Jun 29, 2022ยทedited Jun 29, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I don't know, Jeff.....you're losing me here. Are you implying that there is corruption and less than honorable activities going on in our OWN U.S. government? Well, I never! Stick to your Bail Bonds business, Mister!

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A lot of us are waking up to the fact that we are no better, or are perhaps worse, than our enemies...

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That's what is so terrible. Waking up to the fact that our government is rivaling Nazi Germany. The evil that we are seeing is horrifying. I will trust nothing again.

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It is run by Nazis. Project Paperclip??? They're one in the same. The history (his-story) is not reality.

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You say WE but I think you mean the US Government/Deep State. The people of this country have been duped for far too long. Bio-Labs are everywhere and have been in existence since at least WWII. Consider Lyme, CT. and Plum Island. How many people know that Lyme Disease was concocted as a bioweapon and escaped into the public first showing up in Lyme, CT.? How many other labs are there world wide? My guess is more than we can imagine. It's also doubtful US Presidents actually appoint their "advisors". The same criminals that get their guy elected are surrounding him with their controlled minions.

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Thank you for clarifying my intent ~ I'd hate to have anyone think I was putting down "We the People"! I was definitely referring to our government, and as you so aptly put it, the US Government/Deep State.

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Kim, source of info re: Lyme disease = bioweapon? I have a dear friend who died of it.

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Jun 29, 2022ยทedited Jun 29, 2022

Jeff initially brought this up in Saturday's C&C, and it sent me down the rabbit hole.


Borrelia Burgdorferi https://www.borreliaburgdorferi.org Borrelia Burgdorferi pathogenesis The transmission of the pathogen occurs in the late act of sucking for 24 to 48h. After penetrating into the bloodstream pathogens show a tropism, are primarily affected skin, myocardium, synovial fluid and nerve tissue. The name derives from the Lyme disease - Lyme, Connecticut (USA). Lyme, CT is just across the pond from Plum Island biolab.

Disease's scientific name was named after the researcher Willy Burgdorfer - https://thehumanist.com/magazine/july-august-2019/arts_entertainment/bitten-the-secret-history-of-lyme-disease-and-biological-weapons --Burgdorfer published a paper in 1952 about the intentional infecting of ticks. In 2013 filmmaker Tim Grey asked him, on camera, whether the pathogen he had identified in 1982 as the cause of Lyme disease was the same one or similar or a generational mutation of the one heโ€™d written about in 1952. Burgdorfer replied in the affirmative. Interviewed by Newby, Burgdorfer (who died in November 2014) described his efforts to create an illness that would be difficult to test forโ€”knowledge of which he might have shared earlier with beneficial results for those suffering.


House passes Chris Smith measure to probe if government turned ticks into bioweapons (July 2020) https://newjerseyglobe.com/congress/smith-tick/

The Untold History Of Insect Warfare https://www.grunge.com/713342/the-untold-history-of-insect-warfare/

Govt still tinkering: First genetically modified mosquitoes released in the United States https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-01186-6

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Lyme Disease is the tip of the iceberg. When the general population becomes aware of bioweaponry, then they begin to connect the dots to all the other illnesses that have been prevalent in modern time. The body is designed to be stay healthy and we should not succumb to these artificially created weapons.

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Great info. However, it is a long-held myth that a tick has to be on your body for more than 24 hours in order to transmit disease. This is not accurate, and gives people a false sense of security when they remove a tick earlier than that. ITS NOT TRUE.

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I did not know that! I do have an elaborate ritual for being in the woods, that includes spraying with deep woods off, long pants and long sleeves, hat, and taking it all off and putting in the wash and taking a shower after checking thoroughly for any ticks. I had a co-worker die from a tick-borne illness many years ago and am paranoid about them.

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Awesome compilation of information! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

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It's well known , but there is a book called LAB 257 by Michael Christopher Carroll who has done great research on the topic. You should be able to find multiple other sources as well.

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๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ snarky response Eric!

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How does an ambulance chaser have time to write this stuff? Stay in your lane. Dept of Defense is only here to serve its citizens. Nothing else, Iโ€™m almost certain.......yes? Hello!!! Dept of Defense??? Are you there? Whereโ€™d you disappear off to this time??

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Our Federal Government makes Mexicos Government look like a boys choir..

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You are trying to be cute right?

I mean you canโ€™t be serious


And to call Jeffโ€™s work a bail bond business you didnโ€™t intend to belittle Jeff didnโ€™t you????

I appreciate a response

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I can't possibly be cute. I can, however, be kind of a wise ass. I have nothing but respect and admiration for the counselor.

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I love Ericโ€™s sarcasm and wise ass remarks!! Makes my day.

Clearly you canโ€™t read into his response they are very witty as far as Iโ€™m concerned.

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Jun 29, 2022ยทedited Jun 29, 2022

You may not believe but not everyone is familiar with Ericโ€™s very witty way.

And Clearly you and Eric donโ€™t know that a simple /s at the end of sarcasm always helps to clarify your comment.

Mr. Snarky!!!

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and a VERY fine hand with your new Sarc Font.

Well done, Sir. You managed to hook a few suckers with that one.

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Read this by Eric. If this article doesnโ€™t leave you on the floor laughing, then thereโ€™s no hope. https://theimaginaryhobgoblin.substack.com/p/secret-joe-biden-meeting-with-a-representative

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All of these constitutional victories are starting to concern me. Are we being set up?๐Ÿ™ƒ

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We think a lot alike Ericโ€ฆ my โ€œdanger aheadโ€ doubled down on my bs gut warning meterโ€ฆ I could not help connecting the dots hereโ€ฆ The sick globalist agenda part of this ruling is that it ends the long standing premise โ€œmy body my choiceโ€ which is why the Supreme Court would not hear quacksine exemption casesโ€ฆ Iโ€™m betting watch how fast mandatory (gene editing track and trace) injections become our new โ€œto be safeโ€ฆ and for the good of everyoneโ€ forced agendas peopleโ€ฆ all this for and against Roe rage is what they wantโ€ฆ. Divided we fallโ€ฆ if you canโ€™t see the bigger agenda here, you are not awake to their great reset, โ€œyouโ€™ll own nothing and be happyโ€, Fourth industrial revolution, Agendaโ€™s 21/30โ€ฆ all the DAVOS, Bilderberg billionaires targeted ready to go instituted plans against โ€œwe the peopleโ€ including depopulation โ€ฆ. Killing is wrong periodโ€ฆ so killing silently covertly with experimental insufficiently tested falsified trial data injections is ok? Never has a product been pushed promoted and media blitzed like c0ยฅIโ€™d, nor kept on the market after more than 20 directly attributed deathsโ€ฆ are we really going to wait 50 years again to stop more killing?

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Wait til the self amplifying saRNA (really sa mRNA) that Pfizer is currently trialing enters. Another new technology (we know how well the "PROTOTYPES" are going as they are now referring to the originals at yesterday's VRBAC meeting)...that may slip under the Future Framework "let's further ignore science mess" as a reformulation that doesn't need clinical trials.

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"Self amplifying RNA" is also commonly known as "a virus". Oh the irony if they end up quite literally spreading disease in order to "cure disease".

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Yes...and Pfizerโ€™s product is synthetic that doesn't magically dissolve like real mRNA.

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Check out Dr. David Martin at prosecutenow.com.

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There's some real hope here. I hope they keep plowing ahead. Really depends on who the judge is

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We have got to get away from the simplistic one-liners! We are constantly allowing the enemy to set the terms of debate! And we wonder why we come off as unconvincing. My body, my choice is absolutely true. Also absolutely true is the sanctity of human life. These truisms are not mutually exclusive. They exist in a framework of moral absolutes which is a product of our Christian/Biblical heritage developed over hundreds of years through British common law and exemplified in the Declaration of Independence. My body, my choice is absolute. The new life inside a pregnant woman is a distinct individual which, from the moment of conception, has an indefinite lifespan. She has a DUTY to protect that new life. The sanctity of human life is absolute. My body, my choice only applies to her body, not to the new individual inside her. But what do we do? We allow the enemy to set the terms of debate. And then we wonder why we ALWAYS lose! We sit in the back of the bus and look stupid because we cannot even articulate the moral framework God gave us in His law. We have to take over the driver seat of the bus and relegate the Left to the back of the bus! When we can do that, the American public will laugh at the Left and disempower them. If we don't, we ARE going to lose. It is time for American pastors to get out of their "feel-good" shells and start teaching the reality of God's Law the way the Lord did. Christianity is more than personal piety and Sunday tea! The nations of the world belong to the Lord and if we do not act like it, He will spit us out of His mouth as salt that has lost its flavor.

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I liked this part of your comment especially. "...all the DAVOS, Bilderberg billionaires targeted..." I would only edit to include all DAVOS, Bilderberg, and WEF membership regardless of billionaire status. It's self defense at this point as they have already started the war.

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yes... agreed, thank you

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Yes, is it like on pro wrestling where the good guys have to win occasionally in order to keep selling tix to next event and keeping fans from rioting?

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Hahaha...exactly what I was thinking.

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Trust nothing. If these are true wins get ready. The powers that be will only get more dangerous as they are being threatened. I'm waiting for the big boot to stamp down on us.

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Sleeper justices?

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Jun 30, 2022ยทedited Jun 30, 2022

We may be getting another one on Friday if the SC rules in favor of West Virginia.


It would effectively be a blow to the legislative branch abdicating their responsibilities to alphabet agencies, like the CDC and FDA.

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Jeff, Jeff, Jeff....again you said something that is bogus.

"Thank God for the judicial branch. Am I right?"

NO Jeff, you are not right.

The Supreme Court allowed the mandates for health care workers to stand.

The evidence that this particular Non Vaccine is patently and particularly dangerous is so overwhelming it boggles the mind to realize how immune to the damning facts 6 of the justices are.

Yes the judges told OSHA to pound sand. So there is that.

But that does not cancel out the wrongness of the Health Care workers ruling.

I suggest that you say instead...At least the judicial branch comes up on the right side of issues once in awhile.

Here is one example of bad decisions by the Supreme Court:


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Jun 29, 2022ยทedited Jun 29, 2022

The information available on every aspect of the 2020 still ongoing scamdemic is staggering from highly respected true experts like McCulloughโ€ฆ itโ€™s literally baffling witnessing the destruction for example of the military. Commercial pilots, forced mandates on employees or job loss retribution, the crimes unabated even with with irrefutable testimonies and investigative replicated researchโ€ฆ this Karen Kingston interview with Dr Reiner Fuellmich is explosive; https://www.bitchute.com/video/NOLZq91z3Ksx/

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Maureen...YES...the Fix is in, as they say in gambling and other situations. It is so obvious that America is controlled by soulless demons it boggles my mind that half the population is 100% unaware. And the other half is aware but powerless to do anything about it.

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Powerless? No way!

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We are not powerless until all methods to fix the problems have been exhausted.

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Well Kim, please let me know how all the methods PLAN works out. I wish you luck.

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Frankly there may only be one way to save ourselves and it's not at the voting booth. That ship has sailed.

Do we have the courage? Highly doubtful. Cowards are at an abundance at the moment.

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1. Soap box - All dissent from the narrative memory holed. Flat out lies from every government agency and erroneously labeled News organizations.

2. Ballot Box - Rigged procedures with mail in cheating and completely untrustworthy electronic black boxes that offer zero accountability.

3. Jury Box - Remains to be seen. Overall, not looking to good so far.

4. Cartridge box - The last resort and why the big push for gun control and outright confiscation.

We all know how three of them have worked out so far.

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Sadly agreeโ€ฆ some measures albeit undoubtedly temporary, 11 of the 12 US amendments supporting the WHO control over the entire globe were halted by an organized effort of informed experts like Dr Rima โ€ฆ soโ€ฆ

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"Truth is like a lion..."

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Yes! Well said. The mandates for health care workers is a travesty. (As well as making no sense whatsoever.) I donโ€™t have the words to describe how angry this makes me.

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Jun 29, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Liberty Memes posted some really hysterical beauties about Jan 6th hearings latest episodes. I wish I could post them here. One had photoshop of Trump actually driving the limo with a Road Rage look on his face.


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Another great C&C today. ๐Ÿ‘ Of course biden is a weak president as well as a weak person. His entire family show the rot. In some ways it mirrors the rot in American society. His entire administration is based on the deals made to seal the stolen election. Buttigieg is totally not qualified and neither is kamala. Just some examples. Cassidy is a perfect example of that rot. She sold herself for a chance at power and it is blowing up in her face. Add her to the list of stupid prog women who get used and dumped by their handlers. As far as the Russian government goes - you have got to give them credit. They have exposed our government and military leaders for their shady and immoral moves. They are winning this game of chess. Sanctions aren't working and they're making more money. As far as celebrities - whatever. They don't factor in my life before or after the scamdemic.

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One might say the US is losing both the battles and the war.

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Jun 29, 2022ยทedited Jun 29, 2022

I would have to agree with you that Biden has destroyed the myth of hired expertise. In fact I would add to that claim that Biden has done such a horrible job at picking qualified people that we are now in an idiocracy. You can tell by how they are handling the inflation issue. California added to it by giving out free money. They argue that eliminating the gas tax would help but would only shift demand to the right, possibly exacerbating the issue. I donโ€™t think there is a single person in the administration that has firm grasp on even simple economic concepts. As for the US biolabs, after Covid I hope Russia destroys them all.

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Then you believe that the resident in the WH is picking anything beside his nose. Brandon was installed, not voted in, not inaugurated, not even coherent. His puppet masters are doing all the heavy lifting, putting the most egregious bureaucrats in place, knowing they canโ€™t and wonโ€™t be removed, but allowing further division in a country already seriously divided. And the msm media happily prattles on.

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I'm still wondering who is running things? Valerie Jarrett, Susan Rice, Ron Klain? Someone else?

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Most likely someone else. Real puppet masters arenโ€™t seen.

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They wear black shirts and hide in the shadows

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I see that a few think that it's Obama. I believe it with his hatred for America and his ability to destroy all that is good. I'm sure the others who you have mentioned are also doing the same. They never went away. Also, Obama is the only president who didn't leave DC after his term was up. Why?? Has to stay close doesn't he?

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Don't forget Obama's interview in which he said the ideal thing would be to have a third term and run it from a basement somewhere. The video is on this page: https://www.rightjournalism.com/video-obama-says-he-wants-a-third-term-through-a-front-man/

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Val has long my guess for whose running things.

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100% agree. And it's most interesting that B.O. --in an interview with Lefty shill, Colbert--said he'd be "OK with "-communicating what to say to a frontman via an earpiece, thus "having a third term." Whether Jo is getting the script via WEF henchmen(which most likely includes the B.O. gang and DS cronies)or some dark corner of Antarctica (AI)...he is obviously a char-actor playing us all for fools. pax

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Hear hear!!!

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The problem is that evil always hides behind feigned incompetence. The plan all along was to destroy this country, and what better way than to pretend that the real power is in the hands of a bunch of bumbling idiots, newbies, and a dementia patient? Unfortunately the real truth is darker and the "missteps" are intentional.

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I read yesterday that California is raising their gas tax.

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Yep, goes up every year like clockwork. Gruesome Newsom refuses to suspend the gas tax. His brilliant plan is to pass a "gas tax rebate". But in a form a tax rebate. So rather than give us poor folks some relief now....we have to wait until next year's taxes.

Commiefornia....America's dumpster fire under Newsom's rule. No wonder everyone is fleeing the sinking ship.

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I read somewhere that the California legislature passed an 11% gas tax but tied it to inflation. Unfortunately. I didnโ€™t save the article. I paid $66 for 11 gallons last week. Stuck in California

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You have my sympathy ๐Ÿ’

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"11% tied to inflation" doesn't make sense... if the tax is a proportional 11%, then it's always 11%. As the prices go up due to inflation, 11% of the new higher price is an automatically higher tax (in dollar amount). (O.o)

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Well...nothing makes sense in this State! I took it to mean 11%, plus inflation...11% plus a modifier for inflation. Like my property tax is 1% of the purchase price, but they can raise it 1.5% of the taxable amount. So, 1,000.00 becomes 1015.00 the following year. Thank god for Prop 13 which made property tax 1% of the purchase price. As I said, I read it in an article and Iโ€™m still kicking myself I didnโ€™t screenshot it!

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Ah, I see... well, it would make some sense if "adjusted for inflation" just meant that it was 11% of whatever the inflated value is, to distinguish it from setting a fix "11% of the current value, and it doesn't increase if the value inflates".

(I'm surprised if you have a tax that's 1% of the purchase price, indefinitely - that would mean that someone who bought a house 50 years ago for $5,000 isn't paying their "fair share" compared to someone who bought an identical house last year for $100,000... here the land tax is based on the estimated value, updated each year.)

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The January 6th Committee has eliminated any doubt about their intelligence; they have none.

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Can't bring myself to watch the J6 friends' group, but it sure sounds like fun. We played a game in kindergarten just like the one Cassidy shared -- it was the "Whispering Game." Oh what a time we had! A big laugh would erupt following the story told by "the Cassidy" at the end of the line. And we all learned a very important lesson at age 5.

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I remember that. We played in 4th grade. Our teacher wanted to teach us a lesson about gossip etc. The word started out "foretold " and ended up "girdle ". We all laughed and were scandalized. Innocent times. ๐Ÿ˜„

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Thatโ€™s whatโ€™s wrong โ€” kids donโ€™t play games anymore!

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Singer Celine Dion, COVID vaccine advocate, has been ill with a mysterious neuromuscular disease for the past 8 months and has cancelled all concerts in North America and Europe until 2023 while she "recovers." The cover story is that she over-stressed her muscles performing on stage last year!

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I just wish one or two of these celebs would break the logjam and tell the truth...

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Eric Clapton did and look what happened to him.

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I applaud his courage/integrity and wish there were more like him! If everyone sacrificed integrity in fear of the repercussions, we'd be in sorrier shape than we are right now.

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They just refuse to connect the dots!!

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It's like "vaccine" Stockholm Syndrome. They just can't believe that their God, the state is not benevolent and would lie to them.

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Or, telling the truth would exact too high a price in lost money paid to keep them quiet and likelihood of being blackballed even if they do eventually recover.

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Yes, just think and use their common sense!!

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What a wack- a- doodle she is! I used to think she had such a beautiful voice. She obviously went completely DARK when she came out with the most outrageous and disturbing line of baby clothing. Just another controlled minion that sold her soul for fame and fortune.

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Jun 29, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

They should rename these hearings as โ€œ The Death Of Liz Cheneys Political Careerโ€. Perhaps Klaus Schwab is hiring?

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Jun 29, 2022ยทedited Jun 29, 2022

CNN/MSNBC/The View/Barnum & Bailey (all the same thing, really) are looking for a few good โ€ฆwhatevers.

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Jun 29, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, amazing coincidence regarding your executive hiring discussion. Check out this Brownstone article published just 2 days ago regarding Trump fighting this very issue and being stonewalled by none other than SCOTUS nominee Justice Jackson ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ:


If โ€œSchedule Fโ€ would have continued, he would have cleaned house, however, he was stymied by the โ€œmost secure election in historyโ€ and Biden reversed the order quickly upon assuming his totally legitimate seat as POTUS.

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I swear I donโ€™t rep Brownstone, but for anyone interested, this is another good article summing up the creation of the administrative state:


Interesting it was born from an โ€œemergencyโ€ regarding the assassination of President Garfield. Boy, we are so much better off with policy created in response to โ€œemergenciesโ€! ๐Ÿ˜’

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The question for me: Is this just The Peter Principle in action?; or is this chronic ineptitude merely 'scheduled incompetence' designed to collapse what remains of the US Constitution?

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I believe the implication is that with the administrative state incompetence need not be scheduled. It is a natural and supported aspect of the system itself. The civil service is a time bomb with a long fuse unintentionally designed to eviscerate the Republic. Obliteration of the Constitution being one major aspect of the time bombโ€™s natural effect over time.

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That's very poetic! I recall the story of Andrew Jackson who was opposed to a Central Bank, quoted as: "You are a den of vipers and thieves. I have determined to rout you out, and by the Eternal,โ€œ - Andrew Jackson. The Act of 1871 set the nation up for the next wave of slithering vipers in 1913. The gradual unraveling of the Constitution has been underway for well over 150 years! Draining the swamp may take awhile. Meantime, the time bomb is ticking...

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Well, when Russia inspects the bio-labs, maybe then we will finally find out what our own government is doing ... IF the MSM will even cover it.

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It would seem that we are behind a worldwide proliferation of incredibly unethical and dangerous research on pathogens that could (and may already have) destroyed humanity. This is done in the name of "preparedness", but is actually an excuse to perform bioweapon research out of the country and under cover. If we can ever get control of our government, we need to stop the billions of dollars flowing into the defense department and elsewhere to fund "research" like this. Disgusted and disappointed in our hubris...

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None of our presidents, GOP or Dem, have put a stop to them.

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In a 4-17-20 presser, President Trump was questioned about NIH funding for gain of function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. I was watching that presser, and remember President Trump being surprised by the information, then immediately saying the funding would be stopped. I found an article backing up my recollection, but making it sound like the President knew about it. The url is at the end of my comment.

My point is that I don't believe any president, Republican or Democrat, can possibly know about all the "projects" funded by all the agencies in our government ~ it is just too immense. The fact that our Senators and Representatives abrogate their duties by rushing through massive omnibus budget bills (that they don't even write or have time to read) makes it easy to hide a lot of evils. Further, the size and scope of our government makes true oversight virtually impossible ~ a feature that has allowed the Deep State to grow and assume more and more power/control. Our "government" is doing things it shouldn't be doing and the only way I know to fix it is by reducing the size of our federal bureaucracy, decentralizing it, and electing politicians who actually represent the people and do what the people want. The recent bipartisan gun law is a perfect example of Red State Senators voting in a manner that didn't bear any resemblance to the views of the folks in the states they came from.


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Right, immense size/complexity of govt. However, one would think that eventually the presidential briefings would get around to most of it - that is, if they wanted the president to know...

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"that is, if they wanted the president to know..."


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Well said Martha!

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Makes you wonder. Even after all the "Pandemic" destruction of lives, the economy, and American sovereignty, none of them are calling for a ban on gain of function. They are all about going after nicotine though...probably because it prevents the sickness from the persistent agent bio weapon they created.

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One might think the Axis of Evil or the magnetic poles have flipped or something.

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Would you ever consider doing a monthly mini multiplier as well as the regular multiplier? In this way we C &C supporters could help influence state and local races to get liberty minded candidates elected and really push back against the globalist/Soros agenda? If we were willing to do a $12 multiplier monthly and a $3.02 multiplier monthly, then for $15.02 per month we could make a huge impact.

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I'm trying to come up with a concept for local multipliers without it being too complicated. Working on it.

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Thank you! We have to push back against the Soros/Globalist agenda. Itโ€™s the only way.

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I keep thinking about our borders. We will not have a country much longer with no rules and anything goes coming in. There has to be some better ways to stop this.

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If only 10,000 of your readers donated the $3.02 to the mini multiplier that would be $30,000 to a state or local race which is huge

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Have you heard a peep from Christine Drazen? Sheโ€™s someone to multiply here in Oregon. Also we need Lori Chavez-DeRemer to oust the 5th District redistricting joke Jamie McCloud-Skinner.


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Jun 29, 2022ยทedited Jun 29, 2022

I donโ€™t support Christine Drazon, sheโ€™s clearly a RINO. I could tell as soon as she spoke at the Gubernatorial Debate. Everything she said was a non-answer and she came across as not genuine at all. Also she got all the Big Business and Big Pharma donor money....for what thatโ€™s worth. As for Lori Chavez-DeRemer she was pro-choice until it suited her more to run as a Republican and I wonโ€™t be voting for her either.

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What other choices? Jamie would be in lockstep with Kotek.

What other choice for gov?

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I was a huge fan of Marc Thielman. A superintendent, kept schools open, gave parents legal options to get out of masking their kids, tries to teach kids how to think instead of what to think.

We have to get behind grass roots candidates like that. Bridget Barton was good too. The problem can be that too many grassroots candidates split the vote so that the RINO wins the primaries.

In my opinion until Oregon has in-person voting where ID is checked, there will never be an honest election anyway.

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Whatโ€™s worse, a RINO or Democrat? I do not plan to vote for the โ€˜lesser of two evils anymore.โ€™ If no good candidates I wonโ€™t vote. Both are evil.

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Agree and doing the same. The GOP is for the most part dead to me. They did nothing to stem the Marxist tide over the years except constantly harass me with solicitations asking for "....25, 50, 75, 100, or whatever you can donate to help me fight the left....blah, blah, blah." They have done absolutely nothing and are the other side to the same corrupt coin. I am hard pressed to find one true conservative or Constitutionalist among the whole lot of them. We need a true Constitution party. My days of holding my nose are over.

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Someone isnโ€™t on โ€˜my sideโ€™ just because they have a certain letter by their name.

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I would give $0 to either of those two candidates

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Jun 29, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I am American ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ but my Nationality is Armenian ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ฒ And we do not bow down to politics in our country. Not suprising since we gained independence from Russia the US wants to host their illegal labs ๐Ÿงช with their illegal $$$ .. This wonโ€™t fly to far .. especially since Armenia is trying to build itself up after years of persecution.. my grandparents fled Armenia and Turkey to the US in 1918โ€ฆ over 1 million Armenians were killed by the Turks who collaborated with Germany to eliminate our people. Well.. that didnโ€™t work!! Also, Armenia was the 1st Professed Christian โœ๏ธ Nation where we stood up to the King at that time and He was changed by the Holy Spirit.

I am praying for a Revelation and Revolution of believers to stand against this tyranny that keeps trying to creep Into the USA ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ and Armenia ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ฒ as well as other countries!! God protect our people and give us all courage and boldness to stand up to the evil agenda!

โ€œI will rejoice and be glad in Your steadfast love, Because You have seen my affliction; You have taken note of my lifeโ€™s distresses, And You have not given me into the hand of the enemy; You have set my feet in a broad place.โ€

โ€ญโ€ญPsalmsโ€ฌ โ€ญ31:7-8โ€ฌ โ€ญAMPโ€ฌโ€ฌ

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Amen. The Armenian genocide was horrific and yet is little known about by Americans. Are you familiar with Rousas Rushdoony, theologian, who died in 2001? In the 80's, I read everything I could get my hands on that he published. And he was a prolific writer.

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Jun 29, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I am so grateful to have found Coffee & Covid. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Your writing is brilliant and SO AMUSING!! To think one can actually get guffaws from the terrible times we are in! That is SKILL sir, pure skill! THANK YOU. But beyond that, the information you are providing is so important and so NOT what one can easily obtain from the obsolete msm. It is clear that Holy Spirit does direct and inform you of the real nitty gritty as it were. Dear Jesus, please do continue to bless this dear brother. Thank you for him and the work he is doing in these hard and troubling time. You see he does point us and direct us and tell all the readers about you! Help and protect him as he carries on in this your important service for him to us. Amen

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Jun 29, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I had no idea that New York City was planing to let non-citizens vote after a residency of 30 days -- that's the craziest thing I've ever heard. (Vermont cities are doing it, too!)

Thank God that was struck down. Green cards I could almost understand, but "working visa" holders? That's like -- lots of people. Every supermodel, for instance. The entire cast of Riverdance, or Cirque du Soliel. Every foreign circus with a 31-day run. Athletes running in a marathon. Anyone in New York City for training or conferences. Just extend the event a few days and get to vote! The entire United Nations. Putin gets a "Working visa" -- he could vote. All the Embassy personnel. Foreign airline pilots based in NY...ship captains... just ludicrous.

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Oh, man... Putin could literally send in a troopship to park in the harbour for 31 days, and then all the troops could vote... LMAO.

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