Bravo to the BMJ! Thanks in large part to Peter Doshi, the British Medical Journal is the only Cathedral publication I know of that has the cajones to publish hard data and truthful conclusions that go against the narrative.

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Jul 26, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

A key line from the paper:

"Funding Information: This study had no funding support."

πŸ€” ~ Certainly adds to the credibility IMHO.

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Funding/conflict of interest statement is what I always check first!

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So, you have found this paper in the BMJ. Can you please dire t me to it?

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Jul 26, 2022Β·edited Jul 26, 2022

Posted elsewhere in the thread:


As noted at the top of the page, this paper has not been peer reviewed yet so is not in the BMJ at this time.

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As I mentioned in another comment, I couldn't find it and was hoping Jeff would see the comment and provide his source. I have seen others writing about it but haven't seen the original.

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Wellllll, someone somewhere had to fund it.

True, they apparently weren’t funded by BMGF or WEF, etc. But somebody had to pay the folks who reviewed and pulled together the data.

Just saying that while this is absolutely important, these paper writers have learned how to hide the true sources of their funding. That’s all.

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Funding a paper like this would be like touching the third rail for any organization/institution even remotely affiliated with Big Pharma. So, we at least know who didn't provide funding. Further, we can't exclude the possibility that the authors collaborated using their own dime/time.

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Yes - especially assuming the authors are academics who do this sort of thing for a living, pulling together and analysing existing data in their "spare time" (iow, not taking funding for it) seems like it would be reasonably doable.

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Yep, all very true.

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I have published many papers that I did as part of my academic appointment and because the idea appealed to me; they had no funding to approve/vet/discourage/encourage the project. Getting funding (for a project or a laboratory) is a pain and takes endless time and effort. One does that when one must, but a project like this would be doable just as part of one's regular job (assuming that includes nights and weekends as is true for many of us "older generation" docs).

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Why don't you write to the author and ask about this?

Correspondence to: Peter Doshi, 220 N Arch Street, Baltimore, MD, 21201 pdoshi@rx.umaryland.edu

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Peter Doshi is one of my heroes in this disaster! He is on the side of truth and is fighting to get it out there.

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He presented at Ron Johnson's panel on vaxx injuries and also spoke against injecting kids during the FDA review process. Doshi is a wonderful ally to have in this battle.

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Doshi is fantastic and it's the reason he's under attack. He isn't new to this fight but has long been critical of Pharma's tentacles and their manipulative control of the peer review process and regulators. Doshi, along with Tom Jefferson and Peter GΓΈtzsche (both from Cochrane before it was compromised) have been right there fighting with him often completely alone.

We have our heroes from the last two years like Drs. McCullough and Malone and thank God for them. But there are others like those mentioned above that have been fighting Pharma corruption for nearly two decades. If there is any justice all of this will come out and these guys will get the recognition due to them, along with vindication for Andy Wakefield.

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I hope the recognition comes in their lifetime and they don't end up like Van Gogh.

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Jul 26, 2022Β·edited Jul 26, 2022

The powers that be have pulled and redacted parts of published medical journals before, so I’m wondering if this is really a crack in the dam or if other obfuscating studies will follow. The spin is strong in the science community, since it is largely bought by big pharma. We can only hope this continues.

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The BMJ has been publishing editorials exposing the vaxx industry lies for a while now, and they are the ones who worked with Brook Jackson to document Pfizer’s data fraud:

β€’ https://www.bmj.com/content/375/bmj.n2635

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Thank you for this link. I’m trying to collect the best of the best peer reviewed proof so that at some point I will be able to reason with my 26 year old biomedical engineer daughter. She has ghosted me and her dad β€œUntil we get vaccinated.” Nothing like emotional blackmail, terrorizing the Millennials, compliments of the commies at the CDC, NIH, NIAID, FDA and especially that evil, putrid little troll Fauci.

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My heart goes out to you. The best sermon is a good example. Standing in your own principles, and doing what you know is right for your body, is one of the best gifts you could give to your daughter imo. I too appreciate the link, and I'm collecting them, and share them on a regular basis, with my state elected officials, and city elected officials, in Boston, Massachusetts, where I live. I share them with health professionals too . Luckily, my grandson's mother never vaccinated him. For anything. He's 15 years old now and healthy; emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically. I received childhood vaccines, but I never questioned her choice, because I respected that it was her choice. Fast forward into the pandemic, and I started to learn a lot more about how many vaccines are not only injurious, but that the chronic health conditions I currently suffer are most likely the result of a series of hepatitis B vaccines I received in my twenties.

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Thank you for taking the time to post. I have had to re-evaluate my entire life since 2020, on top of the β€œfriends” I lost due to political differences in the last administration. Realizing that I had been just going along to get along with my liberal friends- agreeing to disagree for them but knowing inherently that I wasn’t permitted to speak my own piece has made me look at myself in the most odious fashion. Good riddance to them, but when it’s your own daughter who you poured your whole self out to raise, that’s an entirely different story. Creating a new group of people to surround myself, albeit virtually, has been the only balm in this tragedy.

My daughter had 2 shots of Moderna, maybe the booster, I don’t know, and she *already* had a rare neurological condition and was already on daily meds for this (looking back I remember asking the doctor when she was an infant if it was really necessary to give so many shots at one time? She had a seizure later on, so yes, I can see the damage now, but the docs all ghosted me back then. Crazy mother, you aren’t smart enough to know your own child, this is your first baby, what do you know? Here, have another glass of Chardonnay).

So as the daily body count of young people increases, it’s like a bad car accident I can’t look away from- is she next? Is she already experiencing neurological problems that are clouding her judgment with family and relationships? Does she have any support if she gets sick? I don’t know. Thankfully my sister lives nearby and she still talks to her because she is vaxed and boosted- a kidney transplant recipient no less!! All I know is that I will work towards keeping in the best health possible so that I’m available to help out if my family becomes incapacitated.

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πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ™πŸ’•πŸ¦‹ I'm doing what I can to use these trying times to get better instead of bitter. And I am continuing to cultivate a rich spiritual life. I will keep you and your daughter in my daily prayers and meditations.

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By their fruits they shall be known.

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I'm in the same boat. My parents and sister have refused to see me or my children since Christmas of 2019 because we didn't take the juice. It breaks my heart, especially for my kids.

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My heart breaks for all the families torn apart by deceitful and evil governmental propaganda, aided by our greedy and cowardly medical establishment.

My family drank all the Kool aid but, at least, have not cut ties with me. I stopped talking covid with them for my own mental health.

I pray you remain strong and refuse to back down. Hugs.

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Jen - feel for you. My husband was in the same situation with his parents. A visit set for last August canceled by them when he announced he didn't get the shot. My mil pulled a doozy on me and it destroyed our relationship. Will I ever forget? No. I am working on forgiveness.

A half-year has made a total difference in their acceptance. My husband went to visit at Christmas and has been back multiple times to deal with my fil's unacknowledged v injury. Just 2 weeks ago my fil, stated there was too much fear during the entire pandemic.

Praying for you that your family comes around to acceptance.

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I won't forgive or forget. This has been an awful time. But I view it as they, the vaxxers, have shown their true colors. Family or not, I am better off without them. I have made new friends and have strengthened ties to family and friends who didn't shun or accuse me of not caring or worse. It's their problem not mine.

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Jen, that is so terrible, I'm sorry. You and your children are on the right side of science, health and history, although I know we take no comfort in being "right" about it. I have 2 daughters - one is not jabbed. She may be the last of the last to actually have children without the infertility issues and miscarriages we are seeing in the jabbed population. And the children of these vaccinated, the ones who do survive, these children's fertility will most certainly be affected since all baby girls are born with all the eggs they will have in their lifetimes already in place. The mRNA crosses the placenta and goes into the bloodstream of the fetus. I do think the dam is cracking though. I do think that more people are waking up but are too afraid to join us.

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So sad!! They could take precautions!! Not using common sense!

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I’m really sorry you’re suffering that, Veronica. You’ll find a wealth of resources at my Substack (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/archive). People have found these ones particularly valuable for their red-pilling efforts:

β€’ β€œA Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-mostly-peaceful-depopulation)

β€’ β€œLetter to Alex Berenson on World Ivermectin Day” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-alex-berenson-on-world)

β€’ β€œLetter to a Scientifically-Minded Friend” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-scientifically-minded)

β€’ β€œLetter to the California Legislature” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-california-legislature)

β€’ β€œLetter to the Washington State Board of Health” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-washington-state-board)

β€’ β€œDialogue with a Curious Injectee” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dialogue-with-a-curious-injectee)

β€’ β€œDialogue with a Curious Injectee: Afterword” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dialogue-with-a-curious-injectee-928 – I published this as a bonus for paid subs but include it because one of the commenters successfully used it to red-pill his friend’s father, who canceled his booster and is now trying to wake up his wife!)

β€’ β€œDispatches from the New Normal Front: Sparring with the Belligerently Bamboozled” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dispatches-from-the-new-normal-front-d2c)

β€’ β€œLetter to a Holocaust Denier” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-holocaust-denier)

And on propaganda, menticide, and collusion:

β€’ β€œA Primer for the Propagandized: Fear Is the Mind-Killer” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-primer-for-the-propagandized)

β€’ β€œLetter to a Covidian: A Time-Travel Experiment” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-covidian-a-time-travel)

β€’ β€œLetter to a Colluder: Stop Enabling Tyranny” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling)

β€’ β€œAre You a Good German or a Badass German?” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/are-you-a-good-german-or-a-badass)

β€’ β€œLetter to the Menticided: A 12-Step Recovery Program” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-menticided-a-12-step)

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I had just subscribed right before this post so thank you so much πŸ™πŸ»β€οΈ

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Aww, thank you, Veronica, and welcome! πŸ€—

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Sorry for what you're experiencing Veronica.

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You are not alone. We've all lost friends and family members to the 'rona cult. Mass Formation Psychosis has killed more relationships than any flu. I have also seen how academia has created a realm where those with degrees and letters behind their names have lost the will or desire to question authority. It is truly a dark time in our society. I need to get the coffee mug/or T-shirt with the saying: "if You Can't Question It-It's Not Science."

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Re academia and their not questioning authority - agree. And, cheering on those in academia who have not lost it, who have protested, who have supported students who have been caught up in their mess.

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YES--and also suing the holy hell outta the established actors/agencies in charge--Re:


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I am so sorry. I haven't even had the courage to speak out to my son and his wife about vaccines. Pretty sure they know I'm not vaccinated but I know they are. I worry about them and my new granddaughter. She is showing signs of droopiness on one side of her face. I have read that can signal nerve damage possibly caused by her childhood vaccines or her mom's Covid shots. I have my own probable vaccine injury from HepB series when I volunteered to take a part in a study several years ago.

Yet I am quiet. A couple of years ago they criticized me for supporting the Republican platform as though they couldn't separate ideas from the candidate. At that point, they threatened no future contact with any future grandchildren. I felt as though they had stabbed me through the heart and I am finding that I have become emotionally removed from them. It seems like too much energy and emotional investment to be under blackmail to behave a certain way. It pains me.

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Betsy Frost--I presume that you are aware that RFK,Jr has repeatedly addressed the insane amounts of vaccines on our children's vaxx schedule. When I was growing up in the 60's we received 3-4 vaccines. Today the children are getting as many as 70! And when one challenges the Pharma system--one is dismissed as an "anti-vaxxer." Which is how the press criticizes RFK, Jr.

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My senator Will Brownsberger told me he considered RFK Jr a bad seed. I have tried to educate him. I asked him if he wanted his book on Fauchi, and I was hopeful that would open his mind. Instead he wrote a blog demonizing Bobby Kennedy Jr.

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So sorry Betty. Threatening no contact with future grandkids is emotional blackmail in my book.

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If only these parents understood that it's blackmail. Alas...

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Hello Veronica. I'm in a very similar situation with my 31 y/o attorney daughter. She absolutely refuses to see me in person until I'm vaxxed (which I will never agree to do), and she refuses to allow me to see her children when she and her husband start a family. I'm even starting to wonder if they'll be able to have children given the emerging data about the jabs affecting fertility. In any case, I want good data to support my continued refusal. Unfortunately, no matter how strong the data, I suspect she will never let go of her position. She's stubborn that way. :(

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it's these kids with high, but misplaced, intellect - it's maddening! I'm so sorry. Especially hurtful to emotionally try to blackmail you with seeing your "future" grandchildren that haven't even been born yet. Terrible, but it almost makes me laugh, with the whole bodily autonomy argument of that generation. Honestly I think I need to start a group of us parents, not to commiserate, but to build each other up, while we wait.... eventually they WILL see other families repairing themselves. They will wonder if it was worth it to waste these years. They will see the damage even if they don't acknowledge it.

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It is so sad to hear these stories. I am the only one without the jab in my family and I fortunately had the excuse of being allergic to an ingredient in the mRNA. My mom and brother are strongly pushing the vaccines and believe deeply in them. I was still allowed to see them at my brothers wedding, and later over the Christmas holiday, but I voluntarily abided by the things that would make them feel safe: masking up with KN95 and testing daily! Of course I think these things have shown how useless they really were, but for me it was a good happy medium to show by wasn’t just not considering the way I might impact them. And I truly did not want to give my mother anything because she is older! So I made sure I wasn’t sick.

For the last 2 years the way I have explained myself to 99% of people who are not like me, that β€œI am being cautious / I’m not being stupid about it.” Somehow this assured them that I was at least putting some sort of effort in and I wasn’t being reckless (giving them a reason to fear me).

I’m in my early 40s, and a long time ago my father disowned me and didn’t speak to me for 19 years… Until my brothers wedding which was the first time we had encountered each other. Honestly all the stupid reasons flew out the window and whatever stubborn reason he had to not speak to his daughter for almost 2 decades… It became obvious it wasn’t worth it. Encourage everyone to try and mend the relationships in your family and to not be stubborn! I know most of it is on the other side with the people who are living in fear, but hopefully now that it is becoming quite obvious the jabs are harmful, (and that everybody is catching Covid anyway 😝) your adult children - or in my case parents will reconsider!

Here is some millennial language to help those here who are parents, if your children refuse to see you:

β€œI don’t feel safe or comfortable with the shot, but I’ll consider it in the future when I see more long term studies” (key words here are SAFE and COMFORTABLE for millennials) you can reiterate by stating β€œit’s important for me to feel safe and to take care of myself” (SELF CARE also a key word)

β€œI respect that you want your family and your children to feel safe. Would you be willing to compromise and meet outside in the open air? the CDC says people are only infectious for 5 days surrounding illness - I would be happy if we all tested before hand to make sure we aren’t a risk to each other”

Also, for the parents out there whose adult children won’t see them… They might also be concerned that if you aren’t jabbed then they could make you sick. at least for me, I know my 4X jabbed 70yo mother is now at even higher risk and I am concerned that she will get sick! So I almost now I want her to be more cautious!! πŸ˜–

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I've written whole emails about the bodily autonomy issue to my elected officials here in Massachusetts. Their overwhelming political stances are hypocrisy on steroids πŸ™„. I even had a zoom meeting with my state senator, Will Brownsberger, who is second in charge, to promote a bodily autonomy bill. 200 people attended including members from the Joint Committee of Public Health. Dr. Richard Moskowitz, who wrote the book, "Vaccines, an Appraisal" attended and spoke. At the end of the zoom meeting, my Senator (Harvard undergrad and Harvard law) looked into the camera and said he would never support a bodily autonomy bill. But that same year, after our zoom meeting, he supported lowering the age to obtain an abortion to 16, without requiring parental consent or going before a judge.

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That's a great idea, Veronica! Maybe do it as a Substack.

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Don't give up hope. God works in mysterious ways. But even if you don't get what you think you deserve, and what's right, in regard to your daughter, if you stand in your own Truth, you will be blessed in other ways. I am praying for all of us πŸ™ πŸ’•πŸ¦‹

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So sorry for you. Stay strong. You are in the right.

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Sorry you are dealing with this. My daughter boycotted family gatherings in 2020 but has agreed to hang out with us on occasion but refuses to discuss anything about the shot. But just in case you get her to consider a different view, here are a few more for your collection:

Case Series of Three Neurological Side Effects in Younger-Aged Individuals After Pfizer's mRNA Vaccine

Cureus. 2022 Apr; 14(4): e23779. Published online 2022 Apr 3. doi: 10.7759/cureus.23779


Monitoring Editor: Alexander Muacevic and John R Adler

Serious Adverse Events of Special Interest Following mRNA Vaccination in Randomized Trials

22 Pages Posted: 23 Jun 2022


Effects of Previous Infection and Vaccination on Symptomatic Omicron Infections


Viral Dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 Variants in Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Persons


We also found no meaningful difference in the mean peak viral load or proliferation duration between vaccinated and unvaccinated participants

The epidemiological relevance of the COVID-19-vaccinated population is increasing

LETTER| VOLUME 11, 100272, DECEMBER 01, 2021

GΓΌnter Kampf

Open AccessPublished:November 19, 2021DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lanepe.2021.100272


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Wow, thank you! Glad that she is willing to at least hang out with you- there is hope. πŸ™πŸ»β€οΈ

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My friend, who is a pharmacist at BI Deaconess Hospital in Boston, thought I was crazy for not wanting the "warp speed" shots. I didn't hear from her for about a year, but she stopped by my home just over a month ago. Her husband got vertigo so bad after his third shot, he had to crawl through the house for a few weeks, and he's still experiencing vertigo on a daily basis, though he can walk now. My friend got a rash and swelling in her leg after her third shot that won't go away. She's now spending a lot of money seeing a Chinese herbalist, and she told me her immune system hasn't been the same since her third shot. They both got COVID several weeks after their third shot too.

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Well there is an unspoken 'list of banned topics' and any transgression on our part can lead to her storming out in a huff. It's truly sad how all of this Narrative has destroyed or harmed so many relationships. By design, I expect.

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Those caught up in the mass delusion don’t care if the shots are later proved to kill half the population including them, they only care that someone didn’t do as they’re told. It’s Stockholm Syndrome caused by kidnappers of our nation. The film COMPLIANCE shows how easy it is for a perceived β€œauthority” to control people through fear.

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I’m sorry I didn’t see you at the rally in Lee Summit for Eric Schmitt. It was crowded and I didn’t want to go up to everyone to ask if they’re Donna in MO.! One week before the primary! Hoping he wins in the crowded field!

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😭 shoot! I was there. Wearing my coffee and covid shirt. But yeah, super crowded.

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I can relate to this and it is so heartbreaking. I only hope that she and those I am close to will actually read/listen when it is not coming from Fauci/MSM. The website Realnotrare.com tells some horrific stories of the C 19 vax injuries with a sequence of questions that are the same for everyone. Of course all these individuals are still alive but many are permanently disabled.

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YES - real not rare - testimonies from CHD - very helpful for those who are being gaslit and threatened about the jab. It certainly opened my eyes

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I’m sad for you, Veronica! You stay healthy!

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Veronica...You are not alone. Please read these 2 articles from Robyn Openshaw's substack. The comments are also quite eye-opening.

Open Letter to Parents Canceled by Their Children


Cancel Culture’s Division of Parents and Adult Children


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I'll be reading this as well! Chris Hedges wrote a book some years ago--"Death of The Liberal Class"...whatever became of classic liberals? The younger people seem to believe that being intolerant is the same as tolerance when the nanny state tells us what to do. When I was younger, the Left was the cool place to be. Now it's the conservatives who seem cool.

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Thank you Alice - I had not seen these

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Journal wise the BMJ may be all that is left to rebuild science with. NEJM is publishing FRAUD like the TOGETHER study and the Lancet publish the Surgisphere FRAUD.

Kudos to the BMJ for not firing Peter Doshi despite lots of calls for it. I guess some people don't want to see the raw data from the phase 2 human experimental trial but if you don't make the raw data public then it isn't science.

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Jul 26, 2022Β·edited Jul 26, 2022

Is it actually published by the BMJ? The only version I found was still a preprint.


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Good question. I’ve read articles by others discussing it but haven’t seen the original article yet. I found this one on myocarditis and pericarditis but nothing by the title Jeff cites (perhaps he can provide the source?):

β€’ https://www.bmj.com/content/378/bmj-2021-069445

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I agree, they have been much braver than most and more willing to challenge the narrative.

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More and more people are awake to their poisonous jab crap so they're coming up with other ways to kill us; by telling us not to take showers, which are healthy or taking naps, which are healthy. And one other thing, Liz Cheney doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell.

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β€œOh, naps! Good one Bill! But tomorrow I’m running β€˜Your Houseplants May Be Stroking You Out.’ Beat that.” That just cracked me up! I think we should have an informal contest to help them.

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πŸ˜†This was my favorite part of today's post.

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I agree, that was hilarious!! πŸ˜‚

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Well, just don't eat the Dieffenbachia because it will kill you.

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Jul 26, 2022Β·edited Jul 27, 2022

Oh my gosh, you just made me remember how terrified I was to even get close to that plant when I was little, my mom had warned me about it being poisonous and it would cause my tongue to swell up and suffocate me or something graphic like that, and I somehow thought I might accidentally ingest it πŸ˜‚πŸ˜†

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The Democrats’ embrace of her has gone to her head.

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I recall an article from the UK which stated that gardening increases stress, thereby increasing risk of heart attack and stroke. The "elites" are not even trying to hide their BS anymore.

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Jul 26, 2022Β·edited Jul 26, 2022

I expect that the only way to get rid of Liz Cheney would be to drive a wooden stake through her heart.

Good luck in finding it, however ..

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Yup, having a good and sturdy stake but not a heart to put it through does pose a problem.

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πŸ˜‚ I think the liver will do also. Unless of course she's really not human.

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We could sic Bob Seger and the "Silver Bullet" Band on her! LOL!

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Wow. That’s violent

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Actually, that's a snarky joke. Sorry it seems to have gone over your head...

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Bridget could also be a vampire...

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Well, there is that; perhaps I jumped the gun. Or does that also sound overly violent...?

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Well shoot.


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Careful there. It'll take an eye out.

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Living in a world of shortages, I thought you meant good luck finding the stake. We have some lumber for sale. That tells you where my head is.

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It's the world we live in... *sigh*

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Exactly! John Wayne would have approved. Time to quit being politically correct wilting violets.

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Bob Seger is a great old time rock and roll artist and that’s the name of his band.

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Jul 26, 2022Β·edited Jul 26, 2022

Manchin: "I will isolate and follow CDC guidelines ..."

While it's encouraging that he didn't mouth the "it would have been worse" line, frankly, anyone promoting the following of CDC guidelines at this point is a fool. A truly independent adult would say simply that, as he learned from his regular person non-expert but sensible mother, he going to stay home until he's better.

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Yeah, I'm getting tired of this virtue signaling BS. "I'm following CDC guidelines". Well woop de doo. As for me, I don't need a bunch of unelected bureaucrats telling me what to do.

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It would seem when any politician wants to avoid the hot seat, covid becomes the escape of first choice. Joe’s on the hot seat with a lot of Dems right now.

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"I'm following CDC guidelines" or something along those lines is the current of equivalent to politicians and entertainers reflexively thanking anyone associated with the military for their service back when the Iraq and Afghanistan wars were still a thing.

As an aside, I am interested in your take on the Michigan gubernatorial election. I continue to keep tabs on Michigan and I just read a story in the Detroit News (as bad as reading the Free Press, I know) about Whitmer's $9.5 million dollar campaign chest funded by donors from across the country. Meanwhile, the Michigan GOP appears to be in shambles.

Despite the destruction caused by Whitmer, my fears that drove us to flee south are proving true, that the good people of Michigan will continue to shoot themselves in the foot to re-elect Gretchen Whitmer.

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Jul 26, 2022Β·edited Jul 26, 2022

OK, this may take awhile. Yes, Whitmer will have a huge war chest. We know out of state monies are flooding in. What I have learned over the course of two+ years of now following Michigan politics closely, is that there was little difference between the two parties in this state. The line between Republican and Democrats was blurred until covid. The Democrats have moved dramatically Leftist and the establishment Republicans are trying to desperately hold onto their base. It will work for some Conservatives but people are now onto them in increasing numbers.

I joined Stand Up Michigan when it was in it’s infancy. That was back when we began circulating the Unlock Michigan petition to strip the Governor of her unilateral powers. We were stonewalled at every turn, but through the summer of 2020, when we were still locked down, it gave us a purpose and across the state we were united. I listened to state Senate Majority leader, Mike Shirkey, urge us to sign the petition. He spoke at several rallies, notably the Stand Up Churches held in October of 2020. But I was hearing rumblings that Shirkey and others weren’t what they seemed. Then he betrayed every DJT supporter by moving to certify the November election results along with other Republicans in the Legislature. We were promised and investigation into the election fraud committed in this state and we got a committee of Legislature Republicans who came back weeks later and said nothing to see here…In April of 2021, I watched a secretly taped video of Shirkey meeting with some Young Republicans from Hillsdale College admitting that J6 was planned and that Mitch McConnell knew all about it and helped set it up so they could get an impeachment conviction on DJT. He sounded arrogant and condescending on the video, and from then on I trusted virtually no one in the Michigan Legislature any longer.

Fast forward to where we are today. I believe there are 3 good to very good candidates running for Governor. Soldano, Kelley, and Rinke. I have listened to all the debates and listened to the hour long interviews done of each. Unfortunately, big money is endorsing the lone woman candidate, Tudor Dixon. She’s received the endorsement of Right to Life’s PAC, which was heavily funded by the DeVos family, establishment Republicans. All of the 5 candidates had the same stance as Dixon, very pro life, but they chose to endorse Dixon, for β€œher electability as a woman” against Whitmer. Her background if you read it also doesn’t give confidence and once again, she would seem to be establishment Republican who will be demolished by Whitmer. She is endorsed by Shirkey. Enough said.

The objective is to get Conservatives to know who they are voting for in this state. It’s not easy as msm has done almost nothing in coverage of the GOP primary races up until this last week. Too many will rely on signage they see or social media pop up ads. I have put it in my statuses on social media every day to go to the Stand Up Michigan head, Ron Armstrong, did in-depth interviews with the 5 governor candidates. They are good and worth exploring.

I am not optimistic that Democrats won’t flood the primary and vote for the Republican candidate most likely to lose to Whitmer. I would like to think even Democrats have more integrity than that, but my cynicism meter is at an all time high. It may not matter what happens as the real battle will be two initiatives that got β€œmiraculously” pushed through to be on the November ballot, election reform, which really means we will never have a secure election in Michigan again if it passes and even more heinous, an abortion amendment which would make abortion legal up to birth and any β€˜health official’ could send your 12 yr. old daughter for an abortion without your consent or knowledge and medical records would be sealed. If these two are passed in November they would become amendments and virtually unremovable.

But the alternative is to do nothing, so I will vote and I will vote for Garrett Soldano.

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Stand for Health Freedom vets candidates strictly on the basis of their views on medical freedom. Their choice was also Soldano.

Here are the rest of their picks, if anyone is interested: https://standforhealthfreedom.com/vhf/mi-voterguide/

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Thank you Laurie for taking the time to reply in such detail. Because both major Detroit newspapers are firmly in the DNC camp, it's difficult to get an accurate take on what people in Michigan truly think. Your breakdown is greatly appreciated.

While my heart is here in the south, much of my soul is still in Michigan and, just like following Detroit's crappy pro sports franchises (the Red Wings, excepted), I continue to follow events closely. I'm still pessimistic, particularly from having lived in the tri-county area my whole life and watching how too many of my acquaintances and neighbors gleefully embraced Covid restrictions. Freedom is a responsibility and too many people are content with being sheep.

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And something I forgot to add. Yesterday it was all over Michigan’s social media sites. Published by the Gateway Pundit, it was supposedly the outcome of Michigan’s primary race for governor put out by a Kalamazoo paper. Tudor Dixon won by 47% of the vote, the next highest was Ryan Kelley with 23%. Garrett Soldano, who is actually from the Kalamazoo area came in dead last at 7%. Of course, the primary isn’t until Aug 2. I believe this was a plant to the Pundit, and I’m not sure of the motivation behind it, but it certainly was on many feeds.

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I still find myself asking, "Who is Tudor Dixon?" I'd never heard anything about her until suddenly she became the odds on favorite to get the nomination according to a few things I've read. This is why Whitmer will be re-elected.

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I even have my doubts about the Redwings any longer but I do trust Stevie Y to get them up and running again. The Tigers broke my heart repeatedly. Never was a Lion’s fan though Husband and sons are. Apparently, they love misery.

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Long ago, I figured out that since both elite Dems and Rs go to the same 'clubs' (WEF, CFR, Bilderberger, etc.), both parties were likely to be on board with The Program.

Also, both Democrats and Republicans mostly refused to acknowledge back in 2011 the existence of Agenda 21, NGOs as a proxy armies, the entire Sustainability Fraud ... as though this all were some kind of wild eyed conspiracy theory. How do I know this? Because I was a member of quite a few delegations going around Virginia's General Assembly on Lobby Day. Delegates, senators would listen politely, but I could tell that nobody was interested. It's like the 1000 points of light NWO Bush I speech never existed. This, several years of it, was my second big, big tell. Because here was the single biggest ongoing sell out of multiple countries in the history of the world and everyone was pretending that the fact did not exist. And if one understands all of this, then no borders suddenly makes sense. The icing on the cake was the Great Banana Republic Election of 2020. And yes, plenty of proof. And where were the Republicans? As they say in Texas, all hat and no cattle! And this was the last straw for me.

Thanks for your Comment ... and putting out for folks to read. I totally agree with everything you said. And 100% Truth.

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Sadly, I would agree, but we have to start somewhere and I believe rebuilding the Conservative Republican Party from the ground up is our only option. First get back to our Godly principles, find out what the Bible directs, and move forward. Everything is local, move from there.

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Jul 26, 2022Β·edited Jul 26, 2022

Thanks for your taking the time. And aren't the people at C & C just grand!

I moved into all of this in 2008. My wife said I should stop complaining and do something. I did and eventually became, for a brief spell, Vice Chair of the Constitution Party of Virginia. I got to see first hand the Evil going on ... a whole lot of it. Be this as it may, the greatest thing that ever happened to me is that the late Howard Phillips, long time Chairman of the CPV, gave me a copy R. J. Rushdoony's Biblical Institutes of Law, vol. I. And because of this, my wife and I are now longstanding Reform Faith. And gee! Turns out that God is more real than fake everything else! Who would have thought it! And I think you might enjoy the below quote. I've pretty much have reached the same summary as to my seventy some years in the United States.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

1918 – 2008

Solzhenitsyn on Atheism:

β€œOver a half century ago, while I was still a child, I recall hearing a number of old people offer the following explanation for the great disasters that had befallen Russia: "Men have forgotten God; that's why all this has happened." Since then I have spent well-nigh 50 years working on the history of our revolution; in the process I have read hundreds of books, collected hundreds of personal testimonies, and have already contributed eight volumes of my own toward the effort of clearing away the rubble left by that upheaval. But if I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous revolution that swallowed up some 60 million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat: "Men have forgotten God; that's why all this has happened." Β 

Edward E. Ericson, Jr., "Solzhenitsyn – Voice from the Gulag," Eternity, October 1985, pp.Β 23, 24.

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Great report. To further complicate things, I expect the Dems to steal any election with even more effetiveness than they did in 2020. They've pretty much got it down to an art now.

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I now fully believe the Michigan election of 2018 that gave us Whitmer, Nessel, and Benson was fully rigged. 3 terrible initiatives were passed and we got the triumvirate of evil, though to be honest the establishment Republicans ran Bill Schuette, a lifetime politician who has held nearly every state office and been mediocre at all of them. His son is now running for the Michigan House out of the Midland area.

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Great synopsis of everything going on in Michigan! Well done.

And I’m a fellow Garrett Soldano supporter. πŸ’ͺπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ˜ƒ

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Where is this tape now? It sounds like it would be of interest to the public if posted somewhere? Especially to the family members of the political prisoners being held in America's equivalent of the Soviet Gulag.

"In April of 2021, I watched a secretly taped video of Shirkey meeting with some Young Republicans from Hillsdale College admitting that J6 was planned and that Mitch McConnell knew all about it and helped set it up so they could get an impeachment conviction on DJT. He sounded arrogant and condescending on the video"

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I saved it to my emails but have not checked it in months. Many of the things I saved early on were taken down by the platforms they were originally put out on. Bichute seemed a safe platform after YouTube β€˜pulled down’ so many videos, but even they have removed things now.

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One would assume that Whitmer’s sizable campaign chest is a gift from uncle George (Soros).

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I'm not suggesting that Whitmer's campaign haul is a sign of universal love. There's no question about her corruption. The tragedy is that the Michigan GOP is a disaster. I use former governor Rick "Tough Nerd" Snyder's unapologetic endorsement of Biden and the whole fiasco with Chief Craig as examples. It's almost as if the republicans want to lose.

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MO GOP not much better, despite us being a red state. Heard a quote "Republicans are too good at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory"

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Yes, we actually need Manchin.

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When did we ever think there would be a time we would have to announce to the entire world:

My PMS is killing me and I am bleeding to death! This jock itch has been a bear! My hemorrhoids are huge right now! I have had diarrhea for days and cannot leave the crapper! The rash is all over my butt and it's got these huge ozzy bubbles!

Need I say more? Why can't they all just say "I'm not feeling well so I'll be staying home" like we used to say?

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Hilarious and on the money! I had the same thought but you expressed it much better than I would have!

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Yep, the CDC isn't his parent...

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He is being presented as a moderate dem, as if, but his voting is nearly always with the leftist.

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He just pretends to be moderate to get more leverage. He has much more power that way.

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Can someone explain to me why Russia is obliged to supply gas to Germany or any country in Europe?

I'm not defending Russia. But the "sanctions" pretty much invalidated anything resembling contract law or international agreements. Ergo, why is Russia required to uphold their gas deliveries?

Russia is at war with Ukraine, and to a large extent EU/UK/US. What did they expect?

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The EU and Germany in particular are about to get a very hard lesson in denying reality. They may not like Russia, hate Putin, and desire Russia to be broken up into independent states. They may think the Russian people are backwards troglodytes because they don't promote men thinking they are women and vice versa. They may think Ukraine is the most honest, peaceful democracy in history and Russia is the new Third Reich.

But ultimately none of it matters. Russia has the energy and they don't, that's reality and they are going to have to deal with it. It's not going to be pretty.

Leftists have lots of problems but the biggest IMO is that they think they can wish away reality if they don't like it. That's their Achilles Heal and frankly the continued delusion is a pretty serious indicator of mental illness.

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Agree. That, and apparently leftists also don’t understand cause snd effect. At least the lemming voters don’t seem to.

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Russia is not.

GAZPROM (a company) has likely signed contracts to sell nat gas to other companies in Germany who then sell to other comapnies. These contracts likely have penalties for failure to deliver. Force Majeure declaration opens to door for GAZPROM to say the penalties don't apply since "we did all we could but due to unpredictable reasons outside of our control, we can't make the deliveries our contracts said we would" or something like that.

Sanctions were likely written to exclude these contracts so that, based on the contract and international business law governed by whatever authority the parties agreed to when they signed the agreement, GAZPROM was still obligated to sell what they said they would even though they had limitations on what they could do with the dollar they received in exchange (hence the pay us in gold/rubles discussions).

Russia owes Germany nothing. Russia's companies owe gas to western companies, and those western companies owe money to Russian companies. Or maybe they owe turbines...and other physical items. And they may or may not be subject to sanctions violations by sending what they owe to a Russian company based on what an attorney and judge decide several months/years after the transaction happened.

Sanctions between major economies really is opening pandoras box. No way to tell where the tendrils reach.

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So I guess it's kind of like the airlines cancelling your flight due to weather but in reality there is no pilot to fly the plane. "We have no control over the weather."

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Hence why I find sanctions in all forms on a state to state level to be a weapon of mass destruction, even when I agree with them.

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Regime change Denied as Russia Pivots to the east -- Before the invasion of Ukraine began on Feb 24th, Russia and China had already covered their economic trade futures with a 30 year contract for Russia to supply Ngas to China - https://tinyurl.com/mv79ddaf

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If Russia regime-change was the NATO goal the pipelines would already be conveniently in-place with a takeover by a western puppet.

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I don't quite follow. However, I do think the plan was Sanctions with denial access to SWIFT and capital markets ... and then ruble would collapse, causing an engineered financial crises bringing down the Putin government. The Fed warned the Washington Wokes not to do this, but they went ahead and sanctioned anyway. And what happened? Countries seeing the weaponization of the USD walked away in droves. This walk-a-way will be recognized as being the biggest pivot since WWII which changed the entire world order of that time.

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Sanctions are converted to a determination by Russia/China and BRICS to establish their own financial clearing house that does not depend on SWIFT.

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Dovetails nicely with this administrations true purpose: The systematic destruction of the United States of America. It's why they are hell bent on the Ukraine war.

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The Federal Reserve model of Ponzi capitalism in the West is no longer sustainable. THE GREAT RESET appears to be more like establishing new Ponzi scheme in the east where population growth can supply another hundred years to maintain the fortunes of the Banking aristocracy

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Yep! It looks like the Miscreants went a bridge too far. And golly gee! Nobody wants anything to do with them. Imagine that!

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β€œAs a partridge that hatches eggs which it has not laid,

So is he who makes a fortune, but unjustly;

In the midst of his days it will forsake him,

And in the end he will be a fool.”

β€” Jeremiah 17:11

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Lord, make it so.

And restore the fortunes of those who have suffered at the hands of these evil ones.

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Your comment reminded me of this passage:

β€œSo rejoice, O sons of Zion,

And be glad in the Lord your God;

For He has given you the early rain for your vindication.

And He has poured down for you the rain,

The early and latter rain as before.

The threshing floors will be full of grain,

And the vats will overflow with the new wine and oil.

Then I will make up to you for the years

That the swarming locust has eaten,

The creeping locust, the stripping locust and the gnawing locust,

My great army which I sent among you.

You will have plenty to eat and be satisfied

And praise the name of the Lord your God,

Who has dealt wondrously with you;

Then My people will never be put to shame.

Thus you will know that I am in the midst of Israel,

And that I am the Lord your God,

And there is no other;

And My people will never be put to shame.”

β€” Joel 2:23-27

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God told me that He is mightily angry. He said "What is man that he thinks he can manipulate MY creation? He is attempting to create and recreate my creation and the very beings that were created in MY image. He desecrates everything he touches. What he thinks is wrong. He thinks he has created something that will be to the advantage of the few but I will take it and use the very things he is using against my creation and use it against him that dares to play god. I AM. I AM God and my vengeance and wrath will be poured out upon he that desecrates my creation, be that creation man or beast. My people must bow before me. I AM"

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Yes, and may it be so.

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The words "Wrath of God" is falling on many millions of deaf ears. Someday they will care but it will be to late.

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A remarkable but obscure verse. Thanks for posting that.

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Interestingly, it is the verse after the passage I posted yesterday.

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Jul 26, 2022Β·edited Jul 26, 2022

That's a great suggestion that the Chinese keep Nancy Pelosi for a while to enjoy the full experience πŸ‘

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I’ll 2nd that!! Enjoy and have plenty of ice cream!!

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Jul 26, 2022Β·edited Jul 26, 2022

And a $20,000 fridge/freezer to store it in.

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I would also suggest they put Gates, Schwab, and Soros on that plane and keep them for awhile or preferably forever.

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Maybe she can tour the Ughuars camp while visiting.

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56 year old Frank Fritz suffers stroke. When are people going to start connecting the dots? I am personally keeping a log of acquaintances and friends who are suffering fatal strokes or heart attacks, otherwise undetected. Most are in the 50 to 70 age range. A 51 year old dog trainer just died, β€œunexpectedly” of a brain aneurysm. Because she was only an acquaintance, I can’t ask if she was jabbed and boosted. But there are just too many to make it a coincidence.

I think we will soon reach a point where it will be unavoidable and those jabbed and boosted will be terrified in a new way.

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both of my neighbors were injured with the J&J. Both. mid 50's and otherwise in good health.

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Not to mention the number of cancer cases πŸ˜• I can’t recall a time when I knew so many people who were diagnosed with cancer in such a short period of time. Maybe just because I am getting older, but I think it is more likely related to the jabs.

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Nothing to see here... Frank Fritz and Mike Wolfe would "needle" each other all the time. So

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We are keeping track as well. Can the same be said of those on the other side of it?

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I have in my filing cabinet a paper copy of a paper written prior to the widespread release of the injections. It warns of precisely all the bad things we are seeing. I remember that as I read it, I thought, wow, this could be bad, but, surely, hopefully, somehow these authors are just overstating the possibilities. Surely, perhaps, all of this can’t possibly actually come true.

But, alas, they were not wrong. They warned us. They and others. Many very smart people who have integrity warned us.

They were shut down. Scorned as extremists, as not-experts. We were given papers that purported to rebut the Antibody Dependent Enhancement concerns. Never given papers that explained why the ferrets got worse disease, or why, exactly toddlers given RSV vaccines in the 1970s got worse disease. Nobody could meaningfully explain how, exactly, THESE injections for coronavirus were suddenly absolved of the dangers and inefficacies of prior coronavirus injection attempts. Except to gloat that, well, this is a new technology.

Never mind that they new tech was supposed to have ten years (or more? I can’t remember) of safety data because it is a genetic therapy. Never mind that it is well known that LNPs distribute widely and have their own set of adverse effects.

Never mind any of that.

I certainly hope that enough people are wide awake and will never again believe that ANYTHING is worth silencing critics. Not a thing. Rarely, even in emergencies, is there not time for a pause, a moment of reflection, a chance to ask β€œwhat am I missing?”

May the Lord watch over those who continue fighting for Truth and Justice.

β€œI will lift up my eyes to the hills.

Where does my help come from?

My help comes from the Lord,

Maker of heaven and earth.”

Psalm 121.

And the Psalm immediately prior,

β€œDeliver me, o Lord from deceitful tongues and lying men.”

Deliver us, Lord, from those who lie to us. Help us to detect lies and falsehood so we can protect ourselves and our families. Amen.

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I understand people who say, β€œwe can’t let China bully us around,”

People who make these statements have absolutely no idea of the truth. They are only parroting what the MSM has taught them.

β€œAs William Blum pointed out in his book America’s Deadliest Export: Democracy, since the end of World War II, the US has attempted to overthrow more than 50 foreign governments and grossly interfered in democratic elections in at least 30 countries. According to a report by the Brown University, since 2001, the US-waged wars and military operations in the name of counter-terrorism have claimed over 800,000 lives and turned more than 20 million people into refugees in countries including Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria alone.

Throughout America’s over two-century-long history, the country has only witnessed 16 years free from war. It is the largest source of disruption threatening the international peace and stability and the greatest destabilizing element in the international order”.

And now as the truth begins to trickle out concerning Ukraine Americans who care to look can see, we continue to meddle in international affairs in order to benefit the very wealthy international elites who run this government.

The Constitution opens with β€œWe the People”, which immediately affirms that the Constitution is of the people, for the people, and by the people of the United States.

But look around and tell me exactly when did politicians begin to take the government from us?

Maybe like as soon as all the founding fathers died off.

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These are important realities that are not seen or understood by vast majority of the public due to our brain wash job in public schools, universities, media and Hollywood. We are the biggest single threat to world peace with our β€œshock and awe”, 700 military bases, untold Bio labs, etc

Until the people wake up and demand an end to our warped, quest for world dominance, we risk more and serious β€œblowback” for our nefarious deeds. I am not proud of my government.

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"We" are not the biggest single threat to world peace... The Common Man, whether he lives in the United States or any other country, would really prefer to go about his day without warfare being waged anywhere. However, those in the Military Industrial Complex that Eisenhower prophetically warned us about, and the globalists giving them their marching orders from behind the curtain, THEY are the reason for the needless senseless and endless wars. Where in the Constitution, or anywhere else for that matter, is it written that the United States has been designated as The Global Police?

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Rabbit: When I say β€œwe”, I am referring to our government which is more dangerous than most others because of the funding they are able to steal from the populace to propel the world domination plan.

Unfortunately that common man, who just wants to go about his day is easily propagandized into fear of the threat of the day to endorse the latest adventure.

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I knew that. I do think there is a pretty decent percentage of the common man who doesn't agree with and also who isn't necessarily falling for the propaganda but goes along because it's easier. Those days may be on the wane however. I also think it's a mistake to use the all encompassing "we" when many are opposed but just not vocal about it. That's not to say that there aren't brainwashed idiots who believe everything spouted by the shills for the MIC.

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William Blum also wrote Rogue State which is another essential read.

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Along with Chalmers Johnson's 'Blowback' trilogy.

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If the Chinese are really going to shoot down Pelosi's plane, why hasn't she left yet?

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Jul 26, 2022Β·edited Jul 26, 2022

If it's budget related I'm sure all of us C&C readers would be more than happy to contribute to a C&C multiplier to raise the necessary funds. ;)

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To Jeff: I know everyone uses β€œinnocent until proven guilty” these days, but the correct phrase is β€œinnocent unless proven guilty”

It’s a bit disconcerting when attorneys use the former instead of the later.

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I predict in 10-15 years you will see TV ads from law offices saying "Were you mandated by your employer or any government agency to take a Covid 19 vaccine? Call us at blah, blah to join our class action lawsuit to receive the damages you deserve"

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Bob: You are an optimist. We will still be here in 10- 15 years?? :)

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Just changed the wording of the ad. "Was your deceased loved one mandated to take a COVID vaccine? ..."

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Good point! lol

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Jul 26, 2022Β·edited Jul 26, 2022

I had that very same thought. Possibly also with the masks although less likely maybe.

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Jul 26, 2022Β·edited Jul 26, 2022

"If Brett Kavanaugh taught us anything it was to be cautious about scandalous sexual allegations."

I might qualify that statement: "If Brett Kavenaugh taught us anything it was to be cautious about scandalous sexual allegations leveled by the Left against the Right."

When have the reverse ever been false? Hunter Biden, Bill Clinton, Chris Dodd & Splash Kennedy, Anthony Weiner, the list is long AND substantiated.

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Yes, good point.

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Jul 26, 2022Β·edited Jul 26, 2022

Every time I see or hear Liz Cheney all I can think of is Hilliar Clinton 2.0. An evil woman with no conscience.

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Both revolting women. However, I have on occasion seen Hillary smile. Liz Cheney is the most miserable, unhappy, depressive looking woman I've ever seen. I can't imagine how she ever got elected in the first place. What was Wyoming thinking?

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Hillary's smile is pretty scary, lol, like her demon cackles

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My mother always said to be wary of people who have a downturned mouth...upside down smile if you will.

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Mama’s usually right!! And to think she believes she’s a contender for the 2024 Presidential race shows how out of touch she is!

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Yes, Newsome is the same way. They are both so out of touch and living in la-la land. I'm sure lots of ex- Californians like myself are saying oh yes, we want Newsome to run our country into the ground just like he did and continues to do in California! These semi-people have not a clue.

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The Dems may think people will vote for Newsome because of his "looks", although I would differ with that because to me, he has come to resemble a nasty little snake. He's also dumb as a rock, but he follows orders well enough. If he ends up running for Prez, I pray that most Americans see right through him.

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Don't forget that a majority of Americans are in the "covid mind fog" and see nothing clearly. Vizombi is real.

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Just like her father.

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β€œI’m not too sure they’re prepared for NANCY PELOSI. They should keep her for a while to enjoy the full experience.” LOL

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