Oct 26, 2021Liked by Jeff Childers

I think it needs to be widely publicized about the 200 members of congress who have been given ivermectin. Clearly it served them well.

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Oct 26, 2021Liked by Jeff Childers

Hi Jeff, every morning when I wake up, I say to myself " a new message of hope from C&C" and I can't wait to read it. I pray that Florida will continue to stand up against the Tyrants, it won't be easy but I hope it inspires other States. I am in Canada and it is really bad here too! God Bless you and give you strength to keep filling us with hope!

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Hi Jeff - Reading you from NY and I have to say that your blog in the morning is what keeps me going. You are a fighter with HOPE and FAITH and I need that so much right now. It's easy to read all the bad news and think we are all doomed, especially after 20 weary months of tyrants doubling down on bad policy and lies. But there IS good news, even if "they" don't want us to see it. Thank you for being a role model for all of us, and for all the great work you are doing.

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The Amish did the correct thing and got Herd Immunity right off the bat. Now they are laughing at everyone who panicked and got injected.


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Oct 26, 2021Liked by Jeff Childers

Has anyone been told by their employer to register their vaccine status into Hire Right?

I have. It’s due November 1st. Either list yourself as unvaccinated, as vaccinated (and upload a photo of your Vax card, or select that you intend to get vaccinated.

Hire Right is a third-party vendor that does background checks on prospective employees. So you will get the Scarlet Letter “U” in your profile if you do not bend the knee.

Is it legal for your employer to share your HIPPA-protected health information with a third party? What recourse do employees have?

Blessings to you all for staying the course.

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OMG. Does the "intend to get vaccinated" include any kind of timeline or reminders? Is it a flag, or something that could be used to hold the line indefinitely?

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We have to submit our “Religious” or “Disability” Accommodation Requests by November 1st. Then HR calls you to review it. Then HR reviews it in the Star Chamber and you are notified of your fate.

If they rule against you, you have until December 8th to get your mind right.

What came down today was unreal. We are requiring any vendor that we work with, or who does work on our behalf to be vaccinated as well. Employees of other companies are now subject to our mandate. Talk about an overreach. But the Administration says jump and my company jumps.

Would love to know if the Hire Right request is legal.

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interesting. I have conducted a couple of interviews for my company and, although I don't know how HR handles these things, they sure did not include it in the job post (where they talk about the job and how great the company and its benefits are - but nothing on jabbyquirements)

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Oct 26, 2021Liked by Jeff Childers

Best way to wake up is reading on point content from C & C every morning. ❤️❤️❤️👍

Caveat: Heavy lead in -

Very disturbing knowing these crooks in power are executing clear & evident tyrannical acts in plain view, yet, both sides of the political arena remain complicit. Worse, is watching the public citizen sheep adhere to these atrocities. Find a sinkhole sheep and feel free to dive in(!) 😯

Lastly, execs with a certain company are still proving covert aggressive manipulative wordplay measures in pending and approved religious & medical exemptions in hopes of fooling the masses. People aren’t that stupid …..or are they(?) 🤔🤐😷

Knowing for certain now that these “approved” religious exemptions are an all out intentional trap, disingenuous, and come with strings attached is sickening. 🤢 The approved exemptions with language attached prove tawdry future motives. Not in the best interest of the employees of course. 🤡

Gotta LUV how LUV is NOT so free to move about the country anymore. The symbol of (false) freedom at its finest…… 🤫🤭😷

C’mon man…… Just sayin’

Let’s Go Brandon 😉

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Oct 26, 2021Liked by Jeff Childers

Another encouraging C&C getting me through a Tuesday!! Thank you Jeff, I'm thankful the Lord has you helping all of us smile and laugh in the Covid crap! PTL for C&C! Praying for you!

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Oct 26, 2021Liked by Jeff Childers

I feel like every day is a new episode of The Twilight Zone, some days I just gotta hit the golf course and decompress from all these evil crazy people in power. I think the states need to reinstitute the militias so this is never allowed to happen again and states have their own standing military forces of an by the people. Obviously the checks and balances for the Fed Gov in the constitution was sufficient for the time, although now the influence of billionaires rues the day and counters the constitution it seems.

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"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country...corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed." - Abraham Lincoln

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That Lincoln guy was a pretty bright dude

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He's no Brandon, to be sure.

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Oct 26, 2021Liked by Jeff Childers

Good morning!! Thank you for the fresh blog. Hope all is well

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Oct 26, 2021Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, we know only the pharmaceutical companies are protected from liability about the injections, then why are we the people not suing Fauci and his minions for this travesty in injections? It seems the news about his abuse of beagle puppies is getting more public outcry than the adverse effect of his injections. How do we start a C&C lawsuit against Fauci, en company?

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Oct 26, 2021Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff. I absolutely *love* your column. Is there any way that you could include sources or links for the studies and interviews you cite, in general? Thank you so much! Take care - you are a gift.

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Oct 26, 2021Liked by Jeff Childers

GO FLORIDA!!!!! HUZZAH!!!!!!!!!! I'm proud of everything you guys are doing to prove the right, smart, logical, legal, effective, bold, defiant, snarky path forward for the rest of the country! (DISCLAIMER: Come Saturday in Jacksonville, I shall not shout these words in praise of "Florida" as I root on my #1 DAWGS to crush the Florida gators. Just keeping in real.)

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Oct 26, 2021Liked by Jeff Childers

Great content! Today's post has the wrong date as today is October 26. Yesterday had the same issue. Keep up the great work!

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Oct 26, 2021Liked by Jeff Childers

Your dates are off for both Monday's and Tuesday's blogs. :)

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This is a little off topic but I am trying to share my mother's story with anyone who will listen, in hopes that it might help save even one life. My mother died on Sept 16th "from covid." But we believe it was the cult-like-religious adherence to the ridiculous covid protocols at the hospital, combined with negligence, and malintent that ultimately killed her. My mother was unvaccinated and overweight. We believe they intentionally let her die. They held her hostage with virtually no patient advocacy from us allowed. We have evidence that she was not fed properly, she was being intimidated and scared by nurses about being ventilated, she was not being checked on regularly, she sat in a soiled gown for over 2hrs without any assistance, her board in her room had nothing listed- literally just a "0" or "not available" listed next to her patient comfort goals, care team goals, appointments- they had no intention of treating her. She was taken off all her medications and IVs the morning they vented her and she texted my dad asking him what was going on and to please help her. She was lucid and aware of what they were doing and they put her on a ventilator without consent. It was all downhill from there. She had already received a 5-day course of Remdesivir which we were unaware of due to the disgusting lack of communication between the hospital staff and my father. Her kidneys shut down the next day and we were told she had to be on dialysis to stay alive. She continued to remain isolated and refused visitors even though it has been 3 weeks at that point since she had received a positive covid test. The ICU maintained the strictest protocols about visiting her because she might infect others but refused to retest her for covid. We begged them from the first day she got to the ER to please give her high dose vitamin C IV at 20,000 mgs but they lied to us and said the hospital "doesn't do vitamin c IVs." They also told us that much vitamin C would destroy her kidneys which is a blatant lie. We begged them to give her Ivermectin and were denied multiple times by doctors and by the hospital administration. We were told that anything we had read about online concerning the effects of Ivermectin were all "anecdotal" or from fraudulent studies. Several nurses and doctors we spoke to acted as if they had never studied anything about Ivermectin and it was almost as if they were not allowed to discuss it. They obviously were not current on the scientific studies that have shown Ivermectin to be dramatically reduce mortality rates in covid patients. Even once they called us to the ICU to try to get us to say our "goodbyes" they were unwilling to try anything outside the protocol. They told us we could only go in to see our mother once we decided to remove her from life support. At that time they would allow us to all go in together and sit around her bedside. They held her hostage until we agreed to let her die. We refused. We kept fighting. A few days before she passed, my dad was sitting outside her glass door during his 1 hour visiting time and he saw her BP spike on the monitor to 285/270. The nurses rushed in and adjusted her BP meds and got it back to normal within a minute or two. But that's all it takes. We believe she had a massive stroke at that time. The nurses did not chart this instance. My sister came up that evening and asked about the spike in BP and the new nurses on duty had no idea what she was talking about. I believe at that time my sister made them chart it. From that point on, she declined rapidly. Her pupils became sluggish, she did not respond to pain stimuli, she had no gag reflex. We agreed to meet the palliative care on the morning of Sept 16th, at which time the Palliative Care Physician for the hospital informed us that she had been the acting palliative care doctor since January of 2020 and that they had only had ONE patient who had been ventilated that survived. And he was in long term care with a trach, feeding tubes, and oxygen. When questioned about why the hospital refuses to try any other alternative treatments since the protocol they use is killing everyone, she had no response. She agreed that there were things that the staff had done wrong and she even apologized for things like the lying about vitamin c IVs. But by then it was too late. My mother was already too far gone by that point. So we meet with my dad and my 6 siblings and we agreed Momma would not want to live like this, dependent of life support to survive. We met at the hospital at 9pm. They moved her to a large Palliative Care room, in which about 14 of us were all able to be right next to her bed without any masks or PPE- I guess once you make the decision to let someone die, the risk of covid infection is zero. They unhooked her. We sang gospel songs to her and prayed with her for 45 minutes as she took her last shallow breaths slower and slower. Then she died. My father, her beloved husband of 41 years, laid on her chest weeping. My mother knew Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior and I have no doubt that she is sitting at the feet of Jesus in heaven with no more sorrow or pain or fear. But those of us left here are deeply disturbed by the unjust and inhumane way she was treated before she died. She was just a number to them. She had no value to them. I want to share her story so that others can see this evil that is permeating through the medical community right now. This wicked covid protocol needs to end. Covid patients are people- mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, spouses, sons, daughters- and they deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. Whether they are vaccinated or not. They deserve to have rights to advocate for themselves and the family deserves the right to advocate on their behalf. My momma's story is not an isolated story. We have read accounts over and over, watched video testimonies over and over, spoken to people here in town over and over with the same exact story. Even down to the same language being used. Something very disturbing has taken over the hospitals in America and we need to stand up and speak out.

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