☕️ Coffee & Covid ☙ Tuesday, March 29, 2022 ☙ MOUSE SEX 🦠
Disney opposes parents and kids; sudden and unexplained death; the House Jan. 6 Committee gets a hand from a DC judge; the FBI claims a republican scalp; and Russia and Ukraine make peace progress...
Good morning C&Cers! It’s Tuesday and the world continues spinning on its axis, in spite of the best efforts of corporate media to convince us it’s all winding down and falling over. Enjoy today’s roundup.
🔥 Yesterday, the Huffington Post reported that the Mouse made a big bold move in an article headlined, “Disney Pledges To Help Repeal ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Bill After Florida Gov. Signs It Into Law.”
Practically as soon as Governor DeSantis set down his signing pen after autographing the Parents’ Rights in Education bill, the entertainment and media giant responded on social media, promising not only to work to get the new law repealed but also to support lots of gay activist groups. The Big Mouse said:
Our goal as a company is for this law to be repealed by the legislature or struck down in the courts, and we remain committed to supporting the national and state organizations working to achieve that.
Got that? Disney’s “goal as a company” is not to entertain your kids or make uplifting movies or whatever. Its goal is now to repeal a law protecting children. The new law forbids sexual education of children in kindergarten through third grade, and forbids schools from secretly transitioning children without parental consent and involvement. Which seems reasonable, but it has really hurt the feelings of LGBTQ++ activists, who’ve been screeching that this bill could frustrate their urges to discuss their sex lives and intimate habits with little children.
But Walt Disney’s company is ALL FOR teaching young kids about sex. It’s very important to the Mouse, for some reason. You can’t find any other political issue that the company is pushing besides this one.
It mystifies me why the Mouse wants to die on this hill. Florida supported Disney World while California was shutting down DisneyLand during the pandemic. Talk about ingratitude. Disney needs to have a couple of bad years after this. Get woke, go broke. The Childers family will be doing its part.
My other thought was, my gosh, I wonder how all those anti-mandate Disney employees feel right now? After a handful of gay employees complained about the Florida law, the entertainment giant sprang into action, defying the 68% of Florida parents that support the bill. But when a lot more employees protested respectfully over vaccine mandates, the Big Mouse gave them the bird and pink slips with cute animated figures printed on them.
It’s a small, small Disney World for straight anti-mandate employees.
🔥 Uh-oh! A bad camera angle gave us some new insight into Biden’s sputtering brain. The New York Post explained his latest gaffe yesterday in an article headlined, “Biden Used Cheat Sheet While Doubling Down On Unscripted Message To Oust Putin.” Hahaha! I love that headline.
The Post reported that on Monday, Biden, 79, was telling reporters that he wasn’t going to apologize about calling for Putin to be removed and nobody can make him. Biden said that, to him, his threats shouldn’t provoke Putin at all: “It’s more an aspiration than anything. He shouldn’t be in power. There’s no — I mean, people like this shouldn’t be ruling countries, but they do. The fact is they do, but it doesn’t mean I can’t express my outrage about it.”
But one of the camera angles revealed a pocket card that Joe was holding in his hand while speaking. Under the heading “If you weren’t advocating for regime change, what did you mean?,” it suggested Biden say “I was expressing the moral outrage I felt towards the actions of this man.”
Well, it’s all okay then. It was just moral outrage, which is a get-out-of-jail-free card for saying dumb things that bring the world to the brink of nuclear annihilation.
It’s funny, but Biden’s use of a cheat sheet isn’t the story; he’s been caught cheating before. Many pols use notes. The real story is how simplistic the information is, that Biden apparently needs to be reminded of. I mean, come ON. It’s not like he’s being asked about US policy toward the Latvian separatists or something. It’s about the BIGGEST PROBLEM Biden is supposed to be working on. And the simplest question related to that problem: did you mean it when you said Putin can’t remain in power?
Anyway. During the press conference, Biden denied that the White House walked his Putin threat back. It never happened, according to Joe. He literally said that. It never happened:
DOOCY (Fox): The big things you say on the world stage keep getting walked back.
BIDEN: What’s getting walked backed?
DOOCY: You told troops they are going to Ukraine, the U.S. would use a chemical weapon, and called for regime change in Russia.
BIDEN: None of the 3 occurred.
And you know what? It’s true, or it might as well be. The walkback was attributed to an ANONYMOUS official. There’s no way the media can back up the walkback. Did it happen, or didn’t it?
💉 Country-music legend Hank Williams, Jr.’s wife, Mary Jane Thomas, died suddenly and unexpectedly last week in Jupiter, Florida. She was 58. Corporate media reported that she died from a blood blot “after a medical procedure.” I was curious about that, because the articles also said she was transported to the hospital before she died. If she wasn’t already at the hospital for her procedure, where was she?
With a little more digging, I found she got her blood clot while at a SPA. She was getting a SPA TREATMENT. That’s the “medical procedure” corporate media referred to in order to implant the idea of some kind of pre-existing condition. Nope. Just a cosmetic tune up or massage or something. So, who knows what what the cause of death could be? Anybody’s guess, really.
🔥 The House January 6 Committee got a huge win yesterday when a DC Circuit federal judge entered an order finding that President Trump “likely” used his attorneys to commit a crime. The Committee was immediately taking a victory lap on Twitter.
The judge — a Clinton appointee — injudiciously described the post-election events as an attempted coup: “Dr. Eastman and President Trump launched a campaign to overturn a democratic election, an action unprecedented in American history. Their campaign was not confined to the ivory tower—it was a coup in search of a legal theory.”
But there’s more. The Committee claims the Eastman emails, which the Judge ordered to be produced, include conversations between Eastman and Ginni Thomas — Justice Clarence Thomas’ wife, who is a well-known conservative activist. The New York Times reported yesterday that “Jan. 6 Panel to Seek Interview With Ginni Thomas.”
This is dangerous ground. The Committee is heading toward a major Constitutional crisis, pitting the Democrat-controlled House against the Supreme Court, a separate and independent branch of government. In other words, they are going after Clarence Thomas, currently trying to skirt the Constitutional problems by first going after his wife. You can bet the House Dems will be arguing soon that Justice Thomas is conflicted from any case involving Trump, the elections, or January 6.
And, since Justice Thomas is the only one who can decide whether he should recuse, the only option left to House democrats is impeachment. If you think they won’t try it, I have some priced-to-move waterfront property in Central Florida for you.
The RNC — now fighting its own battle with the Committee to protect its donor list, which was subpoenaed from Salesforce.com a couple weeks ago — needs to WAKE UP. Mainstream Republicans have been very circumspect about January 6, as exemplified by Ted Cruz infamously calling the riot a “terrorist attack” for over a year until he was forced to apologize in January. It seems like they’d decided it was just an effort to get Trump and his supporters, and who cares about that?
But the January 6 investigation is the Democrats’ core strategy to win the 2022 elections and keep the House. You heard it here first. If Republicans don’t get in the fight soon, they are going to wake up inside a sack sinking into the east river.
And I have a funny feeling, call it a nagging suspicion, that if the dems do manage to keep the House, Covid will flare back up and our old friends the masks and the jabs will be shoved back in our faces. Quite literally, in the case of masks.
Shutting down the so-called January 6 Committee needs to be Republicans’ top priority.
🔥 In related news, Republican Congressman Jeff Fortenberry (Neb.) was convicted Thursday of lying to federal authorities about a $30,000 campaign donation. He wasn’t convicted of violating obscure campaign-finance laws, like the ones that Al Gore famously described as having “no controlling authority,” but which were used to convict conservative filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza.
Apparently Fortenberry told an FBI investigator — voluntarily, not under oath — that he hadn’t received any foreign donations. But the FBI found one $30K donation out of a total $1.5 million raised came from a Lebanese billionaire. Fortenberry now faces up to 15 years in prison for lying to a federal agent.
Fortenberry was up for re-election this year, but obviously, he will now have to step down. Scratch one “R” from the congressional elections.
As I always do, I will point out at this stage that there is no requirement to talk to FBI agents. But if you do, and you say something wrong, you can be convicted for lying to federal agents, like Fortenberry. So.
🔥 Yesterday, the Financial Times reported on promising developments in Russian-Ukraine negotiations in an article headlined, “Russia no longer requesting Ukraine be ‘denazified’ as part of ceasefire talks.”
According to the paper, a draft ceasefire agreement between Moscow and Kyiv discusses a pause in hostilities as part of a deal that would involve Ukraine abandoning its drive for Nato membership in exchange for security guarantees and the prospect of joining the EU.
The new draft ceasefire document drops three of Russia’s initial core demands — denazification, demilitarization, and legal protection for the Russian language in Ukraine. Ukraine would also agree not to develop nuclear weapons or host foreign military bases.
So, there’s still hope for a rational exit. Oddly, that doesn’t seem to be part of the corporate media narrative, for some reason. Oh well!
Have a terrific Tuesday! I’ll catch you back here tomorrow morning.
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Disney, 1972: children's programming
Disney, 2022: programming children