

I meant to include a brief comment on the FEMA "emergency alert" scheduled for this afternoon, as some folks seem apprehensive about it. I can find nothing reliable that suggests it is anything beside what they've told us. Please also note this is not the first one. Here's a link to an article about a very similar 2018 test:


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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Someone _did_ bring up a good point about the FEMA test. It will hit _all_ phones. For people in an abuse situation who keep a hidden phone somewhere on silent mode ... it will cause that phone to go off as well. Warning to those who could be actually harmed to turn those phones off for a short time. :(

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The alert is said to be audible regardless of the phone's power status - turned off, it'll still receive the alert. Best to stash your phone inside a steel box this afternoon.

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That's a bit concerning - if a phone is actually _off_ it shouldn't receive or sound an alert. I'll be turning off my phones shortly before this test so we'll see what actually happens.

Does make me long for the days we had removable/replaceable batteries, though. :)

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Agree. I don't trust the government or fema. They don't care about you. This is all about control.

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Geez, they're just as bad as HR.

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😂 Love this, mzlizzi. Think you may know I spent nearly 20 of my 35+ years working professionally in HR -- and I left that career in 2020 cuz you know why.

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Hillary Rodham?? 😬

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And now you know why we don't have removable/replaceable batteries anymore. The government gets access to our tracking/communication devices at will, even when they're off.

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Your car or truck is also tracking you, and I do not mean merely your location:


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I heard an interview on the radio a few months back saying data, and unlockable features (like seat warmers) are going to be charged users extra for using them, and that features like this are going to be the new profit centers for cars. Heard the other day that Rivian is losing $33K per vehicle on the manufacture, and similar losses for many EVs being made. So it's the old 'printer business model' - make no money selling printers, but make bank on the ink.

I have a 13 YO car and trying to figure out what year all this started as I am considering replacing it but DO NOT want a new car with all the spy tech built in. Wishing at this point I had gone to mechanic school instead of college.

Also this is laying the groundwork for the per mile tax, which is going to switch from gas tax as the primary road funding revenue source, to charging you for each mile you drive. And the pandora's box that whole scheme opens up.....

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Wonder how they collect the sex life data. I mean your car knows where it’s been. But how does it know what you’re doing? And how does it know who you are doing whatever with? Assuming, of course, that you don’t do it in the car.

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wow that is mind blowing, just when I thought it wasn't possible to blow my mind anymore.

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That malwarebytes article was beneath their generally good reporting standards. The clickbait about "your sex life" was in fact a reference ONLY to information a carmaker might learn via direct verbal conversations with someone. The car is not somehow surreptitiously capturing sex life detail. I was disappointed in MWB for that particular article.

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I didn't know about this. (I still have a dumb phone.)

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I have a Light Phone II, which is also a dumb phone. I asked the company if I can be tracked, and they said that the FCC requires all devices to have a GPS chip "for emergency services location."

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a boss I had wanted only his old style flip phone. Just to make and receive calls - no "smart" features. He was ahead of the times

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I have a dumb phone. It does talk and text.... well, it also plays Snake. Nothing else. Love it!

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A friend whose brother works in some aspect of intelligence (military, maybe) said he only has a flip phone for better security and less tracking.

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I suspect the non-removable battery is more about making money than anything else. If a phone battery can't be replaced when it inevitably dies, the person has to buy a new phone. That's called brilliant (sarcasm) product design - repeat customers guaranteed. Of course it's not cool at all.

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Multi-purpose, then, perhaps with Big Tech and Big Gov't collaborating. Certainly the 'subscription model' has become de rigeur for all sorts of things, now even with "vaccines."

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And the new I phone 15 just came out at a whopping 1500.00!!!

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Iphone batteries can be replaced. You just have to have a LOT of know how or take it to a professional and pay $100 or so for the replacement.

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Get a cheap faraday cage. A metal popcorn tin ought to work well.

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Fla Mom, I still have my battery-replaceable phone. Should I take the battery out today? Will that do the trick, as it were?

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Removing the battery should do the trick!

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I have a nondescript smartphone that I wiped and installed a "de-googled" android OS to. LineageOS. I disabled emergency alerts, and while phones around me got the FEMA test alert, mine did not. I doubt that it is tracking-free, but at least it is greatly reduced.

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It makes me long for the days when I wasn’t worried that government testing actually could/would be dangerous to my life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

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My husband's late father was a nuclear physicist who worked at Oak Ridge, TN. We have a photo of him loading a reactor core in a t-shirt. He died at age 50. There are photos of sailors sweeping debris off of the ships anchored near Bikini Atoll after bomb tests, all wearing normal duty uniforms.

Here's a 2014 paper:

"Military Participants at U.S. Atmospheric Nuclear Weapons Testing— Methodology for Estimating Dose and Uncertainty"


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The USG has never given a rip ab out the health of its soldiers. Best friend's father was career Navy, and on carriers during Viet Nam. He told his son the deck was sometimes awash in Agent Orange. He died young of cancer.

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One of pioneer Nuclear scientists of the United states would swim in the cooling pools of nuclear reactors, and handle the nuclear material with his hands, they all did in the laboratories. Then regulators were invented and said you can't do that. Now they take the highly regulated waste and sell it and pocket the money. There should be a nuclear reactors every couple miles, about the size of a suburban the energy would last hundreds of years. He died at 84, they said it was from nuclear poisoning of course. Run the queries though a search engine you can watch his interviews on the net.

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My mother’s father worked on ships that had been at those tests at the Bremerton Naval Shipyard in WA state. He died of liver cancer and the Navy paid for all his medical care. Her mother came up with breast cancer and my mom seems to think it was because she was in close proximity to him while they slept together at night. Was he glowing in the dark? Not sure that this scenario is even possible but it made sense to my mother...😣🤷‍♀️😣

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Possibly consider keeping Potassium Iodide on hand.


Also keeping one's frequency at the highest level of consciousness creates a protective barrier. Inner guidance developed by an open pineal gland through cleansing, diet and spiritual practice is key. Being aware of potential man made catastrophies can also thwart the action or at least lessen the severity. Social media has made it possible to hear about possible events before they happen which affects the collective. Projecting a positve outcome rather than fearing the worst is the best path to take.

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Our military is routinely used for experimental purposes. My husband spent 32+ years in the Navy, his parting gift was aggressive cancer.

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Thank you for sharing that! Disgraceful!!! So sad he and probably a lot of others too, all never got to live!!! 50 is when life begins!!!

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“They told me it was safe and they swore that it was true”

“The risks are all acceptable… Acceptable to who?”


Hmm sounds like something else the government told us was safe 🤔

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Newer phones are sealed, true. A faraday bag or any steel enclosure (an oven, for example) will stop UHF transmissions.

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Has to be metal to metal to seal. I have tried them all. Fridge, microwave etc. I use an old cookie tin. Works great.

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Military ammo container as well.

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Guess I’ll stick my phone in our RV microwave/convection oven this afternoon and see if that works.

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Five minutes at 90% power should take care of it ....

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Or wrap it in aluminum for a quick faraday cage.

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We’ll put our phones in the fire safe hopefully that’ll do the job

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I heard that the signal will get pushed out still once you remove from bag/repower/re-battery the device. Any truth to this?

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 5, 2023

Michele can’t say for others but us, the phones were off and in microwave and nothing came through when we turned them on.

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Test that idea and let us know tomorrow.

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How about wrapping it in aluminum foil? I don’t have a Faraday bag.

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Old cookie tin, like the kind grandma used to use. Metal to metal with no rubber seal. That is the ticket

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Foil does not work. Steel does not work.

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Yes some have said that works. I would still turn it off also.

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I've heard that it must be wrapped in Mylar...several layers. Microwaves leak.

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I wonder if it's going to effect other devices besides the phone?

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Radios and tvs for certain. Likely any device that is internet-connected. But that's just my SWAG.

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Right? I wondered the same! What about iPads?

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Aluminum foil, too?

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I can remove the battery from my Android, and I turn it off and put it in a cage each night. Hubs has an iPhone and even if he does turn it 'off' it is still on, searching for signals. He can turn it off at 100% and stash it in a faraday all night and when he gets up the battery is drained to zero, due to the searching feature never being shut down.

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Does putting the phone in airplane mode negate any of that? Just curious - don't have a newer iPhone so not sure how that works.

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No...his phone is at 5.8 or something older like that. Just a creepy battery sucker. And I have noticed that my phone is a digital whore (excuse my french) because these phones come home with all kinds of digital VD if you leave them on when you go on errands. No kidding!

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No. I read that this morning on a site takking about this very issue...

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Hubs can also put it in airplane mode.

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Way I understand it, the signal will be received when the phone is turned on; not that the phone will alert if turned off.


"FEMA says that the test will run within a 30-minute window, so if your phone is off at the start of the test but then turned on during the window, you will get a test message."

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Yes. I also wondered would it not gonthru at the time but when you turn it on would it come thru?

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I turned off all government alerts in my notifications, put my phone in airplane mode and placed it in the microwave. I received nothing, even after switching off airplane mode. I also have the Defender Shield case on my phone. Not sure which thing worked or if it was a combination.

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My thought too! We learn something about potential vulnerability by turning off the phone.

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What happened for you Peter?

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I enjoyed 30 minutes of silence and had no alerts when I turned my phones back on. (That last part was unexpected, but welcome.) My phones did not turn themselves on in that period or do anything other than enjoy a respite. :)

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I've got an LG V20. It's got a wonderful big high res display and a replaceable battery. The model dates from about 2016 though, and android won't update anymore. I'll have to replace the phone at some point I guess.

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I’ve got a faraday bag.

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Me too. I'm going to do some experimenting.

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I’m in the country. I’m walking deep into the local conservation district land and hike and do my outdoor painting. It’s cloudy but that often makes the best paintings. I’m unjabbed

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Another Artist ( :

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I want one of those

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I got one recently from Amazon, which had a gigantic one for about $20.

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Can confirm I turned off all emergency notifications and shut my phone down and at 2:18, it screamed that alert at me. I'm furious. I've been wanting to get rid of my phone. What am I waiting for?

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Family thinks having a phone in an emergency will save me. I never use it and rarely, like once a month, turn it on. I think I am sensitive to EMF so what am I waiting for? I hate tech to tell the truth, but I am old and remember the good old days when people looked at you.

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I shut my phone off from 1 to 3, received no alert

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Me too

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Thank you thank you thank you for being the C&C guinea pig, and reporting this!

My phone is off BUT inside a faraday bag, and it has been silent since 2PM. It's now 2:35 PM EDT. So I guess the faraday bag works.

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GG thanks for saying that. I was completely wondering what happened. We know nothing bc we went to the beach and left all home. What type phone you have?

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S-20+. I went back and checked my "Emergency Alerts" and everything is turned off. So I should not have received it. I also turned my phone off. It does require me to hit the "power off" icon a couple of times, so maybe I didn't do that enough. Regardless, I should not have received notification but did.

I'm not concerned about a virus being activated because my phone issued an alarm. I am concerned that the government can reach into my life whenever it wants, wherever I am. That's insidious.

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Audible, but more importantly, carrying a frequency that is said to be impactful on human bodies.... some, more than others (perhaps).

Put your phones in your microwave (or any other faraday box) starting at 1pm and going through 5pm. Turning them off or on airplane mode won't stop the frequency being pushed through them. Also remember to unplug your smart devices (TVs, radios, doorbells, wifi router, etc.). Anything that is "smart" will also be used as a medium for these frequencies.

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People who work in an office building or retail or hospital, etc. are not going to be able to escape this. I’m thinking this is being over hyped.

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It's right on the NIH website. Frequencies amplified and spread through the 5G, 4G and other networks have an observable and harmful impact/correlation on the health of humans, including and maybe especially observable during the COVID19 "pandemic."

If you've injected programmable nanotech into your bloodstream, I don't think you can overhype the risks here. For the unjabbed, the concern is close proximity to the jabbed (and the potential of "vaccine" shedding).

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Thanks for the link. Interesting.

My comment on being “over hyped” is in all these people were saying shut everything off and that’s just not possible for EVERYONE vaxxed or not. People also were saying they were going fishing or out for couple of hours to the beach, hiking, etc. getting everyone worried, including me. Worried for my family members who got the jabs… 2 adult kids, my mom, extended family members all who can’t turn things off due to working or won’t listen if I tell them. I myself had to be home today, couldn’t go out. While I did turn off my phone I didn’t go around unplugging anything. I think the EAS itself was probably not harmful. Why they are conducting it is another story. Very suspect of something possibly coming that “they” create and actually use the system for “their” next fake agenda.

And as far as EMF/RF I don’t doubt that they can be harmful to some extent… just not sure it will activate something in jabbed individuals or us unjabbed shedded on individuals. Like Lisa Ca said… we’ll have to “wait” and see. For now my jabbed peeps are fine today after EA.

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 5, 2023

Not over hyped. I have no doubt something will come from it. We just have to wait time out to see.

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I think a lot of people will be doing that today!

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My cell was on silent, no noise was made. I think folks got a tad over paranoid. But please know how to always clear all your cell surfing history, cache & cookies. Also know all about location services, don’t turn that on, don’t use them. Period.

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Or the microwave:)

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Well - turned my phones off. No alert. No auto-power-on. About time to turn back on to see if I still get the alert or it expired in 30 minutes. (and was reminded about the startup sound for my work phone - ugh)

Doesn't look like I got the alert in a delayed fashion - at least not yet.

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Yeah, dumb phone is old school like cops and robbers on the school yard - children’s games. Really old school- distance yourself from the devices. My sympathies to those who can’t.

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My husband had his phone turned off today and it did not go off. My phone did go off. So turning a phone off during these test does keep a phone silent.

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Mine was off. I did not stash it anywhere. I did not receive the alert and when I turned it back on after the prescribed time, there was no evidence of the alert on it.

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Too late for this time around, but I read that a cold oven will serve as a Faraday cage for a cell phone or other device.

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Emergency alert set off still got loud audio alert.

Powered off until 1:50 CST (30 min after planned time) no message.

Did not test Faraday devices. I have 4 but forgot.

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exactly. They were testing so I was sure it would still go through.

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I had mine turned off and you couldn’t hear it but one did make the sound when turned back on

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Wierd. was it placed inside something?

Ours were off and in microwave. Off 11-2. (extra safe) we got nothing when turned on.

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Well as soon as you turn it on you get blasted with the frequency signal anyway.

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I did not. I read on CTH blog comments that many people did, but not me. Weird.

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Same. Mine did not either. Mine in microwave. Maybe others either had it too close to testing period or not in cage. Mine was off for 3 hous

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No. My phone and other electronics showed no alert when I turned them back on.

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Many people are putting theirs in a farady cage - wrapped in aluminum foil works.

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For testing purposes - the 3 cell phones we have in the house all tried something different. Wife's Apple phone left on and got both the text messages and 20 minutes later the audible alarm went off. My Samsung was wrapped in double-triple aluminum foil that was scrunched up to make lots of deflecting folds - it didn't get the text messages but the audible alarm went off same time as Wife's phone. My son (college age) had let his charge go to zero and didn't recharge until 20 minutes after both of the tests went off......when he recharged his Samsung neither test type came thru. Just fyi......I think I'd go with the faraday bag.

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For what it's worth ----- the visual message I got when my Samsung audible alarm went off was in Spanish only that I could see.

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Very true and good advise there. On a humorous note, this will be a very good way to see which cashiers are breaking the rules and having their cellphones on the floor at work :)

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What about spousal philandering extra phones. Maybe it will go off in the secret hiding place 🤔

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Windfall for divorce lawyers😂

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What's interesting is we saw no workers on their phone in Europe or at the airports there. As soon as we got to JFK, saw many employees on their phone.

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What about the phones smuggled into jails and prisons?

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I put my phone and IPad in the microwave at the test time and unplugged TVs and Desk tops and didn’t hear that annoying screech and enjoyed a fresh cup of Java and C&C without interruption😌

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LOL good point. I've got a few phones. Main one is my old iphone from work.

Also have a 'tracphone' from walmart, it's a decent android phone for $40. I don't have cell service on it but just use it as an android device with signal and telegram for voice and video calls (free on wifi).

For privacy from big tech, I'm moving to a pixel4a (unlocked) phone running grapheneOS.

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I bought a Mark37 (de-googled) ghost phone last spring. About to get a laptop from them.


Sean Patrick Tario--the CEO of Mark37, also has a Substack.

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I searched for his stack, but didn't find it. Would you share the name of it?

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Had forgotten, so no wonder you couldn't find it (and thanks for being so serious so quickly!)

Truth in Love

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I want to know too

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Thanks for the link! Is it possible to actually get something that is free of the evil tentacles of GOOG? 😱

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Yes--I have kept my Galaxy 4G because, though I can't make phone calls on it, it functions fine as a mini-computer (as long as I am in range of router)

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As St. Rush used to say, “my computer with a phone app” when talking about his mobile device...

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I was reading a book on my phone one day when it rang. It startled me, like "Why is my book ringing?" for a split second. To avoid fright, I now leave it off at all times and check for calls at the end of the day.

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Based Florida Man,

My Mark 37 ghost phone (had since April) is just that--pixel4a , graphene OS. Some of the apps (e.g. OSM [open street maps] I am having real difficulty with)

Moving to a laptop of same, running Zorin--just haven't ordered yet.

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magic earth works pretty well instead of google maps and the maps are offline. I could find it only on Google's play store though.

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Have you tried Organic Maps? A bit of a learning curve, but have found it pretty useful.

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Is Zorin the operating system? Can it replace microsoft on an existing laptop?

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Ok, so I am not tech savvy, at all. No problem admitting it. Just searched (not google) pixel4a 'cos I don't know nuthin' and it's a google phone. Yes, I read you're running grapheneOS, but "for privacy from big tech," is my assumption just plain off that a google product might have some built-in surveillance something-or-other that even a non-native OS can't override? Sincere. I mean it's google. Since when have they been honest? I would assume some under-the-radar function. Is my full blown distrust showing? Or do you call that paranoia?

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Where do you get one of those? Are they expensive? Then does it matter who your carrier is?

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Like the way you think! We have done some similar things.

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I have had my phone alerts turned off for years now.

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Let us know if this one comes through anyway. I'm betting a nickel that it does.

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Will do!

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it did not come through. turned Iphone off then back on an hour later.. no alert

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Aluminum foil works as a faraday bag

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My chiro said this last night. Also a mylar balloon. Note, microwaves are essentially faraday cages

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I know if I put my phone in a microwave, someone would inevitably toss in something to heat up and turn it on - and I'd be out a phone. :)

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Yes, the accidents which never will happen ... like losing my gas cap at the gas station or putting something 'in a safe place' and only finding it five years latter when one don't need the things.

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Well, I figure you have to open the microwave door to put that food in--and the phone is visible.

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Hahaha. I hear you. We are doing that and leaving house.

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Physicist husband told me that some months ago--so fellow conspiracy-realist friend and I put our phones into it when we chat. Laptop into far room--but refrigerator may do as well. Husb suggested freezer but I said temp damaging. I note that in our old (1828) stone house, an extender is needed to get wireless signal into 3rd floor bedroom on other side of original stone wall. So, there's that, potentially. Haven't done any trials. Yet. Husband's workshop in cellar has those thick stone walls, no windows. Seems like a 'fun' activity to try the strength of signals in these specific places.

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Someone said microwaves leak, so there's that. Maybe you could test beforehand, put it in the microwave and call or text it?

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Or a microwave

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On "high." Then you won't have to worry about this issue ever again.

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Put your phone in the microwave and try to call it from another line. Let us know what happens.

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I did that & the call went straight to voicemail so doing the same today.

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I did try that with phones in Faraday bag. No ringing.

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Just checked--mine are all off--don't remember doing this--perhaps phone (de-googled) arrived this way.

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Please Post if that works

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Not sure that will work. Think I read something about that.

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I’ve turned off all alerts accept AMBER - want to stay alert for kids and in crisis seniors.

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I don't believe in AMBER alerts.

I also ignore the LED signage on highways.

It's all to reel you in.

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New Jersey TPK in last two-ish months has LED signs: Suspect terrorism? and then something else, prob a phone number. I think this totally creepy. Or perhaps, Yes I do suspect terrorism, coming straight out of the state capitols in each state. Shall I call the number to report this concern?

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YES! I saw THOSE myself! And I thought the SAME THING: "I would like to report Joe Biden . . . ."

NJ used to have funny ones about being buzzed or high and driving. This one, though, was trying to 'nudge' people into thinking that 'terrorism' is still a thing.

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They still

come through in this Mzlizzi.

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Maybe this one will but other ones don't.

I found about 2 tornado warnings after the fact. Others received them on their phones. I did not.

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That’s great!! My notices have been turned off for forever??? I hate hearing a bazillion amber alerts when they go off etc. So.

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I'll update here if I get this FEMA thing.

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The press release actually says the phone has to be turned on to receive the alert which they will broadcast for 30 minutes.


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Hard to trust them.

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Sounds like it will be a text message, then, not a screaming sound?

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Driving east on I 40 in NC on a Saturday several weeks ago. My phone was off. Husbands on, attached to car for hands free use. Horrible screaming sound from husbands cell. Scared us to death. It was an urgent flash flood warning. My phone silent.

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Yes--husband's phone, in his new car, screams when a call comes through.The only time we are together in the car is on interstates--where you don't want to be terrified. I jump at every noise/surprise entrance anyway--husband always makes sure to announce his arrival with knocking or some other signal to avoid startling me.

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Husbands phone has never screamed before that day. We own a 2019 vehicle.

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I wonder how many phones went off in ‘Bob Peters’ office in the WH? 🤔

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Good one Ruth!🤣🤣

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Heh! I have a 3'x3' spot in my house where I receive a semi-reliable signal. Move outside that circle & I have no signal most of the time.

I'll just move my phone to a near-zero signal. I'll be at the beach this afternoon anyway!

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Even if the phone is off and does not 'go off' at the time the alert is sent, it will receive nd sound the alert when it is turned back on.

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Put the phone in an old unplugged microwave oven. Just turning it off is not enough. It can be remotely powered on. Yes it CAN and they can turn on your microphone and/or camera remotely without you knowing it too. Just a heads up.

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Wow. That’s important advice.

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There are 20x the amount of cheating spouses with 2 phones as there are abuses spouses with a hidden phone. Just a guess.

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I believe having hearing aids directly connected to cell phones is not advisable. You’ve got that wireless signal right next to your brain. I suggest researching it. I know, unsolicited advice…take it or leave it.

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That's why I didn't connect mine.

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023

I got into it in the comments a few days ago on this topic as my background is RF engineering. I don't want to restart all that, but do ask that anyone who thinks this alert has any adverse health impact beyond regular cell phone use to explain the mechanism. And not nutty Stew Peters-style nonsense but a serious explanation of the actual physiological effect.

We certainly had that with the covid vax where smart, well-informed people pointed us to studies on the inherent toxicity of lipid nanoparticle technology. We also had great information on the toxicity of the spike itself and why tricking the body into making it wasn't a good idea. In addition we had studies on how using pseudo-uridine in the mRNA meant that the body wouldn't degrade it and it would persist for months. Finally we had good studies that showed the mRNA transported throughout the body and did not remain at the injection site as claimed.

This was a classic example of using our God-given intelligence to perform a risk-benefit assessment and make a rational decision. More important, it was an exercise in discernment and exercising caution compared to cowering in a spirit of fear. People who stood against the vax did so on principle, conviction, and hard science. This FEMA alert fear-mongering is the exact opposite and IMO is being pushed by people with an agenda.

There are lots of reasons why this alert is potentially a bad idea in regards to government overreach. I don't like the idea that the government can bombard every person in the country with propaganda at whim. And it's annoying. But the idea that this alert is being used to activate dormant nanobots in vax recipients (one the nuttier claims out there) is absurd. The mechanism just doesn't exist and again I challenge anyone pushing this stuff to explain it.

When we fall for this stuff (or even worse propagate it ourselves) we give ammunition to those pushing to restrict free speech "misinformation". In addition, when we push nutty claims it inoculates otherwise receptive people to dismiss everything we say as "there they go again". The reason the covid vax stuff got legs is because it could be backed up with hard science, not to mention it didn't work and seems to kill people.

God gave us a brain for a reason, He expects us to use it. In addition, He commands us to trust Him and fear not. Cowering in fear because some nitwit like Stew Peters told you too violates that command. Using rational thought and common sense to discern risk versus benefit OTOH is entirely biblical.

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023

This is off subject, but your post reminded me of my favorite parable:

A young man was sitting at home when a terrible rainstorm began. Within hours, the man's house began to flood, and someone came to his door offering a ride to higher ground. The man declined, saying "God will take care of me." A few hours later, as the waters engulfed the first floor of the man's home, a boat passed by, and the captain offered to take the man to safety. The man declined, saying "God will take care of me." A few hours after that, as the man waited on his roof--his entire home flooded--a helicopter flew by, and the pilot offered transportation to dry land. Again, the man delcined, telling the pilot that God would care for him. Soon afterward, the man drowned and as he stood before God in heaven he protested his fate. "You promised that you'd help me so long as I was faithful." God replied, "I sent you a car, a boat, and a helicopgter. Your death is your own fault."

God helps those who help themselves.

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That last sentence, "God helps those who help themselves" is garbage to a Christian! Geez! Nothing could be further from the truth. My husband used that phrase to justify everything.... Then he met God when his car hydroplaned at 70mph... Hasn't said it since then.

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“God helps those who help themselves”. NOT in the Bible.

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Maybe nit picking here , but please note that I didn't say it came from the Bible. I have no quotation marks around the sentence. I just said it, cliche that it is, because it seemed appropriate to the parable. I am an old school proofreader and am a fanatic about these things. I put the parable in quotation marks because those weren't my words, but someone else's. I don't know whose--I have heard that story for at least 50 years.

It was only meant to be a friendly comment. No offense intended.

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My Mum is still spending her life waiting for the sign from God on her purpose in life....while I have been standing in front of her my whole life....wanting to be seen by her...needing a connection...but still invisible.

I really relate to this story. Thank you for sharing it 💖🙏🏻🕊

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I agree, the Creator helps those who help themselves. I can sit here all day and pray for a new job, but until I get off my butt and look for one, it isn't going to happen.

At the same time, who am I to second guess divine intervention? I had such an experience even though I am not religious. I guess the Creator even helps idiots like me and I was/am grateful.

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Last sentence is not completely true, therefore a lie! And paints God in a bad light... Yes, I'm offended!!!

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" . . . trust Him and fear not."


The narrative harms the signal-to-noise ratio (pun intended) in an already difficult media landscape. While I think there could be some kind of theoretical mechanism regarding resonant frequencies of "injectables," I have better things to do than try to do the math on this one. "The juice isn't worth the squeeze" as the youths say. Someone might see some application in location tracking, or de-modulating biometric data that some particle is emitting, having been activated by some external signal. Sort of like the "Thing:"


They're going to track me. They're going to try to push my buttons. I already know this. If there is some new trans-human agenda behind this, then I will save them some time. They will find that I'm right here, and my biometrics should reflect that I increasingly have peace that surpasses all understanding.

When Paul was bitten by a snake, he shook it off into the fire. Nobody can do anything to me that God does not let them do. My time is better spent focusing on my walk in faith.

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Amen. Still, we are to be wise as serpents - Matthew 10:16. Before that however, Jesus gave the disciples power - 10:1 And when He had called unto Him His twelve disciples, He gave them power against unclean spirits to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.

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I keep thinking of Y2K, which fooled a lot of people. My aunt, gone now, filled cabinets with cans of creamed corn, and she had a Mensa IQ. Pretty sure that was a psyop. What strikes me about this is that it allows them to see how the fear morphs, to track that, and it distracts from actual 5G issues, so that any concern with 5G can be attributed to kooky conspiracy thinking. Also the issues with lipid nanoparticles, which can then be dumped into the anti-vax anti-science nut Hotez (the fat lesbian dwarf) category. Thank you for this thoughtful analysis. Here's a more relevant quandry from the scathingly brilliant flamenco dancing surfing PhD Dr. Jessica Rose


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My 19 year old son went downstairs and flipped the main breaker at midnight. All power went off and we thought “OMG!” Little rascal. 😅

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I remember that. Brief but true story: friend from work and her husband were absolutely terrified of Y2K. Certain the world would end. They had a 2 bedroom apartment and it was stacked floor to ceiling with "survival" stuff (MREs, toilet paper, etc.) and there was virtually no place to live in (furniture was all pushed together) and the stuff was stacked so deep in the halls you had to turn sideways to get through. Wonder what they did with all that crap when absolutely nothing happened that day? Maybe they still had it for the scamdemic.

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We were at a PARTY! With good friends and new friends in a new town. It was great. I had to party like it was 1999 and we did. Yes, giant psyop. And, again I ask...what good is toilet paper if we are starving to death. Anyways...God is good and life goes on. ♥♥

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I was actually in NYC, Times Square, 2 blocks from the ball drop. It was amazing! I would never do it again, but it was fun to do it once.

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Love Jessica! She’s the bomb!

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023

Thank you again for posting this. I remember a man named Bob Beirmann, who has an extensive background in radio and still does a show called Truth to Ponder (WRMI on shortwave), did a broadcast near the start of the scamdemic about how 5G worked and why no one should worry. He's a Christian and even though he and I walk different paths, I still get so much out of his broadcast. Once I heard him explain it, I was calm. If I remember correctly, and I may not, he may have mentioned overuse of RF was not a good thing for health, but I just can't remember any more.

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❤️❤️❤️ and particularly the Stew Peters angle. I cannot believe people listen to him. UGH. Thank you for this “reason”!!

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JC, Could you speak to this, because it is not anywhere near my wheelhouse https://patents.google.com/patent/US10786570B2/en

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Nor mine....but it sure sounds like a legitimate patent....and a nefarious one. Thanks for posting the link.

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I’m not a fan of the big brother part. It’s everywhere including newer cars but we don’t have to make it easier.

Wonder if the chip in the new California “smart” by drivers licenses which are connected to DHS get tracked with this.

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Great comment.

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Thanks for mentioning this. I think folks might be a little overworked about this one, certainly I understand why since our government is full of turkeys and evil gnomes, to put it very politely. But I've read and listened to plenty of folks who actually work with RF and have no concerns.

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Yeah, it’s all crazy making.

I’m at the point where I no longer feel comfortable dismissing “crazy” theories, because, stunningly, so many of them have turned out to be true.

I’ve struggled w this one. We live awash with towers all around, even in the nearby rural counties. So getting away is not actually possible. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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While I think that there probably does exist some health detriments to constant RF and 5G exposure, I am MUCH MORE concerned with the potential for surveillance and control that these technologies will likely bring to us. China is already using it to some extent. In Canada our WEF PM openly states he admires China and their “basic dictatorship” and has already shown he will quickly turn off your bank account if you do something that he deems illegal without any due process. I see signs of 15 minute cities popping up all over my community and cameras being erected everywhere.

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Your best option is to get as far away as you can. And then turn all off and cover/put phone in cage.

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Could this alert thing be a distraction for somthing bigger on the horizon? Yesterday someone asked what can we do about all the nefarious goings on? Humans are connected to each other like Aspen Trees so our collective emotions drive the outcomes. It seems that rather than staying hyped up on the worst case scenario, we as a collective (like here on this substack) could make a concerted effort to take the high road and stear the narrative toward a positive end.

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As I have heard from someone in the biz...we don't have much to fear from our bumbling government (if you buy 'fear', which I don't) but there is another that is connected to ours that is always watching. The why's and whatfor's I do not know, but I do know it is not to bring us our Publisher's Clearing House check!

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If you listened to the videos with Attorney Todd you might be more concerned too. Either way people need to exercise their own judgement and take their risk! For me I will not risk anything and do not trust gov esp FEMA one bit. ;)

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I trust no one in the government, but with no disrespect meant to anyone, I just don't have any more fear to give to anyone for any reason. I gave it all away during the scamdemic. The only control "they" truly have over me is the ability to generate fear and I'm done playing. I'm out of darns to give to them. If something awful happens to me as a result of it, so be it.... so I die and am reunited with all of those I miss horribly. There is nothing for me to fear.

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For me this is not fear. It is acting wisely. That’s all. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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Yep. Jesus knew, Matthew 10:16....be wise as serpents

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I love Jesus. He is so awesome.

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Same. FEMA is fraud.

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FEMA is a standing army in a high state of readiness to capture the pesky Americans and throw them in concentration camps. If you've never looked into it, type 'Fema Walmart' into the Bitchute search bar and press enter.

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Ironically, that’s been THOROUGHLY DEBUNKED by politifact. 😂😂😂. Which just makes it seem more real. This is why we can’t trust ANYTHING.

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"In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." --Orwell

Fact checkers are owned by the very same corporations who are setting the agenda and dismantling the current order. Controlling the flow of information is an important tentpole to world domination, dontcha know.

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That’s exactly it. No one wants you to believe it be true. When theybtalk about whats in the jabs and plans to depop I absokutely believe it true. My big question is does shedding happen. If so we are all in trouble. Of course save for Gods hand.

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I have considered all the de-commissioned air force, navy bases--miniature towns

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Oh Yeh..... talk with the people in Lahaina or East Palestine Ohio.

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Agree 💯

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If the government was going to use it to hurt us, they wouldn’t announce it.

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They did roll out those dangerous and deadly vaccines and promoted them!

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I read the Sep 30,2023 substack article by Justus Hope and believe there’s plenty of reason to be concerned with the 5G radio frequency waves being used. I will take every precaution. There was also a video on rumble from Todd Callendar about this FEMA test that should raise some questions at the very least and legitimate concerns. We can’t trust our government to be truthful.

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I posted it linked to Jeffs comment

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I had read that only non-Christians will receive the alert. Should your phone go into an alert and you are a Christian, you need to re-up, things are gonna be bad for you, you are clearly living a lie. Rev. 23:25-32 could not be more clear.

Fine, this is parody.

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I heard it's sending a virus that is going to email, to everyone on your contact list, all the evidence against you from the CIA archive. Then it strips out all your photos and posts them on CIA.gov under your SSN, name, and date of birth. If you're a registered Republican, it will send your bank statements to the IRS (the ones who are armed).

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I see what you did there. LOL

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I, for one, am ready for the tones emitted from my several cell phones to give the nanobots in my bloodstream a good charging. I think their nano-batteries are getting low.

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Geez--I was scared for YOU until I saw your last sentence.

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After reading these comments, I’m wondering if this is the day to put on the tin foil hat…for real! 😂😂😂

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What about those who only have a land line? Will they be sending a drone over the house with a loud speaker attached?

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Really good question on this. DK. but for sure radio and TV will be affected. Smart watches. Anything with signal

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Cars, too, the newer ones.

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It will move your garage door up and down at random times during the night, while you're asleep.

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You may have other info. This is the latest I've heard.

On a national call yesterday evening most are pursuing abundance of caution including below plus kids out of school. Routers off. ALL off / unplugged.


------- Forwarded Message -------

From: Energetic Health Institute <Info@EnergeticHealthInstitute.org>

Date: On Tuesday, October 3rd, 2023 at 5:50 PM

Subject: Update On Urgent Warning


We just received an update to the EBS activation times.




1:00 p.m. – 4:30 EST

12:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. CT

11:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. MT/Denver

10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. MT/Arizona

10:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. PT

This nationwide alert test will be broadcast to cell phones, TVs, and radios.

To all who have gone through the COV1D virus, taken the "shots," or are dealing with long haul symptoms, PLEASE BE READY TO TURN OFF ALL YOUR DEVICES AND ROUTERS AT THE DESIGNATED TIMES.

The alerts should last for 30 minutes but why not just turn off your devices (and WIFI), if possible, for the 3.5-hour period starting at the designated time in your area.

Dr. H



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Should we be stuffing our bodies into Faraday bags today, if it is that bad? I am more concerned about the potential negative impact on living creatures.

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I've wondered. I have a couple of implanted medical devices, so I am a sitting duck. I just ask myself "What's the worst that could happen?" Perfect love casts out fear.

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Is this a way to know exactly where every phone in the country is? And, if so, is it a violation of the 4th amendment?

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Yes it is. They will have location and cell phone number for everyone in the country.

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That I do not know. But surely every phone is trackable. This massive radiation event they say would even penetrate 2G phones.

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It might be a good idea to put your phone inside the microwave (don't turn it on!!) this afternoon.

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We are doing this plus turning it off, wifi off, WATCHES

off wrist, and Unplugging TV and leaving. ANYTHING that can receive a signal —- this includes smart TVs — is subject to getting notice.

THEY also have said your radios — if you are driving will get it.

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023

Hey Jeff I respect your work and I was one who asked you to comment. Thank you.

Here is a video someone else shared that seems quite reliable which you may not have seen. Just FYI because we care about you too.


For me, many may not be in harms way because they are not jabbed. BUT they never speak to that or *I* missed it. Vid is just 35 min.

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Y'all know that Russia conducted a similar nationwide system test earlier this week ....

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That's because they all know there is a global catastrophic event coming in the near future.

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UK did it earlier this year as well

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I am going to test right back at them. I will put my phone on loud and throw it in my faraday bag. For fun to see if it goes through and whether my bag works.

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Someone on another thread said if they got the test they would reply back with "F--k Joe Biden" 😂😂😂

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Oh, the temptation is almost overwhelming

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Please post your results!

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Thought I would comment on some of the suggestions about using aluminum foil to block the transmission: I put a Samsung 12 into a small box and double-triple wrapped it in crumpled aluminum to see if this would work. The first set of text transmissions hit my wife's phone but not mine. The second transmission of the audible alarm hit both of our phones. It was only a small test (1 phone) but it does tell me that an actual faraday bag might have been needed.

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Mine is in a faraday bag and turned off. So far, I haven't heard a peep out of it.

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By the way - the message on my phone was in Spanish only.

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I got no alert. Had my phone on and loud and then I put it in my bag.

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Although, anytime FEMA is conducting a drill or an exercise somewhere, there is

usually a catastrophe following shortly after. They were all set up in NY

on 9/10/01. They were at the Boston Marathon psyop. They were in Hawaii doing exercises before the Maui fires, etc., etc., etc...

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That's what happens when the gvmt proves itself time and again to be untrustworthy. A simple EMS test and we can't depend on it not being used for nefarious purposes.

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I was sent this by a friend. It sounds crazy but nothing would surprise me at this point on time. We are turning off everything.


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It is also strange or not that the dates in that video are the same as the so called alert test today. Hmmmm.

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Jeff, didn’t you say it isn’t anything to worry about, yet look at these comments!!! People think too much about things out of their control. People wrapping in Saran Wrap and Foil?? Are you kidding??? Too crazy for me! I’m out!

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So, did anything happen? I was at the airport waiting outside at the appointed time and didn’t notice anything. (My own phone has all alerts turned off, but I didn’t hear anything or see anyone else get an alert.)🤷🏻‍♀️

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

There is a reason Congress has a 19% approval rating. In the real world, they would be fired for incompetence and prosecuted for grand larceny. They are stealing from us as certainly as if they were emptying the cash register, by passing unthinkably gargantuan bills, giving God only knows how much money to God only knows who.

When Gaetz commented that he is the only member of Congress who does not accept lobbyist money, it gave me pause. It should give everyone pause. We all know know this on some level, but to hear a Congressman actually say it...And we all know that however it is spun, these gifts are bribes that come at a cost that We the People pay.

Their committees, investigations, and strongly worded letters serve only to throw us a bone while they delay, delay, delay. Add to this Congress taking a 6 week vacation in the middle of the country's meltdown, further kicking the can down the road.

I will say it again. 19%

This country has far more serious problems than passing the next budget. We are at a tipping point. Being good little citizens playing nice in the sandbox has enabled the elite to sink this country. The status quo has destroyed us. Enough is enough.

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I'm a life-long leans Democrat voter. My new hero is Matt Gaetz, taking over from Marjorie Taylor Green. I've liked Matt ever since he stared down liberal attempts to smear him a couple years ago, but this victory the clueless partisan Dems handed him is priceless. I was shocked to learn that McCarthy had allowed Pelosi to keep the speaker's office and the acting speaker immediately ordered her to vacate.

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There is speculation going around that McCarthy was put in place to do Pelosi’s bidding... hiding the J6 tapes he promised to release, funding Ukraine, no border policy, etc. I follow this stuff fairly closely and the news about the Speaker’s office was a shock to me also.

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Pelosi had a secret deal with McCarthy to protect him if MTV was issued. Pelosi didn’t do her part to protect and immediately gets kicked out of her special digs. Now that should tell you something’s not right. McCarthy should have been removed when he did that secret weekend deal on the debt limit bill. He’s a fraud.

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Move To Vacate

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Why did McCarthy allow her to keep the office? Was it just another sign of the fecklessness and complete inability to accept that the Left plays an entirely different game than the Right? I'm sure McCarthy couches his reasoning in some "spirit of collegiality" language and that it would have been petty and small to make her leave.

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Pelosi had a secret deal with McCarthy to protect him if MTV was issued. Pelosi didn’t do her part to protect and immediately gets kicked out of her special digs. Now that should tell you something’s not right. McCarthy should have been removed when he did that secret weekend Dem deal on the debt limit bill. He’s a fraud.

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So it is worse, in a way, then him just being feckless. It was sort of Machiavellian but used to his own personal political advantage. I'm even more glad he's gone.

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The book “Drain the Swamp” by a then 1st year congressman goes into detail about how the only real thing congress does is fundraiser for the next election. It’s not about the people, just their pockets.

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Ken Buck, the author of that book, I believe, was one of those voting with Gaetz:

Eight Republican members, including Gaetz, voted to oust McCarthy. They were:

Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona

Rep. Ken Buck of Colorado

Rep. Tim Burchett of Tennessee

Rep. Eli Crane of Arizona

Rep. Bob Good of Virginia

Rep. Nancy Mace of South Carolina

Rep. Matt Rosendale of Montana

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I don't care for Nancy Mace. I don't trust her at all. Speaking after the vote, she said she voted to remove McCarthy because she's a woman and woman's reproductive care is vital to South Carolinians, blah, blah, blah.

Where was Lauren Bobert? Where was Marjorie Taylor Green? Elise Stefanic?

These people are all charlatans.

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MTG has been a staunch supporter of McCarthy. I started questioning everything about her when she pushed for everyone to vote for him for speaker.

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Right around the time she was hanging out with Kanye West and Milo Yiannopolis and separated from her husband, there was talk that she and McCarthy were having an affair. If I remember correctly, McCarthy has had an affair issue before... Part of me feels like I shouldn't be saying this because it's gossip. But the other part of me looks at how our world seems to work these days, where even children are fair game for adult sexual activity, and I have a hard time believing the elites in Washington don't participate in hedonist celebration like the rest of the world elite.

I really don't think we understand who our "leaders" are. I think if we knew, we would have revolted and cleaned things up years ago.

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May be GG, maybe. The lesson I have learned the past 3+ years is trust only Jesus Christ.

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And that, my good person, was set in place by Newt Gingrich. No lie. He’s the one that made fundraising priority above the people’s business. There’s a 2020 documentary called “The Swamp” (which focuses on Thomas Massie, Gaetz, and one other Congressman--can’t remember who) that has a portion showing Massie spending time doing obligatory fundraising and talking about how Newt made that s fundamental part of being in Congress. I can’t appreciate Newt’s contributions to our country any more now that I know this.

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Watching his behavior and seeing how he's talking against people who are trying to save the country, I'm beginning to believe he's a communist in Republican clothing.

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The Gingriches are named in court documents as having participated in Satanic child sacrifice rituals, along with Amy Coney Barrett, the Bushes, the Gores, the Kerrys, etc.


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I learn more on these threads than I did in college. I had no idea people believed these things.

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Thanks, I just bought it (I think - by Ken Buck, I hope?). Almost all of my reading material comes from C&C suggestions these days.

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Same!! I have read so many good books thanks to the C&C Army.

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Lose the Lobbies.

How's that for a bumper sticker?

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Seems way to high to me. 19%? Maybe that was in 1923.

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States should immediately freeze the collection of federal taxes until major changes and absolute transparency are implemented. They answer to US and should be held accountable.

Let’s see what they do without our money...

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This exactly. Federal Income taxes should be permanently abolished along with the private banking cartel aka the Federal Reserve Bank. States should collect tax and only kick up a portion to the Federal level after taking care of local state needs. This money needs be enshrined by law to be spent only on those items specifically enumerated in the Constitution. If this money is spent on any non-Constitutional item, money can be withheld indefinitely.

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There are plenty of videos snippets on FB, IG, YT etc of conservative congress critters lambasting this regime's minions during congressional hearings; which I love to watch. However, we see no actioned results from these, so I've grown weary of watching them because nothing ever gets done. Hence the 19% approval rating in my estimation.

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023

I have to say, I am impressed Matt Gaetz went through with it. As Jesse Kelly tweeted (Xed ?):

"The American Right wants to be in shape, just with no sweat involved.

Time and time again you see this. It’s a rotted and corrupt System and it’s going to take UGLINESS if we have any hope to change it.

The second ugliness comes along, they decide things have “gone too far”."

I fear we still have too many on the Right who think the way Jesse proposes and that's why people like Newt Gingrich call Matt, et al, traitors.

Sorry all, if I knew how to apply italics or bold, I would have done so for clarity.

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EXACTLY!! I have a host of friends who send me these videos. I keep telling them I am not interested in any more of these 'great soundbites for their re-election campaigns' videos, unless they end with someone fired or sent to jail. Done.

That being said, Ron Johnson's 6 hour hearing in I think 2021 on the covid crap was excellent, I watched the whole thing and even went back and re-watched parts of it. It was educational and valuable.

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Now that words no longer mean anything, the word "budget" used by a Congressman is a sick joke.

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But the irony is that incumbents get overhwhelmingly re-elected. People tend to like 'their' congressperson (perhaps as they bring home the bacon/pork to their home district) despite disparaging congress as a whole.

And the non stop fundraising is in part due to the parties themselves. I have been following congress for a LONG time, but just learned last year that every member of the R party in Congress is levied 'dues' from the Party that they are required to pay. Amount is calculated based on committee assignments and other measures of prestige and influence. Lauren Bobert talked about this in detail on the Dana Loesch show sometime last year. I find that ridiculous that they not only have to raise money for their own campaigns, but also for the worthless national R party. No wonder they end up getting paid off by lobbyists.

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Yep. The brain dead sheeple keep voting for the leftist, Marxist crooks. If the conservatives cannot reach the public, thanks to the Socialist, crooked media, this country is doomed.

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It goes beyond the media. They control the public school system cesspool and start the Marxist, SJW, indoctrination in kindergarten. Rinse and repeat all the way up to four to five years of overrated University/College education.

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19% positive approval?

Now we know the percentage of people that are getting direct pork funding from the Feds.

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When I first read this line I thought there was an "at" in it, as in, "burning even hotter than over at DiFi’s." And it still worked given where she is now.

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Articulate succinct and right on point BBS! And the Republican party wonders why they have a registration and turnout problem? I left the RNC years ago for the very reasons you quantify. I still vote, campaign for worthy candidates and am active in election integrity, but boy have I been disappointed many times!

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Very well stated.

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remember the movie "Distinguished Gentleman"

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Having no Speaker is not chaos. Chaos is our border. Chaos is our addled, criminal President. Chaos is $5/gallon gas and ridiculously high grocery prices. Chaos is having a "free press" controlled by the Whitehouse and using "chaos" in their talking points about removing McCarthy.

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023

Chaos is having my 8 yr. old granddaughter going to school and being asked by the teacher if she feels like a boy today. Chaos is the same teacher not only supporting, but encouraging, another kid to be a dog. Chaos is an elementary school library with a shelf of books describing the sex act--both hetero and homo. Chaos is the school board not allowing discussion about inappropriate material. Chaos is having a 3 yr. old preschool girl asking her 3 yr. old boy classmate why he is wearing nail polish and a big bow in his hair and the little girl is sent to the office because she made the boy feel uncomfortable and she must offer him a "heartfelt apology." Chaos is asking the kid if he thought it was heartfelt enough. Chaos is a school system permitting and paying for teachers to be absent to attend woke meetings 2 and 3 days a week. Chaos is ensuing substitute teacher-- on her cell phone--barely a place holder. Chaos is not being allowed to say the Pledge of Allegiance. Chaos is the schools honoring every offbeat religion on the planet but banning "Merry Christmas." Chaos is Randi Weingarten and every idiot who supports her. Anyone from Baltimore want to put your 2 cents in?

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I call it demonically inspired insanity.

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No wonder so many parents are now home-schooling their children.

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All I will say is that Maryland is at the top of the list with NY and Cali as one of the most corrupt states in the union.

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Illinois has multi-generational political corruption. I remember my parents commenting on Paul Powell, Sec of State, having shoe boxes of cash (over $800k in 1960’s dollars) stashed around his residence and office. He is quoted “There's only one thing worse than a defeated politician, and that's a broke one." The pols of today live by that. 😡

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Not to mention not one single kid in Baltimore has passed the standardized math test.

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At this point, we must simply be asking for God's intervention every day. Breaks my heart.

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Thank you for this - I hope you’re finding ways to share far and wide what you’re witnessing. We need society’s red pilled elders to speak out and connect with the wave of red pilled youth who know this is BS

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Oh, yeah!

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The father of chaos is Satan. He thrives on it.

Get the kids out of school. Get them into a homeschool group if at all possible.

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I want to support your post but I simply cannot "like" it. These chaos points are in-action tragedy events. I wish each one of those said children could actually live the life of a child and not a grown up. 😔

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I agree Jenn, 'like' isn't the proper word but it's all we are offered. Your comment about children is so true and reminded me of an experience I had years ago. We had a well bred colt (Spanish breed) born from our mare, a sharp solid black beauty. We had the trainer evaluate him for conformation, way too young for anything else at that point. I asked the trainer if we should do anything special with him and I will always remember the reply. "do nothing, let him be a horse". It was a small herd and his momma did all the care taking necessary.

We must heed the trainers advice, "let our children be children".

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Chaos is allowing evil people to push the scamdemic and everything that went with it... and they are STILL doing it!

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It’s nice to see a GOP leader stand up for Anything!

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Chaos is building Panasonic EV battery plant that requires its own Coal burning power plant to run. (Kansas)

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Try 6-$7 in Ca!

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Ha ha , we are dreaming of $5 a gallon gas here in CA where it is approaching $7!

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We are in the high $3's here in Indiana, but I was thinking of all of you Cali peeps when I wrote that. Soooo sorry. Ugh.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

In case DeSantis reads this - and we love you as the best Executive in politics in 150 years - RDS' statement on McCarthy's removal was weak and uninspiring. You've got to start saying inspiring things to match your record. (we have high standards; nobody said anything inspiring about it). RDS said "I was against speaker McCarthy before it was cool. But this whole thing is just a sideshow…they don't have a plan". What does that even mean? Nobody will remember what you said and nobody got any direction or inspiration from it. Try this next time:

"There is revolution in the air in Washington. We will change things permanently in the DC swamp. The Speaker learned what happens when you break your word. Democrats would vote for any speaker being removed who has an R next to his name, forget them. Full speed ahead."

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Much better!

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High praise from the rhetorical master! Childers for Maximum Leader (temporary emergency measures, of course)!

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Ever since DeSantis decided to run for the presidency, he has sounded less genuine and less like a strong leader. He seems to be controlled by someone or a group that has dictated what he says or doesn’t say. I was so impressed with him initially but now he sounds like a politician controlled by his big donors.

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Yup. I was on the fence between Trump and DeSantis for a long time as I believed the spin that DeSantis was Trump without the baggage (in other words unlike Trump he could control his emotions and not react to every provocation and succumb to those who flattered him). Over time though he showed his true stripes.

I'd much rather have Trump with the baggage who actually loves America and believes what he says, than a controlled toady like DeSantis. The defining moment for me was after DeSantis correctly described Ukraine as a territorial dispute that was not in our national interest, to a 180 degree reversal a few days later. He completely flipped and started using neocon talking points about Russia being a "gas station with nukes" (as opposed to a sovereign country with its own national interests).

It was clear to me that the GOP money men told him his original statement was unacceptable so he dutifully, and apparently without shame, completely reversed himself. No explanation why, it was like he never made the original (and correct) statement.

Trump for all his faults is a proven entity when it comes to foreign policy. We know he isn't controlled by monied Chinese interests and neocon warmongers. With DeSantis though, there is no track record there as these aren't state issues. All we have is a really ugly record of saying the right (which is probably what he actually believes) policy and then humiliatingly reversing himself when the money men disapprove.

Apparently I'm not the only one who noticed this based on DeSantis' collapse in the polls.

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All I know is that my famiy and I lived our best lives under Trump. That is the beginning, middle, and end of it for me. TRUMP 2024!

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His Ukraine flip-flop was the exact time when I saw his true colors. DS is way too controlled by his donors.

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How about when he looks around the room like a 12 year old looking to see who is doing what then raises his hand saying he will support Trump?!

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Yes, that was weird. Without picking on somebody excessively for an isolated moment, if I were his Chief of Staff, I'd make him watch that tape 20 times and ask him if he finally understands how you have to be your own man at all times. He is his own man when governing, but he is out of sorts when campaigning. They are two completely different things. One is operational competence, the other is theater. But you need theater to win.

Operationally, Trump could not have done worse with his deep state appointments as he kept making the same mistakes again and again and again. Warp speed vax and Fauci and Wray to top it all off. Failure to even touch the security apparatus, not to mention overhauling it and firing corrupt people. Sad. Disappointing.

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I like your comment Ghost. But who (and how) can anyone defeat the alphabet agencies, fbi-cia-dod and more? Cia has been honing their power since the 40's, I believe in Ukraine. Fbi is ordering a new billion $$ headquarters? The final nail in the freedom coffin was driven in 9-11-2001. I fear the police state is irreversible now.

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I fear the same, but I believe with 50% certainty that RDS gets it and will clean house like no other. I don't see another so capable, not even close, but I sense he's not a sufficiently gifted campaigner to get there. PS I give Trump an 18% chance of fighting the deep state effectively after his record of failure the first time.

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Or poorly coached in a way that has made him very stiff and spouting out soundbites

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Agree Juli Ann B. He is following the 'advice' of the deep state Bush-Cheney-Murdoch never Trump group. DeSantis is a smart man and does well when the leash is off, he doesn't do well when being 'coached to win'. I feel bad for him, and the many candidates that know one big advantage towards winning is money, connections, and media control. The most recent candidate to buck that trend successfully is Kari Lake of Arizona. And the deep state hates her for it. Like Trump, she is her own person and will not be controlled.

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Agree 💯

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The Bush family?

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That’s what some have been saying! Bad move!

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DeSantis has played nice since he started hanging around with Karl Rove and Jeb Bush. Et tu, Ron?

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023

💯! Those advocating for McCarthy literally mean there is no GOP "plan" except to continue doing business as usual.

I'm now taking time to carefully listen to the opinions and statements by all those who've been clutching their "conservative" pearls.

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Precisely correct. Voting for McCarthy means you have no plan whatsoever except corrupt, failed business as usual. At the bitter end of the original vote, I agreed with the freedom caucus to give the guy a try. The brilliant conditions they put in place led to his deserved ouster, which was precisely the purpose of those conditions.

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As I'm listening to several takes on the ouster of McCarthy today, the number of masks being ripped off is astounding. MTG spent the last week or more posting, crying really, about how hard it's been to accomplish appropriation changes (dialing out Ukraine money, border security, etc). Complained big time about how McCarthy recessed the house for all of Aug and a chunk of Sept when he knew how much work they needed to get done before the deadline.

Yesterday, she voted to keep McCarthy. 🤔

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I lost most respect for mtg in January during the 15 votes to confirm him. It almost like she has a personal attachment to him (or his campaign money).

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I think this might be part of the battle inside the Republican Party of Florida (RPOF), and the national Republican Party. I see bits of it at the meetings of the RPOF, and it can be on display there in proxy wars between the Trump and DeSantis presidential campaign supporters. Rumor has it that both Matt Gaetz and Florida Rep. Byron Donalds are running for Governor, and so I think the factions are lining up to make news (and hopefully also be sincere; Gaetz) and claim to be the 'rational' side (Donalds? my Rep. is one of these). So many of the players have so many connections and obligations inside politics, whether as an elected official, an elected official of their state Republican Party, a lobbyist, a PAC owner (often of multiple deceptively-named PACs), someone whose business offers services to politicians, etc., that it can be impossible to discern anyone's true interests in any action they take or words they speak.

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Yes. One big bought and sold Uni-party. We need someone really smart to run as an Independent. . .

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I don't think that would change much, as the House and Senate, and the state parties, would still be full of either Dems or Republicans, with the same money-driven ecosystem.

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Great statement, SG. Yes, the script has been sent out because I've seen many on the Left AND Right lamenting, "what's the plan" (or more snarkily in the case of Kurt Schlicter who says some spicy things himself, "what does Matt Gaetz's hair want?"). Okay. I guess that's an attempt to be funny ?

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Schilicter' comment is hair envy.NAB. What will he say when Newsom and his 'do are in W,DC?

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DeSantis is a good governor, but a weak candidate for president, and has hurt his future by running now.

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Bravo my fellow Patriot!

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Jon Rappoport's substack yesterday was very similar.


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RDS is one of them. only he’s the type that says what you want to hear (most of the time) but NEVER actually does anything revolutionary and falls into line if enough dummies fall for his rhetoric.

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I don't know if it's fair to say he hasn't taken any action, though. I mean, you have a new law in Florida which allows for the execution of child rapists. That is certainly something.

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If one is actually executed, I’ll stand corrected

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

About that border:

"Some party hack decreed that the people had lost the government's confidence and could only regain it with redoubled effort. If that is the case, would it not be be simpler if the government simply dissolved the people And elected another?" —Bertolt Brecht

'We the People' Molested Thru Airport Security vs Illegal Invaders Traipsing Thru Border Security: https://bitchute.com/video/WGVyeKsA71Sr [2.24mins]

The UN is Funding Mass Illegal Migration Into the United States with Prepaid Debit Cards: https://bitchute.com/video/ua94TAOeBSN0 [1.52mins]

Secret Military Training Centers Along Texas Border Are Collating Invaders and then Bussing Them Out, This is an Invasion of the US Encouraged & Executed by the US Government: https://bitchute.com/video/ZHv2yLdFHnyc

The borders are open. The invaders are exempt from the killshot and granted every consideration while the government just hired, trained, and armed 87,000 IRS agents to sick on the American people who are paying for the room, board, general welfare, and comfort of their third world replacements. Meanwhile law enforcement. politicians, and the military - who swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitution - either facilitates this invasion or does nothing to stop it.

Venezuela Is Emptying Prisons And Sending Dangrous Convicts To US

https://tritorch.com/degradation/!!!DHSVenezuelaIsEmptyingPrisonsAndSendingDangrousConvictsToTheUSBorder.png [image]

We are going to have to fix this ourselves...

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im ready, but in a rather impolite way.

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Same here.

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Ditto.. Bring it!

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Its not just the US. Take a look at Europe. Check up on Ireland. Its everywhere and is being supported by the WEF and the UN. Canada - 500,000 peryear for the next 5 years and nowhere for them to live.

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David, Most of these immigrants are from the southern hemisphere, one winter in Canada and they will be rushing back into the US to get warm. Planned destruction of the western world.

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Yep - WEF/WHO/Gazillionairs taking over the globe in plain sight, while people squabble about individual members of congress.

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023

Yes, we are. And then we are going to need to permanently "drain the swamp" ourselves.

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fourth box is a magazine.

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ya know, if we get to the inevitable war these dopes seem to want, they become legitimate targets of hostilities. are they even aware of that?

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Depart from me, all you workers of iniquity,

For Yahweh has heard the sound of my weeping.

Yahweh has heard my supplication,

Yahweh receives my prayer.

All my enemies will be ashamed and greatly dismayed;

They shall turn back, they will suddenly be ashamed.

O let the evil of the wicked come to an end, but establish the righteous;

For the righteous God tests the hearts and minds.

My shield is with God,

Who saves the upright in heart.

— Psalm 6:8-10; 7:9-10 LSB

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Indeed. Call out their deeds repeatedly and shame them. They will accuse of hate speech because they hate being shamed.

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Doesn’t seem to bother Hillary or Klaus Schwab....

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No one with a seared conscience feels any shame.

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Janice you are precious beyond words and a constant encouragement. Love Jean

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What a blessing you are to me! Love to you, sister.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

The grossness of a representative named “Weiner” who voted to legalize child sexual abuse.

They voted to legalize the perpetration of trauma and violence.

The notion that a dependent child or adolescent can freely consent to sexual activity with an adult (and especially if that adult is a parent or other authority figure) is as ludicrous if not more than the notion that an employee can freely consent to a medical procedure that “happens” to be a condition of his employment.

At least the adult employee has some greater ability to walk away from the abusive job. The adolescent cannot walk away from his or her father or mother, or teacher, or pastor, or other.

God, help us and please preserve those of us who still seek to live by your laws. And rescue the kids trapped in harm. And work justice for the oppressed, and do it soon.

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I was thinking the same thing. It makes me sick to my stomach. Just seeing that picture made me want to vomit. That poor boy. He has no way to NOT consent. That pervert criminal needs to be in prison, not making money off the taxpayers. I weep for these children. How long oh Lord must we wait for their freedom from slavery and abuse? 😭

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If that picture makes you sick...

The LG HDTV+ debate would be over in five minutes if enough people saw, with their own eyes, the actual aftermaths of these intensely brutal "gender affirming" surgeries and realized that this "care" is the endgame for most who follow the path, including children. This endgame also includes chemical sterilization via puberty blockers and synthetic hormones.

I won't link to any pictures here because they're entirely grotesque, but it's very important to understand that pictures speak louder than words. If you really need to change someone's mind (like if their child is trying to join the alphabet club), it might be worth digging some up to show them the true reality of what this ideology/religion leads to.

The moment someone "affirms" a kids gender confusion, they're committing child abuse by telling them something is wrong with who they are. The path from there only leads to further mental and physical destruction.

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No disagreement here. I’ve seen some pics that do make me so incredibly sick. It is child abuse. More pictures do need to come out. You are right. It’s hard to describe with words the total destruction that is taking place. I think a lot of people disregard the words. But, while pictures are graphic….it just might be what’s needed to wake people up to admit this is not right. 😢

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Tucker dropped a new interview last night that's all about this stuff: https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1709689853661913465

Good interview, and I think a good way to introduce the uninitiated to how messed up this who industry is.

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Early on, John Hopkins posted several of those post-surgery photos, including doctors making speeches about how positive it all is. After about "5 minutes" it mysteriously all disappeared - for some reason...

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I was listening to Tucker's most recent interview on X (https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1709689853661913465) and the interviewee mentioned John Hopkins was the first university to perform "sex reassignment surgery" in 1965 (in quotes, because biological sex is immutable). John Money, who is infamous in his own right, was a professor there at the same time.

Between John Money, Event 201, Catastrophic Contagion (https://catastrophiccontagion.centerforhealthsecurity.org/videos), etc., it sure seems like John Hopkins University has regularly been on the wrong side of history.

I'm not surprised they would remove post-surgery photos...

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I'm a California native in my mid 50s.

My 4th and 5th grade teacher (same guy, you'll be able to guess why our teacher moved grades with my class in a second) is a convicted pedophile.

Thanks to my mom and dad, the pedo never got hold of me, but, he molested a bunch of boys in my classes and his favorite (the reason the teacher followed us) killed himself as a young adult. Our class also seems to have an elevated level of alcohol and drug dependency problem among the boys, and I think at least one other guy killed himself because of the abuse, but no note, so who knows.

De-criminalizing sex with minors is the first step to normalizing sex with minors. This is abhorrent behavior and must be stopped!!!

Weiner is from Philly and studied at Harvard and Duke, and he appears to be a carpet bagger who has moved to our great state to further the destruction of our state, and ultimately, our Union.

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Weiner is gay and very open about it. Honestly have to wonder if he is a perpetrator.

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023

It is not unwise to suspect every single person signing that bill of being a perpetrator in one form or another.

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How could he not be after sponsoring that horrible law? And believe me, I do not equate being gay with being a pedophile. There’s a group called Gays Against Groomers who are actively trying to protect children, and also resent the fact that their hard earned rights are being threatened by being lumped with these other groups that are going after children.

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There are only two reasons for signing that law as far as I’m concerned: virtue signaling or seeking to enable abuse 🤬

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Or Weiner. He is obviously a pervert, considering the types of bills he writes and gets passed. All the CA Dems are.

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Satan is rejoicing. Some days I have to just stay away from all media because there is so much evil.

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

McCarthy only has himself to blame.....he knew damn well where that fire alarm was.

Additionally, I - after careful consideration - purposely walked headlong into the choppy, precarious, sludgy Google waters just to get a feel for what was going on with the establishment loons regarding the McCarthy thing - and it was exactly as expected. To witness the lefty crackheads and RHINO dunderdoodles collectively lose control of every available orifice is like Christmas coming early.

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Oh, man, you have more internal fortitude than I, wading into those well-described Google waters.


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I don’t have a hazmat suit, Eric. Thanks for doing that so I don’t have too. But being a democrat (no longer) during the Trump years, I know what is going on behind the fevered brows on that side very well. If I called my heavily vaxxed , trump deranged sister today, I would get a strong whiff. Not doing that this afternoon around 2 though. 🤔🫣

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023

Try watching the never-Trump GOPe commentators lose control (start with Erick Erickson). It's more entertaining because they try to stop wailing just long enough to preen over their "conservative bona fides".

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It's kind of like why I still live in a West Coast state. It's hell but someone with some common sense has to stay, report, speak truth and pray. My momma didn't raise no quitter.

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You are brave.

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I didn’t have to google anything. Unfortunately my daughter went on a rant about how awful the republicans were. I finally got her to stop talking by informing her that there were actual Nazis in the Ukraine. I’m sure she didn’t believe it- it was debunked on Reddit- but at least I had some peace and quiet. I honestly don’t understand how people who spend so much time online “researching” can be be clueless.

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Just find and show your daughter the video of Victoria Nuland admitting to Congress that, yes, there are actual Nazis in Ukraine. It might be on C-span.

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I don’t think it would make any difference. People are so brainwashed real facts just bounce off their heads.

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I'm always butting heads with my son who gets his feedback on Tiktok and Reddit too.

I persist, providing him links to "the other side" of his arguments.

Which he rarely, if ever, opens, because I rarely, if ever, receive any further feedback.

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Think of it as "controlled research."

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You crack me up

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I’d have more respect for our first amendment if the J6 political prisoners weren’t still in the DC gulag.

The First is only as good as the justice system and that’s in tatters.

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As Dave Chapell said- we have the second amendment in case the first one didn’t work.....

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I don’t own a gun myself, but I am grateful that others do! They can’t walk all over us the way they do, in Canada in England. The founders weren’t stupid’

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True, the first amendment is only marginally, enforced. Certainly not in the case of this necessary political demonstration.

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The Patriot Act allows for indefinite imprisonment as long as they are deemed domestic terrorists.

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Indefinite imprisonment is a violation of the Constitution. And what exactly is the definition of a domestic terrorist? The Democrats have defined it as anyone who dares challenge the election of a Democrat to office. The Democrats are the real domestic terrorists, striking terror into anyone who dares to challenge Democrats.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

"Why are they so insistent on trying to stop you from drinking raw milk?

You can go down the street and buy gallons of alcohol, cigarettes, candy, and other processed foods that make inordinate amounts of people violent, sick, obese, and chronically inflamed, but if you want to drink raw milk straight from the cow with no middle man or processing like nature intended, now they care about your wellbeing and safety and want to ban it."


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They won’t stop fentanyl, but if you sell milk fresh from a cow they’ll hunt you down and arrest you.

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Because raw milk is good for you. It has so many healthy benefits and enzymes. Tptb can't have you getting healthy now.

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When you see that the government is a criminal enterprise, the Mob itself, only interested in getting their cut of the action, it makes sense. The mob makes money off drugs, legal and illegal. Raw milk producers aren't in the racket...yet...to take a cut from. But that's changing. Many states are allowing sale of raw milk now. The Mob sees potential for income.

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I wish RICO charges could be filed against the Biden administration.

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023

In Ohio, it is perfectly legal to own a cow and drink raw milk. Now for those of us who don't want to or can't own cows, you can purchase a herd share. This means you "own" part of the herd and are entitled to what the herd produces, including raw milk. It's completely legal.

Edit: there are also sellers of non-homogenized milk (legal) and I have had no problem consuming that where I most certainly do regular milk. And have you ever had the cream on the top? Mmmmmmmmm!!!

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Unfortunately, in some states, those farmers are being forced to stop selling the raw milk, even to individual citizens who buy the milk directly. Saw it on The Highwire

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Yup. I can’t buy it here in illinois but you can buy it as “pet food”. I just don’t have pet food suppliers nearby. I can get unhomogenized though. I was raised on raw milk on my family farm. It’s stupid this day and age. Parlors are still inspected.

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I've tried to find real milk and it's impossible. I drank it just about every day as a child, and have nearly forgotten what it tastes like.

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If I can get it in NYC, I bet you can get it too

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I saw a segment on the highwire about a man who is almost wheelchair bound by debilitating, auto immune diseases, and wasting away. He nursed himself back to health by consuming nothing but raw organic milk. The raw milk probably had beneficial gut microbes for him. Many people who think that they are lactose intolerant can actually drink milk from A2 cows. Big difference between dairy products from those cows as opposed to the ones that are commonly raised here.

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Prohibiting or preventing you from buying or doing certain things was the insidious creeping of liberalism. I put the first sign of what was to come as the seatbelt law.

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If Representative Gaetz is, as Newt says, a traitor, I suspect Newt means he's a traitor to the Republican Party. I'll go along with that.

Of course I'm of the opinion the Republican Party is a traitor to the US Constitution, so I join Representative Gaetz in being a traitor to the Republican Party!

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Newt can pound sand.

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The enemy of my enemy is my friend?

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No one in the Republican Party should have signed on to the patriot act. And Mike Lee likes to blab about how he is a stickler for the constitution, but I don’t recall him calling for it to be revoked. Nor has any republican called for overturning Obama’s rescinding habeas corpus.

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Perhaps he is a traitor to the Uniparty!

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Agreed. Traitors. We need a constitutional lawyer to run for pres. as an Independent - not beholden to either Party apparatus.

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"Who do you think should be the next Speaker of the House?"


I don't care what he is or who's side he's really on. He'll help reveal even more of what's going on, one way or another.

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023

That's my answer! Impeach both Biden and Kamala and throw them out. Then Speaker becomes POTUS. Well, I can dream.

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Civics! No wonder they stopped teaching it. You have a sound plan

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It won’t get past the senate though. Impeachment has no teeth anymore. If both sides do it when there is no chance the senate will vote to actually remove them, it will become a nothing burger. Yawn. Not in the current conditions anyway. Just a footnote in history. IMO.

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There has been talk of Trump being appointed speaker for the last three years- I think it would be GREAT! We would have a balanced budget and all of the roaches in DC would be exposed.

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And apparently there is no term limit. I’m thinking Pelosi is as old as Methuselah. It might be the best place for Trump to roost. And do some good! Weed out that swamp from the murky depths, I say. This could work!

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Let's DO EEET!!!!

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Then impeach Joe and Cacklin' Kamala. Trump would be President.

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I would love it if only to see the rinos, tds libbies and never trumpers choke and scream in fits. All are part of the problem.

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Yes. I'm sure it is a confessable sin, but I would relish the collective meltdown.

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Same!! Seeing their heads explode would be most satisfying! 😁

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It can’t be Trump. He’s trying to run for president.

We can’t expect the man to do *everything!*

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Totally agree! But it would be VERy entertaining.

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Very! Who wouldn't love to watch that.

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CNN is DROOLING over the idea!

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I don't think they would end up liking it very much. I think we would get the sarcastic brawler we all came to know and love so much. He's back to being that way these days. I just think towards the end of his last term he was quite a bit angry with everything they were doing to him (completely understandable) and we lost our sarcastic funny guy there for a while. I think in this role he could get back to that because not all the pressure is on him anymore. HE could get to be the critic instead of them always taking pot shots at him all the time.

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Lol. Seriously!!!

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He’s mentioned that he would be willing to step in temporarily.

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This might be a better option.

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Does Trump have time for a FULL TIME JOB, along with running for President AND defending himself in many legal battles?

We need to get real on this?

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I just went to listen to Gaetz. That was one of the most honest things that heard come out of a Washington politician in LOOOOOONG TIME

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Please find out for all fundraisers a physical address where we can send donation checks. Although the snail 🐌 mailed donations won’t appear on the digital websites or multipliers, many of us prefer to avoid donating online. We old fashioned and privacy obsessed really want to help!

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

When someone I know donates to something, he gets a money order he paid for with cash, signs his name illegibly, does not write his address and uses no return address on the envelope. If he is in a particular mood, sometimes he puts the return address of a house near him that has a "black lives matter" sign in their yard so those people will start getting all sorts of conservative mail and requests for money. Brilliant!

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Genius! I wonder if your friend’s using a false return address is legal? But it’s still genius, no matter what. Thanks for sharing this cool idea.

UPDATE: If you want to keep your address somewhat private -- except from the Post Office ;-) -- consider renting a post office box.

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LOL! Private and (United States government handled agency) Post Office all in the same sentence. :)

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Probably illegal, but he never uses (nor knows) their name, so it's only the address. He can easily claim senility because he's definitely got problems with that one most days.

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Appreciating ever more.

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Well, perhaps it's just accidental mis-spelling.

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I used to use addresses of local garbage haulers when I had to fill out a form to contact congress online. I like your idea better.

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How clever of you to know this person! Taking this under advisement.

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I’ve considered using cash to buy a debit card to use for stuff like this.

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023

The same reasoning should propel you to get a burner phone to go with that prepaid debit card.

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I know this sounds ignorant (I’m old!) but what is a burner phone?

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023

Not ignorant at all - just jargon, my apologies. A burner phone is a prepaid cell phone, usually a "dumb" flip phone, tied to a unique phone number that is not your normal number. It makes it difficult for any agency monitoring your conversations and/or location to connect the device to your actual identity. It's called a "burner" because you "burn" thru the prepaid minutes until they're used up.

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Where do you get them and when the prepaid minutes are used up do you then get another one or add minutes? The invasion of privacy with my IPhone is really bothering me.

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It's a cheap, untraceable phone whereby you prepay minutes.

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Excellent comment and reply about the burner phone. Will consider for sure!

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That’s a great idea

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I have found that if you really want to irritate someone mail them a check! Usual response- what am I supposed to do with that? I’ve actually had people say that to me when I give them cash. All anyone wants anymore are Amazon gift cards. I refuse. I do not support Amazon. Take the money, go to a store, pick out something and hand them the cash. Voilà. Since we aren’t teaching kids to read,write and add in school maybe we could at least teach them how to go to a store and make a purchase. Just sayin’.

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Yes, and circulating cash is a way to prevent CBDC

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Good point!!!!

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Saw the news about McCarthy and was glad that Matt held him to the promise that he made to get into that office in the first place. Of course, we're not likely to get someone in place who _will_ work to do what the voters want, but we can hope. The fact that some people are now saying that the next speaker has to actually do what they say is a priority speaks volumes.

I can appreciate the new citizen journalists now popping up to do the job that our "ace reporters" should have been doing all along. We used to have real investigative reporting - no sides, just exposing truths. We now have the mainstream media running cover for Democrats and not even trying to hide it. At least it's not as bad as Canada, where Trudeau is trying to get podcasts to fall in line with the government narrative. And we do still have that First Amendment going for us, unlike other countries. But the thugs out there will definitely not hesitate to use violence against anyone exercising those free speech/press rights.

I'm glad to see the tide turning on the gender dysphoria issues. That can't happen fast enough to see people calling a spade a spade and not getting punished for it.

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We should rename them the "sidestream" media since they never want to be in the main stream any more. Let the new citzen journalists become the new "mainstream"

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In Canada, I am hoping we will see that NO ONE registers their podcast with the government. If everyone refuses, what will Trudeau do? Declare Martial Law again? Call in his Nazi friends or his so-called ‘Royal’ Canadian Mounted Police to trample old ladies? Lock down their bank accounts? Or maybe something new, like 20 lashes. 🧐🧐

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Sadly, there will be some - much like they were around when turning in neighbors in WW2 Germany. Such an odd attack on that sort of press, even realizing Canada has different laws than we do.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Priceless 15 second video of jab refuser Aaron Rodgers sticking it to sellout Travis Kelci, Taylor Swift's new beau. Adored the look on both announcers.


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IMO Taylor and Travis is not a relationship, but a marketing strategy. Taylor has been promoted by the media for years to build a large following. Pfizer advertises with the NFL, they get an NFL spokesperson, and get that spokesperson to date a talent with a large following. NFL gains a new set of fans and with those fans watching, Pfizer gets maximum exposure.

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023

Travis Kelce can get his 5th booster. If you are shilling for big pharma now you ARE a POS!

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What an ass. "who INFAMOUSLY". If you don't understand a word, don't use it. Of course, I realize that he is unaware of his own ignorance.

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I loved that video clip! Aaron Rodgers stood firm against the jab just like Djokovic did and they were an example to everyone of not caving into the pressure despite the consequences to their careers. Kelce lacks maturity, discernment and has shown how easily he can be bought off!

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When I heard that Kelce Travis was dating Taylor; my first, maybe second thoughts was: maybe Kelce will help educate Taylor. Ugh, no. Silly me

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Sounds like a fake arranged courtship

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I ♥️ Aaron Rodgers!

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