☕️ Coffee & Covid ☙ Wednesday, March 9, 2022 ☙ THE ALOHA SPIRIT 🦠
Help Surgeon General Murthy find misinformers; the Hill attacks the CDC; Hawaii’s Aloha spirit gives up the ghost; Middle East leaders ghost Biden; US-involved bio labs confirmed in Ukraine; and more
Good morning, and Happy Wednesday, C&C! Today we have important and fun new C&C Army orders; the Hill attacks the CDC; global Covid cases keep falling; Hawaii’s Aloha spirit gives up the ghost; and in the Minority Report, Middle East leaders ghost Biden; the Senate fast-tracks an aid package for Ukraine bigger than some Latin American countries’ GDP; a bizarre story about U.S.-involved biological labs in Ukraine; and thoughts about questioning the narrative.
🪖 We have a critical C&C Army assignment today. It’s more than an assignment, it’s a CIVIC OBLIGATION. Remember last week I reported about the U.S. Surgeon General’s call for snitches to report “major sources of misinformation?” Well, SG Murthy has now setup a helpful website where people can report or describe the misinformation and finger the misinformers. We need to help him out, pronto.
It is our patriotic duty to report misinformation by visiting www.surgeongeneral.gov/rfi and completing the form called “Request for Information.” There are a few categories of questions at the beginning that won’t apply, but not all the questions have to be completed. The good ones start at about question number 4 or so.
I filed a report this morning. In my report, I noted that Francis Collins, director of NIH, and Anthony Fauci, director of NIAID, were MAJOR sources of misinformation during the pandemic. Fauci first said masks didn’t work, then he said they did work, then we found out they didn’t work. He even misinformed people that a cut-up t-shirt would protect you from Covid, and it didn’t, not even close, what a dumb idea, but it was repeated endlessly online, confusing policymakers and literally killing grandma.
I also noted that Collins and Fauci conspired to knowingly publish false information online about the origins of the pandemic, racing against time to suppress true information and misinform people that, instead of leaking out of the coronavirus research lab in Wuhan, China, the virus came from a farmer’s market a mile down the street where people were pigging out on raw bat meat or something. The two moronic docs even procured a fake letter from scientists misinforming people about the lab leak theory. It was total misinformation and sent a lot of scientists on a wild goose chase, I mean bat chase.
Finally, I pointed out that Collins and Fauci also conspired to knowingly spread false misinformation about the focused protection strategy advocated by the scientists who signed the Great Barrington Declaration. Focused protection would have ended the pandemic a year earlier, saving trillions and trillions and who knows how many lives, but because of Collins and Fauci misinforming people, only NOW have public officials realized that focused protection is the only way forward.
I’m not a hog. I’ve left LOTS of material for other people to report. For example, how about the FDA misinforming everyone about the efficacy of the vaccines? Remember 95%? How about Joe Biden misinforming people that “if you take the vaccine you won’t get the virus?” How about the CDC misinforming everyone about how if you get “fully vaccinated” then you won’t get sick, not ever, or it will be super rare, but then a lot of people DID get sick anyways? How about when the CDC misinformed everyone that the mRNA vaccines with their “Alpha” variant spike would be protected forever against any new variants and then it only took about ten minutes for that to be proven wrong?
And don’t forget to let SG Murthy know about your own local misinformers, like scientists and doctors who witlessly repeated the vast array of CDC misinformation to school boards, county commissions, and city councils, wreaking untold error and confusion. Off the top of my head, I can think of at least one local UF scientist and a major hospital CEO around here who fit that description. Murthy needs to know about these misinformers.
It will only take you a couple minutes. We need for all 100,000 C&Cers to pitch in and let the Surgeon General know about all this misinformation out there. And maybe you should forward this assignment to everyone you can think of to help Murthy find out where all this misinformation has been coming from.
Here’s the link again, so you don’t have to scroll back up to find it: www.surgeongeneral.gov/rfi. Click “Contribute Below” then “Go to the Form.” Go ahead and do it now. You’ll be glad you did. I’ll wait here for you to get back.
🔥 The Hill published a shocking hit piece against the CDC yesterday, a contributed opinion headlined “CDC Needs Serious Scrutiny To Restore Americans’ Trust In Science.” It begins by noting that Joe Biden has proposed DOUBLING the CDC’s budget, with a proposed increase of $22 billion dollars for the wacky agency this year. Thanks guys! According to the Hill, though, not everyone is super thrilled with the CDC at the moment.
First, the article reports that the Government Accountability Office, or GAO, released a scathing report on January 27 giving the CDC a “high risk” rating and complaining about the CDC’s poor management, outdated technology, and “ineffective messaging.” The Hill also notes that there is a bipartisan effort forming in the Senate to assemble a 9/11-style commission to investigate the origins of the pandemic and evaluate the government’s response, which prominently features the CDC.
Next, and I promise I am not making this up, the Hill bashes the CDC for hiding data and — get this — exaggerating the importance of masks, and flip-flopping:
…the CDC was purposefully hiding information all the while on infection rates, hospitalizations and deaths attributable to COVID, likely making the crisis appear even more severe. And a … Johns Hopkins [study] found that masking and social distancing — central in the administration’s approach to containing the spread of COVID — were completely ineffective... much of its advice was misleading, not grounded in science, or simply wrong … the CDC is in dire need of top-to-bottom reform. Consider the damage it did to the public’s trust in science with its mantra of (in effect) ‘We follow the science and it is always changing.’ This rhetorical cover for political science — not virology — rightly could cause citizens to doubt expert guidance in the future.
Wow! “Completely ineffective!” They even call the CDC out for leaning into shameless virtue-signaling rather than doing, well, SCIENCE:
Shamefully, it has encouraged a promiscuous use of the term ‘epidemic’ to describe conditions that its methodologies are powerless to affect, including racism, gun violence, child abuse, sex trafficking, opioid abuse, obesity and loneliness.
Hahaha! So we weren’t the only ones who noticed. Great job, CDC. I mean, great job, Biden, who single-handedly destroyed a multi-billion-dollar public health agency in one year by using it like a political ventriloquist’s dummy.
🔥 The AP reported today that the WHO says the number of new coronavirus cases globally dropped by 5% in the past week, and deaths are down by 8%.
😷 Yesterday, Hawaii became the 50th and final state to announce that it will drop its universal indoor mask mandate. In what the New York Times described as “an abrupt reversal,” Governor David Ige said yesterday afternoon that the mandate will end on March 26. He didn’t explain why it wasn’t just ending now.
Ige, a Democrat, explained that Hawaii held on to its indoor mask mandate longer than any other state because “we are all willing to sacrifice to keep each other healthy and safe,” calling it “the aloha spirit.” Compulsory masking is the Aloha spirit? So THAT’S what it is. I always wondered.
Well, it was SOME kind of spirit. Or maybe, spirits.
(* Here’s a link to the recent Johns Hopkins study about masks and lockdowns the Hill.)
🔥 Well, THIS isn’t a very good sign for the Biden Administration. The Hill ran an article yesterday headlined, “Saudis, UAE Rebuff Biden’s Calls for Help in Ukraine Crisis.” It reports that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and the U.A.E.’s Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al Nahyan (whew) both “declined” to get on the phone with Joe when he called to ask for a little help with this oil problem.
“There was some expectation of a phone call, but it didn’t happen,” a U.S. official told the Wall Street Journal yesterday.
Oh, snap! That’s cold. They totally ghosted him.
The last sentence in the story, if you read down that far, explain that while both leaders were too busy to talk to Joe, both leaders took Putin’s calls. So, that’s not too good for Joe. I guess they aren’t worried about what Joe will do. For some reason. But at least Joe’s driven them into Putin’s arms, which must be bad according to CNN.
🔥 Mitch McConnell announced yesterday that in a bipartisan effort, the Senate will approve a $14 billion-dollar aid package for Ukraine. And it has to be FAST. No time for asking questions. Just do it. Get it done. And it will probably be in pallets of cash or something. It’s totally legit, just trust us.
🔥 This next story will take a little explaining. So, late last week an intrepid independent analyst tweeted a map and theory that he claimed showed that Russian airstrikes targeted a chain of U.S.-involved bio-labs in Ukraine. His tweet, and the helpful map he published appearing to show the bio labs’ locations and the air strikes, was canceled by Twitter within 24 hours and he was thrown in Twitter jail, then Twitter threw the key to the Twitter jail down a storm drain or something.
Then all the fact-checkers immediately sprang into action. It’s a LIE!, they blared in headlines, and they rated the Tweet at ONE THOUSAND PINNOCHIOS. It was literally the biggest lie ever told. All the fact checkers insisted that there were NO U.S. involved bio labs in Ukraine. None. Zero. Furthermore, Russia wasn’t after the labs, because the labs DON’T EXIST. In fact, the fact checkers said it wasn’t just the stupidest thing anybody ever said, but it was the darkest and most reprehensible lie ever told since, well, Satan told Eve it was a good idea to eat that apple.
But then some alert Twitter followers noted that the US State Department had a web page talking about how the US was partnering with Ukraine on some biological laboratories over there for “pandemic preparedness” or whatever incoherent euphemism they are using these days. So that was weird, since the fact checkers said the labs didn’t exist.
And then yesterday, at a Senate hearing, Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland told Marco Rubio that well, um, the United States IS in fact working with Ukraine to stop biological research facilities from falling into the hands of Russian forces. So the Russians ARE after U.S.-involved bio labs, after all.
Whoops! It seems like the cycle time from when something is a banned conspiracy theory to when it is proven to be established fact is getting shorter and shorter. This one only took about 48 hours. It’s becoming more and more clear that we need to start “Fact Checker Checkers,” who will be groups of journalists who fact-check the fact checkers. And then we’ll need “Fact Checker Checker Checkers,” who fact-check the ones who fact-checked the fact checkers, and so on, ad infinitum.
Or you could just use your brain and ignore all this propaganda.
Now, I can’t confirm this next bit. Yet. But last week I ignored the cancelled map because I couldn’t confirm that, and now it’s been confirmed by the Undersecretary of State. So I feel like it’s worth mentioning that the same intrepid non-government researchers who originally found the labs are now saying they’ve linked the Ukrainian labs to a U.S. company called Metabiota, funded by Defense Department grants, which has links to — and I am not making this up — Hunter Biden, EcoHealth Alliance, and Jeffrey Epstein.
A twitter thread with receipts:
But don’t worry! This whole thing is just about Putin being evil and greedy and wanting to steal back the Soviet Union’s lost territory! Don’t ask questions!
🔥 Finally, I would like to say a few words about the narrative. For some reason, a lot of people have accepted the government narrative that just asking questions about any of this nonsense or calling out the obvious lies about the Russian-Ukraine conflict or suggesting that we don’t know all the facts means you don’t care about dead Ukrainians or something. Please people, wake up. You can care about dead Ukrainians AND ALSO question the government narrative.
Because I’m asking questions, for which answers are NOT promptly forthcoming, like why Facebook is now providing material support to Ukrainian groups it previously labeled neo-nazis, it does NOT mean that I am pro-Putin. It does NOT mean that I am anti-Ukraine. It just means I am awake and I thought we all learned our lesson last time when they convinced us that asking questions about mask efficacy meant you were literally killing grandma.
Let’s try to do better this time.
Have a wonderful Wednesday, and I’ll see you back tomorrow, when I hope to have a big surprise for you for my birthday.
Help me get the truth out and spread optimism and hope: https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/-learn-how-to-get-involved-
MeWe: mewe.com/i/coffee_and_covid.
Twitter: @jchilders98
"You can care about dead Ukrainians AND ALSO question the government narrative." Yes! And thank you for asking these questions.
"The following has ALL been perpetrated by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC has been one of the MOST PROLIFIC sources of and disseminators of misinformation. Here are just four (4) examples:
Changing the definition of "vaccine" because the so-called Covid "vaccines" don't behave the way vaccines behave is MISINFORMATION
Changing the definition of "herd immunity" to exclude natural immunity via prior infection is MISINFORMATION
Changing the definition of "vaccine failure" to "breakthrough infection" in order to minimize the failures of the so-called vaccines is MISINFORMATION
Changing the definition of "fully vaccinated" because its original definition proved to be ineffective is MISINFORMATION"