Jun 30, 2023Β·edited Jul 1, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

How sad is it that I instantly knew exactly what episode of Seinfeld that picture of Newman is from? It's from the one when Kramer tries to opt out of receiving mail. The scene is a spoof of "Three Days of the Condor" where Newman is warning Kramer he can't trust any postal employees.

Regarding the wildfires, Ethical Skeptic has a series of tweets up discussing how the smoke smells like burning tires or plastic and doesn't smell anything like typical brush/forest fires. He thinks something else is going on, and speculates it's related to the recent huge jump in sea temperatures. It sounds out there but he's speculating it's some sort of volcanic action that is cooking underground oil. Frankly it's so bizarre sounding that it's making me question some of his other conclusions.

Last off, anyone else notice that Twitter is now making you log in to see tweets? If anyone has a workaround please post. I've never had a twitter account and am not about to start now.


From Elon's twitter:

This will be unlocked shortly. Per my earlier post, drastic & immediate action was necessary due to EXTREME levels of data scraping.

Almost every company doing AI, from startups to some of the biggest corporations on Earth, was scraping vast amounts of data.

It is rather galling to have to bring large numbers of servers online on an emergency basis just to facilitate some AI startup’s outrageous valuation.

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If I had a dollar for every gender, I'd have two dollars.

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Jun 30, 2023Β·edited Jun 30, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I love and appreciate the Dana Carvey/David Spade video but where were these guys in 2021? Too many people appear now to be joining the fashionable "I was for it before I was against it" cavalcade. It reminds me of the people in 2004-05 who suddenly were "always against the Iraq War" when things didn't turn out quite the way Bush and the neocons promised.

Additionally, the Erica Marsh account is fake, apparently. As someone pointed out on gato's page:

"Update: "Erica Marsh"s profile pic seems to have been lifted from a German consulting website, which is no longer live on the web.

If you needed any further info that this account is fake... ."

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Late yesterday was the first day this week that we in Wisconsin could go outside because the air quality was so bad. The way it came through doesn't make sense for wildfire smoke. Something just doesn't add up.

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Here's to hoping the ruling on religious discrimination moves things along. My fire dept. fired 300 years of combined service in one day. Everyone one of us had a signed and approved religious exemption. We even had signed approved accommodations until the mayor reversed and denied them all. No surprise our city, Redmond WA is Microsoft world hq...

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Politico Phil

just now

Well Jeff, you've opened a new subject of inquiry with the demonic attention. Here is a book a few C&C folk might find of interest. In 1986, Dr. Gary North published a 426 page book titled, "Unholy Spirits: Occultism and New Age Humanism". North was a Calvinist Reformed scholar and publisher who held a PhD in economics. He was a protege and son-in-law of R J Rushdoony, father of Christian Reconstructionism.

In Unholy Spirits, North argues that the fundamentals of humanism are identical with the basics of Satanism. Paraphrasing the dust jacket, the philosophy of humanism does not prevent a radical new class of scientists from opening up a Pandora's box of satanic experimentation which could change the way we live. As CS Lewis wrote in "The Screwtape Letters", when the materialists believe in demons but not in God, the battle is over.

With the explosion of the occult in America beginning in the early 1960's, "Not only has humanism laid us open for a spiritual onslaught the likes of which we have never seen, but modern scientific thought is in the midst of an epistemological and spiritual crisis from which it may never recover. Revolutionary changes are coming in society and in the laboratory. ...the merger between the lab, the demonic and the humanist may be the most ungodly alliance ever forged."

Bear in mind these words were published in 1986. When I first read these word in 1986, I never imagined how prophetic his thesis was and I certainly never imagined the horror that we are now witness to. Only now do I fully appreciate the insight that Gary North had and recorded in this book.

In a low circulation newsletter North published, he said that for the whole time this manuscript was on his computer, he was constantly plagued with computer glitches and failures. When the manuscript was finally removed from his computer, the glitches ceased happening. I lost my original copy of this book but I was able to replace it with a purchase off of Amazon. It's an easy, well written read of a difficult subject.

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Jun 30, 2023Β·edited Jun 30, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

These Died Suddenly lists just go on and on. I follow several sites that list them.

The numbers are picking up, not slowing down!

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

"Was Pfizer β€” with willing cooperation by regulators β€” experimenting on the public with the different dosages? ". The hot batch reporting that came out first (will add link when I find it) showed a rotation of hot batches through a summer, 2021 I guess, from each vaccine to the next for thr big 3. Industry experts commented that it looked like a controlled dosage test to find the lethal level that would cause death. Think about that... an experiment across the world coordinated with three mfg's...

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

It is so wonderful to see Sound of Freedom movie as a multiplier! I already had a ticket, but I purchased two more on the front row because I don’t plan to use them and didn’t want to take any good seats.

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I’ve been thinking about this from yesterday’s post regarding Madonna….”it’s β€œnot the time” to discuss the mysterious causes of her illness”.

THAT is the STUPIDEST thing I have ever heard! Is her illness a secret? Are we NEVER to speak about the cause of WHY someone is ill….it’s β€˜just mysterious’?!

C’mon!! We KNOW the reason WHY! Are we so childish to buy into β€˜if we close our eyes, it goes away’?!

People, we need to get passed this stupidity. THIS is what lead people to being brainwashed taking the shots and masking – OUTDOORS!!!

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I knew there was something up when people have to go get their second c-19 shot at the same place they received the first one. Why would that be? Because the people were in the clinical trial. This also explains why my 80 year old mother got turbo cancer and my dad didn’t- they got their shots and boosters at different locations.

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Just an observation, but I've always been baffled as to how a region of the world - Eurasia - easily constitutes well over 35% (actually more) of the world's population... yet can wind up having it's descendants considered a minority ANYWHERE. They outnumber every other demographic by a mile.

I'll take a win however I can get it... but the racial quotas thing really is just insane.

BTW... my son just completed a 400 level math class at his top ten university this summer. He was the only kid in class who wasn't Chinese. They are kicking our you know what's... while we continue to lower the standards for basic high school graduation anymore.

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Makes one wonder if the missing railcar ingredients made their way up to Canada.

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More encouraging news! Supreme Court just ruled in favor of young Christian web designer who did not want to do work that was contrary to her Christian beliefs.

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"Racist Biden Staffer Erica Marsh thinks black folks are categorically stupid"

Oops! Left the bleach on too long. Leached right through to her brain.

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Purchased the tickets and hoping to be able to see the movie as well, but glad to support this and get the word out there

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