Mar 9, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

"You can care about dead Ukrainians AND ALSO question the government narrative." Yes! And thank you for asking these questions.

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Dead Ukrainians are about the same as all the people who died from the jabs - probably just as misled by their government

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That's how propaganda works. They lock you in on the prison of two ideas, a la Greg Gutfeld: https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/greg-gutfeld-the-prison-of-two-ideas

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Mar 9, 2022·edited Mar 9, 2022


"The following has ALL been perpetrated by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC has been one of the MOST PROLIFIC sources of and disseminators of misinformation. Here are just four (4) examples:

Changing the definition of "vaccine" because the so-called Covid "vaccines" don't behave the way vaccines behave is MISINFORMATION

Changing the definition of "herd immunity" to exclude natural immunity via prior infection is MISINFORMATION

Changing the definition of "vaccine failure" to "breakthrough infection" in order to minimize the failures of the so-called vaccines is MISINFORMATION

Changing the definition of "fully vaccinated" because its original definition proved to be ineffective is MISINFORMATION"

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How about changing the definition of a "case"?

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Or the definition of a pandemic? IIRC, didn't the CDC follow WHO's lead on most of these?

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Yep the 2008 change of "pandemic" removed the requirement for lots of people actually dying. I think it was at IFR 1.0 before that.

Plus the change in "Infectious Disease Death" early in 2020 after 17 years with the old definition.

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How about we return to the old boring definition of “TRUTH”:

unapologetic empirical fact.

Let’s at least try it before totally abandoning it. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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I believe the def. of Pandemic was changed in 2009 also so that it was not dependent on excess mortality. Therefore anything can be a pandemic.

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Right on! Thx!

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And changing the definition of "herd immunity". And misrepresenting acquired immunity via natural infection.

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It never was “vaccine failure” OR “breakthrough infections”. DARPA Fellow USMC Major Joseph Murphy’s exposed documents confirmed what physicians the world over knew. It was vaccine adverse events, mimicking the virus. There’ve been no breakthrough infections. Can they so much as prove the parade of “variants” distinguishably exist? Not per Dr. Michael Yeadon.


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Been wondering about this. Also the relationship between DARPA and Moderna.

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Here's the formula: take everything we've been told, invert it, and you may have a starting point from which to ferret facts.

The "breakthrough infection" narrative covers all ills they need it to, amid a lazily uneducated public.

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And changing the definition of a Covid death from “due to Covid “ to dying with Covid.

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Excellent! Great job! Stealing this for Facebook post! Hope you don't mind!

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Of interest:

2 minutes and 20 seconds of Putin making more sense then the loony lefties within our own borders:


Attorney Thomas Renz is stepping up his game. Biden and officials ON NOTICE.


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Love listening to Renz!!

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Yet here we are in March and no heads are rolling, as they say.

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Mar 9, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I filled out my form and mentioned most of the dirty dozen Steve Kirsch suggested. You know the health agencies, individuals within the health agencies and politicians and big pharma and msm who told us the experimental biologicals were safe, masks worked, early treatment with ivermectin did not work and banned them. Yes folks we have all been misinformed by those you thought you should trust. Hope many more fill in the form.

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Mar 9, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

No doubt the form will be taken down soon because we know who will be responding the most. 😈

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I smell backfire residue.

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A stinky burning garbage dump. The entire apparatus is burning, flinging exploding gas cans far and wide at their own heads as they stand around roasting weenies.

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send them to these methane holes in Siberia and Alaska. They can make wienies by the millions !

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I’m not picky. 👍🏻

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If they take down the form, use the email link: COVIDMisinfoRFI@hhs.gov

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On the website itself it says responses will be taken until May 2nd.

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This reminds me of that newspaper that posted a request for stories about people who didn't get jabbed and who died of covid, and instead they got inundated with stories from people whose loved ones were seriously injured by the jab. I certainly hope it turns out that way. I'm thinking maybe reporting someone different every day would be good. Just an idea.

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See Rare on twitter. He/she has a list of 13,000 and counting people seriously injured or died post covid vaxx

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It would be funny if this info actually red-pilled people at the Surgeon General who are reading these submissions. Most normies I talk with are truly ignorant of these facts, but are these gov officials also unaware of much of this data?

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No they know exactly what they are doing ...."the issue is not the issue the issue is the revolution"

- Alinsky

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I'm thinking the only thing that might red-pill these dweebs is a lengthy prison sentence.

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I suspect they'll take one glance and write it off as conspiracy wingnut ravings. That's how I was before I realized we were in the midst of mass bamboozlement (my personal pivot point: misrepresenting the efficacy of natural immunity).

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Well then here’s to trying really hard to make sure that happens!!

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Even the Florida Health Dept still claims "The COVID-19 vaccines used in the U.S. are SAFE, FREE, AND HIGHLY EFFECTIVE, including against known variants."

Totally false. Not safe, not "free", not highly effective against the original strain or known variants.

Something's fishy. Got a whiff when DeSantis clearly must've let participants know he didn't want an open discussion of vaccine dangers for adults and choose participants according, including Dr. Martin Kulldorff - who managed to get fired from CDC for being TOO pro-vax (opposed pulling J&J) and still claims the vaccines are a "No brainer" for everyone but kids.


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Even the care home place I visit had a big health form to fill out and wanted detailed vax shot dates and in bigger print said that shots prevent infection and transmission. I left it blank and informed them of their mistake and MISINFORMATION. They let me in anyway with that place blank.

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Mar 10, 2022·edited Mar 12, 2022

(The Florida Health Department must’ve gotten their hands on a highly-prized batch from that Placebo company.)

Whatever’s up with Governor DeSantis isn’t looking good. I’ve been making a pest of myself over ready access, for Floridians, to Ivermectin, barraging him with the irrefutable meta-analysis and updated studies. I’ve also been after him about Oxitec’s (Gates) gmo mosquito releases in the Florida Keys region, and the current Agriculture Commissioner’s(Nikki Fried) openness to gmo mosquitoes further modified with the Wolbachia bacteria(a nightmare in the making!) is very troubling. Studies show Wolbachia is a "symbiont"-facilitator, INTEGRAL TO filarial infection PATHOGENESIS. This Gates experiment has only ever succeeded in seeding disease, NOT eliminating it! Have we learned nothing over two years of wildly unscientific posturing? The proven science is available for any interested in reviewing it, although no entity is currently tasked with/required to do public health monitoring of Oxitec's "project": so welcome to your rogue petri dish!)🧫🦟🦟🦟🦟 The disease PRODUCED by these gmo mosquitoes adjacent to waterways and swamplands is quickly/inexpensively/safely treatable by Ivermectin.

Any correlation to the crickets across the board on my IVM entreaties? Has Gates $$ and purposes captured the entire globe?

As regards the lockstep reprieve on pandemic restrictions...something’s definitely fishy. Round two 🦠🧪💉or digital IDs?

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Mar 10, 2022·edited Mar 10, 2022

I read about those mosquitoes. Released in California too which doesn’t even have the species that is supposed to be targeted. I’m thinking billy boy is the Antichrist. He gets to sit at the tables of leaders across the planet and his evil mug on every screen. hypnotizing his legions of bought and sold as he slips their souls out. When will we see him at the table of generals and war makers pushing the bomb around.

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The fact that the targetted mosquito species is absent tells you everything you need to know. You’re a dangerous consumer, what with your uncommonly astute deductions!

He takes poisonous plans around the world, leaving measurably INCREASED disease and death in his wake, yet he faces minimal resistance. His campaign to vanquish Zika virus resulted in River Blindness in sub-Saharan regions where it had been unknown. Now he’s succeeded in buying America as his petri dish...and our elected officials are playing ball.

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I need to put The Government of Canada on my submission per this clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yroaJqffZuE

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Mar 9, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Hahaha. Question 6 response - Pfizer, Moderna and J&J making millions off of unproven and unsafe jabs using fear tactics that were pushed by the main stream media outlets in an ad campaign paid for by none other than our own HHS.

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Mar 9, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

You spelled "billions" wrong. ;)

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Ha. I actually did. I sent it to them with billions.

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Hate those tv ads!! Still running here in west Michigan!! Wrong!!

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Arlene - my state just ran an ad with a bunch of children saying how safe and effective the jab is and how they get it to take care of others and so they can have playdates. I about barfed.

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Same ad here! It’s sickening!! That’s child abuse among other things!!

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>>> The Hill also notes that there is a bipartisan effort forming in the Senate to assemble a 9/11-style commission to investigate the origins of the pandemic and evaluate the government’s response, which prominently features the CDC.

A 9/11-style commission isn't very modern. How about a 1/6-style commission, where you throw Fauci and Friends in dungeons indefinitely without due process and we never hear about them again? They've got about as much practice.


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"DEFUND THE CDC" should be the new motto of every healthcare worker and every emergency service worker across the nation.

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Everyone who actually gives a shit about healthcare on the community level should be the angriest group out of all of us at the lies, abuse, and evil perpetrated by federal public health agencies.

They have bullied, intimidated, silenced, and fired the regular people that hold healthcare together.

There's enough rage for all of us to go around many times over.

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How about they throw Fauci in with the J6 prisoners?

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Assuming they're under guard, I wouldn't wish that on the J6 prisoners.

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oh gosh horrible but true

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Mar 9, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

If you don't like forms or need >500 words to express yourself, you can email Max Lesko at

COVIDMisinfoRFI@hhs.gov or call him

at (202) 893-5020. Found this in the Federal Register.

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YES YES!!! Thanks Diane! Calling takes up more of their precious staff time; they have to listen to at least part of every voicemail.

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Quoting “valid” sources to use against themselves is the best.

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Mar 9, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Snark King Childers had a blog, CO&CO,

And on that blog he checked some facts, CO&CO.

With a check, check here and a fact, fact there,

Here a check, there a fact, everywhere a fact check,

Snark King Childers had a blog, CO&CO.

(This moving tribute was brought to you by a grateful reader, huzzah.) :)

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Mar 9, 2022·edited Mar 9, 2022

So. More plot thickening. I'm hoping to be in a good place when I leave this earth and that all of the secrets and intrigue will be revealed. Who shot JFK; what happened at Roswell; How did jb get 81m votes; who does tiny troll really work for?

This is a thread that piqued my interest today.

"...U.S. company called Metabiota, funded by Defense Department grants, which has links to — and I am not making this up — Hunter Biden, EcoHealth Alliance, and Jeffrey Epstein.". BTW, how many time did they report that Epstein was a guest of Clinton WHouse?

So, back to, Where are Jeffrey's little black books? And what about Ghislaine's reported client lists? Will she be destined to a fatal outcome, perhaps an accident of major proportion? Or could they go 3 for 3 on suicides?

Edit. Apologies. I've been trying to stay optimistic while facing the reality that boogeymen really do exist. But having a tough start today, seeing the use of shots to purge military, the acts of jb to hasten an economic collapse, the ongoing pursuits for tracking and controlling citizens, while an open southern border invites criminals and terrorists to come on in, and so much more.

Thank you Jeff for this place where there is dialogue, help, and some hope.

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Purging the military will only reinforce our army when the time comes (yes it is coming). I would rather have these on our side rather than the one who have placed job over freedom.

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I'm reporting the NYS health dept. Its vile TV ads continue to tout the clot shots as safe and effective. Gross outright lie. All state health depts should be reported. Liars.

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I wonder if most states are trying to use up the rest of the "government covid money" in case they are audited. Heaven forbid they send any unused funding back to the feds. I know, totally stupid of me to think any government agency would refund any unused tax dollars. LOL!!

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Mar 9, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I hit them on the FDA calling ivermectin a horse wormer when they knew perfectly well that it was approved for human consumption and considered an essential drug by the WHO.

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dewormer technically, but great job, that’s what I’m submitting too!

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Yes, but when I say I'm going to "worm the cows" I'm not planning on inserting worms. 😉

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Mar 9, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Well. That was a wild C&C ride this morning ☕️. So much material to work with. I’m thinking SCOTUS misinformation (nothings changed since RoevWade), Treasury’s recent verdict that wages are low due to little competition, thinking outside the Covid box because we have been lied to about everything.

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Mar 9, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

KatLee - definitely SotoMayor's comments about the children dead from COVID should get listed.

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The two admissions that struck me are: CDC admitting that 75% of covid deaths were “with” rather than “OF” and that the deceased patients had 4 Comorbidities. Also: NIH Fauci admitting that most of the children in the hospital with covid came there for reasons other than covid. I will try to track down the links.

One more: the CDC admission that RT-PCR tests cycled above 28% yield false positives as well as not distinguishing between various corona viruses.

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Okay, so they want health misinfo. Retract my statement about Treasury.

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Mar 9, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Do you think they will erase our work though? I sure hope not. Screenshot any information you submit in case you have to turn around and say why are you censoring me?

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Good call, there is not substitute for “enforced accountability”…and yes I made that up

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.... for the Surgeon General:

Dear Dr. Murthy,

Thanks asking the public to report covid misinformation. A big example is those who say the 'vaccine' is Totally Safe and Effective.

Here's data showing the exact opposite.

Personal reports of covid vaxx injuries: https://www.realnotrare.com/

COVID-19 "Vaccine" Damage: https://q17.ca/img/vx/dmg/000-dmg.html

Covid vaxx Damage Reports: https://patriots.win/p/140cIoUqnL/my-vaccine-posts--part-3/

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Mar 9, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Thanks Jeff. I reported the CDC to HHS for misinformation. I called them useless.

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Worthless was my word.

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Mar 9, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

We should also remember to report companies people work for who demanded vaccinations for their employees because they were following the CDC "science".

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