I'm crying reading The Epoch Times article about the Pisano family... are we in FLORIDA, the state of our greatest governor? The state of freedom? So far as a traveling RN in our state, I've written 2 letters of exemption and filled out 3 other pages... still no job and considering a taco truck at this point. Please hug yourself and those working on behalf of the Pisano family.

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Mayo is actively destroying its reputation, and I say that as someone who has benefited greatly from their work.

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Yes but at the expense of the Pisano family! How many others have been denied care? The innocent pay the price.

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I consider taco trucks a necessity!👍

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Beers & TaCovid, lol

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It's happening all over the country, but it is strange that it can happen in Florida as well. Why doesn't the Florida AG do something? We just had the same thing happen in Virginia. Even when the court issued an emergency order, the hospital refused it. They had to be held in contempt. But it was too late and the patient died. Just sickening. https://www.fauquier.com/news/update-judge-holds-fauquier-hospital-in-contempt-for-not-administering-ivermectin-to-covid-19-patient/article_8cb9853e-5c3d-11ec-8635-376fda43665b.html

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The most sickening & evil thing

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We all need to ask ourselves before we check into a hospital if their ideology/rules are the same as Mayo “ Mayo argues that Mr. Pisano gave up his right of self-determination and agency over the most important decision he will ever make when he was admitted to the Mayo Clinic; irrevocably and unwittingly handing that life-and-death decision over to Mayo.” We all need to wake up and STAY FAR AWAY FROM HOSPITALS AND ER’s!! This man had an ear infection and now they’re going to and trying to kill him. I am praying fir him, the family and the lawsuit to go in his favor. What a crime. How did this happen? Is it all over the money they’ll get if this man dies from COVID? #StopTheInsanity

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Jan 12, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Indeed. When my mom called me to tell me her O2 sats were 84 and that she tested positive for covid I protested similarly... she opted for corticosteroids, an inhaler, and OTC meds. She is a type 2 obese diabetic... n she recovered at home in a week or so. I'm so thankful she decided to ride it out instead of going to the hospital.

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Jan 12, 2022·edited Jan 12, 2022

84 is pretty low! Hypothetically, of course, and acknowledging that you are not a healthcare professional, which OTC corticosteroids might hypothetically help? :-D

ETA: Everyone should have basic medical devices in their first aid kit. A pulse oximeter runs less than $20; a blood pressure wristlest $25. Or there is probably an app for smart watches.

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I'm pretty comfortable w 84 for her w what was happening. I didn't want it to get below 80 for sure n guess what? She is fine! N also guess what? I'm an unemployed RN, lol. N we have all the gadgets, making sure my mom does as well.

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Money and liability. If they deviate from NIH protocol, they lose their liability shield.

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So, profits over people. And no empathy for the patient. They could fight the NIH and rally their customers to their side. It would work. It just takes one big hospital network to stand up.

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There are hospitals hiring us healthcare outcasts. Trust me, I work for one. Though rejected from some, I found a workplace willing to accept my beliefs and work with me and hire many other refugees as well.

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Good! I hope others read your post here and have hope. Care to say which hospitals?

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I live in Oregon and Santiam Hospital scooped up a good lot of people who were fired by other places. Salem hospital accepted all exemptions. Legacy hospital chain excepted pretty much zero exemptions and none with patient care so I intend to utilize them 0%

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It looks like this is the group… maybe they are hiring?


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It's an advocating website... it doesn't cover much about the clot shot. In many RN circles, speaking against the shot is criminal.

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They were created because of all of the unfairness going on. They do not like the shots & advocate early treatment & help those with side effects from the shots

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We could rally people to protest in front of this shit hole hospital that values profit over people and medical tyranny over individual patient and human rights. Friends and family and citizens that care should gather with signs and put on the pressure. This needs to happen at all these hospitals.

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Like banking, retail, and everything else we need to create a parallel medical economy. If doctors and nurses who are pro-freedom would open their own clinics I think they would be very successful.

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America’s Frontline Doctors is doing just this

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Unless I'm looking at the wrong site, there is nothing there pertaining to the no jab no job policy that is now nursing.

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I think the implication was that you should apply as a nurse advocate.


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Let's hear it for Iowa! Does this mean that other states are free to "not adopt the OSHA standard?"

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It’s called state nullification unconstitutional federal laws/ mandates! Visit 10thamendment center to learn more.

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I'm lovin' Iowa right now! Way to go! 🤗

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Not all states, e.g. Iowa, are federal OSHA states:


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Thank-you for that info! Shockingly, my state has a state plan. Now, if only our state government would follow Iowa's lead.

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Pinocchios Job Interview with CDC Director Rochelle Walensky

WALENSKY: Hello Mrrrr….is Pinocchio your first or last name?

PINOCCHIO: Yes, it is.

WALENSKY: I see. Okay…..Well, I can tell by the size of the nose on your face why you’re here. Why do you think you’d be a good fit here at the CDC?

PINOCCHIO: Well, I’ve been following your work pretty closely. I feel like we’re kinda on the same page.

WALENSKY: Really, how so?

PINOCCHIO: I'm a perpetual liar.

WALENSKY: Julie, hold all my calls……Go on.

PINOCCHIO: Lying to people has been like, my life, you know what I mean?

WALENSKY: Tell me about it. Feels great, doesn't it?

PINOCCHIO: It’s exhilarating! And I gotta admit, ain’t nobody can dish out a bigger load of crap than you guys!

WALENSKY: Thank you. That’s so sweet.

PINOCCHIO: I especially like how you expertly mix in plausible explanations with a host of lies and various deceptions to really keep people in a state of perpetual confusion and distress.

WALENSKY: Well, that’s what we’re here for. We prefer to keep our manufactured inconsistencies consistent with our current set of inconsistency protocols. We absolutely thrive in the gray areas. You have a keen eye Mr. Two-By-Four.

PINOCCHIO: Thanks, Walley.

WALENSKY: So, we’re more than just expert liars here at the CDC; we got a whole schtick that we’re working. We're particularly fond of wavering back and forth on publicly announced data and statistics. It's hysterical; we can say just about anything. You can't fake that kind of insincerity. It pays our bonuses.

PINOCCHIO: Yeah, the dude from the World Health Organization...., what's his name....? Tedros Albino Giraffeosaurus, said something similar.

WALENSKY: That’s excellent. You really know your lying sacks of crap!

PINOCCHIO: I've watched a lot of interviews with Bill Gates, too. Now, that guy’s full of it. He's got a terrible poker face, but he’s a pleasure to watch.

WALENSKY: Bill’s a jackass, but he’s got deep pockets. We keep him around so we can get more African knick-knacks for the office. Did you get with Fauci?

PINOCCHIO: Briefly. He took a swing at me in New York, the little milksop. Nose envy, most likely. Gotta hand it to the little dude, he doesn’t break character. A bonafide sociopath. You should be proud.

WALENSKY: Yes, thanks to our ongoing training, Tony has developed into a top tier lying piece of garbage. He actually believes everything he says. It's all very exciting!

PINOCCHIO: True that. You’re singing to the wooden choir, sister!

WALENSKY: I know I'm breaking decorum here, but you're sporting quite a woody on your face there.

PINOCCHIO: I’ve been working on it....I spent last weekend working undercover at Pfizer.

WALENSKY: What else can you do with that nose?

PINOCCHIO: Whoa…hold the phone, Walt doesn’t go for that.

WALENSKY: He’s dead, isn’t he?

PINOCCHIO: Frozen, I think.....could be back any minute. I’m not pushing it.

WALENSKY: Sorry.....Well, we’re going to have to do something about that nose. That simply won’t do....people might catch on.

PINOCCHIO: No they won’t. Trust me, most of them are pretty stupid. This thing could grow to 8 feet long and nobody would suspect a thing. I tested it at the White House last Thursday; it grew about 6 feet....Merrick Garland gave it a high five. Psaki had her head buried in the latest edition of "Vampire Weekly." Kamala Harris was completely oblivious; stuck in the mirror the whole time repeating: “I AM important”, I AM important.” Biden kept waving at it. He thought it was the Goodyear Blimp. Everyone’s distracted. I can lie until my nose reaches the Dog Star. No one will suspect a thing.......except maybe Veritas.

WALENSKY: That’s good to know. You got any references

PINOCCHIO: I’d be lying if I said I did.

WALENSKY: Do you promise to uphold our policy to use dishonesty to bridge the gap between perceived intelligence and total incompetence?

PINOCCHIO: If I don't you can use me for kindling.

WALENSKY: And...Jiminy Cricket, where is he in all this?

PINOCCHIO: He had a heart attack last year working with Pelosi.

WALENSKY: When can you start.

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Love your wicked sense of humor! Thank-you for using it here, so I can laugh at least once a day. 🤗

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I have a close "friend" that is employed by one of the Apex Predator hospitals. If I don't find a way to laugh about this, I could step in front of a speeding train.

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Eric, bravo!

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Thank you Jeff!! I can only imagine how painful it must be to have those pointy, sharp toothpicks holding apart your eyelids so you can keep burning the candle at both ends. You are a hero to us.

And as for Iowa. 👏 👏 👏

Best news of the day.

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Ok Jeff. The Covid commentary today made me chuckle so much I spit out some coffee! “Isn’t it awesome how in one year we went from having the best economy in history to having store shelves that best resemble 1970’s Soviet Union store shelves?” I always think this exact thing when going through the grocery store! Pretty soon we’ll be buying blue jeans from some other free country and we’ll sell them on the streets for a profit🙃Keep up your amazing work & positivity! It’s much needed daily, much like coffee!

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More prayers to Dan Pisano & family. Also that we get an overwhelming victory at USSC.


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I am struggling with my decision to be treated at Mayo due to their “vaccine is safe and effective” texts that I get. The fired 700 “unvaccinated workers, the Dan Pisano case and that my Dr is completely ignorant of matters plague!!1

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Wouldn't that be awesome if one of the justices cites your Amicus brief?!? Obviously, they should. Thanks for all the great news, once again. If the theory of positive thinking holds true, the more we all can feel great, the more great things will come our way :) To quote the late E. Stanly Jones: "Whatever gets your attention gets you, so glance at the Devil and gaze at Jesus." (I'm allowed to say there here, right?)

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I've been trying to reach you. Flagler Hospital in St Augustine refused the drug Ivermectin to a patient who they said had COVID, even though her own doctor prescribed the drug for her. They instead put her on a ventilator and she grew increasingly worse. The patient's daughter hired an attorney and served the hospital with a demand to give her the drug. Apparently, they finally did and she is now home!

Unfortunately, through my research, I have found that this is going on in hospitals all over the country as these administrators are being incentivized to count all patients as COVID and deaths as COVID and refusing Ivermectin and Hydroxychloriquine due to their CDC protocols.

Let me know if I can help you with Mr Pisano. I live here locally. Diane Scherff

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Edwards Hospital in Naperville, IL refused a patient Ivermectin as well. He was "on his death bed". The daughter of the patient sued and won. The hospital still refused the treatment and the patients doctor (unvaxed) to come in to the hospital. They were held in contempt. The hospital then finally relented and let the doctor in to treat the patient with Ivermectin. He is now home.....and recovered!

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Maybe Ohio will have a real governor some day instead of someone who turns over policy and emergency action to a public health lemming (oh, Amy. . .why? ) who rushes to judgement based on BS myths from CDC instead of using analytical and critical thinking skills. Applause and cheers to Iowa and Florida!!!

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What do you think of Renacci or Blystone?

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Thank you, Jeff! Great post. I found your content only a week ago...wish it was sooner! Predictions on the CMS Mandate? LA v Becerra was strong on the law and MO v Biden demonstrated the irrational aspects of the mandate. I am praying for a stay....if it's lifted I am hoping an option to test is made available.

If Abbott says that mandates won't be followed in TX either I believe hospitals will continue to enforce them because, of course, they want that $$$$. Tough spot for everyone on a payroll belonging to a healthcare institution...dr/nurse or not.

Thank you again! Take Care.

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Do you not understand who I am? I’m Dr. Fauci !!!

I do not need Pentagon approval for Gain of Function Research. I’m Dr. Fauci !!!

I will do Gain of Function Research in Wuhan if I want to. I’m Dr. Fauci !!!

I will make synthesize spike glycoproteins which bind to human cell receptors and insert them into SARSr-CoV backbones to make a deadly viruses if I want to and then develop and patent a new vaccine to cure it. I’m Dr. Fauci !!!

We did it…a deadly virus….success. I’m Dr. Fauci !!!

Whoops….it got loose.

Oh well. We can now use the less worthy around the World as lab rats to make and patent a new mRNA spike protein vaccine and figure out dosage. I’m Dr. Fauci…..!!!

Eugenics Bill said we could become partners and he would fund the research, because it would help in depopulation, and we would share the patents. I’m Dr. Fauci….!!!

Answer to Rand Paul in Senate Hearings when being accused to doing ILLEGAL Gain of Function Research……”I KNOW NOTHING” , “BUT YOU KNOW LESS”…I’m Dr. Fauci..!!!!

Tune back in for the next Chapter in 2024 when Congress votes on Funding the “Gallows Bill”

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I'm hopeful that real evidence does not disappear and that criminal charges can be filed against these bstrds. Meanwhile, never give up, never give in! Keep telling truths and correcting misinformation. Keep encouraging each other to press forward. This forum is a light in the darkness and needs to grow so others can find their way; let's not allow the light to dim.

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Who is dr fauci?? Are you referring to “The Science”???

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Or was intentionally released by?????

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The question should be who had the most to gain? The people that paid to make the deadly virus and make billions from a mRNA spike protein injection they had been trying to profit from for nearly a decade or….? Elementary my dear Watson.

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Thanks Jeff... Here's an upper (From ALEX BERENSON: Now the World Health Organization has waved the white flag on Covid vaccine boosters too.

WHO released a statement about Covid vaccines yesterday. It’s filled with the usual public health jargon and ass-covering, but one line stands out:

"a vaccination strategy based on repeated booster doses of the original vaccine composition is unlikely to be appropriate or sustainable."

It’s over, people.


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Anything to throw a wrench into the death jab mandates. This is a great turning point. Maybe we're reaching peak covidinsanity.

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Cue private insurance premiums increasing to cover the cost of “free” tests. 🙄 what do they call it when u do the same thing over & over again & get the same horrible result?

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Now the sane have to pay more for the hysterical hypochondriac PC types...again.

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So if the SCOTUS upholds these unconstitutional mandates, what we will be seeing here is millions of unvaccinated workers who are now required to test every third day such as myself (I am a Federal contractor) will not be able to get test kits at a store, online or even the county health department. How will I fulfill my employers testing rules so I may go to work and provide for my family? Answer, I can't, they will use this so I lose income and have no choice but get vaccinated. This is their plan as I see it.

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Literally copy & paste info from one of your test results printed pages. Just change the date. Unfair rules call for sneaky solutions

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Except that the covid testing requirements for Federal Contractors require a MONITORED ( antigen ) test. You have to use your phone or camera on your computer and connect to a "telehealth" kind of deal where somebody watches you swab yourself and put the swab in the test card. Then you show them the results on the camera and they write it down. No scope for sneaky anything alas !

And yes, this is a gross invasion of privacy, and yes, it applies to work from home remote workers who never go near the office. It's all about compliance obviously.

At least it's currently on hold ( at my employer ) anyway, pending the outcome of the current litigation

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Ahhh. Stalin & Lenin would be proud of such personal intrusions!

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It’s what I plan on doing to go see a show my daughter wants to see once all the vaxxed actors recover from omicron and they reschedule the show😉

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Love this! This isn't a time to play by the enemy 's rules.

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I understand this. Just realize if nobody in your workplace can obtain covid testing and you can that will put you under a microscope.

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Why has not the Covid numbers in the chart been updated in nearly 2 weeks?

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Because they are a joke?

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I was thinking that maybe they were withholding the numbers.

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1) I’m so thankful for you, Jeff. 2) My very blue state started giving away “free,” at-home Covid test months ago. As you might suspect, since I am one of your devotees, I’m not remotely worried about Covid. Still, since hoarding is so 2020-2022 and my tax dollars already paid for those tests, I ordered a bunch to have on hand. All the thrice-vaxxed lefties that we know here a) didn’t know about said state program and b) didn’t have any at-home tests because they thought they wouldn’t need them.😂🙄 My daughter mentioned to a bunch of her friends that we have them, and now her friends’ families are begging for them because they’re all vaccinated, constantly think they have Covid, and can’t find a test anywhere. Now, ours are like little bars of testing gold sitting in our medicine cabinet. I kind of want to set up a bidding war between the scared Branch Covidians for them.🤣

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Dam, I love that! It's funny how that turned out!

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