My mom just had a friend diagnosed with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. My first thought was it was the jab. (Of course I didn't ask her because she's 100% pro-vax and has 4 shots so far herself - which is also terrifying since she's a cancer survivor.) We are just scratching the surface, I'm afraid.

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We might not know for a while about the cancer rates. You see, there is a shortage of and consequently a rationing of CT CONTRAST. Yes, that is correct, go ahead and search this online. The situation is supposed to be remedied by sometime in July, but it seems that many things are supposed to be remedied in July. I actually think that is when nothing is remedied, things are worse, more people wake up, and the proverbial SHTF.

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Also, apparently a shortage of lidocaine. I found this out when I recently went to dermatologist to have a cyst removed. The nurse told me they are running very low. Haven't been able to get.

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Did she give you a stick to bite down on? That's next.

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No, but they wanted to use as little as possible. And Ouch!

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A sad truth but, very funny.

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I had a very painful antibiotic on Sunday at an urgent Care they were out of lidocaine and warned me.

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But wait...Biden will invoke the defense production act for the CT Contrast shortage...<that will surely solve it>

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Baby formula will have to take a back seat!

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I went for a CT scan last week and was told it could not be done due to the shortage of contrast dye.

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Wow..., this is insane, sounds like a cold war is going on right now as we speak - does anyone know where this contrast dye is made???

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Shanghai China plant. Google it.

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Shocking. 😑

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Jun 7, 2022·edited Jun 7, 2022

Horrible re your mom's friend! Feel for you re your mom...

And...when will we start hearing how "rare' CJ is? And, perhaps an attempt to cull off beef farmers. "Bird flu" worked pretty well at murdering healthy chickens.

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This has to be all in the plan. Gates gets his wish and owns so much farm land. When will the next beef processing plant burn down and all the cows murdered? This is literally right out of a Sci fi movie. I would typically say you cant make this crap up, but apparently you can.

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Well, the "mad cow disease" was the same thing but in cows, whereas this one is specifically in humans. So it's only going to cull beef farmers to the same extent as anyone else who got jabbed...

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Maybe asking your mother if her friend is jabbed would provide an opportunity for the two of you to discuss the covid shots and the strange diagnoses resulting. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is very rare. If her friend's disease progression is extremely fast it would seem that it would be from the covid shots.

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Awful news about your mom's friend. Horrible and deeply concerning yes, but not terrifying. Terrified people are powerless.

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Which is why constant fear of something is always promoted.

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Thank you!!!! I'm convinced the evildoers rub their grimy little hands together and giggle gleefully every single time someone uses the word "terrified." Just stop, please!

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Really good reminder about being terrified, Jeff. Thank you

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CJD "is" rare so the increased incidence is alarming. I believe there is a genetic predisposition in many cases and I wonder exactly how the safe and effective genetically engineered vax could play a role in the increase? We really have no idea of the consequences - unintended or otherwise...

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Totally agree with you re the genetics and the alarming increase for a rare disease. My "rare" comment was in relation to how the media et al will respond to it as I am completely disgusted with adverse events being classified as "rare".

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The double-speak is at a frenetic pace: events are sudden, unexpected, rare - .... while they also create retrospective reviews of data to show the events as always present (to some degree) and thus they normalize the occurrences. It's fine, we're fine.

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Dying of coof is rare.

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With now "breakthrough deaths" as a recent new term as these are happening (probably no shock to anyone following all of this), it will be interesting to see how long "rare" remains "rare".

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There are a few genes that have mutations that make one more predisposed to prion disease. It seems like the scientists added sequences to the spike that make the prions that trigger the disease, so people with the susceptible mutations will be at risk from the jabs.

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Same with covid. Aside from the obvious co-morbidities, there are other, less obvious aspects of people's immune systems that make them react differently (or over-react) to SARS cov2. So while you may fall into a low-risk group statistically, it might not mean much for you personally. I sense this may also be the short-term nature of the 'vax' too (it's technically an mRNA transfection). Many have no apparent side effects just as many do not suffer from serious covid. The big difference is that we can actually treat covid very well with antihistamines, steroids etc.. if done early. Sure, there's no guarantees but these transfections carry significant risks/unknowns, short and long-term and they program the immune system which is a heck of a lot different than the effects of a drug that in all likelihood will wear off when stopped.

Seems like a crappy trade-off.

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It's beyond a crappy trade-off

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Agree completely...those mutant, polymorphic genes are incredibly susceptible to expression when a tipping point is reached and the system can't compensate anymore.

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I’ve got a bad feeling the worst is yet to come.

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Very sad about your mother's friend. I tend to assume such events are due to the jab. Sorry too about your mother & all the jabbed

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So the Trump/Biden Jabs can make your brain melt with madcow disease in a painful, torturous and unstoppable death.

But think of how much worse it could have been!

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I swear just waking up in the morning and seeing the state of this world is a madcow disease in itself. My brain is melting daily, no pricks needed.

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Totally. And it seems we're powerless in the face of the intense propaganda. I wish Trump would flip and start attacking the corrupt FDA/CDC and demand total overhauls.

Wishful thinking I guess.

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I wish all government "leaders" would start demanding total overhauls.

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I wish Red States would secede. The differences are far too great.

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There are some red state leadership drinking the kool-aid though...I live in one.

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We at least can attempt to vote out the RINOs and dumbocraps in our state. Or move to a better redder state.

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As long as lobbyists line political pockets, nothing will change. Sadly, even when the pengelum swings Republican. United Staes of America: the best government money can buy.

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"United States of America: The best (and deadliest) organized crime syndicate money can buy."

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Thanks for fixing that. 👍🏻

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When you're being led by idiots . . .

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When you’re led by easily paid off traitors… paid actors, all theatre, all in the same political soup…

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The Achilles Heel of Trump.

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Every day it's "what fresh hell is this?"

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Trump needs to check his ego at the door. It's time he takes a serious stand against these shots from hell. His pride is not helping.

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As I replied to another on Trump…the shots are his Achilles Heel. This one issue will be his downfall. It puts DeSantis light years ahead of him.

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I suspect Trump will not run. He lost much personal wealth and his family was dragged through an enormous amount of stressful and expensive malicious & phony litigation. He will be 78 in 2024. I think he's acting like he's running because he wants to stay relevant and be the subject of much public discourse around the world. He can't win if he doesn't fess up to the fact that the jabs are experimental and that he was played. He'll never admit he was played.

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I kind of suspect that when push comes to shove Trump will support Ron.

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We hope for the sake of our country, but that colossal ego may stand in the way.

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Jun 7, 2022·edited Jun 7, 2022

I can over look that. The man does what he says and, unlike all of the leftist pigs with their smoke and mirrors, there was never any doubt about what he was thinking.

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I cannot overlook his ego. Egos like his (and Biden’s) bring down whole societies.

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Saint DeSantis promotes the death jabs.

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I think he makes them available but allows it to be a personal choice. Trump takes credit for them which completely ignores tons of data that suggests there are major issues for some people who get the jabs.

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totally agree. he can't take credit for the jabs, ignore that he was duped and then run a successful presidential campaign. He needs to get out of the way and offer his confidential guidance to the next conservative president. That would be the best use of his skills and experience.

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I disagree! He has never "promoted" the so-called COVID vaccine. He has always been about personal choice!

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That is patently false. A quick online search will reveal this.

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Agree completely, but would say it's Trump 𝒗𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒚 that is seriously unhelpful.

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They kind of go hand in hand. But for that, he is a great leader in so far as actually getting things done.

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Hmmm...not necessarily, Charles. While I think ol' Donald has plenty of pride in his children, for example, when it comes to himself, he indulges quite heavily in that favorite of the Devil's sins -- vanity. Vanity, as contrasted with pride. focuses on the self -- to the point in some cases of self-destruction.

Trump's vanity makes any attempt at reevaluation of his decisions virtually impossible. A fictional depiction of this we get from the film, "The Devil's Advocate". As main character attorney Kevin Lomax, Keanu Reeves screams at his father, the Devil, "Lose? I don't lose! I win! I win!" To which the Devil replies, "Vanity...is definitely my favorite sin. Kevin, it's so 𝒃𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒄. Self-love, the all-natural opiate." https://youtu.be/pJ6ZnDa-Ha4 This self-love enables Keanu to put a known liar on the stand who lies, but which enables Kevin to win his case...

It is long past time for Trump to admit he got bamboozled by utter lowlifes that had spent a lifetime in that cesspool. It could still happen, but I'll continue to put my money on his vanity trumping any admission by this man who "always" wins.

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Pick on semantic much?

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Semantics? I give you a specific example of how pride contrasts with vanity, and the best you can do is come back suggesting it's "semantics"? You've revealed yourself, Charles.

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Jun 7, 2022·edited Jun 7, 2022

Eric, if Trump really cared and or stood for “We the People” and the constitution, why has he betrayed the J-6 rotting in a Washington gulag? JD Rivera has indisputable video coverage of the actual event, has spoken consistently with Mathew Gaetz to no avail. We the People, some of us… know there was no insurrection, the crowd was “invited and herded” into the capital by police (actors in police costumes?) and Trump has publicly disavowed all of the unjustly J6 accused, arrested and accused without representation, some just taking videos…. Pride or complicit…. And how can we forget Trumps “Warp Speed” push for the shots!? Hmmmmm

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I wish I had those answers. It's a convoluted mess that I don't suppose any of us will ever get to the bottom of. Politics mixed with massive wealth and fame are things I really don't care to be a part of. That stuff changes people.

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Jun 7, 2022·edited Jun 7, 2022

Has there been any statements if T is being paid to promote the shots? Is it more than pride? Totally agree with you that he needs to take a serious stand.

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A person snd his family who will personally enrich themselves from their own charities and foundations offers nothing to us. And I’m not just accusing trump.

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The Gates of Hell? Clintons?

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Both plus trump. Gates—all his so called benevolence circles back around to him. We know about the Clintons.

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You already said Trump. I didn't know Trump had a foundation or charity.

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Oh stop. Just stop. Show me one shred of evidence to back up your smear, one hint that Trump has acted corruptly. They did all this crap to get rid of him, he's not dumb enough to take squat from these people, he'd be exposed instantaneously. Oh, and Saint DeSantis promotes the death shots.

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I think he might promote the jabs to keep the jab junkies from deserting him.

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It was a question, not a smear, it was not implying anything, it was a question.

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Yes!! He’s a bad deal with this hanging around his neck so to speak. It will come back at him from the Dems if he’s the nominee. Plus age - we’ve already have an old commander in chief. Don’t need another

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He made far fewer mistakes concerning Covid, jabs, masking, shutting down businesses than the current administration. He owns far less of this situation than his would be accusers.

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I'm beginning to appreciate how important it is to keep reminding everyone that Trump has his name on this as much as the rest of them, and continues to flog it.

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And he says zip about the 30K dead just on VAERS alone. We know that number is 10x at least.

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He honestly says zip on all of it. I've occasionally heard him make vague motions that mandates are bad, but he has never once acknowledged any challenge to "safe and effective."

Bringing the head of Johnson and Johnson to a rally was a fucking stupid look. Unless he was planning on offering to do some kind of "lynching raffle" as a surprise morale booster.

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What a great idea! I want a ticket! How much? Remember there are poorer people on here, don't go nuts with the price.

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do you think he was bamboozled in the beginning? Fed a bunch of lies from the stupid puppy killer? We don't know that whole back story, but he needs to move on from the jabs and realize that so much proof is coming out about the safe jabs and stop pushing them.

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I think Trump has a weakness in not admitting when he doesn't know about an expert subject, and I think that played out a lot in places where science intersects with public policy. I think people like Fauci et. al. were probably very good in the early days at stroking his ego and making it sound like the things they wanted to do were "his idea all along."

Trump is not a fool when it comes to populism, though, so I know he's hearing the boos that happen at every one of his rallies when the shots come up. I think if he could conceive of a way he could get his name off of them, he'd happily throw the public health people that "managed" him under the bus.

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I think that we were a lot better off with Trump in the White House. However, I do believe that Trump did not have enough qualified/trustworthy science/medical personnel around him when the "plandemic" occurred. I believe he could have educated himself better on the virus, but he did seem to know enough about Hydroxychoriquine in the beginning. Unfortunately, no one took him seriously. I am bothered that Trump continues to push these vaccines!

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I wish to God he would! I think it would do him some good (karma).

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Most definitely he was being fed misinformation. His best defense at present would be to go on the offense about those he had to rely on for proper scientific discovery and information.

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The back story from an insider ~ Dr. Paul Alexander, who was an HHS Senior COVID Pandemic Advisor in the Trump Administration. The article below is from Dr. Alexander's substack. NOTE: Dr. Alexander has lost a lot for speaking out.

URGENT WARNING: TRUMP was devastatingly misled by Fauci, Francis Collins, Bourla (Pfizer), Bancel (Moderna), CDC, NIH, etc. to set aside early treatment for ineffective harmful COVID vaccines


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Dr. Paul Alexander, who was in the administration at the time, has written a good deal about what really went on ~ "that whole backstory" ~ with Trump, Fauci, Birx, Redfield and all that lot. He has a good Substack. Very prolific.

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Sorry, I didn't see your comment and posted the same, plus a link to the substack article.

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Either I don’t know how to read or I’m old and blind. You did mention substack …. duh

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Trump is a germophobe so probably easy to bamboozle

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You need to read some of Dr. Paul Alexander's stacks. He worked for Trump during that time. He saw things first hand.

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So why it is that none of these high elite Government officials not coming down with anything? IE Drunklosi Biden Obama Clintons Shummers McConnell ETC.. These old bats should have some side effects, why aren't they dropping like flies? Must be the Kabuki theater they performing and are getting their B-12 infused with Vit D C and NAC shots for the cameras. GRRRRRRR!!!!!

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Yeah, and just because you SAY you got your shot and 10 boosters doesn’t mean you got even 1! I’ll believe they’re fully vacc’ed when I have seen the vial, drawn up the dose & jabbed them myself! And then I would still have doubt unless in this case I had followed that vial with the dose from manufacture plant to wherever I gave the jab! I say in this case because I’ve given thousands of injections and trusted what I was drawing up into the syringe was what the

label said, I don’t trust these people and their narrative one tiny iota!

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Absolutely! Complete uninterrupted chain of custody and a vial from the same batch the misinformed eager to get the “safe and effective” jabbers have infused into their arms… then I’ll believe it, otherwise it’s all fake slight of hand theatre… “they” know it’s a bioweapon… no way did any one of the TV proof of administration so called elected leaders actually get the jab…

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They probably knew enough about the death jabs and didn't get them. They probably got sterile saline injections made to look like they were getting the vaccines.

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My local CVS reported that they mistakenly had syringes full of saline back in late 2021. Hmmmm, strange huh?

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You’re exactly spot on…… Unfortunately

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If you get a chance, I just saw a link on the London Times of Brazil's, Jair Bolsonaro, and he was wacking the jab! I only wish trump had said what this guy said. Raked Pfizer too, lol

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Went to a new Ob/Gyn yesterday for a routine exam after 2 yrs not going. I went to front desk and receptionist said “If you don’t have mask 😷 you can’t sit here or be seen” .. I said “oh yes I can as I have a medical exemption to not have to wear 😷 mask” … the doctor came out to speak to me and said what is your exception??

I said I physically can not wear something that cuts off my O2 and knowing that I can not be discriminated against I am not going to wear a mask. She said in the last 2 1/2 years she has never had anyone say they cannot wear a mask. She said to me I don’t know what to do about this I’ve never had this situation I need to check with the board as there are policies in place.

Because I’m in the medical field and I know about all the discriminatory laws against anyone I said to her “how do you not know about discrimination? If I physically have a medical exemption then you’re not to deny me service”. She said I honestly don’t know what to do I can’t see you today though I have to find out for myself. 🤪

What a joke!🤡 Here we have so many medical professionals who are following no science whatsoever trying to treat us for things they don’t even know and pushing the agenda of some thing they’re not even researching. I left there and I’m not going back. In fact I’m standing up to every doctor and filing a discrimination complaint for not being able to be seen by a medical professional for a person who has a medical exemption!!

⚔️🇺🇸I keep hearing in my spirit stand up, stand up, and do not let TYRANTS RULE.. REVOLUTION IS NOW!!!

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Wonderful! Good for you for standing up!

I am in CA & just recently needed to be seen for a medical issue, after not seeing my PCP in about 4 years. The receptionist said to me, we are still having to wear masks. She also said they don’t like wearing them either, as she handed me a mask. I replied with, yeah, and they don’t work. I took the mask and sat in the waiting room. No one else was in the waiting room & thought this is absolutely ridiculous, so I decided to shove the mask in my purse. I then was called in by a nurse and was expecting him to tell me I needed to wear a mask, but nope, nothing! My PCP said nothing also. I was so ecstatic! I was all prepared to tell them how the masks cause me major anxiety and break down in tears! Then If they would have said they can’t see me, I was going to have a fit about them denying me medical treatment!

I then was referred to have an ultra sound at another facility. Thought I was going to have an issue there, but to my surprise they had no signs up and did not tell me to wear a mask even though all the staff were wearing masks.

We just need to keep speaking out and standing up!

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I'm in Commiefornia as well. Started new PT for my bad knee. Get there, and see big sign on the door "Mask required". yeah, I don't play that game. Walked right in. Everyone else had their face diaper on...not me. And no one said a word to me.

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Heck ya!

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awesome :)

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Amazing, Gabriella. Glad to hear this, especially in CA!

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Amen Rhonda! I did the same when I went grocery shopping. I always got into a verbal argument with a store employee. I REFUSED TO WEAR A MASK! I sited ADA/discrimination as you did. I once went to Safeway to buy one item and I got berated and refused service. “Don’t ring her up!” And this is the USA???? I even offered to wait outside and give the money to the manager. I will NEVER forget this, or how far we’ve fallen.

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Good for you, that’s same exact tactic the left has used for decades to get there way.

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Jun 7, 2022·edited Jun 7, 2022

You for president. Rhonda 2024! Awesome!

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I’d gladly take the role .. haha 🇺🇸⚔️🇺🇸if we the people can encourage One person.. that One will turn into 10, then 💯 then 1,000,000,000… thanks for the compliment also 🥳

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Cheering you on!!! 🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️

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God bless you! 🙏 You are now one of my heroes.

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who do you file your discrimination complaint with?

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You file at U.S. Dept of Health and Human Service Office for Civil Rights - Complaint Portal !!

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“Safe [for BigPharma liability] and effective [for tyranny and democide]!”

There, I fixed it.

I just wanted to let everyone know we have through TODAY, JUNE 7, to submit our public comments opposing the FDA’s approval of injections for kids under 5.

You can easily submit your public comment using this form from Stand for Health Freedom:


If you’d like, you can include the letter I whipped together for the FDA and CDC on this topic in April:

• “Letter to the FDA & CDC” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-fda-and-cdc)

These subsequent articles provide additional relevant information you may wish to include as well:

• “Letter to US Legislators: #DefundTheThoughtPolice” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-us-legislators-defundthethoughtpolice)

• “Letter to the California Legislature” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-california-legislature)

• “Dialogue with a Curious Injectee” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dialogue-with-a-curious-injectee)

Dr. Pierre Kory also just published a research-packed exemption letter that would be great to include:

• “Vaccine Exemption Letter For a 16 Year-Old Camp Counselor” (https://pierrekory.substack.com/p/vaccine-exemption-letter-for-a-16-c85)

Here are additional articles with more details:





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Jun 7, 2022·edited Jun 7, 2022

I sent your letter and links to Texas Senators Cornyn and Cruz, and Governor Abbott… received the expected automated reply from Cornyn’s office where he rambles on about the importance of the WHO (!?!?) and that he is on the Covid investigative committee. I answered Cornyn attaching Steve Kirsch’s slide presentation: Elephant in the Room https://www.skirsch.com/covid/elephant.pdf and asked why David Martin or his Fauci Dossier nor Steve Kirsch nor RFKjr to name a few were not invited to collaborate on said committee…. Hmmmmm

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Thank you for your noble efforts, Maureen!

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A mere fraction of what you do Margaret…

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Done - bless you Margaret Anna for your tireless efforts. 😘❤️🙏💪

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Done. Thank you for encouraging us to use our words and voices!

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Outstanding references! Into the Dossier they go!

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Thanks for the reminder! Just submitted my comments.

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Sent in a public comment just now. Thanks.

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My husband adds *profit* after liability in your redefinition.

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Thanks for reminder - just sent my comments!

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Here in Ontario, nursing home rules make it mandatory to get three jabs and have a daily negative rapid antigen test result in order to be "allowed" to voluntarily work (i.e. no pay) as a caregiver for your own relative in a nursing home. Never-jabbed are not allowed to even apply to become essential caregivers for their loved ones. No exemptions. Your loved one can refuse the jab and cannot be punished in any way, and does not have to provide exemption grounds. But if you just want to visit, you need two jabs and a negative test for every visit. That includes children 5-11, even though the shot is not formally required for them and kills more of them than Covid can. Children under five can visit without having a jab or two. But everyone has to be masked and tested, except the loved ones who can refuse for the visit and not be punished for it. Also, your loved one can refuse the jabs, or the person with POA (like me) can, without consequence. But all the paid caregivers and nurses who refused got fired, even the ones that were truly immune. Never-jabbed and under-jabbed (like, only one) adults are not allowed to visit indoors, or work there, at all no matter how many negative tests they produce or masks they wear. The rules come from the not-accountable-or-liable Ontario Covid-19 Science Table and the Gates-funded dept. at McMaster U that produced the execrable TOGETHER trial trashing ivermectin, and somehow control the minds of elected Premier, legislature and Minister of Long Term Care.

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I’m so sorry. That is terrible. What a tragedy for all those folks who are alone 🥺

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I get to have regular Skype calls with my mother, and despite her extreme stroke-induced dementia she always remembers me and I can even get her laughing sometimes. But I must make an appointment in advance, and the staff person who sets up the Skype call does not have to keep the appointment if she is called into a meeting etc. She never lets me know about cancellation even though she could text, email or message me through Skype. And the snide remarks about how I could visit my mom any time if I just get the vaccine....

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"You could visit any time if you got jabbed."

Yes, and I could visit all my deceased ancestors if I jumped off a bridge. It doesn't mean it's a good idea.

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That's evil.

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We see it. Why don't the admin, directors, nurses, PSWs see it? Why don't they refuse to apply what are only "recommendations" and not LAWS?

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I believe it's called totalitarianism.

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Outrageous. Picket them with crowds. Probably can't find enough people that are not jabaroonies.

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Picketing against mandates is now a criminal offence here.

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I have to fill out a form visiting my friend every time in a nursing home here in Illinois. I leave jab status blank. So far never asked or stopped me. Even though one wing is full of Covid patients. I have to mask to her room tho.

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Jun 7, 2022·edited Jun 7, 2022

My mom is in an ALF (101 last birthday) in another State. One must fill out a form at each visit and wear a mask in the hallways. In the apartments you can do whatever you want. I make stuff up - like temperature for example. No one looks. I also do not wear a mask. My sister (who lives near her) is a good little dooby and does everything they want. I do a lot of eye rolling ...

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My husband was visiting in a rehab facility in Ohio. Form also. Why he didn't leave it blank is beyond my comprehension...no one's business. He got a serious lecture from me later! 😬

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I always ignored mask signs also. Except dr offices. I had a 2 day one night Amtrak ride from Montana last summer. Had to mask even while sleeping. Car staff enforced it. I engineered my blanket so I could sleep without the face diaper unbeknownst tothe car police seeing my face. So stupid.

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Just jaw dropping.

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I actually agree with CTV. If the feigned argument is for "health purposes" then the regulatory definition of fully vaccinated for travel and work mandates should be changed to include all required boosters, which I believe is now 5 or 6? Seriously. Govt needs to stop straddling the fence and go ALL IN. Either the shots work or they don't. If they work, then all shotted need to keep getting them for eternity and the medical code on their "papers" should prove it. Make all the double-pricked folks be up-to-date or be relegated to leper status in society like all us non-pricks.

Wait, whoa nelly! But then society would grind to a halt and no one would be able to travel or work because no one wants the shots anymore. Too bad, so sad. If that would be the result, then the second option is to remove all shot mandates totally for health purposes, because the shots don't work and nobody wants them.

This is a truly black and white situation. ALL OR NONE. Shades of grey are now gone.

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This is the way. Accelerate. In the US, many employers require 2 shots. They are not following CDC guidance. They can't have it both ways. You either follow health authorities or allow people to make their own decisions. Why is my company essentially giving their own health guidance that doesn't align with the CDC? My spouse can't be rehired because of these idiotic rules. Can't employers be held accountable for making up their own rules? Force them to accelerate.

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Sounds like they’d be vulnerable to lawsuits??

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Good luck finding a lawyer. That's part of the problem.

NO lawyers returned my calls when I started calling them last year before I relented and submitted a Religious Exemption.

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Our leaders are the WEF and WHO so we are done....no reasoning......"Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture.." George Orwell, 1984

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Todays post is particularly personal and heart wrenching. My husband passed away 20 years ago from Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease at the age of 47. Despite going to Mayo Clinic in Rochester, which was ranked #1 in neurology at the time, there was no treatment or cure but at least they were able to give us their opinion as to what we were dealing with. He passed away 2 months to the day of the first consultation with the specialists at Mayo, we had 4 visits to Mayo during that time and probably 6-9 months from the onset of symptoms. It was a horrifying and traumatic illness to witness and we still to this day have no idea what caused this prion mutation to occur. I’ve wondered if it was any medication, over the counter or prescription, a vaccine, or if it was water or environmental but it was so rare (1 in a million at that time) they had only seen about 250 cases. That is one of the reasons I’ve been so against this vaccine with the mRNA component from the beginning. I wouldn’t wish this to happen to anyone and when drugs/vaccines or anything causes changes to your DNA at the cellular level there are catastrophic results. Thank you Jeff for exposing this and I pray none of your readers have to encounter this with a loved one. God bless you for educating and informing people in your daily posts.

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((((HUGS))))) That must have been such a difficult time. May God be with you.

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Yes it definitely was a nightmare and terrifying to get the news when we thought we would get answers and the proper treatment at Mayo. There was nothing they could do. He was a healthy, active athletic guy until that spring and then such a rapid decline. God was right at our side the entire time; that was the only way we made it through. Thank you for your kind message.

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Mad Cow Disease from our Jabs? No problem. We at Big Pharma are hard at work developing treatments that we will sell to your government at a handsome profit. It's the perfect business model!

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They'll just have to re-work the effect to make it a more chronic disease instead of one that kills quickly. Of course, killing quickly leads to less depletion of Social Security and Medicare funds.

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Bingo. I’ve had the same thoughts regarding Social Security especially. Great way to solve that “expense” which is not sustainable and has been troubled for some time now. Kill off the folks who are receiving or will soon receive the $$.

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Sounds like something they would probably think, however, what about all the young people dying from sudden blood clots, heart attacks, etc. Aren't they the ones that pay into social security and Medicare to fund it?

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Yep. You’re right. Who knows what’s in the minds of the diabolical.

A collapse of the whole works🤷‍♀️?

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Ready to introduce the latest meds for neurological and psychiatric conditions (that they've been researching. Create a need and fill it.)

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Jun 7, 2022·edited Jun 7, 2022

Being unjabbed may become moot point if true that governments allow use of aerial sprays to release these toxic ingredients on populations.

"Australia have approved the license application from Big Pharma company PaxVax that will allow them to intentionally release a GMO vaccine consisting of live bacteria into Queensland, via chemtrails.

The Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) says that the vaccine qualifies as a limited and controlled release under section 50A of the Gene Technology Act 2000.

Preventdisease.com reports:

PaxVax is seeking approval to conduct the clinical trial of a genetically modified live bacterial vaccine against cholera."

Article goes on to list some wondrous things released here in the U. S.


McCullough posted about prion disease yesterday, also. A reply included this link:



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Maybe there will be a use for masks after all.

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The solution is for Australians to rid themselves of those who approved this nightmare.

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Dr Stephanie Seneff talked about prion disease happening from covid jabs over a year ago.


And Canada was experiencing a "mysterious outbreak" of cases a year ago too.


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So Jeff agrees that Israel has a right to defend itself from Iran but he thinks Putin is evil for trying to defend Russia from the Bio Labs in Ukraine and the developing NATO threat. Ukraine has been a smorgasbord of international criminal activity for decades. Of course Putin is an evil son of a bitch but that does not mean he is not right to do his job and protect Russia. He started warning Ukraine in 2014. How much patience does he have to have? And of course it's horrible what has and is happening to the innocent Ukrainians but again, Zalensky is NOT without blame on that front also. Citizens always suffer for the sins of their leaders. Look it up...Zalensky is stupid rich. No honest politician gets stupid rich. And speaking of evil sons a bitches...how is Biden not an evil son of a bitch for doing what he is doing to America?

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Makes no sense, huh? Why be on Team Brandon with the Putin hate, knowing all the corruption behind Hunter Biden and his dad, going back to the 2014 CIA-sponsored revolution that put in a Jewish dude to lead a Christian nation. Insanity.

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I think making a prime time special on the lap top findings is in order.

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Correct. It makes no sense, except to criminals.

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Really got to dig deep to find all the heinous sh** going on in the Ukraine.

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"No honest politician get stupid rich." Pelosi, Obiden, Obummer, Clintons....

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I'm not seeing that Jeff actually said whether he thinks Israel has a right to do something or not, only that they are threatening to do it. Aside from that, though, I don't entirely disagree with you in regards to being consistent (and all sides being dirty).

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Mad Cow? Not so loud. Neil Ferguson might hear you. The gross little turd might leech out of the shadows and knock off a million or so of our bovine friends like he did the first time around. If I was a cow I'd be mad too.

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"Eat Mor Chikin"

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Quick somebody check Ferguson's stake in Chick-fil-A!

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They done done 'em in. We cain't eat 'em.

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AnonymousJun 7, 2022

So where are our Republican congressmen and Senators? Crickets! The country is becoming a #%& hole country and these elites are planning to get re-elected and take the majority in Jan to do what? Get on the phone and at their offices and make them hear you! Stop this Dementia puppet of Obama/China and get this country moving!

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Ok, so if we're keeping score, so far we have the shots causing:




Mad Cow Disease

I think I'll stick with just having a cold thank you very much.

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Don't forget:

Bell's palsy



Heart attack

Just to name a few more.

Here's a link to vaers


For even more to add to the list🤦‍♀️

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And don’t forget blood clots!

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Thanks, I had hoped someone would add...

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Jun 7, 2022·edited Jun 8, 2022

I almost forgot a new one I heard about yesterday, SADS, it's SIDS but for adults😳


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The number of reported side affects from the jab are almost as high as the number of symptoms of COVID-19

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The revelation of this Prion Disease is almost too heavy to deal with, what other horrific side effect will be next?

On a lighter note- I predict that the J6 Committee spectacular event may even surpass “Top Gun - Maverick”!😂🤣😂 At least in their own pathetic minds 🙄

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Russia was totally justified in attacking Ukraine. Do a little research beyond the propaganda coming out of the West.

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You are correct.

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I wouldn't say justified

Provoked is more accurate

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No one cried over the 14k Ukrainians killed by rockets over the previous 8 years. Nobody cares. Sad how the West eagerly accepts the Putin-is-evil narrative without a thought as to why he acted as he did. We criticize our leaders but we still believe they are somehow morally superior to Putin. I have no illusions about the man but compared to our own politicians he is a statesman.

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How in hell is solar power supposed to work if they're busy "dimming" the sun to address "climate change?"

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