Nov 10, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Yes the insanity trying to split conservatives. DO NOT FALL FOR IT TURN OFF THE TV. The media will do all it can to split us up. We have to stand together no matter what.

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Not only turn off the TV.

stop funding them with your cable subscription.

Get a free streaming service and pay for what you want!!!

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What free services do you use? We don’t pay for anything right now, which means we aren’t watching much except some yt stuff.

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I dumped my sat dish last year, and got a Roku. I pay for the ad-free Hulu.

Personally, I've been into watching the 80/90s sitcoms. My latest binge watching is Home Improvement, with Tim Allen. Timeless laughs.

I also got Foxnation- but only to watch Tucker Carlson. (also commercial-free)

And I recently installed Rumble via my Roku and was watching Charlie Kirk on election day.

Oh, and I also hit up the local used bookstore and stocked up on reading material, and just turned the boob tube off completely. My life is so much calmer. :)

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Nov 10, 2022Β·edited Nov 10, 2022

For Fox stuff, go to Rumble via Roku and subscribe to Foxmuldernews. You can get what you want commercial free there, including Gutfeld which is awesome. We also watch Real America Voice and OAN via Roku (have to pay 4.99/mth for OAN, but it's worth it, and since they keep getting banned, I look at it like a donation.

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Thank you! I miss Gutfeld, now I can watch him again. :)

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If you are looking for a wholesome show to watch look for Heartland. It’s on Roku. I even got my husband hooked. And there’s more than 20 seasons so it will keep you occupied for a while.

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We watched all of it. Was good. Til I found out it was produced by Canadian Gov't. Also gets into climate change and such in later episodes. Made me angry.

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Wow, great suggestions. Noted.

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We have Roku and thru that, Epoch Times TV. We especially like "American Thought Leaders " thru Epoch tv.

Watched Dr Ryan Cole, a pathologist, speak for an hour. Jaw dropping!

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Excellent, I didn't know Epoch Times was on Roku, thanks!

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I didn't know that either! We have Roku, so we'll have to try that tonight when we watch American Thought Leaders! Update: Already tried it and it works! No more watching on the computer!

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Dr Cole is an incredible and humble Christian doctor. He has acted and spoken with courage and at great risk to himself.

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I dumped cable and went with ROKU ~ love it!

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I love my Roku. I'll search out a few tv series or movies and then when I have several on one premium channel ("Starz" or whatever) I'll subscribe for a month or two, watch what I want, then cancel. Some have a 7, 14, or 30 day free trials, too. I like tubi, freevee and the free subscriptions to discovery+ (husband likes some shows there), Peacock and Paramount+. I also have a yearly subscription to PureFlix when it went on sale. I have the YouTube, Rumble and odyssee apps installed.

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Discovery+ is good too.

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We dumped cable a year ago too.

We pay for OAN. How refreshing that was on election night. We do not watch Fox, Newsmax or any others. They are all garbage. We also have a Roku tv. We also got a fire stick. I hate Amazon but we only pay for what we want. We don’t do any of that Alexa garbage.

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If you have Roku, look for the Pluto channel. They do have ads, but live tv, OAN, War Room, Real America's Voice, and a lot of variety, from current to classics.

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Pluto is very lgbt friendly... some of their ads are atrocious! we have to mute them frequently, but they have a lot of the shows we like for free!

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I can ignore movies or shows with which I disagree, but the ads! It has happened suddenly. The campaign ads were overwhelming, but they've been replaced with "can I unsee that?" pharma ads. (The funny thing is, on these 'drugs for everything' commercials, they tell about every single possible complication -including death - yet there is never a peep about complications when they are dancing and singing for the almighty injections. It's a miracle concoction!)

I think it's nearly impossible to find any broadcast media that hasn't bought into the ESG, CRT, LBGT agendas. The only option is to throw the TV out the window, along with the cell phone. Coming soon!

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Thanks for the heads up. We refuse to use them then. We’ll keep doing what we’re doing and not subject ourselves to that crap.

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Thanks! We’ll take a look!!

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Just bought a ROKU box .. thanks for this. I pay OVER 300 a month for cable... freaking crazy.

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That $300 per month goes to fund...CNN, MSNBC, Diznee and all sorts of woke crap.

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As in 300 dollars a month? As in $3,600 a year? As in $36,000 over ten years? As in $108,000 over the life of a thirty year mortgage?

Someone must really love you? Guess who?

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Holy crap. I’ll take that extra $250 a month and send you stuff in the mail to read

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https://ustv247.tv/ if you can launch a browser from you TV.

Works great on a browser from a computer

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My LG smart tv has nearly 900 free channels, including Newsmax, Hallmark, etc.

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how do you get free channels on a smart tv? I have one and don't see any free channels.

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Nov 10, 2022Β·edited Nov 10, 2022

My LG Smart TV has XUMO. If your remote is like mine, there is a house button. When you click on it, it tells you the internet apps you can download like Youtube or Netflix. But there should be a button for directions on your Smart TV to use XUMO. Or you could google for how to use XUMO on an LG Smart TV if yours is different from mine. I used to buy Amazon Prime for the tv/movies, but no need to now. One app that I downloaded was FreeBe (sp?) it also has a lot of movies with commercials.

Edit because I just saw you can go to settings, go to channels, and turn on LG Channels. Do not feel to bad. I did not find this until a year into my new TV.

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Yes, I have a smart tv and see nothing free. We have had Hulu for a year and a half and the price has gone up twice. $75 a month for 75 channels and live sports is too much for me. Hubby won’t give up his Fox News, I have no idea why.

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Subscribe to FOX News and stream on tv via ROKU. I don't care about FNC live, but subscribed to FOX Nation to get Tucker Carlson Tonight, Tucker Carlson Today and Tucker Carlson Originals with next day delay via ROKU.

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He can just watch via Fox News app. No need for tv service. It’ll give you the live stuff

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As Jeff suggests, "they" are trying to split conservatives between DeSantis and Trump, with the GOPe/RINO/UniParty wing of the GOP firmly behind DeSantis (check out who is funding his war chest) and the America First/MAGA populist wing behind Trump.

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Yep. They can push Trump out, get DeSantis out of Fla and do to him what they did and are still doing to Trump, throw in a rhino or two back in Fla and try and change the state back to blue.

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Nailed it 🎯

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Right on, Jw.

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Ha! Ha! And so Right! And continue to flush us down the sewer while they are at it.

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Trump is doing a good job himself of trying to split off DeSantis supporters by his vindictive threats to spill the beans on him -

During an interview with Fox News Digital published Tuesday -

β€œI don’t know if he is running. I think if he runs, he could hurt himself very badly. I really believe he could hurt himself badly,” Trump said. β€œI think he would be making a mistake, I think the base would not like it β€” I don’t think it would be good for the party.”

Trump then alluded to exposing some dirt on DeSantis without specifying.

β€œI would tell you things about him that won’t be very flattering β€” I know more about him than anybody β€” other than, perhaps, his wife,” Trump said.

This marks the second time in less than a week that the former president has hit at Ron DeSantis after referring to him as β€œRon DeSantimonious” during a rally over the weekend."

How can one gloss over such malicious insinuations when considering a president? Today he's blaming his wife for Oz' defeat by her "poor advice". In addition to which his fans seem quite blind to his refusal to acknowledge the devastating adverse events of the vaccines he continues to praise. A pity at his age he hasn't been able to overcome his overweening pride.

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In my mind this shows how Trump is in it only for himself. His ego gets in the way. He is NOT STRATEGIC on behalf of the Republican Party at all. I would like to see a higher caliber Candidate for the Conservatives in 2024 (than Trump). He is too divisive, has a loose undisciplined tongue, isn’t polished nor impressive with the way he conducts business or makes decisions, he even reveals security concerns if he thinks it’ll show he’s an important man. It’s ridiculous. He’s a loose canon. We need someone who can reach across the aisle when needed to influence behaviors. Trump isn’t that.

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Couldn’t agree with this more!!

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Re: Trump & his behavior towards DeSantis. I’ve posted on his TruthSocial my plea to HUSH! Stop the rhetoric that damages the both!!!

I warned him he’ll lose MAGAS such as me.

I like his NYC street-fighter persona in busting up the Deep State; he needs to concentrate on finishing that job!

Join ranks w/ the best governor in America!

Not come across as jealous of him.

Trump is Trump

DeSantis is DeSantis

We need both strong

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there are still a lot of people with TDS. i wonder if some of his pre-election negative desantis comments were actually helpful in garnering votes for desantis.

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I agree a divided house cannot stand. However, truth is so important. Just as Jeff shared that the establishment is stretching the truth with the narrative after the election, I believe the truth needs to be told about donor monies. Trump is angry because many of his donors have left him and given to Desantis. This summer this was reported and you can check it yourself with the donor lists.

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Trump wasn’t running a campaign, DeSantis was. I’m sure the money will shift back to Trump now that the DeSantis race is over.οΏΌ

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Where do you go to find donor lists?

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The Federal Election Commission has a website where you can look them up. I think it is a bit behind as candidates report either monthly or quarterly. I think this is the best link: https://www.fec.gov/data/receipts/individual-contributions/?two_year_transaction_period=2020&min_date=01%2F01%2F2019&max_date=12%2F31%2F2020

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Duh! I appreciate you taking the time to answer my question and for providing the url...

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Trump needs to just get out of it. He's too old and too divisive. Anyone can see this from how much we still talk about him after 2 years of him not being in office.

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To be fair, we talk about Trump because of all the democrats and RINO’s hatred towards him and their intense desire to hang him for something. Jan 6 and the raids on his home and businesses since Biden took office were not done by Republicans and this narrative is being incessantly pushed by democrats, the main stream media and the far left liberals. I personally think he needs to tone it down some and show some humility, but he is in fight mode (I think) for his life as he’s known it. I mean they’re trying to ruin him, his businesses, his kids... I’d be fighting too.

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We turned off our TV over four years ago and haven't turned it on since - at all, even for one second. We don't miss it at all.

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We only turn ours on to stream an occasional movie or documentary. I don't miss it either. I don't like wallowing in the sewer.

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I am in regular contact with many vocal conservatives ... we mostly feel the same about this β€œissue”, are just waiting to see which way we go ... both desantis and trump are strong leaders. I prefer the former because I had good time to witness trump weaknesses and honestly he’s a bit old and battle worn. Desantis is shiny and new and very inspiring! Anyway, I do not see this as much of a thing to worry over

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Agree, not to worry over. Soap Opera for the MSM..

Not Real.

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Problem is, DeSantis will be bought and paid for by his big money donors. I don’t think he’ll be able to do what needs to be done, nor will he even be allowed to try. Trump can be independent enough and will at least try.

DeSantis means RINO GOPe in control and nothing really gets done. Just an illusion here and there. Trump means some great ideas but with the unrelenting hatred coming from his own party, the press and the Democrats, it will be very difficult to achieve what needs to be done.

I will support either, but I fundamentally disagree with the festival of hate on either side.

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If you're in Sydney and you hear someone yelling TURN OFF YOUR TV, that's me trying to break the spell on these outdoor maskers.

Cases are going up this week here during Spring!! and of course heaps of outdoor maskers started to reappear.

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Praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord, O my soul!

I will praise the Lord while I live;

I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.

Do not trust in princes,

In mortal man, in whom there is no salvation.

His spirit departs, he returns to the earth;

In that very day his thoughts perish.

How blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob,

Whose hope is in the Lord his God,

Who made heaven and earth,

The sea and all that is in them;

Who keeps faith forever;

Who executes justice for the oppressed;

Who gives food to the hungry.

The Lord sets the prisoners free.

β€” Psalm 146:1-7 NASB1995

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Amen! Blessed be the name of the LORD our God! He gives peace and joy in the midst of chaos!

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The devil sets prisoners free too... For a short time until God finishes them off.

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Yeah! About not making False Idols. And like that song ... 'when will they ever learn'!

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Van Morrison?

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Amen! Thank you, Janice

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@Jeff, I saw Trump's post from yesterday on Truth Social where he states:

"Now that the Election in Florida is over, and everything went quite well, shouldn't it be said that in 2020, I got 1.1 Million more votes in Florida than Ron D got this year, 5.7 Million to 4.6 Million? Just asking?"

Why is he making it a competition? We really need them to be fighting united. They BOTH are super important to the freedom and peace of our country. Why can't they work together? Or is he simply seeing DeSantis as a threat to his presidency in 2024? What is your take on that?

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PDJT is doing Ron a favor ...

Chinese Proverb

A diamond cannot be polished without friction, nor the man perfected without trials.

Constructive criticism serves to keep Ron on his MAGA toes.

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I like that. Furthermore, assuming Don and Ron are talking, they need to strategize how to preemptively counter any Dem or RINO strategies to cause division. I hope they are that smart.

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I just don’t understand why Trump can’t run in 2024 Then Ron run in 2028. To me that’s the best plan. Have both back eachother up with endorsements.

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All politicians know to strike while the iron is hot. Many waited and were an afterthought four years later. No idea if Desantis wants to run now, but politically speaking, this would be the best time. Personally, I am sure he is weighing the fact that he has young children and a wife who just beat cancer and is probably still suffering after effects of chem.

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I have to disagree...the hatred for Trump is so profound that it does cause undecideds and Independents to either not vote or vote for the opposition.

Maybe how the Veggie wars was lost in Penn... platter vs actual

Trump did his part but now the ego has to step aside, IMHO

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Disappointed in myself that I didn't come up with Veggie wars!

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Totally agree. I’m conservative and I love DeSantis but I can’t stand Trump. There are lots like me. I’m not sure if I could ever bring myself to vote for him.

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Yes! Paaallleeeeze!!! Work together!! For the good of this country and to save it!!

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I like it! Interesting way to view it.

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It seems to me that DeSantis has had plenty of trails just running the great state of Florida οΏΌwhich has polished him and brought him to where he is today. I don’t pretend to be always current with the news, so οΏΌI am curious about what constructive criticism you have seen from Trump regarding DeSantisοΏΌ.

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Think of PDJT as a coach.

A coach will push and sometimes yell at a team mate to correct mistakes.

The DeSantimonius jab was in response to campaign ad by DeSantis that had a lot of people scratching their heads.

Politics does not operate by kindergarten rules. Sharp pointy elbows are often involved.

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Which ad. As a Floridian and a huge fan I thought I had seen them all.οΏΌ

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this is the one


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This ad appeals to me because I remember the original Paul Harvey poem, "So God made a Farmer". It has positive connotations for me so perhaps the campaign ad was targeted at my generation? My family listened to Paul Harvey and "The Rest of the Story" all the time. Today I like Mike Rowe's "The Way I Heard it" for the same reason. My guess is this ad was not targeted towards your demographic.

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I heard it got pulled from the airwaves because of the response to it...

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Thank you.

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Trump has a valid point if what you mean is that he got 5.7 Million votes and DeSantis got 4.6 Million votes this year... Also, many people have since moved to FL from Blue States - DeSantis should have done better and he ran against a fake candidate who is a Cameleon...

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everyone knows that presidential elections turn out more voters. Trump will lose support on the road that he is on. He is already maxed out his following. People either love or hate him. He will lose middle of the road people if he keeps going after DeSantis for no reason. I could list 500 other republicans that are in front of DeSantis for him to worry about. If he wanted support, he should have something like this "All current republican governors should contact DeSantis and ask him for the playbook on how to make a state go deep red. He has done a fantastic job in Florida as governor"

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YES!!! THIS!!! Why not maximize the voters together!! You nailed it! I cannot for the life of me understand why he would try and pick a fight with DeSantis other than ego. Put the country first. That is what his whole Presidency was about. Do not try to divide the people on this. Team up and stand together to save this country!

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With the full backing and protection of the GOP branch of the Uniparty machine, with their desperate need to finish off Donald Trump, DeSantis has done a decent job in Florida as Governor. But nothing beyond what any decent human should do and with many things not sufficiently addressed, such as Florida becoming the Abortion Capital of the Southeast. And Governor being a position he first obtained, because of the endorsement he finally had to reluctantly request from Trump.

So we Trump supporters should sit down and shut up, huh? I don’t want another George W. Bush faux conservative candidate, thank you.

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Do you live in Florida? "Decent"? Who did better? He made the state going from bluish-purple to solidly red and a freedom destination the world can dream about. I supported Trump with all might, but he's doing the biggest mistake nipping at Desantis.. Playing right into our enemies handbook.

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Nov 10, 2022Β·edited Nov 10, 2022

"Decent human being." That'd put him ahead of all the other likely uniparty candidates.

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True but look at where we are as a country? One semi competent governor who uses moderate common sense and people are ready to anoint him President!

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Exactly! They may also have something on DeSantis plus he is not rich - meaning he can be bought, blackmailed or threatened...

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He already has been. Ask yourself....why hasn't DeSantis insisted on an audit of the 2020 election in Florida? There WAS cheating here. They just couldn't get ahead of the numbers of true votes to cheat enough! Why HASN'T our Governor set the example of auditing our election process in FL????

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Do you live in Florida?

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Oooh, I like that last line of advice to Trump. Tell the govs to contact DeSantis.

Oh that our allegedly red gov here would. But he won’t because he is actually royal blue.

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Yes I love Trump BUT I love DeSantis!!! I wish Trump would just leave DeSantis alone..... It is not endearing to the rest of usοΏΌ

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Nov 10, 2022Β·edited Nov 10, 2022

Amen, to Hollis’ comment.

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FL has benefited from population shifts - people fleeing blue states... Working class and non-Cuban brown Hispanics will NOT vote for a white guy in a suit who is not named Trump...

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Not a playbook that can be hijacked. But 1:1 mentoring...

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Valid point or not, Trump is often his worst enemy. His narcissism is a major turnoff for loyal Conservative voters.

If we are to have any hope in the 2024 election, he should zip his lips over any criticism about Ron DeSantis. I fear his ego outweighs party loyalty or the country’s future!

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Nov 10, 2022Β·edited Nov 11, 2022

He still needs to come clean on the gene therapy "vax" injuries and deaths. A very large number of folks see that as a hard line. If he's lucky, a year from now the "prosecute anyone that asked for COVID amnesty" narrative will be too great for him to keep boasting about his success with warp(ed brain) speed.

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Agreed. It's a hard line for me. His ego is also a huge turnoff but could be overcome for me if not for the Warp Speed stuff. I'm on the fence atm, but it's not looking good. DeSantis has none of these issues and I am an enthusiastic fan.

(For background, I don't consider myself a Republican or even really much of a conservative, but I'm certainly also NOT a Dem-- but used to be in my youth. FWIW, there are MANY just like me that I am in online political groups with.)

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Not trying to argue, just curious. When you say you are not an R what is it that holds you back? What does 'R' mean to you? I get that the national party is a joke, and that communicating what 'being a R' actually means has been terrible.

Just for reference point, I became an R in the Reagan years, as the idea of individual liberty (vs the 'collective') and smaller government and lower taxes appealed to me. I know the party has failed to deliver on those promises, both side spend like drunken sailors, but I still work for and support candidates who do hold those ideals and actually stick to them (more of them are at state and local than national though). And all of those do have an R by their name.

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As a Christian who understands the truth of God’s Word I could never vote for a Democrat. They are the anti-God party of killing babies, destruction of the nuclear family, 73+ genders, pushing transgenderism and drag queens on children; in short, the party of death and destruction.

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There is no simple answer to your question. Briefly, I am not a fan of the two-party system, for one thing (that would require a whole book of an explanation).

I am also very independent minded and don't really fit into any of the boxes that people like to put themselves and others into-- though I do agree with most of the R voices I am hearing these days.

Additionally, I don't have any strong feelings about the abortion issue one way or another (both "sides" make some good points imo), and the obsession that most Rs seem to have with that issue really turns me off, plus is very hard to defend against when discussing politics with my staunch D friends who may otherwise be persuaded by some of the other R points.

But your question "What does R mean to you?" is a good one. It's also one that I would love to pose to my D friends and I bet I would get a lot of answers that I would consider far from reality-based. There really are a lot of myths out there amongst Ds as to what an R actually is (I blame inane propaganda machines like Occupy Democrats in large part for that-- and the media, of course, which is just another propaganda machine, obviously). You're right that the Rs have a major communications problem, but again, that's largely due to the mainstream media.

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I am personally more libertarian, but that only elects liberals.

All I really want for Christmas is to cut 90% of the federal government.

Shrink it that much and the opportunity for fraud and corruption essentially vanishes.

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Let's face it! The GOP is as crooked as a dog's hind leg. THEY are still calling the shots because they're still the elites. That's why they NEVER accomplish anything of substance when they get in power. They're all part of the same coin as the Dems. Trump bucks that and they hate him for that. He is sold out to seeing CITIZENS have THEIR power in this nation. DeSantis is part of the GOP. Enough said!

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1000% agree

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This has nothing to do with ego. A narcissist does not set aside all of his personal power, reputation and finances to insist that our nation be brought back to a true Republic. NO OTHER individual has ever done that. He's trying to bring out some truths that are escaping folks not digging for themselves!

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When you can't afford food, or fuel, have no heat, and the crime is such that you have to stayed locked in your home, will Trump's personality really be the thing that is still of first importance to you?

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Not at all, but his personality may tear the cohesiveness, thats needed to WIN, in 2024, apart.

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Right on, Vicki!

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He does have a valid point, mine is not about the votes, but about the chasm his post and future posts will create and that is not cool with me. We need both to work together, not separately.

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The people who run the GOP wing of the Uniparty don't want to work together with us unless it means us supporting them and their candidates...

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Good points. That's a yuge gap. Although it is apples to oranges, as a presidential race brings out more voters than a midterm.

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That is a good point. Midterms, even hotly contested ones, generally have lower voter turnout than presidential elections so that may indeed have had an effect on the numbers.

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True. Except here in our area of Florida we waited in line over two hours to vote in person. Poll workers were shocked and had never seen this kind of a turn out to vote in person. It was AWESOME! It was like that in many locations all day long.

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That is amazing!! I waited in line for 1.5 hours around noon, which I thought was surprising in my state.

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We’ve voted two times so far in Florida and there was never any line. So we were shocked to see what was happening. Plus we were seeing the same thing at various locations around town, and hearing it had been going on all day like that. Any other time waiting in line for two hours would’ve been a drag….but not for this….and not at this time in history! We were excited to stand in line and have to wait. Because it meant people were being intentional about their voting!

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Wow. That’s nuts. I waited 20 min.

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Btw have you seen the final #s for Miami-Dade and Palm Beach counties? For my earlier longer post on here, I am using them as my BASELINE IDIOT estimates as the elections and voters rolls are going to be fairly clean in FL and Cubans are a unique demographic...

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Trump always has a reason for doing something. We don’t always understand why it’s happening at the time, οΏΌbut it usually becomes clear down the road. In this case, he’s probably just baiting the press, which he loves to do. οΏΌThat being said, as much as I love Trump, I personally wish that anything he said about DeSantis was to simply acknowledge the great job that DeSantis has done in Florida and let it go οΏΌ at that. There is plenty of fodder to bait the press that would galvanize voters! Going after DeSantis is not one of them.

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Trump is kind of an egomaniac. Can't let anyone do anything "better" or more "yugely" than he.

I just accept him for being who he is.

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Nov 10, 2022Β·edited Nov 10, 2022

Trump does Trumpβ€”it's sorta kinda immune imprinting only orders stronger πŸ˜‰ It's not wise to think otherwise.


ETA That's *strength* not weakness for a swamp-drainer-in-chief 😊 His signature mean tweets come with a package. More's the joy they make all the right ppl mad! πŸ˜‚

Felt compelled to add b/c passionate reactions caught me by surprise. On quick second thought, they should have not. If only I had spent that afterthought before hitting Post... 🀭

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β€œYou β€˜Conservative’ β€˜Pundits’ still don’t get it:

Donald John Trump wasn’t just our MAGA candidate in 2015, he was our murder weapon and the professional GOPe elite, the party system within the Republican club, was our intended victim.”


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This is the most important point. Only Trump has proven willing to take on the establishment. Only Trump has articulated any plan to address how to remove the "protected" leaders of the agencies that refuse to respond to the people. And the only way to address all of this is to destroy it. How?

Meet Donald J. Trump, "Chief Bull in the China Shop."

I don't really care if he's not presidential. I don't think what Biden is doing is any more presidential. And I don't think polite people can destroy the rot.

Great leaders do bold things. Great leaders generate criticism from the status quo. Great leaders persist despite the attacks.

Trump did it in term 1. DeSantis did it during COVID. Elon is doing it with Twitter (as far as we can see, and much less important than Trump).

But he has to get elected... and we need GOPe to GTF out of the way at a minimum, and help as a plus.

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Amen. "Only Trump has proven willing to take on the establishment."

No Professional Politician will ever take on the establishment. Every PP is compromised and thus beholden to the establishment. I don't believe there is a single PP that does not have some dirt, usually involving money, that he can be controlled with. The only candidates that can truly fight for us must be political outliers like Trump.

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We need to make it impossible for lifetime Professional Politicians to exist by using term limits for all elected offices. "Professional Politician" is an oxymoronic but accurate term. All that means is that you are a professional liar. This is something the founding fathers never anticipated: a lifetime office holder. In their day, citizens from the private sector would "serve" as statesmen to represent their state or community for a short period of time and then return to the private sector as before. We no longer even have the concept of a Statesman.

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This is exactly what I believe too! And why I hate good people

going into politics.

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When you allow lifetime political office holders, you are going to attract the absolute worst of human nature: narcissistic, greedy, power hungry sociopaths who come only from the top self-entitled tier of society who call themselves The Elite and consider themselves above the deplorables. They are our Royalty. The lifetime Professional Politician category is tailor made for them. It must be eliminated.

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Yes politico!

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Exactly! We didn’t vote for him to be nice. You can’t play nice with an evil enemy like this one. You have to have thick skin and fight back against bullies. These people are rotten to the core and operate under no rules of morality.

If we are going to start getting upset with Trump because he plays mean….then go be a cry baby with the liberal tears complaining of mean tweets.

We have got to stick together. We need someone in there willing to fight, not willing to compromise and be β€œnice”.

I’m saying that, I believe emphatically that DJT needs to temper himself when it comes to Ron. They HAVE to stick together and work together. But IDK if Ron is strong enough to fight this kind of enemy….yet.

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Nailed it, Sunnydaze. I’ll take a smart ass with a tweet any day over a dumb ass with a pen.

When you can't afford food, or fuel, have no heat, and the crime is such that you have to stayed locked in your home, will Trump's personality really be the thing that is still of first importance to you?

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The issue with Ron will be independence or not.

He who pays the piper calls the tune.

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I couldn’t agree more. They both have their place and frankly I think we need more of a fighter in The oval office.

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Shit stirrer

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Why? Becuz Trump is an egomaniac.

We need a better Leader than Trump. His style of leading is more dictatorial and autocratic than Republican. When he was in office it was embarrassing (to me). We need Republican leadership without Trump dividing the party. We need Republican policies but not that particular Republican. I pray our GOP sees that too.

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Good to hear you are no longer embarrassed as Resident Biden sends our country down the tubes.

Tell me, was it worth it?

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Trump is trying to point out some truth! Trump is the only one who has sacrificed his personal assets and power to help our nation. Trump is always sending deeper messages. Look a bit deeper into who is really supporting DeSantis. He is a "front" for some bad actors! (Even though I'm thankful for all he's done for Florida....but that's part of the "game"!)

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He’s making it a competition because he’s an ass. Personally, I’m ready for the Trump Train to derail!

Trump did some great things, but it’s time to move on.

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If the Trump-train derails, the Republic derails.

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It's already derailed. One man is not going to save us.

I'm afraid even the smart people here have not learned that yet. I just can't live in the make-believe world anymore. No offense to anyone here. Does anyone have the same mindset as me. I feel that whoever wins will eventually cave, will be stopped in any effort to right the wrongs. I think the pendulum has swung so far that only God can help us fix this mess we're in.

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I do agree with you.....no man will save us, not Trump, not DeSantis, only Jesus. As human beings they are both flawed as are we all. Trump has his own "bad stuff" weighing him down, like the million $ from Pfizer, touting the jab without acknowledging now that it is harming and not helping people, whether he thought it was a good idea at the start or not, now he needs to open his eyes to the evil he helped create, even with "the best intentions", otherwise as much as I am grateful for all he did before, I would not be able to continue to support that.

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Well said.

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Trump is what he is. He was enjoying a somewhat fairly treated by the media transition which he ended by saying he had a larger inaugural crowd than Obama. Here we are again. I for one am sick of it.

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Trump makes everything a competition! That is who he is. That attitude made him a good decision maker, but is not particularly presidential. He needs to wise up...his base is not going to long support him picking a fight with the most popular governor in the USA. I hope Trump reads your column, Jeff!

Can you send him a free subscription?

I’ll pay for it!!!

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Yes, and Trump is a flawed person with an enormous skilled set. And I don't see how Trump could do what he did in the Manhattan real estate market without being an 'enormous' figure.

And he does 'get things done' pronto.

I am not happy with Trump's covid performance. Could have been better even factoring the mass hysteria factor and with The Swamp trying to bury him with a mountain full of landslides. Figure this, even with all of this and the J6 PsyOpt, Trump is still there and a huge political presence.

I would still vote Trump even given the failures. We are greatly indebted to Trump for all the exposures of corruption and evil (such as trafficking). And in a large way, Trump set the stage for those who followed.

Whatever the analysis, the biggest thing I like about Trump is that Trump cares about people, regular people like us grunt always doing the heaving lifting. How does one know this! Because it is not just a political stage show. Trump was helping out regular folks long before the political stuff came along.

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When you can't afford food, or fuel, have no heat, and the crime is such that you have to stayed locked in your home, will Trump's personality really be the thing that is still of first importance to you?

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He is a child, that’s why.

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I think it’s a great question! Assuming these were not Crist voters, I suppose they were more mobilized by trump than desantis? It is worth noting

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I think its also as they say above. He knows that Desantis is backed and paid for by the Rhinos. Unfortunately I see them both running and I see it HUGELY splitting the reds as you saw on this bored yesterday. Many consvs disagree.

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Nov 10, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

The news of the Ron Johnson win made me SO HAPPY!!!

Praying some of the other yet to be determined results go well too!

Thank you for the actual numbers on Trump-endorsed candidates, that is certainly far from what the media narrative has been! They are such lying liars! 🀬

β€œAnd the fact that people with high-level political connections apparently CAN do this is very upsetting.”

This makes me furious!!! 🀬🀬🀬 Someone needs to investigate this!! Project Veritas??

β€œBut don’t Yu worry.” πŸ˜‚

You always know how to turn my frown into a smile Jeff! 😁

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Ditto! Now if Kari Lake pulls it out, that will complete my day!

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On another note. Scott Jensen was robbed. He was a good one for Medical Freedom.

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Yes. He was. But he didin’t seem to have a huge following. I wish he has been able

to do it

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Yeah I was so disappointed about his loss 😞

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For those people who do not believe there is rampant election fraud in the US, please find and follow "Follow the Data with Dr. Frank" on Truth Social or Telegram, as well as Seth Keshel. They both have been traveling the country showing county election officials how the number of votes in the 2020 election could not have mathematically happened. Dr. Douglas Frank is an award winning mathematician, and when you look at his data on how counties voted, you can easily see the fraud. Big jumps in votes seen in Georgia and other places are vote dumps by the computers, which have been programmed to add a certain number of democrat votes for each republican votes.

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Really, do you think that those vote numbers that are transferred via a modem or a physically transported memory device could be tampered with? Pure child's play. We need paper ballots that are manually tabulated with at least two people looking at each ballot and those teams need to be randomly selected so there is no collusion between them. In addition, I think any member of the electorate should be able to observe those processes. I don't care if it takes a month to determine who the winners are if that equates to fair elections.

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Love Dr. Frank. And once you see his work, you can’t unsee his work. Our elections do not belong to the people anymore. You can pull a fast one like Dewine did and than you are stuck voting for the best of two evils. That is politics. But denying the machines are connected to the internet and being manipulated by algorithms in each state needs to stand front and center because I believe this to be the case. Otherwise, in looking at some of the people elected like Whitmer, Hochal, Insley, Fetterman, and Newsome,........ my hope for our nation’s survival is fading.

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Wisconsin is celebrating with Ron Johnson!!!πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

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One of the best moments of the midterms. He’s a brave guy and we need him!

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Yes!!! So very thrilled about this too!!

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So are the transplanted Wisconians in Florida. GO RON JOHNSON!

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We also need to support Kelly Tshibaka, who is running against RINO Lisa Murkowski. Although Murkowski is a Republican, she reliably votes with the Dems and is an ally of Mitch McConnell. McConnell has financially supported Murkowski against Tshibaka. Tshibaka was ahead, but because of a bizarre election system that the Murkowski family put in place to protect them from grassroots candidates, there will be successive runoffs, and Tshibaka may lose. If Tshibaka beats Murkowski, it is like flipping a seat from blue to red. I heard her talk on Warroom, and she could use money because the fight may take longer than Walker's.

And by the way, the real problem is McConnell, not Trump, as far as these midterm elections go. He is the reason that the Senate is in jeopardy.

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I’d be up for a multiplier for Tshibaka, I want Murkowski OUT!!!

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I'm down for that. $32 ready to go.

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Indeed. Mitch McConnell is a CCP compromised traitor to the United States.

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By design. Like Obama, Mitch likes leading from behind.

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Nov 10, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

"like it might be a timely booster injection of fraudulent ballots". I saw what you did there !

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Hi Help Needed in KS---->>this can not be overstated. Help needed in KS desperately and immediately. No one in this state is apparently A) Looking for work or 2) Willing to work once hired and C) Willing to quit when they do quit they just stop showing up. I’m mainly talking about 50% of millennials and all of Gen Z here as the rest of us are all suffering greatly in this barren field us Gen X and yes Boomers who are STILL WORKING even tho they are old AF. And thank God too or we’d be in big trouble.

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It's like that everywhere- my son is a restaurant kitchen manager and they cannot find or keep workers. He frequently tells us he will hire someone and on their first day of work, they take a cigarette break and never come back. He also has to NOT fire people for disciplinary reasons because he know he cannot fill that position. I don't know what the solution is.

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Same in PA. My favorite Thai food place went take out only during Covid thanks to our Gov. Was there the other day and he wants to re-open to in person dining, but can't find any staff to help out, and he and his wife can't do it alone.

Who would have thought paying people to sit at home would have repurcussions?

As a GenX silver lining seeker, at least I'm pleased knowing they won't try to replace me with a lower salary individual as I age. I'll show up and work.

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Ain’t that the gd truth? Not only do I show up, I come a few minutes early, prepared to work immediately and cheerful about it not 15 min late (Starbucks line sorry guys) and heading straight to the bathroom to pee and fix the face paint. Sadly it’s taken EIGHT LONG BARREN YEARS of this star studded behavior (I also don’t call in sick or make huge mistakes costing the company $$) to get a single raise. Thanks for that 2% Charles (or whoever the CEO is now I can’t keep up I just keep blaming Charles). Lucky for him I did get a financial incentive to stay for 2 years that goes directly into my retirement account (stock options but who’s complaining). But seriously could I be any less respected? My company is offering HUGE sign on bonuses for pharmacy managers in some locations and NO ONE CARES (or applies). They could at least try and treat those of us who are worth a crap a little better. It’s only going to get worse (it’s not gotten anything but worse in my 15 years with this company). I only stay bc I have it fairly good as far as hours I work and that I don’t have to immunize which is next to impossible to find in the retail sector these days.

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It's everywhere. I have no idea how these people survive or where they're getting their money, but it's not from working at a real job. That's "below" them. I listened to a Tiktoker that said she was just "too pretty" to get up at 6am for the next 40 yrs, to work at a menial job for pennies. I guess they're making fortunes on TikTok.

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Nov 10, 2022Β·edited Nov 10, 2022

Such narcissistic little children should read "The Picture of Dorian Gray". And the Holy Scriptures as well, especially Ecclesiastes, and Paul's comments about boasting.

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What’s going to happen to these stupid girls who will not be pretty forever? I guess they think they can be ageless like the stars but that takes a lot more $ than they will ever make with their tiny little followings of incels who might eventually find a mate and stop watching. But whatever there’s always Medicaid and welfare right?

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Pretty ain't all it's cracked up to be.

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They are! I had a nanny that worked for me who spent much time building tiktok and youtube videos for following. on the side

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Yes, loved that πŸ€£πŸ˜†

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El Gato Malo was raising the alarm about Original Antigenic Sin caused by overzealous vaccination drives over a year ago now. Honest actors could have known the danger if they'd wanted to. Just saying.

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Del Bigtree described Covid jabs as training your immune system like the defense of a football team which can only defend against a run play up the middle. Everything else is going to go right around them. This includes not only variants, but other flus, cancers, etc. He also said this over a year ago. Have you all noticed your friends and colleagues getting sick with absolutely everything? And through the summer, when colds aren’t usually being passed around? And every time, they proudly announce, β€œBut it’s not Covid! I tested!”

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Yes that is a very accurate analogy. This is why the flu season will be particularly bad this year and they are already seeing this. No functional immune systems. "My immune system is just fine, thank you." (ie no jab) That was my canned response when I was asked if I wanted the shot.

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My high school alma mater, with 2600 students, recently had 1,000 out at once with flu, colds, etc.

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Like that's normal - not.

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Del’s analogy was perfect, and secured my decision not to jab.

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I wouldn’t have understood it, since I don’t watch football and my school was too small to have a team πŸ˜†πŸ˜›

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Yeah I have definitely noticed that πŸ˜•πŸ˜ž

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Exactly! Del Bigtree nailed it in such a way that I still use his football game analogy today. And, his interview with Geert Vanden Bosch’s rings in my ears.

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Nov 10, 2022Β·edited Nov 10, 2022

Yes I had also read about that a long time ago, and I believe Geert Vanden Bossche talked about it way back when the jabs were first coming out, as well.

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As was Dr Yeadon and some others in England and Europe.

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Yes, Dr Yeadon has been such a beacon of information and sense.

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For additional nuance on this topic:


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I think honest actors _did_ know the danger - and then they were silenced.

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He isn’t referring to *those* honest actors but to those who claim to have been in the dark or who claim to now be surprised.

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True. Depends on what you mean by "honest." :)

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Also don’t forget those two hunky doctors who run an Immediate Care facility in California (if my memory serves me) who were swiftly de-platformed for suggesting other treatments and talked of boosting the immune system. I think they also talked about the true definition of Natural Immunity. I believe this was early in 2020, way before the vax rollouts. It’s been so long and I don’t remember all that they talked about, but this the gist of it.

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Wow I remember them now that you’ve mentioned! So long ago. I wish I could stop thinking about this whole covid mess but it was/is so damn impactful. Gah

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Yes! I remember seeing that!

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Nov 10, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

They sequenced SARS genes in under 48 hours for the vax, but I guess counting votes is more complicated.

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Thank you for the election process synopsis- very helpful. And GO KARI! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

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Friendly edit:

"Vote-by-mail" is what Florida does, and what was formerly known as 'absentee' voting. The voter must request a ballot to be sent to them, and it must be signature-verified.

"Mail-in voting" is where a valid ballot is automatically mailed to everyone currently on the voter rolls, whether alive or dead, state resident or moved.

Ballot harvesting is easier with mail-in voting, but as we could see in Orange County it's still possible even with vote by mail.

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WA is a 100% vote-by-mail state and has been for over 2 decades. Everyone is mailed a ballot. Which makes it impossible to cheat, of course.πŸ€”πŸ™„

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I was hoping WA would dump Patty Murray, it is so depressing she won again. Not surprising though.

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Patty and Kim S. πŸ‘Žboo!

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same as newscum. depressing

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I agree

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Yes, just like Oregon. 😭

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Nov 10, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Congrats to C&C Nov 9 breaking 1000 comments!

I love the shots of the NY Post with the Ukraine flags as they pump the Trump Hate. LOL

Yay for Ron Johnson’s win! Crossing fingers for Kari Lake. Interesting on the Miami Herald reporting on the dangerous Jabs. Progress!

….More Died Suddenly Vaxxers & Strokers:

Trump-hating Abortion lover desperately wants 4th booster. Gets pulmonary ebolism, clogging up medical system. https://patriots.win/p/15K6zbZp1G/congratulations-on-the-dumbest-p/

Kari Lake-hating abortion lover has 4 jabs and StandsWithUkraine. Husband Dies Suddenly. https://patriots.win/p/16ZDhDR8BF/life-saving/

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The NY Post is controlled opposition.

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Wow. Those pro jabbers are really getting hit hard!

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Expose posted today/ yesterday, 1 of every 310 people jabbed with their 3rd or 4th shot is dead within 45 days. The deaths are sad....the denial maybe sadder....

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Oh! And that was based on UKs ONS data... The Expose was merely sharing the United Kingdoms Office of National Statistics data. 🀯

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Wow 😳

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Thank you so much for this excellent update. I learned a lot. The only thing is, you left out NY, where we’re in life-threatening danger from Hochul, who vowed to fight to reinstate her quarantine camp regulation, and who plans to mandate covid shots for our kids. https://truth613.substack.com/p/ny-quarantine-camps-on-trial-and

And we believe that our election was clearly stolen here, as droves of lifelong democrat voters were galvanized to unseat Hochul, sick and tired of the horrible rising crime. They showed up to the polls in record numbers. Where are their votes? https://truth613.substack.com/p/on-the-stolen-elections

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New Yorkers who oppose the evil Hochul need to rise up and fight. I grew up there and know that it can be done if people have the will. My poor and rural county fought Mario Cuomo’s nuclear waste dump in 1990 and won.

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Please tell us how we should rise up and fight. I'm a NYer and at a loss and very depressed.

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I think picketing can work. We organize on gab, and man picket lines in front of gov offices, with certain demands to be met (roll back of mandates, etc).

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I can’t like your post but like it

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I know it was a totally grassroots effort at the time. It can be done. People just have to band together and be courageous.

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I’m so sorry Brucha. Expect CA will be the same w shots for kids. Ours wont go to school or we move

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Jeff, your point about avoiding an internecine battle between the DeSantis and Trump wings of the conservative base is spot-on.

That said, as a longterm GA resident and registered voter, I agree with McEnany's take on the upcoming Georgia runoff. She's applying strategic thinking on the level the Dems do: Exploit popular feeling regardless of its factual basis to win. Trump is polarizing. At the moment DeSantis is perceived as the golden boy.

Trump was every bit as responsible as was the GA Dem Party, for the low GOP voter turnout in the January 2021 runoff that gave America Assoff and Warlock, and the Senate to the Corruptocratic Party. Trump told GA GOP voters that it wasn't worth while going out to vote for Loeffler and Purdue, since Trump considered them both RINOs. True, they were. But they were also NOT Democrats.

DeSantis may yet prove to be bought and paid for by The GOP Billionaires' Club. At this point the truth of that is irrelevant. DeSantis has proven himself to be an honest and skilled governor. Use those facts, and the wave of popularity they've given Ron, to get control of the Senate. If Trump just has to announce his 2024 candidacy now, the Dems will use his toxicity to turn the GA runoff into an anti-Trump statement. The Dems cannot do that with DeSantis.

The 2024 POTUS race is two years off, the Senate is at stake TODAY. Any Dem strategist would understand this ... but Rona McDaniel et al are not that bright.

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"Rona McDaniel et al are not that bright"

Intentionally so...

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The desperation of the GOPe to destroy Donald Trump has forced this focus on 2024. Those β€˜sanctimonious’ ads that DeSantis made were ridiculous in many ways (and quickly withdrawn), but certainly were intended as a kick-off for a Presidential run. I agree with Megyn Kelly (experienced victim of a Trump takedown); running against Trump will be political suicide for DeSantimonious.

Anyone wonder why we never heard about those β€˜Ron is God’ ads from the media? They got brief negative attention, but then silence. What if Trump had made these ads? The media would never have shut up. Actually it seems that Chris Wallace on a CNN panel discussion may have first came up with the β€˜DeSanctimonious’ label.

If you missed them (and I certainly did-had to research to make sense of the β€˜DeSantimonious’ blow); https://www.huffpost.com/entry/ron-desantis-god-video_n_6365bdd7e4b08f849aab7820




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Didn't have to look too hard. It's right here on YouTube though I hadn't seen it when you mentioned it yesterday. Quite frankly, I don't know why you are referencing MSM sources that are controlled by the Dem Bolsheviks. Apparently, you have quite a hard-on for DeSantis.


I think Ron's video was a sincere expression of belief and purpose. As a Christian our belief is that God made all of us and he made each of us with purpose. His ad is simply an expression of this belief given the circumstances he providentially finds himself in. And yes, it is a divisive ad to the woke Marxists who hate the Christian faith and will react violently to it as attested by the vitriolic language already seen in reaction. But this is something to think about. Listen to the ad again with the assumption someone is simply stating their personal belief and see how it sounds.

Politically, I think this ad took courage. DeSantis is clearly conveying the message that he is going to fight for us. That is what the ad is all about.

You are not going to agree with me if you are one of those people that reacts negatively to any Christian rhetoric. Furthermore, you are way out of line by falsely characterizing the video as a "Ron is God" ad! That's total BS. Thanks, no thanks for the research.

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Thank you thank you. I tried to watch the ad posted bc I was shocked and could not access it. But what you say makes sense to me. Any true Christian understands that God prepares and He chooses people for a time and a purpose. I get that.

I just hope he is not bought off by Rhinos. I like him!

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One can never know 100%. There is so much corruption in the parties and then there is so much ego (ie, Trump, though I think his intentions are to help restore America). We cannot feed into the divisiveness that the Marxists try to promote. As a party, we have to stick together against the real enemy.

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The Bolshevik's modus operandi is to divide and conquer. We've got to get our focus straight. This is not just the usual competition for political office. This is literally a fight for the survival of America as we inherited it. If we can't work together, the Bolsheviks will win and we'll never be rid of their evil.

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The YouTube link is working fine.

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Nov 10, 2022Β·edited Nov 10, 2022

And let me just ad, anyone that is trying to stoke the fires of animosity between the Don and Ron to create division in the camp is not someone that can be trusted in this war. After the Don announces his campaign, time will tell who has whose back.

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triple heart

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Thanks for that research! We’ll done!

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Nov 10, 2022Β·edited Nov 11, 2022

Unfortunately Georgia will now endure another few weeks of attack ads ad nauseam !! ALL voters in GA MUST VOTE in the runoff !!! Many voters didn’t turn out for the January 2021 runoff and we all know what happened then.

Jeff, I saw the β€œballot drops β€œ for Warnock at around 9pm and again at about 12 midnight suspiciously timed whenever Walker was ahead.

There are no coincidences. Walker needs to question EVERYTHING!

I pray that most of the votes that went to the libertarian and Independent voters go to Walker.

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Just heard unconfirmed report that they've taken votes away from Herschel and that a run-off may not be required. Hope he has good lawyers...

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I just wrote this in my "GREAT RESIST: Best Great Reset Resistance Memes (Become Ungovernable!)" https://covidsteria.substack.com/p/great-reset-resistance-become-ungovernable post for today as I had more or less made this comment on here yesterday:

"- Despite what alternative media may claim, the voting fraud is only going to be a worth a couple of points in statewide races.

- The last #s I saw (apparently just early voting figures…) for Charlie Crist (or it might have been Rubio's opponent…) were 46% for Miami-Dade and 49% for Palm Beach County with DeSantis winning the whole state by 20% (REMINDER: Charlie Crist was a Republican turned Independent turned Democrat who probably failed to maximize the idiot aka hard-core Democrat voter base).

- We know that FL elections are reasonably clean and there is unlikely to be much cheating in these two counties (beyond the minor urban area shenanigans and incompetence like some dead people still on the rolls and voting, a few people double voting etc etc). We also know that Miami-Dade is 70% β€œHispanic” - many of whom are Cubans, along with Venezuelans and Colombians, who are unique Latino demographics who are generally concentrated in FL and lean Republican-conservative...

- This means the minimum BASELINE estimates for IDIOTS and people VESTED IN THE CURRENT SYSTEM in these two counties is 46% and 49%. (Again, I don’t know and have not looked up the final results BUT you get my point - feel free to look up the figures and post in a comment…)

- In many other BLUE areas of the country, whether urban areas or even entire states, this baseline of idiots and people vested in the system will be SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER - especially as non-IDIOTS increasingly get fed up and move to freer states.

- This means IF you live in the states of MI, IL, PA, NY, RI, CA, OR, WA, MA etc etc - you are F*cked because the baseline of idiots and people vested in the current system, BEFORE ANY VOTER FRAUD IS ACTIVATED, is far higher in these states and/or their urban areas than they would be in a free state like FL where non-IDIOTS are flocking too.

- Reality Check: If you live any in any of these BLUE SH*THOLES (either an urban area or an entire state), YOU NEED TO MOVE if you are unhappy with the way things are locally! You are NOT going to fix anything locally and/or in your state by taking part in more election Kabuki theatre because you will NEVER outvote the growing BASELINE OF IDIOTS or the VOTER FRAUD if/when that gets activated!"

Arizona and MAYBE Nevada can also be salvaged by at least fixing the election problems BUT its not going to solve IDIOT problem...

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Please see my comment a few minutes ago on election fraud. It's all about the computers and fraudulent ballots.

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I see that and I get there is some level of fraud, but my point is that we have a HUGE number of IDIOTS or people vested in the current systems. It is not a small number of people either...

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Perfect example of this is KS. Look at the elections there. Red in all but two counties, Johnson and Wyandotte (one super rich and the other super urban).Elected senators, reps etc are all red except those counties and LOOK who are governor STILL IS. What is baffling is that the attorney general sec of state are also red so either there was cheating or the hysterical uterus voters couldn’t bring themselves to vote for more than one democrat. Who knows.

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Red states with Demothug govonors is so frustrating. KS, KY, NC (and WI and MI?) for example.

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β€œHysterical uterus voters” 🀣🀣🀣

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I added CT to the list. Stupid me actually thought the Republican Bob s Was going to give Lamont a run after his covid tyranny. Our urban areas voted for this asshole like 75% .. it was a blow out. Too many idiots that love their masks apparently.

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KS was close enough to be questionable esp since EVERYTHING else went R --SOS, ATTY GEN etc it really makes no sense. The other funny thing was the rejection of veto for legislation vs the gov (giving her more power and R’S no recourse to correct over-use of power). Funny how that works. I wouldn’t be so mad if that had passed but it doesn’t look like it will.

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I just posted that. I live in a red county in CT. Only saw Bob and Leorna signs in my neck of the woods.

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I know our county election was clean because I worked it. It's a tiny little, VERY red county with honest officials. It was VERY odd that while scanning our 118 absentee ballots, after 24 scanned perfectly, the scanner threw errors on every one after that. The errors would say - "more than one candidate marked for governor" -> nope, only one clean mark. Or - "ballot unreadable" but it was nice, clean and straight. It kept popping various other errors, on BOTH scanners. This lead to all of the absentee ballots having to be counted by hand. For us, not really a huge deal with just 118 ballots, but word was that this same thing happened around the state/county. ES&S voting machines. We REALLY need to ditch the electronic machines and go back to paper ballots and ONE DAY voting. I'm even up for having a purple dyed finger for a few days.πŸ™‚

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I’ve been thinkinh of volunteering bc I want to see the process in action.

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I hope you do!

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And you know govt employees + election workers in most non-rural parts of the country are lazy POSs!

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LOL. gotta laugh. See DMV sloths…

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Nov 10, 2022Β·edited Nov 10, 2022

You are both correct IMO. And don't expect any serious changes to our voting system. You cannot fix problems unless you sit in the seats that control purchase decisions for balloting hardware, for drop box authorizations, for early / mail-in ballot procedures. To think otherwise is as foolish as to expect Congress to vote term limits on themselves. Neither one is going to happen.

About the idiots ... it took the likes of Randi Weingarten two generations to de-educate our population to this degree. That can be repaired but, again, not without first taking control of our government schools away from the current gang of incompetents.

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It’s almost like one could be excused for thinking that what we routinely perceive as Dem-voters are in fact aliens in disguise, roaming inner-cities & fenced mansions & academic towers in increasingly ill-fitted meat-suits πŸ€”

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Add CT to that list

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Interesting. The hispanic segment of Miami-Dade is not exactly comparable to other hispanic segments. The idiot density is a a major problem.

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The Cubans are mostly "white" and were the middle and upper classes of Cuba... You are comparing apples to pineapples when comparing them to mexicans and central americans who dominate hispanic populations elsewhere...

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I agree with your general premise that Hispanics from different countries are very different. Here in the Tampa area of Florida I have worked with people from Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Columbia, Mexico, and Cuba. Their cultures, even their home dialect are very different. I would, however, point out that the idea that Cubans here were from middle and upper classes in Cuba is no longer correct. The original Cubans came in the 1800's and were wealthy or worked for wealthy people who built part of Tampa, then the next big group came in when Castro came to power, they were indeed middle and upper class. Now many poorer Cubans are coming to the US for work. The young lady who took care of my mom was from Cuba and the stories she told were heartbreaking.

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Yes! You are so right about Cuba!

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But are the people you worked with - white, light or dark skinned and were they assimilated, as in learned English? George Zimmerman comes to mind - 3/4ths hispanic-latino with a jewish german GF...

e.g. among Mexicans, skin color is often very important - lighter the skin often means from a higher class (more Spanish or European blood) who don't want to be associated with the darker people from their own country... And if you become too focused on education or don't act like a gangbanger or associate with "white" people-gringos etc, you are "acting white" - at least this is the mentality with some of the younger ones in other urban areas of the country... I realize there is huge variance though e.g. rural vs urban etc... Just observations and I hope nobody takes this as being "racist"

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CT did just that. Question on ballot.

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