is true.
I still have family and many friends in Michigan and the general perception is that: (a) too many people already have forgotten the damage that Whitmer's regime caused and, consequently: (B) Whitmer will be re-elected. Once again, the Detroit Lions and their fan-base are a metaphor for Michigan.
If your family and friends are around the Detroit area, the bedroom communities surrounding that area, that maybe the perception, however, though the two parties want us to believe, everything goes through them, it does not. Much of this is being thrown out there because βSecureMyVoteβ petition is making a last mailing surge to make sure we have double the required number of signatures. This petition is very close to a bill passed with bipartisan support last year out of the Legislature to the Governor, who promptly vetoed it. A brutal winter put us behind in signature gathering, and then in March a ruling came down from a Liberal judge that the petitions from there on out would be invalid because of a printing error that listed only one box instead of two for paid and unpaid circulatorβs. Old petitions had to be thrown out, people didnβt know if their signatures counted, and funds had to be raised to print new petitions and get them distributed. Over 540,000 petitions were mailed out last week. I got mine on Tuesday, got 9 easy signatures, people were actually asking me to sign, and mailed it yesterday. They want all the sheets mailed in today, even if you only have one signature. Or drop them at a GOP hub. This heartened me to see so many people making the effort to get this done. People have not forgotten what was done to this state, and we will hold them accountable.
They are predominantly in the northern suburbs of Detroit. There's definitely a distinction between the world view of affluent liberals who reside in Birmingham, Royal Oak, and Bloomfield Hills and the rest of the state. It's easy to be a social justice warrior and to speak of reparations when you have very little at stake or to lose.
"People have not forgotten what was done to this state, and we will hold them accountable."
I hope this is true.
No surprised at all. Thanks for sharing.
My Michigan needs a complete overhaul!!
Sadly, the former Michiganders we encounter here in the south are all disgruntled conservatives. Michigan is being piloted from Wayne and Ingham Counties.
Sounds just like Commiefornia. With the exception of SF and LA, the state is overwhelmingly conservative.
Very much so. With the exception of enclaves in a few left-leaning counties like Wayne, Oakland, and Washtenaw, Michigan is basically conservative. The problem, as is often pointed out, is that Michigan's GOP is dysfunctional and the state's political machinery is deeply corrupt.
One detail that's been nagging my curious monkey mind has to do with, 'saving face.' I believe beyond a shadow of doubt that many folks who invested in the governments and media's exaggerated global pLandemic do not wish to admit that they were duped. It smacks of Idiocracy(another good film to review, btw!)
Right on. This is happening on multiple levels.
Remember, these are the same people who dutifully complied and were thus inherently morally superior. Imagine how they feel now as Fauci, et al. play the role of "Lucy" repeatedly pulling away the football as humanity's "Charlie Browns" are running up to complete the place-kick.
That moral superiority and an admission that they were duped is a lot to process. They've resorted to rationalizations and the hope that some doom will still befall the unvaccinated as a way to reassure themselves in the righteousness of their decision.
"He would have died much worse if he hadn't been vaccinated."
The venom is so strong as true believers message Frontline docs to say they are evil for prescribing IVM and other preventive or early treatment meds and measures. The believers wish prolonged and painful death on the uncrowd. Difficult for me to comprehend the type of blind rage and hatred that some spew
Or many are clueless and not piecing things together. Too afraid to be cancelled
βThis isnβt intended to come across as antivax in any wayβ¦β
Yes...classic "herd mentality" syndrome.
Just got censored on Nextdoor app for saying the boosters don't work. Complete shut down.....still hard to believe sometimes
I just read that Moderna is destroying millions of jabs. Nobody wants them. So yes, people are waking up alright. Unfortunately too little too late. They got the poison in their body and only god knows if they will survive it.
Me too. The programming is so pervasive and sad for those of us that see through the lies. I believe all people are inherently good but are easily corrupted through our emotions. That is what they prey on. They have skillfully taken out the Creator in our history and lives which is the crux of the matter. Having faith and a belief in The Creator is thought of as old fashioned. The push for Scientism is their replacement. How is that working out for humanity?
It's amazing, Kim D. I used to feel that people are inherently good. This is why I went to law school: I was a classic SJW and I wanted to help people.
My beliefs have changed radically and my calculus has evolved. I now believe that thirty percent are inherently 'good'. (That said, my brain still spins when I think about being introduced to classic philosophers in middle school and confronting the subject of 'objective good'.)
Ten percent - people like Fauci, Biden, Schwab, Mao, Pol Pot, Attila the Hun, et al., are inherently amoral and selfish and will do whatever they can to accumulate power even if that means condemning millions of innocent people to misery and death.
The remaining sixty percent are pragmatic utilitarians and will follow the tide in order to get by with as personal little inconvenience as possible. If that means getting jabbed four times to take a plane trip to Spain or to see 'The Boss' live in New York they will do it. If that means looking the other way as their neighbors are herded off to a concentration camp, they will do it. If that means joining the other side and doing a 'John Kerry' and saying that they were "before [it], before they were against it," they will do that, too.
In summary, I've learned that too many of my fellow Americans (and humans) are horrible people. Like driving, I live defensively.
Wondering if those 10% are soulless and the 60% have lost their way in the murky corruptness our world has become. Loved your exchange.
Thanks, Kim. I wonder about this, as well. I now understand how easy it was to dupe Hutus, Khmer, Germans and Vichy French, and the rest to participate in genocide. It's a very thin line.
I can relate to your observations and conclusion, and to add yet one more layer to the cake: I consider the evidence of mental illness, as in psychopath and sociopathic behavior as significant. Perhaps years of inbreeding among the ruling elites may provide a few clues re this phenom.
Exactly. Look at the House of Windsor and how butt-ugly that lot are.
LOL. Not to mention that Prince Phillip is renowned for how many wild birds he killed for blood sport! Apparently he holds some record in this regard.
Now, when you say "wild birds" are you saying that in the common context, i.e. robins, sparrows, parrots, or in the English sense, i.e. "Daphne got buggered on lager and slept with me mate. She's a wild bird"? I'd believe either interpretation is possible.
ππ€£ππ€£ Oh, come on, man! You know Charles is a cutie pie. ππ€£ππ€£
I was referring to Phillip. Charles is his son. And yes, Charles has big cute ears.
100% of people are selfish, but most have enough empathy not to do anything that hurts other people "too much". And most of the rest (who might do something that hurts others if they could get away with it) are well aware of punishments and social disapproval so they won't risk it. Then, there are the remaining few...
(PS - it's often been said that anyone who thinks people are inherently good, has never had children!)
Youβre spot on we created a tremendous void when the Supreme Justices decided in the 60βs, that there was no place for religious expression such as prayer in schools. Of course this void was promptly filled by the radical left agenda. Now the fruit of these decisions are the public school system is quite the cesspool of every deviant concoction from out the mind of man.
Strange bedfellows we have. I'm now rooting for an ousted Pakistani leader and their freedom convoy. They ain't takin election fraud without a fight!
I could stand a shingles outbreak. My insurance company is making me replace my roof. Know any good monkeys with mad skills?
Monkeypox shingles? Maybe check with State Farm for a woke quote. You get a better rate if your child calls in.
What does State Farm and Sears have in common? Boy's briefs half off.
π ππ€£
Shingles vaccines commercials are rampant on tv lately. I know several people who ran right in to get it. The lemmings are on the march again.
3 years ago, I had actually considered getting the shingles vaccine. Now I'm not getting ANY vax EVER again! I'm still working my way thru RFK's book, and getting angrier with each page.
I went in for a tetanus booster a few years ago and after being handed the receipt (CVS) it was a tetanus/pertussis combo shot. I asked why I was not told of the pertussis being included and she said that is just how it is made now. I'm with you. No more vaccinations ever again.
I took the tetanus shot in November 2019. January 2020 I started having sciatica issues with my right leg. Eventually went to Dr had X-ray and found I had arthritis with bone spur right hip. Follow up this year and my hip is now bone on bone. My money is on the tetanus vaccine. Never taking another vax again.
There's very good evidence that the increase in shingles is directly caused by adding chickenpox (varicella) to the childhood vaccine schedule back in the early 2000's. Shingles are caused by a reactivated long-dormant chickenpox virus. When kids actually got the chickenpox, adults were continuously exposed to it throughout their lives thus strengthening their immunity to shingles. Once kids stopped getting chickenpox, the immunity boost to adults stopped and shingles took off.
Unsurprisingly, this was predicted by many but was completely ignored by the FDA and CDC when adding it to the schedule. Merck however, knew exactly what they were doing as they rolled out the adult shingles vaccine shortly after the the childhood chickenpox vaccine.
So we've traded a harmless childhood disease, with a 100% recovery rate, for decades of suffering for those who develop shingles. Merck knew chickenpox was harmless in children, but sold the vaccine to the public by stressing how inconvenient chickenpox was for working parents. Must not let raising a child stand in the way of a fulfilling career after all.
Of course the mRNA shot immune suppression is now just throwing fuel on the fire.
There have also been studies that show that show some childhood diseases (measles, chickenpox) protect against cardiovascular disease later in life.
Thank you, Jeff! This is the first I've heard this, but it makes perfect sense! Thanks again!
Several years ago my doc (a DO) told me I better get the shingles vax because I was at that age. I told her I didn't believe in vaccinations. Her reply was she did not believe in getting shingles. She subsequently moved to New Zealand with her young family right before CV. I wonder how she is doing now?
Have a friend that got the shingles shot...a few days later she was in the hospital getting a pace maker put in.
Same here! I got the one-shot shingles vaccine about 5 years ago and was planning (pre-pandemic) to get the "more effective" two shot deal. Not anymore! And I'm almost finished with RFK's book. Everyone should read at least the first few chapters and the last chapter. The chapters in between are excellent and important, but many people just don't have the time to read so extensively.
That book should be required reading for everyone in the medical profession.. It blew my mind!
I'm not sure anyone follows the main serious side effect of the shingles vax. I read 6% chance of paralysis which lasts for up to a year?? I'll take my chances thanks
Eric...I wonder what Curious George has to say about the π pox....maybe there's a conversation with the sad little man and him?
According to the people I follow on Twitter at the time, our State Department and/or CIA paid off several members of Pakistan's parliament to oust the extremely popular Imran Khan. Another US fomented coup. They never end well.
At least nothing like that happened in Ukraine to usher in the depraved lunatic currently running the place.
Did anyone see that the YouTube video of Victoria Nulandβs telephone discussion setting up the cast of the new post coup Ukraine administration has just been deleted after eight years.? Another case of erasing history as introduced by George Orwell.
Yikes. Hope it"s been saved elsewhere. Those of us with the ability need to keep these records!
Hell, nothing like that ever happened here in the US. Quid Pro Dementia Joe is the most popular prez in our history, with hysteri... er..historical record 80 million votes!
I thank Oliver Stone for his wonderful set of documentaries on Ukraine and Russia.
everybody should see these: βUkraine on Fireβ, βThe Putin Conversationsβ, also he now has a follow up to Ukraine on Fireβ¦..What is that one?
It's called "Revealing Ukraine" I think.
Or revisiting??
I am presently listening to the audio book version of JFK and the Unspeakable. The CIA, which came into being just after WWII, was formed so as not to be accountable to anyone. It's a rogue organization with their own military that answers to no one except perhaps the the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) that Eisenhower warned us about in his January 17, 1961 farewell address. And I don't think it's a reach to state that the US taxpayer funded MIC is the enforcement arm of the globalists. It ain't a pretty situation.
We don't hear anymore about what is happening in Afghanistan from our US media, either. The only real news that I get is from a ministry in Pakistan that is still working hard to rescue people from Afghanistan. It's really something when going from Afghanistan to Pakistan is considered rescued...but it's true.
"So maybe a well-primed unjabbed immune system doesnβt NEED as many B cells."
Clearly you don't have to be a vaccinologist to have a good, clinical thought process. Always impressed that you seem to have better deductive reasoning than most of my doctor friends. Let's just hope that the long term consequences of this don't end up in any sort of long term immunodeficiency, B line mutations, lymphomas, leukemias, etc.
I was recommended this video on the NIH/NIND study on vaccine induced neurological injuries and it is very informative. He explains the B-cell process in depth. An injured vaxxed patient describes her arduous journey. Excellent video.
The masterminds who run the airlines really shot themselves in the footβer umβthe arm, I mean, the pilotsβ arms.
About a month ago there was the American Air pilot that emergency landed after he stroked out from his Jab injury.
I recall him stating that no one from the company came to his side in the hospital, as they were treating him like a pariah. Disgraceful, eh?
Who wants to work in such an environment?
My husband is a mechanic for said airline. Thankfully they accepted all religious objections to the jabs, but as we know, they should have never been mandated in the first place. AA is a very different company than it was when he started there 36 years ago, but then, the world is different tooβ¦
Just a note, on the objection form, which consisted of a pile of ridiculously intrusive questions, my husband stated, among other things, βI get medical advice from my doctor, not my employer.β π―
Off topic. Several months ago airports around the US got 5G stooped from going live around the airports. Any word if they've got the electronic interference fixed or just silently got 5G up and going?
Does 5G activate the Stroke Poke?
Asking for a friend.
That's one theory.
Kind of exaggerating the story, eh? Itβs like the telephone game.
American pilot Bob Snow had a Cardiac arrest after landing. There was no emergency landing.
Itβs not unusual for no one from an airline to show up for your medical event in the hospital. In fact if they did show up I would say that would be highly unusual.
I completely agree with your characterization of the abject losers "leading" U.S. airlines as "masterminds". Words fail me to describe their craven, simpering obedience to the federal scum. (So...maybe words don't fail me? But I digress.) To see the likes of Ed Bastian, for example, with his stupid ass branded mask on with two thumbs up telling me all about Delta's concern for my health while one of the greatest achievements of mankind -- flight -- crashes (pardon the pun) all around him??? And he's responsible for it! Did these a$$ wipes "in charge" actually believe the crap about the slave rags??? Did they actually think they had the legal authority to violate the FAA's own regulations and force experimental medical interventions on their most valuable assets -- their pilots???? They have proven their mediocrity. They have proven their cowardice. They have proven their willingness to sacrifice lives and liberty. They disgust me.
I think like every other big business, they are controlled.