☕️ Coffee & Covid ☙ Tuesday, July 26, 2022 ☙ RECTANGLES 🦠
A remarkable BMJ study finds jab risk exceeds benefits; Manchin gets covid; more bad fertility signals; Leavitt daughter update, sort of; Ukraine cancels disinformers; Cheney thinks it over; & more...
Happy Tuesday, C&C! Your roundup today includes: a BMJ study uses drugmaker data to find risk of injury exceeds benefits; Joe Manchin has covid but something’s different; interesting fertility data; more on Leavitt’s daughter, sort of; Ukraine cancels American politicians and journalists; another sudden and unexpected stroke; and guess what causes strokes now?; the Russians unexpectedly sandbag Germany’s gas; Pelosi and China double down on Taiwan; and Liz Cheney thinks things over.
💉 The British Medical Journal (BMJ) quietly published a remarkable paper last month titled, “Serious Adverse Events of Special Interest Following mRNA Vaccination in Randomized Trials.”
The conclusion is shocking. Let’s parse out the researchers’ technically-worded statement:
> The excess risk of serious adverse events of special interest surpassed the risk reduction for COVID-19 hospitalization relative to the placebo group in both Pfizer and Moderna trials (2.3 and 6.4 per 10,000 participants, respectively).
In other words, they’re saying the risk of having a serious vaccine injury is greater than the benefits of the covid vaccines.
Smartly, the researchers used the drugmakers’ own clinical trial data, so there’s no arguing about the dataset. It’s the same dataset the FDA relied on to grant EUA approval to the drugs. Everyone is on the same page. Combining the two trials, “there was a +43% increased risk of serious AESI and an absolute risk increase of +12.5 serious AESI per 10,000 vaccinated participants.”
Also, between both trials, the largest increase in absolute risk occurred in the category of COAGULATION DISORDERS. Clotting. Imagine that. And they found “more cardiovascular AESIs occurred in the vaccine group in the Pfizer trial.”
The study also gets into why the FDA’s original conclusions were different than theirs. It’s pretty technical, having to do with things like that the FDA only counted a patient having multiple types of injuries as only a single injury. But the researchers appear to criticize the FDA, noting “In July 2021, the FDA reported detecting four potential adverse events of interest: pulmonary embolism, acute myocardial infarction, immune thrombocytopenia, and disseminated intravascular coagulation following Pfizer’s vaccine based on medical claims data in older Americans.”
Then, they noted despite finding signals of high adverse events, nothing much has happened, not in a YEAR: “FDA stated it would further investigate the findings but at the time of our writing has not issued an update.” Weird.
The researchers also shored up their conclusion by observing their results were “compatible with a recent preprint analysis of COVID-19 vaccine trials by Benn et al., which found no evidence of a reduction in overall mortality in the mRNA vaccine trials based on data from the later, March 2021 BLA (Biologics License Application) timepoints that underpinned subsequent regulatory approval.”
Studies like this one, and the Benn preprint, may be what’s fueling the narrative pivot we appear to be seeing. They directly challenge the original conclusions the FDA regulators used to approve the drugs. We have no idea how many similar studies are in the pipeline, but journal editors do. And we know that government actors like Fauci and Collins talk to the journal editors; we’ve seen this kind of “cooperation” in the covid emails. We’ve also seen Fauci and Collins plotting media campaigns.
So it’s not a stretch to link what’s happening in journals to what we see happening in corporate media. If there is a connection, things will get very interesting, very fast.
💉 Jabbed and boosted Senator Joe Manchin has covid. But … he didn’t say the words!

💉 Hungary released county-by-county jab and fertility data, and independent researcher Igor Chudov put them together, and guess what he found? He found a statistically-significant correlation between high jab rates and low fertility rates, that’s what.
He then compared the five most vaccinated Hungarian counties to the five least vaccinated counties, and found the 5 top jabbed counties lost fertility THREE TIMES WORSE than the 5 least jabbed counties (-4.66% versus -15.20%):
As Igor points out, the big unanswered question is whether the massive drop in fertility now observed in most reporting countries something that is temporary — or is it longer-lasting or even permanent? Because if it is long-lasting or permanent, we are going to have to start looking at some pretty creative solutions to prevent social collapse due to crashing population rates.
Thanks experts!
🔥 Responding to yesterday’s babies-for-buffalos story, alert readers asked: what happened to David Leavitt’s adopted Native American daughter? Unfortunately, the answer is unsatisfying.
The good news is, we have NO REASON to think there has been any foul play. There have been no allegations that anything untoward happened with regard to the daughter except for the very strange, if not surreal, adoption process. I found some other odd details that I couldn’t conclusively verify, like Leavitt paid his adoption fee with a used car, which he got back later, meaning he never paid an adoption fee. This fact was widely cited on independent websites but wasn’t in any of the official coverage.
Leavitt has between 8 and 10 kids — reports vary — and there is nothing specific in the reliable record about any of them. I couldn’t tell how many were biological versus adopted. Leavitt is an LDS church member and it is not unusual in that part of the country for LDS folks to have large families.
Furthermore, Leavitt’s daughter is a minor and we’d hope her privacy would be protected, whatever the circumstances. It’s an imperfect world with imperfect information, but we’ve already found out more, and more quickly, than we probably ever would have even ten years ago.
Remember — Leavitt stands accused of some pretty horrible things, and the facts look pretty bad, but he is legally presumed innocent until proven guilty. The allegations are just that — only allegations. If Brett Kavenaugh taught us anything it was to be cautious about scandalous sexual allegations.
That said, there is a lot more to it and there are other players involved in the story. I only showed you guys the tip of the iceberg, which is the best I can do in this daily blog. Don’t even get me started about the story’s prime suspect, a gay/bisexual psychotherapist-slash-hypnotist. Somebody’s going to be writing a book about this case at some point.
Finally, I concur with C&C’ers who commented that they hope the Utah County Sheriff is taking appropriate steps to protect his safety and the integrity of the investigation. We can only hope.
🔥 Unherd published an article yesterday headlined, “Ukraine Government Issues Blacklist of ‘Russian Propagandists’.” The gist is, the Ukrainians are labeling anyone who has questioned NATO policy or suggested compromise with the Russians as a solution to end the conflict.
On July 14th, Ukraine’s government-run Center for Countering Disinformation published a list of politicians, academics, and activists who are “promoting Russian propaganda” — including Republican Senator Rand Paul, former Democrat Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, military analyst Edward Luttwak, political scientist John Mearsheimer and popular journalist Glenn Greenwald.
Several of the folks on the list were very concerned, although Glenn had some spicy comments. Among other things, he said,
“The Ukrainians have the absolute right to pursue whatever war policies they want. But when they start demanding that my country and my government use its resources to fuel their war effort, then I, along with all other Americans, have the absolute right to question that policy or to point out its dangers and risks. I don’t care at all about Ukraine’s attempts to shut down debate in our country by smearing journalists and politicians who are questioning US/NATO policy as being Russian propagandists. That tactic is as inconsequential as it is cheap, tawdry, and discredited.”
Seems reasonable.
Blacklisting Americans seems like a really good way to fuel even MORE criticism of your side rather than accomplishing anything helpful. Still, it’s nothing new for the former comedian turned war president. From the October 22, 2021 edition of the UK Guardian:
Just saying.
💉 ‘American Pickers’ co-host Frank Fritz, 56, is in the hospital after suffering a stroke.
💉 From the New York Post yesterday, a new first-world terror emerges from the ocean of hysteria:
Sleeping causes strokes!
The article warns “[t]hose who nap more on average have a greater risk of developing high blood pressure and stroke.” I don’t want to get too pedantic, but it’s rubbish, of course, they just found a correlation between people who sleep a lot and have bad health outcomes. Apparently they didn’t think it could be the other way around: people in bad health are more likely to take a nap. Eureka, Einstein.
They think we don’t notice that their daily warnings about how some common human activity can lead to death all feature the exact same triad of common causation: cardiac arrest, blood clots, and strokes. Never liver disease, kidney failure, or severe diabetes. If this were a legit effort to popularize health news, you’d see the entire gamut of illnesses getting the same amount of attention, and not just an obsessive-compulsive fascination with the same three SYMPTOMS over and over again.
You know, on the other hand, maybe this is what happens when you muzzle reporters. Maybe they get sour, and approach their stories like, “fine, you want to tell me I’m not allowed to say it? Let’s try blaming it on showers and naps then. We’ll just look like complete morons. Every day I’ll run a new story about something else dumb. How about that?”
Then the journalists see each other doing it, and start a secret competition trying to out-stupid each other. “Oh, naps! Good one Bill! But tomorrow I’m running ‘Your Houseplants May Be Stroking You Out.’ Beat that.”
🔥 Haha, I told you it would happen. The Russians are sandbagging Germany, claiming a broken part is slowing down gas shipments through its Nordstream pipeline. The Wall Street Journal ran the story yesterday headlined, “Russia to Cut Europe’s Gas Flow via Nord Stream to 20%.”
Nice country you have there, it would be a shame if anything bad happened to it.
Russian energy company Gazprom announced yesterday that gas exports through the vital Nordstream pipeline to Germany will drop to about a fifth of the pipe’s capacity, blaming sanctions-related problems with turbines that have already reduced flows. The fresh reduction in the pipeline’s capacity—from 40% currently to 20%—is expected to take effect Wednesday. You’ll recall the Russians just shuttered the pipeline for ten days citing “annual maintenance.”
Wholesale natural gas prices in Germany have more than doubled in just the first six months of the year and are expected by analysts to keep rising as winter approaches.
The Germans don’t believe the whole broken-turbine thing. They are loudly accusing the Russians of faking, pointing out that Nordstream has an elaborate contingency plan with lots of spare parts on hand. But the Russians are countering, coolly explaining, “yes, but comrade, now we have pandemic. Pandemic makes much harder for keeping necessary parts to repair turbine.”
It’s complicated, you see. “Part we need is shaped like rectangle. Warehouse has only ROUND parts, comrade. Is very frustrating for technician, but can do nothing.” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So. I’m SURE all of you experts carefully thought these Russia sanctions ALL the way through, right? You didn’t just run with Joe’s first idea, right? Anybody? Hello?
🔥 Despite military warnings that “her plane might be shot down or something,” it appears that Nancy Pelosi still intends to fly to Taiwan, for some reason. Which is causing the Taiwanese to practice for Chinese air attacks.
Pelosi has not explained WHY it is so critical that she go to Taiwan, why it is worth provoking kinetic war with China, except to say that “it is important to show support for Taiwan.” How Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan now will accomplish anything except aggravating the Chinese is anyone’s guess. Back in 1997, when he was House Speaker, Newt Gingrich visited Taiwan, making him the highest-level U.S. official to ever visit the island at that time.
And Newt was WAY more popular than the 106-year-old democrat.
The Chinese foreign ministry doubled down on its previous warnings that the trip could have “serious consequences” for the U.S. “The Chinese side has made it clear to the U.S. on many occasions that it is firmly opposed to Speaker Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan. We are fully prepared,” China’s foreign ministry spokesman said yesterday.
I’m not too sure they’re prepared for NANCY PELOSI. They should keep her for a while to enjoy the full experience.
I understand people who say, “we can’t let China bully us around,” but have the experts considered we’re already courting war with the other superpower-in-waiting, Russia? Maybe it’s not a great time to go picking a fight with this one? Just asking.
🔥 Apparently, Liz Cheney is considering running for president in 2024. She’s thinking about it.

Cheney’s last fundraiser targeted democrats in Wyoming. Which party is she thinking of running in?
Have a terrific Tuesday, and I’ll see you tomorrow for more.
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Bravo to the BMJ! Thanks in large part to Peter Doshi, the British Medical Journal is the only Cathedral publication I know of that has the cajones to publish hard data and truthful conclusions that go against the narrative.
More and more people are awake to their poisonous jab crap so they're coming up with other ways to kill us; by telling us not to take showers, which are healthy or taking naps, which are healthy. And one other thing, Liz Cheney doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell.