May 11Liked by Jeff Childers

I will never not be infuriated at the way Covid was handled. Between allowing no early treatments or experiments with off-label existing drugs, to these damn ‘vaccines’, to locking down schools and essentially telling kids that their education wasn’t very important, to the whole essential/nonessential BS…. They can have all the apology tours they want but I will never forget. Ever.

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I want to stay pissed off...the US turned into a biomedical security state.

Never realized we had such a tenuous hold on our freedom.

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“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” Ronald Reagan (Ronaldus Maximus)

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So weird how I've heard that quote 100s of times in my life and it's never resonated the way it does right now.

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And we now have a generation who will not join the military to fight for it. We are in trouble!

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True. But with the current woke leadership in the military and the White House and the way they forced the covid jabs on those in it, I wouldn’t want my children or grandchildren anywhere near the military. Btw, I have a dear friend whose son was severely injured by the jab.

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Retired military here.

Would tell people NOT to join the military now.

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Thanks for your service Kathleen and God bless.

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We are a Military family too, I served, hubby retired, son is active and jabbed to the hilt 😭

I tell young people, to wait. But I was speaking of the woke millennials who cried when they spoke about a draft and wouldn’t ever fight for our country.

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I concur with Jeff to thank you for your service and our C & C readers that are Veterans.

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My hubby also discouraged our kid's. 😞

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May 12·edited May 12

As noted here and elsewhere, my youngest son is a US Marine NCO. I'm incredibly proud of him.

But he's deployed to Eastern Europe in a country that borders Ukraine. So I'm understandably concerned.

Not so much for his physical safety as I am for him getting involved with the spooks.

We are the Evil Empire Reagan warned us about.

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And that is tragic, but we all understand.

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They have forced more than just the Covid jab on military personnel.

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I recall when they were blaming Gulf War Syndrome on the service members drinking Diet Coke that had sat on the hot tarmac after delivery in the desert. I’m sure the heated aspartame didn’t help their symptoms any, but it was all triggered by the Anthrax vaccination.

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Yes they have. I would be interested in seeing a list of all the jabs they force on servicemen and women, and who determines that they "need" all of them.

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Not joining the military because it's under Marxist leadership and you totally lose autonomy over your body the moment you sign up. Thanks for the realuty lessons, Covid....but No thanks!

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Well honestly at 52 I'd rather do the fighting. We have raised two generations of buttercups.

The day before the day that someone dreamed up participation trophies was the the zenith of America.

And here we are at the nadir...merely 2 generations after that fateful day...

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That's what boot camp is for, to toughen them up...

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You would likely fight better and harder and more effectively than today's wimps. It's a sad day when the old guys and retirees can outdo the young whippersnappers by every measure. The true seasoning of a long stint at doing something is a powerful advantage in any endeavour.

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May 11·edited May 11

Yes we are in deep trouble, but can you blame these young people? I realize some of the kids are too sick to join the military, but the other ones have not found our country to be defense-worthy, and that's even worse! But if it were me being asked to fight for the likes of Joe Biden, I cannot even imagine saying "Sure, I'll do that."

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May 11·edited May 11

Are we, meaning our military, really defending our country in all the wars since WW2? 🤔

In any case, these beautiful young people were told that they were, so I honor their service.

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I can't think of a single war since WW2 where we were actually defending our country (and maybe not even that one). In fact, right now we are fighting multiple wars abroad while our country is being actively invaded.

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AngelaK, how many of us knew anything except what we read and heard at that time in history. We, too, honor their service!

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Both of my sons considered military service and both have rejected it because they fear having to serve in wars that are waged for political benefit and they both foresee a day when the military might be asked to defend the regime against a people who find that our current form of Government has becomes destructive of our rights, and believe that "....it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government"

Some in Gen Z, hopefully more than we know, share these concerns.

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What if the military joins the rebel alliance

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Then your sons are very thoughtful. I am glad to see that. Wish we had more of those.

Just as an aside, I HAVE to ask this. Are you the author of Paintings and Poems?

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That's a really great point. When we have a great country run by great people, people will feel like it's worth defending. Another reason to stay in the fight and make our country better.

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Who wants to join a corrupt in the sewer organization which mandates its members pump life threatening toxins into their bodies, suppresses the Rights of Liberty and commands that its members comply with and/or promote every perverse agenda under the sun?

No one in their right mind would sign up for this! And yes, we are hugely in trouble.

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I was at Chipotle for lunch today. They were busy, but not that busy. My husband and I wanted to sit outside, but all of the tables were full, except for one that needed to be wiped down. I went in and asked for a wet cloth to do it. They wouldn’t let me and the woman at the register told this one girl who was standing around doing nothing to do it. The girl wrinkled up her nose and refused. I thought, “Dude, you’re making $20/hour. Get your a$$ out here and wipe down the table.”

This is what we’re dealing with.

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Unbelievable! I would have fired her on the spot! I cannot believe how we have raised such an entitled generation. Well culture didn’t help, but man did we get something wrong!

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I bet there is some stupid "policy" that precludes the boss "ordering" any "employee" (paycheck receiver) to do anything. No wonder the cost of fast food has near doubled since the WooFlew landed. Probably not "proper" for the boss to do it, either. "policy"

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I think it started with the generation of parents that asked their children, “please…..”

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I agree that she should be fired but I have seen what is available out there as employees and seeing as she showed up for work she is already above average. Lighting a fire under today's apprentices is akin to sparking wet tinder.

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@Susan Seas: This unconstitutional, illegitimate, anti-American regime has and is still pushing all the good ones out (mandated jabs, woke "leadership", bad DOD policies internally, globalist foreign policy that gets good service men and women killed for no good reason), that is why they have been talking more and more about recruiting illegals (with the promise of citizenship). They get a two for one: Improved "recruiting", and the regime/globalists get non-citizens that likely would fire on US citizens if and when needed and in return the illegals get citizenship, and all they need to do is vote for the Dems/RINOs. BHO started it, a rebound under Trump, and now this purposeful disaster.

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Yes, I get it

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May 11·edited May 12

We don't need a military. We need a civilian militia! We have one!! Be one as one for all.

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Well apparently MAGA is up in the hills training. I wish they would tell us where 😂 I could join up.

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Learn gun safety. Practice!

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Maxine the clown!

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May 11·edited May 12

The problem is multi pronged. These kids are unfit, unmotivated, and soft. They also have started to figure out it is not this country they are being asked to fight for, and never was. It is , and always has been the Khazarians, the globalistas. And finally, uber woke "Are you kidding me?" rules and policy, coupled with a maniacal illegal bioweapon jab mandate. What same person would voluntarily sign up for that? it makes me puke to see all of the Rah Rah hoopla pregame and during game at sporting events. The cabal could give a hairy rat's rear end about our soldiers., their health, or their lives. All of that pageantry is strictly to get us support endless wars and the MIC. Period.

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Spot on

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unless they conscript them to fight in support of Ukraine!

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We have psycho's in leadership by design to discourage our love for country! People want to serve for just causes, try protecting our border first!

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Does anyone else get mad at the post office with their new stamps that say "Freedom" on them? Every time I see that it reminds me of the post office not allowing Ivermectin to be shipped.

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I would buy them as an act of resistance. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸😅

Gotta have stamps. May as well make a statement !

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I bought them (IVM) as an act of getting well when I had C-19. Glad the PO didn't know what they were.

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You should also stock up on as many other antibiotics and antivirals as you can since they will save your life from a possibly fatal infection. Be prepared. It's better to have them and not need them than to need them and not have them.

Having amoxicillin saved my life from a possible sepsis infection from a simple tooth infection.

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Haha yeah I bought some pretty sure I was being played but P.O. was out of hummingbirds and river so I went with FREEDOM. They'll piss off the libs anyways, so, why not?

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At the same time, I'm glad they at least are putting forth the idea of the guise of freedom.

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“Ronaldus” to be precise

(from a nearly lifelong Dittohead)

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Yeah, it didn't seem right and I had not gone back to correct it.

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Well sometimes the tree of liberty...needs refreshing.

Blow torches and pliers are more efficient than pitchforks...just sayin'

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I believe it is imbeciles like Regan (or was he knowingly working for the bankers and corporatist globalists?) who helped to empower the global banks and corporations that have now accrued so much power over our lives... all manner of policies or laws (or the removal or pruning of such) that enabled these entities to grow so wealthy and influencial.

People who fell for Regan's rhetoric (and so many others who are always sputtering the same view) did not get any freedom, the only ones who were benefitting, who were free'er were the banks who, once regulations were lifted, were enabled to go on large gambling sprees with bank depositors' monies, mortgage frauds, etc., and as for the corporations, they got to do away with some consumer protections and if I'm not mistaken, the changes made it easier for the corporations to gobble up competitors and to become monopolies.

Society does need a certain amount of regulation/restraints in order to protect society from shysters/snake oil salesmen. The people cannot research everything, every product, and so we have no choice but to appoint certain people and institutions to do this research as a profession, so that we may be protected from harm. This system has mostly been working as intended for at least near a century or more, up until the last few decades when Big Pharma was given much too much immunity from responsibility to the public.

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Did you prefer Carter?

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1980 - Jimmy Carter misery years.

12% VA mortgage rates.

16% new car loan rates.

I lived it.

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May 11·edited May 11

Regardless of who was POTUS, the bankers would have done what they did and that is the realization that people refuse to see. Who holds office doesn't matter. It's a Uniparty all run by the EXACT SAME ELITISTS.

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I ate a lot of spam

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Oh I remember those days when you could not buy or sell anything unless it was seller financed.

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Dont forget Billy Beer and Day 400 of the Iran Hostage Crisis.

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Remember the % income tax then if you made +$200,000? I’ll admit I don’t, lol, due to my age. But have been told it was upwards of 75%.

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Still not sure if he was really a bad guy, or just an incredibly naive sap.

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All are puppets of the elitists (banksters primarily). If Fed Reserve (private corporation) wants 18%, then we the suckers on the streets pay 18% if we need to borrow to buy our addictions/compulsions/impulses (all also controlled by the propaganda psyops we live under). Find me a President who went against this mindset, and I'll show you a list of those assassinated.

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@Walking the Dog: 100% spot on. 1913 was the defining year (in a bad way) for the Republic, because of the following: 1) the 16th Amendment (made the individual direct serfs to the federal government apparatus, through direct taxation and no state buffer). 2) the 17th Amendment (took away the state legislature's authority over the senators by making senators glorified 6-year term congressmen which changed the senator's loyalty to the re-election dollar, vice to their individual state's interests). and 3) the Federal Reserve Act (well, we all know what that has gotten us..).

We no longer have the "federal" checks and balances system that the founders so expertly put into place.

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May 11·edited May 11



We live in a plutocracy where we're simply dispensable. They are merely a faction of members of the new aristocracy that our Founders warned would feast on our bones.

We are ruled by robber barons who have taken bed with our government to assure both do each other's bidding at the expense of the sovereignty of We The People.

"Of all forms of tyranny the least attractive and the most vulgar is the tyranny of mere wealth, the tyranny of a plutocracy" - Theodore Roosevelt

Remember when Democrats claimed they cared about that?

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Honestly, except for the Reagan rhetoric, I don't think it made much difference.

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Well Phil. What do you think this country would look like if Carter had been re-elected?

Don't forget the Democrats had a death grip on both houses for 30 years at that point.

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Never forget who Reagan's VP was, the quintessentially evil Bush 41. ( who tried to assassinate him) . Rumsfeld the rat was in there too. His very first act being to fire the head of the FDA, put in a stooge, and approve the deadly carcinogenic Aspartame, as he just happened to be on their board. I maintain Reagan was a good guy, but he was surrounded by corrupt conniving scum.

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Anyone who thinks the President is the most powerful person in the world, or even the US, is extremely naive. With the exception of a few, 41 for example , they are just front men for the real power brokers.

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If you're going to write a screed about our 40th president you could at least spell his surname correctly.

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Yes, I see a typo, quite the rebuttal you've posted, I must have been mistaken in my assertions :-(

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I still respect Reagan, though he fell victim to his advisors (as many have - see DJT) and put through a few disastrous policies: 1986 vaccine act, blanket amnesty (for which he later expressed deep regret), and he is still waiting for the promised spending cuts which were the agreement on which his tax increases were built. There has only been one perfect man in history, and Ronald Reagan wasn't Him.

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Yes, my “imbecile” reference was unfair, the people surrounding our politicians are the universe’s most cunningly evil, perhaps imbued with the power of Satan, but even if not, definitely crafty demons capable of befuddling any/all but the most wise, virtually anyone could/would fall prey to their devious lies and logics.

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Hi Richard, I know you sent me a few links to check out and now now I cannot find them, could you resend them please and thank you.

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Hello Melanie,

Try this, there should be 5 links in this comment: https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/aurora-bidenalis-saturday-may-11/comment/56128304

This demonstrates how long these wealthy bankers and industrialists have been subverting and trying to destroy the US and its constitutional republic system.

They want a global government or governance model, one that they are certain they will control, and the US and its constitutional republic is one of their biggest impediment.

Let me know if you have any questions or if you want other info to support what I’ve linked you above.

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You’re correct about Big Pharma.

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My children and grandchildren are not interested in knowing about how our Constitution is being trampled upon by the "ruling class" nor are they believing what I have learned about the "scam"demic and the bioweapon jab (of course, I do not use those terms when talking to them because then I'd never see them again). I pray for them to have EYES TO SEE AND EARS TO HEAR - AMEN!!

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"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson


Sic Semper Tyrannis -- That was the motto of Virginia before it succumbed

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“The debt that each generation owes to the past it must pay to the future.”

~Abigail Scott Duniway, an Oregon suffragist in the late 1800s

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To be expected. The older generations only seemed concerned about safety, safety, safety. No concern about living a life worth living.

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May 11·edited May 11

"Never realized we had such a tenuous hold on our freedom."

It is shocking, isn't it? As I type this out at my kitchen table, I can see a large print of the famous painting The Signing of the Declaration hanging in my den.

I was always a patriot. Now I wonder whether it was all just a cynical lie.

What good was our apparently toothless Constitution if we can be forced to take an untested "vaccine" that was created by our own secret intelligence agencies in conjunction with a Communist dictatorship?

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May 11·edited May 11


I could not agree more. It is truly one of the tragic outcomes of the c19 abomination....and all the other depravity that people either support or are indifferent to.

It used to be that I'd die for my country to make sure my children got to experience what the country stood for. Now I'd give my life for my children to protect them from what this country has become.

Now I'm a patriot to the extent our Founders were...get what I'm saying?...sooo...

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Just this...it says it all and how so many of us feel. Only for me it is my grandkids. "It used to be that I'd die for my country to make sure my children got to experience what the country stood for. Now I'd give my life for my children to protect them from what this country has become."

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Yes RG 100%

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Unfortunately many of our children don’t think that way…..we let the baby seater state control schools to indoctrinate them

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Everywhere we look, it seems we have been had. But they certainly could not fake the sky show last night. Or engineer it.

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Not about last night, but research Project Bluebeam. Humans once engineered a tower that got God’s full attention. Humanity has not stopped trying to usurp its creator.

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100%. They have gone and really done it by polluting the blood. I can't wait until God does what He does.

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IMO, the unfortunate thing is that many of those in power (and I don't necessarily mean political power) do NOT believe in God's existence. Oddly, though they happily believe in the devil

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The CERN Hadron accelerator comes to mind as well as the malfeasance of the WEF.

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As it was on the days of Noah so shall be the day of the coming back of the LORD

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Have you ever researched the ‘Little Season’?

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I have always been a patriot also. I was 10 yrs old in 1976. I can honestly say it was my favorite summer as a child! I totally understand your anger and went through it myself about 3 years ago after studying some of our history for the past 100 years. It is a really hard pill to swallow when you realize our government is not the good guys. However, I think many Americans feel the way we do. My faith in our young people was restored watching college age men save the American flag from touching the ground during one of the riots. I haven't given up on the USA yet. There are still people who want to save our country and I am with them.

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Any thinking person does not conflate the people with the government. the American people have been totally brainwashed, probably more than any other nation save Israel. I think at the end of the day, the world will forgive us for what we have allowed the USG to do in our names, but I know not all of them will be so kind. Ignorance is not the same as innocence .

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Your local government…..your sheriff department

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I remember saying the same thing about the TSA when it was cranked up to handle airport security. It was wrong back then, and this is just one more step along the way. We didn't then, and don't now, have bodily autonomy.

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May 11·edited May 11


That's the problem with trading freedom for safety.

It's a perfect example of the most profound and enigmatic lesson in history; people have incredible ability to forget it.

Go ask a few people in line at airport security if trading freedom for safety was worth it. Not only do they look at you weird for asking such...they do not even know what you're talking about. Serious. Try it.

Here's the real problem with that:

There was one generation (let's say from 85' to now) that were too young to understand this easy concept when the Patriot Act was implemented.

And another generation that was born after 9/11 who have no idea what we're talking about.

Here's the scary thing:

Those two generations are a total of 166 million people. Plus about half of genX that are indifferent.

Do you think that conditioned people for their behavior during c19?

See the problem?

Do you think the children of those 2 generations will be taught what the Founders incessantly warned us about?

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That's why I believe there is a very good chance we are watching a movie to wake up the normies, young and old. There is so much evidence there are White Hats now running the Psyop to counter the multi decade MK Ultra mind control run by the cabal. Never forget William Casey said "We control every journalist of any importance on the globe", and William Colby said "We will know our propaganda campaigns have worked when everything the American public believes is a lie". Two CIA directors speaking. . We are there, and deprogramming everyone cannot be done quickly, or painlessly.

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May 11·edited May 11

Yup. Perfect quotes Roland.

Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play. - Joseph Goebbels

The bigger the lie (and the more ridiculous) the easier it is to narrow the focus for repitition.

That is a critical dynamic of propaganda; it's not to deceive/convince the individual; it is to silence the individual by social tyranny of the Many.

And why do you think they set up the c19 response the way they did?:

It was to neutralize and atomize us here.

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Do you know how many terrorist the TSA has cot……?..none

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Of course not. They are not there to catch terrorists. They are there to terrorize the populace.

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May 11·edited May 11

The other truth we have to realize is that the Constitution was supplanted in the latter half of the 19th century and has been nothing but a propaganda prop piece ever since. And that's the truth. The Fed Gov't is a corporation financed and run by the international bankers via THEIR Federal Reserve System. And the law of the land is the United States Code, NOT the Constitution. All judges and informed lawyers KNOW this which is why YOU CANNOT appeal to the Constitution in a court action. Tell me I'm wrong! We have not been a Constitutional Republic for almost 200 years. For us to talk as if that is not true means we are still mentally enslaved to the Matrix.

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It has ever been thus since 1861. The leviathan we live with today is the culmination sparked by a power grab of the federal government to keep states in the union who voted to leave. It may have been inevitable though?

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Look up BLESSED BY HIS BLOOD a blood bank of unvaccinated individuals who give directed donations to other members with pure blood! I myself joined, along with my husband, and both of us donated this weekend to help a young Amish man with aplastic anemia. I’ve donated anonymously for years so it feels great to know where it goes and the recipient appreciates my pure blood!

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Kathleen, the US security state has been controlling us since the Cold War. As Jeff has pointed out numerous times, if one beneficial thing came out of the scamdemic, it revealed how thoroughly they have been doing this. Now it is up to us to put a stop to it.

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Some of us are a little slower to wake up than others.

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And many are dying in their sleep Kathleen.

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Economic collapse might sharpen the senses.

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I hope so , but it is shocking how many jabbed have not cottoned to what really caused so many injuries and deaths to those they know and love. Denial is incredibly powerful when it means accepting just how monumentlally you screwed up, especially if it took down people who listened to your ignorant prognostications.

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May 11·edited May 11

It's coming. We have $34 trillion in debt. The deficit spending continues unabated.

And we have $140 TRILLION in unfunded liabilities.

This is the equivalent of someone who makes $100k/year carrying $2.5 million in debt.

That doesn't end well. In order to get out of that mess you would need to cut expenses by 7% every year for 75 years and have 7% pay raise per annum for 75 YEARS.

good luck. It's coming after I suspect they'll be one more round of QE...the LAST ONE.

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It's coming...hang on tight.

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No despair if you prepare...

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Yeah. Well Kathleen we can take solace in the fact that we weren't sheep.


1. We were not afraid to be wrong. And we were not afraid to call WRONG wrong. We were willing to stand up to social tyranny. In other words; we had balls.

2. Curiosity

3. Empathy

4. We were willing to pay the price. Many, many people feared losing something (job, social relationships, Costco privileges,etc). The fear of losing something is the biggest motivator known to mankind. It will launch a thousand hideous ships of terror.

5. I suspect most accepted how it would end; knowing that resistance was done for your freedom but also that of others...and that there would be no credit and everyone would choose to learn nothing and want to move on and that we would be accused of not moving on.

6. Knowing that the only thing worse than being shamed was to be a coward

7. I also suspect most of us simply could not pretend that nobody else was pretending.

What wonderful qualities We The People have here.

It always comes down to the few to fight tyranny.

Let's harness that RIGHTEOUS energy to meet those ends.

If not us....who?

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It’s been this way for a long time now. In CA, and many other states, if you refuse the medical treatment a hospital/doctor recommends for your child, they will take them away from you. This happened some 30 years ago while I was in grad school. A young 16 year old Hmong girl was diagnosed with cancer. Her parents refused the chemo recommended by the local hospital. CPS took the child away, who didn’t want it either, and forced the treatment on her.

Before you say that this treatment works, it’s considered experimental AND it’s 50% chance. There are a lot of other alternative treatments that you aren’t going to hear about because they don’t make the medical industrial complex money.

Also, this has been happening a long time with vaccines as well. Parents have had their newborns confiscated for refusing HepB at birth.

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Yep. Right there with you. Hold the line.

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“Never realized we had such a tenuous hold on our freedom.”

Asleep. At. The. Wheel.

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They disabled and killed so many young healthy people, fired us from livelihoods and stole an election through these evil schemes. They must receive justice and to the full! On earth and for sure in the afterlife!

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Agreed and when I hear anyone still today talking about how the elderly needed this death shot, I wonder how much longer it will take for the truth to finally be admitted - NO ONE who was given this death shot benefitted. My 103 year old grandmother got the shot as my aunt and mom both bought the deadly lies and all three lined up dutifully - despite my warning and evidence I found in 2020 that the virus was not likely going to kill them and the shot just may. Now my previously healthy aunt has died from turbo cancer and my once extremely healthy grandma - she lived on her own at 102 and was still able to do daily “chores” without assistance, suffered an ischemic stroke. NO ONE, old or young, healthy or disabled should have been given the poison and no deep state operatives will ever change this.

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My daughter was a NP in the ICU. She said the elderly handled the illness and survived more than those in their 50s. The Latinos were hardest hit at her hospital.

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My parents and uncles convinced my 99 yearold grandmother to get the shot. Why, I have no idea. My concerns were dismissed. She just passed away, at 102.

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Sorry for your loss. My mom, 5x jabbed, just passed 30 days ago. IMHO her health took a dive after the 1st one. Blood pressure issues (never had that before) and anxiety increase. It's so heartbreaking.

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I am sorry for your loss. It is all so very tragic.

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Evil beyond compare. Shame on all the pathetic sheep who allowed this to happen , and still deny it did.

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So sorry to hear that.

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Sorry to hear about your losses. But it was all along the plan. Do you remember Killary calling for the deplorable to be exterminated. That’s what she meant by that. People under social security pension and health care benefits and insurance.

Imagine how many millions of dollars they saved killing all this people and making everyone else suffer poverty taking care of a love one with out any assistance.

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Thank you and I completely agree. It is all part of a very nefarious plan - and these evil people think they know best... So sad they have no respect for human life only an all consuming desire for power.

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My 93 y/o dad -in a nursing home- experienced c19. All his admitting diagnoses improved (diabetes and heart failure stabilized, stasis ulcers healed) while he had mild cold symptoms.

That was after they parked a known positive c19 person in his room.

Then they “vaccinated” him. He died almost two weeks later... with ca. 1951 Chinese shrapnel in his leg.

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I am so sorry for your loss. It is all so horrible.

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Plus when did everyone forget we all shuffle this mortal coil?

There seems to be some confusion on this once universally understood concept...

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Exactly!! I feel like I started every conversation during the whole fear pandemic reminding all I spoke with that everyone dies - it is inevitable. I asked if they knew anyone who lived forever… to which I received much hemming and hawing with various odd “well (fill in almost any asinine crazy you can think)…

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I currently know 4 women with breast cancer…three are vxd…not sure about the fourth one, also know a man who has cancer and four people who have died suddenly and unexpectedly. My world is not that big!!! I have never known so many people to have heart attacks. The thing that concerns me most is the medical profession up here in Canada will not even consider looking into the possibility of a connection to the vaccine

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Re the cancer. In addition to routine chemotherapy, my SIL used Ivermectin plus Fenbendazole to treat her Stage 4 colon/liver cancer. In October she was given weeks to live. This month she was deemed in total remission feeling "better than I have in years."

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Worked for my wife too. Stage 2B breast cancer. Cancer free now. Drinking wine and leading a normal life, albeit with a total life style change. . As with everything else that is not trauma related, stay the hell away from hospitals and Rockefeller doctors. Your health is no one's responsibility but your own.

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Thank you for saying this Patty. My younger sister was diagnosed in March with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Not vaxed but worked in a hospital where the majority were. Shedding? I think so, but who knows? She was extremely healthy up until November ‘23. She started on ivermectin and fenbendazole in addition to chemo as soon as we got the results of her biopsy. She’s handling everything way better than I am.

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One of my neighbors, a medical doctor, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer as well. I’m not sure what stage. However, she’s only in her 30s with three young kids.

It’s insane the number of people getting cancer.

Also, a healthy coach in his 40s this area just died of a heart attack. The whole sudden death thing.

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Maybe for the sake of her children, the doctor might consider taking Ivermectin and Fenbendazole. Hope so.

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The Alberta Health Services are still acting as if it’s 2021 apparently…According to Dr Makis.

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And continue to persecute ethical doctors like Dr Hoffe, Dr Trozzi, Dr Phillips, Dr Coombes, and others, and professors like Byram Bridle and Julie Ponesse. Trudeau is a puppet of the WEF and is determined to turn Canada into another North Korea

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Ditto. Small world and many dying.

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When do we get that shit started?!...:)

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… and the sad truth is that it’s still going on!

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I was just ranting to my husband who said you are going to have a aneurism. I get so Mad! They say they shouldn’t have given it to working age people But at the same time still GIVING IT TO INFANTS! I Hate these Evil people! 😡

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And pushing it on pregnant women (THIS really bothers me)!

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It's in the character of Pharaoh. It's in the character of Herod.

The number of miscarriages will never be counted among the slain.

The US is steeped in blood guilt.

All I have is the promise of the One Who said "I will never leave you, nor forsake you."

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May 11·edited May 15

Now that we are all admitting the cold, hard reality that we have refused to look at for so many years, allow me to point out something that perhaps we are finally ready to acknowledge. The blood guilt of America is two fold. The tens of millions we have killed in foreign wars to extend the USG empire and the 70 million American children that have been sacrificed inside this country since Roe v Wade in 1973 - FIFTY years ago.

Does anyone have any doubt that America is on the eve of destruction due to Christ's judgment on this nation? With His Ascension to Glory to sit on the throne at the right hand of the Father as King of kings and Lord of lords, ALL dominion, power and authority was given to Him to rule and reign in history as Satan was cast to earth from heaven. Since 70 AD, our job as the body of Christ on earth was to disciple the nations in the power of the Holy Spirit that indwells His body. And the militant church has done just that over the centuries. But our nation has fallen from Grace and the faith of our fathers and King Jesus will not avert His eyes from judgment. The Marxist captivity that the American people are now coming under is a direct consequence of Christ's judgement on this nation. He will not repent of His anger until America repents and seeks His face once again. Our blood guilt condemns us.

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Janice - Words Beyond Me

Words Beyond Me - Janice Powell

6 hrs ago

O let the evil of the wicked come to an end, but establish the righteous;

For the righteous God tests the hearts and minds.

My shield is with God,

Who saves the upright in heart.

God is a righteous judge,

And a God who has indignation every day.

— Psalm 7:9-11 LSB

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I completely agree with you, very well stated. Thank you for that.

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He's all we really need.

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They shouldn't even be ELIGIBLE for these injections if they were to demand them! They should be less available to pregnant women than IVM and HCQ were to all of us!

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May 11·edited May 11

Debrah Birx and the like show no empathy or compassion for living feeling emotional human beings. We are all just numbers and experiments to them. People died, people were injured. Golly gee.


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Yeah, what about the FB groups that got shut down? Maybe reopen those and see what those folks have to say. 😑

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Makes ya darn mad, doesn’t it?

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Y E S !!

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May 11·edited May 11

STILL!!! (giving to children)

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On a flight, a doc looking 8 months pregnant - and a woman as we seem to need such clarity these days - gushed how she couldn't wait to get the shot.

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poor fool had really gobbled the koolaid

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It is easy to pick out the people who will blindly follow their dr's and vaccine protocols (and the MSM for that matter). They are the ones driving in their cars alone wearing a mask. Unfortunately, I see it all the time.

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When? Recently?

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....and nursing mothers!

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Isn't that crazy?

Mothers will drive hours looking for the "right" formula but didn't give two thoughts about taking an experimental drug that edits the building blocks of life.

And how did mothers who breast feed forget that whatever you put in your body is shared with your baby?!

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Yes ~ on Del Bigtree's "The Highwire" day before yesterday, Del was ecstatic about some of the recent developments, and Sen. Ron Johnson, whom he was talking to in the segment, was saying, "Yes, yes, it's good, but WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDHOOD SCHEDULE??!!" Johnson also was clear about his opinion on this latest "news cycle" BFD: "It's a limited hangout." It was great to hear a U.S. senator use that language.

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So glad we multiplied him!!

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I gave $20 while I was running for a local school board position, strictly because of his stance on the quackxine. Someone politically connected in that area found out and was very upset with me. I explained to them my reasoning for it. She understood, but she couldn’t support me after that.

Okay, I’m fighting for your child and you, too, chickadoodle. You may not be aware of it yet, but, someday, you will be, and you’ll be grateful. (Of course, who knows if that’s true. Some will never wake up, or so it seems.)

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Oh wow. What a shame. These people are so short sighted 😕

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It’s where I live. I’m in So Cal. So many people were stuck in the matrix. Many of them still are. We went to an outdoor event today with thousands there (but outdoor), and I still saw people wearing masks. Just insane.

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That was a great show, especially when Del, in his usual animated style, waxed on about what he thought of Cuomo, as if he was talking to him directly. Hopefully C actually saw that.

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Wow! Red/black-pilled Senator??

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Yes I am also livid every time I think of what they’ve done!! And not just the jabs but the masks, killing small businesses, all of the stupid social distancing policies… !! 😡🤬

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Canceling graduations. Closing schools. Isolating the elderly. The list is endless. And still can't talk about the jab damage in polite conversation because so many are still unaware and naive.

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they can't come to grips with the actual reality after having bought into the nonsense and gotten vaccinated. Once you get it, you can't "unvaccinate" yourself

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May 11·edited May 11

Think of the DEPRAVITY of a society who puts those short for this world above children. Any society that does this is doomed.

And our nation went a step further by surrounding them in a SPIRIT OF FEAR for over 2 years.

At what other time in history have we done that?! So OBVIOUS.

What used to be understood by every previous generation was thrown out the window.

And when you brought up the OBVIOUS. You would get mid-distance Blank stares.

That was the most bizarre of phenomenon:

The more obvious something was, the more illusory it became.

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These are the ppl who choose/prefer ignorance. Avoid them.

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I am on a cruise ship. People all over the globe keep using the "before co-vid" and "after co-vid" expressions and it ALWAYS feels like an offensive word in the lexicon -every time I hear it. I would prefer the "global tyranny decision". Using "Covid" sounds so light and flippant, mainly because it sanitizes the MOST HORRIBLE experience of my lifetime. I love it, tho' in my daily C&C, because when you know, you know, and the C&C Army doesn't use the c-word in vain.

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My blood pressure goes up whenever someone talks about “the pandemic” 😡, using it as an excuse for why they’ve done nothing with their lives for 4 years. There was no pandemic. I still worked as an office manager for a semiconductor repair company, so we were considered “essential”. My son continued working at an Amazon warehouse. I just got annoyed at all the bullshit restrictions, all the paranoid laptop workers (including friends and family) who were too paranoid to leave their homes. My son had to get a letter from Amazon giving him permission to drive home late at night after San Diego implemented a curfew! 😡😡. Why? Because Covid spread more at night? All of it was insane and I will never forgive or forget.

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I agree. Home Depot, Walmart and Target were all open. I said it then and I'll say it now. "I guess you can't catch the virus while shopping at any of those stores?" Furthermore, if the virus was so deadly where were the piles of dead homeless people?????

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Hear! Hear! I am with you! It was all an attack, as if orchestrated by Satan himself to alienate us from God and to breed despair. 1.Attacking our security, which we have in Lord - "Safety= new God. 2. Attacking our acceptance, which we have in the Lord - wearing masks, and following all the mandated lying crap. 3. Attacking our significance, which we have in the Lord - "the essential worker nonsense". Diabolical.

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We were in the Peoples Democratic Republic of Seattlestan when COVID hit.

Inslee locked down the state so hard that my RN wife had to display a sign that said she was a medical professional in order to drive down the street.

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I say “before/after lockdown” and instead of “Covid,” I say “the Covid response” (as in, “that small business shut down due to the Covid response”).

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I like that better.

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I say before/after the psyop. I enjoy seeing who responds to that, versus who makes a face like I just farted and they don't want to acknowledge that. You can tell it's the same face they wore under their masks when they saw someone like me unmasked in the grocery store.

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Gives new meaning to BC and AC

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I agree. And Covid? It's largely a nonsense word. And ditto of Long Covid. These words are non-thinking glib cover ups for an evil agenda.

The people who brought us Health Terrorism are the same people who are turning our lives into a living hell hole.

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Read Naomi Wolf’s piece yesterday on “free and low cost grocery stores” (government subsidized, of course), that will put privately owned stores out of business. It’s coming folks; pay to support local farmers if you can.

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Yes. As food deserts are created in urban areas the government will set up stores to fill the void. IL gov floated that for Chicago but we are in a huge deficit so, unless the Fed coughs up some dough, the food deserts remain.

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Guessing that theft has something to do with creating the food deserts? /r

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And the riots had something to do with it too 😕

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May 11·edited May 11

Yes. Every last bit of it, completely unnecessary and massively destructive in so many levels. I never dreamed I would have to live through such totalitarian insanity in the USA.

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Amen brother!

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And we'll never know how many people died from the supposed c19 because if they died too soon after the jab they were considered unjabbed, if they tested positive by the magnified untrue PCR with COVID they were considered COVID deaths and if they were killed in the hospital from vent and run death is near they were counted as COVID deaths. All these numbers are skewed and manipulated. We will never know the truth.

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That was one of my first questions when Hubs work said he HAD to get it. I am like..."do they need to know your weight to calculate the dosage?" Effing a-holes. Excuse my French.

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But there are still many who read, hear and see and they choose ignorance.

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They gave it to the military

First responders

Medical professionals

Police Departments …..etc.

import 15 million illegal battle age man

And give them everything to go radical

Who’s going to fight them…..kids, grandma, …..etc

That’s why they want your weapons too

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Yes, giving it to children is unconscionable

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Cuomo and Birx typify the planned response...this was known all along to eventually be the narrative shift and also set up for Billions more in $$$ for study and scientific advancement and planetary herd management. This is not shocking in content nor in timing, only in the fact that we were conditioned to NOT see it coming out this way by these same freaks that blindfolded and beat us down for 4 years. Terrorist-Kidnapper-Cultists and their games with their prey. Of course it's fairly muted compared to the sky is falling reporting previously used in Operation Infection and Operation Salvation; too much whining and Long Vaxx attention would be counterproductive.

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Another reveal to this PsyOp is to even suggest another 9/11 commission for investigation into this. That will be another cover up like the first 9/11 cover up.

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"What we need is another Warren Commission."


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Yes, let's have another 911 commission, AND another Warren commission while we're at it, and maybe we can REALLY get to the bottom of who are behind all of this?

How dare they even suggest such a thing! Now they are being way too obvious.

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Let's send a strongly worded letter, too.

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May 11·edited May 11

The result will be more bureaucrats to "fix" it.

The fix is in.

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yes, spend $100 million, and 4 years to cement the "Official Big Lie" into the Annals of Officialdom and B.S. It would help us to understand just how much more power, oversight and money is needed to fix the failings and fill the gaps...

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Money is no object when you can print all you want.

It's money well spent by them to cover up their crimes, is it not?

Crime definitely does pay when you are in control of the crime system!

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"Planetary herd management" - no truer words spoken.

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Prison Planet

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They carry buckets of white wash. They are like little kids who have done something very wicked but who do not want to be punished.

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1960s college protesters in charge for fifty years+

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They desperately do NOT want the dominoes to fall in Eastern Europe...we must not ever allow Ukraine turn into another Vietnam or Afghanistan.

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Yes, a REAL Journalist, not a punktarded moron like Cuomo, would ask what personal failures, culpability and liability Birxy had in the wildly mis- dis- and mal- managed response to the Wuhan Bioweapon and the Chemical Weapons deployed in guise of Vaccines.

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May 11·edited May 11

The list of early “treatments” were nothing less than barbaric. The two most evil were the use of vents and ‘run death is near’. Masks were not only useless but harmful, and locking down society at large was psychologically damaging to so many.

Evil idiots like Birx would do well to hide out in a deep hole. Coming out with stupid half-@ admissions only stirs up memories and emotions of the huge crime which they perpetrated against humanity.

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Speaking of masks, forcing pregnant women in labor to wear them so as not to infect the doctor and nurses, even though they did not have covid.

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Yes that was also barbaric!! 🤬

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Having given birth 5 times, I can tell you, I cannot imagine what that experience was like. Un-freakin'-believable!

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Yeah they might as well have bound and gagged them while they were at it 🤬😡

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I had forgotten for a second all the responses I made during "the stupid years" to those posting about "having" to wear a mask in the ER or birthing suite. Hate me for saying it, but they didn't "have to". They caved. You REALLY think a hospital is going to kick a laboring woman out the door into the street, to have her baby in the gutter with blood and placenta around her? So yes, they. . . Like everyone else. . . Had a choice.

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People were told they couldn’t receive care.

Maybe not in those words. Maybe just “you have to wear a mask.”

Yet many folks who show up to hospitals are already feeling vulnerable and afraid so defenses are harder to access and mobilize in such a state. Also many of us were taught to not make a fuss about things that “aren’t a big deal.” Lots of reasons why folks did not or were not able to exercise their own human agency.

Most folks still comply when told at medical office check-ins that the office needs to scan their driver’s license. Me? I now say no. And nobody so far has made it an issue. It’s amazing what we can do when we say “no.”

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I had to fill out paperwork when I saw the eye doctor a few weeks ago. There was a line for entering social security number. I left it blank and the staff didn't say anything. There's zero need for a medical office to have my SSN.

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I tell people who ask for my SS# that I only give it out after that person has made a deposit into my SS account. No deposits so far…

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I assumed SSN was to verify Medicare? Along with the other 50 ways they could verify it. 🙄😁

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“No” is one of the most powerful words. As humans refusing to be duped/forced again, we’d better practice saying that word.

No to masks. No to vaccines. No to nasal swabs.

No to the WEF. No going to crazy liberal colleges.

We have no idea collectively how powerful that little word is.

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Yes, I think they would.

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logic went out the window

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It was all fear and emotion driven. Zero logic.

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Sadly nothing will happen to them. The plan is to blame it on Trump. When another election is stolen, that will be the reasoning.

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Trump is already taking the blame with his Operation Warp Speed that he still supports and thinks was great.

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I agree 100%. They are going to use this to slam Trump (again) and turn people against him. Not that a vote would matter for or against, because well, you know....

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At this point, I would go to a barber for a good old bleeding before I ever sought help from "Dr" Birx.

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Yes, you need to balance your humours!

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All the supposed science they’ve bleated was just about as based in scientific study and analysis as the idea of “humours” was!

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I was exposed to the miasma, you see . . .

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This is why Rolling Climate Clampdowns are almost 100% going to happen in our lifetime imo.

As far as a pandemic lockdown...perhaps not for a generation. But what happens when the youngest generation, of today, has the children of tomorrow?

Just look at masks. My biggest fear has always been; what happens if people forget why they're wearing one? Same goes for plexiglass, circles, and one way arrows.

Don't forget the mean IQ is 100. You ever had a prolonged conversation with a person carrying a 100 IQ? What does 100 IQ "look" like when they're scared...or just scared of losing something...ya know like not being able to go to Costco.

Plus masks are DANGEROUS:

They could easily lead to a 30's murder-mix redux.

I will always be perplexed that people could not see the OBVIOUS.

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You’re right, and they’ve added exponentially to the lower IQ population with the influx of illegals. They don’t want the brightest and best.

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Send them all to Poland. That way we raise the IQ of both countries. Lol.

Nobody get mad, my wife is from a Polish background.

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Dont forget isolating the elderly in old folks homes so that their kin could not visit them so many died alone, without the comfort of family. So utterly cruel and inhumane.

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That mandate in itself was stunning - the number of seniors who died alone in their own filth without proper food and hydration because caregivers and nurses were too afraid to even *touch* them. Mandated by butt-hurt government "experts" all crying about their pronouns and every other manner of victimhood, yet illegally preventing us from giving the most basic compassionate care to the most vulnerable.

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Our grandmother turned 100 while in a care home in the People's Republic of New Mexico and we had to have a "drive by celebration" with her wheeled out to the sidewalk in the hot sun to watch. Several years on it continues to anger me. The nurses there were great but how everyone complied so willingly is egregious. We understand there were other people living there but I don't think they were asked their preference. I have seen interviews with the imprisoned elderly who would have much rather risked shortening their already short time by being visited by their siblings, children, grand-children, and great-grandchildren without restrictions than being "protected" by isolation. How many lives were shortened by isolation? We will never know.

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Well said, and I'm so incredibly sorry. The government views the elderly the same way they view children - as a burden. The same lack of care could be said about how the government creates programs to house children in state run daycare facilities (the thought kills me) instead of giving incentives and tax relief to keep a parent at home raising their own children. And regarding the elderly - what wonderful wisdom we could have gained from all those whose lives were intentionally cut short by this planned depopulation agenda.

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During the lockdowns, I faced the fact that 64%+ of people would willing comply with any authority ordering them to give a known "lethal" elcetrcal jolt to a fellow human. Milgram Experiment 1961 done right after the Eichmann trial to try to excuse or explain the "Good German" reality of WW2. Other human behavior studies indicate about 74% will go along with any crowd. So, we fall into a minority of over 25% that will always be fighting the crazy tyrants and their enablers.

The only comfort I get in this pandemic fiasco is knowing many famalies did not fall for it and will teach their children to watch for the next tyrants & idiots' moves.

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During this debacle I reached out to family that we had lost touch with (largish family, geographically dispersed) and found that many, if not most, were also in that 25%. It was the most encouraging part of this debacle.

Now if only someone could be held truly accountable...

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This happened to my 53 year old brother because he was in rehab from suffering a broken leg and was locked down so then the staff had an excuse to neglect him 😡🤬

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Can't "like " this comment--I am so sorry. What a nightmare.

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Thank you. The last four years have been so tough, starting with his untimely and unnecessary death.

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I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your Brother. Hospitals are the worst nowadays.

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Prayers 🙏

You are a light on this forum; love many of your comments. Glad you are here.

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Oh my gosh, RunningLogic.... I'm so sorry to hear this - It's hard to even fathom the treatment he received - this breaks my heart.

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Thank you. He kept calling his wife and my parents to try to get help 😞 He was so desperate at the end (after a few days) that my parents and sister-in-law went to the facility to try to see him but they refused to let them in 😞 He finally was sent to the local hospital but it was too late 😞 It haunted my parents, especially my mom, until the day they died.

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Unfathomable.... and so evil.

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I am so sorry this happened to your family.

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This country and world lurches from one Progressive-made crisis to another. They make it all about themselves—racist cop? Riot. A virus? Lock down, force- jab. War thousands of miles away? Forget the conflict—destroy society here.

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As late as last summer, I couldn’t start a research position at a medical center (in FL!) without either getting the shot or submitting a religious exemption that was more like a Maoist struggle session (the information they required me to provide them about my religious practices and place of worship and medical history was ridiculous). And they weren’t even paying me! They only relented because DHS finally dropped their mandate. I will never forget.

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I also live in FL and as an entry level medical coder trying to get my first job, cannot even apply without agreeing in advance to at least get the "flu shot", which is the new RSV mRNA poison. It's really disheartening.

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Appalling. Beyond tragic and criminal. Just last week I was told by my best friend, whose younger brother was diagnosed with MS years ago, that at some subsequent point her brother, a Catholic priest, was told by a doctor something along the lines of, "Oh, apparently you *don't* have MS after all; your symptoms [PARALYSIS, catheterisation for OVER A YEAR, etc., etc.] were caused by the 'flu vaccine you received." I will never know the full story of this (nor will she OR her brother, I'm sure).

DON'T lose faith or your determination. We admire you and it is WRONG, WRONG, WRONG that you should be burdened with this.

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I'm at a loss when I hear these horrific stories and it's honestly shocking that more doctors are starting to tell the truth because they have to be in such deep denial due to taking the jab themselves. I don't like to vilify individual doctors who have been hijacked by the hospital system which took away their autonomy. And for a hundred years we've all trusted our larger medical institutions like the AMA and Mayo. But with the catastrophic damage all around us, It's unavoidable - the doctors are coming forward.

One of my best friends - an MD, texted me a few days ago to let me know a mutual friend of ours died of sepsis due to pancreatic cancer that had been diagnosed ONE WEEK before. One week. Both he and my doc friend are jabbed. Our friend's funeral is Wednesday and he leaves behind a wife and 4 children.

I really appreciate your kind words - I had to reinvent myself after Covid destroyed our family business. I went into this field in the hopes that I could get an entry level coding job for a bit and then expand out to do any kind of coding research or grunt work for the "good guys" - the lawyers preparing cases for their injured clients, the parallel economy companies that sprung up like The Wellness Company, people like Ed Dowd, etc. I just need a chance to get my foot in the door. Your prayers would be appreciated.

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Can you try to get an exemption?

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I do have a written medical exemption from my primary care physician. I am newly credentialed and it's impossible to get through the algorithm that is used to weed out those who do not have "experience". Makes no sense because these are *entry* level jobs that also state you have to agree to their vaccine protocol *even if you work remotely*. I don't even need benefits - my husband has them at his new job, but I can't get through the initial algorithm. I did a deep dive into this and here's the takeaway:

-- Many of these are "ghost" jobs and they aren't actually hiring, just making it look like they are because the economy is so bad. Several high profile recruiters have mentioned this is a huge trend especially in the biomedical industry

-- Employers are doing job phishing - they post a good job with benefits, phish for leads, data mine the resumes for later, and tell the candidate the job's no longer available. They then pass the leads on to recruiters who contact you about the job, but it is temp job - one year contract work with no benefits. (doesn't really apply to my situation and I would actually take such a job).

-- They don't want to train a new person - they just want to hire experienced people but pay entry level salaries. This is a real thing.

It almost seems like it's by design to further destroy the medical field. I can't figure it out.

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Lord have mercy! 😢🙏

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I am so sorry.

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"My place of worship is the temple of the Holy Spirit. It's a tabernacle, thus it has no fixed address."

It seems that submission of a religious exemption might be an opportunity to witness. I note that those who reject the Gospel too many times will harden their heart, so this must be done in the Spirit.

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what a lovely quote.. that's how I felt since a child bored out of my mind in a 'church' when I would so prefer to be outdoors where the holy spirit flows.

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Nor will I ever shut up about it, I hope. Silence about evil cannot be the way to go, either.

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I honestly think - societally - we've only just begun to talk about this. The seal is finally breaking. People on our side of the fence are now going to be "permitted" to say out loud what we've known to be true for going on 5 years now, in settings where that was not previously permitted. Employers are going to hear it and hear it good. Those that required these shots are probably also staring at massive lawsuits. It's going to get ugly, but it's a necessary part of the process.

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only a slave or victim can be 'permitted' we are sovereign people who either do or dont do.

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People were left with the choice: shut up or lose your job and potentially your home and your ability to feed your family. While I like the sentiment, such absolutes don't align with reality.

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They can try to blame Trump or RFK (?!) but in the end, everyone knows who pushed this initiative. We all know it was the deep state influenced DC Uniparty and their operatives in Rx, state-level gov't, and NGOs that pushed all this against the wishes of the people and against the better advice of their colleagues (colleagues who they had de-platformed and fired).

It was Biden who tried to mandate these unnecessary shots. It was Biden who called unvaccinated people murderers. It was Biden who tried to use employers as a government policy enforcement arm. It was the Uniparty that pushed for and maintained stay-at-home orders and it was those same people who gaslit everyone about masks, which all of humanity has known don't work for 100+ years.

It was the Establishment Uniparty bootlickers running the school system that destroyed their kids' lives over a virus less dangerous than the flu to those kids. Actually, less dangerous than the common cold to those kids.

Sure, they can put their little limited hangout "admissions" out there, but it's only going to help RFK and Trump. It's going to prove they were each right all along, in their own ways. So I say: Keep going, morons, keep going.

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This is honestly one of the best comments I've ever seen written, RU. I was just thinking with disgust the vision of Biden in 2021 narrowing his eyes, and with seething contempt, saying "We've been patient... but our patience is wearing thin..." I've been around long enough to see in my lifetime that no other US president has threatened its populace more than this evil excuse for a man.

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I will never forget Biden for that statement. Most evil statement I have ever heard a US president speak.

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Right!? I had a disagreement with someone who told me Trump divided the country. I replied, "Biden is dividing the country even further." Oh, boy, she could not see it (neither did my husband). Biden has his whole term.

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And Trump's entire term was marred with attacks and lawsuits and all manner of interference all the way down to complaining that he eats 2 scoops of ice cream and claiming he wasn't mentally fit to run the country - don't make me laugh! They also had to destroy Ivanka's personal business interests, and malign all his other children --- while crack-addict-gun-toting-drug dealing-foreign interest embezzling-pimping-felon Hunter takes a pass. The attacks on Trump were vicious and relentless. It's a miracle he was able to do as much as he did given the constant attack.

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And let's not forget his "for the unvaccinated, a winter of disease and death" comment. Fearmongering bullshit lie.

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Yet us "unvaccinated" survived our 4th winter of disease and death just fine, didn't we?

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Oh Ripple - EXCELLENT REMINDER -- I had blocked that comment out of my head it was so upsetting - and threatening - further dividing families. Our daughter didn't talk to us for an entire year. Children blame their parents for a lot of things and this was another Marxist- Communist wedge that was being driven into families. Those commies are ruthlessly brilliant - basically because they have no conscience. They are the original "basket of deplorables" if you ask me.

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I am glad to hear that your year of shunning is up. I am going on 2 years with my daughter and I do not expect the situation to improve. All because I call boys boys and girls girls.

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I am truly sorry to hear this G, I have another friend whose daughter is 23 and on her 4th year of testosterone treatment, and it is so heartbreaking for her. She initially got into a dispute because mom wouldn't pay for the double mastectomy when she turned 18 (that they call it "top surgery" is just evil). They eventually partially reconciled - small amounts of time together as long as they don't talk about trans, politics, jabs.... etc. I still cannot understand how this behind the scenes grooming of kids can be allowed to happen in our schools - the teacher's unions are clearly being run to destroy the family.

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Oh Verve, I am so sorry that your own daughter found it necessary to shun her own parents for an entire year.

My sister pulled that on me in 2016-17 when Trump got elected. Wouldn't speak to me for several months. She got over it.

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When people say “but Trump is authoritarian!” my jaw drops.

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Yeah, they're dumb. They don't know anything about Trump or his policies; they just believe what the MSM says. He might be the least authoritarian president I've seen in my lifetime. His entire life has been pretty much live and let live. Almost to a fault. And they also don't know what the words authoritarian, fascist, or dictator mean; they just use those words as insults roughly meaning "mean person."

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The lies. The liars. The damn bald face lies. Over and over. Every day. By all of them. Even up to Trump. Who I’ll vote for even though he’ll never admit he was wrong about person warp speed.

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Yes, at first he did. But remember, he later touted HCQ, taking it himself when he got Covid... and said it would be made available, which of course, the swamp nixed very quickly. These people are fiends and I believe God will. not deal with them lightly throughout eternity even though they suffer no consequences on this side.

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I think they threw everything they had at Trump when he got sick (and I must admit, I did fear he would get very ill given his obesity - sorry, but he is). I think what really altered his course of illness was the monoclonals. I still wonder why he went on to take the shots - not just the primary series, but also at least one booster. I hope he hasn't taken any more and I hope he's done a detox protocol.

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I agree that the monoclonals probs saved him. But I wonder if he just didn't get a placebo like most of the "1A" category of essential medical professionals and government workers did. I don't think the people who were really looking out for him would have counseled him to get this experimental shot. And I think it's "how bad is my batch" points out that about 15% of all the vials were the real death shots. It's just a matter of time before we see the full extent to how injurious the rest of the batches were -- I mean people can get super sick just from the contamination, let alone an intentional poisoning with jab ingredients.

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Yes, I agree! There will be a Judgement Day! …and I sure wouldn’t want to be THEM!!!

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Yeah, what ever happened to those millions of doses of HCQ that Trump had stockpiled and set aside for treatment?

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May 11·edited May 11

And where are all those Mr. Ed's that took the horse paste?!

There as hard to find as all those Nazis they keep telling us are the biggest threat to America.

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Don’t forget locking up the elderly and infirm, letting them think they were unloved and unwanted. Many dying thinking that.

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"liked" for the sake of the algorithm.

This is terribly sad.

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All of them iatrogenic "failure to thrive" deaths.

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As I’ll never forget Hailey who died on a ventilator at age 36 because of lack of early treatment RIP sweetheart.

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Prime of her life!! So infuriating!!

May perpetual light shine upon Hailey - I'm so sorry Barbara!

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I'm sorry, Barbara.

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I am horrified by this news! Sadly, it has been oft repeated daily.

I am so so sorry.

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That’s horrible, I’m so sorry 😞

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Oh my goodness, that’s horrible. So sorry.

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The "We didn't know then what we know now" BIG LIE SHIP HAS SAILED, hopefully right into criminal courts for many, and hopefully in my lifetime. So many "limited hangouts" and Overton window shifting. Like PBS being accused of bias. Oh, DUH! Please, enough psyops, already.

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May 14·edited May 14

Exactly! The “BIG LIE SHIP HAS SAILED”. They’re growing more impotent now, by the day, aren’t they? The limited hangout attempt at coverup will boomerang. Sadly, though — so many casualties in this war, with more yet to see. It will be a sober and grim celebration when justice comes.

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Their education and their mental health! And their physical health since they were forced to wear masks all day every day for months on end!

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Everyone I know of who died in a hospital was vented and had rundeathisnear. Covid didn't kill them. The health system did.

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Exactly. It was all a huge lie. They did everything they could to increase the death numbers 🤬

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'rundeathisnear' no joke!

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The daughter of my niece actually was in hospital and managed to survive 'rundeathisnear' in October of 2021. The only thing that saved her life is that she is Downs and her mom was in the room with her all the time, keeping them from giving her the vent and more drugs. My niece said it was so awful the way they would try to catch her gone from the room and bustle in with their carts and trays. She would land back in the room like Wonder Woman and tell them to get the hell out. It was really awful, but she was amazing.

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Wonder Woman indeed. What a frightening experience for her. Women are cool like that though. When they get determined it's like a dog with a bone. Happy Mother's Day to your niece!

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I think a lot of people died from lack of early treatment too.

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Holy cow...this thread is on fire. I had to scroll down quite a ways to find your comment to my comment to comment on it. It is evil wrapped up in a false "cure" and yes, I believe that many died for lack of early treatment. We were all so ill-informed and unprepared for what we were dealing with. And the fear was off the charts.

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The entire world population was used as lab rats. Words fail me in describing my loathing for this experiment and the perpetrators. God sees everything and I believe there will be ‘hell to pay’.

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& many college students are having their ceremonies canceled over protests. Very sad. They’re going to be bitter and depressed adults?

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Well but since most of them had to be jabbed to keep attending, maybe a long adulthood isn't in the cards?

Sorry, very black humor there....

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No need to apologize!

(My humor has been sarcastic for years )

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May 11Liked by Jeff Childers

Deborah Birx: Mistakes were made! I guess she needs a free vodka from the San Fran wellness program.

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"Mistakes were made! There is zero chance that Birx went on Cuomo’s show — even on NewsNation — and admitted all these things without having official approval from the Administration. Birx is an all-in deep state swamp creature."

My comment, gloriously summed up by Margaret Anna Alice - Mistakes Were NOT Made.


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Correct.....every bit of it was DELIBERATE!!!!

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and now they call for a 9/11 commission to sweep everything under the rug so they WILL get away with it

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We all know how THAT went….figures she would cite it. Frikkin parasites.

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🎯 Exactly.

Lies lies lies lie lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies. LIES !

Mistakes Were Not Made.(https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-one-poem-to)

The people will not fall for this new ploy. The coverup will fail. But the Overton goalpost has been moved; Atlantic readers with it. There’s that…

These monsters will fail. They are seen. They are toast.

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May 11·edited May 11

From event 201 to room 101 in less than a month.....and only 1 out of 100 resisted...

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May 11Liked by Jeff Childers

The San Fran free shots kind of explains some of the nonsense that’s flown out of Pelosi’s mouth, doesn’t it?!? Always got the impression there wasn’t water in her glass at press conferences.

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May 11·edited May 11

I think Jeff is right on destroying the city so vultures can scoop up the real estate for pennies on the dollar. Maybe they want to build one of those damned smart cities there one day. Not to mention the fact that these policies will attract more homeless and more illegals, to the Dems to influence the census and get more representatives in Congress. Dirty tricks all around.

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That was what happened in NYC in the 1970s after they declared the city bankrupt.

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“Which the Democrats” I need to correct my typos!

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Do you know that you can click on the ellipsis to the bottom right of any of your comments, at any time, and make any edit you want? It will then allow you to change the original post itself, so no one will miss your update(s).

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Only if you are using the web version. For some reason, the app took that functionality away.

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Newsom is not mayor of SF he is governor. Did SF get state funding?

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Duno! Find the funding! .

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There's a reason why the House put in their own bar. I haven't heard anything about it lately, I assume it is still there.

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Drunken sod.

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lol ~ or adequate neuronal connections in her skull, no?

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Gramma Vodka.... LOL!!!

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Quick, somebody get a picture of San Fran Nan ponying up to the San Francisco taxpayer funded bar--

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Just came here to comment on Pelosi! 🍸🍸🍸

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If y’all want to see something beautiful, watch this take-down of SanFranNan at the Oxford Union debate. I PROMISE you it’s worth the time!


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Speaking of Pelosi - what's up with her incessant hand stabbing at the air and word salad?


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Can I slip a few doses of vaccine in it?

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Cannot ‘like’ it, but 😁😜

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Book-selling Ex-Nazis lamented "mistakes were made" too; they gladly blamed losing war on Hitler or other obstinate generals, or other problems. Poor guys

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Birx will be right behind Nancy Pelosi in the vodka line, Based Florida man.

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Everyone needs a free drink in that town, the places that are left are ridiculously over-priced!!

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But they love us.

Those "mistakes" were made just for us!

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She’s a disgusting, liberal Peen State Wokester

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Does Birx even know what a conscience is?

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I love free vodka! Medicinal! I made herbal tinctures. I drink for anxiety. Plus it's keto! I used to be a water slush until about ten years ago.

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If only there had been some way to know that we shouldn't take an experimental, lab concocted, gene therapy treatment of unknown origins that was created in two months and never tested on anything besides mice who died...

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May 11Liked by Jeff Childers

“If everybody was operating under the same set of assumptions,” Chris (Cuomo) poignantly asked, “then who do you decide to blame for having an agenda, or who was just a victim of the dynamic?”

That's actually the problem Chris, you refused to think for yourself.

And it's not a problem limited to self-appointed elites like Cuomo but probably 80% of the population. It's why the overwhelming majority of people took an experimental untested vax, using novel technology with a dangerous track record, where the manufacturer was exempt from liability, for a sickness with a 99.9% survival rate. Far higher than that if you are under 60 and healthy.

It goes way beyond that though. It's why people take their car to a dealership for an oil change and and get fleeced for $5k in unneeded repairs. It's why some plumber can get away with charging $200 an hour to clear a drain with a tool anyone can get at Harbor Freight. It's why people get duped into taking out $200k in student loans for a degree with little earning-potential value. It's why people buy extended warranties that are almost pure profit for the seller. It's why old folks get duped into sending thousands of dollars to people that are obvious scammers.

People refuse to think for themselves. Simply asking oneself, "wait a minute, does this make any sense based on my life experience" and doing a little research first would save people from countless bad decisions. But they don't because they are intellectually lazy.

Cuomo saying he was a victim of bad assumptions is 100% true. But what he doesn't recognize is that it's not an excuse but an admission that he's a fool.

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Great comment. I would add that Chris Cuomo - and people like him - should be held in special contempt for their non-critical and sycophantic promotion of the approved narrative thus either scaring, shaming or ridiculing the 80% of the populace to toe the party line. Remember how the elites laughed at the thought of "doing your own research." Who is laughing now, Chris, et al?

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Chris is not done promoting the globalist neo-feudalist agenda.

Count on it.

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May 11Liked by Jeff Childers

Like Like Like....a thousand times Like, Jeff! You nailed it! Just like the AZ protesting student arrested and whining that she never expected consequences for standing up for free speech. These young people have no concept that any type of freedom comes with a hefty price. She can protest BECAUSE a lot of somebody's lost their lives on behalf of that. These naive kids have never been held accountable or made to suffer consequences for anything. And even sadder, they have no idea of their God-given identity so every voice out there gets input into tugging them this way and that -blown about with the latest manipulative wind.

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Yup, well said.

I do tend to give teenagers/early twenties the benefit of the doubt as they don't have decades of life experience (i.e. hard earned lessons) to look back on. Plus they may have been raised by idiots, it's pretty common. It's one of the reasons why credit cards and students loans aimed at this age group is so reprehensible. They intentionally take advantage of their youthful naivety and gullibility to indenture them with decades of debt.

Once people get past this point in life though, it's pretty hard to excuse this stuff. I see people in their forties make ridiculous emotion-driven decisions like they are teenagers. People buy $90k cars on credit when they barely make that much a year. They think the grass is greener on the other side and put their entire life in turmoil over a fling. Look at how the senior citizens behaved (not all of course but many) during covid, it was entirely fear-based emotion. They demanded younger people with their entire lives ahead of them reorder their lives and take an experimental injection. Ugly, ugly stuff.

The silver lining is that these people out themselves with their behavior. Smart people recognize this and either don't deal with them going forward or minimize their influence if they can't avoid them (e.g. the guilt tripping family member).

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Yes! And also a government led psyop was hammered into the population. They actually paid for focus groups to test. What kind of message would be most apt to drive people to accept the experimental, genetic injections. The winning formula was “ don’t be selfish. You have to do it to protect other people or otherwise you will be known as a terrible person.”

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I didn't mention that but you are exactly right. It's not just refusing to think for oneself but using emotion as a substitute for thinking. Talk about frying pan to fire.

People really need to understand just how evil most marketing is. It's deliberately intended to psychologically manipulate people to short-circuit critical thought and toy with their emotions and guilt. It's everywhere and forms the basis of most sales and public relations. The ethos is if you are so stupid you fall for my guilt-tripping emotional BS, then that's on you not me.

It's inherently anti-Christian and pretty ugly, as it goes against everything Christ taught as to how we are to treat others. The good news is that once you recognize it, you become immune to it. It will also cause you to immediately spot people using these dirty tricks, understand their true ethics regardless of what they claim, and know who needs to be purged from your life.

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We also have to think about the timing of all this 'revelation'. They want us to look at that. What aren't we supposed to be looking at? They want us focused on the wrong thing...

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"Fear everything, but don't fear Yahweh."


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Bill Hicks had the marketer's number. I won't link to YouTube but it is easily located by searching "Bill Hicks, marketing".

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May 11·edited May 11

Bill Hicks was the return of jesus. and just like the first time, most people missed it.

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It's of the flesh.

It's "lesser magick."

It's witchcraft.

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"You're an a-hole if you won't abandon all logic, reason, the scientific method, and best practices in favor of 'our' narrative."


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But Cuomo did admit that he was WRONG, which is kinda unique for a DEMOCRAT. So. Progress!

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not. He's still being a well paid shill and doing/saying exactly what he is told to. there is nothing genuine in this man or any of the other shills. and if he were to ever become genuine and go off script, he'd be julian assanged or epsteined.

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I don't think he admitted he was wrong. He just stated that we didn't know at the time and blamed doctors for holding back information. Just like Meryl Streep announced that not everyone knew (Harvey Weinstein), it's the same playbook.

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The statement "If everybody was operating under the same set of assumptions" carries the same weight as "If everybody ate broken glass every morning and called it Cap'n Crunch."

It's an absurdity framed as wisdom.

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It's mindless word salad, uttered in bad faith, which is all one *ever* gets from Chris Cuomo, who is a real, live menace to public health, and who has now been given a highly unfortunate (for the rest of us) new lease on life as a super spreader of 2024's "updated!" misinformation, otherwise known as The Mainstream Narrative.

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Cuomo is a close-minded member in good standing of the globalist elite. He probably feels he has to do the thinking for us poor pilgrims/deplorables because we’re too stupid to do it for ourselves.

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Yep, seems pretty simple, but people still say "Trump didn't know.....the deep state lied to him...." Well, golly gee, even more reason not to do it, the swamp told me these things were great. Blows my mind people can't see how ridiculous this is.

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victim mentality. its why people say, o hurry lord jesus and return and save me. they will do anything to avoid growing up and taking personal responsibility. and they are far more dangerous than the tiny minority that controls them.

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And was injected into you by strangers in a van in a parking lot. If only there had been some signs...

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I wont be injected with anything anymore! No way! I have familial hypercholesterol. I take the lowest possible dose of statin, but at one point, I thought I had neuropathic sensations from the statin.

If I hear "why don't you try repatha" one more time at a doctor visit, I will scream! No way I would inject that new fangled cholesterol medication into my body!

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I know someone on Repatha. Cholesterol well below 100… not, I repeat, not healthy.

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May 11·edited May 11

I agree! That is very low for overall. My cardiologist said that they like to see LDL at 70. I am not taking anything more than what I am taking, so I am happy with it at 120.

(Those numbers have changed a good deal over the decades anyway, in order, I believe, to put everyone on statins!)

What I especially don't like about Repatha is that those who have bad side effects (there are many people on the internet who say they have), you have to ride it out for months, whereas with a pill, you stop it the next day.

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Go with your gut. There’s never been a study proving a causal link between elevated LDL and heart disease. Check out the book “The Big Fat Surprise” by Nina Teicholz

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There is a good article here on the cholesterol scam/marketing and dangers of statins.


It’s incredible that uninformed doctors are still promoting this fraud and even still pushing low fat diets, which we now know was from a fraudulent paper by the late Ancel Keys. Old lies die slowly, it seems, but the statins are a huge money-maker.

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Excellent article!! Lots of facts!!

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Right?! Imagine the endless possibilities for the creators of this scam. People literally lining up in parking lots and fields with their arms hanging out of their vehicles begging for the jab. No questions asked. Not one thought in their minds that MAYBE this isn’t what they claim it is. Miracle Juice for every believer! Free miracle juice for the elites and their families. You were only elite if you got jabbed.

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Wonder why some of us JUST knew not to take it.

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May 11Liked by Jeff Childers

God knows those who will worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.

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My single-father self worried about my children for about a week. I did what I had done before and researched everything I could find. I also prayed, a little. Someone suggested we read Psalm 91 and others that we all pray at the same time. Conflating the two suggestions, I read the psalm every night at the same time. At the end of the week of worry this message was brought to my attention:

Is there no God in Israel? Is this why you enquire of the prophets of Baal? (~2kings 1:16)

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Psalm 91 is exceptionally well suited!

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Just knew. So obvious a psyop. We had all of 2020 to figure it out yet most people around me couldn`t wait to get it. I was shocked at their behavior. At least I didn`t try to dissuade them. Now they are either dead or injured and think it`s just long covid. Long covid just another psyop

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You're spot on John!

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Yep. Same here

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I knew it was a scam when literally EVERYONE was saying there was a "deadly" pandemic but docs were not "allowed" to see or prescribe safe medication. Stay in your house until you are extremely ill, then come to the hospital. THAT made zero sense to me and I began doing my "own research."

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*see patients that is.....

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Yes, we all read his admission and recognize that he is an easily led fool or a useful idiot.

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Good one. What to do? What to do? Gee, if I only had a brain and maybe a few critical thinkers in there. Darn it.

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I know, right?

The total abandoning of the scientific method in favor of a guy in a lab coat with a bunch of letters after his name, could not possibly indicate that something is amiss.

"We all made the same assumptions."

No. We did not.


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Key word “experimental “ ! No thank you !

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May 11Liked by Jeff Childers

Deborah Birx = limited hangout + GASLIGHTER extraordinaire! Yes, all this movement on the "vaccine" front is driven by politics. But don't forget her part in all of it. She manipulated and schemed to enact her policies and to subvert the will of then President Trump. This woman should be one of the first people held to account for her actions. I think I'm over Covid and I think I can't possibly feel more anger about the terrible psychological, physical, emotional and spiritual damage inflicted upon us, but then these people open their hubristic mouths and I am enraged anew. I really need to take this to prayer.

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May 11·edited May 11

Exactly my thoughts and a similar comment NAB. The more they open their mouths the angrier we get! I tend to have covid simmering on the back burner until I hear comments like these of Cuomo and Birx, then my reaction swings back to flame throwing anger.

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May 11Liked by Jeff Childers

We need another 9/11 style commission with full transparency, like the original 9/11 Commission Report that was a white wash and coverup of the biggest crime perpetrated against America until Covid? Birx and Cuomo shamelessly spin their veil of deception in their not so limited hang out.

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Citizens would've received Birx words during Covid quite differently if she'd delivered them in her military uniform instead of the scarf outfits.

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I used to love scarves…she killed that too.

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May 11·edited May 11

Ok, to be fair..she and I are rhe same age. Most of us who have not had a surgical neck lift do tend to start showing aging in that area; much more than in our faces, and slimmer women even moreso.

It is extremely disheartening because no matter how well you take care of yourself, it is the one part of your body which maliciously gives away your age.

If you have to be on national television, every flaw will be magnified and observed. That is why she wore scarves. I understand and sympathize with her on that!

Beatrice Arthur did the same on her 70s sitcom called 'Maude'. She always wore scarves.

By the time she moved on to the 'Golden Girls' she had undergone a lower face and neck lift surgery, and she finally had the confidence to chuck the scarves.

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Huh. I always wondered by Bea Arthur stopped wearing the scarves later on. Thanks for that celebrity trivia :).

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I would love to cover my turkey neck with a scarf, but 5 minutes after I put one on, I remember that I have multiple sclerosis and I start sweating! 🥵 Off it goes. And forget about turtlenecks.

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Turkey neck club, represent! (as the youths say . . .)

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I cant wear them in South Florida anyway, but I keep them (from before I moved here) anyway. 😉

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The thing is, she got constantly mocked and called Scarf Lady, Scarfface, etc. whereas most people would accept the natural effects of aging in someone who’s supposed to be saving the world from the most deadly disease evarrr.

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Or if she delivered her words in the skin of the one from whom her lies were born.

"Eat the fruit. You, too, will be like gods."

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Hate to admit this but I bought 2 scarves (amazon of course). I’ve burned them since

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Please read my above comment.

Scarves will always be chic.

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We shouldn’t allow her to ruin yet another thing for us!

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The Clintons already ruined scarves . . .

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and sanity

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And blue dresses.

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At least she tries to hide that ugly neck, Turkey neck. Sorry turkeys

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Let me help…Lord, may the TRUTH shine on every lie. May the strength of your word crush every stronghold of lies that lead to millions of poisonings and deaths.

May your mercy and grace be upon those who proclaim the truth and stand on your word. AMEN!

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Didn’t Brix admit under oath that she lied to PDT?

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Not sure about under oath (maybe at one of the Congressional hearings ?) but she certainly admitted to it in print in her stupid book.

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O let the evil of the wicked come to an end, but establish the righteous;

For the righteous God tests the hearts and minds.

My shield is with God,

Who saves the upright in heart.

God is a righteous judge,

And a God who has indignation every day.

— Psalm 7:9-11 LSB

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That was Cuomos next response.

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Every single day, these days…..

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May 11·edited May 11Liked by Jeff Childers

Saw some stunning photos of the skies as Russians took more territory in Ukraine. Between the northern lights, earthquakes, and eclipse, the heavens are sending us strong signals for 2024. Stay lit, comrades.

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I saw some stunning photos as

Those Russians got blasted and burned.

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Get a life.

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“The righteous rejoice when the wicked perish”.


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Right on cue. FoggyBottom Follies.

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Sorry your boys are taking the L here.

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May 11·edited May 11Liked by Jeff Childers

It's fitting that they dispense the booze in the South Market (SoMa). Soma was the drug doled out in Huxley's "Brave New World".

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Does everybody realize that those dystopian novels really were instruction manuals? Dig into the politicalconnections of the writers...

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Yes. I'm learning more and more about the Huxley family every day. Yikes!

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Guess who was a classroom student of Huxley?

None other than Eric Blair, who went on to write 1984 under his pen name, George Orwell.

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Yes, and his novel was not meant to be an instruction manual, as many have pointed out.

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Not only political and philosophical, but religious. There were a lot of New Age Technocrats in that group.

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I read those books and more in my HS years. They did not advocate for those dystopias. They were warnings as they then saw trends in society. And because of them, I knew immediately what was happening and called bullshit.

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Huxley's "Brave New World" was a utopian dream of his but in his "Brave New World Revisited" he bragged about things in is coming true. I wrote abut him and his experiments with LSD and how his ideas went mainstream with, for example, The Doors taking their band name from the book he wrote about his drug experiments. Long essay, but scroll down to the image of Huxley's "The Doors of Perception" book. https://ajvalleyheartsdelight.substack.com/p/incense-and-peppermints

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Back in the bad old days of the 80s, we used to joke about all the people getting "soma'd" when we'd go to illegal rave dance parties in abandoned warehouses in SF. With the mall and all of the stores closing around Union Square and the work-from-home ethos that has permeated Cali, SOMA is a zombie wasteland now. It is infuriating that city and state leaders are encouraging and enabling human suffering.

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They do it because not one of them lives on streets with any homeless. All are skimming off the firehose of public-private cash enabling that zombieland which so conveniently lowers property values for their redeveloper pals.

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Haha, I lived South of Market (we never called it SOMA) when it was a light-industrial wasteland, no ballpark, old section of the Embarcadero freeway to nowhere yet to come down. The only time it was hopping was those weekend rave nights and the Folsom Street Fair. But once Willie Brown became mayor, cranes, everywhere. And that was the beginning of the end.

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Recovered alcoholic here. There is such a thing as fatal alcohol withdrawal. The body can become so addicted that it slips into delerium tremens which can lead to death if the alcoholic can't ingest some alcohol at that point in time. It's fairly rare and easily mitigated with an emergency room visit. Also, that ER visit can lead to healthier outcomes and sobriety. I've been there twice myself, in the 90s. Saved by an ER visit, which eventually led to my sobriety and recovery.

To be clear, at that point in my disease, were I to have had access to free alcohol all day the odds that I would've simply drank myself to death were infinitely higher than that I would eventually have gotten sober! The day I got sober I did so because I was UNABLE to access the alcohol I needed to continue on my path to drinking myself to death.

What I'm saying is that this program in San Francisco could literally have killed me before I got sober. Its the worst possible way to treat alcoholics, makes zero logical sense, and is not just stupid but very likely nefarious in the way Jeff suggests

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Kudos to your recovery. Maybe they just want to rid themselves of the addicts in this cruel way.

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Would not be surprised at all

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what??? and loose all those extra votes???

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Don't worry, they'll still vote.

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"snort"- pun intended ;)

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They’ll still vote when they’re dead.

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Which is exactly what the critics of harm reduction point out. Providing addicts what they crave is only going to make their situation worse.

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Gabor Maté wrote a great book on this subject. (I think it's In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts.) Some addicts actually do better with harm reduction, but some types do NOT and alcoholics are not like heroin addicts in this way. It's absolutely the wrong treatment for alcoholism.

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Thanks for the comment. Sober in my early 30’s. I needed rehab twice. Thank God i could get help back then.

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I was thinking that this is probably why they managed to reduce ER visits—people just die instead 😕

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Right?! That may be helpful to the ER (or their bottom line, at least) but not to the patient!

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It seems clear that the patients’ best interests are not what they’re focused on 😕😞

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Guessing the local hospital corporations and insurance companies love this program and will vote and fund accordingly. And being paid nurses’ level wages to tend bar - what can I say?

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Congratulations on your recovery! Well said!!! 🙆‍♀️😘

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It’s just another way of reducing the population just like the medical supervised drug houses in big cities.

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Harm reduction is like so many of our solutions now--a band-aid 'treating' (jk not really treating) the symptom. And avoidance of hard work, as well. Because in SF as in America at large, it's a sin to look at and dare to imagine addressing root causes.

Basically, harm reduction is just a scheme designed by the vampires that congregate around addicts and alcoholics, who need alcoholics and addicts to stay sick because it gives them some weird kind of purpose and superiority. (Aka, people just as 'sick' as the addicts and alcoholics.)

You know, kind of like Kathy Hochul needs to uplift all those black children who have never even heard the word computer!

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That the Consortium of Establishment Covid and Kill Shot Proponents harbor a near bursting repository of Reptilian/Demonic DNA within their filthy, earthly coil is a foregone conclusion. To that end, I suspect they siphon off our overt outrage like indiscriminate blood sucking ticks. The more yelling, chest thumping and desk pounding that we do the more audacious, insolent, and excessively nonsensical, i.e. “Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs'' their behavior becomes.

While harvesting fresh scientific fibs and massaging statistics and data is a longstanding deception, they doggedly regurgitate the same repetitive, lame and tiresome wagon load of horse chips hoping that the “dolts” (that’s us) will capitulate to their continuous chatter twaddle. (Honestly, if someone is STILL surfing on the ripple of “safe and effective” then they’re either in catastrophic denial, hopped up on off brand Skittles and Peruvian Skunkweed or knitted to some cattywampus political ideology….or maybe they’re just dumber than a box of rocks. Let’s not even get into the definition of a woman. Egads, such obvious contrived cultural tripe! How laughable and utterly imbecilic. “Are you not entertained?”)

While we are justified in being steeped in white hot anger, I believe we are, in actuality, feeding the beast(s) if this is our lone knee-jerk response. Mockery, my friends, is where it’s at. Sarcasm, lampooning, spoofing, ridiculing, pointing, laughing, jesting…..and yes, jabbing are the most effective forms of counterinsurgency virtually guaranteed to get under the scales of the truly crooked and repulsive. Special thanks to Counselor Childers for leading the charge and allowing the tribe an outlet to engage in unfettered free fall spoofage. Let’r rip!

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And Jon Stewart, the usually Lefty comedian who bravely called out the ridiculous Chinese wet-market origin story created by our own intelligence agencies.

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I second your conclusion. And third, fourth and fifth since as things stand I'm pretty sure I can get away with more than one vote. Not sayin' the tactic is legit, just employing the same agin' 'em. The energy of anger - as well as fear - feeds their demented, demonic mindset/being-set. They suckle on that witch's teat. Full force derision is the ticket. Yesiree, let'r 𝙧𝙞𝙥! 👍👍💪🥸

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Could not agree more

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Before we all get excited and giddy over the “apparent“ sea change with respect to the vaccinations… Let us not forget that the busy beavers are working nonstop on ways to administer vaccines through alternative methods. I believe Jeff is correct and stating that this is an election year ploy. It is definitely not happenstance or coincidence. we must always be on alert as things are always highly coordinated and planned.

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Yes, and also, there are many mRNA genetic injections in the pipeline. They will alter our DNA and push us towards trans humanism if we accept them.

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"The next one will get your attention," said the software salesman.

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With a sh*t eating grin on his face.👿

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"Duper's delight."

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You know all of those parables and folk tales about snakes, foxes, wolves.... When they very kindly tell you they would never dream of sinking their teeth into you, and that time before was an accident and they were misled and such...

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May 11·edited May 11

Let me get this straight- so tax payers funded shots which most did not want, only for many loved ones to be injured or dead, and now tax payers will likely fund an injury program as well….. and yet some did not participate at all and yet we still get to pay! Lovely! smh🤦🏼‍♀️

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It’s the government way 🙄😡

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That is, if there’s anything left after paying the student loans of Tentifada Trustafarians and for housing, food, and Obamacare for border crossers.

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Wait. Shots? Or "Shots?"

Can I get a vack-seen when I get the vodka that is due me because of the unrighteousness of my "betters" who "oppressed" me?


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May 11·edited May 11

San Francisco ought to up their game, and send those vodka-proffering "nurses" into the streets topless, just like in the high-roller clubs around town. Why should a drunk be deprived just because he's broke? That's discriminatory.

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Why aren't established bars and liquor stores suing? which nephew of the mayor has the booze distribution contract with the city? City-Sponsored Happy Hour in San Fran, every 3 hours to keep my buzz on; I'm moving to a Blue hood in a Blue town in a Blue State and live out my dreams of de-stigmatized Idiopathic Alcohol Mal-Consumptive Repetitive Use Disorder Binge Syndrome. The frauds in Academia concoct these studies and "new views" on old problems to gain ever more $$$$ and fame and stimulation for their ego-driven madness to inflict themselves on society and gain meaning in their godless fake lives and driving Progressivism madness into all aspects of existence.

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Aud. We used to call it alcoholism.

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It's a genetic disorder that some gene splicing and mRNA with nanoparticles can fix i'm sure!

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Nothing makes a person stop drinking like the grave.

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and we used to call people him and her, now its they/them

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Yeah nurse does not mean what you think it does in SF old son…not as far as looks go anyway.

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The beer goggles might help with that though? 🤔😑

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No one needs or wants to see hairy transitioning dudes with implants walking the streets!!!

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A city where Nancy Pelosi is the representative is giving out free booze. 🍸 am I reading the Onion? Or Babylon Bee?

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Well, her husband Paulie, did give a new meaning to "getting hammered."

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I'll have a double "Ball-Peen," on the rocks. Shaken, not stirred. Tito's, if you have it.

Hold the silk hanging scarf.

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Definitely the Bee, the Onion is painfully unfunny.

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"Mistakes were made!"

NOT … ;-)


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MMA, I was hoping you would repost this. It is a classic and spot on.

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Thank you, Cheryl—hard to resist when Jeff set it up so perfectly ;-)

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The narrative may be changing, "mistakes were made"...etc.....

But NEVER forget:

***They DENIED life saving early treatment


***They used CENSORSHIP to deny informed consent

Those are not mistakes.

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Remember when they suddenly rationed the availability of monoclonals to exclude the distribution in southern states and then to prioritize minorities over white people? That happened here.

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Yep, the only “approved” modality that actually worked.

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Were the monoclonals as deadly (long-term) as the Pentagon Juice? Do we know for certain yet? Were these monoclonals used to further exterminate the non-whites, as you suggest, who received them?

Weren’t the poison darts killing a lot of black people?

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I too am curious if mAbs are as dangerous as the vax.

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I'll send you a link when I get home, a former Pfizer employee seems to think that the adenovirus vaxxes are worse, but then he might have been convinced of that by Pfizer.

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This was a long one, I had to retire to bed before it was done, and when they record these spaces, as the Space is in progress, there is no indication bar anywhere to show how long the Space has been in progress, so no idea at what time in the Space someone going by the name of Son of God @IAMSOULDI3R was talking about the adenovirus shots... Twatter Spaces are still mickey mouse, but one does get very good conversations going in those from time to time.

Needs a time marker though.

Not sure if it will be worth your while to try to find it in there though.

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Exactly Janna, it made ZERO sense! So they stated it's a "deadly pandemic." Ok, then why not allow docs to try safe medicines for their patients? Instead docs were threatened and fired for attempting to do so! Did that not occur to anyone? Only stay home until you're really ill, THEN come to the hospital where they still wouldn't try actual safe and effective meds...just remdesivier(sp?) and ventilators? Yep, never made a lick of sense to me.

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I take it you're not university educated... as it seems that the ones most likely to internalize the psy-op and never let go of it, as most can't seem to to this day, were the university educated "intelligent" people.

If you are, what makes you different than the other 80-85% of your cohort?

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It's called murder. That is how evil our government is.

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How quickly most have forgotten!

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Biden cannot escape the fact that he forced people to get the jab or lose their job. No amount of damage control can change that. However, he has the media on his side to spin a false narrative.

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Especially to the military

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He doesn't need narrative for the military. He can provide dire consequences.

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remember when the interviewer would "fact check" the Republican debater but would allow the Democrat lies to go through? How else do you think they will allow Brandon to debate?

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I don't think Brandon will be able to debate. He needs a teleprompter to talk and a debate will highlight how bad he really is health/mind-wise.

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Yet he has proven that even a teleprompter can’t save him (pause)

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So true!

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