Good morning! We are under one week from Joe Biden’s 2022 State of the Union address, where — unless Pelosi changes something — he will address a large crowd of masked representatives and unveil … something. You regular readers know what I think the big news will be — that the pandemic is “officially” over.
As we begin our SOTU countdown here at C&C, today’s roundup: news from the Governor’s office about HB 7021; more hints at Covid-mandate election troubles for Dems; firefighters want answers about vaxx deaths; Fauci is AWOL; Judicial Watch catches Gates helping China spread medical tyranny; truckers jailed without bail; the Journal disguises its argument to jab kids; jab stocks crashing; and a little treat from Governor DeSantis.
🪖 Yesterday we shot past 60,000 people now signed up on Coffee & Covid’s Substack, plus 24,000 Facebook followers (19,000 followers and 5,000 friends). That’s about 85,000 folks following C&C, one way or another. It’s mind-boggling. I really have no words, except profound gratitude that anybody cares what I have to say.
🪖 Yesterday, the Governor’s office called me twice to discuss HB 7021. One comment was “there has been an impressive amount of contact from people mentioning your blog.” You guys did SO great. I am so proud of all of you, our vast army of passionate, caffeine-addicted freedom-lovers. It’s working.
The upshot of the calls was that the governor doesn’t seem inclined to veto, fearing that any hospitals that do relax Covid mandates will instantly become litigation targets absent the shield. Maybe. The news from Canada today suggests they might be right. Instead, according to the officials I spoke to, the governor’s office is pursuing a “third way” to solve the problem, through publication of effective treatment protocols superior to the CDC’s remdesivir/ventilator combination. If so, that would be similar to a “third way” approach I drafted as a proposed compromise bill, which would have retained short-term liability protection but ALSO provided patient protections.
Since hospitals only get liability protection when they follow “government published” treatment standards, they are legally locked into the CDC’s deadly remdesivir/ventilator combination. But, if Florida publishes our own treatment standards, and if those standards include things like permission to use off-label drug when doctors think it’s appropriate, then hospitals would have to consider those new “government standards” as well. It could move the needle, depending on how well it’s executed.
One of the things I had added to my draft compromise bill was a requirement that hospitals put their Covid treatment protocols on their websites, so patients can have informed choice. That’s something AHCA could do very quickly. I hope they do it.
Anyway, I was clear on the calls that what we want is hospitals to immediately stop killing people using outdated and ineffective federal treatment protocols. The folks I spoke to seemed to understand. Bottom line, it doesn’t look like a veto is in the cards. So we’ll have to see what those new standards look like, and we need to see them quickly.
🔥 Florida saw evidence of its conservative realignment yesterday, in a special election in Jacksonville, Florida, where a traditionally-democrat city council seat flipped red, as Republican Nick Howland appears to have seized the seat vacated by former council president and mayor Tommy Hazouri, when he died late last year.
In recent years, Jacksonville has been seen as a “purple” city, and as recently as 2019, Democrats handily won the seat by a wide +16% margin. But a UNF pre-election poll last week showed trouble brewing for democrats. Independent voters polled trended 2-1 for Howland over his democrat opponent. Even more telling, on election night, the city saw record turnout for the special election — 20% higher than what the Duval Supervisor of Elections had estimated.
People seem very interested in local politics nowadays. For some reason. Who knows? But Hazouri ordered any number of Covid mandates during the pandemic. Just saying.
🔥 A New York City firefighters’ union is demanding an investigation into the vaccines after a rash of sudden union member deaths. Probationary firefighter Vincent Malveaux, 31(!), died unexpectedly on December 2nd at the FDNY training center after having a seizure. Lt. Joseph Masciello, 53, was found dead without warning in a Staten Island firehouse after a Christmas shift. Firefighter Jesse Gerhard, only 33, died unexpectedly at his firehouse in Rockaway, Queens, after a “medical episode” yesterday.
“That’s a significant amount of people in a very short time,” said FDNY union leader Jim McCarthy. “The vaccine is a concern with our members because it is something new that is being put into our bodies. It could be a factor.” The department will work with the Uniformed Fire Officers Association and other unions to determine if there is any link between the members’ deaths and the jab, an FDNY spokesman said.
Apart from the factual details of what happened, I wonder if the “real” news of this story is one of these:
(1) … people suspect the safe and effective jabs might have killed these firefighters and it wasn’t described as a conspiracy theory
(2) … the union isn’t afraid politically to officially challenge the jab’s “safety” narrative
(3) … the New York Daily News reported the story straight, without quoting any “experts” opining about how “safe and effective” the jabs are
(4) … the story was assigned to staffer Thomas Tracy, who is described as the paper’s “crime reporter”
I’m sensing a slow shift in the jab narrative, not just from this article. I haven’t put my finger on it yet.
🪳 Where has that human cockroach Anthony Fauci skittered off to? Where’s Fauci? Suddenly NOT ubiquitous. It’s like someone turned on the kitchen lights in the middle of the night and he darted under the refrigerator or something.
🔥 According to a newly-released batch of NIAID emails obtained by Judicial Watch, the Bill Gates foundation has been helping the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in a variety of ways, particularly by assisting the CCP to “grease the skids” for selling Chinese medicines into Africa, which the foundation euphemistically refers to as “medical outreach.”
The emails also describe the foundation’s efforts to “help raise China’s voice of governance by placing representatives from China on important international counsels[.]” Uh huh. Thanks for that, Bill Gates.
One of the email chains from an NIAID researcher with a Gates foundation representative describes in glowing terms an exciting meeting with a scientist named Peter Daszak, who has a “collaborator” at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, working on bat coronaviruses. I wonder what that’s all about.
🚛 Now we know why chinless prime minister Justin Trudeau has been spotted in Washington lately. He’s been taking lessons from the January 6 prosecutors. Yesterday a Canadian court began DENYING BAIL to protesting truckers arrested in Ottawa. You saw this coming, right? Canadians, just ask us if you want to know what happens next. We’ve been doing it for over a year now.
Meanwhile in California, they’re not even prosecuting thefts of property valued under $1,000. And don’t get me started on the bail situation under Soros-backed district attorneys, where convicted violent offenders are routinely released without bail, but truckers and January 6 protestors without any record are HELD without bail — they’re not even offered any bail at all.
And now the truckers face a new problem. An Ottawa law firm led by attorney Paul Champ is suing protestors on behalf of some downtown residents. Lawfare. Our side isn’t very good at this.
The silver lining is that Canadians, who have shown Job-like patience so far, are getting red-pilled, fast. How does the real world look to you now, Canada?
💉 The Wall Street Journal ran an article yesterday headlined, “The Science Behind Why Children Fare Better With Covid-19.” The article is a fake. It appears at first to be a nice optimistic piece about how kids’ “innate immune system” protects them better than adults from Covid-19. But it quickly becomes obvious that it’s really just another stupid propaganda effort aimed at parents who are hesitating to jab their kids.
Now, you might be wondering how an article describing how little kids are very safe from Covid could possibly be used as an argument to give them the jab. I will explain it to you. It begins with this sentence at the article’s inflection point: “Children’s relative resilience to Covid-19 has led some parents to keep eligible children from getting vaccinated.”
Oh no! Not that!
See how they do it? Kids’ resilience to Covid-19 is a PROBLEM, not a blessing. It’s a problem because it makes parents eschew the jabs. The Journal quotes a mom, Kate Symonds, who said she doesn’t want to get her 2-year-old or 9-month-old vaccinated because of the low risk of severe illness compared to the possibility of adverse effects from the shots.
In describing Mrs. Symonds concerns, the Journal seem skeptical. Adverse effects? What adverse effects? The WSJ then cites the CDC and declares, without evidence, that “Researchers haven’t found evidence that Covid-19 vaccines pose any serious safety concerns.” See that? They haven’t found “any” serious safety concerns. Not ANY. Nowhere. Never saw one. So Symonds must be a kook.
The WSJ then makes a three-pronged argument for why parents should inject their six-month-olds with the safe and effective drugs for which there is exactly zero long-term safety information. The three arguments are:
1) Kids can still get INFECTED with Covid. The implication is, you should be afraid of INFECTION — forget about whether or not it is health-threatening.
2) Children might be better spreaders of Covid. Maybe. You never know.
3) SOME teeny-tiny amount of kids require hospitalization, and SOME microscopic number of kids get long Covid, so of course we should jab ALL of them.
That’s the script. That’s the best they can come up with. Get ready.
🔥 Has anyone been put in Facebook jail in the last two weeks? Feels like maybe things are shifting there too.
💉 The Desert Review published a story Monday headlined, “Pfizer & Moderna Investors Run for the Exits.” Before getting into some more questionable speculation, it notes the fact that Moderna stock is down 70% from its high in August; it is down over 50% from November levels. Pfizer is only down about 20% since its December 16 peak.
As recently as December, a Forbes headline cheerfully reported, “This Vaccine Maker [Pfizer] Can Dominate The Covid Market For Years to Come, Wells Fargo Predicts.” The article predicted that the prior peak price was under-valued, and that Pfizer was “primed for massive growth.”
Oops. On February 8, the Forbes headline was gloomier: “Pfizer Triggers $28 Billion Stock Plunge After Warning Covid Vaccine Sales May Disappoint This Year.” Gosh, that was fast. The article notes that Pfizer recently reduced its sales projections while touting upcoming new pharmaceutical products. In other words, they seemed to want to talk about something ELSE.
As for Moderna, a January 21 Forbes article headlined “Moderna Stock Crash Intensifies: Losses Top $130 Billion.” It’s not just a drop in price, it’s a CRASH. The only good news in the article was that Moderna is working on an unreleased mRNA flu vaccine. Again, shifting the focus to OTHER drugs.
My undergraduate degree is in economics. The market — to the extent it is not distorted by the withered hand of government — might be the best predictor of the future. But the market doesn’t seem very excited about the jabs. What does the market know?
🔥 Finally, for your Wednesday entertainment, a cute video from Governor Ron DeSantis celebrating Margarita Day:

Have a wonderful Wednesday, and we’ll pick up the threads tomorrow morning.
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Twitter: @jchilders98
I can't find it in PACER yet, but a civil suit was filed to gain access to a state statute that is a Felony Class III for the illegal practice of medicine by a foreign entity or CMS for the jab mandate in Utah (District 10). The Plaintiffs I believe but cannot confirm, are the plastic surgeons with the Craniofacial Foundation of Utah, since at the end of this month they lose the privilege to practice at hospitals for refusing the jab.
The suit is a different attack vector: Bio-warfare, Anit-Trust, Racketeering, Collusion etc. citing Federal statutes or USC. This is the wedge that Dr. David Martin & team needs. This hopefully will open the floodgates rapidly. If courts do not remediate Fraud & the largest enterprise crime in history, then they failed, and the constitution is VERY clear on what needs to happen next.
"The upshot of the calls was that the governor doesn’t seem inclined to veto, fearing that any hospitals that do relax Covid mandates will instantly become litigation targets absent the shield."
So...veto it, Guv, and tell the legislature to come back with better, more flexible and nuanced legislation. Wouldn't be the first time a chief executive said, "Nope, you can do better. DO better."
C'mon, Ron. You know this.