We need a federal law removing vaccine injury liability shields.


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The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 has to be repealed by Congress, removing the liability protections given to Big Pharma by virtue of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP).

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This will be a huge uphill battle since the majority, if not all, of our Congress critters accept money from Bill Gates of Hell in one form or another.

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And the following article contains a list of those Congress Critters. I've always wondered about Stefanik, so I'm especially disappointed to see my concerns validated.


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Thank-you for the link!

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πŸ‘ You are good! You nailed it and hadn't even seen the article...

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I know how scum works. πŸ˜’

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I'm next door, in Vermont, but was watching the "Quarantine" lawsuit with a lot of interest. Was disappointed that NY was going to appeal, but based on Cox's Brownstone article, it may not happen depending on the outcome of the election. No need to move forward if they vote out Hochul and James! Thanks so much for the link and for "introducing" me to the lawyer behind the lawsuit.

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Well written commentary on this ENTIRE criminal corruption https://kunstler.com/clusterfuck-nation/the-authorities-are-our-enemies/

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Equally as enlightening is Meryl Nass' running commentary during yesterdays ACIP Meeting. Talk about exposing medical malfeasance!


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How do we DO this, though? I'm ready to act, just need someone to lead the charge.

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Oct 21, 2022Β·edited Oct 21, 2022

We just can't give up. I am sure taking down Big Tobacco seemed insurmountable at one time. Look at how doctors used to recommend smoking for pregnant moms. It's appalling what they got away with. And look at Big Tobacco now. It can be done. Pharma's offenses are even more egregious, in my opinion.

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"The <tobacco> industry was hit with a big blow in 1998 when it agreed to a $206 billion master settlement with 46 states, the largest settlement in U.S. history. The case settled Medicaid lawsuits against the top tobacco companies. The 40-year-old Tobacco Institute and the Committee for Tobacco Research -- the public relations organ and the funder of tobacco research -- were disbanded as a part of the settlement."

We need to be able to hold big Pharma accountable in court to bring this giant down.

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At first glance of that website, I note the push for legislation. Bad Cattitude wrote a most excellent post published today about the one single issue that matters most to each one of us. I posted a reply that I now don’t have time to replicate here, addressing the problem of legislation. Sorry not sorry for urging readers to check it out.

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I believe the action right now is to spread the word anywhere and anyway you can, giving the actual data that shows how ineffective these shots are for children, and how even the FDA itself reported that in areas of low transmission, which is where we are at with the pandemic over, that myocarditis risk is greater with the shot than Covid risk without the shot. Spread the data. MASS NONCOMPLIANCE will be quick and effective.

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Oct 21, 2022Β·edited Oct 21, 2022

Dr Nass republished from her Jan 2021 blog some interesting cv shot history that people may not know. If people had seen this ist the time it may have led some to make different decisions. If people see this today who made certain decisions it may help wake them up.


And....to add onto your comment...mass noncompliance will not only be quick and effective, it will be safe and effective too.

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Love it β€” quick and effective AND safe and effective 😊 Thanks for the link too.

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Despite all my sharing, it is hard to get people to look past what they hear on mainstream media. I have a family member who, anytime I share about vaccine harms, responds like this: "Tell that to the parents of children under 6 in Florida who died because Desantis (Insantis) blocked their receiving vaccinations. Don’t trust Tucker Carlson. He lies."

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What children who died? There were so few and most were already very sick, not that we don’t care about them but they would like not have lived long anyway 😞 And maybe if we had actually tried to TREAT everyone when they started to get sick instead of just waiting until they couldn’t breathe, even some of those kids could’ve been saved. It should have been tried at least!

As an aside, I absolutely HATE these stupid talking points some people always repeat about the small percentage of people who died of Covid, trying to put a guilt trip on others for these deaths. And yet they don’t care one whit about all of the elderly people in long term care who died of neglect. Not to mention all of the other repercussions of the insane Covid policies. This focus on saving just one life and ignoring the other results makes much sense as allowing a lifeboat of people to drown because it was too full instead of not allowing the last person in so that the others could be saved.

The other thing get bugs me about their stupid argument is that they have NO way of knowing if the jab would have saved those kids (even if the jabs had been more effective). You can’t prove a β€œwould have.”

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"Most were already very sick, not that we don’t care about them but they would like not have lived long anyway." I'm sorry, but who/what exactly is this in reference to? Was there some nonsense mainstream source in FL that posted yet another propaganda lie about some kids dying from a so-called "virus"? If so, is that to be believed? I'd like to see a link to whatever it is you and SF are referring to here, if you don't mind. Thanks.

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Yes, talking to most people is futile. But how about making the real data more visible? Letters to the editor? Article for local paper or an online news source that is mainstream? It has to be kept low key, but it can be done.(speaking from experience from a couple months ago) The truth is leaking out now. Be one of the leakers. 😊

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Here's something else

According to the CDC, up to 20% of pregnant women in v-safe suffered severe outcomes


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And FAUCI and big farms are truthful?

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How do they feel about Fauci? https://www.therealanthonyfaucimovie.com

What about this? https://www.oraclefilms.com/safeandeffective

They don't know how good they have it! And, clearly they're misinformed.

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It's going to take a LOT of money and many years to get that accomplished.

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That is true, but it's our fight...this is our job to clean this up. After decades of sitting back and letting pharma turn into this bloated monster that's now an albatross around our necks, it's time to wakeup and deal with this unfortunately. I think we have to fight it now before many of us don't have the resources and ability to fight back - think of what many years of 10% inflation will do to us. This is why they don't want a middle class anymore.

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If we don’t we leave it to our children and grand children to fix, if they make it out alive...

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We can do hard things!! We owe it to ourselves, our families and this country. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

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Yes!!! We ALL need to make our voices heard ! It is absolutely appalling that Big Pharma is allowed this liability protection. This protection has actually created this mess . They don’t test properly and warp results to fit their narrative. It is ALWAYS about profits and there is no accountability for injury or death.

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Definitely. But that could be years away. For right now: MASS NONCOMPLIANCE.

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Just say no to Big Harma and Big Gov.

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Yes! We need a Just Say No campaign for school vax mandates. T shirts, bumper stickers and everything.

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Oct 21, 2022Β·edited Oct 21, 2022

Whenever I write to my "super-conservative" US Senators (Inhofe, Lankford, and soon-to-be Mullins) and my "ultra-conservative" US Representative (Hern), about COVID the silence is deafening.

It's like I showed up at a rally and took a dump in the punchbowl.

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Wonder why? (Cough -- cough PHARMABUCKS - cough, cough)

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Daniel Horowitz’s podcast β€˜Conservative Review’ quoted Jeff Childers and C&C on his podcast today!


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True. Then there is the fact that this was never a vaccine, to boot. It was described as a gene therapeutic agent.

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All we have to do is to offer the GOP pols more money than Big Pharma does.

And create our own mass media which doesn't take $$$$ from the intelligence agencies to push propaganda.

You know - no big deal. We got this

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Oct 21, 2022Β·edited Oct 21, 2022

We wish!

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Who would have thought we would have a "Second Annual" ANYTHING related to COVID. Ugh.

Please Lord, do a new thing...make a road through this wilderness of insanity to lead us safely and victoriously through the madness. Make a river that brings restoration and healing and washes away the filth of perversion and greed, in Jesus' name.

"Behold, I will do something new,

Now it will spring forth;

Will you not be aware of it?

I will even make a roadway in the wilderness,

Rivers in the desert." --Isaiah 43:19 NASB1995

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I find more spiritual sustenance in the words Janice posts every day than I do in the leader of my Church who continues to sow division and doubt by appointing controversial people holding antithetical views to panels charged with preserving our Faith. Thank you, Janice.

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The WORD is the best, and will not return void. It’s a two edged sword, making its mark going IN and going out (when you share it with others!)

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Yep, they’re not my words. Well, some of them are, but the perfect ones are HIS.

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Find a new church. Pronto. A Biblically-sound one.

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Oct 22, 2022Β·edited Oct 22, 2022

While there are still a few sound churches left…

was raised in church, and I mean Sunday school, church, Sun night, Wednesday dinner and church, ALL the vacation bible schools Mom could find, went to Christian school (well, after getting kicked off cheerleading in public school for talking too much…) and a Christian college. I was OVER it by the time I left for college. I did have a relationship with God, but wanted NO part of any church. I felt that with all the teaching I’d heard, I should’ve been ordained!

Fast forward to one night, in the wee hours, I was nursing my newborn and a preacher came on TV. Tv preachers, IMO, were THE WORST. (My parents also played tv preachers while getting ready for church, so …) I was too tired to get up and change channels though this guy had on an awful polyester suit, a fat tie and was very … firm? No nonsense? I was turned off at his outward appearance at the get-go. The furthest thing from Joel Osteen…He answered a lifelong question I’d had, and backed up his answer VERY well, scripturally. I’d asked a couple of other pastors the same questions and gotten β€œmeh” answersβ€”- weak ones. SO, I was kind of hooked. Each night feeding my daughter he β€œhappened to” be on tv. I learned SO much from him, 100% sound scripture, and he knew the bible front and back, in all 3 original languages, which frequently changes meaning of verses we all think we know. Anyway, I’ve been watching him for 31 years! Some weeks, I watch 4-5x. I have never, ever heard him say a word that wasn’t backed up, and on occasion he’s said something that made me

think, β€œNope. That can’t be right. I have NEVER heard any other preacher say that”, it turns out that if I put it on the backburner and pray abt it, I usually find a passage to back it up; it always turns out to be true, or if I look it up elsewhere, in history books or I even used a NASA site one time to confirm a weird meteor story that he was talking abt which did pertain to a verse, oddly. It was a fact.

SO, he’s dead now but his sermons live on, and they are 98% straight word with 2% commentary. That’s the way I like it bc I don’t have to worry whether it’s some guy’s spin and whether it stands up to the scrutiny of scripture, you know? You’ll laugh when you see him, but he has taught me more over the years than alllll that church-going in my youth.

Dr. Arnold Murray, (senior is preferable but his son is coming into his own).

Like vaccine truth, you may have preconceived ideas abt his authenticity. He knows his stuff. He’s taken plenty of flak, but it’s bc he’s right over the target.

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I’d never heard of him, but now I’m curious and will have to search for video of him! So many churches have taken the wide easy path and either teach outright falsehoods or such a watered down lukewarm milktoast version of Christianity... I’m happy you found a good Bible teacher, even if he’s on TV. I attend my local church and like my pastor’s messages, but I must admit I learn much more from John MacArthur’s Bible Commentary (also an expository pastor) and Todd Friel of Wretched.org.

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Glad to see birds of a feather in both scripture-loving and vaccine detesting!

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That makes me sad. And angry. Check out Revelation 3:11.

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Love that verse And your prayer Janice. ❀️

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As do I.

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THIS! And in the meantime, whenever our leader Jeff lets us know who to

multiply and what to do next, LET’S TAKE every CALENDAR DATE with a β€œ2” and put antivax statements on all our social media?!? Who is with me? Mine for today is:

Parents, please READ TURTLES ALL the WAY DOWN, and any 1-2 of these books: DISSOLVING ILLUSIONS, A SHOT in the DARK, MOTH in the


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Janice, I love the spiritual food that you provide to recenter our minds…

”Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things.” Philippians 14:8

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It sure comforts me...and it's nice to share. :)

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Beautiful prayer. It goes into my prayer journal. God bless you.

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God bless you, as well, Erin! I added to it a little. If you want to, you can find it on my Substack.

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What a moron am I? I should have known you had a Substack based on your name! Subscribing now...

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No one with a cat profile pic is a moron. :D Ha! Thanks for subscribing.

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I just moved to the Orlando area and am disappointed that I won't be able to make it as I have two different birthdays for family members! Looking forward to reading about it afterwards.

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

β€œtransvestite” and a β€œtransgender?”

I think I can help. A transvestite knows he/she/it/they is pretending, A transgender thinks it's real and demands that you think it too.

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From Psychology Today:

Transvestic Disorder



I'm sure that Transvestic Disorder no longer exists. It has been normalized by changing Transvestite to Transgender and changing the definition. That's how it works on the Left...

From the article cited: "Transvestic disorder occurs when an individual experiences recurrent, intense sexual arousal from cross-dressing, or dressing as the opposite gender, and in which that person's urge to do so causes significant distress or impairment to their daily life. Transvestic disorder is a rare diagnosis and is classified as a paraphilia, or atypical sexual behavior."

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Interestingly, the article you linked is totally wokified.

"Transvestism is simply a clinical term for cross-dressing. Most people who cross-dress do not have transvestic disorder. Only if a person’s urges are experienced with a sense of intense anxiety and shame, emotional pressure, sometimes to the point of compulsion, and are accompanied by sexual satisfaction can transvestic disorder be diagnosed. The phenomenon of the drag queen, in contrast, often comes out of a desire to subvert or critique traditional gender norms, rather than to derive sexual satisfaction from cross-dressing."

I wondered it maybe it was "updated" to conform to the current narative. It was last updated on 12/2021, but the wayback machine shows: "This URL has been excluded from the Wayback Machine."

I wonder what they are hiding.

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Wow..just found a 2019 archived copy and it is WAY different. No mention of transgender at all.


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Nice work!

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Thank you!

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I also wondered about that and wanted to go back and compare, but didn't know how. Looks like it was rewritten to better suit the current narrative, but it wouldn't surprise me it it got "disappeared" before too long...

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I did a bit of a write-up on it. Thanks for sharing the link.


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Excellent article! A perfect example of the destruction of cultural norms and morality with the stroke of a pen. There has been a steady march to normalize aberrant behavior for decades, and if they are successful in the "gender ideology" war, we are just a hair's breadth way from legitimizing pedophilia.

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Psychology Today is a woke publication and does not adhere to the truth.

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HSTS - so Lola -L O L A, Lola. That was the first thing that popped in my head reading that. πŸ˜‚

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How about we just go back to calling them queer??

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I was told by someone who had just decided they were gay, that transvestite was no longer being used to describe people who identified/worked as etc. As we know, whenever language is changed it’s not always for the better. These new terminologies for gay/trans/queer etc are not for the better. I have known gay people my entire life, even some transvestites, many if not most don’t want to be lumped into this crazy group. I remember when the word queer was incredibly offensive, now (new group) celebrate it...most of my gay friends do not agree with any of it.

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New verbiage for "mental illness."

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Oct 21, 2022Β·edited Oct 21, 2022

Transvestite has a fetish aka minor mental illness. A transgender is full blown mental illness. Or in the case of the children being groomed - victims of child abuse of the highest order.

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A transvestite is essentially the new drag queen.

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Transvestite is a male cross dresser. There have been male and female crossdressers for all of recorded history and for various reasons. None EVER believed they were actually the other sex unless they were mentally ill. I'm not sure when term trangender started but the push around it is clearly about 4 things 1) pharma, hospital, Planned Parenthood profit 2) Normalizing things like Bill Gates' lab grown breast milk and artificial wombs etc 3) Screwing with peoples connection to reality and preparing them to identify with the avatar they have in virtual reality and not their actual body, thus the splitting of "identity" from the body 4) Normalizing whatever the next step they have in their mind to move us toward their agenda (WEF, Google etc) towards merging humans with machines. I think they want to give human rights status to robots (already done in Saudi) and we all need to stop being so "phobic" about confusing the line between robots and humans.

If a red wave happens as is likely, expect the tactics to change from "tolerance" to "cost effectiveness to reduce government spending". There is a Republican congressman in my state who is promoting having biosensors required to reduce the cost of government spending on medical care. This would be the first step towards their transhuman agenda marketed to the right. The real way to reduce spending for health care is to have people get healthier and everything "they" are doing seems to be making us sicker.

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A big player in all this that most haven't heard of is Martine Rothblatt, a MtF trangender pushing transhumanism. Rothblatt is CEO of biotech firms including one that is trying to grow human organs for transplant in humanized pigs. She wrote Apartheid of Sex: a Manifesto on the Freedom of Gender in 1995 and From Transgender to Transhuman: a Manifesto on the Freedom of Form in 2011.

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Pure evil.

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I’ve been asking what is the difference for years. So, being a transvestite was considered a mental disorder and now it’s not? What I really am curious about is this: Bruce Jenner was a heterosexual male (who I guess was a transvestite?) before he became Caitlin Jenner, but Caitlin is attracted to women so, does that make her a lesbian? Her kids still call her β€˜dad’ so, doesn’t that mess up the whole β€˜pronoun’ thing? I am very confused. πŸ€”πŸ˜ž

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He would fall into the autogynephelia category, just like our β€œadmiral” Levine of the HHS. It is my understanding that Caitlin still has all his junk.

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Excellent distinction! I couldn’t have explained it better!

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We need federal law making lobbying illegal. Lobbying is bribery with a job description. Thinking root causes here.

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Oct 21, 2022Β·edited Oct 21, 2022

It was reported that Pfizer has 62 high powered lobbyists greasing palms in DC.

Natural Health, Natural Medicine and unbiased scientific research - Zero.

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We need to get the list of β€œThe 62” and out them to the world! And then the list of Congress people who aid and abet their criminal behavior and out them at every opportunity!

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Wow! I have been saying this same thing since I was old enough to know about lobbying. I would love to know how it got started and how it is legal if in fact it is legal! It seems like-to me anyway-that it should NOT be legal! How can we STOP this practice?!

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It's completely legal. In a 2010 US Supreme Court decision (Citizens United vs. Fed. Election Commission) the court held that corporations were persons and their political donations were entitled to protection under the 1st Amendment protection for free speech.

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Totally agree!!!!!

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May this bring down the entire building, and the CDC, and the FDA, and and and (a girl can dream).

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Why not throw the IRS in there with all the other 3 letter organizations πŸ˜‚

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And the department of education!!!

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If we just End The Fed, the entire edifice comes crashing down. But they will slaughter us in the streets before they allow that to happen.

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Never been a big audit animal but yeah, maybe it's time for an audit.

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Boriquagato.substack.com has a great piece today about becoming a single issue voter. Exactly along this theme.

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It’s always been about the liability shields. This should be the ONLY point of discussion. Make the overwhelmingly-dem mouthpieces of vax mandates defend liability shields for the largest corporations and richest executives in the world. Should be a winner.

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This would be a great topic for political debates!

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The list of governors not approving of the covid shot on the childhood immunization schedule is much appreciated. This needs to be expanded in two ways.

List 1) the governors that are silent or approving of it and 2) expand both types of lists to other state and U.S. candidates.

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Kari Lake has said that if elected she will not approve it, Katie Hobbs probably would...praying that Arizonians make a good choice as the ballot box.

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And we currently have legislation in AZ against having Covid jab mandated. Disaffected liberal here and been checking out Kari Lake. The media paint her as some far right extremist but I see her taking a very firm stance on things that shouldn't be partisan like vax mandates, grooming children in school, racist and divisive (CRT) education, but willing to work together on issues that are more complex and each side may have part of answer. She is a true populist working for the people that is why they hate her so much.

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Who’s the current Governor?

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Doug Ducey

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You misspelled "Douchey"

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Is he good or bad? I don’t keep up with AZ politics. Texas politics are bad enough with Francis orourke

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Ducey seems perfectly political. On some things, he is good, on others, he seems to be very timid. He is not as flashy as DeSantis, but there is only one DeSantis. He has joined Abbott and DeSantis in sending busloads of friends to our blue sanctuary brothers. He stack a bunch of shipping containers against the holes in the border wall down by Yuma in August and now that the feds have said Arizona is encroaching on Federal lands, he has said they stay where they are. Ducey was less than gung-ho for lockdowns and mask requirements, unfortunately Phoenix has a uber liberal Dem for a mayor. As soon as Ducey lifted the masking requirements, she put them in place for Phoenix. As a side note, under the democrat mayor of Phoenix, Phoenix is rapidly turning into a homeless hell-hole. Can't get off the freeway without potentially hitting a homeless panhandler, and not a good spot for women to go into downtown at night, too many crazies.

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To me, not requiring/coercing anyone to take experimental shots (or uninformed application thereof) and not treating people different based on vax status is the one overriding issue.

If a candidate cannot back up with substantial evidence (not just words) that they are with me, I will not support them.

It is crucial we recognize this. Without our health, without freedom, with have nothing but a fruitless existence.

This issue has always been the focus of my substack, and I will not deviate from it.

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Just remind people β€œmy body my choice” and watch the mental meltdown as two absolutes collide

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Oct 21, 2022Β·edited Oct 21, 2022

"If a candidate cannot back up with substantial evidence (not just words) that they are with me, I will not support them."

Hear, HEAR! Good for you. In my state, I'd be happy if my Pharma-captured GOP leaders would even OPEN THEIR MOUTHS.

But that would be bad for business. And my fellow Oklahomans are completely ignorant and uninterested.

I should say that GOP Gov. Kevin Stitt has stepped up to the plate, though. He's facing a woman (former RINO) who is entirely in the bag for Big Teacher and who is running a stealth campaign that is overwhelmingly popular with the soccer moms in midtown.

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Greg abbot will not approve it. It’s a big issue in texas and it’s an election year

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Why has he been silent? Red flag of collusion or playing both sides of the fence?

He always seems, I’m not a Texan, to be suspect.

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Abbott is a RINO and consummate politician, meaning, he will always do what is in HIS OWN best interest. Sometimes that benefits Texans, but it always benefits Greg Abbott. I neither trust nor care for that guy.

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Don't think it's even 24 hours. What does Texas law say? It may not even be linked to the DC edict.

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Tx allows for both medical and religious exemptions and they are rarely NOT granted. So, while of concern to those of us in tx with littles, isn’t as dire of a issue immediately. With many of the larger tx cities turning blue or purple I’m betting Abbott will loosely address the issue or sidestep it until after Election Day.

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Hey we can’t comment since it’s not about Ukraine and Russia πŸ˜‰

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Look at all the states whose governor immediately sent a press release that said they would NOT mandate the vaccine to be part of the childhood vaccine schedule.

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Yes, he can be slow on the draw but there's not much doubt Texas will protect children.

It's the states that already have their laws aligned with schools to this edict that is concerning.

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Well, Texas law apparently bans any mandatory shots for schools so it's not an issue, but Abbott could score some points by reminding people of that and voicing his support for that freedom. Be easy enough to do.

Sadly, Abbott _is_ a RINO and still not really sure how he managed that many votes in the primary after his sad showing during the "pandemic". I'll take him over O'Rourke, but man - it's a lousy choice.

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Abbot is not as good as the other 2 who were in the primaries but I like him.

He will do fine.

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Yes, I plan to contact Abbott today and let him know he’d better get on board!

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And while you’re at it please call and tell him he still owes me money!

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This is a good resource for next steps: https://vigilantfox.substack.com/p/the-cdc-unanimously-voted-15-0-to

which allow links to: https://standforhealthfreedom.com/vhf2022/

However, I found the link to be out-of-date for my state!

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Thanks! Been looking for a voter guide!

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"We need a federal law removing vaccine injury liability shields."

YES! YES! YES!! I have previously suggested the following acts need to be repealed, but perhaps new legislation prohibiting all pharma liability shields would be more all-encompassing:

β€’ 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Act

β€’ Bayh-Dole Act

β€’ National Defense Authorization Act of 2012

Paging Ron Johnson! Did you guys know that "If Republicans take the Senate, Ron Johnson will become the chair of the oversight committee that has purview over the FDA and CDC" (https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/the-iatrogenocide-accelerates)?

As for the difference between "transvestite" and "transgender," my understanding is that transvestites are men who like to wear women's clothingβ€”like Ed Wood and J. Edgar Hoover. I believe "transgender" used to imply they had undergone surgery, but that term has now been relaxed to include anyone who "identifies" as the opposite genderβ€”except there is no such thing as only two genders and how dare me for suggesting that πŸ˜†

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I’m in WI and Ron Johnson is finally projected to win now- they can’t hide it anymore. God bless him for standing up for the people all these years!πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

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One of the few respectable members of the Senate.

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But is that just MSM trying to influence the less than motivated conservative voters from going to vote. Do not trust the motives behind the polls, for that matter ignore them completely. Lots of other WI candidates that need people to show up. Get out and vote!

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I think we’re stronger than ever in our conviction in wi (and everywhere) that each vote counts and that we must all do whatever we can (beginning with voting) to stop the insanity. We the people have been awakened!

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Been watching this - happy to see they show him ahead for a short while now.

He is a voice we do NOT want to lose.


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Your ability to filter the signal out of all the tremendously confusing noise borders on uncanny.

πŸ’¬ There’s no point crying about it, we have work to do.[...] Not easy, but simple.[...] Let's do it!

πŸ’― πŸ”₯

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Great, another story from Woke County, NC. CA started it! NC just likes to be the less popular girl copying the popular girl.

As much as I appreciate that they are arresting those who voted illegally, that particular situation in the image is not a good look. They went after a black man who is exactly the type of voter all the no voting ID required folks argue would be the target of voting IDs. That poor guy also isn't the problem. The problem is all the white elites performing massive voting fraud. Where are the videos of them getting arrested, that's what we all want to see.

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Agreed. Instead of arresting people who have NO idea they shouldn't be voting, how about just red-tagging their names on future ballots as NOT VALID or something. Then send a letter (unless it's in-person voting) telling them they are not allowed to vote.

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I live in NC in the most woke city in the mountains, Asheville. We’ve had a huge influx of Californians recently 3-4 on my tiny little street alone. I think it’s somewhat ironic that these people are fleeing CA by the droves & coming to the only β€œCA city” on the east coast, anyway it seems like we’re a CA city! You get out into the county and it’s not so woke. We were trying to find a nice little parcel of land to get out of the city but interest rates are climbing so high so fast I’m afraid we’ll just have to hunker down, vote, and pray.

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I agree with you!

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"Why would you let me commit crimes if I'm not allowed to commit crimes?'

And the cop would have no answer for that, either.

Clearly, the gene pool needs some chlorine...

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The gene pool needs some chlorine! Good one! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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β€œWhy don’t they have drag shows and story hours for accountants and lawyers and stuff?”

Or war veteran bikers.

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I've thought about that--the only legit way they could have a drag queen read stories to children is if they were doing a series on people in our neighborhood, so one week a policeman, one week a chef etc and then only in a couple of libraries nationally in super gay areas and with the drag queen dressed appropriately. They fact that it is in every state of US, and many other countries is such a super red flag, I do not understand how anyone doesn't see it.

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That would be awesome πŸ˜‚

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Hmmmm. So, what we’re saying is the IRS needs drag shows and story hours....πŸ€” I can see now where all our tax dollars will be going in the coming years. 😞

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🀣🀣🀣 I'd pay to see THAT!

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The CDC obviously didn't care about our input about the vaccine schedule.

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Yep. I read through comments randomly and not one was saying, "Great idea!" Everyone was opposed.

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Literally everyone. I read probably 200 public comments on the CDC web site. Not a single one was in favor.

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Hey, listen. Don’t be trying to derail the gravy train here.

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I must confess when Gavin Newsom disappeared after getting a stroke poke that he would eventually appear with a horrible case of twisted face (Bell's Palsy). Like a really bad case where he could hardly talk. His pretty boy image tarnished by big-Pharma allegiance.

Very un-Christian of me. But it could have set back the Covidians for good, showing the damage of the jabs. Gruesome Newsome would literally be the face of vaxxxine side affects.

Instead he seemed to have a minor case that cleared up during his several weeks absence. So, he's returned to push more tyranny. And run for president.

Well, maybe his next boostah will do the trick...

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I wonder if he will "really" take the next booster, or just say he did?

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he will get to the head of the line for Dems for the next Presidential race because he "took one for the team" with that shot reaction (and hiding it). Fetterman is the same. His stroke was shot-induced in April, so they couldn't pull him because he (well really his nasty wife) would have raised hell. They owed it to him to allow him a Senate seat.

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I have little doubt that big pharma, now 110% totally corrupt, would start "taking-out" any members of congress supporting a repeal of the horrendous 1986 vaccine law. That is their major pillar in the crusade to get every person on the planet forced into getting mRNA injections and other useless vaccinations and drugs Many countries have their own vaccination schedules, but often follow the US for the most part.

Ban petroleum products? The economy would come to a screeching halt in less than a month. But leftist democrats don't give a rat's butt as long as people are dying and in misery...that is their idea of utopia.

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Now doubt they would do ANYTHING to prevent their "protections" being removed..... However, there is a mechanism that might be overwhelming enough to make a change. Massive and widespread outrage and a popular demand that they be held accountable. To be fair this is already happening on a limited scale but it is very real. This mechanism has been used to varying degrees of success, take for instance the Greta phenomenon. Granted it is fabricated and contrived from the ground up, but it DID work. It helped the green fanatics in the EU hobble their economy and sanctions will do the rest. Now let's take the young lady who partook in the covid shot trials and sustained life altering injury (pardon me for not knowing her name). She is not only disabled, but she has been ignored and neglected by those that caused harm as well as those who would represent her. Where is the outrage?!

The tide is turning. Ireland is making moves, the EU is demanding reparations and what the heck is going on in Australia?! We'll pay for your funeral!?! Try as they might, the minions of PharmaCorp cannot keep "casualty smuggling" going on indefinitely. I found the video of Filipino parents weeping over their children in a morgue particularly moving/disturbing. I am not advocating taking an extreme or overly macabre approach, but I do think that The Unlovely Truth about injury and excess death of healthy younger people must be exposed. This in turn should very well lead to a MAJORITY of any given population to demand action, justice and transparent due process. End of rant.

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Maddie DeGaray

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Great idea...if we could only get all the media to cover it... πŸ™„ And that's why it won't work, sadly...

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While that appears to be the case, we are seeing home grown ways around this.

Take Rumble for example. Eventually things become so widespread that the MSM has to acknowledge them or else they look like complete shills....

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My fear is that is what was said about the German Nazi's in the 30's. We know how that worked out. History does not repeat exactly but it is a cautionary tale.

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I was shocked to see Democrat wacko Polis on the list of governors who has said no to adding the jab to the schedule. But I'm also relieved - if it is indeed true - because all of my young grandkids live in Colorado.

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My husband and I are refugees from Colorado (now in South Dakota). Jared Polis has an ulterior motive for everything he does. Word on the street is that he’s going to run for president in 2024. For those who don’t know, he’s openly gay, has a β€œhusband” and two children, and he is evil to the core.

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I understand why you left Colorado. Unfortunately, running and relocating isn’t the answer. I’d rather stand my ground and fight for what I believe. Everything you say is true. He is openly gay and very liberal and accurately represents the values of the people of Denver, I’d assume. If all the conservatives just give up and relocate then the liberals win by default.

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Oct 21, 2022Β·edited Oct 21, 2022

Running and relocating is actually a very viable answer. Stubbornness in and of it itself is not a virtue.

My first priority is protecting my family, period end of story. If I judge where I live to be unsafe for my family then I'm going to pack up and leave. If you were trying to raise kids in a gang-infested, drug-riddled neighborhood, would you say, "running and relocating isn't the answer" or would you get the hell out?

There's no valor in fighting hopelessly lost causes, sometimes you have to make a decision as to what's best for you and your family and move on. I'm not saying that Colorado is a lost cause, but making blanket statements that relocating is not an answer is absurd. It may not be for everyone, but it very well be the best choice for many.

People in the heavily blue areas are willingly electing people that are intentionally destroying the very fabric of society, and enabling outright evil. This is obvious, but the residents are voting for them anyways, they want this. Why would any sane person not relocate in this situation?

BTW, I'm in California (a very nice part of it fortunately) and was born and raised here. But once I retire we are getting the hell out as I have no intention of being governed by evil lunatics one day longer than needed.

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I was born and raised in California and my husband and I planned to get out as soon as he retired. He died at the beginning of the covid (and I'm pretty sure it was from covid), and I escaped California as soon as possible. I only wish we had moved earlier.

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I'm sorry for your loss. There is probably much unspoken grief in your statement. Those of us who have not been there can't really understand your loss. For that I am sorry.

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Thank you for your kind words. My regret is that he would have liked where we ended up. I am consoled that since his death was early in the craziness, he didn't see what has become of our country...pretty sure the lockdowns would have killed him, if he had survived.

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Yes but everyone can just move to Floriduh. DeSantis could be gone in an election cycle and a tyrant can flip it all in a single term (i.e. what Biden is doing nationally).

I get your point but we need strategies to push the fight everywhere. California has more republican voters than any other state, so it would be a great place to make a stand.

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There may be a lot but unfortunately we are outnumbered nearly two to one. That my friend, is a lost cause, at least for the next twenty years. I have better things to do for the next two decades than bang my head against a wall.

Our family is blessed that we live in an isolated, coastal enclave where we are largely buffered from California's pathologies. However, it's getting worse every year as the state is becoming more and more intrusive in local affairs. We already had to pull our kids out of public schools (one of the top five districts academically in California) as it became clear the school staff were deviantly hell-bent on corrupting my kids. Could I have gone on the warpath and maybe turned the district around in five years? Perhaps. But during those five years I risk losing my kids to these perverts. That's a risk I'm not willing to take. We got them out and never looked back.

Way too many on our side have some romantic notion of fighting for "principles" and have no clue as to how far things are gone. We are not talking about pedestrian issues like tax rates, but our children's safety and embracing all out degeneracy. You have to look out for your family first as no one else will.

These sick people literally think you as a parent are the problem, and that they are entitled to sexualize your child and keep it secret from you. We have zero common cause with these people, they are insane and demonic. There is no way in hell I'll keep my kids in this environment out of foolish stubbornness or some misguided sense of principle. My family comes absolutely first. I'm not waiting around for when Newsom next declares that our family attending an uncompromising Bible-believing church is a hate crime, as that's where this is heading.

If people want to stay and fight this then that is up to them, some people are gluttons for punishment and really enjoy hopeless crusades. What these people fail to realize, is that these blue areas are overwhelming voting for this! So either the people agree with it, or they are so stupid they have no idea what is going on. Either way, I can see a clear losing cause and know when to cut my losses accordingly.

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Jeff, you sound like a person I would love to meet!

We stood our ground during the Covid intimidation in Colorado and we stood alone. On our first trip to South Dakota, it was shocking to be back in freedom and that made me mad because this IS still America although some states have forgotten that. We tell people in Colorado that we moved back to America.

There is not a one-size fits all solution for every person but there is one thing you can never change....if you live in a socialist/communist state, your tax dollars support that agenda whether you like it or not. We all have to make our own decision about when/if it is time to stay and when it is time to leave. I never thought people could be as mean as what we saw during Covid in Colorado. Being back around normal people has been wonderful for our sanity. We are retired and don't want to spend the rest of our lives fighting a losing battle but if others want to stay and fight, that is their decision and it is the height of arrogance for them to tell me what I should have done.

No matter where you live, there is work to be done and we are being pro-active in S.D. Many people here take their freedom for granted and we are doing everything we can to educate them about how easily they could lose that freedom. Kristi Noem is a great governor but both of our Senators are part of the swamp that need to be sent packing. The battle will only end when our journey on this earth ends and we are safely in heaven with our Heavenly Father. We each need to pick a battle and fight it with gusto but we can't fight them all.

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So using that β€œstand your ground” logic, Lot should have stayed in Sodom and Gomorrah and told the angels to be patient with his sodomy obsessed neighbors. πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

Your point is sympathetic, but in every battle one must know when to retreat in order to regroup and when and where to make your stand. Seeking higher ground, with more reinforcements, is as valid a strategy as β€œstanding your ground”, and yet no sane General would have his army β€œstand their ground” behind enemy lines.

So, yes to prepare to fight, no to doing it from the wrong location, and always yes to employing a winning strategy. πŸ™πŸΌ

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People in the heavily blue areas are willingly electing people that are intentionally destroying the very fabric of society, and enabling outright evil.


Elections have NEVER been audited by the voters...I would be there is LARGE amounts of FRAUD.

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Oct 21, 2022Β·edited Oct 21, 2022

For those that are in California, you might find this interesting. Fast forward to minute 42 of the interview. There is an independence movement in California to break away and create a separate state. From the sound of it, this movement has legs, legally and otherwise.


I myself am a CA transplant. My family and I moved to Panama City, FL in the mid-80's. At the time I had no idea Providence was protecting both me and my extended family by making this move (even though we had to suffer through a CAT5 Hurricane Michael). The number of people leaving CA has recently been described as the largest migration in US history. When the elections are rigged, people still have the freedom to vote with their feet...and they are.

American culture is fracturing and motivating people to move to communities where there are other like minded families. This is the first and most obvious result of the fracturing. This is resulting in a Free States vs Blue States dichotomy in the political landscape. Second is the independence movements developing in places like CA, Utah and Idaho to breakaway from the Bolsheviks that have taken over their states. If the Bolsheviks are not routed from the USG, the States will be our last line of defense against their tyranny and the states are already lining up for the battle. Nov 8 can't come soon enough. My hope is that a red wave will swamp all attempts by the woke Bolsheviks to subvert and steal the elections.

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Amen, Brother.

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At a certain point, voting with one's feet is indeed the answer. I left Illinois because it's a lost cause. I didn't to MN for the same reason, despite having family there. I have friends who insisted on staying and fighting in liberal churches. After years of sliding ever further left they finally realized they were giving of their money futilely. The only way lessons will be learned by many is through hitting the wall, and hard.

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Oct 21, 2022Β·edited Oct 21, 2022

Sometimes it seems overwhelming to stand and fight your ground.

I fled NC, overrun by Gov Cooper’s ideology, for my mental health. There was no way I could stomach the demonic mask mandate and hypocrisy. The freedom I found in SD was worth the effort. And in leaving, I felt I left a message.

Couldn’t imagine living in some of these horrific blue states.

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Interesting in that I fled Illinois for NC, which at the time had a GOP governor. The GOP still holds the legislature but unfortunately not by enough to override vetoes. The State Supreme Court and Education bureaucracy are also in liberal hands. Fortunately I live in the southwestern area which is generally conservative. Outside of a few medical appointments, I did not mask ever and wasn't confronted unless I got too close to Asheville. Still, I do wonder, if it heads in the wrong direction, will I have to leave.

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Raleigh was a nightmare, but I even had confrontations near Wilmington.

We visit two of my kids near Winston Salem, but I wouldn’t return. Cooper could make it go poorly again.

Wish you the best, Paul.

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Thanks. You, too, Pam. I have daughters in crazy Illinois and going-crazy Colorado and wish they could leave. Keep fighting

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I believe NC has enough Repubs to make some waves, but they have proven over and over that they are part of the huge problem and have made no efforts to overturn Cooper's antics. Especially the NC legislative leadership. So disappointing.

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The stay and stand your ground advice is like all those parents who leave their children in Drag Queen Story Hour schools.


Get your precious children away from the freaks and demons.

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Or he will triangulate e.g. kick the can down to individual school districts....

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I live in Colorado and I was surprised but also relieved. I bet he wasn’t prepared for the backlash. I had just texted the organizer of β€œNo Forced Jabs” here in western Colorado. My message was β€œA call to action”. Now we need no action here. Jeff’s right, we need to slay the dragon at its weakest point and eliminate vax manufacturers liability. Please support this organization and review these letters. They are really damning for the government organizations which were created to protect the public and are doing no such thing! http://paracom.paramountcommunication.com/ct/60915738:W0U3PthNH:m:1:2470553807:C9018C38993B11CE81CDB7FD2D6C04B9:r I support ICANs work monthly. It is a worthwhile organization IMHO.

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You really can't believe Polis. Remember he is a PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRAT. He is really good at buying votes just like our current regime.

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He will triangulate e.g. kick the can down to individual school districts.... I guess you would have less to worry about where you are....

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Don't trust Polis. Heidi Ganahl (his opponent) has said she won't support it, but Polis will. If he wins, he'll go back on his word and blame someone ("the teacher's union wants it"). If you are from Colorado, please, DON'T vote for Polis!!

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