☕️ Coffee & Covid ☙ Tuesday, June 21, 2022 ☙ BIDENING 🦠
Medical board goes for McCullough's license; WHO believes Wuhan theory; more CNN changes; Joe is Bidening the Baltic; first UK jab injury payment; Iranian nuclear news; coal is green again; & more...
Good morning C&C, and Happy Tuesday! In today’s terrific Tuesday roundup: The American Board of Internal Medicine attacks Dr. McCullough; what Tedros really thinks about Wuhan; another senior Biden official gets the Wuhan flu; more changes at CNN; Pierre has a tell; Disinformation Board rebooted into a task force; the UK makes history with a first-ever jab injury compensation payment; Joe is Bidening the Baltic with another one of his reckless provocations; Iran pushes the nuclear envelope; Russian begins issuing passports to Eastern Ukrainians; and German Greens embrace coal.
🪖 Last night I attended a zoom call with about 60 influencers, covid docs, and Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin. The subject was the new threats from the American Board of Internal Medicine against Dr. Peter McCullough. The Board is threatening to pull his license for the doc’s outspoken advocacy of early covid treatment, and because of his science-based criticisms suggesting the jabs might not be quite as safe and effective as the CDC says.
Dr. McCullough has impeccable scientific and medical credentials and has published some of the most widely-cited academic papers on Covid-19, but the Board doesn’t care about all that. It mostly just cares that McCullough is saying what he really thinks, which contradicts the official narrative.
Senator Johnson already fired off a letter to the Board asking it to participate in an open hearing on the covid issues that it is concerned about. Don’t hold your breath.

I’m thinking we need to initiate another Operation Multiplier for Dr. McCullough this week. I know we JUST did an Operation for candidate Hageman. So far, I have always refrained from asking you all to fight back to back like this — but this one is a special case. It would be a huge setback if we lost McCullough to these evil people, and if the Board yanks his license, it would send the exact opposite message to our opponents.
Let me know what you think in the comments: should I call another multiplier operation for Dr. McCullough — one of the greatest heroes of the pandemic?
🪖 By the way, I don’t generally discuss pending legal matters here on my blog, but my office IS representing covid docs in license disputes like McCullough’s. Since last year I’ve hired two attorneys with expertise in this area. Thanks, C&C supporters!
🦇 Good thing he’s not on social media, or he’d be cancelled like THAT. Yesterday the UK Daily Mail ran a story headlined, “WHO Chief ‘Believes Covid DID Leak From Wuhan Lab’ After a ‘Catastrophic Accident’ in 2019.”
While publicly saying that ‘all hypotheses remain on the table’ about the origins of Covid, a source said former marxist freedom-fighter Tedros Ghebreyesus, the WHO’s director-general, recently told a senior European politician that the most likely explanation for covid was a catastrophic accident at a laboratory in Wuhan, where infections first appeared in late 2019.
You don’t say. You mean covid isn’t a natural bug? This is important. The distinction isn’t about WHERE covid came from. It’s whether covid is a naturally-occurring virus or a genetically engineered bioweapon. It’s the latter; this is a self-inflicted injury and a catastrophically negligent accident by the Chinese, at minimum.
Now Tedros. At this point, I think everyone except the Biden Administration knows what really happened.
💉 Yesterday, Biden’s triple-jabbed national security adviser Jake Sullivan tested positive last Saturday for the Wuhan Flu, according to the White House. That now makes just about everyone around Joe. And according to a senior administration official who spoke to the Hill, Mr. Sullivan typically has “frequent contact” with Biden, and was last with the former vice-president early last week.
The White House said that Biden had tested negative as of last Thursday, but would not comment on whether Biden has been tested more recently. So.
🔥 According to commenters, CNN’s new owners have stopped the network’s use of the caption “The Big Lie” to describe 2020 election fraud claims.
🔥 Okay, is it just me, or does replacement, hyphenated press secretary Pierre have a tell of looking down and stuttering when she’s lying?

KJP: “Because of what we have seen across the globe. First of all, inflation is a global challenge, as we have said. [Looks down] It is—it is—it is—it is caused by, clearly, the pandemic…and also…[looks down] the war.”
🔥 Joe Biden has rebooted the paused Disinformation Governance Board with a new name. Now it is a “task force” aimed at addressing “online harassment and abuse.”
Because that’s what we need the federal government for! To crack down on online harassment. What we REALLY need at this point is for social media to be a safe place, and to protect everybody from getting their feelings hurt. Because FEELINGS. Anyway, what we know about it so far is it seems specifically aimed at discussions about covid and about trans issues.
Inflation? Meh. World War? Meh. What we REALLY need is to crack down on misinformation about the former pandemic and experimental treatments on kids with gender dysphoria. Priorities, people.
💉 The UK has paid the very first vaccine compensation claim for a death related to the AstraZeneca jab. According to British media yesterday, the NHS authorized $147,000 (120,000 UK) to the long-time girlfriend of curiously-named Lord Zion, who was some kind of heavy metal singer or something in a band called Spit Like This.
Zion, 48, died of a brain hemorrhage shortly after he got his shot on May 19th, 2021, and his girlfriend — who says the couple planned to marry soon — became something of an anti-vaccine activist. She did not get the shot, but said Zion wanted to protect his fans. In other words, he believed the government.
After relentlessly hounding the British government’s vaccine compensation fund, Zion’s fiancé has now become the first recipient of any payment for a covid-19 vaccine injury in the United Kingdom. That’s one more than has been paid in the US so far.
🚀 Joe is Bidening the Baltic. Just when you thought he couldn’t possibly escalate war tensions any more than he already has, he’s somehow found another hare-brained way. It’s practically demonic how Biden always topples off the political bicycle onto a pathway of making things worse.
Over the weekend, Russia threatened NATO-member Lithuania after the tiny country broke a long-standing treaty providing Russia overland access to its landlocked colony of Kaliningrad on the Baltic Sea. The access gave Russia a way to transit goods from the massive seaport in Kaliningrad.
Lithuania was only able to join the EU after making the access treaty with Russia, which it has now either bravely or recklessly abandoned under pressure from NATO — Biden — to step up sanctions against Moscow.
In an official statement from Russia’s foreign ministry yesterday, it warned “If cargo transit between the Kaliningrad region and the rest of the territory of the Russian Federation through Lithuania is not restored in full in the near future, Russia reserves the right to act to protect its national interests.”
Also yesterday, the Kremlin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov vowed retaliation, and Russia has immediately started naval military exercises off the Lithuanian coast. Peskov described the situation as “more than serious.” It IS serious. As a NATO member, if Russia attacks the little Baltic country, then all NATO countries are required to defend it.

Most moderate online war commenters described the situation as a reckless provocation by NATO. Ukrainian cheerleaders, on the other hand, are daring Russia to attack Lithuania, so that stuff will finally get real. I couldn’t find any serious prediction that the “sanctions” would be effective in any meaningful way and are not just escalating brinksmanship.
Whatever the truth of the situation, it is what I would call “untenable.” Something will have to give. We may be about to find out if NATO is really all-in for war with Russia, or if this was just another dumb Biden idea that fizzles out or backfires somehow. Stand by.
🚀 Reuters reported yesterday that Iran is taking the next step in uranium enrichment in a secret underground facility, a step only required for bomb making.
Saturday, IAEA inspectors verified that Iran is starting to feed uranium hexafluoride gas (UF6) into the second of two cascades, or clusters, of centrifuges in a deeply-buried mountain lab, in a confidential IAEA report provided to member states yesterday. UF6 is the material special centrifuges enrich to make fuel for nuclear weapons.
You know who probably didn’t like this news one bit? Israel. This is another escalating situation to keep an eye on; SOMETHING is going to have to give here, too. Either Iran backs down or someone, probably Israel, takes action.
🚀 Meanwhile, Russia is now issuing new Russian passports to Ukrainians in Donbas-region cities. According to the BBC, Russia is also replacing local officials in those areas, presumably with ones friendlier towards Moscow.
🚀 The New York Times ran a story yesterday headlined, “Germany Will Fire Up Coal Plants Again in an Effort to Save Natural Gas.
That’s right. After laughing at President Trump for warning Germans about its over-reliance on Russian oil and gas, war sanctions have now forced the green empire to do the unthinkable: burn coal for fuel.
The Times reported that Germany is having to make some, well, concessions to adjust to the new post-sanctions normal:
> “Germany will restart coal-fired power plants in order to conserve natural gas, the country’s economy minister announced on Sunday, amid concerns about a looming supply shortage after Russia cut gas deliveries to Europe this week.”
Uh oh.
“The situation is serious,” said Robert Habeck, Germany’s minister of the economy and member of the environmentalist Greens party. “That’s bitter, but it’s simply necessary in this situation to lower gas usage,” he explained. “The gas storage tanks must be full by winter. That is our top priority.”
Now, try to follow me here. Experts assured us that hyper-expensive wind farms with gigantic propellers would handle the country’s energy needs, even if they do slice and dice innocent defenseless birds, but apparently without Russian natural gas, wind farms just aren’t doing the trick, for some reason. It’s baffling.
Foreign Policy Today reported on a new survey showing that “green” Germans warming up to the previously unthinkable idea of nuclear power. In May and June 2021, about 70% of Green Party voters opposed nuclear power, with only 22% in favor. But by spring of this year, opposition had drained to just 56%, with 32% percent in favor.
Sometimes it takes a little “extra” reality to get folks to deal with “actual” reality. Hard times make tough people. So get tough, people! Don’t be like the Green Germans!
Have a terrific Tuesday, and I’ll see you back here tomorrow for even more delicious Coffee & Covid.
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YES!!! Let’s multiply our Hero, Dr. McCollugh!! Boom!
We need to support McCullough in any way possible. He’s been so supportive of “the truth.”