Sep 29, 2021Liked by Jeff Childers

I thoroughly enjoyed the layer of sarcasm this morning Jeff. Thanks for lightening the mood today!

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Sep 29, 2021Liked by Jeff Childers


From a girlfriend of mine who is a nurse:

I watched Biden getting his booster and she didn’t pull back checking for flash. My husband wanted to know if it looked like he legitimately got the vaccine. I said it wasn’t injected properly due to no way of knowing if it went in IM or into a vein and the entry point of the needle was behind her thumb so who knows if he was truly injected at all. If he was, it could’ve been saline which wouldn’t matter if it hit a vessel vs just IM. The needle was also crazy long-looking. Ultimately I’m not positive either way if he was injected or not and don’t know what the substance truly was. I do know that I was trained just like the dr on the video stated he has trained nurses to do for over 30yrs. Why would we not use the proper technique? That is something I noticed medical assistants doing wrong while injecting babies for their vaccines. I trained MA’s under me to do it correctly and I didn’t allow my babies to get their immunizations without checking for flash. I even check for flash when vaccinating our goats and guess what! I’ve gotten flashback of blood before and didn’t go ahead and give without changing needles and location. I’ve been told animals are different but I didn’t want to accidentally kill our goat.

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I'm sure the syringe has WATER! not what they are injecting everyone else with!

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Jeff, you outdid your high standard with these new insights on how the virus can affect people's thoughts & emotions (like the spanish flu seemed to with Woodrow Wilson)! It gives us more compassion on our relatives & neighbors who were deceived, because salvation is most important and people need God's wisdom to sort this out. One minor suggestion: I'm guessing it's a pain to "pin" your current article each day, but when I've steered people to your site, I've experienced multiple people in real time who get confused seeing an older article at the top. Even though people like to "pin" an exceptional article (like the one you have now), it might be better not to do that.

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Jeff, where do we submit information about companies requiring vaccination status and vaccines?

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Jeff you a freakin breath of fresh air! You are a TRIP! I heard your interview with Dennis Michael Lynch. Sarcastic? You put everything into polite words compared to how I scream them after reading and watching things. Comforting to know we are not alone. THANKYOU!

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Thank you so much for all you do! I often quote you, with the reference back to your site, for others to see you for themselves!!

Sometimes your articles have links or citations back to their sources, but I couldn't find one for the article about the smartest virus in all history. Is it possible to add that please?

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Hello, are you only looking for Florida info? we’re looking for: internal numbers or cell phone numbers for managers, HR directors, or executives at private companies with injection mandates.

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Prefer Florida but just now we'll take any state.

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Where do we send the info, i am in Texas working for a company company in Ohio

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