Nov 7, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

The new and improved Covid “Vaccine” advertisements begin with: "It's a new day, because Covid vaccines just got a big update," and end with the pithy tagline: “We Can Do This.” Okay, admittedly, I’m not the sharpest bulb in the drawer….but could someone dissect this for me? Oh hell....I'll give it a shot. Isn't EVERY day a new day? Was there something wrong with the "vaccine" yesterday? The day before? Last month? How big is big? What's big about it? If, as certain "experts" have asserted, that the shots are your ticket to a Covid free existence, what could possibly need to be updated? If it's always been safe and effective, is it now even MORE safe and MORE effective? Who are “we” and what exactly ARE we doing? Is the "we" actually "them?" ...."They" can do this?? It seems like "they" ARE....or certainly are trying to do SOMETHING. “This” also seems a bit enigmatic. Channeling my inner Bill Clinton..."What the hell is "this?" Actually, the entire freaking statement is devilishly ambiguous. The Pharmaceutical Marketing Overlords are desperately attempting to tighten the grip on a jab weary public (and let's face it, sales are in the crapper) and marshal them into a hapless lifetime of servitude with this anthemic little ditty, without saying...well, much of anything. Legal dodgeball, as it were, with just a dash of mind warping propaganda. Ah yes....your healthcare and well-being in the hands of warm, caring, compassionate, no-nonsense advertising suits. "Just Do It" "You're In Good Hands" "Belong Anywhere" "Take The Damn Shot!" Gives me the warm fuzzies.

Not surprisingly, there is nary a mention of any possible warnings of adverse reactions as there are with every other pharmaceutical miracle pill, shot, drug, etc... on the planet. This bit of curdled sewer gel receives the red carpet treatment. With that, since the Drug Lords aren't exactly sticklers for the Truth In Advertising Act, (and no one seems to be paying attention anyway) I've taken the liberty (can I say that?) to list some of the possible real effects....I mean, side effects of the new and improved harpoon vial of nebulous smut.

Insert your announcer voice here and for a full immersive experience you'll need to envision grandma flying a box kite and prancing about in a field of daffodils like she just woke up out of a narcoleptic coma or maybe white water rafting...or something to that effect. Background music is your choice, though it absolutely must be upbeat. None of that "On the Wings of an Angel" animals in cages stuff. Nope, that won't work. Bachman Turner Overdrive's "Takin' Care of Business" is a no-brainer. But, hey....I'm not mandating it. Oh, for goodness sakes....here!....

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCIUf8eYPqA.......... do I have to do everything for you people?!😜

*These really aren't vaccines at all. They don't prevent you from getting Covid or spreading Covid.

*Moreover, if the idea of possibly living out the rest of your days collecting designer walking canes and/or watching the "120 Days To Christmas Countdown" on Hallmark via wheelchair every year seems like a risk worth taking in order to placate your research challenged family, friends, neighbors and humanity in general, you might want to give us a shot.....or rather, take the shot(s).

*Should any part of your face begin a sluggish descent into your bowl of off-brand Cocoa Puffs, quickly chronicle the episode on TikTok and reassure everyone that the aforementioned face drooping event coincided with you foolishly consuming expired peanut butter and Necco Wafers on a full moon the night before. In other words, it's all your fault. Dummy.

*If you find yourself unable to stand, stop trying and consider a new career in tile repair.

*Call your doctor if your heart should stop beating. Be advised that if your doctor works at a large Apex Predator Government Satellite Facility rife with Administrative Velociraptors cancel your Prime membership, tidy up your last will & testament and call the coroner.

*If you're one of the unfortunate souls that has a MAJOR CATASTROPHIC adverse reaction you'll collapse "suddenly and unexpectedly" and die before you suffer any long term massive trauma. Consider yourself lucky.

You can do this.....but why would you?

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Nov 7, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022

Ahh! "You can do this. " "Thank goodness I am vaccinated. It could have been worse." I will give the branch covidiots and their covid religion one thing - their mind numbing slogans are catchy. 😉 Don't forget "follow the science." You will never understand them because you are a free thinker. They are not.

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Another statement that really grates on me: "I've had all my shots and I'm fine!" It indicates a refusal to admit that many others are NOT fine, or maybe just a refusal to care. Some people will not care until it becomes personal for them, and it will if they continue to take the boosters every few months. It's more than complying to a shot, it's complying to the agenda to remove all rights and freedom from us and make us slaves.

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Yeah like with masks, some guy in the UK ran 9 miles or something with a mask on to prove it was no big deal. First of all, without any metrics in place to judge his physical state before, during and after, how would he know (except by how he “felt” which isn’t necessarily an indicator of anything at all). Second of all, I liken this to eating a bag of peanuts and then handing a bag to a severely allergic person and saying “have some of these, I ate a whole bag and I’m fine!” PEOPLE ARE NOT THE SAME!!! (Sorry for the yelling but the “I’m fine” argument is so aggravating to me, it means absolutely nothing!). Just because you had no issues doesn’t mean others didn’t/couldn’t have any, and also doesn’t mean you might not have some down the road.

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RunningLogic - thank you! These, “I wear a mask just fine” people have grated my last nerve this whole time. See cause, I have Dysautonomia/POTS and my autonomic nervous system is well, kinda faulty. And your ANS controls silly things you kind of need like your breathing and your heart rate. Dysautonomia also causes you to have problems with blood flow to your brain. So even at the best of times you are struggling more to keep these systems regulated and not getting enough blood flow to your brain. So then what happens when you cover the place you where your oxygen comes in? Disaster. I had a hypoperfusion stressor, passed out, had a subsequent brain injury that led to two months immediate slurred speech and now two years later I still have vocal cord dysfunction that I need speech therapy for. Oh but, I can’t go to speech therapy because…you have to wear a mask. 🤦🏻‍♀️ It’s been a joy. I was only able to get one exemption of sorts to go semi-maskless (I still have to pull up the mask every time the RN comes in room) at my infusion center because that is where I actually passed out, but not without a huge fight. I even got into an argument with the office manager there because she pulled the “I have no problem wearing one crap” with me. I complained to the hospital president and she ended up having to apologize to me.

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Nov 7, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022

Reading about your experience just makes me livid, it is so very wrong that you’ve been treated this way!!!! 😡🤬

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I had that brain injury on 5/29/20 while my father was isolated alone in the hospital, dying of cancer and I was trying to act as his medical proxy all over the phone. Then with injury had to work to get him out of hospital to home hospice so he wouldn’t die alone. By the grace of God got him home on 6/1, he died 6/2, but not before one home health nurse tried to come into the home wearing a full hazmat suit. 🤦🏻‍♀️ My father didn’t want her in the room, quite right! Then had to deal with all the mask exemption nonsense and nightmare of going into stores during mandates. Very uncomfortable. Then I’m quite sure I was injured by vaccine shedding after my mother got her two shots, I was covered in hives for 9 months, flared my MCAS and POTS. I am quite literally the epitome of someone who they are never going to get “pandemic amnesty” from.

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It’s the near equivalent of telling the victim of a drunk driver, “well I managed to arrive here safely.”🤷🏻‍♀️

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Or I usually make it home just fine there are going to be a certain % of ppl that I hit but it’s worth it for the greater good

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I totally agree with this. It is a refusal to care when one says they’re fine when others are suffering. When we are firmly grounded in individual freedom, we could not take such a callous position. So as terrible as some side effects of the shot have been, I’m not as compassionate to the ones who didn’t love freedom more and try to coerce the ones who chose not to take the shot. I am very compassionate for the ones who were misled and injured by their decision if they were opposed to all mandates.

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We have a good friend who is severely vaccine injured. She and her family have been serving as missionaries in another country for about 5 years. When they came back to the US for a visit this year, she got a booster shot. Now it is uncertain when, or even if, she will be able to return. Her husband is traveling back and forth for short visits to try to keep the ministry going. She is seeing a doctor on a cash basis, because it is hard to find a doctor who will acknowledge vaccine injury and who also accepts insurance. These evil covid idiots have destroyed our medical system.

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Obviously there are medical fears for their career if they acknowledge her injury is a vaccine side effect which is absolutely deplorable, but that being said, can she just focus on healing (if that is possible through conventional medicine) from whatever it is and thus, use her insurance? She shouldnt have to go broke as well. 😢

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Conventional doctors don't know what the problem is. It's mainly the spike protein. She went to many doctors and had many tests before her current doctor diagnosed it as a vaccine injury. I'm not sure even this doctor is doing all that he should for her. The FLCCC had a conference in October to teach healthcare providers how to treat these problems. They don't have all the answers either, but they have made it their mission to help the vaccine injured. I sent the info to my friend so that her doctor can watch the lectures online, if he wishes. I hope he will. If you, or anyone else reading this, thinks they or their healthcare provider might be interested, the info can be found at the link below. As far as her going broke, the liability shield means that the vaccine injured who thought they were doing the right thing, are just left hanging. Many who were their own source of support can no longer work. There are devastating, life changing injuries to many and they are gaslighted. What are they supposed to do? We've got to hold the people accountable who have done this horrible thing to us. They are killing and injuring hundreds of thousands of people. https://covid19criticalcare.com/digital-access-now-available/

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Actually Obama did. He got the ball rolling and Biden just pushed it in. Many believe Obama is serving his third term behind Biden. Sorry about your wife. Check out Dr Artis website. He treats both vaxed and unvaxed and those shedded on. He mentions some helps. Once you get that shot the mRNA spike proteins go thru out body multiplying for a time no one knows. Folks also shed. My husband got it. I knew better by Gods discernment . Many trusted the wrong people. I don’t understand why so many did not questioned this rushed in months mrna that killed all the animals in trials. Many were forced but many lost everything not getting it. What days we live in. 80% are jabbed. 80% of pregnant jabbed woman miscarry. Their wombs calsify 335,000 deaths from jab go unreported by the corrupt media.

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Sad using people's altruism against them.

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Ironically, if someone who’d gone to the hospital ICU for Covid was told by someone who had a mild case “well I had Covid and it was no big deal”, people would have a fit!!

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Isn't that the truth? That's something else people cite when I say the vaccines didn't help. "But what about all the millions who died of covid? Maybe the vaccines don't prevent covid, but they keep people out of the hospital." WRONG.

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If the shots worked as advertised, why would anyone have to make that ridiculous statement?

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A lot of them don't care. Lockdowns, mandates and social distancing etc they are okay with because it makes them feel better. Screw your wants, thoughts and needs.

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All about their feelings. And they have the unmitigated gall to call *us* selfish!!!

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They’re okay with it because it has become their false god.

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Well they are going to die early

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And it's Russian roulette --at some point, a booster is going to kill them. Guess that will teach them. 😒

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The Russians don't like this analogy. Death Roulette! :)

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That is one of my points. They make decisions inside of their box, and only with what they see or experience themselves. That is not reality or the truth!

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I have four friends who I beleive are vax injured (one died). Only one of them will even entertain the idea that it may have been the vax.

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These won't be reported to VAERS if they don't believe there's a connection - more underreporting.

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I’ve had 20 close friends, healthy before, now issues….Parkinson’s…gut issues…shingles…aggressive cancers….oh, and the numerous ones who stroked and died….not one of them attributes it to the ‘jab’!

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And that was the dead one.

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This is Normalcy Bias.

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Right! They're fine - for the moment. Another way of saying that is "So far, so good." Until you're not. The proof is that we will see excess mortality - and disability - continue to increase into the indefinite future. But the lab coats will continue to be mystified. So weird.

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Annie - You forgot "At the speed of science"......

Here's my latest favorite (of the ages), that I recently stumbled across: "One of the penalties of refusing to participate in politics, is that you end up being governed by your inferiors." Plato..........

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There's nothing quite as bad as having robust intact immune systems.

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You poor thing, jimmy. How do you live with yourself?😩. (I’m thankful every morning for mine ) while everyone around me is complaining about something.

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Mine is diabetically compromised. Ironically, a reason my doctor said I should get the jab. I said, "so why not ask me to live healthier, and improve my immune system rather than subject me to an experimental vaccine? She did not have a good answer to that question.

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This is the way!

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A guy who jabbed his arm off and got COVID was talking to my husb. a few weeks ago and was talking about how terrible it was then he looked at my husb and said "It must have been so terrible for you since you did not get vaccinated." Husb said, It kept me out of the hospital. I am so grateful. My husband is totally stone faced. He said the jabber just stood there with a weird face.

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Nov 7, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Yeah, that always cracks me up. Our product is new and improved, not like that old crap we lied and told you was great! This time you can trust us!

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Just read the first chapter of Turtles All The Way Down and I am even more appalled at what has gone on concerning vaccine approvals. Just sickening. Steve Kirsch highly recommended this book and now I see why.

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I look forward to your posts. Thanks

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The definition of stupid is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results. Breakthrough infections are vaccine failures. If you are jabbed and you get infected, it is clear the jabs don’t work. If they prevented infection then no unvaxxed person would be a threat to a jabbed one. No vaccine will save anyone from an unhealthy diet and lifestyle. People need to take personal responsibility for their health and quit expecting other people to keep them “safe.” Germs are everywhere and exposure is 24/7, every time we take a breath. I heard someone recently say we are in this mess because we haven’t reached herd Immunity for critical thinking skills. That’s the herd Immunity we need most desperately.

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A sad effect of masks is viewing everyone as plague bearing germ incubators. I would rather see the most aesthetically unpleasing face over a mask, well unless they issue us a mandalorian helmet. But even then...

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Are you asking for personal responsibility of our own health, good or bad? Oh my! What a radical idea. Lol 😅 I agree with everything you said.

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I am the radical Sovereign Rebel. My health is my responsibility. It’s not anyone else’s job to keep me from getting sick. The only thing I can reasonably ask someone to do is to stay home if they are sick (unless it’s someone I’m having sex with and could be exposed to STDs). Based on my risk, I need to determine if I should go to gatherings or public places. I should not demand other people jump through hoops because of any fear I might have. This whole thing about getting jabbed to protect others, what about my right to not inject into my body EUA products that don’t work? I protect others by staying healthy so I don’t get sick. I can’t transmit something I don’t have.

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Many people are gullible. Those cheesy ads will reach them.


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Shared your stop amnesty piece as it is well done and forceful. Excellent!

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Yes, I don't watch hardly any TV but I do listen to talk radio in my car, and they have bought almost as much ad time as the politicians. I even heard it over the loudspeaker in my local grocery store. Yes, I complained to the store manager. I don't want propaganda with my milk and eggs!

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Yeah, every 15 minutes in the grocery store, it was all about the masking PSA. Meanwhile the employees and no one else at least here in Georgia were restocking the freezers and aisles without wearing a mask.

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That drives me nuts 😡🤬

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Good one Eric! 😂 Spot on!

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You're right..it's completely bonkers. SARS cov-2 is effectively a cold now and you don't make permanent adaptive immunity to colds (that's the immune trade-off with highly mutable respiratory viruses). The best biological explanation I have encountered this far is that SARS cov-2 was a infectious viral clone made, in a lab, using the backbone of a coronavirus with a novel and particularly immunogenic spike protein. Such lab clones have high fidelity of reproduction of virions, are initially very stable and would therefore lead to significantly severe effects. However, once widely spread, the virus would begin to combine with endemic coronaviruses and since RNA replication of wild type viruses is fraught with errors and most viral particles are not of high fidelity, things start to change. Coronaviruses, on the whole, are generally not dangerous to most people. Essentially, the original man-made viral clone has been watered down and blended into the ever-present coronavirus swarm. Coronaviruses, along with many other respiratory viruses DO kill people every year (yes, colds can kill but it's usually the elderly or compromised). They are not diagnosed by tests but lumped into a symptom-based category of PLI - pneumonia-like-illnesses. With the abuse of PCR, all of these deaths essentially got assigned to covid-19. Even though coronaviruses kill people every year that does not mean these are vaccine-preventable deaths, despite what pharma/gov would like to tell people. SARS Cov-2 is now just part of that swarm and is of no greater significance than of any of the other coronavirus.es (known and unknown). Immunity to coronaviruses is mostly cellular and broadly based on proteins shared across ALL similar viruses (not just a spike). Going forward, this will be a non-issue for most people. The harms/ ill effects of the vaccines, er I mean mRNA transfections, are another matter.

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The risk reward. They never mention that do they. You're risk is there is a good chance you already have been exposed to Covid, and over all your change of dying from it is .14% That amount gets to almost zero if you are under 50. If you are over 50 the odds are a little worse. In your seventies they are substantially higher...but then they are higher for a lot of things.

A lot of things!

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Nov 7, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022

Eric, please post your brand of coffee! I need some of that for tomorrow 😅

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I don’t know what Jeff drinks but I recommend Black Rifle, a veteran owned company.

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Aren't those the ones who backed off from supporting Kyle Rittenhouse? No thanks

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Try Stocking Mill instead. They’re veteran and supported Rittenhouse and the 2nd.

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I think it's more like what strain - sativa or indica?

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Right??!! 😆😂

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Nice synopsis!

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May I please use 'This bit of curdled sewer gel'....it is what it is.

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When I hear those messages, it’s like continuous nails on a chalk board to me. Big trigger to reignite my righteous anger! Those of us who understand all of what is going on, see right through the brainwashing words.

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Same! Just saw a Pew Research poll that said that 49% of R's 'have given a lot of thought' to the election vs only 38% of D's. I hope that gap translates into voter turnout!!

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“We can do this!” They have sure enough done it and now they need to pay for doing it!

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Not trying to be overly fussy but the saying is...not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

In the case of a bulb it would be not the brightest bulb in the drawer, or on the tree.

My personal favorite is...His elevator does not go to the top floor.

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His battery lost its charge? His Engine isn't firing on all cylinders? His bacon isn't fully cooked? His peanut butter doesn't completely spread across his cracker?

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He's 2 tacos short of a combo plate

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Wow that joke went right over your head!

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It did.

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Don't feel bad, apparently you're not alone.😁

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all foam, no beer!

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Big hat, no cattle…

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Eric! I may not be the brightest light bulb in the drawer either. But wait! Maybe there is more than one light bulb drawer? Maybe there's even a broken light bulb drawer? If so, and if we have a glimmer of incandescence left in us, we could possible be possibly positively stellar in broken light bulb drawer? Maybe there is illuminating hope still left to us! Or maybe, and on the other hand, these few lines just support the original premise? Ugh!

Thanks for the comment. Nice writing. Enjoyed it throughly! And my God! What have 'they' done to us with this demonic psy-opt, the biggest and worst in all historical recording.

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I’ve shared this Psalm before, but election time always makes me think of it because of how the vote count is collected from east to west as the polls close. May God Almighty grant us favor and astounding victory, more than we can ask or imagine.

“I said to the boastful, ‘Do not boast,’

And to the wicked, ‘Do not lift up the horn;

Do not lift up your horn on high,

Do not speak with insolent pride.’

For not from the east, nor from the west,

Nor from the desert comes exaltation;

But God is the Judge;

He puts down one and exalts another.

For a cup is in the hand of the Lord, and the wine foams;

It is well mixed, and He pours out of this;

Surely all the wicked of the earth must drain and drink down its dregs.

But as for me, I will declare it forever;

I will sing praises to the God of Jacob.

And all the horns of the wicked He will cut off,

But the horns of the righteous will be lifted up.”

— Psalm 75:4-10 NASB1995

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Tips for voting day:

• if you show up and are told you’ve already voted, you are a victim of identity theft or Bidementia. Assuming it’s the former, call your local sheriff or whoever who need to call to report ID theft. In many states you can request a provisional ballot and still vote, after completing required paperwork.

• vote late in the day if possible to mess w the cheating algorithms

• if you see something odd, say something. Write it down. Make notes. If only one party is present at voter check-in, and you’re supposed to have two; if a poll worker is helping people vote or telling someone how to vote; if the right candidates aren’t on your ballot…. After Election Day, connect w your state’s election integrity group (check out America First Audit/Action) and report your findings. Report to your county election board or whoever oversees your local elections. Report to your county party chair. And follow up on your reports - ask for answers and offer solutions.

Go Patriots!

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Useful and solid advise

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I’ve questioned voting late. In my state they announce winners WAY ahead of time. That doesn’t make sense to me to vote late because it wont count.

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Your vote should be counted regardless of when it is cast.

They announce winners based on predictions and numbers of precincts reporting, blah, blah.

The reason vote counting stopped middle of the night in 2020 was because the cheaters realized their cheating hadn’t cheated enough. They had to stop the counting in order to fabricate more votes. More or less.

Idea of voting late is to foil the algorithms put in place to alter votes, add votes, or whatever they do based on what they see coming in. But if we overwhelm the system, they may be less able to exercise their fraud. Maybe. Plus, there is the psychological aspect... people think their candidate is got a win in the bag, so voters stay home, but then the opposition keeps voting to produce a win for the other side.

Votes should count regardless of when they are cast. If you believe that your vote isn’t counted because it is cast after a winner has been called, then you need to be connecting w your state election integrity group and contacting your local election board.

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Biden has already said election results will be delayed this year and we should be patient. Right.

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Question:. What about dropping off your paper ballot at the polls? Do or don't?

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I don’t have an answer to that. Likely depends on the rules in your state. Definitely don’t count on the mail nowadays, especially not for something that important.

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Yeah. Just vote harder. That will fix things.

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Hey, voting isn’t by itself going to fix a thing. Most everybody on this Substack knows that. But, as we have seen, how we vote and how our votes are counted does actually matter.

A lot of us are voting AND doing other stuff.

Hopefully you are one of those doing other stuff as well.

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Voting is the 1st step. Holding elected officials accountable is the 2nd and ongoing step. It doesn't stop with voting.

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Yep, exactly.

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Best way to overcome election fraud other than revealing it leading to indictments and convictions is to overwhelm it at the polls.

Know all this from first hand experience. Red Tsunami! Lord, hear our prayer.

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Amen, Horsey.

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Naomi Wolf posted an excellent substack on the secret ballot and ballot fraud. Much needed.


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Nov 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Love the multipliers!!!! Thanks so much!!!

Praying for Kari Lake and other freedom candidates to win BIG tomorrow.

Praying for those of us working our local polling places and absentee ballot counting locations - God’s protection and integrity to win the day.

And pray for the machines. Heard last night about an early voting location in my state where 3 out of the 4 required machines just stopped working. Took multiple mechanics to fix them. Voters in line left.

Pray for God to send his righteous, justice-loving angels to guard the machines. To curtail the vote manipulation that we know goes on in the computer innards. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

And if you see something odd on voting day, say something. Nothing is too small. Call your county party chair to report.

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Please add Geoff Diehl and Massachusetts to your prayer list ! No-one mentions Massachusetts because they think we're a lost cause but help us out of this mandate & green agenda hellhole.

He is also against mandates and pledges to re-hire every fired "unvaxxed" with back pack and fire all those who made it happen. He's for school choice, DESE oversight and adjustments to Open Meeting law to allow parents to be heard. https://secure.winred.com/diehl-for-ma/donate-today . Hoping the Tsunami doesn't miss our state.....................

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He sounds like a great candidate, someone who will push the Overton Window, win or lose. In too many Red states, RINOS win but represent Big Pharma et al and not freedom lovers.

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Left MA after college, years ago, and only have lefty relatives there now but I will pray for your state. With God all things are possible.

Best wishes.

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Praying for you all!!

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I’m in Ohio. I was able to ask for a paper ballot. I think maybe most people don’t know that is an option

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In some places, yes. Not where I live. Heck, 50% of our counties don’t even have an auditable paper trail! 😱

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re the flu scamdemic, the "hospital bed" numbers are bogus. in corporate hospital lingo, a "bed" is not an actual piece of furniture you lie down in. it's a metric based on the staff-to-patient ratio. understaffed hospitals have fewer "beds,:" since they have lost so many doctors and nurses because of the injection mandates.

peggy hall, who is in orange county, checked on children's hospital there and found that there were a total of 11 (eleven) children in the icu there, and not all because of rsv or respiratory illness. hardly a pandemic.

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THANK YOU! I found this out in 2020 with all the fake “hospital beds are full” BS. When we figure out how they manipulate us EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. it’s infuriating. Every single thing they tell us is deceptive and manipulating us. Everything! It’s exhausting.

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Yes - hospitals are almost always at capacity, or else they're going out of business.

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BINGO!!!! Wish more people

would see this. They send staff home when they don’t have enough patients because of the “business”

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Forces us to play whack-a-mole. Yes, it's exhausting, but I'm getting better at it as time goes on. Plus, the audience is a bit more receptive than at the start.

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Nov 8, 2022·edited Nov 8, 2022

I heard from a nurse that one of the hospitals in Illinois removed the beds and redesigned the room and turned it into a meditation/ de-stressing area, then they claim they are running out of capacity. I mean... it's important to de-stress in a high-stress job but I thought they already had those types of areas. I heard from another nurse that she had 18 patients at one point, a completely unsafe ratio but a way for a hospital to make money paying fewer people. These hospitals are just about the money, they don't care about either patients or their employees. So they fire staff or some people quit either due to mandates or unsafe staff-to-patient ratio and then they claim they are overwhelmed. Something needs to be done about it. Patients will suffer as a result.

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Peggy also noted that a certain company named Pfizer is ready to deliver an RSV vaccine once it receives EUA approval. Hmm, haven't we seen this before?

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Good grief. The blatant con is disgusting.

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Peggy Hall is a gift to all of us.

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Yep. The ‘bed count’ stories make it sound like actual physical beds which are empty or full. Actually it’s based on staff availability...which is worse now, of course, as unjabbed staff got fired or forced to quit. By the way, in the fall/winter, during ‘flu season’, extra beds are temporarily added in the hospital hallways EVERY SINGLE YEAR, but this wasn’t a news story until Covid. The hospitals are NOT overwhelmed. This RSV etc. story from the media sounds familiar, no? Pay no attention.

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Rsv is also pretty cyclical, big outbreaks about every 3 to 4 years.

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Good point.

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And back when there were all the 'ERs overflowing from COVID' stories in 2020, I looked up 'ERs overflowing from flu' stories from the past, and I found it's an annual story, varying a bit by geography, but "journalists" use it as a standby.

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THIS. Jeff please write more about this or point to something that we can share. Hospital beds aren’t actually beds you can lie down in. It’s a ratio of staff to patients?!?! That’s why I was a bit confused about being over 100 percent.

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Nov 7, 2022·edited Nov 8, 2022

Hmmm payback for the OC lawsuit!!? You know OC Board of Ed was the county going AGAINST Newsom’s mandates ! *gasp* they were going in the direction of Florida !! Lol 😉 So, definitely a hit piece on OC ….or maybe I’m just seeing a conspiracy in every news article 🤷‍♀️

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Is that little girl in the 4-photo putting money in that drag queen’s stocking? OMG. OMG. That entire photo is chilling and….. I just don’t have words but would really like to reach for a club.

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Why are there no drag Kings? It's simple. When a masculine looking female dresses up as a man, it is not SEXY. It's obviously about sex. The costumes and behavior makes it clear.

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My wife and I took a weekend getaway in Eureka Springs. Little did we realize that this weekend was "Diversity Weekend" complete with drag queens and fat dykes and small children dressed up in rainbow gear.


Please Lord, make it stop. However You need to do that.

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It's coming but seems never soon enough. I suppose they need time to fill up their cup of iniquity. What a bitter cup that is going to be.

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Was thinking about that as well. It’s ALL about sex. Liza Minnelli dressed as a man was not sexy

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I don’t know what disgusts me more about the last 2 years but that has to be in the top 2!!!

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And that her parents, usually a liberal mom, bring them to these events! Nasty karens. 😝

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Yep. Saw an otherwise normal looking mom with her rainbow-dressed 5 year old daughter in Eureka Springs yesterday for "Diversity Weekend." Made me so sad for that poor little girl.

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It sure points out the difference between a real momma bear and a narcissistic woe-man.

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Yeah, 🤮🤮🤮🤮, I couldn’t believe that I was seeing what I thought I was seeing... I mean, this is worse than anything I ever thought I knew about cross-dressing. I had to look at the picture again, but then I didn’t want to look.

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I'm no expert, but I know that transvestites/crossdressers are not the same as drag queens. Transvestites, think Rachel Levine, are men that feel more comfortable identifying and dressing as women. They actually try to look like real women. Drag queens have their own persona when they dress up like outlandish cartoon characters of women. They do not dress like that all the time - they perform for attention. They hate women, evidenced by the over-the-top costumes and extreme actions, and enjoy making women look ridiculous. The acceptance of their behavior by public officials and worse, encouraging it and exposing it to children as "normal and fun" is insane and part and parcel of the dismantling of society and the family.

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These are all deviant behaviors indicative of mental disorders. What’s really sick is the normalization of it and exposing young children to this behavior is despicable and child abuse.

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You can thank China; Elite & Corporate Capture.

- Please see Peter Schweizer's "red handed" or his interview with Shawn Ryan


- TikTok

- Disney

- Grooming POS

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Men who dress as women, and women who dress as me are "an abomination unto the Lord, thy God." Dt. 22:5

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No tolerance for any of them. (I used to think differently before the breakdown of American society.)

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I’ll disagree a little bit about cross dressers trying to look like biological women. I don’t think they do, think Caitlyn Jenner. I do not have a problem with an adult dressing as they like, but these men are always so fancy, heels, make up and dresses. Most everyday women do not look like that all the time. How come they are not in leggings, a sweatshirt and a ponytail ever lol? It’s a costume to them, in my opinion.

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Where are the 'cross-dressing tomboys,' lol? I was a tomboy; they never are, they're what I've never been, though I've always been of the female *sex* (not 'gender'). People in that 'gender' world really have the most strict sex roles ever - play with dolls? Must be a girl! With trucks? Must be a boy!

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Good distinction. I have more sympathy for the cross dressers. The Queen clowns need to keep shite away from my kids.

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Maybe a little more sympathy, but not much, after what I saw last week. While in Home Depot, I saw an obviously male person, wearing a tank top, short skirt and leggings. He looked like he was dressed for Halloween, complete with make-up and a spider tattoo. It's hard to express how horrible this person looked, with his male features and his apparent breast implants. The worst of it was that he had three young children with him. I think he is doing as much to dismantle the family as anyone else. Apparently he has already dismantled his own and perhaps had his children for the weekend. I heard him say something to them about mom. Can you imagine if your husband went crazy like this and you were mandated to let your children spend time with him?? My heart broke for these innocent children.

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Apparently cross dressers have lost any sense of taste. The guy I used to see was not “out there”. But then everything has turned into 🤡 World. Maybe it was a Halloween get up.

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Why would drag queens be any more acceptable than someone in blackface? Same/same. Heather Heying brought this up on Dark Horse podcast recently.

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But they never look like real women (except maybe the Thai 'lady boys'). The ones here? They look like men. And why they think they know what it feels like to *be* a woman has escaped me ever since they brought in a transvestite to our med school class (mid-80s).

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Nov 8, 2022·edited Nov 8, 2022

They can get good enough to fool some of the people. (I am told many streetwalkers are men dressed as women to attract customers. Every once in a while there's a news report of some famous person arrested with a transvestite prostitute.) Unless the crazy scientists come up with a way to take away an X and replace it with a Y chromosome, they'll just keep having to dress up and make believe.

It's one seriously screwed up world and time for the Great Reckoning.

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Dogslife: yes agree there is a spectrum. Real 'crossdressers', (many of whom are heterosexual males) temporarily dress for a host of reasons that lead into it (costuming, escapism, risk taking, fetish, textures/sensual, sexual etc) but make little to no changes to their body. Think of a guy who dabbles on a Saturday night but has to work with the boys on Monday morning. A missed spec of nail polish or some missing arm hairs and he is outed. As for public appearances that depends on how 'passable' and where. This used to be a concern for police, but in gay friendly areas and bars a reasonable pass works.

Trans I would define as people who wish to explore taking on a new gender role more permanently and to try to live it 24/7 with all the mundane that goes with it (Levine and co. here). These folks entertain more permanent type changes (hormones, implants, surgeries etc). Both crossdressers and trans generally they try to emulate the real thing but some can be more daring or different.

Drag queens are entirely distinct from all of this and imho represent a very very small portion of the overall lgbtq community. These tend to be the super flamboyant gay male types who when they dress are completely over the top. Not so long ago queens would only be seen in adult entertainment clubs and most of those acts are for adults and sexually charged.

It boggles the mind how even a serious effort at helping young kids navigate feelings that may be troubling or different, would hold up queens as some sort of icon or role model. Seeing someone like that during your daily routine is rare (and used to be unheard of). Those images must be frightening or at least confusing to young kids and perhaps that is the real underlying goal. It's amazing how people jump on to band wagon campaigns with so little understanding (queens, covid, BLM.....and on).

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Well said. I have to admit I am triggered by the comment”drag queens are fun” they basically “help” kids that are having a bad day!! Yup POOF MAGIC mom and dad fighting at home solution drag queen. Someone is bullying me… drag queen. Ppl are dealing with real issues and what and who decided drag queens are “fun” if that is your definition of fun there is something wrong. FUN for kids is playing with each other slip and sliding water gun fights not watching some hyper sexualized man dressed as a woman exhibiting over the top weird behaviour that mocks the image of God and the sacred role of women. Again just a little triggered haha

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If we are triggered, that's proof that we are OK...lol.

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Seems like weird cross dressers have taken over the trans issue. They belong in nightclubs and circuses where this kind of weird is laughed at. Real clowns should protest. 😱😱😱😱😱.

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I should change this to Drag Queens. I knew a cross dresser (I think) but he was never in your face about it. He came into the library where I worked now and then.

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I'll buy you a club and serve as your second.

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I have to admit I’m pretty pessimistic when it comes to hoping politicians will come in and save the day. I pray every night these new politicians are upset enough to actually make changes and fight the rinos!

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Everyone has an easy track record to review : the past few years. If they didn't speak up then, then they don't have the integrity and ability to do what needs to be done.

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Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson has spoken up more than anyone I am aware of. He's had several roundtable discussions with various experts and with the vaccine injured. He always invited the media, the FDA and CDC officials and other congress members, but they are aren't interested. I pray he gets reelected because I KNOW he will do his best to bring people to account for these crimes against humanity. Jeff did a multiplier for Senator Johnson awhile back. I've not been in the habit of donating to politician's campaigns until the last year or so, but I see the need now.

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Yes!! I multiplied Johnson too!!! Hes been awesome

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And he is LITERALLY the only person out of 535 who has tried to do a damn thing. Fuck the system. It's rigged. We have to totally dismantle it. People need to stop participating in it because by doing so we are ostensibly complying with it. It is only going to change with radical changes at the local levels that get pushed up into higher levels of government.

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Yep, which is why it drives me nuts people think chief operation warp speed trump is somehow a force for good. Wake up folks!

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I totally agree, but who CAN we count on? Ron DeSantis, of course, but if he doesn't run for president, who else can do the job?

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“You ‘Conservative’ ‘Pundits’ still don’t get it:

Donald John Trump wasn’t just our MAGA candidate in 2015, he was our murder weapon and the professional GOPe elite, the party system within the Republican club, was our intended victim.”


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Yes. Please restate.

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I think I understand what you are trying to say, but possibly I don't. If you're willing to elaborate more, that would be helpful to me, as I am interested in your point.

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I don’t know. Most people don’t want to face how to really “fix” America.

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Trump always insisted on no mandates and no coercion. He IS a force for good, but he is not omniscient nor omnipotent. And he is also old.

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That's a damn lie. Trump didn't do ANYTHING to prevent the mandates. That's a complete invention by delusional Trumpers, who are trying to distance themselves from Operation Warp Speed, which Trump claims as his greatest accomplishment.

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After I spent some time investing energy in the question of Trump integrity, I am leaning towards working on how as an individual, and part of a community of common interest and values, it is possible to create the culture and structure and accountability to keep even a sincere representative actor responsible. One example for me is the issue of the judicial branch as being an integral element of accountability and justice which is not utilized and is out of the practical reach of most of us. I would like to see that, if we have rights under the constitution and under God, that we can affirm and practice and defend those rights practically. The judicial system is one way, but I don't want to limit my perceptual scope. I think there are many more ways than are now easily and commonly perceived.

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So you had to twist your head so far around to satisfy your TDS that you’ve likely broken your neck…but you got your vile, vomitus vitriol out there.🤮

We know your motto : PERSUADE, CHANGE, INFLUENCE

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Oh the irony. You think Trump or any billionaire gives two shits about you? He pushed the fucking clot shots long after EVERYONE knew how dangerous they were. Chump city....

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EXACTLY! That's why I'm sitting out the US Senate and US House races in my district.

Yes, they're all (Lankford, Mullin, Hern) "solid conservative Republicans." But no, they haven't done a DAMN THING to protect Oklahomans against the intrusive COVID State.

AND I would've settled for a "strongly worded statement" but no, I didn't even get that.

So they can all three go to Hell.

I'll vote in the lower races - Gov. Kevin Stitt, State Superintendent Ryan Walters, and Brad Banks for State House. All GOP. But I'm not supporting these professional pols at the top.

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I hear you! If they were silent, they were complicit. They won’t get my vote because they don’t deserve it.

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what about fighting the dems too?

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I wish people who converse w dems the best of luck. No thank you!

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I don’t get this comment. I’m say both dems and rhinos need to be removed.

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Lol. Sorry just being snarky. Not very happy w rinos and dems. No disrespect to your comment Lisa!

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What land are we in when a publicly elected official like that Michigan AG can say out loud that drag queens are good for kids? Lord, God, help us! We deserve your divine judgment.

Where have the people of Michigan BEEN all these years?

I tell you, this sort of thing I have about zero patience for. All the nice Christian people who for years voted blue because it made them feel good like they were helping the poor and the downtrodden with more social programs, etc, etc. While IGNORING that they also were voting (generally, in the recent decades of my lifetime) for godless pagans who would do this.

Now, have there been good Dems, like RFK, Jr? Absolutely. I could vote for him in a heartbeat.

But his type is not what Dems have been for a number of years.

And of COURSE we need a lot better character from most of our Republican politicians too. Most of them are just a few steps behind the current Dems.

But seriously. No one in his right mind should be voting blue. I don’t care what you think about the environment or welfare or Medicare. This seditious, dangerous immortality is lethal to our kids and our culture.

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I heard a politician running for a local position recently say …

It’s not a vote between democrat and republican any more

It’s a vote between reality and common sense …and crazy

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On Tuesday (Nov 8th), vote for the ISSUES, not necessarily for the party with whom you happen to be registered.

On the ISSUES, are you more of a D or an R? Almost NO one is 100% either way, so which way are you leaning towards more than 50%?

D1. Teach kindergarteners how to change their gender.

R1. This is inappropriate in schools and should be a discussion between parents and their children.

D2. "No Cash Bail" release for violent repeat felons.

R2. Violent offenders must remain in jail until released by a court after a proper fair trial. Repeat felony offenders even kill as soon as they are back out in the public with no bail.

D3. War on police.

R3. The police are vital to every community. Defending the police has hit minority communities the worst with more murders and black-on-black crime.

D4. Open borders.

R4. Close the borders of our sovereign nation. The US is very open for LEGAL immigrants, but not for illegal immigrants.

D5. War on U.S. energy independence.

R5. Energy independence is crucial for the US to lower gas prices, help our allies, sustain our petroleum reserves, and combat runaway inflation.

D6. Wild spending to fuel highest inflation in 42 years.

R6. Require the US government to balance their budget, reduce the deficit, eliminate waste and fraud, and pay down our massive $30+ trillion debt. Stop printing money to increase inflation... it's hurting everyone!

D7. War on family.

R7. Encourage the nuclear family where children are raised by BOTH their mother AND their father. Do not subsidize one parent to get rid of the other parent just to get more government money.

D8. War on God.

R8. Encourage a belief in a higher power, no specific religion, just that there is more out there in the universe.

D9. War on Christmas.

R9. Allow Christmas and other religious holidays.

D10. War on Thanksgiving.

R10. Allow Thanksgiving and other traditional holidays.

D11. War on freedom of speech and thought.

R11. Universities and most media have eliminated free speech and only allow 1 side to present. This is very unhealthy for a democracy.

D12. Open hatred of America (tear down Lincoln statues, etc.).

R12. Encourage patriotism in our schools and communities. America is the best country ever created by mankind, so be proud of that and defend it with your life.

D13. Failing schools that teach kids to be dumber.

R13. The public schools are failing in many areas, particularly in the inner cities. Offer school choice to allow parents to place their children in better schools and increase competition to make public schools have to perform better.

D14. Politicized science.

R14. Don't politicize science. Just stick to the scientific method and remove all politics.

D15. Voting laws are a federal issue and shall be decided by 9 people on the Supreme Court.

R15. Voting laws are a state issue and shall be decided by the state representatives per the US Constitution.

D16. Abortion laws are a federal issue and shall be decided by 9 people on the Supreme Court.

R16. Abortion laws are a state issue and shall be decided by the state representatives per the US Constitution.

D17. Expand the Supreme Court of the United States to randomly add additional justices who support our agenda.

R17. The Supreme Court of the United States shall remain at 9 Justices and not be expanded by political fiat.

- Michael Komara (a comment on a post by Ben Hart today)

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As someone from Michigan, let me first say, the lines from AG, Nessel were taken out of context. They were said as a joke, sick as such a joke is. Unfortunately, until covid hit and many Michiganders were rudely awakened as to how corrupt many insiders had known Michigan was for decades. Detroit has been a sewer for decades. Sporting venues and headquarters for auto makers was the only thing keeping it viable to the rest of the state. It had been run by Democrats for 70 years and while we all knew what it was the bedroom communities and university towns made it attractive.

We now realize that the plan was already in motion to destroy the American economy before Trump was elected. By overriding the algorithms in 2016, he by sheer force of getting people to vote made a red wave happen. I don’t care what anyone says about the man, he tried in every way possible to keep his campaign promises. After 8 years of Obama and the World Order pushing us down the road of socialistic communism, America First, made people feel good again. The man took 24/7 abuse from mainstream media. The Swamp of DC was determined to bring him down. He brought to light all the ABC bureaucracy’s running this country and how the judicial systems were being infiltrated with Leftists. He exposed it all but the constant chaos created by the media would not let us focus….until covid made it crystal clear for some.

In 2018, because of term limits on our governors, AG, and SOS we had new candidates running for all of these offices. We ran a weak GOP candidate, a lifetime minor politician, against a woman Democrat who had been in the Michigan Legislature for a time and was known in Lansing as an activist even then. The AG running as a Dem was openly Gay, nasty even then. The SOS, looked like the girl next door, but was maybe the worst of the lot. When covid hit, they all acted in complete coordination, locking down everything. The AG arrested people who dared keep their businesses open. They were openly defiant about keeping the abortion clinics open, along with pot dispensaries, liquor stores, and cigar bars while shutting down hospitals and every small business. There was a blanket of silence from the media, no one even knew that Detroit Metro airport was open even after the lockdown was in full force.

Outrage was there, but our Republican led Legislature said their hands were tied. It wasn’t until a year later that we realized they had betrayed us over and over again. Now there is a real likelihood the Legislature will become Democratic led after a ballot initiative passed also in 2018 calling for an independent bipartisan committee to redistrict voting lines in the state, of course did so favoring Democrats. All of this was planned well in advance of 2020. The election in this state in 2020 was completely stolen. 1000’s of signed affidavits attesting to eye witness voter fraud and election fraud were dismissed without even a public hearing. Voter rolls with 27,000 dead people still on them were never expunged.

A secured voter initiative was constantly hindered during 2021 and 2022 by our SOS. And when it seeemed that we would get it across the finish line, the deceptive Prop 2 easily makes the ballot, coming out in June. The infiltration of the Leftist agenda has been in operation for decades, we just didn’t want to see it. It has taken down this beautiful state, but beware, Florida is not safe either. Texas is finding that out as well.

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Thank you! Wonderfully expressed. No place is safe. We all have to fight it with all our might. Long ago in a teacher’s lounge, I said, “We’re going to ‘nice’ ourselves to death as a country.” This whole mantra of “We’re better than that.” leads to our continuous rape and pillage. Christians are called to be holy, not nice. Protecting Eternal Truth requires dirt, sweat, tears and battles.

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I wish I could like this, it won’t let me. We have become complacent for years, wanting the world we thought we had as kids, as now adults. Since Christ left this earth, the End Times have been upon us. There have been times of tribulations since then. It will always be until He returns in the Great Gathering.

There is a video put out by John 10:10. It is the voice of Abraham Lincoln calling for a National Day of Prayer in April of 1863. The words are eloquent and are very much a parallel for today. This was before Gettysburg and two more bloody years of war, and decades of healing. One election will not fix it and only our return to God will ultimately determine it.

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And 'holy' means 'a people set-apart'. That people set apart are the israelites, also known as europeans.

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Naomi Wolf posted an excellent substack on what needs to be done. Bottom line, there needs to be complete transparency. This also goes for everything in gov't and especially Congress!


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Tptb already had Hilary elected. Remember the shock when she could set off all those fireworks because she lost? 😄 Election of Trump set back their agenda and woke a lot of us up.

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Ugh reading this makes me feel at once frustrated, furious and sad!!

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I have been all of the above. My Faith is all that holds me upright now.

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And if you look at what their programs to “help” have actually done, there is far more harm than good. So really the people who vote this way like to feel good about themselves but are only pretending to improve the situation. I grew up in a poor rural area and saw first hand the damage leftist policies that were touted as “helping the poor” did there 😡

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This insane evil pushing transvestites on children is horrid but we need to win and beat back these clowns and also through prayer. I pray often asking God for his mercy for the sins of our nation and to forgive America. It's a great way to continue the fight.

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She's a nasty evil karen. They are bereft of decency.

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I adore Kari Lake. She's bold, brave and a true hero. Multiplier done!

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Ditto on your thoughts of Kari Lake. Multiplier completed. Jeff is spot-on - feels good to contribute and it’s comforting to be part of the patriotic C&C Army. We are The People!

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Joined in as accountability for the ChiCom virus attacks on American civil rights is important and once the dust settles and Kari Lake is AZ governor, word will get out.

Hopefully the GOPe will gain a spine and stop hating on the base.

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It feels good to multiply common sense, conservative candidates as part of a fabulous group of like-minded people!

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Kari is an absolute gem! A truly one of a kind individual in the like of Donald John Trump. ❤️💕❤️

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Michigan also has 2 proposals on the voter ballots. One is about voter integrity and the other is about abortion. The bills are so poorly worded that if voters don't read them very carefully, they may end up voting for something horrible. Example, the voter integrity proposal sounds wonderful on face value but a "yes" vote will REMOVE voter ID requirements. The lefties are extremely devious & crafty.

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I am sick to death of them wording these proposals deceptively! Oregon does it too. You cannot even figure out what the thing is saying so you have no clue how to vote. It has been going on a long time. Another thing we feel powerless to stop. They are sick effing cheaters!

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A No vote is really a Yes vote, or vice versa. They love to cheat through confusion. The gun bill is written that way on tomorrow’s ballot. 😵‍💫

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Everyone does the deceptive wording trick.

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Hubs and I had to spend several hours researching everything on our Florida ballot before he voted on saturday. Sadly there will be unmotivated/uninformed voters who will vote on the 2-3 top races and just randomly check the rest or just leave them blank.

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I was a poll-watcher in 2020, and I was amazed at how many people came in having done zero study beforehand (even though our Supv of Elections mails sample ballots way ahead of time, to facilitate such study), obviously confused by the language of amendments to the state constitution.

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They do that kind of deceptive wording all the time in California. You have to read things very very carefully.

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Yes, and it is the fox literally guarding the henhouse with the SOS, who is as evil if not more than the aforementioned AG, Nessel, and Governor, in charge of elections. All are up for re election along with these odious proposals.

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She is a Soros stooge like so many of them

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

💉 Last week, a friend had a “bloodclot” removed - that was the length of his leg, groin to ankle.

Swear to you, his MDs are all saying they have no idea what caused it.

💉 Last night, I got a call that a life-long friend literally dropped dead. He had no previous illnesses.

He had previously posted fb pics of himself getting the jab.

Lord, in your mercy.

Have mercy upon us.

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These "clots" are very common. And they are not made out of blood which is easy to see when you rinse them off. But the doctors won't talk about it. They are so mystified. It's as if deductive logic doesn't even exist.

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You can read these reports all day on DSN group on FB.

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Charlie Crist is a racist! That's what they'd be calling him if he wasn't one of their own. A White man denouncing Florida's Black Surgeon General as a "hack" or "quack." Their hypocrisy is nauseating.

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I agree. It’s so one sided!

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Suspended for impersonating a comedian 😂😆🤣

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Elon is actually funnier. And he's a autistic geek!

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

DONE! Kari Lake is a rockstar and I believe will be our first woman president. Of course once she takes care of AZ.

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Imagine this: After Trump's term, DeSantis runs for office with Kari as VP. 8 years later, she runs for office. I know - sigh - I'm dreaming too much. But I HAVE to believe this City on a Hill can be rescued!

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THAT is a dream to have! I'd support that 100%!

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Coy Gibbs, co owner of Joe Gibbs Racing, died unexpectedly, in his sleep, Saturday night. He was 49 years old. Most probably aren’t familiar with Nascar racing but for those who are, Coy’s 20 year old son won the Xfinity racing championship of Nascar on Saturday. A picture of a healthy Coy, his son, Ty with his trophy and Coy’s wife, Ty’s mother was displayed. Sunday, after the championship Nascar Cup race was finished it was announced of Coy’s sudden passing, but many of us knew about it before the championship race started. When are people going to connect the dots?

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Spoken as a pureblood observing social insanity: It is difficult to connect the dots when they lead to increased likelihood that the persons doing that connecting will have to accept that (1) they are at high risk of debilitating illness; (2) they are at high risk of sudden death; (3) they accepted a lie and thus made bad personal decisions. That number 3 is tough, because ego does not handle loss easily.

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They will never connect the dots if they put a ton of faith in jabs. Its cognitive dissonance to do so. It wont happen. Not until they are mad as hell a loved one like a child is maimed. Otherwise it goes against what they deeply believ- that they are effective safe and helpful.

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Outcomes are greater than Beliefs.

This is my go to.

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☹️ I think people are, but so many now are terrified if they are figuring it out, and legacy media just keeps blanketing any connection.

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How incredibly sad!! There have been so many lately, I can't even keep up.

And I fear it's only going to intensify. :(

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The more precise question here would be when will on air presenters and folks going to admit they connect the dots?

When need the "how to overcome my mass formation psychosis and admit I was evil for a time" book.

A lot of people will be lost for decades or perhaps their entire remaining life because of what they did during the plandemic. Connecting the dots for many will lead to a new kind of hell. Not approving or apologizing or anything "positive" for them. Just realize war has decades long consequences, most of which are devastating.

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Nov 7, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022

I believe you are right. We, the unjabbed can see it, but it is still relatively random in our small world’s that most are not making the connections. And they likely never will.

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Thank you for the Kari Lake multiplier. I’m here in AZ and she is fierce! What a freedom loving, God fearing patriot! I’ve heard her speak several times and she is impressive.

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