
absolutely fantastic substack…thank you so much for all that you are doing! This is my go-to news source regarding Covid updates.

I can’t stress enough how important your work is…I know you know that, but I know there are tough days…always remember, you have a large, very thankful, support group.

Do not give up and keep up the fight! Thanks for all that you are doing!

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It's encouraging to hear Federal judges admit some basic covid truths. If it weren't for the mandates, we wouldn't even be talking about covid anymore.

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Except for the maskers. I look at them with a sense of wonder and pity.........with a smidgen of anger. They are responsible for perpetuating the lie.

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Especially those who wear masks while driving. And outside when riding a bike by themselves.

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Well, yes, I hate the maskers, too. I feel sorry for them, but I'm also going to avoid them as they are clearly irrational. I doubt their reasoning abilities, and wonder what other superstitious they perpetuate around the house.

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OMGOSH, PINCH ME! Today's news, yesterday's rally, your consistant hard work....BUT GOD! Us conserve's will keep drinking the strong coffee☕, while the other's keep gulping the weak koolaid.

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The pro vaccine people don’t mix with the anti this vaccine for covid. They are fully vaccinated for now and scared to death of the unvaccinated. I have never experienced anything like this. People cross the border everyday don’t have the MMR or polio or all the other vaccines and yet I don’t worry since I was vaccinated as a child. Why is this vaccine different? I ask them and all I hear is for this vaccine to work everyone needs to take it. What?!? Nobody asked me before forward with this vaccine so I am staying clear of it. I suspect here that misery loves company and I’m not a fan of misery So…..😂

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....."for this vaccine to work everyone needs to take it." Well, that is one monumental leap in logic. That's a FULL STOP for me. I don't let people get away with specious and arbitrary statements like that all. Ask them: "How does that work?" "What information do you base that assertion on?"....etc.....Asking questions has always worked to my advantage. They have NO reasonable answers. Ask questions....put the onus on them.

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There is no use questioning the illogical. It’s an exercise in futility. I just laugh and say you didn’t check with me before agreeing to everyone taking an experimental vaccine. Then they tell me Phizer is approved. I say great tell me where to find Comirnaty? Where is it? Because I read the approval documents and it’s legally and medically distinct from BioNTech. There they go quiet and I explain this is called bait and switch.

They base their beliefs on fear. Once belief based in fear question away they will never accept truth. Have to let them vaccinate until the vaccines run out.

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I agree. Fear is the driving mechanism. As long as peeps continue to be Faucied via MSM (After all, it's easier to point a remote at the "Propaganda Box" than to actually engage in some personal investigation) they are a lost cause.......There are casualties in war. But, it is fun to watch them squirm. : )

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For sure I have one young guy three boosters I send him Jeff updates on cases Bc he believed florida cases were high. 😱might have been why got third shot. The poor guy. He believes everyone has to get the vaccine. I hope he didn’t hurt himself with a third shot. OmG.

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Rational folks base some actions on fear. Not-so-rationals base beliefs on fear. We're all afraid of the shot or the virus, even the evil ones forcing it on us. The ignorant chumps who fear the virus more than the shot can & will to some extent move to our side to restore sane policy.

Many irrationals who currently OBEY can be turned against the tyranny, skepticis & DISOBEDIENCE. Many will begin to doubt The Narrative & suspect the vaccines are unsafe & ineffective, as friends & relatives die, they read about some athlete or doctor dying, or faux-Christian a-wipes like Franklin Graham get surgery for pericarditis.

Silver lining to the booster campaigns & tyranny:

Beyond the short term, we're ALL unvaccinated & we ALL have to decide again & again. Like the unvaccinated, they will have to balance fear of covid against fear of the vaccine or booster. "Buyers" regret & resentment will grow.


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Pharmacies are advertising that Comirnaty is available for 16 and up. When I questioned the pharmacist he said yes, Comirnaty is available. And handed me CDC document stating they are marketing the current/old Pfizer as Comirnaty! I found the info on the CDC website!! And no, Comirnaty is not on the vile - yikes, a freudian slip! - vial label.

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Merck is in a lawsuit for falsifying efficacy data for the MMR

OPV causes vaccine derived polio

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Jeff, have you heard of Peggy Hall the healthy American? You two together would be unstoppable. She's saving so many jobs and even hosting teaching sessions to large HR departments and she's no lawyer just a self learner ❤

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Executive Branch feds will be "disciplined" starting 23 November if EO 14043 doesn't get nuked. Many agencies will lose experienced, senior employees, maybe 1000+ at each one. Our director told us he is following "The Law" and there is no discussion. He also told us the shots are "safe and effective" and "the best way out of the pandemic."

We had to watch a 30-min video about the extreme dangers of not getting the shots and how hard it will be to keep everyone safe, especially the "unvaccinated." We were exhorted by HR and ER and the Religious Affairs Office to be civil toward each other - the True Believers have been vicious! Some demanded that those who aren't shot up should be housed together in the same offices or wear something that signifies their infidel status.

Yes, really. Our fellow coworkers said this.

If those who are eligible don't retire before "disciplinary actions are effected," we can't get the retirement flag and certificate, even those of us with over 40 years of honorable service. This is pure vindictiveness.

We assumed there would be mass religious exemption denials but maybe not. We heard yesterday that Big DoD "might give permission" for them to start accepting religious exemption requests today or tomorrow, they're still not sure. I have incorporated some of Jeff's suggestions (thank you, Jeff!) into my DD3177 form. Fingers crossed!

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Ask him to define "Safe and effective." Ask him to define "extreme dangers." I will never take the shot and I've never felt safer. He's either a liar or research impaired. The data is irrefutable.

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He said they only use CDC "data" for every decision they make. #smh

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It can only be "the best way out of the pandemic" if it's _a_ way out of the pandemic. With the CDC admitting that we can be 100% vaccinated and not get out of this pandemic, that argument falls apart. If they want to keep making that claim, they'll need to formulate a plan that actually would get us out the pandemic, and show how vaccines are a necessary part of that. It's ok, we'll wait... and go on with our lives in the meantime.

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As far as the discrepancies between the FDA and the CDC are concerned, let's face it, when you've built a narrative on a foundation of deception and lies things can get into a knot.

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Sorry, I meant Pfizer. Nary a difference.

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Doesn't seem to be any diff between Big Government, the Pfood & Drug Admin, Pfizer & the rest of Big Pfarma.

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P.S. Pf-ck Pfizer & Big Pfarma

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Remember, COVID "cases" are determined by a method that cannot detect any specific virus or differentiate the result from a chain of dead nucleotides that originated in the host. (alleged patient) Furthermore the purported SARS-CoV-2 pathogen is no more than a computer-generated (silica) and hypothetical (fake) virus that has never been physically isolated, according to the scientific rigors of Koch's Postulates, anywhere on earth. -- So, the determination of "cases" is a 100% political maneuver. This is why the magic of PCR "tests" can stop a virus from crossing an imaginary state line where case rates are dramatically different on the other side(s).

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Is the following a misquote from the judge's Ascension ruling:

"they do not protect people from contracting the virus, nor do they prevent people from getting the virus.”

That's saying the same thing twice. Hopefully he stated that the vaccines do not protect people from contracting the virus, nor do they prevent people from TRANSMITTING the virus.

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Not a serious misquote considering the ruling, and can easily be corrected in MHO

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Maybe so, but it keeps me from posting it anywhere, which I'd definitely do if it was worded correctly.

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Jeff had no problem posting it. The preponderance of the quote and the implications makes make it worthy of re-posting.

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He may not have noticed it. I'm making my own judgment. It takes away from all the other statements because it can be made fun of. "The stupid judge doesn't know that contracting and getting the virus are the same thing."

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Thanks, but I hope someone alerts the clerks and gets it corrected.

Am I missing something on the 21-17=7 thing?

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I hope someone alerts the judge's clerks.

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As do I.

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Maybe he's testing us to see if anyone's paying attention. Like this?

"FDA’s Nov 8 “Summary for Basis of Regulatory Action” says “From Dose 1 through the Mar 13 data cutoff date, there were 38 deaths, 21 in the COMIRNATY group and 17 in the placebo group." In other words, seven more people died in the injection group than the placebo group."

21 - 17 = 4, which is bad enough, of course. Typo?

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Just read the document. Sadly, it's not a misquote.

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I'm copying and pasting the judges findings and forwarding it on to Governor Cooper here in NC. Also to our Lieutenant Governor, Mark Robinson, who is a wonderful and powerful voice for the people of this state. Governor Cooper, not so much.

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Mark's great. How soon can NC bounce Cooper remove "Lt" from Robinson's title?

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I am a healthcare worker that will be fired soon. Is there any litigation against the CMS mandate. Does the OSHA litigation apply to the CMS mandate? Thank you

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So the court admitted that Ivermectin works. Of course we all are thrilled it was finally put on the record. I’ve been asking since the beginning of Ivermectin being used successfully even though the govt/media banned its use and lied about it, why does an anti-parasite cure this virus? Doesn’t it stand to reason that covid is a parasite then? That it’s not actually a virus? I know several people who got it severely and said it was an attack on their bodies never before experienced. One woman I know personally said she felt it for two days attacking different parts of her like it was trying to find where to settle, and then it did and she almost died. Had she gone to the hospital they would’ve killed her because of their protocols with ventilator and remdeathsavir. She stayed home and fought it with Ivermectin and some other antibiotic protocols, but now months later still recovering. The others described it like it was alive and demonic. All have concluded it was for sure a bio weapon engineered. Not a simple virus. Just wondering.

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My go-to Covid intervention is tonic water -- because quinine is an anti-malarial. So far, I'm still alive, so it must work, right?

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I’ve heard of lots of people using this as well.

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Joe rogan’s podcast a few months ago covered why it is that ivermectin helps. Worth looking up.

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Thanks! I’ll look it up

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Here's where you can read the fuller text of the Ascension injunction ruling. I believe Jeff posted it; it's on Dropbox. https://www.dropbox.com/s/qi7x86dxiyh8e0w/20211110%20-%20Ascension%20Injunction%20Ruling%20Excerpt.pdf?dl=0

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I'm looking for a directory of independent minded medical providers in North Carolina. Sister is trying to finish nurse practitioner clinicals, just got turned down for oversight by a doctor because she sought exemption and it "might be a conflict" in his view. Advised her maybe it's time to hire a lawyer, but as a student trying to enter the industry, she doesn't need to make enemies. So--anyone know of lists of independent medical providers in NC? BTW--if your Dr is Roger Hill with Blue Ridge Health in the Morganton NC area, you might want to find someone else for your health care.

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