Good morning, C&C, and Happy Monday! Today’s roundup includes: CDC makes a big change in covid reporting and some people don’t like it; progress in CDC’s mask guidance; PayPal fines and then un-fines misinformation in one day; Twitter censors, then un-censors, official government misinformation; Russian attacks Ukrainian infrastructure after Ukraine attacks a key Russian bridge; Obergefell prediction comes true; FBI feels the heat from Republicans in the Senate; and a hilarious followup to Biden’s “two words” gaffe.
🪖 Thanks for all the terrific feedback on my American Thought Leaders interview. If you missed it, here’s the no-subscription-required link.
🔥 Last Thursday, CBS ran a long-overdue story headlined, “CDC Ends Daily Reporting of Covid Case and Death Data, in Shift to Weekly Updates.” Finally!
The massive health bureaucracy explained the shift would “allow for additional reporting flexibility, reduce the reporting burden on states and jurisdictions, and maximize surveillance resources.” Sounds good. The new guidance states that from October 20th, state and local health departments will now only need to report new covid cases and deaths to the agency every week, on Wednesdays.
I thought it was good news, but Twitter covid experts were “furious:”

I don’t know. Maybe these fearful folks should be more a smidge more concerned about the risk of global thermonuclear war, rather than fretting about getting their daily updates on a bad cold that has a ton of available treatments at this point?
Just asking. Don’t cancel me.
🔥 This next story is progress, but it’s going to vex you anyway. Guess what the scientists at the CDC just discovered? FACES ARE IMPORTANT FOR CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT.

Where was World Smile Day the last two years? Oh, that’s right, it was masked by an ineffective cloth virtue-signaling device. That’s where it was.
Thanks, CDC! $cience.
You have to pay close attention. Science changes fast. It can turn on a dime. Here’s the same over-funded government health agency from THREE DAYS BEFORE:

💉 The news is moving fast these days. There were two stories over the weekend where the action completely reversed in the SAME DAY. First on Saturday, PayPal published a new user license agreement that allowed the transaction processor to fine users $2,500 every time it thought a user “promoted misinformation,” whatever that means, but by the end of the day, and after thousands of prompt account closures, the company reversed course and said nope, sorry, how’d that get in there, it was just an accident.
Never mind!
Then yesterday, Twitter jailed as “misinformation” Friday’s tweet by Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo, wherein he announced Florida’s new guidance advising against vaccination for males under 40, citing drastically high rates of cardiac death following the jabs.

You can imagine what people were saying. Ladapo is a STATE OFFICIAL. His agency’s guidance is OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT INFORMATION. Who is Twitter to decide that official government information is MISinformation? Who died and made Twitter king?
Apparently Florida asked twitter to explain themselves. Then — whoops! sorry! — by the end of the day yesterday, without explanation, Twitter un-jailed Dr. Ladapo’s official tweet:

Twitter really needs to get its act together. What the heck.
🚀 German news magazine Bild ran an indignant story early this morning headlined, “German Consulate Also Hit in Kiev.” The sub-head clarified, “The visa office of the German consulate in Kiev was hit by Russian missiles.” The article included this picture:
If that photo is accurate, that is a HUGE visa office. My goodness. Just how many German visas were they processing in Kiev? It must have been truckloads of visas. Now they’ll have to figure out a different way to handle all those Ukrainians wanting German visas, since Russia has decided to redecorate the place.
The shameless attack on Germany’s visa office appears to be part of a larger initiative. The New York Times ran a story this morning headlined, “Live Updates: At Least 10 Cities in Ukraine Come Under Sustained Attack.” The subhead says, “Authorities said at least five people were killed in Kyiv, as Russia fired missiles across Ukraine in retaliation for an attack on Saturday on a key bridge.”
Ukrainian officials stated the Russians unleashed 77 missiles from 6:20 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. this morning in a nationwide attack. Airstrikes also came from Belarus and the Crimean peninsula using 17 Shahed-type drones. Ukraine’s prime minister Denys Shmyhal said in a Telegram post that eleven important “infrastructure facilities” in eight regions and Kiev were damaged. “Parts of those regions have been de-energized,” he said.
I think he means without power, not demoralized.
One still-unanswered question that I’ve been asking since February is, why hasn’t Russia targeted Ukrainian infrastructure from day one? Russia could have easily crippled the Ukrainians without the loss of a single comrade. So far, I see nothing in the breaking news suggesting that the Russians have made any serious effort to shut down Ukraine’s power and water. They’re just poking at it. It’s like they’re not even trying.
Russians are starting to ask similar questions about the war. I listened to a podcast this weekend — the no-excuses pro-Russia “Russians with Attitude” — and the hosts seriously discussed whether the war was “real” or possibly stage-managed — principally because of the lack of infrastructure damage.
The only rational explanation I can imagine is that Russia has scrupulously avoided creating more humanitarian injury than necessary. But that explanation is inconsistent with the corporate media narrative that president Putin is frenzied madman. So.
This morning’s attacks are being attributed to ‘bridge revenge.’
🚀 The Kerch bridge is a 12-mile span connecting Russia with Crimea built in 2018, after Crimea controversially joined Russia in 2014. According to lore, Putin himself inaugurated the bridge, and was the first to cross it in an orange dump truck. Ukrainians famously detest the bridge, they just can’t stand it, they see it as a symbol of Russian occupation.
On Saturday, a mysterious, massive explosion destroyed a key segment of the middle of the Kerch bridge. Hot takes initially identified the cause as anything from a “truck explosion” to a “commando demolition,” and the BBC later “revealed” the driver’s license of a Ukrainian boat captain alleged to have conducted a suicide attack using a fishing boat or something.
But yesterday I saw this, which makes much more sense than a suicide boat attack. It was probably a missile strike.

Tellingly, in an official statement, Putin labeled the bridge strike an illegal terrorist attack on “critically important civilian infrastructure,” which frankly is hard to argue with. Ukrainian social media pundits argued that since Russia drove some tanks over the bridge one time, it is fair game, or something. But if that holds water, then nothing is civilian infrastructure.

Putin’s logic seems to justify this morning’s attacks on Ukraine, under the goosey-gander rule. In his statement, Putin also alleged that Ukraine “tried to blow up” the TurkStream natural gas pipeline. He warned, “If attempts to carry out terrorist attacks continue, Russia’s response will be severe and at the level of the threats facing it. Nobody should be in any doubt.”
We can see a pattern developing. The Nordstream pipelines, the Kerch bridge, and now possibly the Turkstream pipeline: The Ukrainians hate things in the water! Haha, just kidding. It appears they are targeting significant Russian assets outside the borders of that country. Since Russian law forbids use of tactical nuclear weapons unless the Motherland is directly attacked, the choice of oceanic targets suggests the Ukrainians are being careful not to give Russia any nuclear options.
🚀 Last week, Russian president Putin signed a declaration annexing four Ukrainian territories into Russia, meaning under Russian law any attack on them will now be a direct attack on the Motherland. One of the four regions was Zaporizhzhia, home of the largest nuclear power plant in Europe.
🔥 Apocalypse alert! The New York Post ran a bizarre story this weekend headlined, “NYC Judge Rules Polyamorous Unions Entitled to Same Legal Protections as 2-Person Relationships.”
Hahahaha! That HAS to be a mistake! We were PROMISED when Obergefell made gay marriage the law of the land that this would NEVER HAPPEN. It was just a lunatic conspiracy theory to predict that the extra-constitutional decision would be quickly extended to polygamy and all sorts of other deviant sexual behavior.

But the headline was NOT a mistake. The lawsuit was about tenants’ rights; the lease provided that only family members could use the unit. The judge found that the third gay polygamist — it was three men — was just as much a part of the “family” as the two original guys in the apartment and was entitled to renew the lease too. It seems there was a breakup and the original guy on the lease left to go touring European festivals or something.
Finding that the third “partner” could renew the lease, even though he wasn’t on it, the judge described the bizarre arrangement using the unwieldy euphemism “significant multi-person relationships”:
The instant case presents the distinct and complex issue of significant multi-person relationships.
Uh huh. It’s complex all right. She continued, raising the awful specter of hateful INTOLERANCE: “Why then, except for the very real possibility of implicit majoritarian animus, is the limitation of two persons inserted into the definition of a family-like relationship for the purposes of receiving the same protections from eviction accorded to legally formalized or blood relationships?”
Um, maybe it’s not hateful animus. Maybe it’s just because landlords want to have SOME control over who lives in their units.
Then the judge asked the $64,000 question: “Do all nontraditional relationships have to comprise or include only two primary persons?”
Um, yes. It should’ve ended there.
But, amazingly, the judge cited Justice Robert’s DISSENT in the Obergefell decision, where he ruefully predicted this very thing would happen: “If not having the opportunity to marry serves to disrespect and subordinate gay and lesbian couples, why wouldn’t the same imposition of this disability … serve to disrespect and subordinate people who find fulfillment in polyamorous relationships?” Roberts opined sadly.
Indeed. I can’t wait to see the next kind of “nontraditional relationships” New York judges find deserve the full and fair protection of the law. Maybe puppies? Cat people?
🔥 The Hill ran a story last week headlined, “665 FBI Employees Left Agency After Misconduct Investigations: Whistleblower Disclosure.” The gist is that for the last 15 years or so, the agency allowed a bunch of FBI agents — mostly supervisors — who were credibly accused of sexual abuse to retire instead of being disciplined, allowing them to keep their taxpayer-funded pensions and retirement benefits.
Senator Chuck Grassley penned another nasty-gram to FBI Director Chris Wray, which said “The allegations and records paint a disgraceful picture of abuse that women within the FBI have had to live with for many years. This abuse and misconduct is outrageous and beyond unacceptable.”
Republicans in Congress seems to be turning up the heat on the FBI. For some reason. Maybe it has something to do with the agency’s selective prosecutions lately, I don’t know.

Just saying.
💉 It’s baffling. ANOTHER celebrity has been diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy, joining Justin Bieber and Canadian actress Jennifer Gibson. That’s three in one year! This time, it’s broadway actress Susan Egan, who’s had to cancel her Disney-princess-themed show because of a bizarre, sudden and unexpected flare up of facial paralysis:

Maybe we should call this one, “Belle’s Palsy?”
Sorry. Couldn’t help myself.
🔥 In a hilarious followup to Joe Biden’s “two words — made in America” gaffe last week, congresswoman Lauren Boubert baited a bunch of lefties right into the social media briar patch.
Apparently these wokesters think only a friggin’ moron would get confused over “two words.” So.
Have a magnificent Monday! I’ll catch you back here tomorrow for a free refill.
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Caught the Epoch Times interview. Extraordinarily awesome! In the words of our great vice president Camelface Harris: “Seriously, I had no idea that you were seriously shaking things up to the magnitude of seriousness that you purport to impart to these serious causes. Am I right?”
A couple of things: First, the interviewer, Jan Jekielek, seems to be the only person (Tucker?) on the face of the planet to allow the interviewee, i.e., YOU in this case, to actually answer questions at some length and with great specificity without interjecting some personal ideology or go off on a tangent that has nothing to do with the original question. I’ve been so conditioned to Mainstream Media type discussions ("When are you going to stop beating your wife?") that this really threw me for a loop. SERIOUSLY. (Calm down Camelface!) Every time you would pause to take a breath I was fully expecting Jan to inject something that would throw things off course, but, surprisingly (at least for me) he would accommodate - even encourage - your completeness of thought. No yelling, screaming, insinuating, finger pointing, blaming, denouncing, admonishing, talking down to, personal beliefs, etc….Yes, all in all, a tad bit refreshing….like a serious breath of fresh air on a cool Fall moonlit August afternoon. (Camelface!!…Sister….take a break!)
Secondly, we all know that it wasn’t easy to make time for this interview given your current project installing a hot tub in the back of your Ford F150. Y'know, for a four wheelin, truck jumpin, mud divin, gator wrastlin swamp yahoo from Podunk F…L…A, you clean up real nice. You've inspired me to start brushing my teeth… least the ones I want to keep.
You're awesome. Glad you're on our side!
The PayPal incident spread like wildfire over the weekend; everyone deemed it "bad" because the left realized they could get entangled as well. But was it any different than Trudeau freezing the bank accounts of truckers back in January who protested the vaccine? Or GoFundMe refusing to release the donations to them? No. Expect more of this to happen. It's making me think we need to just go back to putting our money under our mattresses - and I"m only half kidding.