It’s fascinating that not only has the pharma cartel been fully exposed with this mess, but also the public education cartel. Maybe covid really is the gift that keeps on giving...

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I don't respect or trust any doctors or the medical community or teachers. That trust must be earned from now on every single time. So the fallout continues. The thinkers will not participate in their agendas anymore. They are starting to regret playing Lord God master. Evil POS.

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I was mildly skeptical of certain medical practices before all this. But still saw doctors, hospitals, and modern medicine as a net positive.

The last two years have killed every last particle of faith I had in mainstream medicine. I'd have to think really hard about going to the ER even for broken bones, at this point.

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I have a homeopathic doc. What a difference!!!

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I wish I could find a homeopathic doctor in my area. I am done with the others. I won't listen to anything they say ever again.

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They do phone consults. Or find a naturopath (we unlicensed ones aren't as kooky as we are portrayed). Or for basic care, find a good herbalist (many are woke though πŸ™„)

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How does one do a proper physical examination over the phone?

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I lucked out and had a friend who went and got her doctorate.

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She got a doctorate in what?

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Once you have a working understanding of the operation of your own body, a respectable doctor is very useful in accessing the health system's utilities.

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But how do you locate a respectable medic? Either you have to have a LOT of cash, or extremely good insurance, to pick and choose

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Check this out. The benefits are real and known for ages…


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That’s wonderful!!! I’m starting to grow turmeric etc to start making my own medicineπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

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Five years ago I'd have rolled my eyes at that quackery. Now... I wish I had a homeopathic doc.

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Still not sure I believe in what they're doing, but it sure as heck isn't going to hurt me! Plus I've had really good experience with chiropractors since then, which practice also makes no sense whatsoever to me... but I guess it doesn't matter if it makes sense, as long as it actually works.

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What’s interesting about holistic medicine is that is definitely doesn’t work like pharmaceuticals. Take honey for instance. I raise bees and my family hasn’t had allergies for 7 years. It didn’t work right away but over time we have all become immune to pollens because of the honey. A lot of vitamins don’t work right away but over time you have less brain fog or less pain moving around etc. like cats claw is amazing for joint discomfort, but it doesn’t work like motrin within 2 hours. Anyway, I hope you look into it!πŸ₯°

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Is his degree respected by the local medical board?

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If it is, likely he's corrupt and a tool of the medical-industrial establishment. Medical boards have been the bane of ethical medics for the last several years, or longer.

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Especially now that the only standard of care they honor are the FDA's and CDC's recommendations and regard Hippocratic discretion as malpractice.

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Local medical board? Vonu, they are the least I would trust!

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They are the ones that determine which medical competence you will have access to.

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I am with you. I will not go to any doc again. They stole whatever respect I had and trust is not something I will ever give them. Again. It is a whole pile of steaming crap. And...don't even get me started on the blood supply.

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If anyone needs a blood transfusion, they will likely get blood tainted with the Wuhan shots as I don't think Red Cross is maintaining separate supplies. If anyone can prove me wrong, please do.

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Sadie, totally agree. I was complete homeopath for years, then problems you NEED the system. Breast Cancer. Kidney Stones. Torn Rotator Cuff. I absolutely negotiated all treatments. Best pain relief for me.. ice therapy. But, honest I’d love to think I’d never need a hospital. … trust…. No.

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Yes...hubs and I just talked about this. The system ruined my boobs looking for cancer. It was awful. They were almost disappointed in the result. Gross. We just have to take care of ourselves as best we can and be discerning, but when you are in a hospital, you have no choice on who looks at you. Right? And...an older friend just mentioned that the government gives (or gave) 8K towards burial costs if one died of covid. Did you hear that? I know of all the other incentives to get jabbed or be on a respirator or have rundeathisnear, but I hadn't heard that.

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Yes, some hospitals paid 3 times that…. Sick.

Criminal incentive.

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Yes. My mother died in April 2021 and my brother applied for and got about 7000 for expenses. My wife died in Jan 2022 and the death cert was careful not to say covid.

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Maybe you need to improve your discernment of their competence.

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If you were talking about improving discernment of their INcompetence I'd be more likely to agree with you.

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Your quirky capitalization wouldn't indicate discernment.

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Thanks Medical-Industry or Medical Sheep Vonu! What would SadieJoy do without your snark?

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I know what I'd do without yours.

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Yes. I do. It is hard to be so stupid. But, even someone as stupid as I am would have to go to a lot of doctors to find one who is "competent". And, I am healthy. I might have overstated "not going to any doc again." I do have an annual checkup. We have a neighbor who is a doc and we have moved ourselves into his practice. And, we do go to their place for dinner.

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The single easiest way to find a competent doctor is to look for one that stopped working for a hospital in favor of having his own practice.

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On a scale of trust β€”-



FBI and governmental agencies

Modern medicine

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Telemarketers, MSM, and governmental agencies don't need the approval of crooked doctors on medical boards.

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So true. I have had to read and study for myself and I have lost all faith and trust in the medical industry doctors are nothing more than compliance officers they are incapable of independent thought they only follow the guidance/protocol given down from on high. They will follow it even if it means you die.

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Nov 4, 2022Β·edited Nov 4, 2022

My cousin (early 70's) had a heart valve problem for decades and finally had it "repaired" as his cardiologist convinced him it was the thing to do. Now, about 15 months later, he is regretting that decision as his health is going south.

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That's the scary/sad (or SADS) part.

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Totally agree and I don't trust them not to inject me forcibly or lie and give me the covid jab while saying it's something else. That rules out surgery.

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Isn't that terrible that we have to think that way?? But, you are not alone.

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My brother just had his colonoscopy WIDE AWAKE 😳 … he does t trust them to not jab him while he is under! I don’t think I could do that but I absolutely would be a little worried

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I understand, but like you, don't know if I could do that. After my last one, I decided I was done with those. I've decided I'm done with mammograms also. At age 70, if I get cancer, where am I going to get treatment if I don't trust anyone? As I say often, I'm in a win win situation because I'm a follower of Christ. "For me to live is Christ and to die is gain."

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Prior to surgery, you are given papers to sign. Read them carefully.

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I wonder if there is a way to test blood before and after a hospital stay to be sure nothing nefarious was injected.

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I don't blame you one bit. I am now my own doctor and doing well treating my problems with herbs and supplements.

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Do you think I should do the same or should I go back to my former physician, who's affiliated with a large hospital? They just allayed all my fears by pointing me to this comforting information.

"The Pfizer vaccine and the Moderna vaccine use mRNA to instruct the cells in your body to make a harmless piece of the β€œspike protein” found on the surface of COVID-19. Your immune system is tricked into thinking this is a virus and makes antibodies. A live virus is not included in the vaccine. Your body destroys the mRNA and gets rid of it. It doesn’t stay in your body or alter any DNA. The other ingredients in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are salt, sugar, and fat."

(I'm being sarcastic. They sent me this info in response to my message telling them I would not be back unless they have faced reality and stopped following the covid agenda.)

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That entire statement is nothing more than a hope and some of it flat out proven wrong long ago and the rest intentionally misleading. First of all, supposedly the engineered spike code lacks an infective ability, cannot bind to ace2 but I’ve read the code includes extra uracil as binders which might, through inflexibility, incapacitate for binding … but … unintentionally (?) also may shield against polymerase breakdown which could cause these molecules to NOT be β€œimmediately destroyed”. The truth is WE DONT KNOW. Secondly sars cov2 spike protein is quite cytotoxic as a fragment, no nucleocapsid necessary. Thirdly, fat and sugar are nutritive, we do not describe injection fillers this way … unspeakable bull****. They flat out think we are morons.

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They'll never admit their perfidy

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Defnitely that's the way to goi

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I have multiple medical issues so unfortunately, I have a LOT of doctors. I have two allergists including a mast cell specialist, two gastroenterologists, two neurologists…I could go on. I also worked in nursing before my health caused me to β€œretire” early. So suffice it to say, I came into this with a pretty good working knowledge of the system as a whole and how to discern doctors bad or biased attitudes from the get go. I knew how to advocate for myself and was pretty guarded but believed my doctors at least cared about my personal case and health as a whole. I definitely don’t believe that about most of them now because of what I’ve been through with them. The majority have shown they are just bureaucratic hags and care more about policy than patient and I adjust my conversations accordingly depending on whom I’m seeing. It’s been such an eye opener and shame because some of these doctors I’ve been with for over 15 years and my primary care was actually my coworker for almost that long as well. Their β€œgroupthink” has now only made me 10x more educated and more guarded about my care. Obviously I’m only human and I’m dealing with a lot but, I try not to let them get anything past me or manipulate me about anything. I’ve called my specialists out on their lies, one doctor literally told me because I wasn’t jabbed, if I caught COVID, there was nothing that could be done for me…despite the fact that monoclonal antibodies were abundant at that time. Yeah, I didn’t let that one go that day. No one brings the jab up anymore but, during earlier days I used to go prepared to each appointment with a binder of evidence and my particular talking points for why I’m not getting the shot incase they tried to divert topic of appointment. I shouldn’t have had to do this, I’m a patient who has anaphylaxis that has reacted to past vaccines, that should have been enough for them to accept no as an acceptable answer but, I just always went ready. I always bring notes to my appointments, I need them to remember what I want to talk about that day but I find that referring to them keeps doctor on topic too.

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And after some 15 years of doctoring, has your health improved? This is what I cannot stomach about the medical system. You go into it with some medical issue and they want to keep you a patient for life never figuring out what to do to cure your ills. Hope you do find some solutions.

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This is a bit of a loaded question. I was born with a genetic connective tissue disorder called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) for which there is no β€œcure”. However, for me, this treatment is more physical therapy approaches and avoidance behaviors. I don’t even have an EDS specialist because frankly, one doesn’t exist. I have Dysautonomia/POTS which is very common to develop in those with EDS as it damages nerves and autonomic system. That damage unfortunately is permanent. I also have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, again very common in those with EDS/POTS, and I also have Crohn’s disease. People like to use the word β€œcure” in disorders that will never go away but for the grace of God, but for which remission is definitely a more appropriate word and able to be achieved. It isn’t always achieved unfortunately but, you just keep working at it. I work more towards dealing with the root causes of my symptoms, food intolerances, chemicals, toxins, etc., not exposing myself to things that will flare my symptoms/disorders. The best I have been able to do is make sure my doctors understand that this is a two way street, they do not run the show and dictate what and or how I decide to treat things. I’ve been extremely disappointed with their COVID group think and lapse in help they’ve been for a mask related injury I had (long story), that’s where they are policy over patient but, for my disorders I’ve done mostly ok with my team on leading my care and working together for the most part as a team.

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I am so sorry for your ills. I need to stop complaining. But, you are so astute. They have made you this way and you have great value to others because of what you go through on a daily basis. Wow. All the best to you. :)

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To me, a frightening aspect is that -- except for Big Pharma, most of the staff are NOT in it for the money. I'm on three "primary prevention" medications, all generic. Nobody's making a mint off my statin, hypertension med, or the baby aspirin. The Covid-19 (EUA) products without exception, are paid directly by the government. Although sky-high drug prices are an issue, the worst problem in my opinion are the incentives and mandates influencing doctors. For example, Doc probably gets some type of incentive pay to keep Old Doorknob on the primary prevention "recommended" from CDC/WHO/FDA/etc. But those "suggestions" are often mandates, and Doc risks discipline, dismissal or even civil and criminal penalties. In many cases, what our medical care now consists of are decisions made by a committee far away that will affect thousands or millions, and underling doctors have little autonomy but instead feel forced to follow those "guidelines."

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Ok but, let’s go with the vaccines, the problem is that physicians do get incentives from health insurance plans for giving shots. β€œEfficiency bonus” or β€œquality of care” bonus. If they get a certain percentage of their patients vaccinated, they get a bonus. I can remember the doctors in my office having contests to see who could rack up the most flu shots in a season. We nurses used to keep count. There was an article where a pediatrician tried to downplay these bonuses as a nothing burger because he said, insurance companies wouldn’t offer incentives to boost numbers of something that would hurt the well-being of children when they are the ones not only footing the bill for the vaccine in the first place, but would also have to foot the bill if the child became vaccine injured. That wouldn’t make sense they said. So, it’s not a conflict of interest, they’re saving lives they said. Ah….but they are footing the bill! They just aren’t calling them or admitting they are vaccine injuries. How many children are developing Crohn’s and POTS and ME/CFS and food allergies and countless other autoimmune and chronic issues that they now require long term care for that they will never tie to their vaccine protocol? I shudder to think. The COVID shots, now that the cost has been rolled over to insurance plans, will have these same bonuses however, I would not be surprised that even when the government alone was paying for them, insurance companies made an actuarial decision that they would potentially lower their costs so substantially (you know, from the winter of death and despair or whatever Biden promised the unjabbed) that they gave doctors bonuses for giving them. Physicians also do still get biased by drug companies to prescribe their meds. It had slowed down to the drug lunch/dinner by the time I left the office but, an article in 2020 said that for every $1 spent on a doctor, they got a $2.64 back in revenue for a 164% return in investment. In years past when they were actually buying doctors football game tickets and taking them out on the town so to speak, this number was a 200-1700% return. So it may only be a free meal, but when you rack up those free meals it’s still like getting a bonus. I used to love Panera and Olive Garden days. All they have to do is prescribe Lipitor and check no substitute permitted. I think that is happening way less now though. Too many consumers are aware of cost saving generics now and insurances have gotten a lot more staunch with their preferred drug lists. Yes, doctors also have specific guidelines they are told by their state to follow. Here in Maine we had the 5210 program for kids with posters all over the walls and gave each well child a free book. You’re not wrong about the premise that decisions are lots of times made for us by committees, boards, etc. looking at us as a collective rather than what is best for us as an individual patient. I have a problem when the doctors are so indoctrinated or set in following a policy that they will actually harm a patient or blatantly do what’s not in their best interest just to save their license or reputation etc. What’s the point of being a doctor then?

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I am at the point of wanting to learn wilderness medicine just to avoid that ER trip. The problem is that you need to practice your skills or you forget them.

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Wilderness medicine doesn’t handle a lot of stuff. Seriously.

We practice first aid to get you to a hospital, not keep you from it.

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Same. I could see the system was not perfect but I routinely went to bat in public discussions, defending the role big pharma plays in R&D ... no more. I am firmly anti pharma. My kids and husband too, they’ve lost our family

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I've never trusted them and hardly used them at all.

To the point that in the 1990s I considered having "no heroic measures, do not resuscitate, no organ donations" tattooed on my abdomen so they couldn't pretend not to see it after a car wreck or some other involuntary admission incident.

Now I have an even greater distrust and expectation of them pulling funny business.

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Nov 4, 2022Β·edited Nov 4, 2022

add NO VAXXES to your Tattoo!

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Nov 4, 2022Β·edited Nov 4, 2022

I never got one... And back then the injection status wasn't a concern.

Nowadays, yes, I'd probably modify it to add "No insurance and I refuse to pay for any medical procedures. Do not vaccinate under any circumstances, I have a lawyer and know how to use it."

Of course I can't afford a lawyer either, but they don't need to know that

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Also add -No blood products...

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Ya, I thought the same until I broke my wrist this summer! Lol! Literally I can deal with cancer myself but a broken bone took me to medical treatment. It was unsatisfactory in the EXTREME!! Five hour wait in emergency while they "triaged" a bunch of snotty nosed babies and toddlers. Thank the gods that's over with now!! Lol!

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Ya,no kidding! I'm sixty five and I'm so glad I too changed up diet and lifestyle. Food is your medicine and medicine is your food!

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Contemporary. Still remember that moment back in the '80s when I "just happened" ;) to be listening to that mid afternoon radio talk show. The guest noted, "It's *expensive* to stay healthy! But it's a hell of a lot *more* expensive to get sick."

Instant conversion, like the road to Damascus.

The extra expense feeding health in many ways over the course of nearly 40 years has been so worth it.

And now's where I really start to sound alternatively anecdotey. Fractured a wrist (first broken bone ever) about a decade ago. Skipped the ER, it was a Sunday. Knew the only thing they could offer for the simple fracture was an x-ray, immobilization and medication for pain and possibly anti inflammatory. Let me tell you, too, the pain-o-meter was at least 8/10. I applied #2 above, skipped #3 and applied pranic healing (somehow, through waves of nausea due to pain). Couldn't get squeezed in to orthopedic office schedule til Tues. Saw a PA because the MD surgeon didn't have space on his schedule. Looking at films PA said, this is going to need surgery. Applied hard cast, scheduled to see MD a week later. Pranic healing applied daily - through a network of healers. A week later, MD has a look at 1 week old films and films from 20 minutes earlier and says, Yeah we'll have to do surgery but I'm booked at least two weeks out. New hard cast, office visit scheduled in a week, pranic healing continued to be applied daily in the interim. New films at next visit (now 16 days from date of injury) and MD says, Well I'm not jumping out of my shorts to do surgery. !! Projected 6-8 weeks in a cast plus a year of rehab. Short story, with first daily pranic healing, then 4-5x/wk for about 3 weeks, then diminishing frequency, no surgery needed, I was out of a cast in a total of 5 weeks, back to 90-95% full function in ~8 months.

The Creator has given us gifts we have only begun to discover. So much information suppressed for millennia. Even Yeoshoua the Nazarene said (imperfect translation) All these things I do, you shall do and more.

The Great Awakening is multi level. We can't even conceive what awaits. What a time to be alive and awake on planet Earth!

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Food is medicine and medicine is your food....AMEN.

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As a RN of over 40 yrs, I agree with you 1000%

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Trauma has always been mainstream medicine's highest competency.

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I get it. But... every time my dad's been hospitalized for trauma (a lot!), mom's had to go with him, sleep in his room, and basically act as as his bodyguard, because every dang time, doc looks at his chart, sees his medication history, calls the neurologist, and tries to put him back on seizure meds that he hasn't taken in decades (he no longer has seizures). Those meds are dangerous, highly addictive, he doesn't need them, and the side effects are so awful he'd rather die than take them again. And the docs DO NOT LISTEN and do not respect his wishes. Over the years, we've had to drag in our pastor, a TV station friend, and a lawyer, to keep the med-pushers at bay.

So, yeah, he needed major surgery and the hospital was the only place to get it-- but we had to defend him from unnecessary interventions the whole time, and then spend months fighting the resulting billing fraud (where they bill us anyway for treatments he refused, doctors he didn't see, private rooms he didn't get-- it feels vengeful rather than merely incompetent).

Hospitals need to lose their monopoly power. They use the "we're the only people who can do an emergency appendectomy or save you after a car accident" thing to justify so much of the evil they do. It's a hostage situation at this point. They need to be stripped down to where trauma is the *only* thing they do, because everything else is covered by small inpatient facilities all over the place. Maternity hospitals are still a thing in other parts of the world. They're safer than regular hospitals, and more pleasant. No reason we couldn't have a small, friendly, 10-bed hospital in every neighborhood, that could deal with your appendix, your gallbladder, your pancreatitis, that electrolyte imbalance...

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Sadly, if you call that competent.

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It it weren't competent, it wouldn't be medicine's highest competency.

Surgical reconstruction of the human body is something no other medical specialty could accomplish.

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Former teacher here. Homeschool your kids. If algebra is beyond you there are lots of former teachers who quit so they could actually teach, myself included. We would love to tutor your kids ;-)

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I'm in my final and 20th year of homeschooling my 4 children. It is the most rewarding thing I have done in my 58 years. I wasn't confident that I could do it 20 years ago, but it was very successful and my kids are all very well-adjusted, educated and very likable adults. My oldest graduated college Magna Cum Laude, I have two in college and one finishing high school. I would encourage everyone to pursue homeschooling. It's not hard, there are lots of resources, and you'll be very happy that you spent their most important formative years in their midst.

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I have to applaud anyone who has been able to do homeschooling. That is a remarkable accomplishment for you.

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After a child is literate, all they really need are rich information sources.

After my RN mother brought me home from the hospital, she and my (8 year) older sister started reading to me every chance they got and didn't stop until I could read to them. I entered first grade reading at a third grade level with a junior high vocabulary. I read my mother's nursing textbooks when I was in 6th grade, after beginning to work my way through a World Book Encyclopedia that my sister and I had received as a joint Christmas present the previous year

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We must avoid "throwing out the baby with the bathwater".

There are professionals that can help you in every profession. Seek them out.

My wife had an illness during while nursing our baby and she called the CDC to see if she would pass the illness to our daughter. The doctor we spoke to was knowledgeable, caring conscientious and gave us very good advice.

Climbing the summit of truth is difficult....

not everyone arrives on the summit at the same time.

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As a chronic illness patient who has more than 10 doctors, and also someone who formerly worked in the nursing field, I have a great amount of experience working in and interacting with medical professionals. Because of what I’ve dealt with over the years and witnessed from even my own doctors, especially during COVID, it’s extremely hard to be trusting anymore and you really do have to be guarded and advocate for yourself when you’re talking about long term care. It’s lovely to have a nice friendly doctor and be able to exchange pleasantries but people need to remember, they are not your friends. They work for a system that only benefits if you remain sick. I have a leg up because I have medical knowledge and know this system, I really do feel bad for those who don’t. I’m able to understand research, I can more easily see the mistakes and omissions in my medical records, you’d be shocked at how many of these there always are. I can discern biases and bad attitudes which is a huge plus. I can usually tell from the get go whether the rest of the appointment is even worth bothering with or whether they will just have their minds made up from minute one. I know a lot of lay people may not understand what information the doctors are trying to convey to them and don’t feel comfortable speaking up to them during visits. This is prime for being manipulated. You’re right, there are good doctors out there and not all of mine have been β€œtools” as I like to say and I definitely don't believe in writing off or discounting their help or experience/input, with my rarer disorders I still believe in the value of my specialists. But, they are all on very thin ice with me and have been for quite a while, COVID has just solidified my need to keep up with my research and keep my eye on what they are doing with my care more. My doctors are in three states, ME, NH, MA, from small town offices, to medium sized hospitals in Portland, to large scale centers like Brigham and Women’s in Boston….and what I have experienced is that they have all just adopted the group think mentality and it’s policy over patient. When you are looked at as part of a collective rather than an individual patient, you really have to be watchful of any advice they try to give you. Do I take their advice sometimes, of course I do. But not without some thought on my part and looking into their motives first.

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May you get cured soon.

If you want to reach out to someone with a different perspective on health and wellness, I recommend that you contact Dr. Berg or Gary Null for a different approach to healing illness.



God Bless!

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I definitely think outside the box and outside of just conventional medicine for my disorders. Ever since I developed Mast cell disorder (MCAS) specifically, I do focus on root causes and follow functional medicine approaches as well as lowering my toxin load in products, foods, etc. as much as I can. I don’t prescribe to following one person or β€œplan” though as that just doesn’t work with my conditions, especially MCAS. We have to work with our specific triggers and situation. It’s not an easy road but, I’ve been at it for a long time now and you do get better at managing your health.

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Nov 4, 2022Β·edited Nov 4, 2022

My mother was a nurse and I believe she suffered a great deal of stress at work that negatively impacted her health.

You seem as though you are managing your treatment on your own.

Do you have someone that you trust that can review your treatment directions and help you manage, navigate and assess the pros and cons of your treatment decisions?

Sometimes two heads are better than one.

I don't know if you are a spiritual / religious, but I find that prayer gets me through life's difficulties and sufferings.

FWIW, I came across this when I was looking up your condition


One of the supplements mentioned, N-acetylcysteine, got me off my Asthma meds.

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Excellent sentiment from someone who knows the system.

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That's why it seems so important to identify and amplify those medical professionals who followed their conscience and training to do good, in spite of the pressure. We NEED them!

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Few current doctors know that a nursing mother can pass "vaccine" poisons to their baby via breast milk, and few of those who do would warn a breastfeeding mother about the danger.

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I call a foul. Why recommend the vaxx to pregnant and lactating women in the first place if you are not 100% sure? Where is the data to support that? Yet the msm medical community, doctors et al did. The vaxx was declared safe for those groups.

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Where did recommendation of a "vaccine" come into it?

What would you want to be 100% sure of?

The vaxx has killed large numbers of people who thought it safe and effective, such as American Airline Captain Bob Snow.

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That's awesome. Everyone has to do their own due diligence.

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How do you trust those whose science you have no grasp of?

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Same as I did this past time. My intuition or gut reaction. It didn't add up. The other red flags like censorship. I was raised that when someone doesn't want you to know something, it is not for your benefit but theirs. I knew that testing of a product should take years not weeks. My family always had a skepticism of the medical profession. I didn't rush into anything like the sheeple. Take time to research and let it play out.

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Was simply as asking your pharmacist what the ordinary procedure is in getting drugs to market. . . Then comparing that procedure to this rush-jab.

And then following your intuition.

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Why would a pharmacist know anything about what "the ordinary procedure is in getting drugs to market?"

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I know. I am not a rocket scientist but common sense and due diligence is essential in life.

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Those not trained in law seldom know what due diligence is.

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My RN mother deified doctors, which led me to have two near misses. One, at two, where the doctor gave me a shot of penicillin for an ear infection without challenging me to find out I was allergic to it, nearly killing or crippling me with gross anaphylactic shock. The second time, in 1976, when she convinced me to get a Swine flu shot from which I nearly died from Guillain Barre Syndrome.

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Yes! While my experience wasn't quite as risky, this past summer I went to an urgent care. I'd received a "minor" dog bite three days earlier and now I had a potentially serious infection (cellulitis). They wrote me a script for antibiotic, which is standard. They also recommended a tetanus booster. I was willing to waver from my 'no vaccinations ever again" resolution. Fortunately, they had me read a signed consent. At the top of the list of contraindications was: Did I currently have an infection? I was being TREATED for having an infection!!! I pointed this error out to the attendant, and nothing more was said about a recommended tetanus shot.

Doesn't really inspire confidence in our medical care, does it?

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Nov 4, 2022Β·edited Nov 4, 2022

I am beginning to doubt that most modern medicine has little to do with real science or scientific based evidence. After reading "Turtles All The Way down" and doing other reading and research, I think much of the medical industry's "science" is voodoo and invented to force a certain agenda on the public. Granted, like snow in July in Florida, there are exceptions. There are good doctors, some good solutions and some good practices...but they are few and far between.

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I've never had anything but doubt since my 1976 encounter with the Swine flu shot and resultant GBS.

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Oh my poor you!

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It is better than being a poor you.

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I haven't read "Turtles," but just finished Malcolm Kendrick's "Doctoring Data: How to sort out medical advice from medical nonsense." (2014) and came largely to the same conclusions. Midwestern Doctor recommended the author, if not the specific book.

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The root word of pharmacy is pharmakeia in Greek, which means witchcraft. And...it is the huge % of "healthcare" these days. Good luck finding someone who isn't taking something.

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Hey, Vonu, I don't know whether I agree or disagree with you. I can't reconcile some of your comments.

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I think they are a troll. Always defending the medical community.

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What are you trying to reconcile them with?

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Each other, haha. Just trying to understand where you're coming from. Not criticizing, we're all in this together trying to save ourselves from the tyranny. Take care.

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I have dived in to educate myself which was an intense process but, I don’t trust experts anymore so must become one to care for my family and self. I like the involved topics (immunology, virology, social science) so it was a happy thing to take up the job of student

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Even as a layman, you can learn some very basic things like what to look for in a drug trial. Books (Kendrick) and articles can coach one on what to look for.

Much information is available for free on the internet, but some does require paid access (e.g. to specialist databases). I now routinely do this before taking a new medication. I did it after-the-fact for others I've used and often found dirty little secrets, such as adverse effects and, perhaps my greatest disillusionment, that often the drug or treatment offers relatively little benefit compared to doing nothing!

As an example, consider the drug Crestor (rosuvastatin). [for the record, one of my current meds] About then years ago there was a major drug trial, JUPITER that was hailed as major proof that this was truly a wonder drug. Yet, using the study's own numbers, critics quickly pointed out the drug actually proves very little net improvement. While such drugs may be indicated for targeted populations, as primary prevention they are close to useless. A critic said (more or less): "Statins do indeed reduce cholesterol for most patients. But they don't extend life expectancy. You'll die at the same time you would have if you'd not taken the drug, but you will have lower cholesterol."

As always, I try to say that this doesn't mean that all drugs nor medical care is useless. The problem is that many things are at best of dubious value, and potential harm always lurks.

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You prefer questionable competence to expertise?

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I love your comments, Annie! ❀️

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God almighty has an uncanny way of shining light into the dark and outwitting evil.

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Amen. In early days, when my own congregation was fervently praying for a vaccine, for which I was completely dismayed, knowing and having experienced what I have, I was having those heart-to-hearts with God and asking why even people of faith were behaving the way they were. I got a lot of answers, but the biggest one was TRUST ME. We're all in His hands, whether we acknowledge it or not.

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When our church masked up and was also praying for the life saving vaccine, we never masked, and I watched these people thinking they were insane. We lost our 16-year-old son to brain cancer several years ago, before covid, damned near healed him naturally, and he was killed by lies from the local children's hospital of a drug that wasn't what they said it was. The point being, we were introduced to a world we had never been exposed to with 4 healthy children up to that point, and it was DISGUSTING. I have always stood on the verse, "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but power, love, and a sound mind." I felt like churches misled their flock straight to fear. As they prayed, I prayed against their prayer and protection over all of their minds....that sound minds return and the spirit of fear, not of God, was put back in the bottle.

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Man, you got that right. Felt the same way! Fear and falsehood and idolatry was the only thing the church was offering. I can get that at Wal Mart...

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Well, Wal Mart was open.

Churches were not.

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Apparently that's where a lot of church people went after church to get their safe and effective vaccine that was more protective than God. (According to an Epoch Times article)

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β€œI can get that at Wal Mart” πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

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My great grandmother always said, β€˜inside every medicine, is a little bit of poison’ … true then and even more true today. Sage advice from our elders.

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Or as one professor of pharmacology used to tell his pharmacy students, "all drugs are essentially toxins with beneficial side effects."

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"The dose makes the poison" (Latin: dosis sola facit venenum 'only the dose makes the poison') is an adage intended to indicate a basic principle of toxicology.

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Your comments are powerful and devastating. I'm so sorry for the loss of your beloved son. Add this to the list of medical harms that the perpetrators must be held accountable for. We need a new healthcare system because the one we have is proven to be worse than useless.

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Here in WA, I wasn’t allowed to sing in the church choir because I’m not vaxxed, which made little sense because I could sing in the congregation (albeit masked). Air flow in one direction must be vaxed, but not in the opposite? I chose not to attend.πŸ™„

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The moronic rules that were created to supposedly prevent Covid make me want to tear my hair out and bang my head against the wall at the stupidity of it all!

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So ridiculous! It's like the restaurant thing. Wear a mask until seated, then you are safe!

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Very moronic. Divisive. Our church stated: no mask, no vax… watch at home.

The Churches may have had some independent decisions… but mega churches were tapped on the shoulder by NIH Dr. Loosely Collins a paid

Pharma voice of NIH to explain We must think of the other person … guilt…

That’s what Jesus would do.

Now, that data really hurt, as I take my faith seriously. ….. They bought everyone.

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Oh, you could sing if vaxxed? Wow, in the NC Novus Ordo Catholic Church that I attended (and left) no one could sing. Why would you lift your voice to the Lord??????

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I hope you’ve been able to find another church, and one that is biblically sound.

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I am quite happy in a Traditional Latin Mass Church in SD. I thank the Lord for His leading me back to my traditional faith.

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You point out something kind of important, though. When you KNOW that big pharma actually is harming us more than helping, it’s because of hard experiences. I have two autistic sons, and have really been through the ringer with them and the medical/pharma system (that very likely created their condition in the first place). So I don’t intuitively know that vaccines are suspect and doctors are significantly owned by the pharma industry. I was forced into it, kicking and screaming. So now a mass event has forced others into it with us. So I’m trying to have compassion for those learning the hard way, kind of like we did.

I’m so sorry about your son. I lost a brother to a brain tumor several years ago. To this day, we’re pretty convinced it was the pharmaceutical cancer treatment that destroyed his quality of life and ultimately ended it. I feel him around sometimes, though, reminding me to have hope in better things to come. ❀️

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I had a close family friend who years ago died after receiving a cancer treatment. Even the medical professionals later admitted that it wasn't her cancer but her body's inability to metabolize the toxic treatments that led to her death. That was one of the first aha! moments for me and there have been plenty more since.

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Why are they praying for a vaccine when their creator gave them an immune system they are starving into dysfunction?

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Because they were afraid and deceived. Why are Christians so afraid?? "For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain."

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Maybe it is the multiplicity of disparate translations that concern them.

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In my church, we only had one lady, a nurse cancer- survivor, who commented that we should recognize and be thankful that God gave the scientists the knowledge to create the cv vaccines so fast. She left our church when we wouldn't shut down, wouldn't social distance nor require masks. Several months later, we learned her cancer had returned and this time was very aggressive. She's dead now. It's really sad. Her husband came back after her death, but just had to have heart surgery. He's still kicking, so far...

I still haven't figured out why some are/were SO deceived and others weren't.

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Sheer hubris if you think you can fool God.

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It is hard to see that light with blinders on.

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Aren’t you tired by now? Why don’t you just take your pea shooter and your very unlikely tales and go home?

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You are going to tire of bullying me long before I tire of telling uncomfortable truths.

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Beautifully said!

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The only conformation to this world that any of us ever needed was provided by our creator.

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Those who believe in the trinity have three masters.

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oh I so hope you guys are right. That video of the heterodox politicians standing up and showing clips of all the people who have protested...it brought tears to my eyes. This is what we've been praying for. I hope and pray that it's finally here.

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The dam is breaking. Let's hope we'll get many new America First representatives in Congress after Nov. 8th in spite of the fraud that's still built into the system.

If we can get a massive enough turnout we can overcome the fraud. Everyone PLEASE vote.

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Definitely getting out and voting, but seriously... when has a R majority ever worked before? I get it, I really do, and I'm voting straight R because the other side belongs in a loony bin right now. But I don't have a lot of hope that they'll solve the problems that matter most. Maybe just not push quite as hard and fast toward the cliffs, you know?

"Put not your trust in princes" and all.

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That is my CONSTANT refrain with my friends and groups I belong to. It is NOT ENOUGH to just vote. Once the election is over you must maintain constant vigilance to hold the people you voted for accountable. It's work. There are a lot of layers. City council, school board, county, state, etc. But the alternative is to trust them. Squeaky wheel does still work most of the time. Left to their own devices the swamp eventually captures most of them. It's our job to make sure they have an alternative to taking PAC dollars and listening to lobbyists.

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If you don't begin with discernment, you will end with despondency.

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AI for sure. Can’t quite get the human piece.

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The BiPolar Duopoly needs to be amended in some manner. I'm open to ideas. In the same way that fiat currency and resource based currency differ, so to do forms of representation. Let's start there.

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The bipartisan dictatorship that is based on the two major parties' guaranteed ballot access needs to be destroyed.

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These are America First candidates. They are tough and beholden to no one.

It's not the Grand Old Party of country club membership. These new people roll up their sleeves and have done actual work.

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We MUST vote!

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Which is great and I really, really hope it works, but... I'm old enough to have helped elect several really promising candidates who then got completely co-opted by the machine almost the second they set foot in DC. Something to do with stock portfolios, corporate slush funds, and committee placements. Keep trying, of course.

But the real action is in the local elections. Pfz has already purchased your congressional reps. But even they can't be bothered to buy every school board member, mayor, and county commissioner. And you can actually show up at the public meetings and hold their feet to the fire, as we've seen a lot lately. Why is the FBI even interested in moms who protest at schoolboard meetings? Because that's actually important, actually makes a difference, and it threatens the federal pay-to-play apparatus when large numbers of people realize that they *can* successfully fight back against the machine (and how!).

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The feebs know: if anybody ever storms their corrupt-to-the-roots castle demanding accountability... it'll probably include veterans of the school-board wars ;)

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My son has recently joined the Non-Partisan Delaware party and is running for local Sheriff. He is on the ballot. Many are tired of having just two parties to choose from. There is a good amount of non-Republicans, non-Dems on our local ballot. It's a start.

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I would LEAP at the chance to vote for a sane non-mainstream party in local elections.

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Me too...!! I hope they get got good. Enough!

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The whole of our federal government is run by select cartels, all designed to enrich those they regulate. End stages of an empire approaching collapse. A great purge of the gov't, eliminating 90% of the agencies completely, plus drastic restarts for those we keep, is about all that can prevent the collapse.

Eliminate agencies. Eliminate the Fed. Remove money and career potential from politics. Without that, you can cut out chunks of the cancer, but it will still regrow.

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The IRS should be the first to go.

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It's an illegal institution anyway.

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The 2.9 Quadrillion derivative asset bubble agrees with you. When not If. Brace for impact.

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Well said, James.

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There have certainly been "back door blessings" (as a friend said to me). If nothing else, it has woken up many, many people to the evils of our government, religious, educational and medical institutions and world leaders. God allowed the evil so that we can step up and make changes that are truly beneficial to humanity.

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More than that....the government-media-big tech company collusion has also been exposed. Add to that the deep corruption of the FBI, CIA, DOJ. And there are many more.

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everything happens for a reason ! we have now seen who we cannot trust. Now we have to find some we can. We already have Jeff and a few others, but will any of them run for president you think?

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I think that’s a great quote…

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while taking....

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Nov 4, 2022Β·edited Nov 4, 2022

Intrigued, had to scoot off wayyyy up for the context ↓↓ to embed your quip in πŸ˜‰

πŸ—¨ covid really is the gift that keeps on giving...

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Don’t forget that the infiltrated church has also been exposed.

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Nov 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I’m hoping you get in on the Missouri case Jeff!

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Praying you get in on the Missouri case. The puppy killer will never know what hit him!

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Never ever thought I would be interested in a AG's doings, much less an out-of-state one's, but Eric Schmitt is one of my heroes during this time.

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Yep MO may have a weak RINO gov and a dysfunctional infighting legislature, but we do have a great AG...except, whoops, he will be our next Senator on Nov 9. God help us if our governor appoints some swamp creature to take his place.

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Nov 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

β€œThe depositions will go forward in the first two weeks of December.”, Merry Christmas to you, mother-truckers!🀣🀣🀣

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"We're gonna fire-board those mutha-jammaz"


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Nov 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Warn your friends and loved ones who may be inclined to get a flu shot to be on the lookout for this new flu/vid mashup. 😠

Remember how easy it was for people to β€œaccidentally” receive the vid shot LAST year, when all they wanted was the flu? 😑. Just imagine THIS year when the two are combined in one needle. 😠. β€œYou said you wanted flu. We didn’t KNOW you didn’t want vid along with it.” β€œOh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know you didn’t want vid too. But the combo is all we have in stock, it was your only option.”

*IF* one is still inclined to receive the safe and effective flu shot (which, actually, is neither safe nor effective albeit not nearly as unsafe as the vid shots), one should be incredibly wary. Wise as a serpent, Jesus said.

We have told our elderly moms - repeatedly - to just not get ANY shots. No flu, no nothing. No matter how sweetly convincing their drs sound. I pray they are not sweet-talked into anything. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­

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Nov 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

They will spend days researching consumer products like cars and appliances but do

NO research and "trust the gov and their doctor" when is comes to medication and jabs.

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And....if I may add, these are people who read the backs of all products they buy for natural ingredients, non GMO, organic Blah Blah....who seek out holistic Dr.'s for themselves and their pets, etc....but when It came to this Faux/Pseudo/experimental Vax they readily gobbled it up like a fat bottom feeding Carp.

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Yes, I've been rather astounded by that. I really couldn't believe it when I started to hear of those types falling for all the fear porn and doing something so out of line with their beliefs. Very disappointing, to say the least.

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Lol. Try growing your own food and you will laugh at the β€œorganic” food at the grocery store.

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As if an acutely alert player character co-existed with comatose npc in some improbably weird superposition πŸ€”

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Exactly. Just took a walk with a jabbed and boosted friend who said she always does research too much research especially when she just had a steroid shot for her painful knee. She said she found that it could lead to blot clots and since she has a family history of blood clots she was very upset. She called her nephew who is a Dr and he talked her off the ledge so she got the steroid shot. She said she β€œalways does that, research too much and goes crazy!”. In my head I thought well obviously you didn’t do enough β€œresearch” about the jab! She’s overweight and her and husband both have diabetes and he is getting his second boost. Then she tells me her 90 yo mother in an AL has COVID bad (again) and is jabbed and boosted. I just sigh πŸ˜”.

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Like Betty White said...You can’t fix stupid...but you can numb it with a 2x4!!!

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Nov 4, 2022Β·edited Nov 4, 2022

Well, doctors and hospitals are in it for benevolence and helping humanity. Those others are just salespeople who just want your money. So of COURSE we can trust the doctors. (Sarcasm.)

Unfortunately, while I believe that many doctors truly are in medicine to help humanity, most have been so deceived that they cannot possibly conceive of the ways they have been lied to and misled. It truly is a deception of evil proportions, I am NOT saying the doctors themselves are all evil (yes, many, many are) but that many well-intended, compassionate people went into medicine with the noblest of motives and intentions. However, most grew up immersed in the conventional medicine paradigm, believe that modern medicine and scientific advances are God’s gifts to humankind, and they literally cannot imagine that their teachers and mentors would themselves have been misled or lied to.

Earlier this year a cardiologist friend was exclaiming about a mutual, elderly, retired physician friend who had (despite being vaccinated, although that part was not acknowledged) contracted the Virus. β€œIsn’t it wonderful that XXXX has gone these two years and not gotten (The Virus), but now when she does, there is Paxlovid for it?!” I mean, Pax is God’s gift, in her eyes.

I pointed out that early treatment has existed even before Pax, but my comment was not heard or attended to amidst the other comments.

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Agree most Drs are in it for the right reasons, but what good are they if they don’t question the $cience and the orders to obey and be quiet? The new young Drs that I recently met at a University hospital in AZ wanted no discussion about the jab risks etc. My SIL was admitted there for breathing issues and seizures. She’s been jabbed and boosted and has had no health issues in the past except for a knee injury. All the young Drs there just said they were following hospital protocols and mandates as they proceeded to put her on a vent. Thank God we flew down there to be by her side and fight for her life. Thank God we did! Talking to the sheeple who are lining up for their 4th jab is of no use. Unless the MSM reveals the truth they will continue to go along to get along and follow orders. It’s quite scary.

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The habits of following the rules and keeping one’s thoughts β€œinside the box” are inculcated early and thoroughly in our modern industrial educational system.

Despite claims to the contrary, our current industrial educational system does not encourage or often even tolerate original ideas or questions or ways of doing things. And, how can it, when 30 or more kids are warehoused ina single classroom, and the teacher is expected to get all of them through a proscribed curriculum?

Those who adapt best to this system are those, generally, who are rewarded with the good grades They can learn what is given to them, regurgitate it on tests, and thus progress to the next level. And to college, and eventually to medical school or elsewhere.

So, you see, they are accustomed to jumping through the hoops, to not rocking the boat much, to regurgitating what they have been told. Not all of them, of course. But many. And they have zero idea that this is the case. Zero.

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Willingly join a profession that actively engages in restraint of trade by severely limiting the number of people that can practice medicine thus resulting in bills that can bankrupt the medical consumer.

They prescribe many patented high cost drugs when there are many low cost alternatives.

Pax is God’s gift, in her eyes and her BANK ACCOUNT. Bet she has a large Pfizer stock stash!

Physician, heal thyself.

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"Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing." ~Voltaire.Β 

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Yes. However, most of us have been trained to view any kind of licensing as being done to protect the public rather than as a means of restraining activity.

I like how I recently heard someone define license: β€œa license is permission to do what would otherwise not be permitted.”

So, license to drive a car. Really, I am not allowed to drive, without government permission? License to cut hair? I cannot cut hair without government permission?

I mean, somehow we do want to ensure a certain level of competency in our communities. We want to know that folks behind the wheel of a car know the traffic laws and have learned how to safely operate the 2,000 pound hunk of steel they are propelling down the highway. But it does also seem a useful exercise to re-examine what, exactly, licensure REALLY means.

I mean, I had never given it much thought myself until the last couple of years.

Point being, many doctors don’t realize that licenses do indeed restrict trade. They just don’t see it that way.

And yes, we need other non-conventional physicians to be free to do some of what currently is restricted by the licensing and board cert hurdles.

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Boom! Nailed it.

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No offense, but my elderly parents will get any shot that is available because their "doctor said so." They are very gullible that way.

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The elderly are being preyed upon… many don’t even have the executive functioning ability to make those decisions for themselves anymore.

And the pharmaceutical companies know this and capitalize on that. It’s predatory.

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Same. My mom is just gullible and my dad (a former DDS) believes everything from the medical establishment as fact. :(

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I think β€œthey’ve β€œ made it a milestone for the elderly to be on medication and β€œdo what the doctor says β€œ.... the commercials alone are so disturbing that are targeting elderly.

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Young doctors do too. I know one in particular.

They were brought up to β€œrespect your teachers and elders.” It doesn’t mean to do that in spite of the Truth. πŸ™„ I can almost forgive them this huge failure of their oath.

However, seasoned docs knew/know to look off label, make do on the front lines when there are no answers. For example, the docs who could not tell their patients that there were no early treatments for Covid, go home until you can’t breathe then go to the hospital and die. Alone. They are heroes.

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Fortunately my dad, 95, was red pilled early on. The "follow the money" argument worked, then my triple jabbed sister and brother-in-law got covid which sealed the deal. No covid shot for him. I was a little worried he'd be talked into the flu shot at his annual physical last week but he stood firm.

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My 92 year old mom who has never taken a vax of any kind is doing great; gets outside every day for a walk, never isolated or wore a mask. My 93 year old aunt had one vaccine, the Swine flu, which almost killed her; she was paralyzed for almost a year and required extensive rehab, and has never had another vax of any kind. Sadly some of her children got the Covid vaccine because their adult children wouldn’t see them if they didn’t . One has been diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s despite no genetic markers for the disease and another had a reoccurrence of brain cancer within a month of the jab and died 6 months later. There is no end to these sad stories.

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Covid lockdowns turned my fairly active mother into an invalid because she couldn't toddle around and shop. And then the multiple covid vax's gave her breast cancer. I tried to talk her out of the shots...

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The impacts on our older ones have been devastating and immoral.

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I’m so sorry to hear that.

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I have been in tears for 6 weeks since my father passed from renal failure. Between the heart damage I suspect from the jab, and the fact that his volunteer position at the children’s hospital that he loved and kept him active was stripped from him for β€œsafety”, these people

Killed my father and I will never forgive and I will never forget. He was 84, yes but if those things hadn’t happened, the jab and job loss, I’m convinced he’d still be here.

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I am so sorry for your loss. My mother died from pancreatic cancer, which I know was from the shots (she had three). But I truly hope that you don't hold on to that anger--forgiveness is for our own good, not the ones that harmed us/our loved ones. Unforgivess is like taking poison and expecting the one who hurt you to die. That said, never forget and DO seek justice, but ask God to help you forgive so that the anger and bitterness does not kill you.

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My uncle

Mid 70’s

No known health conditions

An avid outdoorsman - hiked in the woods for miles

Took the vaccine and promptly went into kidney failure … which progressed to heart failure. So multiple organ failure …after the vaccine. My aunt who was married to him for 55 years said the vaccine killed him, there’s no other explanation, so I suspect you are correct too.

Sending you and your family prayers πŸ™πŸ»

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Thank you. Same to you!

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True. But keep in mind how they were raised on Dr. Welby, MD, Dr. Kildare, and the like. You know, the fatherly, well educated, kind, honest, looking out for the patients best interest, etc. type. With training like that, why wouldn’t they simply go along? Psyops started decades ago....

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In my grandmother's day, there were family doctors and they would even go to their patient's home if necessary!

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Nov 4, 2022Β·edited Nov 4, 2022

Yes, that is my point. My own mother and mother in law are the same.

I recently offered my mom some alternative helps for her health, which she acknowledges have been helpful for me, and she declined, saying she wants to see her dr (β€œwho is very thorough”) first. Sigh. And then came home from said appointment reporting that, among other things, dr said she is due for (major invasive screening test requiring sedation). I was thinking, yeah, but that has risks, and even though you are having β€œissues” with said body system, the doctors are not going to offer you anything to fix the issues other than drugs; do you really want to go on drugs?! Not to mention there are multiple issues that need resolving (and, with proper, straightforward treatment amd self-discipline can be resolved in several months time) before undergoing sedation for a somewhat not necessary procedure. Sigh. Bang head on wall. Sigh.

And not to mention said issues would likely resolve over time with offered alternative therapies. That are both simple and cheap, and also safe and effective, for real.

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I agree

This whole debacle has me rethinking β€˜preventative care’… as well

which I now view as big business

Yet another huge money making arm of the medical cartel

Do healthy people with no family history of risk factors… really need screening?

That’s certainly what we’ve been told in a big flashy media campaign… you all must get mammograms and colonoscopies…

Healthy people

Exposed to radiation and sedation … I’m no longer drinking all the Kool-aid

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Nov 4, 2022Β·edited Nov 4, 2022

Can't blame 'em a teeny-tiny tad: trust in docs is not unlike a keystone holding the whole arc of their worldview together. The smug 'gullible' just ain't cutting it 🀷

All the graver the crime of med/pharma predators preying on them without slightest compunction 🀬

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Yes...a great many of the elderly will follow their doctors' recommendations without any question at all. They trust them implicitly.

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Only too natural, totally to be expected: it's an underlying trust at the very core of worldview, and sure you can't fight beliefs with any amount of data πŸ™‚

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What I see as a big problem is that despite people now avoiding the COVID shots, they still trust the damn flu shot. The immune system doesn't work like they've been told. A shot in the arm doesn't create antibodies that will shut down flu before it's significant.

You stop an upper respiratory infection at the start by addressing the upper respiratory response. Perhaps a vaccine that triggers an immune response THERE does/could work. But so does nasal rinse with iodine, as well as nebulized hydrogen peroxide in saline with some iodine. But that's too cheap, isn't it... and it doesn't create new customers for life when it causes those "statistically meaningless" adverse events....

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Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC Physicians) website shows research about the annual flu shot- it has never brought down deaths or hospitalizations from the flu. Ever. Another lie.

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Exactly, Alison Smith! It’s so disturbing, how effective the marketing/propaganda is.

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Flu, rsv, and other respiratory illnesses are rampant in my area right now, about 2-3 months ahead of schedule in my southern state. Wonder if this bivalent jab is why...

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Same here. The sheeple are sick. They are still not connecting the dots. What are you gonna do except say to them "bahh, bahhh,, bahhh!" 😁

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Love Uncle Ted! No filter on him.

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I could listen to that clip ALL DAY !!! How Can I make a ring tone out of it ? πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£

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I laughed really hard, if only because he just didn’t care about what anyone said or thought but spoke his mind. I don’t think everyone who took it was exactly stupid, but they did believe the lies that were told about it or were coerced into it 😞

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I remember when he first came out with that video. Lmao. Was soooo funny!!!

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Nov 4, 2022Β·edited Nov 4, 2022

I wonder how many that are getting RSV and flu are fully jabbed. RSV here in GA along with flu cases is skyrocketing, but where is the flu the past two years?

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Nov 4, 2022Β·edited Nov 4, 2022

They will never say as it doesn't support their narrative. In my workplace it is 100% vaxxed getting sick. I know because I am the only unvaxxed one here. And I am not sick.

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Well, also lockdowns, isolation, and the original wuhan injections.

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I just recently read somewhere that RSV was also created in a lab and it escaped. I don't know if this is true or not.

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I am now the β€œelderly mom” @ 70 and I have learned to manage my own healthcare and control the narrative with my new (since 2021) Doctor without discord. jibJab, no way! Updated shingles 2 part shot, no thanks. Flu shot, pneumonia shot, ...nope, not happening. She will however add any additional blood tests I ask for in addition to her standard ones (she had to search hard for the fasting insulin check box because it’s almost never done!). Asked for a CGM (continuous glucose monitor) and she said tell her which one I want and she’ll write the script. So far, so good. I no longer need any of the prescriptions I took for years -- big pharma doesn’t like my type I’m sure!

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They never told me until after the fact that the tetanus shot I went in for also included the pertussis vaccine. Very deceitful.

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Yes, it’s a crime. This happens to people all the time in the ER. They call it a β€˜tetanus shot’, but it includes diphtheria & pertussis, too. So much for β€˜informed consent’.

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And I'll bet they didn't instruct you to stay away from babies and immunocompromised because you would be shedding the pertussis/whooping cough for a while. . .

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Problem here. Military have to have flu shots. My kids are in the military. My daughter is just sick about this.

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All too often it's not sweet talk that is used, but intimidation and even downright bullying. And most people just can't stand up to that kind of authority (who's spitting out a bunch of science-y sounding smart talk) and say no.

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I keep reminding my folks about what they’ve read in Epoch times, and reminding them that they agree the shots are bad. But then they go for their annual and their doc tells them the shots are β€˜safe and effective’ so they get them.

During my August and September visits (they live 5.5 hours drive away) I convinced them not to get any shots, not even the flu vax, but truthfully, I’ve been reticent to bring it up over the phone. I really can’t handle their answer.

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I tried to warn my sister about the flu shot... she assured me her doctor knew she only wanted the old shot… That’s in the state of Missouri so prayers that she only got the old fashion flu shot.… She has refused to take the Covid shotοΏΌ

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The attached videos in this post were great. Ted Nugent (gosh I wish he was president) said it all. You're a sheep to get the Shot. "But my job is on the line". Get a new job! Move! If we don't stop them here, They'll keep pushing us.

Turn in your gold. Turn in your guns. Stop using gasoline. Don't question elections or Shots. Don't be a Christian or proud of being White (or whatever race). Use trans pronouns or get fired or go to jail.

Will we keep taking this crap from Those In Power? NO! The answer is to stop complying. The covid scam is just part of Their attempt to bring down our society and make us controllable like sheep.

The last video of the lady calling out the EU for lying about the Jabs was great. It's harder for the tyrants to control us when we ridicule them in public.

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I’m SO SICK AND TIRED of our president THREATENING US citizens.

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I’m living in a country without a duly elected President. I have no President.

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Corn pop is a POS.

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Ghoulish! I have nightmares!

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UNITED WE STAND!!!!! One God indivisible with liberty and justice for all! It is certainly time for all Christians to be heard! οΏΌοΏΌ

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The first meaningful steps down the stop-complying path are the ones that cut off revenue to the thugocracy of self-appointed experts.

These people exist on other folks' cash, so cease buying their products. Cancel paid subscriptions to satellite and cable television services. Consider carefully how you file and pay your federal income tax.

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And yes, thugocracy is totally right!!

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The "Let's move on" and Amnesty talk is more of the same psychological manipulation of the abuser to the abused we've been subject to for 2+ years. Many have said we need a sincere apology first. That is true, we do need an apology, but before that they need to stop the abuse. At the same time the infamous amnesty article came out, Dr. Peter McCullough was stripped of his medical license and credentials for the crime of being right and saving lives. That is one example of many abuses that are still ongoing. These people need to use their platform to condemn the abuses and call for them to stop before I will even consider their apology and moving on.

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yes I agree...the bruise is currently still swelling on our faces and they hand us an icepack and some makeup and say "oh clean yourself up and get over it". That's about what this feels like.

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They give us a nice card and tell us they love us and that’s why they did what they did 🀬🀬🀬

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Domestic Abuse Types....One can draw parallels with the Covid-19 abuser tyrants-

Emotional or psychological abuse, which includes yelling, cursing, name-calling, bullying, coercing, humiliating, gaslighting, harassing, infantilizing, threatening, frightening, isolating, manipulating, or otherwise controlling another person. Emotional/psychological abuse can be just as harmful as sexual or physical abuse.

Neglect, which involves failing to provide a child or a dependent adult with necessities such as food, water, clothing, shelter, medical care, or supervision. Neglect can also be emotional, which involves failing to provide love, care, and emotional support to a family member.

Financial abuse, which involves taking control of an individual's finances by controlling their income, restricting their ability to work, or accumulating debts in their name.

Cultural identity abuse, which involves using aspects of a person's cultural identity to cause pain. This might involve threatening to out a person as LGBTQ+, using racial or ethnic slurs, or not permitting the person to practice traditions and customs of their faith.

Technological abuse, which involves using technology as a means to threaten, stalk, harass, and abuse the other person.6 Examples of this form of abuse include using tracking devices to monitor someone's movements or online activities and demanding to have access to the person's social media or email accounts.

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YES!! Their apology MUST include how they were wrong and post all the docs that were right. Especially McCullough, acknowledge his contributions and for Gods Sake reinstate his license with fanfare! This man as well as so many others saved lives!!!

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All mandates need to be null and void. All the evil doers pushing the cooties jab need to be held accountable.

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Well said!

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Yes!!! Totally agree with you!!

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Nov 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

The Supreme Court has previously ruled that the right to receive information is a fundamental right protected under the U.S. Constitution. They held that β€œthe right to receive ideas is a necessary predicate to the recipient’s meaningful exercise of his own rights of speech, press, and political freedom.” Board of Education v. Pico, 457 U.S. 853 (1982).

Let's hope Resident Biden's "1984 Covid Truth Ministers" are removed from office for violating our Civil Rights.

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Including the ones in the DoD.

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This is an excellent point too often overlooked: de-platforming someone infringes the rights of ALL of us who might wish to hear what they have to say, not just the rights of that party.

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I agree.

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I agree! Let’s move on: prosecute, fire, disband organizations. Giddy up, high ho Silver! Let’s go. But never forget.

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Pray for Jeff Childers to get in on the Missouri depositions. No nansy pansy questioning allowed.

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"Put it behind us" my a$$ !

NEVER forget.

Hi Ho Silver.... AWAY !!!!

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It's almost as though they don't realize that the more they try to "move on" and dodge blame the more outraged everyone else becomes. Oh well, learn the hard way I guess. Avanti!

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Yes Time to Expose all lies!!

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Nov 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

That Christine Anderson is such a light for us. Her sharp words and clear delivery make her a joy to listen to.

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A real fearless heroine.

What's striking is the huge number of anti-Covid vax mandate protests all over Europe in the past year to barely any that I know of in the US. Why might that be? Are they better organized or more motivated?

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I wonder if that's because we have some insane anti anti-vaxxers who will do who-knows-what to anyone protesting the shot. Perhaps over there, they're more civil?

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Nov 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

This doesn't reflect all teachers but coming from a person with a grandmother, mother, father, sister and wife that are teachers it's not the teachers but administrators that cause the mess were in. My wife is at school till 6pm most days. As a Florida elementary school ESE teacher she works her butt off for her kids while administrators keep piling on more and more reports and testing requirements.

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Nov 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Sadly true. My retired high school sciences teacher hubby got flack from admin because he corrected spelling and grammar on the science work handed in. (Teaching after 2001) He was one happy ex teacher when he retired. The big problems for him were admin and parents (these days). Back when he began in the 70’s parents generally backed the teachers. Admin was ALWAYS a problem.

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I do know good, ethical, moral school teachers but I also know of very bad ones. And I also know for a fact of all the illicit sex going on either between school employees or teachers/administrators and parents of students and other configurations. Right now a friend is distressed because her son's wife is conducting an affair with an elementary school teacher (man) at her kid's school and divorcing her husband and they have 3 little kids. This is just one situation. I know personally of many. And the previous Supt.. at our local brainwashing institute/school was having sex with a number of teachers. My friend who taught there informed me And I attended public school as did my kids and now some of my grandkids so I am aware of the crap that goes on in the schools.

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Yup. Schools are just another microcosm of basic human behavior. No justification but they are no bastions of truth nor morality. Like most organizations including churches. The nasty is our children are in there.

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I can attest to this as well lol. Worked in one elementary school my entire career and my first day there I was alerted to the sexual goings on between the married science teacher and a married classroom teacher. Oy didn’t need to know this on first day! Well, for the next 27 years I witnessed secret meetings under the stairs between married teachers with other married teachers, a young married woman with two babies hooking up with the Single gym teacher from one of our satellite schools and having a baby with him, the principal fooling around with his assistant, it went on and on and everyone knew of everyone’s business. It was like a soap opera. We had bad teachers and assistants come to work high, stealing from each other’s rooms, stealing from drugstore down the block, hitting kids, sleeping on the job, etc

So glad I retired early!!

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Right now, in the school we get taxed/reamed for, an assistant principal of 20 some years who also coaches/coached girls' basketball has been arrested at school by Sheriff's deputies, jailed, bailed out, and will finally stand trial for a sexual affair with a girl basketball player 2 or 3 years ago. He was caught then but the truth did not fully come out then and he was kept on by the super who is now also being sued. They always cover for each other cuz who knows when the coverer will also need cover. Oh, the crime and corruption in all schools.

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My mom, my aunt, both sisters, several cousins, and now my daughter in law are all (or have been) public school teachers. Watching them, the most obvious thing is that we don’t pay teachers nearly enough to do the difficult work that teaching has become. Asking someone who makes $40,000 a year (and needs a master’s degree to advance) to just do planning on evenings and weekends is not the answer. But most of the funds go to top heavy administrations, and yes, ridiculous diversity garbage.

If teachers earned a better salary, more high quality people would enter the profession and the resulting competition would drive out the riffraff who can’t spell or use correct grammar or who have affairs with coworkers or go into teaching simply because they get summers off and don’t actually like kids or teaching. But we have to start by gutting administrative overhead. And then stop expecting teachers to also be social workers or substitute parents or police officers.

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Newly retired NYC special ed teacher. If I knew then what I know now, I wouldn’t have busted my behind to have the perfect class with the perfect lesson plan. The Admin was always up our butts for perfection and Data. They only cared about numbers and stats and drove us bonkers. I didn’t have the thick skin like some and took a lot of the BS personally and seriously. We were required to work occasional weekend mornings for Parent workshops as well as late nights for conferences. I worked many hours planning and preparing on weekends and even summers off I was always researching and looking for new material. I’ve been hit, bitten and attacked by many a student and verbally abused by strung out crazy parents. Have called child welfare services on a few for abuse and was told to hide when that parent came looking for me. Had plenty of nightmares and missed out on a lot of fun with my own family cause I was so busy with work. Gave myself migraines, carpal tunnel, frozen shoulder and bulging discs from the job. I now have Adrenal Fatigue which my Dr says took years to get and will take a long time to correct. I am currently working on detoxing my life!

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You have my respect and admiration. Have you ever read the books of Charlotte Iserbyt, John Gatto, Dean Gotcher, or a book titled Educating For The New World Order? Also a book by the late Maureen Heaton. These people tipped us off years ago about what we see happening now.

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Thank you πŸ™

I will look into these authors/books.

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My pleasure. Here for you and others (please pass it on if you think it useful) is some info by Dean Gotcher. His explanation of Diaprax explained to me much of what I saw going on in the government schools. Our daughter was tricked into a "gifted" class at Bexley elementary/junior high. Presented to us as academic enrichment, this "pull-out" class, in lieu of Social Studies (which is also rotten) was really Diaprax/brainwashing using special materials such as Harry Stottlemeier from Montclair State Uni. and a guy named Lippman and also Jr. Great Books, offshoot of Great Books Foundation from University of Chicago and a couple of Socialists/Commies. I could speak for an hour about Bexley's lies to me.

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Diaprax - Practicing the Dialectic

Lynn Stuter also wrote about Diaprax as used by government rats and others. Look it up.

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Yes. Our experience not enough money or respect considering the education needed. The dedication. My hubby corrected papers way into the night. He worked hard to teach. But problems in schools were writ large and included teachers, sadly, during the pandemic snd I heard several say they didn’t want to be around the β€œchild plague rats”. Yes one said that. Online was fine with them. Of course results vary everywhere. If I was to do it again I would homeschool. Unless education gets its act together.

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Ohio teachers are quite well paid. And administrators even more so.

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Exactly. Retired special Ed school teacher here. The Admin was the problem, not the students!

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That's what bureaucracies, and therefore bureaucrats, do - justify their own existence, and their expansion, by making other people do busy-work that allows the bureaucrats to check off blocks and write another bullet on their evaluation support form. Teachers would be so much better off if school choice were available, as recently passed in Arizona - the per-student tax dollars formerly allocated to government schools can now be used by families for any legitimate educational expense, even homeschooling. Elementary school teachers could advertise to be 'microschool' teachers - receive the allocated dollars for, say, 10 students. Corey DeAngelis is a great source of information for these concepts and policies.

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Wow. That’s great! Will never happen in my state.

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In the past several decades I’ve seen a sharp, continuous decline of high quality teachers who dress and act like professionals, who truly love what they do and who put their heart and soul into educating students with academics and critical thinking skills (vs critical race theory) that will prepare them for the real world, provide a basis for sound decisions or a career that will be able to support them and their family. They have a very powerful union that demands limited hours of actual teaching, paid time off for everything and a system that protects bad teachers. Before everyone gets up in arms, I realize there are some good, dedicated teachers but in my experience they are few and far between as reflected in the test scores and decline in the U.S.’s standing in the world of students receiving a solid education in core academics.

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Nov 4, 2022Β·edited Nov 4, 2022

Yes, this.

My daughter is an excellent elementary school teacher. Caught between idiotic school administrators and children who’ve never learned to respect adults, (lack of any meaningful parenting at home) she’s contemplating leaving the profession.

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My daughter was a great elementary teacher, she generally taught 6th and 7th grade because she was really good and patient with that age group and also because so many other teachers said they just couldn't handle them! The kids loved her, but she finally gave up teaching 6 years ago because teaching had evolved into so many other time wasting things that were nothing to do with actual education. Endless testing and preparing for testing, filling out reports and paperwork, yada yada yada. So she left teaching and wanted to become a labor and delivery nurse, still working towards that if possible, but she may not be able to do that either due to the vaccine ridiculousness (she's still unvaxxed). She tells me a lot of her former co-workers have also left teaching in total disgust.

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It’s sooooooooo sad! My husband teaches rotc in a high school and doesn’t have any of the teacher crap to deal with, but the other teachers and principal have a hard time with an alpha male. So dumb and so sad!!!

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That is happening in my district as well.

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We NEED outstanding teachers, pay is low. Parents have little interest. And raising two sons,

Honestly, we NEED men to teach. Alpha Men Role models. Which, sadly is the most #deplorable if one were dumb to listen to #Hillary or #Sonny. Now, homeschool is best.

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Is the pay low? Great benefits, awesome retirement plans, great work schedule, community support and recognition. I heard so many bellyaching about how much better they could do in the private world, yet precious few examples of β€˜jumping ship’. I always felt it was a respectful salary, but I wasn’t looking to keep up with β€˜the Joneses’.

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I’m told it is in Fl. They need teachers

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I admire the integrity and work ethic of your family. That’s our Norman Rockwell concept of teachers. Unfortunately, it is not the norm today and too many teachers have some curious things they want to teach.

The reports and testing requirements are way out of line. Some places those results are made up.

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There are bad eggs everywhere.

In every profession. (Teachers, MDs,


But in general

I believe many want to do the right thing

I believe leadership is responsible for how education has currently gone off the rails … buying the diversity equity and inclusion agenda being sold to all of corporate America and now schools

it’s administrations, a few bad actor woke agenda counselors and teachers, and it’s the teachers unions!!! Pushing a lot of this

Schools have been captured by the democratic party through union donations … we see that with randi weingarten… who is the head of the teachers union and now a government operative…

I feel bad for the good teachers left in education

The kids are an absolute mess as a result of what happened over the last two years

so teachers are being asked to do an impossible job right now. They’re being asked to be security guard, parent, counselor and teacher after an unprecedented time in education


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Yep. The ones NOT in the classroom write the text books too. So ridiculous!

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Yes many good teachers

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Nov 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

In CA when people are laid off, employers don’t need to give notice since it’s an β€œAt Will” state. The only think HR needs to do is give the employee their final paycheck the day they are let go. So, it takes a little bit of planning for the check to be accurate when delivered. It would include all outstanding vacation pay, if the company allowed vaca accumulation, and any severance if the employee was entitled to it and payment for work up until that day.

Twitter employees should learn to read employee their handbook before whining up a blue streak (no pun intended). 😬

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Exactly! Boohooo cry babies! Zero sympathy for the ones who helped manipulate the masses. Zero sympathy for the ones who manipulated information, censored information and lied and caused real working people to get fired for standing up and saying no to injecting poison into themselves.

Wee wee wee all the way home twatter employees.

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I've been unceremoniously frog-marched out of several NYC law firms when my services were no longer required. My computer shut down, carrying my personal stuff in a bankers box. It's humiliating, and it happens. No tears for Twatter employees.

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Having grown up in a home with an abused, terrorized mother and a violent, abusive, alcoholic nutso father I see the parallels clearly.

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I think Ted Nugent is out of line. The truly evil aspect about the Covid shots was how the government lied and told us that our compliance would help save the lives of others. I know many people who went and got "vaccinated" for this very reason. They are good, conscientious people who truly believed they were acting selflessly by rolling up their sleeves. And, let's not forget, far too many churches echoed the government line and encouraged their congregation to accept mRNA into their bodies.

The real Deplorables draw government paychecks.

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I guess so but the vitriol I was subjected to by friends??? And family . The shunning. The guilting and other abuses (actually told I would kill them) looks like the actions of a pack of wolves, in sheeps clothing.

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I have contempt for those who castigated the unvaxxed. To shun family members over this was/is unconscionable. I shouldn't say it, but I am glad those people took the shot. I hope they are current on their boosters, too.

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Unfortunately, these "good, conscientious people who truly believed they were acting selflessly by rolling up their sleeves" were sometimes some of the same people who vilified others for not doing the same. That included the churches who also vilified congregants who didn't tow the line! As a lifelong Christian, I was incredibly disheartened by this cowardly show of bias. Where was their faith over fear? It literally went out the window. So sad!

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I echo your comment. To see so many people willingly hate others over a useless vaccine has been positively frightening. Those who vilified others for refusing the shots will answer to God for their hatred.

Hang tough, Ellen. Do not succumb to the hatred surrounding us. Be a light in the world. Help others when the time comes...and it is definitely coming...soon.

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I am doing my best not to succumb to all the hatred around, but it is hard. Fortunately, I have never been a grudge holder; with the exception of people like Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, etc.........

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Biden, Wen, too many to list.

Czesc, Ellen!

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EXACTLY!!! I was so disheartened seeing Christian’s going along with it.

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But that is exactly why they are considered sheep- they went with the crowd and did as they were told. And then fought back if you questioned why they were acting like a sheep. Baaaa...

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I think this is as uncharitable an assessment as are those regarding the parents of the students in your school, Alison. My sister, for example, who has previously been far less willing to take conventional medicines than I, reluctantly decided to get the initial series so she could visit her best friend, whose husband had a liver transplant. She believed the very prevalent and public lie about blocking transmission, as did my friend and former medical/public health colleague who let his young sons take the injections. Honest people can find it difficult to believe that others can lie with such facility, and in such a way that affects other people so fundamentally.

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My one sister said β€œwhy would THEY hold back medications that worked” referring to ivermectin. She still to this day believes it doesn’t work and that the government is telling her the truth. She’s the smartest one in my family, Northwestern Grad has many more accreditations. Also, all her kids feel/talk the same way. Just stunning!

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She may be smart and graduated from a β€œprestigious” school (those are actually the worst in terms of wokeness) but she lacks critical thinking skills. It was obvious from the onset that there was something very wrong in the response to the β€œCovid” virus.

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I’ve decided…

Courage and Common sense can’t be taught … it’s a matter of innate character and life experiences

And that’s why many many many β€˜book smart’ college educated people are missing the mark here.

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Smart, honest people often think that other smart people are honest and find it hard to believe they're that sinful and fallen, with the color of their 'water' blacker than others' (alluding to an illustration used to explain the Reformed doctrine of total depravity).

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I hear what you're saying, but the government's lies were truly insidious and disarmed the resistance that many felt to the untested vaccines. They didn't blindly follow orders to "vaccinate," they, too, were coerced in a gentler, subtler fashion. It is unfair to call them stupid sheep...just as it's unfair to call those who, under threat of potential penury, took the shot.

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Nov 4, 2022Β·edited Nov 4, 2022

It really didn’t take much to look into it. To ask questions. To see the psyops. To see the censoring and not say whoa, wait a minute here.

And just using some common sense…you can’t go outside? You can’t go surfing or hiking? You have to wear a mask outside?

My hiking group lost a paying member when they required people attending the hike to be vaccinated or wear a mask. πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

It really proved how weak our society as a whole is.

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What you said. Plus recall it was safe - h3ll, it was encouraged - to riot with one's AntiFa and BLM pals.

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Well, I think you're both right. Bottom line is Americans as a whole have become a weak and compliant society. This is a wake up call as John Henry notes below to regard Gov't with extreme skepticism.

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Only weak-minded people believed the lies!

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Dr. McCullough did. So did Dr. Malone.

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The one that particularly surprised me was Dr. Malone. I can't believe he didn't know better.

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Yes, I am a bit suspicious of him. On his Friday Funnies Substack post this past Good Friday, he posted a truly blasphemous, vile cartoon about someone baking Jesus a Crucifixion cake, iirc.

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I watched Dr. McCullough on a video saying that he found vaccinated COVID patients to be easier to manage than unvaccinated. He seems to say different now, though. And Dr. Malone is vaccinated (as Dr. McCullough may be).

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Nov 4, 2022Β·edited Nov 4, 2022

I only hope a significant percentage of the shots were past the expiration date and inert. Or had been sitting out too long at room temperature....I suspect that happened a lot.

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Love your name

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Thanks! I have a bad feeling that we'll be forced to emulate Doc's skills with firearms to defend our freedoms.

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Military grade psy-ops. This needs to be run to ground as much as the kill-shot itself. Everyone involved right up to Gen Milley needs to be prosecuted for crimes against humanity AND treason...and then hung before live TV.

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Please tell me one government that looks out for its citizens.

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Ours used to. Not any more.

The people I know who smelled a rat from the very start were those that grew up in European communist countries and were used to governments lying to citizens. This is a lesson that we need to learn. It's probably too late for millions of Americans.

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I liken the vaxxers more to lemmings who follow the leader over the cliff to sure death. They see the cliff ahead which they normally would not go near but the masses make them follow.

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Sheep will follow the leader off a cliff as well….it’s an accurate description.

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Those who skipped to the vax center and happily got jabbed, well, they got sheared.

Same with us. Many unjabbed stood on principle. Many others were too lazy to even bother thinking about getting the shot.

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So how were you and I smart enough to not comply? Because we're not sheep. We've learned to not trust Fox news or uninformed pastors. People with critical thinking skills are who have figured this out.

How about this example: "Guns are prohibited; turn in those who have them". Would you defend those who go along as "well, they just didn't know better".

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Nov 4, 2022Β·edited Nov 4, 2022

For me, I don’t watch tv news so that gave me a head start.

My church is not part of the sheeple and fought the Governor to stay open, albeit with attendance restrictions. They increased the number of their services to go all weekend to accommodate everyone and never ever preached what to do about the vaccine or not. Only preached God’s word.

So please don’t lump all churches into this. Where people choose to attend church and the explosion of the mega church is a definite indicator of leading up to the problem…people not being discerning about what is being taught by their mainline evangelical mega church only teaching what their itching ears want to hear.

Total lack of discernment and wisdom.

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Discernment. πŸ’―

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I think the bottom line is that one should never take medical advice from a pastor, a technocrat (Bill Gates), a celebrity, a sports hero or from an actual medical professional without doing your due diligence and researching. Always follow your gut!

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The people who got the shot out of a misguided belief that they were protecting others are victims. They were conned. I direct my ire at the conman, not the victim.

Personally, I attribute my unvaccinated status to not watching TV. Fear of the "deadly virus" was stoked ceaselessly for months everywhere we turned. I feel pity for those manipulated into getting injected. I have nothing but contempt who wished death upon the unvaxxed. I have nothing but a seething contempt for those behind this evil.

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No! That's the thing right there! They thought-- and still think!-- that they were the good people because they were obedient. I'm a renegade and I despise obedient people.

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I don't think there has ever been a successful civilization composed of renegades.

Like it our not, much of our survival depends on some of those obedient people you despise.

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They can be obedient all they want. My problem is when they force their obedience on me!!!!

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I hope you held fast to that philosophy when raising your children, lol, but somehow I'm skeptical.

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There is a fine line between teaching kids to think for themselves and letting the inmates run the asylum. I battled that constantly when raising mine.

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I get what you are saying. But on the whole 'our society' has become too lazy and compliant. We cry 'there ought to be a law'.... when some problem or injustice surfaces. More laws = more opportunity for tyranny. 'Compassion' is a gov check vs volunteering, donating and working to give people a 'hand up' Sometimes helping people is letting them fall flat on their faces so they can learn a lesson - too many of my friends bail out their adult kids financially from stupid decisions, which leads to entitlement. Most of them are not even grateful. They deflect blame. We the people have been content to let someone else worry about the problems - Netflix, pot, social media - opiates for the masses vs civic engagement, critical thought and looking at the big picture as to where all this is taking us. A lot woke up in 2020, and a lot more still need to get there. But if we don't fix the 'baaaaa' problem, we will be right back there again before we know it.

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I don't know about Ted, but I do know many who took the Jab to be able to be with loved ones and only wanted to protect others (and themselves, I am sure). I had a "check" in my spirit early on and stand firm when I hear that small still voice, but must admit that I thought very hard about my invalid sister and what that choice might do to her at the height of the fear mongering rhetoric. Thank God she has survived through everything so far. So, all to say, bless you who were inclined to receive the shot/s so you could be with loved ones. May you stay healthy.

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Glad to hear that.

That the government would prey on people's good nature ("Do it to protect others.") is positively satanic. These are truly evil people we are dealing with. There is no way that they will relinquish power via the electoral process. Prepare yourself, HCS.

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I fear I expect this too. The Reset didn't happen with the shots. They have so far been unable to provoke a violent reaction that they could use to shut down the election. Why not now cheat to win which would in all likelihood provoke said reaction. Crackdown, bust some heads, and as they've seen, many will fall into line...

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I think you're right, Notyours. The eerily prescient Bill Gates, a couple of weeks ago, mentioned that he sees a civil war erupting over a contested election. So that means it's coming.

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Much like I am eerily prescient that a beer will be opened around 1700, or that Pb is as valuable as Au or Ag...

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I am sitting on a fortune of Pb...

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One of the many tough situations this morass presented us with. Had a few knock down drag out fights with my mom over my refusal to be jabbed in order to be around her (but she needs me as I do almost all of her shopping and errand running, and dr appts, she is practically an invalid but does still live on her own) I just told her if she got the big C I would hook her up with a Frontline Dr and it would be OK. Not sure she would be cooperative in that but so far she has not had Covid although she did get the first 2 jabs. Held off on the booster as she had a lot of skin problems (I blame the jabs) so her regular Dr told her to wait. Now says she wants to get that first booster. but not sure where that is even available now and I am not going to help her find it. She watches CNN and does not listen to me re: the shots.

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Nov 4, 2022Β·edited Nov 4, 2022

Much to the point of this whole thread is Robert Malone's substack from 2 days ago. Not to be missed!

Robert Malone's substack:

So you ask, β€œwhy didn’t more physicians stand up and object?”

Because the entire profession has been subjected to the most aggressive and coordinated propaganda, censorship, and defamation campaign the modern western world has ever seen.


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Jeff, it was so exciting to see you in person last night at the DeSantis campaign event! Because of my work in my county Republican Party and the Republican Party of Florida, I had seen and heard Gov. DeSantis a few times already, but . . . the author of Coffee & Covid! And Michelle, too! What a treat! (And you still got this edition out timely; your dedication to all of us is amazing.)

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This just in: The funeral business is booming.


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Bill Gates: "those anti-vaxxers are so silly to say the Jabs are a de-population instrument".

Oh wait...

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I like the first reply on that substack that blames climate change.

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Nov 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

My dad has gotten every jab and booster, and he’s a retired MD. He won’t even look at the evidence that Jeff presents here daily. Doctors are supposed to be critical thinkers and so many unquestioningly follow the CDC. There are good ones out there however. My husband is one of them. He will never get the jab.

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Doctors are not taught in medical school to be critical thinkers. They are taught to tow the line. They are given a certain algorithm for a particular disease and they follow that to the nth degree. Very few doctors can think outside of the box. Thanks to the Rockefellers! This oil company wants doctors to be pill pushers (most drugs use petroleum products to some degree). Unfortunately, a lot of nurses follow this thinking as well. A lot has changed since I started out in nursing in 1981.

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Doctor's generally use techniques developed by others as "applied science". Therefor using methods of applied science doesn't necessarily develop a "critical thinker" in all aspects.

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That is very true. Especially when they work for hospital systems. When they don’t comply with hospital regulations they risk losing their jobs. I guess that’s part of the β€œsickness” we all experienced the last 2 years. I’m so proud of the ones who stood firm.

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Recently, I read an article accusing doctors of being non critical-thinkers (does this phrase work?) and here is just one of my experiences. Three years ago my doctor shoved a flu shot on me. Two or three months later I got the flu, bad. The next year she tried again. I reminded her that I had gotten the shot the previous year and got the flu. Her impatient reply was, "Well, the shot didn't give it to you." I gave no reply, refused the shot, but since the Covid Scandal I know it might have or it might have lowered my resistance. I'm done with shots and have no trust in doctors. I now know they'll murder you if it results in money or to please their rulers.

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About 5 years ago, I was going to Kenya and needed to see a travel doctor..This guy told me I was a 'skeptic' for not taking vaccines and gave me a 2 sheet info paper titled " You're a sceptic if you think this". Shoot I fell for it hook line and sinker because I fit in each category on his stupid paper!. So I took the flu shot,,got the flu, took the new and improved shingles shots,,,got shingles.. and I took the Pneumovax and you'll never guess.. yep, still got pneumonia. ha!! I will never ever take another vaccine and smelled a rat with these MRna jabs a mile away.

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interesting that being a skeptic was sold as a bad thing. The word is most associated in my mind with Euroskeptic, which I was, and with good reason as the EU is now crumbling.

I'm wondering what the categories were? All sensible ones I'm sure


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It has been a very surprising revelation (revealing) of a split many of us didn't realize existed. That I ended up as the only vocal one on social media on my side of these issues among my former medical/public health colleagues (some of whom graduated from my own training program, I'm embarrassed to say) has surprised me more than I can say.

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Just a reminder about Pfizer, from 2009:

Drugmaker Pfizer Inc. and one of its subsidiaries agreed to pay $2.3 billion to settle civil and criminal charges regarding its marketing of the drug Bextra. As part of the settlement, Pfizer pled guilty to a felony violation of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act for marketing the drug with the intent to deceive and mislead the public.

Pfizer marketed Bextra for a variety of uses and dosage sizes, including post-operative pain for joint replacement patients, that the FDA had already refused to approve due to safety concerns.

The criminal portion of the fine is the largest fine ever levied by the United States government...The criminal fine against Pfizer is $1.195 billion, with another $105 million to be paid by its subsidiary Pharmacia & Upjohn Company Inc.

In addition to the honor of largest criminal fine of any type from the feds ever (according to the DOJ), Pfizer will also pay the largest civil fraud settlement, $1 billion, ever forced on a pharmaceutical company in the U.S.


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Pfizer has been dirty from the get go as well as all of the other Big Pharma companies. As a retired RN who worked in drug trials, I know from personal experience that it is quite easy to "doctor" numbers, delete certain side effects and outright lie! That experience is why I have never trusted Big Pharma!

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Related reporting on the JAXEN REPORT (The Highwire)


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