Had to pause reading through the opening to come down and write how grateful we are that you take the time to try and summarize history for us. It has been like drinking from a firehose for years now, and it doesn't look like it's slowing down anytime soon. So thank you, you make it easier to keep track of what's happening :) Bless you!

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Amen! May God bless Jeff Childers and Coffee & Covid!!

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Yes! Thank you, thank you. This column is such a blessing and ……so much fun!!

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Agree!! A blessing, informative and fun—what could be better??

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For sure. I know next to nothing about all of this tech stuff, so the info about Crowdstrike is especially helpful.

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When I was twelve years old my father was teaching me how to rebuild ford and chevy engines in our shop. High tech was a cylinder grinder and learning to read a micrometer to 10,000th of an inch.

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I'm sure you have used that 'mechanical skill' many, many times in your life--good for you!!

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I notice your dad did not subject you to Dodge!

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Joseph, kind of like when I learned to use a slide rule in college in the 70's.

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When I heard Crowdstrike, I knew I heard that name before in the context of all the impeachment hoaxes. Thanks for saving me some research time.

And could the old Fox and Friends crew of 2019 have looked more skeptical of what President Trump was telling them? They were all but calling him a liar.

Fox is not pro-Trump; mixed bag at best.

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Noticed that too

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Fox is just another “owned” media outlet set up to temporarily appease a side they’ve created. I know no one who isn’t on a “side”. They’ve succeeded wildly.

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I'm with you. No knowledge of Crowdstrike, but it came to my mind yesterday morning, "Is this related to Russia and Ukraine?"

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Same here. And I’m glad I have a Mac!

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My wife is a diehard Mac person. She was the very last person allowed to use a Mac as her work computer at a Fortune 10 company. My sorry claim to being the last is two fold. The last to hang a girlie calendar in his office. And the last person to walk out the door after blowing up our department and moving our International operations to Switzerland.

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Wise decision!

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I totally agree.

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It’s easy to make mistakes when hand writing code, but there are a lot of programs now that can easily check that code. When you’re about to upload an update that could affect a good portion of the world, you check the code on a separate machine that’s not connected to anything.

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And President Starfruit!!! We’re on to fruits now! 🤣🤣🤣 You’re killin’ me Smalls!

I love your C&C newspaper. All the headlines necessary to hear. You save me so much time. Thank you for your devoted service. ❤️

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LOL. Maybe next week we can explore the realm of nuts- Resident Walnut? President Pistachio?

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He thinks he’s a special Marcona almond but he’s just a bag of stale mixed nuts from Costco.

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HAAA! Good one!

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Standing by for President Acai . . . Nobody even knows how to say it.

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I call him Joseph Raisinette Biden 😊

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But I love that blueberry/açaí dark chocolate candy!

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Jul 20
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That's incorrect, but it works better that way!

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In honor of the late great Rush Limbaugh, mega dittoes to this comment! This news round up is a breath of fresh air and saves me a lot of time and stress wandering in the news wilderness to stay up to date.

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I would love to hear what Rush would say about all of this.

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I often think this! His voice (literally) and insights are so missed.

But I also am so thankful for him that he got to be released from suffering on earth and welcomed home to his Savior.

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Yes! I believe the sentiment "for such a time as this" applies to you, too, Jeff Childers! Thank you for sharing your incredible insights and experience with the C&C army each and every day! You are helping us keep hope alive!

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I do agree! Thank you a million times over! Xxoo

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LOL that is what I wrote on my forwarding to my friends, history being clarified. Thank you Jeff!

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As Rush would have said, Jeff is disgronifying history for us.

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Indeed...many thanks...

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my most re-stacked writer.Thanks, Jeff!!

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Jeff is like those reporters and/or photographers who go out on the front lines of the war to make sure the historic documentation is made for those to come. His sacrifice does not go un-noticed in my house and the sacrifice made by his family and his staff. I will never criticize or correct him for a spelling error or a small gaffe and continue to be very thankful that he picked up his pen (typewriter/laptop/whatever) and decided to give us the Covid stats (since 2020) day by day and month by month and eventually adding bits and pieces of news for us. For 4 years Jeff has done this on a daily basis and all of the critics can go to ...... well.....somewhere else that is very hot. Jeff, you are my hero!!!

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Very well said. Thank you 🙏

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Great writeup on the Crowdstrike debacle!

Crowdstrike falsified logs that the DNC servers were hacked by Russia. These logs were the whole premise for the Russia scam against Trump. Their CEO and board were big donators to Hillary in '16 and Biden in '20.

Crowdstrike was one of two companies (the other being Barisma) mentioned by Trump in the transcript of his "perfect phone call" to Ukrainian president Zelensky for which he was impeached.

They had to retract their claims under oath after it was proven to be an in person leak. RIP Seth Rich.


Also BlackRock owns a $5.6Billion stake in Crowdstrike. (Recall the BlackRock ad with the 'shooter' kid...)

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The CrowdStrike crash caused by a rookie mistake that modern code analysis tools can detect. I've thought about his more and something doesn't seem right. The Co-Founder and CEO of CrowdStrike, George Kurtz, was the CTO of McAfee in 2010 when they published a bad update that bricked Windows computers worldwide. He is a smart guy and I remember speaking with him at security conferences back then. That was a major event for McAfee and I would assume that George would ensure that nothing similar could happen at CrowdStrike. Microsoft patch Tuesday was last week on July 9th and their DevOps team should have updated their CI systems well before pushing out the update early this morning.

Security companies push out updates to their software on a regular basis. Mostly these are rules that are constantly being updated. The rules are used by the software to detect new strains of malware and variations thereof. The CrowdStrike update file was a Windows kernel driver. It takes years of experience to become proficient writing drivers for Windows, Linux, or Mac systems. Most of the Windows's kernel is written in C - just like the Linux kernel. We're always checking arguments for NULL pointers and the current code analysis tools do a good job detecting issues. CrowdStrike made a poor design decision to push out a kernel driver as a supplement - they were asking for trouble.

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How did this get through without major testing? Errors in business programming are bad enough, but a kernel driver?

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That is one of the reasons that makes this so suspicious! I've been writing security software for 35 years and Windows drivers for over 20 years. I regularly attend the Microsoft developer's conference for kernel interoperability testing and my company is a senior Microsoft partner. We know how easy it is to brick a system and we go to great lengths to avoid it. We thoroughly test our software and slow roll it out to customers. Our customers get new kernel drivers only after they have been running on our own internal systems for months.

However, I can look at this from an Information Warfare perspective. I was one of the first US Air Force IW officers in the early 90's when the field was brand new. CrowdStrike is installed on a lot of very important systems worldwide. If I can subvert their systems, I can force them to push out an update with "special" capabilities. This is what happened in 2020 with Solar Winds. A foreign adversary infiltrated the company and was able to introduce a backdoor in their management software undetected. US Government customers installed the official Solar Winds update and had the backdoor put into place.

Most IW capabilities are embedded to be used in case of war. Bricking computers like the CrowdStrike debacle shouldn't be done yet. Most nations want the capability to brick a billion computers on demand - not do it after the RNC. For example, look at the efforts to block China infiltrating our power infrastructure: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-68163172

Modern IW activities resemble the cold war. For more than 40 years, US and Soviet subs played a dangerous game that was hardly ever reported. Every day, IT professionals are on the front line deterring ever sophisticated attacks. CrowdStrike just shot everyone in the foot.

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WOW--I just 'followed' you, Daniel. This is one of the aspects of being a loyal C & C 'army' member that I am thrilled about. Meeting people who are involved in the intricacies of technology and also so many 'right thinking' members of society. HURAH!!! Thanks for sharing just a snippet of the 'tech warfare' knowledge that you have gleaned in your long IT career!

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Thanks. I've also been impressed with the C & C army and the amount of hard work Jeff Childers puts in every day.

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We are all REALLY BLESSED to have found J. C. and EACH OTHER!!


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Yes I love the broad variety of experience and expertise here in the C&C comments!

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I realize there are many teachings out there today. But God giving us the news before the news? Preparing us for what is to come? Awesome. JGMinternational.org and put in news key words from today...Microsoft, servers, magna carta and check the dates.

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Also on Rumble, live on weekdays.

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Me too! On X

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OK, total layperson here. Are you saying some foreign operator managed to find the back door to CS software and trigger the crash? Or that by a level of incompetence that would put a kindergartner to shame they revealed their back door to the world at large? Or just revealed the deep dark secret that these capabilities exist?

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It could be incompetence or CrowdStrike could be the patsy. It is not a deep dark secret for those in the industry. Every month Microsoft, Apple, Adobe, and other companies push out updates to fix security issues. Some of these "bugs" have been in place for years. Questions to ask are:

- Was the bug a design flaw in the protocol or implementation?

- Was the bug a mistake by a software developer and not detected?

- Was the bug intentionally put into place?

Attribution is extremely hard in cyberspace. Professionals are not going to directly attack a company from their own Internet connection - they are going to route it through multiple hops using subverted cloud instances, home routers, personal computers, etc. When you mix physical attacks and insider threats with cyber, you can get a very potent capability.

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We have been TOLD there would be a "cyber-pandemic."

Now we have been SHOWN that there will be a "cyber-pandemic."

By the same arsonists that started the COVID fire.

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You indicated that usually before something is pushed out to customers it has been running on a test system for quite some time. That is also my experience as someone who was in charge of a system on the user side. Any software updates were always run in a test environment before updating the production system. Wouldn’t that be best practices and, if so how could this be just a case of incompetence? Someone added a line of code just before sending it out to users? In our system it would have been very few individuals with that kind of access. Are these kind of updates not usually tested by the end user before deploying the updates to their production system? As I recall we never pushed updates directly to our production environment, we always did a “clone” of production and ran them there first. I realize for small businesses without IT divisions that would not be the case, but it seems like the giant corporations, banks, etc wouldn’t just allow that to happen given how massively it would affect their customers, but apparently they just trust the updates?

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Maybe these software bugs are really features.

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I don't know jack about which you ar speaking, but thanks for all of the detailed information. What I do know is to ask myself "cui bono? " to every such event. Smells like a White Hat operation to me.

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Thanks for all of your thoughts. I'm curious if you have an opinion/info as to how planned obsolescence may play into all of this? Maybe it doesn't?? I'm not a techie....

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Jul 20Edited

I agree, something is off here. First thing I thought is why the heck didn't they find that bug when they ran the updates internally because I knew they would do that first. As I said yesterday, IDK what's going on but if the error was that much of a rookie mistake, someone nefarious is up to something either inside or not.

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Pushing out a new kernel driver to the entire customer base without proper internal testing is a bad idea.

- If it was poor testing. CrowdStrike will pay the price in the marketplace.

- If it was an external threat, CrowdStrike needs to own up to it. No company is immune to nation state IW capabilities.

I'm sure CrowdStrike is going through all of their logs to determine exactly how the change was made. They may not know the exact cause yet.

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Thank you, I learned alot from how you've laid it out. It is the height of irony that before I read any of this, I was over at the WSJ commenting after learning that the shooter was able to fly a drone over the rally site an hour before Trump's appearance, that officers spotted him at that time but then couldn't locate him, and on and on. I said that at this point it's easier to believe in a conspiracy theory than it is to come to grips with the notion that much incompetence exists in our world. Except that everything has become so complex and coupled together, that CLEARLY humans can't really manage it. The sheer scale of possible ramifications so great that it's truly for want of a nail, the shoe was lost, etc etc Trump and Crowdstrike are serious serious things but it only adds to the dread I feel that something REALLY serious can and will happen. OK, bye. Gotta go can some vegetables and feed my chickens.

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Exactly! You do it internally for a long time, then you try a few customers, then a few more, for a long time, etc. I haven't done that type of software, I work with medical equipment but since that is under FDA, updates don't get pushed that often because then the device has to be recertified by FDA. So, yea, it goes thru lots of testing, too and the code is locked down which also begs the question of what type of configuration control they are using. I'm thinking it was intentional at this point. And the fact that it affected computers in medical facilities also begs the question of why in the world those computers are allowed to accept uncontrolled automatic updates. IDK, maybe it was only the scheduling software in the medical offices and not the FDA approved devices but I bet medical facilities are turning off automatic updates now!

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Daniel, I read everything you wrote and it was all very logical, I didn’t even run away screaming and covering my ears, with my eyes rolling around and my tongue hanging out. I normally freak out when I have to google how to do something technical on my Mac, I freeze up and can’t think. How you got through to me I’ll never know 🤣🤪😱

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Crowdstrike Falcon always seemed like a foolish thing to allow onto billions of computers. It would hog CPU and bog down everything. Attempts to kill it would get me reported to the security department for re-education. I wondered how embedded it was with the OS and by extension, how trusting anyone could be in such a 3rd party tyrannical overlay that would lock you out of your computer, or in this case, crash the OS, a result complicated by BitLocker drives that made recovery a bit more annoying.

I'm very happy this crash happened, forcing the ugly truth out into the open.

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Thank you for this clear explanation to us non-techies! Much appreciated.

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Everyone's experience is not the same, though. I worked for a company that was absorbed by the Microsoft collective. Microsoft was "We deploy on schedule and fix it later". End of statement. My current experience in my new company is the the "Senior" person doing code review doesn't even know what our code does, he just got hired a few months ago. QA has fallen by the wayside for UAT. Those two are NOT interchangeable. People don't even know what the error being spit out means, because it's not always the true error.

I used to wait to install updates for a week after updates bricked so many computers, then Microsoft made it impossible to do so at work. Fortunately, we decided against Crowdstrike.

The SDLC (software development life cycle) has deteriorated to "Do it fast, release on time, don't bother checking on various configurations, let the user tell us where we screwed up". IMO.

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Maybe. But sometimes dumb things happen. I remember when a Russian space probe was permanently shut down by alphanumeric data.

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Jul 21Edited

Conspiracyception: Someone got wind that Crowdstrike was under the control of a global conspiracy, and deliberately bugged the crowdstrike update to draw attention to a global vulnerability before it could be used in anger.

... I don't actually believe that, but I'd write it into a movie script.

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Thank you Daniel!

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Very interesting!

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Probably similar to corporate capture in the “ healthcare” agencies. Which we know are truly sick care agencies.

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It doesn't.

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So for us non-gekes, does this have anything to do with corn?

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No - but it uses the same definition. Kernel defines the edible part of a seed or grain, or the most essential part of a seed or experience. All modern operating systems, Windows, MacOS, Linux, etc., have a core part called the kernel. It provides the interface between programs like a web browser and the device hardware.

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Also for us non-geeks, what does this mean for our home PCs? I use Windows on my personal laptop. No Crowdstrike that I'm aware of?

Am I safe to keep accepting Windows updates?

This all is such a joke of a mess. I don't even have words. The powers that are bent on disrupting our lives.

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Microsoft laid off most of the Windows test group years ago. Updates can and do cause issues and Microsoft does pull updates that cause issues. They usually detect when an update is causing crashes and pull the update before it is widespread. Most PCs will load the new update in 24-48 hours after release.

I patch a lot of test systems on my home development network. I usually start with a couple to see how stable it is and then rapidly move on to the rest. I would prefer to identify the issue quickly. The company I am currently working for is a Microsoft partner and we can quickly notify them when an issue arises.

My recommendation is to wait a day for patching a home system. The key point is to back up your data and applications. I work on the assumption that the Internet can go down at any time, the hardware may fail, or a massive cyberattack could occur.

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I’m a non Geek too. Somehow to me this seems similar to people getting ill from an unknown virus and pharmaceutical companies rushing to develop a safe and effective vaccine. What makes it more intriguing is the primary mover behind Microsoft just happens to be the same person pushing vaccine development.

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My BIL pulled the file that caused the problem. It was 25 lines of code...of all "0"s.

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Kudos to you for understanding all of this. My brain likes English and History. Trying to understand all of this makes my head hurt.

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Daniel Teal, a developer friend is guiding a new hire 'developer' in his company, who doesn't really know his job, but he's not an American and may not command a salary equivalent to my friend's. My friend says that in essence the good developers are training their less-qualified replacements. Could that have happened here, a bone-headed mistake by a less qualified but less expensive employee?

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That could be the case. If so, company management should pay the price because it is a poor decision.

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I got the notice of the need to update in the middle of the RNC. I was watching it live on-line. Weird...

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Look at the read address, it was not a null pointer

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Zach Vorhies did a good job explaining the crash: https://x.com/Perpetualmaniac/status/1814376668095754753

The read address in the crash dump is non-zero - which is commonly caused by adding a structure offset to a provided address. If the address is NULL (i.e. zero), then the read address displayed is only offset. This is why kernel developers ALWAYS check arguments to functions - even when it is only used internally to the driver.

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Right I get it, I’ve written drivers too. Zack ran one command in windbg and concluded in his “analysis” that it was a null pointer (which it technically is not). It may be or it may not be true. Maybe you consider that a “good job”, I don’t. This credentialed showmanship does nothing toward getting closer to the truth.

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So, technically it was not a dereference of an actual null pointer, it was a dereference of an OFFSET from a null pointer (or so the threads seem to suggest). Very much the same result, in practice.

... is "technically correct" still the best kind of correct? ;)

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In this case, yes ;) I do not have access to the CrowdStrike Falcon software, update files, or crash dumps. I'm sure we'll found out more technical details on what exactly occurred, and it will reflect poorly on CrowdStrike.

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I agree that there are many other ways to get a corrupt address in the kernel. That said, the crash was pretty reliable since it took out so many systems. Null pointers are very reliable at crashing vulnerable code. Whatever the core issue, CrowdStrike should have had a system in place to mitigate the impact of a bad update.

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Based Florida Man: you mentioned‘shooter kid’. Don’t you find it strange that the “shooter” is not referred to as “alleged shooter”? Even Trump’s assassination attempt was referred to as “alleged assassination attempt” until the FBI acknowledged the obvious. No ballistic test have been provided, the SS is radio silence except for a 2 minute interview justification for not securing the rooftop... yet he is the Shooter.

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Things that make you go hmmm!

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Yes, WHY was the botched HIT JOB so uniformly downplayed by the corrupt Fake Media???? Who was initiating that wholesale whitewash of the WORLD's biggest news event since Reagan was nearly done in by similar means? The successful Trump is dead narrative would've in like manner been handled by a giddy media army of Humanity-Haters showcasing it all in-depth and with deep concern but glee;

but the surprising screw-up of the inside job was itself so very tidily dealt with from the initial Misinformation of popping noises and falling on stage to this very day of normalizing it and poo-pooing the attack, and saying that "both sides" need to tone it down. This lockstep disinformation industry has NO whistleblowers or gutsy journalists willing to spill the beans on their depraved evil masters, unFKing-Real ??? Cult-controlled to an extent that is implausible....

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It's been less than a week, and the pressure on the narrative is steadily building. The first serious attempts at acoustical gunshot analysis came out in the last two days, and the crowdsourcing of videos will make that a lot more certain and unshakable. (By Chris Martenson and Mike Adams)

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I'd like to hear witnesses discussing activity near the watertower or other areas as well...seems like a poor position to hit the podium with flags and speakers, etc, but maybe they had a backup failsafe shooter or spotter there. I assume the County sheriff was immediately shooed away and all evidence swept up by the FBI

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Chris Martenson (Peak Prosperity) is talking about the need for a citizen's investigation. "Crooks Unbelievable Path to the Roof"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9F7EweGE8I 45 minute video

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I hope that no one bought into the request for videos from the crowd by the investigating agency. Known, as we’ve seen over & over, for destroying evidence. Question for all of you are so much more knowledgeable: is it possible for a 3 letter agency to erase targeted information from the cloud?

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Here I will insert my plea to stop using the word 'shooter' for murderers and assassins. I'm a shooter; many people reading this are shooters; we are all law-abiding, Constitution-loving citizens. Don't let them own the language and change what people think without even realizing it's happening.

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Good point!

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this is in the comments on your post: https://x.com/PatriotVoice24/status/1814512719355166725

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Holy cow.

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grassy knoll killers-- hirelings of FBI/CIA Domestic Assassination Division

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Your comment gave me chills. This is too similar to the JFK setup.

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Bet she’s not the only one, either.

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Yes very interesting. I watched it last night. Definitely can hear at least 2 different weapons

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Same thing I am seeing. At least 3 different shooters. And never forget. EVERYTHING we have ever been told officially about anything of import is a lie. I'm still looking to find my first exception.

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Fk Yeah, the shots' audio can be isolated and a few appeared to be still coming as Trump and security left the stage (thank God his ground team weren't part of the conspiracy), the slugs that hit everywhere can be found; all we need NOW is a veteran Butler County Cop to come forward and say that they were told that a Secret Service hired contractor was going to be securing the barely sloped roof. Of course he'd immediately have a heart attack or commit suicide. BEST CASE is that the alleged "lone" shooter was allowed to fire 5-8 shots before he was at last executed without a trial.

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Mike Adams does very detailed mathematical analysis of each of the 7 shots, including approximate distances.


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The official narrative is still that all these assassins acted alone. We may not believe it, but I don’t think the government’s story has changed on any of them and there are varying contrasting narratives that also differ.

Many armchair Sherlock’s, of which Jimmy Dore believes he is a major one. He’s a little too out there and full of himself for me.

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Willing Spirit: armchair Sherlocks spring up because the government keeps important elements away from the public. Currently, what we know about the “lone gunman”.

He failed on the JV gun team in HS.

He brought in a ladder, range finder, and cell phone.

Kids picked on him in HS.

He shot at Trump.

He pointed his weapon at a policeman.

There were bomb making materials in his vehicle.

He is a registered Republican, donated $15 to some progressive outfit and looked up porn as his last Internet search.

... it has been 7 days since the shooting and we don’t even know what calibre of bullet was used.

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So much to consider.

This sounded logical to me.


I’m a fan of armchair Sherlock’s, being something of one myself. But I wouldn’t want anyone to bet on my conclusions. Of course, I’m not particularly knowledgeable.

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The public never has access to information that would allow the public to make an informed decision. Such as Voting fraud investigation is always carried out by compromised companies... just like Independent counsels hired by the DOJ... most people don’t bite the hand that feeds them because they won’t receive follow-on business.

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Why did only ONE of the countersnipers sighting in gunman patsy #1 shoot? And we know that 3-8 shots were taken before the fatal strike on the alleged main gunperson, what are the "popping" noises i hear as the security detail surrounds Trump and they take 2+ minutes to get him from the stage into the SUV (that for some reason didn't bother to back up closer)? No presidential armored ambulance on scene? The filthy Left has NO CONCERN if Trump and 20+ congresspersons are killed in broad daylight... they could care less about Old Sick Joe or his Hyena in Heels VP CowMala. The Revolution can eat everything it wants, that's how it Progresses at the most effective rate.

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Right and why haven’t we seen the gun blasted all over the news? Gee what a great use case to push the gun control agenda. Crickets.

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How many of his friends and family have been talking? Who amongst his teachers, employers (BlackRot), etc have Security State ties? How many other Rally sites have been scouted by killers, or this individual himself? How is it that the security coverage "lapse" occurred only exactly where this puke was interested in shooting from? He is registered Rep. that's great cover for an AR15 shooter...no matter which politician he's directed to take from 3-8 shots at and perhaps detonate his car to help cause crowd casualties and confusion immediately afterward. It was a setup and inside job, a 9-11, Kennedy kill job that was nearly perfect and would easily have been excused and swept under the rug and KOOK-Big Lie Believer labels and censorship to have been used (again) extensively and derisively by the Killers-Media.... DO NOT ALLOW THAT. They may be offing Old Sick Joe with a pillow next...or another FAKE MAGA assassin.

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Of which in my experience Chris Martenson is one.

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Except we who use Audacity audio workflow software can (and have) run a frequency spectrum analysis on the sets of gunshots, and have noted that the sound signatures are as different as Biden is from a rutabaga.

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Glad to hear it - I mean, that someone besides Chris says it. :)

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I’m not saying they’re necessarily wrong all the time. They just need sensationalism to stay alive and therefore need some scrutiny.

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Just wondering: How different is Biden from a rutabaga? Are the differences noticeable?

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Thank you for sharing! This evidence is incontrovertible. Wow.

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How Many communities have these Groomed assassin-agents at the ready for activation by the Deep State handlers? How many other shooters were there (water tower), or did they only rely on the one? I assume with the IRANIAN threat that had this worked out to the Security State's liking, we would have been immediately treated to a host of his social media posts and some Russian-Iranian connection. Was he Pro-Trans or a Climate Cultist? Was he a pro-BLM Antifa Nut kid? Media has NO guesses, no clues? C'mon give us the whole story on this loner misfit that was only trying to SAVE our DEMOCRACY.

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Or the manipulated fall guy?

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They can’t be honest. “CIA patsy” would be too difficult for them to acknowledge.

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Leaked video of Crowdstrike repair engineers:


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Accurate lmaooo!!!

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You're on fire. Lolol

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He's as bad as can - and he knows he's the best!

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Crowdstrike was caught between a (black)rock and a hard place. If President Cabbage had any chance at all, those Dominion voting machines had to have a couple of new front doors and open windows (pun intended) installed to make it so easy to hack that even a Dem operative (Hank Johnson?) could do it. But doing so was very risky. Oops...

Anyway, Fink will flex his blackm...I mean business muscle to make sure that his $5.6B investment in Crowdstrike becomes a $10B acquisition albatross that will become someone else's problem.

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A billion pieces of info are all connected to greed, power, and control with their master, satan.

Netanyahu 1990 quote... and EVERY gov official pledges to them at the wall...


“If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it doesn’t matter what you do, America is a Golden Calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the World’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it’s god’s will and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again, again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.”

These servants of satan inhabit and control just about every government, education, medical, and media. It is still not enough so they continually poison us by meds, water, and food to cull the useless eaters. Still, they want more...

I have come to terms with the fact that my freedom is an illusion, so I do my best and wait on the Lord.

Psalm 37:7 Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him;

fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way,

over the man who carries out evil devices!

9 For the evildoers shall be cut off,

but those who wait for the Lord shall inherit the land.

12 The wicked plots against the righteous

and gnashes his teeth at him,

13 but the Lord laughs at the wicked,

for he sees that his day is coming.

14 The wicked draw the sword and bend their bows

to bring down the poor and needy,

to slay those whose way is upright;

15 their sword shall enter their own heart,

and their bows shall be broken.

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This supposed quote from Netanyahu keeps turning up. I do not believe it happened and is antisemitic, anti Israel, Jew hating propaganda that has no place in a civil and respectful discussion.

How about we get Netanyahu on here to defend himself against such blood libel?

You do well to wait on the Lord, but you are making yourself a receiver of some bad information. That was a choice and took effort on your part.

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Respectfully, I just made an observation and gave a reputable reference.

Ask yourself questions... But first thank you Jesus for your love and sacrifice.

Why can't it be questioned? Who persecuted Jesus and His followers? Who will persecute His followers in the future end times? The people who hate Jesus. Who are they? They mock and curse His name on every program on TV. Who owns the tv programs?

Isn't satan god of this world? Who controls it for him? His servants. Who are they and how do we know? By their fruit... not by anti this or that.

You should read the article I referenced before you defend what you don't know. What you believe and the truth may not be the same, and everything should be questioned and open in civil discussion.

Look at all the evidence but much is heavily censored and hard to find. Why?

Who was in charge of and profited from every aspect of covid from the CDC, the news to the vax? Who owns Blackrock who owns just about everything?

I am not saying anyone but simply asking a questions and making observations.

Why were you automatically defending without question? Have you considered you were programmed? I know I am but trying to break it and only trust Jesus and love others as He loves us. What did Jesus say to the Pharisees?

Here is blood libel https://www.bitchute.com/video/BoEvpmxBCtkX/

This is what they think. We must serve them. https://www.bitchute.com/video/GBbLss7QfDpD/


A JEWISH MAN SPEAKING SOME TRUTH https://www.bitchute.com/video/duOsSMzFssGB/

Why do so many US representatives take money from certain lobbies and then go to a foreign land, wear a beanie, and pledge to some wall? Why do they all have dual citizenship with only israel which divides their loyalty? Why are there so many in every government agency that do not represent the majority of the US peoples? Who controls ALL our media and ALL our money in a private bank called the federal reserve?

It seems "IF" what Netanyahu said is true, then wouldn't the above be the fruit?

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I’m just not sure about the reputable quotes. Nor am I sure about who got programmed here. All the media is owned by Jews? All our money is controlled by Jews? The spirit of Hitler lives on.

Quoting scripture does not impress me. I’m sure Satan has it all committed to memory.

Makes me think of this joke. First Jewish man sees second Jew reading a Nazi newspaper. He says, that’s terrible! Why are you reading those lies?

Second Jew says, well, things are so grim now with our yellow Stars and severe rules against Jews that I just want to die. But when I read this paper, I feel better for awhile because it says Jews own all the banks and all the newspapers and all the entertainment industry! We must be doing okay!

I stand with Israel, the people of Israel. God is not done with Israel.

I will not argue this further. I have gone over it multiple times on this site with Jew Haters. You’re probably one of them, as I recognize the name.

Romans 11. The Old Testament prophets, who proclaim the return of Christ will be in Israel, on the Mt. of Olives.

Israel has the problem of a U.S. controlled traitor government just as we do.

They are fighting enemies inside and out.

Before God, I will always stand with Israel

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Have you ever asked yourself why every single POTUS and major POTUS candidate is a bootlicker to the Israeli government? Is it just a coincidence after coincidence for decade after decade?

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We all have much to learn and the state of our soul and witness is most important so even if we disagree, we both agree with Jesus right? If you are willing, look at the following scriptures and let me know what you think.

I am searching the scriptures for truth to make sense of what I see happening.

About Romans 11... It was a plea for the remnanat of Israel and God will have mercy but not to those who bow to baal. Who still bows to baal? I see Egyptian symbolism all over the place.

We all have the same enemy and it's the devil, and the Bible is tells us everything we need to know.

I didn't say who owned anything but asked who owns and profits. Why did you assume jews?

God was done with His people when He send His son and they rejected Him.

Who rejected Jesus? Can anyone be God's people if they reject His son? Will He say "I never knew you, depart from me?"

We are God's people as we accept His son and not those who make a pledge to a wall, worship idols, or continue evil.

Romans 4:13 For the promise, that he should be the heir of the world, was not to Abraham, or to his seed, through the law, but through the righteousness of faith.

Is it anti semitic if they are not really jews? Why does it say this in end times Revelation?

Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

The Bible says God's people worshipped other gods over and over....

Acts 7:39, 51-52

39 To whom our fathers would not obey, but thrust him from them, and in their hearts turned back again into Egypt,

51 Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye.

52 Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? and they have slain them which shewed before of the coming of the Just One; of whom ye have been now the betrayers and murderers:

Amos 5:26-27 (Is that the jewish star we see?)

26 But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves.

27 Therefore will I cause you to go into captivity beyond Damascus, saith the Lord, whose name is The God of hosts.

God actually curses and disinherits them and says the land they want they will never return to and His anger will burn forever.

Jeremiah 17:4 And thou, even thyself, shalt discontinue from thine heritage that I gave thee; and I will cause thee to serve thine enemies in the land which thou knowest not: for ye have kindled a fire in mine anger, which shall burn for ever.

Jeremiah 19:3-8

3 And say, Hear ye the word of the Lord, O kings of Judah, and inhabitants of Jerusalem; Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will bring evil upon this place, the which whosoever heareth, his ears shall tingle.

4 Because they have forsaken me, and have estranged this place, and have burned incense in it unto other gods, whom neither they nor their fathers have known, nor the kings of Judah, and have filled this place with the blood of innocents;

5 They have built also the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings unto Baal, which I commanded not, nor spake it, neither came it into my mind:

6 Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that this place shall no more be called Tophet, nor The valley of the son of Hinnom, but The valley of slaughter.

7 And I will make void the counsel of Judah and Jerusalem in this place; and I will cause them to fall by the sword before their enemies, and by the hands of them that seek their lives: and their carcases will I give to be meat for the fowls of the heaven, and for the beasts of the earth.

8 And I will make this city desolate, and an hissing; every one that passeth thereby shall be astonished and hiss because of all the plagues thereof.

Jeremiah 22...

9 Then they shall answer, Because they have forsaken the covenant of the Lord their God, and worshipped other gods, and served them.

26 And I will cast thee out, and thy mother that bare thee, into another country, where ye were not born; and there shall ye die.

27 But to the land whereunto they desire to return, thither shall they NOT return.

Jeremiah 24:9 And I will deliver them to be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth for their hurt, to be a reproach and a proverb, a taunt and a curse, in ALL places whither I shall drive them.

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You want some truth about Israel, not these demonically produced hate pieces?

Try pulseofisrael.com, Carolineglick.com, israelunwired.com.

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June 8th, 1967.

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My reference was not just a quote but an article to read, and the author's credentials below.


Mike Harris is the Financial Editor of VT, a radio host, a former GOP Finance Chairman, a Gubernatorial Candidate for Arizona, and a Senior Vice President of Adamus Defense Group, Switzerland. Mike is an expert in full-contact mixed martial arts. His long-term expertise in such has gained him a lot of respect and the nickname “Iron Mike”. Mike was a part of the VT group that attended the Damascus Conference to Combat Terrorism and Religious Extremism. Mike gave about twenty-five televised interviews that were broadcast to millions of viewers in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Iran. In these interviews, Mike emphasized and supported the historical declaration by Keynote Speaker, VT Senior Editor and Chairman Gordon Duff that the real problem behind World Terrorism is a large Organized Crime Syndicate.

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It is interesting...the sudden Geopolitical Rise of Zionism-Communism that targeted a rising and modernizing Russia in 1917 that was faltering and ripe for Democratic Revolution. A curious history from the industrial Post-Christian World from then til now.

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We definitiely do not get the truth of anything.

We don't learn about the Russian Holodomor (holocaust) that killed tens of millions. Why?

The Ritual Regicide of the Romanov Dynasty

How the New World Order introduced an era of darkness


5 min vid...


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It is without a doubt a complex and complicated matter with lusting for wealth and power. For me a person can have all manner of credentials, yet be on the wrong side of the equation.

God is in control. I have been in the fight for a return to righteousness for our nation for more than 50 years. I stopped trying to follow all the spaghetti threads to try and find the origin. The origin of the evil is Satan.

God will sort it all out in the end.

I just seek to do His will for me every day. And I will defend Israel because I want the blessing and not the curse.

Genesis 12:1-3

Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who curses you I will curse; and by you all the families of the earth shall bless themselves.

I give you all the land…

“Raise your eyes and look out from where you are, to the north and south, to the east and west, for I give all the land you see to you and your offspring forever.

Genesis 13:14-15

Genesis 17:7

And I will establish my covenant between me and you and your offspring after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your offspring after you.


Romans 11:28-29

28 As regards the gospel they are enemies of God, for your sake; but as regards election they are beloved for the sake of their forefathers. 29 For the gifts and the call of God are irrevocable.

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God will sort the wheat from the tares and He knows the beginning and the end.

I am referencing history and prophesy and it involves all of us. I'm not accusing anyone of killing Jesus. Someone had to do it and also betray Jesus and it doesn't matter who IMHO. But... Many didn't recognize Jesus as the predicted messiah and to this day do not. John 10:27 "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:" Many DID follow Him at the time and with great persecution. Only the Chosen recognize Jesus as Lord.

You gave me Genesis verses which are true but now the elect (election) is through faith in Jesus and not by law. In Romans 11 you quoted, clarifies it is through faith in Jesus and not the law.

Who follows the law and who follows Jesus? Jesus didn't even follow the law when He healed on a sabbath and the Pharisees got enraged about it. Didn't the Pharisees hate Him? Who still hates Him?

We are the heirs and children of God because Jesus died for us all but how can anyone be saved or atone for sin without accepting Jesus as the messiah?

It is not about supporting Israel, God knows, but my point is that WE are His Chosen now, and we are the decendents too.

Romans 7:5-6

5 For when we were in the flesh, the motions of sins, which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death.

6 But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter.

Romans 4:13-24

13 For the promise, that he should be the heir of the world, was not to Abraham, or to his seed, through the law, but through the righteousness of faith.

14 For if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, and the promise made of none effect:

15 Because the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression.

16 Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed; not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham; who is the father of us all,

17 (As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.

18 Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be.

19 And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb:

20 He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;

21 And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform.

22 And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness.

23 Now it was not written for his sake alone, that it was imputed to him;

24 But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead;

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I just reread Isaiah and Zephania. Wisdom..

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I remember then-President Trump talking about how brilliant Larry Fink of Blackrock was back in 17 or 18. How he would trust him with the money of the United States because he was so great at what he does. I remember because I had to look all that up. No clue about Blackrock, Fink, Vanguard or any of it. I thought if a billionaire like Trump thought he was great, he must be. So, what in the name of God is going on?

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Right!? Fink will not let Crowdstrike "go down", he will just make some other company buy them out.

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We need to follow his breadcrumbs then!!

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Who is Fink? Is that a pejorative, like rat fink?

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Never mind. Larry Fink is a person with an unfortunate name.

Once again, names are telling.

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At some point coincidences add up to corruption.

I can’t help but make another connection. This issue brought down media outlets too. This happened on the last night of the RNC. Was there an intent to sabotage the reach of President Trump’s acceptance speech?? I have not heard anyone discussing the timing of this. Possibly because the fallout and disaster went way, wayyy beyond something like that so I “almost” feel foolish bringing it up. (**adjusts her tinfoil tiara falling over her right eye**)

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Tinfoil Tiara…I love it!! 🩶👑🩶

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LOL, Love!!

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Probably wanted to keep all the people who think America should be awesome in Milwaukee because they are highly needed there.

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Yes! Thank you! The connection was niggling at the back of my brain all day yesterday. It's so weird that the same players keep resurfacing repeatedly. I was watching a video on the lore of FNAF the other day (I don't care at all for the story, it's horrible, I just enjoy how in depth people dig into it) and it feels like that! Everything is connected to everything else, clues to identities and networks unseen are everywhere, the missing pice will pop up when you least expect it...

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So the Cheney-Secret Service connection came up too...this shooter--who is he and who are his mentors/connections? Assassins among us...another patsy left dead with connections and info on BOTH Trump and Biden's campaign appearances in PA...could've been activated against either one of them and a "botched" security and immediate cover-up of the dead shooter who was just agitated by all the heated political talk and animus that rightwingers stir up...and okay Trump being Hitler Jr. is fact-based media journalism so of course a misfit anti-Trump hero would try for a shot no matter how impossible the perfect "security lapse" would be ahead of his red-carpet 140 yard roof shot. Open sights showing how NOT planned it was.

See the loner psycho killer story works EVERY time, so why hire a professional, slick, mercenary-grade ninja hit-squad do it---how does MEDIA explain and cover that up and run their narrative??? The head shot could've been taken a half second sooner or a half-second later and we'd have an ENTIRELY different world right now...Whatever will the Republicans do at their shambles Convention... Trump brought this upon himself, Trump hadn't even decided on a VP... should they nominate Haley? Were the Russians involved? Why the BIGGEST LIE that Biden was behind it? The END of MAGA and the Party of Trump!

The Deep State/Security State may yet both smother Joe with a pillow AND try an IED on Trump to save their ass, take America down like an untouched Trade Center Tower and retain hold of both parties and the Swamp-System of their making.

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Assuming what I was told was accurate, this was the first Trump rally that all major media outlets were at and livestreaming. Just another coincidence that doesn't add up...

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Possibly...I'd only watched a couple from earlier on CNN and some Conservative outlet...if CBS, NBC, ABC were in full force then something was afoot and the buzz was that a major "news development" would be occurring

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Jimmy Dore had a segment (that I didn't listen to) that was alleging DJT stock was shorted in the days prior as well...

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They can’t win even if they take him out. That’s another backfire they will have gravely misjudged. Even if they were successful in finally assassinating Trump, never in a million years would ANY of us vote for Democrats this November. We’d vote in a Cheerio before any of them at this point. They take him out and they sign their own death warrant completely.

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The pro-Gay "marriage" and the anti-embryo pieces of the new platform will blunt some support but the New, Improved National Party will most definitely be gaining more than they push away as the Dems will soon be figuring out how to move forward with a dismayed leaderless voter base themselves.

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YES, the Trumps (at RNC) all said this assassination plot IS an extension of All the previous attacks upon them...I want DeSantis, and the rest of the heavy hitters to Properly direct their accusations in the proper tone and at the proper targets from whence this originated....THEY themselves are in the "bullseye" of the Progressive Security State and must say so or they aid and abet the Killer Machine of the Deep State.

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Now we can swamp out the DNC swamp company Crowdstrike for an RNC swamp company, Palantir, thanks to JD Vance and his funder Peter Thiel.

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And so we find out that our national elites went supranational a long time ago. It's not just American CEOs of American mega corporations that have an international footprint, who consider themselves citizens of the world, it's our elites, our politicians, our elected representatives.

Amply illustrated when Comey accepted what Crowdstrike told him in 2016.

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The deep-state infection is fully metastasized. Trump poked around in the FBI, Ukraine, CrowdStrike, and everywhere else asking, “Is that a little tender?” and Dems howled in pain. He’s like Chesty Puller, USMC, surrounded by the enemy and saying, “They’re on our left, they’re on our right, they’re in front of us, they’re behind us. They can’t get away this time.”

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Is the reason they can't get away because he invites them into his inner circle? Thiel is literally the epitome of the permanent state, who Trump already once had on his transition team, and who has heavily funded Vance's rise in politics....



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You may not know all you think you know about the battle of the billionaires. Things are purposefully not always as they appear in war. This may be above your pay grade and you should be careful what stories you believe.


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I'm well aware of your theory. You really cannot stand anyone even questioning Trump. Blind allegiance is what gets us in trouble.

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I like that story. Thank you.

The same article references this former article.

It bears reading as well, because it means we have work to do to hold people's feet to the fire, as they say.


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The world is so interconnected, I doubt we can go back to nation-states.

Open borders for the west is evidence this was a done deal, at higher levels, and even Trump played his part. Good cop, bad cop.

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I wonder why have they allowed us to see all the Biden blunders.

Maybe they want us to blame him for all the bad as they carried out all the dirty deeds. Meanwhile nothing happens to those who supported the deeds, and now, Trump is on fire to turn everything around and praised like a god. He says all the right things and is mesmerizing.

I remember when Trump said goodbye saying he would be back sooner than we think. He knew he would.

Nothing matters or is, as it appears and God can change a man's heart and turn things around in an instant.

I find these times are an amazing time to be alive where we will see incredible things like never before.

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Anyone capable of true cynicysm , which means seeing what has been and what still is ....... well, how can they keep proclaiming that the messiah has arrived to trump all evil doers. As he fills the room with those same actors . hmmmmm just wondering to myself

seems like a number of like-minded folks here are also not blinded by the blue light .

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Certainly possible. It takes a cabal to get far in DC. Maybe the best we can do is choose whichever will take longer to ruin us.

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That is the boat we have been in forever. The lesser evil. I'm tired of it, because as you state, either road leads us to destruction.

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Wow, mind blowing!

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Interesting comments on this today, including yours. And I have reached no conclusion other than noting the big bill board up front spot lighted 'time line' emphasis in today's C & C edition. And therefore, election/vote counting related? Possibly? Maybe Probably?

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Afraid you are RIGHT. Both parties are prostitutes

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You may not know all you think you know about the battle of the billionaires. Things are purposefully not always as they appear in war. This may be above your pay grade and you should be careful what stories you believe.


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So does this give us a small measure of hope that election security may improve?

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You're hysterical.

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lol, thanks

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Thanks for this additional information!

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♥♥Appreciate it as well. And...prophecies are being fulfilled. It is an amazing thing to see unfold in front of our eyes. Jgminternationl.org and go to prophecies and teachings and then hit the search and put in servers, or magna carta, or anything making news today. God tell us to fear not...and I don't. Nothing is as it seems, and as Tucker said it is good vs. evil. Period.

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BlackRock, the company, not the one that is worshipped in the UN "meditation" room, nor the one that is walked around in circles by many.

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BlackRot is THE ONLY fund manager for Colorado's Secure Savings Plan (democratically forced upon us in 2023 by "voters") which handles IRA funds for employees of private businesses.

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Oh! That was just a coincidence!

(Just the kind to cause the eyebrows go up some.)

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Like in the movie Just Go With It? Eyebrow into the hairline stuff today.

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I had no idea this computer glitch could reveal so much of the corruption we’ve been going through for decades. God bless whoever ‘left the fork in the plate going into the microwave’.

And thank you for making what Jeff said even clearer.

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Malicious or panic push. Inexcusable.

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That is not true, it is even worse and stupider, the crowdstrike team made the claim that beacuse some of the documents were opened on a machine that used the Russian character set, that it was definitively the Russians. That is like saying because the guy who stole our car had a Yankees cap on , he was definitely from New York. It was smoke an mirrors. Typically, especially a good hacker, let alone a government backed hacking operation, will take over several different machines, certainly scores, if not hundreds to use as itermediaries before attacking their prime target. This way when the DNC sees they have been hacked ascertain by server on someone else's network, they have to procure the logs from that network. The legal talks on that could take weeks. The Network that breeched the DNC was also breeched by another entity's network, which woudl need to be tracked down, and then the legal battle about giving logs to another company. Imgaine going through this 20 times, hopping from network to network to find the root cause. It would take months, if not years to get to the point of orgin.

Crowd Strike is bullshit and always has been.

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“pancreatic cancer but her doctors were optimistic”

In my experience pancreatic cancer & optimistic don’t belong in the same sentence. I am so sorry to say.

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Optimistic about making lots more $$ from the "cancer treatments" they'd be prescribing?

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Yes! And you may know that oncologists get a generously cut from every sexy new chemotherapy drug that they recommend. Check out the Substack articles by “ Midwestern Doctor “. I highly recommend a book (which is also available to download on the FLCCC.net website called “Cancer Care”. If you want the book form, it is inexpensive and available from Amazon. It details lifestyle, interventions, nutrition, nutraceuticals, and repurposed off label drugs that can be used in conjunction with whatever mainstream medicine protocol someone chooses. And it really works. You get much better results than going the standard route alone. Dr. Paul Marik worked his tail off and gathered this information from 900 studies and peer reviewed papers which are noted in the book so anyone can find them. The drugs ivermectin and fenbendazole/mebendazole are getting incredible results with things like pancreatic, breast, colon, prostate cancer, etc. as part of a full protocol.

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Yes, that was behind my comment. I regularly read AMD, 2nd Smartest( who was first to confirm my long-held suspicions of grift central [cancer society formed ~1913, and still no cure?])

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I was amazed that Alex Trebek did as well as he did.

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He didn't get the turbo boosters

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No but pancreatic cancer is a no win situation.

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That is what they should be called! Turbo cancer boosters!

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Agreed, Steve Jobs as well

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I know of two turbo pancreatic cancer victims and both were fully vaxed. One is doing ok and the other now has lung metastasis. Everywhere I look someone is ailing from something odd.

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I told my husband that the stark truth is that in April of 2021 he and I lined up at the local hospital where they took a gun and spun the chamber with only one bullet in it and pulled the trigger at our heads. We walked away having gotten an empty chamber. Others were not so lucky. We never did any boosters but we did those first two shots so there is still an outside chance that if we become sick with something later on our immune system won’t be able to cope with it properly, so not sure we escaped at all yet. And living with that fear in the backs of our minds each day is worthy of driving anyone crazy.

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I certainly empathize with you. The two people I love most in the world, my husband and my beautiful adult daughter, received the first two shots (unbeknownst to me) even though I was against them from the start, mainly because they kept emphasizing “safe”. I didn’t necessarily suspect anything nefarious, but over the years I have become skeptical of the medical and pharmaceutical “sciences”. I knew there was absolutely no way they could know that after testing them for only a few months. Until that time I had never been a so-called “anti-vaxxer”. Now, like you, I have this nagging kernel of worry and fear every single day about them. All I can do is pray for them and people like you and your husband who did it for all the right reasons not knowing they were being lied to by evil people. God Bless and I will keep you in my prayers.

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Same, my former spouse convinced my young adult Son. I pray for him every night.

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Prayers for your son.

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Wow, great analogy. And same for my hubby and me. ☹️

My closeness to God has increased so much since waking up to the evil in the world-He keeps my fear at bay, but it’s a daily process, as the enemy is persistent. But God is bigger than any vaccine! 🙌🏼🙏🏼✝️

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I am so grateful

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Just said to my husband we recently heard two people have pancreatic cancer yet it used to be rare but a bad one. Now suddenly there’s more cases?

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I know of two as well. Both in vaxxed + boosted HCWs. One has died already and one probably has only another few months to live 😢

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Same - the 2 hcw’s i know- 1 just passed and the other one is fighting.

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One of my best friends, vaxxed, thought the same. Sadly, i thought the same, it metastasized to stomach lining. : (

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Those two together are an oxymoron.

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Agreed. Words of usefulness

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A good friend of mine died in 2006 of pancreatic cancer. He lasted 3 years after diagnosis. Then three older people at our church died of pancreatic cancer in the 2010s. One decided not to do treatment and lasted a year and a half. The other two lasted a few years.

In 2021, a friend was vaccinated in May, had mini strokes in July, and while in the hospital was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She was gone less than two weeks later. Then my dad’s best friend, who was only 62, also got vaccinated that summer, had mini strokes, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer while in the hospital, was gone 3 weeks later. I suspected the shot with Trudy, knew for sure when Philip died under the same circumstances.

On a side note, why does the medical establishment obsessively test for breast cancer and cervical cancer and colon cancer with yearly screenings, even if you have no family history of it or risk factors, “just in case”, but when you have early symptoms of pancreatic cancer, they give you antacids? My friend Jim knew something was wrong years before his diagnosis and kept asking. It’s such a shame - he was only 48 and left behind two preteen girls.

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I am so sorry

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I am so sorry, so very heart breaking. I lost a dear friend to colorectal cancer at 39, leaving behind a 13 & 8 year old, I was with her when she went into hospice. She had been trying to get the doctors to listen to her that she wasn't well for over two years, then all of a sudden she was stage four.

Your question is valid about why all of the testing for things there is no family history of and all I can say is $$$. Testing, jabs and repeat Rx's seem to be what keeps that ugly machine going.

Again, so sorry for your losses. May the Lord comfort and protect those left behind and somehow, good will come of these tragedies.

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Yea, when my husband was diagnosed with glioblastoma, they told us that and pancreatic cancer are the 2 worst to get.

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Glioblastoma is super nasty

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Yea it’s awful. It’s been hell since he was diagnosed

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Prayers to the both of you. My husband was diagnosed with aggressive cancer, just as he was to retire after 32 years in the Navy. It has been a rollercoaster.

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Prayers for you, too. I'm so sorry. Life is hard. Cancer is Hell.

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Thank you. Life is hard, complicated. God however, is greater and our Hope is in Him!

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It must be the New Medical Religion. Salvation by Eternal Optimism!

(I think the same as you do. Bizarre.)

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Maybe optimistic she won’t have to suffer for long.

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If ‘standard of scare’ is employed, there is no space for optimism. However, I know a few people who beat pancreatic cancer using integrative and holistic approaches. There is hope, our bodies are designed to heal. :)

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My friend was very optimistic and did holistic meds. I do not blame her. A pox on anyone who does. I am not a fan of victim blaming or anyone who does

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No one should be victim blamed, I hope that somehow my comment didn't suggest as such. If you knew me, and the battle my husband and have been fighting for the last three plus years with his diagnoses, you would realize that we only want to share and encourage hope. Cancer has been, and is a treacherous journey, and we have lost some along the way, but we have also seen a lot of miracles, praise the Lord.

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I agree. After making the comment, I thought about my previous comment and some of my thoughts. I think this thread has opened my eyes to some of my own behavior

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The last few years has opened our eyes to so much. In my opinion, since seeing behind the curtain so to speak, many of us have had our paradigms shifted in ways we never thought imaginable. I have appreciated your insight and comments, and thank you for your time and contributions!

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Yahweh is good to all,

And His compassions are over all His works.

All Your works, O Yahweh, shall give thanks to You,

And Your holy ones shall bless You.

They shall speak of the glory of Your kingdom

And talk of Your might;

To make known to the sons of men His mighty deeds

And the glory of the majesty of His kingdom.

Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,

And Your dominion endures from generation to every generation.

— Psalm 145:9-13 LSB

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James 1:1-8 Count it all joy, my brethren, when ye fall into manifold temptations; knowing that the proving of your faith worketh patience. And let patience have its perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, lacking in nothing. But

if any of you lacketh wisdom, let him ask of God, who giveth to all liberally and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing doubting:

for he that doubteth is like the surge of the sea driven by the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord; a doubleminded man, unstable in all his ways.

Thy will be done...

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AMEN! Count it ALL JOY !!

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Hebrews 12:2-3 ...looking unto Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising shame, and hath sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider him that hath endured such gainsaying of sinners against himself, that ye wax not weary, fainting in your souls.

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Psalm 37

7 Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him;

fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way,

over the man who carries out evil devices!

8 Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath!

Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil.

9 For the evildoers shall be cut off,

but those who wait for the Lord shall inherit the land.

10 In just a little while, the wicked will be no more;

though you look carefully at his place, he will not be there.

11 But the meek shall inherit the land

and delight themselves in abundant peace.

12 The wicked plots against the righteous

and gnashes his teeth at him,

13 but the Lord laughs at the wicked,

for he sees that his day is coming.

14 The wicked draw the sword and bend their bows

to bring down the poor and needy,

to slay those whose way is upright;

15 their sword shall enter their own heart,

and their bows shall be broken.

16 Better is the little that the righteous has

than the abundance of many wicked.

17 For the arms of the wicked shall be broken,

but the Lord upholds the righteous.

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So many opportunities to refer to Psalm 37 these days. 🙌🏻

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God speaks to us and the only thing we can believe for sure considering all the events and info we get. They are just meaningless in the end but meant to confuse us and fearmonger.

There is nothing to fear when you turn to God's Word.

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Amen, Janice.

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It’s a spiritual war ☮️💟🙌🏼… to all .. enjoy the weekend, let’s get some fresh air 😘

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How about this 'coincidence ' before Trump shooting: (it's on Facebook RT news)


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And there are also reports that they shorted a lot of Rumble stock, a stock that would also tank if Trump was assassinated.

Of course, Austin Wealth says the filing was just a mistake, and that they only sorted 12,000 shares. Yeah, I'm buying that too...

Austin Wealth also seems to be connnected to the never Trump cartel via Bush II and James Baker.

All good conspiracy fodder. I wonder how much will be proven true.

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My first response after the shot...after the blood returned into my head was that Bush-Cheney were behind this....weird, why would i think that???? Then i hear some shmo on Newsmax mention Liz Cheney needing to be taken in for questioning, and the Cheney family connections with the Secret Service???

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I think it is already proving ITSELF to be true.

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Ed Dowd's comment on the Austin Wealth short situation:

I have been asked to comment on Austin Private Wealth Management $DJT controversy.

The company has put out statement denying put position citing third party filing error.

They are a registered investment advisor with over 1,200 clients with assets under management of $1 billion. They are fee based only so my guess is the revenues for the whole firm are $10 million assuming standard 1% fee. Each portfolio for their clients is different. This is not a hedge fund.

Bottom line: the company denies it and they are not structured to pool bets like a hedge fund might.

This looks like a typical independent RIA to me. I don’t think there is anything here.

Additionally the filing on July 12 was for positions as of 6/28 so not a put position established on July 12 as many have suggested.

Company statement link: austinprivatewealth.com/news-and-events

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I have heard that elsewhere about Rumble. Why would the stock tank if Trump had been killed? I think we would need rumble more than ever. Just trying to understand the connection.

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Soros always shorts stocks...and currencies.

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As do most hedge funds. How Soros made all his money in the beginning, shorting the British pound.

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yes, WORD was out that some very GOOD NEWS against the Trump Campaign would be coming over the weekend...that's all these demons need to know about it... Biden was informed as well.

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When George Stephanopolus asked Biden, at the end of the ABC interview, why he thought he could beat Trump, Biden got a dark, sinister look, sneered and said, because Trump was about to get challenged with something he’d never been challenged with before.

Biden has Covid so he can hide from questions he might accidentally answer truthfully.

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maybe the blue-collar killer plots have finally run their course...a new sophisticated Ninja-foreign mercenary kill team strategy must be employed... think of it, why keep pretending Americans need some deranged person to kill their politicians? A modern sexier and more ominous era of terrorism-assassinations can finally emerge. Naturally a hit team WON'T be too inclined to be a group-patsy and get themselves 100% killed or only a single guy left alive to give it cover...that's the biggest issue.

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KJ what do u think about ballistics and ear cartilage ?

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I don't know much about ballistics being in Navy. The Army and Marines guys would be better versed. Mike Adams (Health Ranger) did a sound analysis and determined that there was more than one shooter.

I do know that when the head is injured, it bleeds like crazy.

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Thanks for that KJ … the scalp is terrible. Tip of the ear has quite a bit of cartilage, more blood medially, not on the edge so much . We are living through some crazy times .

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Alex Jones was right again.

Tucker also...about an assassination attempt.

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Broke the bank of England and is, reportedly, kicked out of some countries for his nefarious deeds. Even on audio, said he belied himself to be a god. Even though Jewish, outed his fellow neighbors to the N regime, w his father. Sure, horrific, but he reports he believed he was higher than them.

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For those of us that don’t let that FB 💩 in the house? Summarize, please.

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**Did they know something?

A George Soros and BlackRock-linked Texas-based investment company, Austin Private Wealth LLC, has denied trying to short sell 12 million shares of Trump Media & Technology Group ($DJT) in the hours before the failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump. Short selling is the practice of borrowing shares and selling them in the hopes the price will go down. When the share value drops, the borrower can buy the shares back at the new lower price, profiting from the price difference. Note that this is often only done on paper – something called a put option – which gives the aspiring short seller the right to do all this after the expected market crash. Put options themselves can be packaged and sold as derivatives, because capitalism. It’s basically just gambling with IOUs, but for rich people who know things.

The day before the assassination attempt, Austin Private Wealth made a filing with the Security and Energy Commission for a put option on 12 million shares of $DJT, which is enormous. Almost as enormous as certain trades made on the morning of 9/11. Had Trump died, the stock value would have plummeted and Austin would have made up to an estimated $1 trillion in profit. The shooter missed, and Austin was out of the money, as they say. Instead of becoming practically worthless, Trump’s stock rose as dramatically as he did, and Austin lost millions.

Austin’s wealthy ties have aroused all sorts of juicy suspicions about just why they thought to short Trump shares moments before the shooting. The appearance of the names ‘BlackRock’ and ‘Vanguard’ in their filings in particular – BlackRock just so happened to have a promo advert for investment in schools that just so happened to feature shooter Thomas Crooks. Austin have also been linked to George Soros, the Rothschild family, and the Bush family, although these links are less concrete. However, George W Bush was a surprise no-show at the Republican National Convention last week, which further aroused suspicions.

Austin Private Wealth have blamed the put option, the largest single trade in the company’s history, on a ‘clerical error.’

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George W Bush was a SURPRISE no-show at the RNC? If that aroused suspicions there are some clueless folks.

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Ed Dowd's comment on the Austin Wealth short situation:

I have been asked to comment on Austin Private Wealth Management $DJT controversy.

The company has put out statement denying put position citing third party filing error.

They are a registered investment advisor with over 1,200 clients with assets under management of $1 billion. They are fee based only so my guess is the revenues for the whole firm are $10 million assuming standard 1% fee. Each portfolio for their clients is different. This is not a hedge fund.

Bottom line: the company denies it and they are not structured to pool bets like a hedge fund might.

This looks like a typical independent RIA to me. I don’t think there is anything here.

Additionally the filing on July 12 was for positions as of 6/28 so not a put position established on July 12 as many have suggested.

Company statement link: austinprivatewealth.com/news-and-events

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Clerical error? Riiiiiiiiight. 😉

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Error...their usual excuse, where their opponent can't be blamed.

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Very Interesting! I still cannot otherwise conclude but that there are enough things wrong with the Butler Narrative as to drive a fleet of Mac Trucks through. And while the Perfect Phone Call may have been perfect, well ... I have my doubts about the Perfect Picture because it is too perfect and set against a very excessively imperfect background.

I really am wondering. Am I be treated to another barrage similar to what went on in the NIST Report? And I in Plato Cave watching TV and don't know it? It would rather it not be so because the possible conclusion by extension are just too awful (same as with the 911 thing).

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No coincidence

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If it was true and possible to fake a shot to the ear and win an election….the democrats would have did it years ago. Lol.

The new audio of the different bullet sounds is fake AF. It doesn’t match the audio of other videos at all. It was the same gunfire except the last one that took out the assassin.

There is groups full of comments spinning misinformation against Trump. These are mostly paid idiots or useful idiots. After Covid and all the other hoaxes why are people believing everything right away?

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We all learned one thing after covid...never believe the government.

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🍿 🍿

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Yes Bro! You too! Doing that at this very moment. 🥰🙏🙏🙏

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Jul 20
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🙌 Thank you to everyone who prayed.

Praise God 🙏

She was allowed to go home, but has a long road ahead. She has a fighting chance now.

I cannot tell you how much I truly appreciate the response. I have never asked for any such thing on a social media outlet, ever… but it was made clear that morning, I needed to. I no longer question why…

Prayers work in ways we will never get to know.

Keep praying 🙏

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Praise God! 🙏🏻

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Praise the Lord!!!! 🙏🙏🙏

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This is good news! Will keep praying without hesitation!

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Yes. praying today for your niece's continued and complete recovery. Amen.

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Was thinking about her this morning and love this update! Thanks be to God💜 Will continue to pray🙏

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Wherever two or more gather in His name… 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

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You know we’re in Bizarro World when one of the known side effects for choking down a miracle panacea for depression is experiencing suicidal thoughts. Skirting by on a semantic technicality, committing harakiri should no doubt clear up those pesky bouts of melancholy. But, I digress. However, when three of the listed side effects for accepting an injection to clear up blurred vision are a detached retina, cataracts and loss of vision??....Personally, I’d hold out for a more compelling sales pitch, but I’m no pharmacist.

The preliminary coup de grace is that the Controllers (You know, the ones who bought off nearly every single member of Congress, among other long-standing practicing poopyheads) get blanket approval to advertise their experimental poison darts and assorted other garbage in all their hideous forms under the cover of frothy upbeat caribbean rhythms and dazzling open-air landscapes. Admittedly, witnessing golden age gaffers and geriatric blueheads exuberantly zip lining off hot air balloons across the face of Mt. Rushmore and body surfing on manta rays seems like a dandy way to spend the day, I - being semi-conscious - doubted these purported results. I wasn’t particularly swayed by the contingent of neighborhood heavyweights doing the Hemoglobin Hop and Blood Sugar Boogie in the town square either. I must be one unfeeling SOB....but at least I'm a VERTICAL SOB.

I’m at a loss as to how this cacophony of moldy baloney and Cheez-Whiz is readily accepted by the unsuspecting - and all too trusting - masses, aka: willing test subjects, in the first place ...but I guess I just answered my own question. One thing is for certain: Preying on naivety is not a virtue.

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A shiny new object, dangled before them. The tech world has now made us slaves to whatever “here today, gone tomorrow” thing is going on. Does this mean Crowdstrike and all the hidden servers are gone? Like wiping them with a cloth?

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That “ Blood Sugar Boogie” drives me crazy! (for the J………med) Should win an award for the MOST ludicrous pharma ad……. Thank you for the title!

Another strong reason not to watch cable tv

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That and the one with the angry girl screaming a song at you for some allergy medicine. I detest those commercials. And the cancer med combo that states it won't cure you BUT it MAY give you extra days?? Or the PreP drug for HIV patients with trans and gay people in romantic and"pre intimate" settings with the disclaimer it won't prevent transmission be sure to employ "safer sex" behaviors???

Keep on taking those safe pharmaceuticals

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Oh...BARF. Thanks for the roundup of all the disgusting things I have been missing on TV. Wow...America has degenerated at an alarming rate. I loathe TV.

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Sorry Sadie Jay. I REALLY should've kept it to myself.... Nurse, couldn't help myself🤐

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No problemo…I am just being sarcastic. Haha. It is all so gross and disgusting anyway. When I go to my moms I have to leave the room when her cable is on. Even her shows on Daystar and TBN have commercials. I try to not listen to any BS, but sometimes it is inescapable. Like shopping at Wal Mart and the propaganda starts. Eyeroll.

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Yuck I hate them all! I often use the mute button and put my hand up in front of my face, so I don’t have to look at the sickening scenarios!

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I'm sooooo thankful I've never seen any of these My brain can take only so much abuse!

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Jardiance commercials are particularly noxious. Most of the singing shills look like they could control their Type 2 Diabetes by dropping a little weight instead of taking a pHarma product but who am I to judge?

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A well formulated low carb diet will drop the weight and reverse (in many cases) the T2DM.

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I am at a loss as well.

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Thank goodness there are a few of us that march to the beat of a different drummer or the human race may have gone extinct.

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"Like" does not express my appreciation for this of yours.

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Same here ... all they way down to your very last sentence conclusion. And it bug the hell out of me.

(And by the way, it is a joy reading your postings. And that too, from the start gate all the way down to the last sentence.)

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♥Still can't heart stuff on this dumb Brave browser. And there are so many comments to ♥ today!

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I have tried that. It has been thwarting me for months.

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“ hemoglobin hop and blood sugar boogie”!!! Good one!!! I wanted to add that the experimental genetic jabs themselves. Your risk of retinal vascular occlusion, which is the second most common cause of blindness after diabetic retinopathy. And the more people to diabetes, as we know. And now they’ve come out with a drug for macular degeneration which seems to cause blindness for some people. I wonder if the drug has performed poorly because most of its users or jabbed? Will never know. I wish I knew, because my jabbed mother is losing her eyesight, but we are not sure if the risk is worth it for that drug. Too bad they never tested it on un jabbed folks.

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I'm sorry to read about your mom.

A couple of thoughts, although she may not be interested or perhaps you're already trying them. Vegetable oils (corn, soy, sunflower, safflower, canola) are highly inflammatory and the omega-6 fatty acids in them are associated with increased inflammation. All of which is very associated with eye degeneration like macular degeneration and dry eye. So eliminating those including getting them out of all condiments and processed foods. We use quality avocado and olive oil, beef tallow, and real butter.

Tumeric is a good anti-inflammatory that ends up in natural eye supplements. Be sure it is quality and not packaged with crap like maltodextrin and any of the seed oils mentioned above. High dose quality fish oil taken at 3grams of DHA/EPA (check the nutrition label and calculate the amount needed for yourself) can be very helpful. Our family has found the Carlson brand to be most consistently reliable for us.

And of course looking at FLCCC.net for ideas about treating the eyesight as a jab injury, or as something worsened by jabs. Microclots in the microvasculature of the retina, and/or ongoing inflammation due to the jabs, autoimmune due to jabs....

I hope you can find some good help for her. I cannot imagine losing one's eyesight. 😔

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LOL... right on.

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Good morning, C&Cers! This is the day the Lord hath made! Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Mrs. "the Knife"

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"For far too long —longer than I’ve been paying attention— the United States perfected an evil, grotesque strategy of slyly undermining foreign governments through what are euphemistically called “color revolutions,” which involve using media to inflame political differences until the country destroys itself, shattering into a million bloodstained pieces, and letting a deep-state tool take over."

You and me too. But the metaphorical curtain has been torn in-two, it's time we put a stop to such evil corruption being done in our name with our money!

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Two things required to accomplish that:

1. Foreign policy of no taxpayer $ to other countries

2. Dissolve the CIA.

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All of it. Raze every institution. Our institutions are an abortion at this point

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Michael Miller for President!!

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Glenn Beck has been saying for some time now that he believes this is what is happening in the US.

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We have been destabilized. Next: currency crash.

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Not that anyone has any currency, after 3+ years of Biden. I take it back. The illegal aliens have it.

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Agree, planned.

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he believes what is happening?

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Color revolution like the CIA has pulled all over the globe since at least WWII.

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CIA didn't come along until 1947. Before then, we had the OSS (Office of Strategic Services). GHWB took over the CIA in the mid-70s, I think. I've always wondered: Did it go bad at some point, or was it corrupt from its inception?

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Good chance something rubs off when one rubs elbows with criminals.

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The evil empire is imploding, and the good guys aren't even in power yet. This is far bigger than a swarm of self-serving rats panic-clinging to their sinking ship. We have the intel: “If satan opposes himself and is divided, he cannot stand; his end has come” (Mark 3:26).

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I've been praying for more confusion to be among them.

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ooh, good. I'll start that.

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I know you've said that your Michelle is the night-owl investigator (is that akin to being a law clerk?), but consuming all that she has found and presented to you, then putting it all through your own mental digestion apparatus, working it into a coherent, re-digestible-for-others-format--how many hours does that take? Is either of you getting more than two hours of sleep in any 24? So grateful for the work of Mr. and Mrs. Childers.

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I must have missed when he credited Michelle for his research - wow, hats off to her! I’ve thought many times how much work and time gathering the precise salient info Jeff gives us must take! Thanks, Michelle! Great teamwork 💕

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Jeff and Michelle are the ultimate tag team then! I had not realized she was researching for. You’ve such a wonderful style Jeff. It’s like I would imagine the way you talk .. very conversational, easily discernible for us amateurs, and yet delivers a turnip truck full of layered information. Thank you and God bless you both.

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Jeff's ability to converse with us ordinary mortals is the hallmark of a good trial lawyer.

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He's mentioned that he spends 3-4 hours every morning putting it together. Rise and shine early at 4AM so he can feed the hungry chicks [us].

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It is July 2024. I am witnessing the deaths of so many 70 plus year olds all have either cardiac, cardiovascular or cancer supercharged to turbo. Quite a few have died, the others struggling. All vaxxed at least five times (UK).

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I have 2 friends that “just tested + for Covid”. And both claim can’t find paxlovid to “cure” it as it’s all sold out. Good grief. People will never wake up


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My daughter’s OB gave her Paxlovid (she was about 20-22weeks) 🤯😳 -I found this out by accident-

Coincidence that the baby was later diagnosed with severe growth restriction, she developed rare autoimmune disorder (Pemphigoid), prompting emergent c-section at 35weeks, and umbilical cord literally ripped when Dr pulled on it to deliver the placenta?

I am horrified by our medical system. My daughter and her husband do not want to hear anything from me…I pray for them and my new grandson ALOT! 🙏🏼✝️🤍🛡️🕊️

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I am so sorry. I cannot imagine going through that. I hope your family opens their eyes and their hearts and sees that you only want what is best. It may take awhile, but the truth will come out and I hope they ask for forgiveness. Congratulations on your new grandson. ❤️

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Thank you so much. He is thriving, thankfully. God’s hand is on him, I believe. I pray Isaiah 54:17 over him (from 8+ hrs away) and the family every day!

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Isaiah 54:17

King James Version

17 No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.

Paula White prayed this over President Trump publicly in 2020. God had a plan to use the enemy for a time. Now we’re coming out of the wilderness, stronger and wiser. And that prayer has been prayed by me and so many others on his behalf. And it stood and it will stand as a hedge of protection.

Wonderful prayer for your grandson.

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Yes! Thank you 🙏🏼

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I am truly sorry. But you are powerful, doing just as you are doing as his grandmother. Perfect verse! God's grace to you and yours.♥

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Thank you so much ❤️

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Thank you for your kind words, Wendy & RL 💗 God is maintaining my sanity, when I fear it’s going down the drain!😆🥹 He will use this for good✝️

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So sad. Prayers for y’all

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Oh my word, I’m so sorry. What a travesty, both infuriating and heartbreaking 😞

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I am sorry. My daughter took NO medicine, but the same happened to her baby at 35 weeks, and an emergency c section.

The baby was only 4.8 pounds, and had the worst colic the doctor ever saw..her crying was so intense and non stop. Finally, after 10 weeks of experimenting with every possible formula, they found one that worked.

Who knows why it happened? 🤷

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No medicine... meaning no paxlovid, but had covid? No shots? What about flu shot or dtap spring pregnancy? Any shedding symptoms because we know that can be an issue now too? This feels like a super huge deal if two people find themselves in a group like this with daughters with same issues who don't know each other out of over 1k comments. You may want to send your stories in to Naomi Wolf or Dr. Thorpe and let them look for others.

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No shots. Covid in first trimester.

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This actually good to hear. I can be a bit tunnel-visioned about the topic.

He was about the same size (4-9), but is now over 11lbs. 😍

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Oops lolol

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This actually good to hear. I can be a bit tunnel-visioned about the topic.

He was about the same size (4-9), but is now over 11lbs. 😍

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As a fellow outcast from parts of my family, I know how that feels. I'll pray the rift is healed. Your grandson should not be used against you.

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I'm certain her dr would assign any blame on the covid infection rather than on the pax.

And I suppose it may be hard to say, and if she is jabbed, that also could have contributed. Lots of IUGR babies being born to jabbed mamas. 😔

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Agreed. And since when do we give brand new, untested drugs and vaccines to pregnant mommas?!? These physicians are scarily brainwashed 🤡

She works in healthcare, and is jabbed, hopefully just the initial series…but I honestly don’t know (she won’t talk to me about vaccines since I’ve awakened to the truth 🤨)

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Aww, that sounds really hard.

The fact that they claimed that they "knew" it was safe for pregnant women was an enormous tell that they were lying, since anyone paying attention knew they hadn't tested in pregnant women AND that, as you said, the historical norm is to absolutely 100% NOT test in pregnant women or women who could become pregnant.

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My daughter's obGyn wanted to give her the covid vaxx while she was pregnant! Asked her 3x during her pregnancy! 🤬

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I believe it. That is AWFUL.😣

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They should try the "other" medicine that millions used during the plandemic and survived.

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Yep. My doctor tried to give me Paxlovid April 2nd when I had Covid. I asked for the other medicine instead and went through a horrific ordeal for over 5-days to acquire the proper daily dose needed once you actually have symptoms (much higher than what doctors prescribe of it, which is only mildly effective for prevention before symptoms so not effective at all once sick.) I was publicly shamed at pharmacies, struggling to find doctors who prescribed the right doses, and trying to educate myself more about other ways to get it and use it, all while feverish and sick. I’m furious at my government for robbing me of my medical freedoms and putting me in that position. In the end my tenacity paid off and I got exactly what I needed as long as I needed it for in a timely manner, and for me it was miraculous what it did. Within 2 hours the worst symptoms just disappeared and never returned. My doctor said I had it so bad that I would end up in the hospital, but hearing me 24 hours later when I was improving so rapidly she was speechless.

It may not work for everybody, but neither does Tylenol for a headache! That’s why we have choices!! But it definitely worked for enough people that it should be an option if someone wants to try it. For some it can be life saving. And it truly does not hurt to try. Waiting to do anything until you are admitted is FAR more dangerous.

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We always have a supply of the big “I” in house. Even take it at first sign of a cold and seems to help a lot. We use AllDayChemist in India to order. Their system asks for a prescription but you don’t need one. I also realized inhalers lots cheaper from there so it’s also become my go-to for that. Even my primary doc just told me she has her patients get inhalers from Canada.

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Yes! I JUST found AllDayChemist this week! and ordered more along with my son’s acne medications, and my husbands allergy antihistamine, which were ALL far cheaper than even using my own insurance to pay for prescriptions.

It’s interesting this drug hold they have on our society. It’s really unnecessary for many things. They move some to OTC and over charge for it that way too. When I last bought “I” from another company I also got plenty of Azythromyacin and hydrochloraquine. Well this past week I got pink eye. I haven’t had that since I was in middle school! Azythromyacin is commonly prescribed for it. I was able to start a round of that the very first night symptoms appeared, instead of waiting to get in to see a Dr and then waiting to fill a script and all associated costs. I wouldn’t have gotten started on the antibiotic until at least day two or three if I had to wait on a dr. Even with convenient care it would have been ant least 24 hours. Instead I had on hand a safe, common medicine that treats it without missing a beat. I even threw in a round of the “I” because I’m wanting to detox the spike protein too anyway so, why not? People can criticize that it’s irresponsible and dangerous to medicate yourself, and maybe for them and some complete idiots it is, but the vast majority of us know how to research this stuff just as well as any doctor and don’t foolishly swallow whole bottles of pills at once. 🤣 Why shouldn’t we be able to have on hand the safer medicines that have been proven to use to treat ourselves when needed? Corrupt medical institutions and Big Pharma are why. Greed. Screw that. I will always keep this stuff on hand now so long as I have my freedom to do so.

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I've found that Amazon prescriptions are cheaper than the ones I can get with my insurance. I know: Amazon. Still, I'm puzzled by the way prescription prices are inflated by some and not by others. My doctor wants me to take a drug that is over $2,000 (at Amazon!) for a 90-day supply. Medical care is for the uber-wealthy.

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And they try to scare you to not order abroad but aren’t all these manufactured in other countries, not here? So that makes no sense.

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Good grief is right. I seriously cant believe people are still wearing masks and testing!!!

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Lol..if not covid. Paxlovid! I looked at real reviews, and the reviewers all prefaced that they were vaxxed and boosted.

Some said it was miraculous.

Others said it made them feel horrible.

All said that it gives you such an intense metallic taste that it is all you can think about, and it is so bad that it prevents you from sleeping!

One reviewer said it felt like she had licked her tongue all over the Statue of Liberty..the metallic taste was so pervasive and intense ! 😬

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Five times! Imagine being so scared of a flu.

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AND imagine being proud ( virtue signally?) enough to tell everyone! I know a few people like this …

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I am so sorry. May our gracious God give you comfort.

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My maid of honors MIL just died last week of turbo cancer. She had cancer 20’yrs ago fine…. and boom in 4 wks dead. She was in her 60s. I have no doubt she was jabbed.

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My SIL’s father just recently passed from lung cancer. He was diagnosed right after Christmas last year. He tried the concoction posted last October-ish but my brother had a hard time finding ivermectin. I don’t know if he was on a schedule or if he only took it for a little while and stopped. He was originally diagnosed with pneumonia and doc said to get jabbed again. So he did. Now he’s gone.

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That is terrible. I feel the Dr should be held accountable. My friends MIL had breast cancer. When they found it again it was already stage 4 everywhere. Nothing controlled her pain. Took 4 wks from diagnosis. Sad thing is they will never connect the dots. I know they think oh her cancer just returned. It was her time to go! Smh.

So I don’t bring it up.

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I’m fortunate that my brother and I are on the same page. I’m slowly bringing my (jabbed) best friend around. Her mom had a cancerous tumor at the beginning of the pandemic and took the poison so I pray every day that the jab was a saline for them. Her 25 year old daughter just got over a case of shingles. She’s the 3rd person we know who got shingles this year. I’d only known of 1 person in the last 30+ years before the jab.

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I've known four people who had it. Someone told me it was a relic of childhood vaccines. I don't recall which one, but apparently the smallpox vaccine in childhood has caused diseases later in life.

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That makes me angry and sad at the same time.

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I don’t know how anyone with a thinking brain can’t notice these cancers, specifically female pancreatic cancers. I know at least two women in my small church that have it, and my church is 99% jabbed. How do I know this? Simple—they told me, or posted it on social media. Even my pastor’s mother has pancreatic cancer and she’s only in her late 50s, early 60s. It was extremely advanced when they found it. The quiet (not so quiet to us) culling of the population.

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This used to be quite the rare cancer as far as I know, it used to be 3% of all cancers and less common in women, and usually involves other risk factors (smoking, alcohol, also the dust from 9/11 is linked to it).

Even more concerning perhaps is the rise of colon cancer in children and teenagers.

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Yes. I know of 2 women I grew up with that have died from pancreatic cancer this year…😔

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It is heart breaking to think that this culling has yet to peak and may continue for the foreseeable future.

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Let's not forget, Crowdstrike was involved in the "Russian collusion" investigation in 2016: https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/bears-midst-intrusion-democratic-national-committee/

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I just posted that exact thing.

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I must be a conspiracy theorist, a name I now accept as a badge of honor considering all the conspiracy theories that seem to be coming true recently. Anyway, I feel like it is no coincidence that Crowdstrike, the company connected to the false Trump/Russia collusion story and the false DNC hack story (which includes the Seth Rich murder and how Wikileaks received its info), is now going down shortly after Trump accepts the Republican Party nomination and not long after Julian Assange was freed. I'm sure that is all a coincidence.

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I had a friend who just went out and bought a testing kit for her husband who had a bug of some kind. This man has been in and out of the hospital at least a dozen times with heart and stroke symptoms the last month. He is paranoid about everything now. My friend doesn’t believe in the PCR tests, but figured if he tested, positive or negative, her husband would know it wasn’t heart related. Of course it was positive, but drink fluids and isolate for a couple days is the recommendation. Meanwhile DIL in TN is telling me a lot of co workers are down with a stomach bug. All took the PCR test, (as she told me they still test regularly in vaxxed land), and none were positive for covid. Hhhhhmmmm!

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I've actually seen a spike (pardon the pun) in the # of people in my small circle reporting they have covid again. Why they are still testing is beyond me and some still isolating for 10 days. I wonder if they would isolate if it was the flu or strep, etc. It's insane!

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Jul 20Edited

If I'm not mistaken, the over the counter tests are "lateral flow" tests that look for the presence of antibodies of some description. PCR would have to be mailed to a lab, I think.

Edit: I believe Copernicus is correct, that the OTC covid test look for antigen, not antibodies.

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I think you mean they look for antigen. Antibodies don't necessarily develop right away and generally peak a couple of weeks after viral infection.

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I think you are correct, sir.

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Thanks for that info. So, are all “instant tests”, over the counter and the ones sent us in the mail a few years back considered lateral flow? Is it a toss of the coin?

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Jul 21Edited

PCR tests have to be run in a lab. The ones where you put droplets on a card and then they react and show a "line" are lateral flow.

So, I believe all the "instant" OTC tests are lateral flow.

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Just don't put those Chinese swabs into your nose, or send them off somewhere.

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This may be a 'happy conspiracy'. And seems that 'coincidences' are a dime a dozen these days.

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I was kind of wondering if it wasn’t like- this tape will self-destruct in 30 seconds- kind of thing. CrowdStrike gets erased from the earth, and with it, proof of hundreds of crimes, possibly even election fraud too!

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I'm kind of a literalist, but a "conspiracy" can be a crime or the basis of criminal charges, especially under RICO. To identify a conspiracy, one would have to develop a theory of what occurred. How did "conspiracy theory" go from a respectable working hypothesis to the hatchling of the impaired mind of an unusually imaginative extremist?

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Got this quote from Garrett Ziegler's Telegram channel- posted Jan 2023--------------------

Neer forget.

America is still paying for the sins of Hillary Clinton's classified documents scandal. It all started with Shawn Henry and Dmitri Alperovitch of CrowdStrike, who were brought in to clean up the mess in 2015.

But CrowdStrike bit off more than they could chew. Eventually, Alperovitch was forced to use former FBI undercover assets, now living in Ukraine, to "hack" the DNC with APT malware.

Yes, the DNC was hacked. WikiLeaks even admitted that there were "dozens" (https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/757355749588738052) of hacks. This time, however, was different. The "hack" was commissioned from the inside and it was led by Alperovitch.

This is not mutually exclusive of Seth Rich. In fact, by this point WikiLeaks already had the leaked HRC material. Assange boasted about it on June 12, 2016. This public announcement forced HRC to green light Alperovitch's "hack" of the DNC. He did it with Ukrainian malware (native to Russia) and Ukrainian assets (former FBI) in order to paint a scenario where Russia was the culprit in collusion with Trump.

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I would like to say that upon hearing of Sheila Jackson Lee's death, my first thought - because I'm a normal human being - was, "may she rest in peace." I disagreed with her views on EVERYTHING, but I recognize her inherent human dignity which compels me to pray for her and her family. Take note, assassin-supporters, this is how a normal human being reacts to an untimely or unnecessary death.

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My first words were "requiescas in pace" (cuz, ya know, I gotta do the Latin original in 2nd p s)

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My first thought: Did she know Yeshua?

Did He know her?

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Jul 20
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Fred, I don't say this as a way of patting myself on the back but more to remind myself not to lose my own humanity. The glee with which the Trump-haters embraced the attack on his life revealed another level of darkness into which I cannot allow myself to descend.

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People can't "rot in purgatory." It's a purifying of the soul before entering heaven and the utter perfection of God's presence. Now, if you want to wish Sheila Jackson Lee spends a thousand years in purgatory, that's a legitimate and distinct possibility.

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I kind of saw her as a very angry woman, constantly lashing out, like a lot of the Dems. So, I decided I hope she finds peace now.

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People can't "rot in purgatory." It's a purifying of the soul before entering heaven and the utter perfection of God's presence. Now, if you want to wish Sheila Jackson Lee spends a thousand years in purgatory, that's a legitimate and distinct possibility.

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Hillary Clinton hired CrowdStrike to run the "muh Russia" scam against candidate Trump in 2016.

Oh, and voting machines are *not* connected to the internet ... Dominion said so.

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They are in my county. I work the elections, often, and I complained vociferously to county elections office about it, but they poo-pooed my concerns.

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lol, yep

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