Jun 8, 2022Β·edited Jun 8, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

They could have called it "Jump in the pool the water's fine vax." It ain't happening. Should have called it Novax. Stuff it up your Fauci hole!

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I did research on Novavax about 8 months ago when a friend brought them to my attention. I’m so glad Jeff gave info about because I followed the money too! I uncovered lots of garbage that told me and everyone I know Novavax is another scam wrapped in Bill Gates evil, and stay away from it!

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Same. No way I play. Not folding. Ever.

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Like I told my GP over a year ago, "I would rather die."

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If they had a brain they’d know that the euphemistically termed β€œvaccine hesitant” are saying not just β€œno”, but β€œHell No!”

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Yes...and I often say I have absolutely no hesitancy...there's nothing hesitant in that I will never get this.

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I say 'not hesitant, adamant'

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Jun 8, 2022Β·edited Jun 8, 2022

Or..."we've got a new koolaid flavor vax..it's grrrrrrreeeeaaaattttt"

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The aholes will probably start making "Gummievax."

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That would definitely "sell". What shape would they be made in?

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Dollar sign shape too obvious? Perhaps coffin or blood clot shape?

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Or "Nothanx".

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πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ good one!!

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Perfect! I yield to you.

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NOVAXNOVAY! Weren't they offering school kids ice cream to take the jab too?

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Jun 8, 2022Β·edited Jun 8, 2022

Ya...remember seeing Santa, donuts, gift cards, chicken nuggets at universities...for adults big buck lotteries. No thank you Gov DeWine (first and largest). And then he went after the kids via the parents on full college tuition lotto to state universities. Transparent bribery, coercion...couldn't be more obvious. Saw maybe within the last few months the Maryland gov offered a new lottery to get boosted.

Outside of nursing home friends, I only know 3 people who took the shots for health reasons...all the rest for "convience" reasons...some examples...I want to travel. I want to be social with my friends. It's just easier to be v. I won't have to wear a mask at work. I don't want to be tested. I don't want to have to go through tbe exemption process. And let's never forget the psychological marketing studies...I am doing this for other people (my name is on my mother-in-laws "I did this for..." thing the v clinic had them fill out and post on the wall for all to see...hope that piece of "trash" is long gone...).

The people who felt they had no choice because of work, the college kids...compassion for them.

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Very good list. You are so right.

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Yeah, right AFTER making it so that parents did not have to be informed or give s consent.

Dirty pool I say.

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"Stuff it." ---> Amen!

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Novavax jumps the shark.

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Good one Eric!!!

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As always Jeff, thank you for your encouraging, hopeful and calming words of faith. God bless you.

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Jun 8, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Yes, thanks so much for the reminder, we are to be joyful for all God has done for us! Just as the Bible condemns murder and theft, it also condemns bitterness and a fearful spirit. Yet many Christians who would never dream of doing the former, wallow in the latter. It's all sin.

One of the main reasons it's sinful is that God knows it's awful for us, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. He wants what's best for us and has a plan for our lives, but we need to let go of the things that separate us from Him.

Break the habit, stop self-pity and arrogance. Stop using words like frightening and terrifying. Take off that mask and smile at others. Ask strangers how they are doing. Stop worrying! Concern is fine, but channel that concern into fixing what is contrary to God's word, not our own fears. Trust God. If you do this, fear will completely disappear.

Give thanks daily for all God as done and the price paid by His Son for us. He broke our chains, we are commanded to live like we believe it.

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Amen, brother!! Lord, help us!!

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Faith and fear can not coexist in a true believer any more than God and Allah can coexist.

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The Bible tells us 365 times Do not fear!!! I know Who is in charge!

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Thank you so much for that encouraging beginning. I am writing this before going onto reading the rest of the post as my heart has been heavy, heavy, heavy but this was God speaking through you to me and many others. Thank you God and God Bless you Jeff.

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Yep. Me too. Heavy heart needing God’s truths.

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Jun 8, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Tired of hearing about all safe and effective vaxxes out there. In fact, now I prefer viruses to vaxxes.

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Hmmm, 'covid' sniffles vs a stroke from the Poke.

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Jun 8, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, before I am even reading the next part of your morning summary, May I say a HUGE Yay! Faith over fear! On Memorial Day, I visited several cemeteries and it was put into perfect perspective what many before us have struggled with and overcome! Thank you for that reminder.

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Jun 8, 2022Β·edited Jun 8, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

re:Novavax. My employer (who has acknowledged my RE) tried to force me (months ago) to agree to take Novavax when it came available.

Let that sink in, they wanted me to agree to take an experimental drug that had not been approved and had no published data so they could meet their 100% jabbed internal mandate.

I want to be positive, I really do, but when large organizations continue to act this way, it does make the future look bleak. I know the best move is for me to move on, but sometimes it isn’t that easy.

I’ll say this. My strongly held religious beliefs now have me relying on my god given immune system for COVID. No way would I take Novavax.

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Praying for strength! Be strong and courageous! GOD has a plan, for good. For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, β€˜plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

Jeremiah 29:11 AMP


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Tell them what Jeff said, it wasn’t even tested on Omicron. You can say β€˜why would I take something that doesn’t even cover the current strain?’ They’ll say you know β€˜science’ 🀣

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That has been my plan from October of 2019 when I first read of the "strange sickness" in Wuhan City. From the descriptions I got then, I KNEW they were gonna make this a BIG deal, Never dreamed so many suckers would swallow the whole business so docilely. I've worked to keep my overall health,and particulary my immune system, strong. I never bought off on any of the "protocols" recommended bu gummit.. I considered the source and on that ground alone decided they're not to be beleived. I've never taken any of the "required' annual flu vaccines, nor shingles, heoatitis, etc. Nor have I gotten any of those seasonal flu bugs, at least not in the past twenty years since I've been taking better care of myself. Went wherever I wanted, got kicked out of two places cause I refused their mug nappie demands. Took my custom elsewhere. Shopped, ate, went wherever. Many friends ignored the mandates, too. Got a miled late summer col,d some sniffles, slightly scratchy throat NO other symptoms. At the cod for something else, she noted the scratchy throat and suffested The Test. I said if its the swab up the noxe, no. She described the rapid, I said OK, and it came back positive. I really think the viral cold I had was a cornoa virus cold, which triggered the positive result. Nver took to my bed, was tired, but it was winter and I was splitting four barrels of firewod a day to keep from freezing. Two days of tired, NO other symtms, I don't think I had the Rice Rbies. But my record shows a positive test reasult, no treatment. I'm find=e with that, as some fine day the Grands Poohbahs may finally succmnb to reason and admit that natural immunity from having the disease is valid. at that point they shuold leave me alone.

But a new injection? tell ya what. That's soch a GREAT ides youc can put that one right next to all the other non-vaccines you insist I must accept but can't force because you KNOW the laws enacted right after the nurenburg trials. They are BINDING here in the US and you know it.

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Jun 8, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Thanks Jeff. I needed that reminder that God is sovereign and we do not need to fear!!! He has our backs.

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Jun 8, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I live in NY. An 8th grade girl in my son's class had a heart emergency and also had a rib removed during the surgery just like Revels. She is an athlete and was told that is over for her now. I am sure she is vaxxed as most of the kids in his grade are. There is also a boy with Bell's Palsy since his second vax. There are only about 150 kids in this grade and 2 major vaccine injuries. For all I know there are more.

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Oh my gosh that’s heartbreaking- 8th grade?? I’m so sorry πŸ™πŸ»

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Good morning! Just a friendly reminder that no police were killed on Jan 6, the only death was an unarmed civilian, and protestors were admitted into the Capitol building by security teams holding the doors open.

Whether or not you believe in a single other theory about Jan 6, these are objectively true statements. Just putting them out there to leave a breadcrumb trail to reality for anyone who wants to try to find their way back.

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Besides the murder by a security guard of unarmed vet Ashli Babbitt, a woman was beaten to death by a Capitol police officer in one of the tunnels - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/04/newly-obtained-body-cam-footage-shows-clear-view-officers-violently-assaulting-rosanne-boyland-death-laid-unconscious-jan-6/

One officer died that day with conflicting reports of cause of death (pepper spray or stroke) and several officers committed "suicide" in the days, weeks afterward.

None of the people languishing in the DC gulag for attending the Jan 6 rally did anything that remotely deserves the complete violation of their Constitutional Rights. It is a disgrace and a power move to teach the rest of us to behave ourselves or else.

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Most might be guilt of trespassing. Yet they've been in prison all these months. Putin called them political prisoners.

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Putin is right about that.

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I hope and pray that the Jan 6 Committee hearings will soon be looked upon with the same contempt as the Salem witch trials.

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They already are by anyone who is not a democrat.

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After the airing tomorrow there should be a short comeback infomercial with a long list of the "whatabouts" such as Ashley Babbit, lack of capital police, Pelosi questions, Hunter questions and all the other unmentioned facts. A rebuttal list.

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I'm on your side, but do you see anyone watching that, or it accomplishing anything?

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Actually 4 people (civilians) were killed at the hands of the Capitol police on Jan. 6. Watch the documentary on Gateway Pundit.

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A media diet is a GREAT idea. In fact, I recommend making it a lifelong practice as part of my recovery program for menticide:

β€’ β€œLetter to the Menticided: A 12-Step Recovery Program” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-menticided-a-12-step)

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Jun 8, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Haven’t watched MSM β€œnews” for 2 1/2 years. Why I kept my sanity and calm. I got fearful the late summer after shots began and pressure started but I just handed it all to Godβ€”all I had left as every other thing or groups of people I trusted blew up. God was there to pick up the pieces and he is in charge. I have never been this calm in my long life.

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I'm not afraid. I'm angry at the Scam and the damage done.


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Well yeah. Anger is the most I’ve been toward people ever. I desire painful hammering justice. ASAP.

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Yeah, I probably need to stop asking God to pull the plug now and move on with His plan. But according to the Book of Revelation it has to get a lot WORSE before He will take me up on my prayer. I am so over this life on earth thing.

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Congratulations, Janet! Those who have unplugged from their hypnosis machines are far more resistant to mass formation. It’s been so many years since we’ve consumed MSM content, I can’t even count them. I think that’s what made it so easy to see through this mass deception campaign from the outset.

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I agree Margaret. I will never go back. Now I fully know the abject evil broadcast into peoples minds and hearts daily. As part of my faith I will not comply. I walked by my hubby with CNN on in his man cave one night and there was a pastor saying something like it was the duty of Christians to get jabbed. That those who didn’t weren’t Christians really. Something was truly WRONG with us who resist. I should have said something but i don’t think he was awake. I left my church because of the rank complicity in what I see as Satans plan.

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I gave up mainstream news about six months into Obama’s first term. Quit social media eight years ago. Thank heaven I did. If not, I’d be an insane old vaxxed and boosted boomer. I highly recommend a media detox treatment.

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Me too! Did the same as I saw through Oblama immediately and the corrupt media.

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Obama lost me when he picked Joe Biden as his running mate.

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I haven't watched or read MSM propaganda disguised as news since Obama was reelected. It's still available on our TV because my husband watches sports and I couldn't find a streaming plan that didn't include "news," but the only channels he's allowed to watch are sports channels, lest I pull the plug and cut it off (the plug, that is).

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πŸ˜‚ to that last part

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They all include some news but the ROKU channel/TV has some great shows and movies...

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It takes me an hour to find something to watch that does not have nudity, homosexuality, profanity, and all of the rest of the garbage pumped down our throats. I watch children's PG shows and movies or read a book. Entertainment is not so entertaining today.

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Jun 8, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I have an app, Droid TV (only available on Android devices, can be cast to a TV). I watch old pre-woke shows. I'm far from a prude, but I was uncomfortable with heterosexual sex scenes, and I really resent the LGBTQ stuff being shoved down my throat. I don't want to see same sex couples kissing on my large TV. I'm a product of the '60s/'70s liberal ideal, Do Your Own Thing. I don't care what consenting adults do. Just don't expect me to accept it as MY normal!

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Hi Dee I couldn’t agree more and have found myself watching old 70’s sitcoms like Taxi, Barney Miller and Bob Newhart Show. Makes me feel comforted, and soothed my nerves lol.

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Absolutely! That’s why I find myself watching Tiny House Nation, Tiny House Hunters and any thing related to animals like Pitbulls and Parolees lol.

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I've had a Roku box for ages and have the Roku channel on my tablet but I keep forgetting about it. Thanks for the reminder!

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"No news in the truth, no truth in the news" Heard that on a show called The Unit years ago and it rang true. Haven't watched it in almost a decade.

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Jun 8, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

my friend said "I got covid, and I have had 4 shots" I kid you not, then he says I don't know if they even work LOL I love him and he is very intelligent, but lacks a little common sense.

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Wait, Josephus Biden said if you get the Shot, you won't get Covid.

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"Depends what the word "get" means."

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LOVE the name!! LOL!

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Hey, at least he is acknowledging that maybe they don't work. I know so many

vaxxed folks who got covid and just repeated the zombie party line, "I'm so grateful to be vaccinated and boosted because otherwise it would be so much worse." πŸ™„

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I’m so tired of that sentence. How do they know that? They don’t but every vaxxed person who got Covid immediately parrots that virtue signaling phrase. Just stop already.

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I just want to ask them "How do you know it would have been much worse?" But then I am sure they would say with a straight face, "Because the government said so." Their heads are not in the sand. They are under a one ton rock.

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No one who flunked the Coronamania test is very intellligent.

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Jun 8, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Hey C&C family- Quick update for you about what happened yesterday with my doctors office refusing my care without a mask.

She just called me back and she said she confirmed she is not allowed to discriminate against me for a medical exemption of not being able to wear a mask in the office. Therefore she would like to invite me back for my examination and I do not need to wear a mask. So I would say that’s a WIN πŸ† and a VICTORY ✌🏼 hallelujah πŸ™πŸŽ‰πŸ™πŸŽ‰πŸ™β€¦ my encouragement to everyone here is to stand up as Jeff has been saying and others we have rights we have freedoms and we need to execute them on a daily basis and do not back down!!! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έβš”οΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έβš”οΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

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It's an individual win, yes, but it's still a loss that MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS still think masks matter one whit.

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Education is key for these people.. educate on the law, the policy’s and freedom of our rights!! In the end we all WIN when one wins bc it gives others confidence and boldness to stand up - then they tell their friends and so on and so on !!

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Jun 8, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

This scripture has been in my home since January 1, 2020. "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7

Look at the date. January 1, 2020. Before we really knew anything was getting ready to "go down." My sister-in-law gave me one of those message boards, where you put the letters on it, for Christmas 2019. On New Year's Day 2020, my oldest daughter Francesca asked if she could arrange something on the board. Being my least spiritual kid of the bunch, I was surprised when she wrote a scripture on it. I asked her why she picked that one and she said it just came to her. Hmmm.

The board sat on my kitchen counter and so, of course, I saw it many times a day. Still, I was a fear-driven lunatic, fiercely wiping down my mail and groceries with sanitizing wipes, hoping (PRAYING) I wouldn't get COVID and would keep my family from getting it, as well. The irony was...I already was sick with COVID and was in complete denial, since the government - aka media - said it hadn't made it to America yet (later they changed the dates).

One day, after making my daughter (the one who made the board) quarantine in the house, eat in a separate room, and wear a mask and gloves in the house after returning from a trip to NC in the mountains with her friends, I was "awakened" by God Himself. I was walking through the house and I looked up and saw the sign with the scripture. I stopped cold like I'd run into a brick wall. I'm not sure why it took me SO LONG to absorb the words, but there it was. Right in front of my face all along. "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7

That was the day I began working on my faith over fear. I wasn't an overnight success at moving past it, but I did start LIVING MY LIFE rather than WAITING FOR IT TO END. Game changer.

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Good for you!!! Keep on being steadfast in your faith!!

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Beautiful story. Thanks for sharing!!

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Thank you for sharing this. I love the scripture!

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Jun 8, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I love how Walgreens is now splitting up the 2 & 3 jabs to before 5 months & after 5 months. Can you imagine what the chart would look like if you added the 2 together?? Simply 1 jab, 2 jabs, 3 jabs? The results would be too obvious so they split them upπŸ€”

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Great point!

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Wouldn't they average together, rather than add?

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Good mathematical question. I think it depends on the numbers in the denominator, which they don’t give here

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I think it will be a moot point if Bill Gates, et al get their 2030 Depopulation Plan perfected. That is 7 1/2 years away.

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The FDA's obsession with Covid vaccines reminds me of my obsession with Susan Smith in the 5th grade. I finally got enough nerve to spin around in my chair and say, "I like you." She looked at me and said matter-of-factly, "I have a boyfriend." I was crushed. She could've at least said, "I'll put you on my list of potential suitors."

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Thanks for that laugh-out-loud!

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She sounds like a Karen in my book. Praise the Lord, you were spared!

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Fifth grade and already a mean girl! She didn’t deserve you πŸ˜‰

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"If you went on a media diet for a month, would you notice anything particular wrong with the world as you live your day-to-day life?"

To be honest, yes. There are so, so, so many muzzled people where I live. So creepy. Plus the constant threat of the tyrants shoving full mask mandates down our throats again. However, I try to focus on the positive. Since I don't have to wear a muzzle myself now, I can ignore the faceless crowds as best I can and be happy to not have a cloth suffocating me. The places where I would have to wear a muzzle (pharmacies, medical locations, stores with idiot policies), I just don't go there and enjoy knowing I'm depriving those locations of my money. In the meantime, I'm putting into place plans to move out of the city and get as far away from the crazy as I can. Jeff Childers, thanks for the reminder of John 26:33b.

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Same here-- things are not normal or okay where I live. And as a parent especially, my heart breaks at seeing the majority of kids still masked (not mine!) and used-to-be-normal events, parties, field trips, etc, etc, still on hold, robbing all these kids (including mine) of years of would-be life experiences and childhood memories that they will never get back.

All that said, I do appreciate the optimism and the reminder of the importance of faith, and my husband and I do everything we can to create as much of a normal, happy childhood for our kids right now as we can.

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Jun 9, 2022Β·edited Jun 9, 2022

Hats off to you for doing right by your children.

I read a post recently by someone whose nephew was graduating from high school. The school sent parents a list an arm long of ridiculous corona requirements/theatre for the graduation. When I read that, I thought that what the parents should do is say, "Stuff it" and create a parallel graduation ceremony at the exact same time where there would be zero corona theatre. In some places, I think lots of families would go to the rebel parallel event. Sadly, many people are into the theatre here.

But I think we need to avoid, as much as possible, the events/recitals/ceremonies with stupid restrictions and simply invite people to restriction-free parallel events. We can call them "off-label" events. It will send a message if more people go to off-label events than to the original ones.

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I went to Ace Hardware here in N. GA yesterday and when I checked out the cashier handed me a bag of N95 masks and said free mask day. They overstocked them. I will be sending them to people I know in CA who will not give them up. All are vaxxed and living the masked life and think we are crazy!

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