I meant to include a brief comment on the FEMA "emergency alert" scheduled for this afternoon, as some folks seem apprehensive about it. I can find nothing reliable that suggests it is anything beside what they've told us. Please also note this is not the first one. Here's a link to an article about a very similar 2018 test:
Someone _did_ bring up a good point about the FEMA test. It will hit _all_ phones. For people in an abuse situation who keep a hidden phone somewhere on silent mode ... it will cause that phone to go off as well. Warning to those who could be actually harmed to turn those phones off for a short time. :(
The alert is said to be audible regardless of the phone's power status - turned off, it'll still receive the alert. Best to stash your phone inside a steel box this afternoon.
That's a bit concerning - if a phone is actually _off_ it shouldn't receive or sound an alert. I'll be turning off my phones shortly before this test so we'll see what actually happens.
Does make me long for the days we had removable/replaceable batteries, though. :)
😂 Love this, mzlizzi. Think you may know I spent nearly 20 of my 35+ years working professionally in HR -- and I left that career in 2020 cuz you know why.
And now you know why we don't have removable/replaceable batteries anymore. The government gets access to our tracking/communication devices at will, even when they're off.
I heard an interview on the radio a few months back saying data, and unlockable features (like seat warmers) are going to be charged users extra for using them, and that features like this are going to be the new profit centers for cars. Heard the other day that Rivian is losing $33K per vehicle on the manufacture, and similar losses for many EVs being made. So it's the old 'printer business model' - make no money selling printers, but make bank on the ink.
I have a 13 YO car and trying to figure out what year all this started as I am considering replacing it but DO NOT want a new car with all the spy tech built in. Wishing at this point I had gone to mechanic school instead of college.
Also this is laying the groundwork for the per mile tax, which is going to switch from gas tax as the primary road funding revenue source, to charging you for each mile you drive. And the pandora's box that whole scheme opens up.....
Wonder how they collect the sex life data. I mean your car knows where it’s been. But how does it know what you’re doing? And how does it know who you are doing whatever with? Assuming, of course, that you don’t do it in the car.
That malwarebytes article was beneath their generally good reporting standards. The clickbait about "your sex life" was in fact a reference ONLY to information a carmaker might learn via direct verbal conversations with someone. The car is not somehow surreptitiously capturing sex life detail. I was disappointed in MWB for that particular article.
I have a Light Phone II, which is also a dumb phone. I asked the company if I can be tracked, and they said that the FCC requires all devices to have a GPS chip "for emergency services location."
I suspect the non-removable battery is more about making money than anything else. If a phone battery can't be replaced when it inevitably dies, the person has to buy a new phone. That's called brilliant (sarcasm) product design - repeat customers guaranteed. Of course it's not cool at all.
Multi-purpose, then, perhaps with Big Tech and Big Gov't collaborating. Certainly the 'subscription model' has become de rigeur for all sorts of things, now even with "vaccines."
I have a nondescript smartphone that I wiped and installed a "de-googled" android OS to. LineageOS. I disabled emergency alerts, and while phones around me got the FEMA test alert, mine did not. I doubt that it is tracking-free, but at least it is greatly reduced.
It makes me long for the days when I wasn’t worried that government testing actually could/would be dangerous to my life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.
My husband's late father was a nuclear physicist who worked at Oak Ridge, TN. We have a photo of him loading a reactor core in a t-shirt. He died at age 50. There are photos of sailors sweeping debris off of the ships anchored near Bikini Atoll after bomb tests, all wearing normal duty uniforms.
Here's a 2014 paper:
"Military Participants at U.S. Atmospheric Nuclear Weapons Testing— Methodology for Estimating Dose and Uncertainty"
The USG has never given a rip ab out the health of its soldiers. Best friend's father was career Navy, and on carriers during Viet Nam. He told his son the deck was sometimes awash in Agent Orange. He died young of cancer.
One of pioneer Nuclear scientists of the United states would swim in the cooling pools of nuclear reactors, and handle the nuclear material with his hands, they all did in the laboratories. Then regulators were invented and said you can't do that. Now they take the highly regulated waste and sell it and pocket the money. There should be a nuclear reactors every couple miles, about the size of a suburban the energy would last hundreds of years. He died at 84, they said it was from nuclear poisoning of course. Run the queries though a search engine you can watch his interviews on the net.
My mother’s father worked on ships that had been at those tests at the Bremerton Naval Shipyard in WA state. He died of liver cancer and the Navy paid for all his medical care. Her mother came up with breast cancer and my mom seems to think it was because she was in close proximity to him while they slept together at night. Was he glowing in the dark? Not sure that this scenario is even possible but it made sense to my mother...😣🤷♀️😣
Also keeping one's frequency at the highest level of consciousness creates a protective barrier. Inner guidance developed by an open pineal gland through cleansing, diet and spiritual practice is key. Being aware of potential man made catastrophies can also thwart the action or at least lessen the severity. Social media has made it possible to hear about possible events before they happen which affects the collective. Projecting a positve outcome rather than fearing the worst is the best path to take.
I can remove the battery from my Android, and I turn it off and put it in a cage each night. Hubs has an iPhone and even if he does turn it 'off' it is still on, searching for signals. He can turn it off at 100% and stash it in a faraday all night and when he gets up the battery is drained to zero, due to the searching feature never being shut down.
No...his phone is at 5.8 or something older like that. Just a creepy battery sucker. And I have noticed that my phone is a digital whore (excuse my french) because these phones come home with all kinds of digital VD if you leave them on when you go on errands. No kidding!
"FEMA says that the test will run within a 30-minute window, so if your phone is off at the start of the test but then turned on during the window, you will get a test message."
I turned off all government alerts in my notifications, put my phone in airplane mode and placed it in the microwave. I received nothing, even after switching off airplane mode. I also have the Defender Shield case on my phone. Not sure which thing worked or if it was a combination.
I enjoyed 30 minutes of silence and had no alerts when I turned my phones back on. (That last part was unexpected, but welcome.) My phones did not turn themselves on in that period or do anything other than enjoy a respite. :)
I've got an LG V20. It's got a wonderful big high res display and a replaceable battery. The model dates from about 2016 though, and android won't update anymore. I'll have to replace the phone at some point I guess.
I’m in the country. I’m walking deep into the local conservation district land and hike and do my outdoor painting. It’s cloudy but that often makes the best paintings. I’m unjabbed
Can confirm I turned off all emergency notifications and shut my phone down and at 2:18, it screamed that alert at me. I'm furious. I've been wanting to get rid of my phone. What am I waiting for?
Family thinks having a phone in an emergency will save me. I never use it and rarely, like once a month, turn it on. I think I am sensitive to EMF so what am I waiting for? I hate tech to tell the truth, but I am old and remember the good old days when people looked at you.
GG thanks for saying that. I was completely wondering what happened. We know nothing bc we went to the beach and left all home. What type phone you have?
S-20+. I went back and checked my "Emergency Alerts" and everything is turned off. So I should not have received it. I also turned my phone off. It does require me to hit the "power off" icon a couple of times, so maybe I didn't do that enough. Regardless, I should not have received notification but did.
I'm not concerned about a virus being activated because my phone issued an alarm. I am concerned that the government can reach into my life whenever it wants, wherever I am. That's insidious.
Audible, but more importantly, carrying a frequency that is said to be impactful on human bodies.... some, more than others (perhaps).
Put your phones in your microwave (or any other faraday box) starting at 1pm and going through 5pm. Turning them off or on airplane mode won't stop the frequency being pushed through them. Also remember to unplug your smart devices (TVs, radios, doorbells, wifi router, etc.). Anything that is "smart" will also be used as a medium for these frequencies.
It's right on the NIH website. Frequencies amplified and spread through the 5G, 4G and other networks have an observable and harmful impact/correlation on the health of humans, including and maybe especially observable during the COVID19 "pandemic."
If you've injected programmable nanotech into your bloodstream, I don't think you can overhype the risks here. For the unjabbed, the concern is close proximity to the jabbed (and the potential of "vaccine" shedding).
My comment on being “over hyped” is in all these people were saying shut everything off and that’s just not possible for EVERYONE vaxxed or not. People also were saying they were going fishing or out for couple of hours to the beach, hiking, etc. getting everyone worried, including me. Worried for my family members who got the jabs… 2 adult kids, my mom, extended family members all who can’t turn things off due to working or won’t listen if I tell them. I myself had to be home today, couldn’t go out. While I did turn off my phone I didn’t go around unplugging anything. I think the EAS itself was probably not harmful. Why they are conducting it is another story. Very suspect of something possibly coming that “they” create and actually use the system for “their” next fake agenda.
And as far as EMF/RF I don’t doubt that they can be harmful to some extent… just not sure it will activate something in jabbed individuals or us unjabbed shedded on individuals. Like Lisa Ca said… we’ll have to “wait” and see. For now my jabbed peeps are fine today after EA.
My cell was on silent, no noise was made. I think folks got a tad over paranoid. But please know how to always clear all your cell surfing history, cache & cookies. Also know all about location services, don’t turn that on, don’t use them. Period.
Well - turned my phones off. No alert. No auto-power-on. About time to turn back on to see if I still get the alert or it expired in 30 minutes. (and was reminded about the startup sound for my work phone - ugh)
Doesn't look like I got the alert in a delayed fashion - at least not yet.
Yeah, dumb phone is old school like cops and robbers on the school yard - children’s games. Really old school- distance yourself from the devices. My sympathies to those who can’t.
My husband had his phone turned off today and it did not go off. My phone did go off. So turning a phone off during these test does keep a phone silent.
Mine was off. I did not stash it anywhere. I did not receive the alert and when I turned it back on after the prescribed time, there was no evidence of the alert on it.
For testing purposes - the 3 cell phones we have in the house all tried something different. Wife's Apple phone left on and got both the text messages and 20 minutes later the audible alarm went off. My Samsung was wrapped in double-triple aluminum foil that was scrunched up to make lots of deflecting folds - it didn't get the text messages but the audible alarm went off same time as Wife's phone. My son (college age) had let his charge go to zero and didn't recharge until 20 minutes after both of the tests went off......when he recharged his Samsung neither test type came thru. Just fyi......I think I'd go with the faraday bag.
Very true and good advise there. On a humorous note, this will be a very good way to see which cashiers are breaking the rules and having their cellphones on the floor at work :)
What's interesting is we saw no workers on their phone in Europe or at the airports there. As soon as we got to JFK, saw many employees on their phone.
I put my phone and IPad in the microwave at the test time and unplugged TVs and Desk tops and didn’t hear that annoying screech and enjoyed a fresh cup of Java and C&C without interruption😌
LOL good point. I've got a few phones. Main one is my old iphone from work.
Also have a 'tracphone' from walmart, it's a decent android phone for $40. I don't have cell service on it but just use it as an android device with signal and telegram for voice and video calls (free on wifi).
For privacy from big tech, I'm moving to a pixel4a (unlocked) phone running grapheneOS.
I meant to include a brief comment on the FEMA "emergency alert" scheduled for this afternoon, as some folks seem apprehensive about it. I can find nothing reliable that suggests it is anything beside what they've told us. Please also note this is not the first one. Here's a link to an article about a very similar 2018 test:
Someone _did_ bring up a good point about the FEMA test. It will hit _all_ phones. For people in an abuse situation who keep a hidden phone somewhere on silent mode ... it will cause that phone to go off as well. Warning to those who could be actually harmed to turn those phones off for a short time. :(
The alert is said to be audible regardless of the phone's power status - turned off, it'll still receive the alert. Best to stash your phone inside a steel box this afternoon.
That's a bit concerning - if a phone is actually _off_ it shouldn't receive or sound an alert. I'll be turning off my phones shortly before this test so we'll see what actually happens.
Does make me long for the days we had removable/replaceable batteries, though. :)
Agree. I don't trust the government or fema. They don't care about you. This is all about control.
😂 Love this, mzlizzi. Think you may know I spent nearly 20 of my 35+ years working professionally in HR -- and I left that career in 2020 cuz you know why.
Hillary Rodham?? 😬
And now you know why we don't have removable/replaceable batteries anymore. The government gets access to our tracking/communication devices at will, even when they're off.
Your car or truck is also tracking you, and I do not mean merely your location:
I heard an interview on the radio a few months back saying data, and unlockable features (like seat warmers) are going to be charged users extra for using them, and that features like this are going to be the new profit centers for cars. Heard the other day that Rivian is losing $33K per vehicle on the manufacture, and similar losses for many EVs being made. So it's the old 'printer business model' - make no money selling printers, but make bank on the ink.
I have a 13 YO car and trying to figure out what year all this started as I am considering replacing it but DO NOT want a new car with all the spy tech built in. Wishing at this point I had gone to mechanic school instead of college.
Also this is laying the groundwork for the per mile tax, which is going to switch from gas tax as the primary road funding revenue source, to charging you for each mile you drive. And the pandora's box that whole scheme opens up.....
Wonder how they collect the sex life data. I mean your car knows where it’s been. But how does it know what you’re doing? And how does it know who you are doing whatever with? Assuming, of course, that you don’t do it in the car.
wow that is mind blowing, just when I thought it wasn't possible to blow my mind anymore.
That malwarebytes article was beneath their generally good reporting standards. The clickbait about "your sex life" was in fact a reference ONLY to information a carmaker might learn via direct verbal conversations with someone. The car is not somehow surreptitiously capturing sex life detail. I was disappointed in MWB for that particular article.
I didn't know about this. (I still have a dumb phone.)
I have a Light Phone II, which is also a dumb phone. I asked the company if I can be tracked, and they said that the FCC requires all devices to have a GPS chip "for emergency services location."
a boss I had wanted only his old style flip phone. Just to make and receive calls - no "smart" features. He was ahead of the times
I have a dumb phone. It does talk and text.... well, it also plays Snake. Nothing else. Love it!
A friend whose brother works in some aspect of intelligence (military, maybe) said he only has a flip phone for better security and less tracking.
I suspect the non-removable battery is more about making money than anything else. If a phone battery can't be replaced when it inevitably dies, the person has to buy a new phone. That's called brilliant (sarcasm) product design - repeat customers guaranteed. Of course it's not cool at all.
Multi-purpose, then, perhaps with Big Tech and Big Gov't collaborating. Certainly the 'subscription model' has become de rigeur for all sorts of things, now even with "vaccines."
And the new I phone 15 just came out at a whopping 1500.00!!!
Iphone batteries can be replaced. You just have to have a LOT of know how or take it to a professional and pay $100 or so for the replacement.
Get a cheap faraday cage. A metal popcorn tin ought to work well.
Fla Mom, I still have my battery-replaceable phone. Should I take the battery out today? Will that do the trick, as it were?
Removing the battery should do the trick!
I have a nondescript smartphone that I wiped and installed a "de-googled" android OS to. LineageOS. I disabled emergency alerts, and while phones around me got the FEMA test alert, mine did not. I doubt that it is tracking-free, but at least it is greatly reduced.
It makes me long for the days when I wasn’t worried that government testing actually could/would be dangerous to my life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.
My husband's late father was a nuclear physicist who worked at Oak Ridge, TN. We have a photo of him loading a reactor core in a t-shirt. He died at age 50. There are photos of sailors sweeping debris off of the ships anchored near Bikini Atoll after bomb tests, all wearing normal duty uniforms.
Here's a 2014 paper:
"Military Participants at U.S. Atmospheric Nuclear Weapons Testing— Methodology for Estimating Dose and Uncertainty"
The USG has never given a rip ab out the health of its soldiers. Best friend's father was career Navy, and on carriers during Viet Nam. He told his son the deck was sometimes awash in Agent Orange. He died young of cancer.
One of pioneer Nuclear scientists of the United states would swim in the cooling pools of nuclear reactors, and handle the nuclear material with his hands, they all did in the laboratories. Then regulators were invented and said you can't do that. Now they take the highly regulated waste and sell it and pocket the money. There should be a nuclear reactors every couple miles, about the size of a suburban the energy would last hundreds of years. He died at 84, they said it was from nuclear poisoning of course. Run the queries though a search engine you can watch his interviews on the net.
My mother’s father worked on ships that had been at those tests at the Bremerton Naval Shipyard in WA state. He died of liver cancer and the Navy paid for all his medical care. Her mother came up with breast cancer and my mom seems to think it was because she was in close proximity to him while they slept together at night. Was he glowing in the dark? Not sure that this scenario is even possible but it made sense to my mother...😣🤷♀️😣
Possibly consider keeping Potassium Iodide on hand.
Also keeping one's frequency at the highest level of consciousness creates a protective barrier. Inner guidance developed by an open pineal gland through cleansing, diet and spiritual practice is key. Being aware of potential man made catastrophies can also thwart the action or at least lessen the severity. Social media has made it possible to hear about possible events before they happen which affects the collective. Projecting a positve outcome rather than fearing the worst is the best path to take.
Our military is routinely used for experimental purposes. My husband spent 32+ years in the Navy, his parting gift was aggressive cancer.
Thank you for sharing that! Disgraceful!!! So sad he and probably a lot of others too, all never got to live!!! 50 is when life begins!!!
“They told me it was safe and they swore that it was true”
“The risks are all acceptable… Acceptable to who?”
Hmm sounds like something else the government told us was safe 🤔
Newer phones are sealed, true. A faraday bag or any steel enclosure (an oven, for example) will stop UHF transmissions.
Has to be metal to metal to seal. I have tried them all. Fridge, microwave etc. I use an old cookie tin. Works great.
Military ammo container as well.
Guess I’ll stick my phone in our RV microwave/convection oven this afternoon and see if that works.
Five minutes at 90% power should take care of it ....
Or wrap it in aluminum for a quick faraday cage.
We’ll put our phones in the fire safe hopefully that’ll do the job
I heard that the signal will get pushed out still once you remove from bag/repower/re-battery the device. Any truth to this?
Michele can’t say for others but us, the phones were off and in microwave and nothing came through when we turned them on.
Test that idea and let us know tomorrow.
How about wrapping it in aluminum foil? I don’t have a Faraday bag.
Old cookie tin, like the kind grandma used to use. Metal to metal with no rubber seal. That is the ticket
Foil does not work. Steel does not work.
Yes some have said that works. I would still turn it off also.
I've heard that it must be wrapped in Mylar...several layers. Microwaves leak.
Too leaky.
I wonder if it's going to effect other devices besides the phone?
Radios and tvs for certain. Likely any device that is internet-connected. But that's just my SWAG.
Right? I wondered the same! What about iPads?
Aluminum foil, too?
I can remove the battery from my Android, and I turn it off and put it in a cage each night. Hubs has an iPhone and even if he does turn it 'off' it is still on, searching for signals. He can turn it off at 100% and stash it in a faraday all night and when he gets up the battery is drained to zero, due to the searching feature never being shut down.
Does putting the phone in airplane mode negate any of that? Just curious - don't have a newer iPhone so not sure how that works.
No...his phone is at 5.8 or something older like that. Just a creepy battery sucker. And I have noticed that my phone is a digital whore (excuse my french) because these phones come home with all kinds of digital VD if you leave them on when you go on errands. No kidding!
No. I read that this morning on a site takking about this very issue...
Hubs can also put it in airplane mode.
Way I understand it, the signal will be received when the phone is turned on; not that the phone will alert if turned off.
"FEMA says that the test will run within a 30-minute window, so if your phone is off at the start of the test but then turned on during the window, you will get a test message."
Yes. I also wondered would it not gonthru at the time but when you turn it on would it come thru?
I turned off all government alerts in my notifications, put my phone in airplane mode and placed it in the microwave. I received nothing, even after switching off airplane mode. I also have the Defender Shield case on my phone. Not sure which thing worked or if it was a combination.
My thought too! We learn something about potential vulnerability by turning off the phone.
What happened for you Peter?
I enjoyed 30 minutes of silence and had no alerts when I turned my phones back on. (That last part was unexpected, but welcome.) My phones did not turn themselves on in that period or do anything other than enjoy a respite. :)
I've got an LG V20. It's got a wonderful big high res display and a replaceable battery. The model dates from about 2016 though, and android won't update anymore. I'll have to replace the phone at some point I guess.
I’ve got a faraday bag.
Me too. I'm going to do some experimenting.
I’m in the country. I’m walking deep into the local conservation district land and hike and do my outdoor painting. It’s cloudy but that often makes the best paintings. I’m unjabbed
Another Artist ( :
I want one of those
I got one recently from Amazon, which had a gigantic one for about $20.
Can confirm I turned off all emergency notifications and shut my phone down and at 2:18, it screamed that alert at me. I'm furious. I've been wanting to get rid of my phone. What am I waiting for?
Family thinks having a phone in an emergency will save me. I never use it and rarely, like once a month, turn it on. I think I am sensitive to EMF so what am I waiting for? I hate tech to tell the truth, but I am old and remember the good old days when people looked at you.
I shut my phone off from 1 to 3, received no alert
Me too
Thank you thank you thank you for being the C&C guinea pig, and reporting this!
My phone is off BUT inside a faraday bag, and it has been silent since 2PM. It's now 2:35 PM EDT. So I guess the faraday bag works.
GG thanks for saying that. I was completely wondering what happened. We know nothing bc we went to the beach and left all home. What type phone you have?
S-20+. I went back and checked my "Emergency Alerts" and everything is turned off. So I should not have received it. I also turned my phone off. It does require me to hit the "power off" icon a couple of times, so maybe I didn't do that enough. Regardless, I should not have received notification but did.
I'm not concerned about a virus being activated because my phone issued an alarm. I am concerned that the government can reach into my life whenever it wants, wherever I am. That's insidious.
Audible, but more importantly, carrying a frequency that is said to be impactful on human bodies.... some, more than others (perhaps).
Put your phones in your microwave (or any other faraday box) starting at 1pm and going through 5pm. Turning them off or on airplane mode won't stop the frequency being pushed through them. Also remember to unplug your smart devices (TVs, radios, doorbells, wifi router, etc.). Anything that is "smart" will also be used as a medium for these frequencies.
People who work in an office building or retail or hospital, etc. are not going to be able to escape this. I’m thinking this is being over hyped.
It's right on the NIH website. Frequencies amplified and spread through the 5G, 4G and other networks have an observable and harmful impact/correlation on the health of humans, including and maybe especially observable during the COVID19 "pandemic."
If you've injected programmable nanotech into your bloodstream, I don't think you can overhype the risks here. For the unjabbed, the concern is close proximity to the jabbed (and the potential of "vaccine" shedding).
Thanks for the link. Interesting.
My comment on being “over hyped” is in all these people were saying shut everything off and that’s just not possible for EVERYONE vaxxed or not. People also were saying they were going fishing or out for couple of hours to the beach, hiking, etc. getting everyone worried, including me. Worried for my family members who got the jabs… 2 adult kids, my mom, extended family members all who can’t turn things off due to working or won’t listen if I tell them. I myself had to be home today, couldn’t go out. While I did turn off my phone I didn’t go around unplugging anything. I think the EAS itself was probably not harmful. Why they are conducting it is another story. Very suspect of something possibly coming that “they” create and actually use the system for “their” next fake agenda.
And as far as EMF/RF I don’t doubt that they can be harmful to some extent… just not sure it will activate something in jabbed individuals or us unjabbed shedded on individuals. Like Lisa Ca said… we’ll have to “wait” and see. For now my jabbed peeps are fine today after EA.
Not over hyped. I have no doubt something will come from it. We just have to wait time out to see.
I think a lot of people will be doing that today!
My cell was on silent, no noise was made. I think folks got a tad over paranoid. But please know how to always clear all your cell surfing history, cache & cookies. Also know all about location services, don’t turn that on, don’t use them. Period.
Or the microwave:)
Well - turned my phones off. No alert. No auto-power-on. About time to turn back on to see if I still get the alert or it expired in 30 minutes. (and was reminded about the startup sound for my work phone - ugh)
Doesn't look like I got the alert in a delayed fashion - at least not yet.
Yeah, dumb phone is old school like cops and robbers on the school yard - children’s games. Really old school- distance yourself from the devices. My sympathies to those who can’t.
My husband had his phone turned off today and it did not go off. My phone did go off. So turning a phone off during these test does keep a phone silent.
Mine was off. I did not stash it anywhere. I did not receive the alert and when I turned it back on after the prescribed time, there was no evidence of the alert on it.
Too late for this time around, but I read that a cold oven will serve as a Faraday cage for a cell phone or other device.
Emergency alert set off still got loud audio alert.
Powered off until 1:50 CST (30 min after planned time) no message.
Did not test Faraday devices. I have 4 but forgot.
exactly. They were testing so I was sure it would still go through.
I had mine turned off and you couldn’t hear it but one did make the sound when turned back on
Wierd. was it placed inside something?
Ours were off and in microwave. Off 11-2. (extra safe) we got nothing when turned on.
Well as soon as you turn it on you get blasted with the frequency signal anyway.
I did not. I read on CTH blog comments that many people did, but not me. Weird.
Same. Mine did not either. Mine in microwave. Maybe others either had it too close to testing period or not in cage. Mine was off for 3 hous
No. My phone and other electronics showed no alert when I turned them back on.
Many people are putting theirs in a farady cage - wrapped in aluminum foil works.
For testing purposes - the 3 cell phones we have in the house all tried something different. Wife's Apple phone left on and got both the text messages and 20 minutes later the audible alarm went off. My Samsung was wrapped in double-triple aluminum foil that was scrunched up to make lots of deflecting folds - it didn't get the text messages but the audible alarm went off same time as Wife's phone. My son (college age) had let his charge go to zero and didn't recharge until 20 minutes after both of the tests went off......when he recharged his Samsung neither test type came thru. Just fyi......I think I'd go with the faraday bag.
For what it's worth ----- the visual message I got when my Samsung audible alarm went off was in Spanish only that I could see.
Very true and good advise there. On a humorous note, this will be a very good way to see which cashiers are breaking the rules and having their cellphones on the floor at work :)
What about spousal philandering extra phones. Maybe it will go off in the secret hiding place 🤔
Windfall for divorce lawyers😂
What's interesting is we saw no workers on their phone in Europe or at the airports there. As soon as we got to JFK, saw many employees on their phone.
What about the phones smuggled into jails and prisons?
I put my phone and IPad in the microwave at the test time and unplugged TVs and Desk tops and didn’t hear that annoying screech and enjoyed a fresh cup of Java and C&C without interruption😌
LOL good point. I've got a few phones. Main one is my old iphone from work.
Also have a 'tracphone' from walmart, it's a decent android phone for $40. I don't have cell service on it but just use it as an android device with signal and telegram for voice and video calls (free on wifi).
For privacy from big tech, I'm moving to a pixel4a (unlocked) phone running grapheneOS.
I bought a Mark37 (de-googled) ghost phone last spring. About to get a laptop from them.
Sean Patrick Tario--the CEO of Mark37, also has a Substack.
I searched for his stack, but didn't find it. Would you share the name of it?
Had forgotten, so no wonder you couldn't find it (and thanks for being so serious so quickly!)
Truth in Love