Government and healthcare are deadly bedfellows. I wrote this way back in 2014 when we thought Obamacare was the worst thing that could happen to us. In light of the events of the past two weeks, oh wait, did I say two weeks? I meant two years…and four months…it sure takes on an even more ominous tone. How many funerals has that government “healthcare” via the CDC and Marxist lawmakers caused?

•If the government provides you with healthcare, then the government is in charge of your healthcare.

•If the government is in charge of your healthcare, then the government decides what healthcare you receive.

•If the government decides what healthcare you receive, the government controls whether you live or die.

•If the government controls whether you live or die, then you don’t have healthcare. You have a funeral.

Now, in a completely contradictory tone, here’s a wonderful verse that jumped out at me last night:

“The Lord will rescue me from every evil deed, and will bring me safely to His heavenly kingdom; to Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen.”

— 2 Timothy 4:18

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And the icing on the cake during the Obama Administration - The 21st Century Cures Act which enabled "Real World Evidence" and uninformed consent. - RightingTheWrongs.org

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Assisted suicide in the Netherlands etc has gotten out of control... then there was the recent case where a patient laughed at a medical student's pronoun pin and she purposely missed the vein - then bragged about it on Twitter!

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"Has gotten" --> "always was," imho. I mentored a small group discussion as part of a medical school ethics class at a conservative medical school in the '00s. They were shown a film about Dutch euthanasia. One of the people put to death did ask for it, but for no apparent reason. He was older (late 60s/early 70s, maybe?) but not 'old,' could feed himself, converse, take care of most if not all of the activities of daily living, it appeared, but I thought he was dysthymic to depressed. At any rate, off he went, on camera, and when I asked what they thought about that part, the first student to answer said, "It was beautiful." I think it will be extremely difficult to find humane, well-trained physicians as we age. Avoiding them entirely may be the best bet in the long run.

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Have done everything in my power to avoid the ones in the white coats for decades now. They're dangerous while believing otherwise. They're mal-educated while thinking they're the smartest ones in the room. IMO, they see us as diseases merely awaiting their discovery and "cure". So, to be avoided -- at all costs. (Fellow Floridian here.)

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Please don't throw "baby out with bath water" not all are bad...just do some research. IMHO. "a physician"

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With all due respect, Dr. Zinni, I'm in my 60's and have done lots of research -- both empirical and academic, which supports my statement. Truly, just paying attention to the entirely psychotic "healthcare" system over the last two+ years supports my point. What these two+ years have been is the culmination of what I learned about "medicine" and "healthcare" decades ago.

Perhaps I 𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒 qualified my statement to avoid the expulsion of the baby with the bath water, but I think most people -- especially older, experienced people -- do recognize that all blanket statements have their exceptions. That said, I made my statement based on Janice's as-always insightful, informative commentary, as well as Lee's follow-up comment about the 2016 "Cares" Act.

I do know there are doctors out there who see their patients as created in the image of God, designed for health and self-healing. I'll bet you're one of them. That said, the majority are members of what I have dubbed the "Cut, Poison, & Burn Club" -- because that's really all most of them know how to do. Oh, and obey whoever's paying them...

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Im in a busy clinic, quickly responding to comments. Should have been more mndful. Please forgive me. Sorry you as others had a poor/bad/less than optimal experience. I try daily to be HIS Light, to teach, to heal, to serve. Be Well & Blessed, Phillip

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As a healthcare provider with 32 years of experience, that is my strategy…avoid medical care and hospitals expect for extremely serious emergencies. There was a great opportunity to learn a lot during the Covid debacle and a key point was that our entire healthcare system is broken and doesn’t function to serve the people who entrust them with their lives.

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The NAZIs did the same thing - only it was not "assisted" and it was often done by doctors.... But now they are letting the same people who the NAZIs killed first to do "assisted suicide."

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Jul 13, 2022·edited Jul 13, 2022

Not just docs. Recall anecdotes of nurses and others who chuckled about ventilators for c19 and had no empathy for allowing visitors aka, patient advocates in hospitals or extended care facilities.

And about 6 weeks ago, read comment of a state legislator (sorry, not saying a state, tho I'm fairly certain which blue state but don't want to be in error) who said she advocates euthanasia at 70 yoa. !!!!!!

I will search for the link and add if I find it.

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Don't forget their mantra "Evidence Based Medicine " I was reprimanded for ordering Thyroid labs for a Hasimoto pt, because "science" shows no "Evidenced Base Medicine " treatment exists.....my shakels come off 9/1/22, praying every day for my "leaders".

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Same is true for schools, be careful what you wish for if you are in favor of school choice, it is a dangerous game to play...

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Yes. At first glance, vouchers seemed like a good idea. I mean, give me some of my tax money back, since I homeschool. But “government” money always comes with strings I mean talons attached. No thanks!

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And let one private Christian school get into trouble over taking a voucher then few will take them. No school has to take a voucher. So, that may also open a big can of worms because if someone with a voucher from a select group is denied entrance to a school, they'll scream discrimination and next thing you know, private schools will be controlled by the gov't, too. It is a dangerous game. IDK what the solution is but no one I know who homeschools wants vouchers or any money from the gov't, for good reason...

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You're already giving the government your money. There's already strings attached. Pay your taxes, send your kids to school. Those aren't choices really. I'm not sure how giving parents a bigger voice for how taxes are used for education can be bad.

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I do pay my taxes, but I sure don’t send my kids to school.

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Yes. The 1st year my state allowed vouchers a leftist took exception that a private Christian school took one of the vouchers and horrors, actually taught the 7 days of creation instead of the big bang evolution theory. I don't know if anything ever happened but the leftist was demanding the school be required to teach evolution and nothing else. There was also a year or so ago a cohort of anti-homeschool elitists at Harvard having meetings about how to control what homeschoolers teach. There are also growing calls to "check" homeschoolers to make sure they aren't preventing their children from joining the LGBT or trans club. So, take the gov't money at your peril...

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Exactly, and if you think there aren’t leftists out their just waiting for the opportunity to sue for any of these issues, you are deluding yourself.

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Which makes me wonder how many private schools will actually accept vouchers. Many don't have money for lawsuits. They have to know it is just a problem waiting to happen.

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If it's between having choices and competition or sending our kids to failed mind control factories I think I'll take school choice. I'm not even sure why you would think it's dangerous.

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Gov't money comes with gov't control. You may think those tax dollars are your money but I can assure you the leftist elitists don't see it that way no matter how correct you are and they will do everything to force you to teach their agenda...

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But that's already what they're doing. If you homeschool or private school your children you still have to pay school taxes. People act like the government is doing us a favor by wasting our money and failing our kids. Homeschool parents want to "keep a low profile" and not accept vouchers so the government will leave them alone. It doesn't work that way. They will still come for you. Progressives will try to shut down homeschooling (they already are). They will sue every Christian private school whether they take vouchers or not.

Head in the sand just doesn't work anymore. They will never leave us alone. The sooner we accept this the sooner we can begin fixing it.

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I understand what you are saying and my head is not in the sand. We homeschool but I do NOT want the gov't to have any more dictates on us than already in place (our state is nice to us so far and there are many fighting to keep it that way). I don't want any of my tax money going to public schools but I don't know what to do except to encourage more people to seek other options. I've been reading that so many have left schools in some areas that they are laying off teachers and closing schools. I don't think anything will change until the masses leave but that is also going to put a target on the back of homeschoolers and private schools. IDK if there is a way to win this war... except to vote in better leaders.

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I understand what you are saying but it's circular reasoning. You want parents to pull their children from public school but you don't support a school choice program that would enable them to do so. You don't want your tax money going to public schools but you don't support a school choice program that would allow you (and other parents) to choose where and how that money is spent.

We'll never fix public schools by voting in new politicians. The only way to fix it is to make it irrelevant to a point where people lose their jobs or fix it. That can only happen if we provide a free market choice for parents to choose where their tax dollars are spent. If enough people choose a private school or a charter school or homeschooling and their tax dollars followed them out of the door of the public schools you would see actual improvement in public education. It won't happen as long as it's a monopoly that gets to control your tax dollars without repercussions.

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How about Gulan Schools? Islamic charter schools that exist near you. You can imagine their lesson plans

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I think we would all agree that no publicly funded schools should teach hate or intolerance towards people because of their race or beliefs (even though public schools are doing that now). But why should we give up on ALL students for fear that someone might start a school that teaches things I don't agree with? That's exactly why they're trying to shut down Christian private schools. No one would be forced to go to any school that teaches things with which the parents do not agree. Hatred is taught at home.

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All I’m saying is beware Pandora’s Box. Unintended consequences. I used to be FOR charter schools then realized the issues there. Our state tax $$ is funding a charter LGBTxxxx school where faculty has put in drag shows. “One” of the gay flags flies with the state flag. Not sure an American flag is there at all. It’s choice; I get that. Should be privately funded imho.

Also have a charter where the headmaster (or whatever) stated its mission is basically CRT. I suppose our taxes support that one too.

I’m not able to “fix” the state of education today but know where would be a good start. CLOSE state & FED Departments of Ed; return education to local (city/county) control where there is almost instant accountability.

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ITS only at the state level with state money e.g. Arizona just made it statewide BUT it only involves the state portion - not all the $ from the Feds... $ from the latter is the BIGGER problem...

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Janice, can I use your excellent statement in my discussions against Gov't health care. I'm a Dr. (Dentist DMD) and have always advocated for freemarket healthcare. You said it better than I could.

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Of course, John. You can find an actual post with an image on my Substack.

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I would also add insurance companies. Not sure which one the devil sponsors, gov't or insurance, but pretty sure they're both evil.

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It all boils down to the love of money aka greed, plus the drive to control. Hate to give Satan all the credit since humans can be pretty despicable on their own!

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I've come to the conclusion that it's not so much greed but mental illness that is the cause of suffering. We the People have allowed sociopaths and psychopaths to run our institutions, banks, and governments.

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I don't think the founding fathers ever envisioned a professional class called politician. An office holder was to be a citizen who represented his countrymen as a statesman serving one term and then going back to his private life. When "politicians" became a professional class, that allowed the whole system to be corrupted and go off the rails.

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Absolutely true

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As Tom Petty sang in the song "Jammin' Me" : "...Take back your insurance,

Baby nothing is guaranteed..." Great song. Miss Petty him much.

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AMEN! Such a glorious reminder!

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Once upon a time--WE were the government. We had representatives that cared about our health-education-and general well being. That was the understanding. The corporatocracy that has evolved is arguably an extension of the parasitic infection in human consciousness we call AI. The People's governments of yesteryear are collapsing globally, and with this event(which is apparent as a reoccurring cycle throughout history)so too is the banking construct that formally maintained the status quo(elite's hegemony). The run on the four major banks in China is historic! The G20/Bilderberg Group will have to find another line of work.

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Jul 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Today’s Operation Multiplier is personal! So thrilled to support this organization! Thank you and them for all they are doing! As an employee of a federal contractor threatened with losing my job, thankfully have an approved exemption on file, I can’t wait until this nonsense finally ends. Money well spent!

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As the co-founder of F4MF, I personally want to thank you for donating! 🤌🏼

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I donated; thank you all!

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Thank you for donating to our org! 🤌🏼

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Jul 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

It doesn't matter who has the house or senate anymore. Congress handed over its power to unelected bureaucracies a long time ago. They rule us now.

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Near the end of his term Trump put through an exec order that would have empowered a team reporting to Pres to review & fire the lot of them. Biden killed that order on his 1st day.

We get Trump back, he can restart the order & 90 day review at the beginning of his term.

Meantime, the more MAGAs we get into Congress, the better.

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Schedule F reclassification of GSA employees ... it had about as much chance of standing in the face of a Dem POTUS as does expecting Congress to vote term limits on themselves.

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The recent SCOTUS decision involving the EPA is a seminal moment in turning back the administrative state. It is just a start, though.

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It ain’t over til it’s over! We can’t just throw up our hands and leave it to the dogs.

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Thank goodness for SCOTUS ruling Re: EPA in West Va. the scope went beyond that case to restrict agency mandates & directives by fiat & not voted in by congress. But there we need true Constitutional conservatives

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Jul 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

“The mendacious leftist media is a turbocharged, all-wheel-drive lying machine.”

All wheel-drive lying machine is such a great word picture, Jeff!

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This also made me laugh:

“They even forgot to tell people not to look right at the blast because it will fry your retina and then you’ll be blindly groping around the apocalypse.”

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I'm getting "Day of the Triffids" vibes, only with nukes...

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Jul 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Oh and I donated also, but I think your C & C army might have broken their site….my screen hung up right after I hit enter so I hope my transaction as completed. I’ll check later.

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I had a hard time too. Got thru on 2nd try. When it goes thru, you get a screen with pink balloons telling you its complete & an email confirmation.

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I hoped that’s what it meant because after the balloons, it went blank.

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Same here! I tapped the screen and it went back to the donate page!

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Thanks for donating! Much appreciated!

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I exited while the balloons were flying. It took some time maybe an hour, before the email confirm arrived.

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I had to retrieve my receipt out of my spam folder. Just saying.

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Thanks for donating. You guys 100% broke our site. I believe i posted the #’s in the thread somewhere. Upwards to 2300+ donations on the day. Around $68k for the day. Maxed out our weekly bank account donations too. So if anyone had any issues, keep trying or using a CC or via your mobile w/ Apple/Google pay. Thanks for donating!

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I noticed I had to also enter my zip code for it to go thru.

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Same here

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Jul 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I agree! May I use it Jeff, please.

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Jul 13, 2022·edited Jul 16, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I think New Zealand is showing an example of antibody dependant enhancement. Their immune systems and DNA repair has been down regulated by the repeated use of this lipid nano particle synthetic, cytotoxic spike protein, non sterilising, out of date, incorrectly deployed, experimental, ‘gene therapy” “vaccine”.

This causes viral immune escape variants evolving faster than any instantly cooked “vaccine” deployment.

The combination of vaccine induced viral immune escape variants and disease enhancement is the worst result in any vaccine experiment. This atrocity of a vaccine design was designed to fail as it has broken every rule in vaccinology and immunology. ADE, antibody dependant enhancement or OAC, (original antigenic sin), is the worst outcome for any vaccine experiment.

Also insidious and serious adverse reactions.

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Several women I follow on Instagram who were super pro-vax have recently been complaining that they are sick all of the time now- with things like sinus infections, flu like symptoms (not Covid), bronchitis, general malaise. Their immune systems don't work anymore, hmmm.

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I was a while back sort of disbelievingly and scared of this really happening. All we can do is call it out, can’t let this continue regardless, even if it does seem late.

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The mental illnesses are finally manifesting themselves to physical illnesses. The vaxxed just helped it along. Pro covid vaxxer = loon. Avoid them as they are not fit to be around.

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I would avoid their vaccine shedding more than anything. If we can help these people, they can be belligerent, it is in our interest. This is a numbers game. Get them, if possible, on our side.

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Not disagreeing, but the following Malone article (with pertinent links) proposes that Immune Imprinting (also called OAS ~ Original Antigenic Sin) may be an alternative explanation to ADE, Antibody Dependent Enhancement:


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I am wondering how many will take the time to read the story from the Expose. Lead Stories (owned by the Chinese) is already debunking it of course. We have to keep trying to warn people of the death shots. https://expose-news.com/2022/07/11/boris-distraction-uk-gov-revealed-triple-vaccinated-94percent-covid-deaths/

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Read it two days ago ~ well worth the time! Thanks for sharing...

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Thank you Mr. Childers! As a federal employee being banned from the workplace, This operation multiplier is a huge blessing and will have enormous impact! Just donated! Many thanks to you and all those who participate! Go Feds 4 Medical Freedom!

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Thank you for standing up in the face of tyranny! 💪🏻 I applaud you. I donated for you all first, and the rest of us second so this never happens again!

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We truly appreciate the generosity! 🤌🏼

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Awesome as usual Jeff! I don’t know if you follow Tucker Carlson, and by the title of the article you wouldn’t realize it but he actually does a good job linking WEF policies to food shortages and destroyed economies across the globe. It’s the first time I’ve seen anyone from Fox or main stream actually rail against the globalist agenda being pushed onto countries. Usually it’s just railed as a left wing agenda but I think people are starting to realize it’s not just a left wing idea, but a globalist plan. I think tides are changing and we are slowly turning them in our favor. The more people realize what globalists are pushing and that it is not good for them the quicker we can rout them out of governments around the world.


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Tucker's one of the few. God bless Tucker Carlson!

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Tucker has been on fire lately!

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Tucker certainly gives the republicans their fair share, he takes no prisoners.

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Exactly. This whole thing is rooted in WEF/WHO. They are engineering their global plan - "Reset."

This is far beyond Rep/Dem or Left/Right.

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But for the fact that the Left/Dem/RINO elements support the globalist agenda...

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The Dems are seriously divided on a number of issues, especially the globalist thing. There is no lock-step agreement.

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The Dems are all in on the Green New Deal and COVID mandates/restrictions, which are the tip of the spear for The Great Reset. Would love for you to explain further, because I truly would like to understand.

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I can see why it looks all-inclusive, ALL the democrats. But what the Democratic Party says is not congruent with people who are Democrats. In other words, it definitely is not a universal. Jeff's Rasmussen Report is a good example - what is publicized, e.g. a Party Platform, is frequently radically different from citizen's views. This will be more evident at voting time.

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Thanks for the reply! It's funny, because I hear that many Dems aren't happy with the very progressive agenda or the party platform, yet most polls seem to reflect party line splits with Independents leaning right. I periodically see Rasmussen poll results and will pay more attention in the future, but his report is subscription or paywalled, isn't it?

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Jul 13, 2022·edited Jul 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

That multiplier, tho. I was working for a company that is a federal contractor and they fired me and accepted zero accommodation requests. Literally the day we were fired they extended the mandate from just public facing positions to the entire company. Then they dropped the whole thing before the deadline for the entire company. Let's just say I'm a little bitter.

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I understand your bitterness. After 18 years with the company, I was told that I was no longer qualified for my job. They used the company travel policy as an excuse. Per their policy, if I wasn’t vaccinated I couldn’t travel without senior VP approval. It’s been almost 9 months now, and it still makes me angry. I know in my heart it is a blessing in disguise, but sometimes the bitterness still creeps in.

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You still have your health. 🙂 I was fortunate not to be let go do to the mandates. But I have to control my smug smile when I see the covidiots get covid and sick again and again. I am sorry that you were unjustly terminated. I hope for better days ahead of you 😃

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So they didn’t rescind their firing? How awful. I understand the bitterness 😡 I hope you were able to find a better job, with better pay and better ownership. If not, keep searching. You are a true Patriot for standing up to the tyranny!

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I started my own business! No, they did not rescind any of us being fired. My team contacted me trying to get me to reapply, but the supervisor stated she was not allowed to contact me, but if I contacted them they would consider it IF I dropped my EEOC complaint. I told them to kick rocks.

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Excellent! Again, thank you! I would be proud to shake your hand!

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That multiplier thoughhh! Sorry about your story. That’s exactly why we’re fighting so people don’t have to lose their livelihood.

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Jul 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

“Here’s the key takeaway: all of these problems are SELF-INFLICTED by governments. We aren’t facing droughts, solar flares, tsunamis or other natural disasters. This is a human disaster. It’s a disaster caused by woke leftist termites who’ve burrowed into governments and hollowed them out, consuming all their intellectual substance”.

The woke leftist termites or George so… and/or the WEF? The money involved in this genocide is astronomical. The question, is why. Is it possible for man to be this evil? Horrifically, one can only conclude the answer is yes.

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Exactly! And there is a term that is used in theology for that question: the total depravity of man.

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Jul 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Done and done! I can't think of a better multiplier than Feds4MedFreedom. I hope they can push their influence and grit to help tip the scales for the conscientious objectors in all branches of the military. I just had lunch with a young lady who joined Army in Illinois, fresh out of high school, and was coerced into getting the jab. She said "I'm fine now, but I don't know what's going to happen to me in the years to come." Heartbreaking.

It's a scorcher down here in SWFL, and I've switched to Iced Coffee with my daily dose of Truth, Hope and Humor. Jeff, I didn't get tickets in time for the Moms for Liberty conference in Tampa - crap, the whole thing is sold out! I'll meet you some day!

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Thanks for the donation! I know we don’t actively represent military in our lawsuits but one thing we’ve been proud of is building a network within our organization for people to come. It has been beneficial to many as we’ve seen their stories in our emails or texts directly to us. In the end, we try to help as many people as possible! However that may be.

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Jul 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I donated my $22.00 but added the .80 processing fee. Since I’m a federal employee and part of every class action suit out there let’s beat this administration.

I see rat face Fauci admitted the vaccine doesn’t cover you BUT he’s still trying to put fear in everyone saying if you don’t get vaccinated you could get Covid worse. Blah 😒 blah. I’ve been around so many ppl with Covid through all these so called variations and NEVER caught it. Why? Cause my immune system is good. Take your vitamins plus CBD.

I see Brandon’s (err Biden) wife made a slip of the tongue. Calling Mexicans Tacos.

The illiteracy is now wearing onto the “First Lady.”

These clowns need to go! 😡🤡🤡🤡

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The termites are on the march and all the wooden Pinocchio puppets are in jeopardy.

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The Walking Shower Curtain/Tablecloth/fake doctor/former babysitter of the Failed Senator's Kids and current babysitter of the Failed Senator (whew!) also failed to properly pronounce "bodega". She pronounced it "boGOda". Rhymes with last name of actor Abe Vigoda, of "Barney Miller" fame

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Thanks for donating! 🤌🏼

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Jul 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

When I reach the end of C&C, I almost feel sad because I want it to keep going!

Jeff, I realize how much your dissection and interpretation of US and world events helps keep me grounded and hopeful. Thank you!!!💞

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Ah yes, but we have all the fabulous comments to read...and write.

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Jul 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

As a F4MF member I was happy to donate! Our fight is not over. Plus you get a receipt that says no goods or services were provided so it is tax deductible!

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Tax deductible indeed! 💪🏼 Thanks for donating to our cause AND being a member!

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Jul 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Sri Lanka...runaway national debt; skyrocketing cost of foreign imports; a collapsing currency; falling exports; food shortages, fuel shortages, and medicines shortages...hmmmmmmm, sounds a bit like the U.S.

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Except their food shortages will end up with mass starvation. Not the same as no chicken nuggets from China this week.

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I don't know what makes you think America is exempt from that. Our farm production uses the exact same fertilizer that Sri Lanka uses and the prices have skyrocketed for the last two years. Production is dropping as we speak.

Cut our production by 60 or 80 percent and Americans are starving too.

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You're right. And a BIG difference between US access to fertilizer and Sri Lanka access is, well, the Second Amendment.

I pray for Sri Lanka.

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Pray for the people.

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Jul 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

The Convention of States movement is a national effort to call a convention under Article V of the United States Constitution, restricted to proposing amendments that will impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit its power and jurisdiction, and impose term limits on its officials and members of Congress. A number of state legislatures have already passed COS resolutions.

I am curious how many of you C&C readers are familiar with this important effort. If interested learn more here: https://conventionofstates.com/

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Jul 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Thanks Jeff, you never fail to make me laugh! Bumbling Biden would be lucky if he were aware of whether or not he’s wearing his own underwear at this point! I think back to a time when elected politicians were held to a higher standard, and acted and represented people in a manner befitting that standard. They’ve long since forgotten who they work for, and I’ve got a feeling they are about to be reminded. I thank GOD for lifting the veil.

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