God bless Ethical Skeptic. In the months of 2020 when I had no paid work, I dug into CDC data, and found the same phenomenon. Death totals from different sections of the website were different, even then. Flu numbers from that section were different than those reported on the mortality report, and their new covid section numbers did not jive with the mortality report, and ED visits also varied. I posted this and asked if anyone could explain this and got mainly insults from the fearful saying I didn't know how to read the data. CDC site is a morass and not user friendly,

Re: the amnesty. Watched The Real Anthony Fauci movie last night, and definitely think Nuremburg ll is definitely in order. Fauci and Gates are even more evil than I realized.

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Do you remember how the perennial flu disappeared in the Autumn of 2020? And then returned recently. Very strange.

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It's back with a vengeance now. Vaxxed and boostered still getting covid, rsv, pneumonia and bronchitis. I go into work only after downing a regimen of supplements and nasal spray. They are walking hyper germ and illness factories. 🤒 the good Lord help me. 🙏

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Such a wonderful time to be retired!

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I took FORCED retirement after I didn’t comply with testing, and subsequently, the jab. TPTB took 3 years from me 💰.

In the days and months up to my “permanent vacation”, I was trying to explain everything to people. I was the crazy, conspiracy theorist. I still remember a guy from work texting me after his jab.

He had the worst headache he’s ever had (this was nearly 2 years ago). That was the beginning...with no end in sight, as of today.

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Heartily agree!!

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Ditto !

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The only ones getting sick at my job are the jabbed.

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My wife has a triple vaxxed coworker who has announced in every meeting (one had 80 attendees) they've had this week that he is recovering from covid. He tested positive 10 days ago. My wife bites her tongue while everyone else says feel better.

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Part of this "disappearance" is due to the fact that CDC gave guidance in Dec 2020 to quit testing for the flu. Hmm. Wonder why they would do that?

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They tested me for the flu in Jan 2022 because I refused to let them test me for covid. They claimed the flu came up negative, so dx'd me with covid via that.

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Why classify an illness as 'Flu' when it is so easily - due to symptoms that can be difficult to differentiate between -

classified as a 'covid infection' ??

Gotta feed the fear, ramp up that case count, right ?

Playing with numbers - what they do best.

Manipulate the numbers, increase covid illnesses, covid hospitalizations, covid cases in icu, covid deaths, you're not considered vaccinated unless you meet specific criteria - pardon the moving goalposts .

'With' covid vs 'from' covid.

Enough, already !

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Exactly. This is why flu "disappeared", because hospitals stopped testing for it.

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I definitely do. My husband even asked a nurse about it and she said no one was coming in with flu. Things that make you go hmmm.

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And then the later admission that the early tests didn't distinguish between COVID and flu. What a scam.

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It astounds me that even they quietly admit what we knew all along the Covidians cannot or will not see it.

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When did they admit the tests didn’t distinguish ? I’ve seen lots of data pointing to “viral interference” which is a phenomenon that has happened before during pandemics. The seasonal “flu” is literally pushed out of circulation due to the dominant Covid strain. However, it’s no longer dominant so flu, rsv & other viruses are making a comeback.

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I defended the CDC back in the summer of 2021 when they recommended using multiplexed tests for both COVID and flu, when people misinterpreted that to mean that *now* they recommended a test that could distinguish between the two, but had not had that before. But then read something much later, which I cannot now find anywhere (though I'm pretty sure I posted it on my FB timeline), perhaps something from Dr. Robert Malone? I just can't remember, but at any rate it was from a source I trusted (a much smaller group now than three years ago) and which said what the "uneducated conspiracy theorists" had claimed - that indeed one of the commonly-used early tests didn't distinguish well between flu and COVID. If that's true, and we know there was big money in diagnosing COVID, then no wonder flu disappeared, whether partly because of viral interference or mostly because of manipulating outcomes to make money.

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It was ALL a big, fat, huge SCAM. There was no health ANYTHING involved.

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Kary Mullis himself (PCR test inventor) said the PCR test was for analysis, not any kind of diagnosis. He also said that if you cranked the cycle count up high enough, you could find just about anything in anybody.

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And that’s why Kary Mullis “died”.

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Yes, never trusted the tests. That was one thing I did learn. Going to the CDCs flu section, did not realize how many died from the flu. Of course flu surveillance was completely cancelled - CDC said it right on their site, they were just skipping flu tracking in 2020. One more reason I knew the whole thing was sketchy.

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One of the first things I did in about March 2020 was to go find out what the yearly flu/respiratory virus flu figures were, both in the U.S. and worldwide. At that time, the newest figures were for 2018, but looking back over a number of years it appeared that the figures were fairly consistent from year to year. Then in 2021 I was seeing "covid" figures that were pretty consistent with previous flu figures.

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That was a major red flag. All of a sudden seasonal flu and common colds disappeared! Zap! They’re gone! Does anyone ever remember a year in which there were NO cases of flu or colds? But C O V I D was here and it was Deadly! My BS meter kept going Ding, Ding, Ding. Every time the local news station reported cases and deaths under their slogan “All facts, no fear”. I knew it was quite the opposite, “All fear, no facts”. To this day, I still don’t understand how so many people fell for it.

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I brought this up with my college aged daughters. They have been told via the social media they read that flu disappeared because we were all social distancing and masking. But somehow that didn’t apply to COVID. Even though that was why we’re masking and social distancing to begin with. Pointed that out and got the “I don’t know, man” response.

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But The Dunderheads never seem to notice these things ... including our clueless gaggle of clueless relatives. And I mean ... it's like totally out there freaking obvious!

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Many of us figured it out even without any data. It was evident that they were lying, aka gaslighting us from the beginning. Although I’m glad to see data finally coming out which validates what we instinctively knew.

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Censorship was the big red flag. When did that become okay? 🤔

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All I know is that the peeps who KNEW without any data/articles/experts that this was a SCAM are the peeps I want to hang with now. We can't even a tiny bit figure how so many were not only blinded, but willing participants to all of it, and we just knew. Doesn't make me feel better or more superior, but I just can't with anyone who is still captured by that narrative. And there are still so many.

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Amen! Yeah I knew it was sketchy from the beginning but I labored under the fallacy that if I just found enough data that I could convince people they were being lied to. All I got in return is "oh, you are not a medical professional" or worse, called names. unfriended, etc. Then I learned about mass formation psychosis and decided it was fruitless to try for most people. But I am a data person by nature, so I can't help myself, still collecting data and information for those who are starting to see the light and need a little help to get out of the dark.

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Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 5, 2022

I am sure this is a quandary common to us all, this wrestling with truth telling. And after many years of debating with myself, I have come to this. Every time I don't speak from truth, I falsify reality, and in a genuine Christian sense, also enable Satanic processes. And more to the point, there is Maxim of Law which states that silence is seen as being consent.

There is additionally this. That we in our present calamities are heavily indebted to the many who in spite of extreme persecution ... have told the truth:

For Christians, Christ the Lord told the truth and Christ remains after two thousand some years our one true dependable guide. Eustace Mullins, under-statedly a tad less well-known, was hounded mercilessly by the ADL, the SPLC and many more truth suppressing organizations for decades ... and because of him, we know the truth about central banking and the 'health' industry. Even today I often think on how prophetic one particular Mullins title came to be, Murder by Injection. And then there is Ezra Pound, the great literary impresario of the twentieth century, the same Ezra who was in put in a cage by the allies at the end of the Second World War, and then later shipped from Italy to the United States. For what? For telling the truth on war time radio in Italy. But strangely, they never put Ezra on trial for treason. Why? Because 'they' the powers then controlling were terrified of the impending avalanche of Truth which would fill the court room to the ceiling were Ezra taken to trial. So instead, it was found to be convenient to declare Ezra insane and just lock him away for many years in St. Elizabeth's Hospital just outside of Washington.

Many things don't change. The Dark Cretins of the Day find the suppression of the truth just as expedient to their criminal enterprising as the elite criminal elements of yore. The real thing of it though is that each one of us must decide for ourselves how valuable is the truth to us ... and also decide if we will ever accede to lies and with our mouths being sewn shut.

In my life, the political work I did in years past ... and that of hundred of thousand of other very active people ... laid the ground work for so much of what is going on right now. At the time, and for a long time thereafter, I wondered 'what was the use of it all'. Sometimes it take a good stitch of time or two to see the true worth of things. Hindsight is clearer in the rear view mirror.

In some way or another, we win whenever the truth is declared.

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Oh, daverkb, I love this! I first decided I wouldn't get jabbed because I didn't trust the experts. The more I researched, the worse it got. I decided at some point that it would be sinful for me to take it, because I would be complicit in the scheme. For all the reasons you mentioned, I will not live by lies! I will not be silent! Thank you so much for your comments. I feel so alone among my fellow believers and it is so encouraging to find someone who is not deceived. My husband and I are 71 and 70, both unjabbed.

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Ann! I kind of waxed up the long wind on this one. And I am to be 74 next March and De Wife is about 29. Oops! I mean 68. And we are more grateful for being not vaxed than ever before, especially since the real bad stuff is getting out into public knowledge like a cascading avalanche.

Both me and De Wife, went to this country church in Virginia. Sunday School lessons were out of something called Life Way ... and in retrospect ... way, way, way watered down. During the whole time at this church not once did we study from the Baptist Confession of Faith 1689, nor read from Luther, Calvin, Knox, Augustine or any of the great Christian writers. Nothing on Solo Scriptura, Solo Gloria, not any of the Solos. We did not even know they existed. I could go on at length, but you get the idea. Now looking in the rear view, we went to this church for three to four years, and I have to say ... had near zero understanding to the tenets, the doctrines of orthodox Christian Faith such as our colonial forebears knew from tadpole on up. Sooooooooooo! If you are kind of feeling alone in your church, there might be a good reason.

Later on, Howard Philips put a copy of R. J. Rushdoony's Institutes of Biblical Law, vol. I ... and it was off to the races ... and a life game changer. We loved our Baptist country people, but the thirst for Christ was stronger. We had to move on. And many years later, I am so proud of my wife and what she has come to learn of Church history, orthodox Christian theology, of the Reformation and how the Reformation set the template in the American Colonial era. Largely due to all of this growth, we do not fear nor are we intimidated by the tyrant.

Best wishes ... and always search out truth, including God's Truth.

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Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022

Good points. I've realized one of the major issues we are all grappling with is TRUTH. People tend to believe others, especially "experts", are telliing the truth. Most have previously assumed that politicians generally are truthful. I'm at a point where I have become suspicious of almost every single thing that is said publicly. Politicians used to be sly about their half truths and lies. Now they no longer even try to hide it....look at some of things Brandon has said recently that are downright, blatant lies. The medial "experts" lied at an incredible level. So we no longer have the luxury of accepting much of anything automatically as "the truth". Verify before trusting or believing. It's sad that it has come to this. Undoubtedly we should have been doing this long ago, but we didn't know better. I have to think a great many good people have finally been awakened to the reality of all this.

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Nov 4, 2022·edited Nov 4, 2022

Early American law was Christian Law. God's Law, a separate higher law, is excised in a jurisdiction upon which the civil government could not infringe upon (trespass against). This was the rule and not the exception. It was the custom and habit of Liberty. In the Colonial period, most people's only interaction with the government was likely to be the Post Office, voting for some and the paying of relatively minuscule taxes.

In God's higher Law Order ... TRUTH gets banner headlines ... as in the Ninth Commandment injunction against bearing a false witness. This is where 'so help me God' hand on the Bible comes the courtroom swearing in oath. The express acknowledgement of the swearing in oath was that there could be no law, no justice without TRUTH.

I would agree with you as to all the lying going on. I would further stated that the most of the political class hold the Truth in utter disdain. And in this, actions speak louder than words. And I would say that most of 'Conservatism' is sin by omission what should be said and done.

At any rate, I nearly fell off of my chair when I hear President Putin call the West an Empire of Lies. He nailed it square and straight. All lies ... from the rigged markets, the rigged lying media, the imaginary fake currency, all the false flag pretense ... just about everything is a lie, a lie, and still more lies. With such the case being so, how is it possible for all of this to not come crashing down on our heads? My only quandary here is ... fall down with a huge bang or limp whimper? But still I would it be otherwise if it could.

We are all kind of in the same boat aren't we. And thank God for C & C where we can jabber on for awhile in a common like us.

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Amen and God bless you daverkb! That’s a read you loud and clear, 100%!

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Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022

You are a wise man, daverkb! I sincerely appreciate you and so many of the folks in the C&C community. It’s good company.

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Thanks Freebird ... and do you think you can speak to De Wife on that 'wise man' part? Just kidding. And yes, C & C is a positive oasis of sunshine warmth.

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It's the way Dr. Pierre Kory felt when he testified before the Senate in 2020. Surely doctors would be glad to know there were effective treatment options such as ivermectin. No one cared. He didn't yet realize that info had to be suppressed so the safe and effective vaccines could get EUA.

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I did the same and ran into the same reactions. As an aside, I believe we are close in location and would love to figure out a way to meet! It is great to find like minds on these sites but I am also interested in finding new persons that I can respect to interact with in life.

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Eastern Jackson County? Check out the We the People meetings, first Monday of every month at the Lotawana Sportsmans club at 7 PM. Next one is Nov 7. Great bunch of awake folks. From the meeting notice:

Monday evening November the 7th we have a special guest, The Right Side with Doug Billings. Doug is said to be the new Rush Limbaugh. He is on stage regularly with General Flynn, Mike Lindell (my pillow guy) and many more. It will be a treat to hear his national update!!! Can’t wait.

Eapan Thampy is going to update us on Amendment 3 and why it is a NO.

Our wonderful lawyer, Melinda, and her associate will update us on local legal matters.

To finish us up, we have the one and only Ron Freeman. He will touch base on local awareness points of interest.

We will push the upcoming education for first responders, social workers, and law enforcement concerning Human Trafficking on December 5th.

I would imagine candidates will be busy as it’s the night before but are always welcome to speak 3 minutes.

We the WE THE PEOPLE....of Jackson County MO at 7:00.

Bring business cards for the book of business. Bring a few bucks for hall rental.

See you then.

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I'm on the other side of the state line but if the meeting is open to non-residents I would like to attend if I can arrange my schedule to get there. I saw Doug Billings a couple years ago at a health freedom conference that I attended. It would be great to hear him again.

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One of my current obsessions, which perhaps I'm sharing too much (Pity my friends in real life! [grin] ), but quite pertinent. In saner times, "You're not a medical professional." probably is an accurate, albeit not highly polite, retort. What happens when we now realize that those who are -- or should be -- the real experts, medical or otherwise, are lying, presumably out of fear of losing their job or other sanction, or perhaps even worse, because they are True Believers in a narrative that doesn't even stand up to basic analysis? Now, about that "obsession" thing? I recently did my own research and found to my satisfaction, and based upon what seem solid data, that three common "primary prevention" regimes I take are of little to no value: statin therapy, hypertension medication and baby aspirin. My cardiologist is going to have some explaining to do later this month. While I've not yet looked into it (even for the retired, only so much time in a day to explore so many rabbit holes) I'm curious to find what the financial motivations for these mass primary prevention programs are. Clearly there are profits for Pharma, but my drugs are all generics. I'm assuming that the MD gets some type of compensation.

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Most doctors don't practice medicine anymore (even before covid). They don't have time. There's an assembly line of patients that insurance companies want them to push through in 15 minutes. They don't have time to do anything except check off a diagnosis and find the suggested drug to prescribe for that problem. Dr. Paul Thomas, a pediatrician who's currently fighting to keep his medical license because he advised parents on vaccines, stated that doctors do not learn about vaccines in medical school. They just blindly accept that they should be given to every child. He did a study of several thousand of his patients, comparing the unvaccinated with the vaccinated. Each of these children had been seen by him since birth. The unvaccinated had hardly any sick visits, while the vaccinated had ear infections, allergies, autism and so forth. I will never take any kind of vaccine again and I am very wary of any medication.

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Well I am not retired, so I have to limit my rabbit holes. And yeah, I am definitely NOT a medical professional, which gave my friends and family permission to write me off since I couldn't possibly know what I was talking about....but then again. Drs like Zelenko, McCullough, Kory, Malone, Gold, etc also got written off. I do research for biz plans in my day job, although I would turn down projects (self employed) that were too technical as I don't get paid for climbing the learning curve, but I had done enough around the margins (lab software, medical devices, etc) to know that under NORMAL circumstances, scientists not under the thumb of grant minders do not normally always agree. This lockstep adherence very early on to the narrative sent up big red flags to me. And when all my paid projects cancelled or postponed when the crap hit the fan I found myself with the time for rabbit holes. Still not a medical professional, but I have learned more about science and medicine in the last 2+ years to know that my trust was highly misplaced.

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Well, that's who I do forgive - my friends who were deeply caught in fear, and who wanted to trust our representatives in government, our medical/industrial system, and believed in our great and good, White Hat, mythology. But, the ones motivated by power and greed? That's what appalls me.

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“Welcome to the party, pal!” - Bruce Willis, Die Hard

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Yes! My early 2020 reaction as I did my research was that nothing made sense....until I began to suspect it was all a scam and THAT was why nothing made sense!

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"Were" lying? They still are.

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I found the OSHA mask content interesting... particularly a response in 2017. Also SARS, which is what the COVID test tests for... check that history out. My head may have actually exploded between the two of them. When you put all these data points together you don't have a case for anything this government or the CDC has put out there. Not even close.

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And when you learn about the US Constitution at the 10th Amendment Center ( https://tenthamendmentcenter.com ) you'll see that the CDC is unconstitutional

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Well then! Maybe someone could install a billboard right outside their HQ?!

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Calling Steve Kirsch!!!

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I’ll contribute to that! Not kidding

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And, as usual for governmental entities, when their initial mission (malaria control after WWII) was successful, it was a bureaucracy looking for continued funding, so it's expanded and expanded until its current typical federal institutional status - expensive, not very useful, if at all, and rights-infringing.

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I certainly agree with your point, but would like to add that it's also not constitutional for a federal government to create a department for the 'authority over disease.' Hence also not legal for malaria control after WWII. If the army needs to adopt hygenic measures, that's like, up to Col. Potter.

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It was malaria in the *civilian* populations. Many people don't know that malaria was quite common here, and the CDC is located in Atlanta because of how much malaria was there. Malaria reached all the way to Boston, as it's not just a tropical disease, it's temperate. I agree that there is no enumerated power that would authorize establishment of the CDC.

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Nov 4, 2022·edited Nov 4, 2022

I'll add some background info.

When the American Colonies of Britain seceeded from the Crown and won the war, they became independent countries. Virginia had more independence from Kentucky than Canada has from Mexico today.

To help ensure peace between these independent states, they signed articles of confederation. After this they were still more independent of one another than France is from Germany today.

Some politic-rats got together and decided they'd be in a better position of collective defense if they made a stronger set of binding agreements, in other words a federation of states.

A few of those guys, lead by Alexander Hamilton, wanted to create a unified country out of the 13 seperate countries. He wanted a king. He wanted a new tyranny.

As the seperate, sovereign states would never have agreed to a contract that put them under the complete control of a central authority, the Constitution was drafted to create a 'federal government', but one that was limited to the powers declared in that signing document. The so-called US Constitution was a contract between the states, to create a body of government with 30 Enumerated Powers.


Among the first amendments to the constitution is the Tenth Amendment. It was insisted-upon to get down in writing the condition for joining. That condition was that all other powers besides the thirty enumerated belonged to the states.

So let's think about what that means by an example:

The Post Office? Constitutional. The Department of Education? Unconstitutional.

The Navy? Constitutional. The Center for Disease Control? Unconstitutional.

What is unconstitutional is illegal.

And as all the states understood then, if the Federal Government usurps powers from the states, it is their right, it is their duty to seceede, as echoed in Thomas Jefferson's Kentucky resolution of 1898.

Time to relearn that now. Time for nullification and secession.

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Nov 4, 2022·edited Nov 4, 2022

Maybe you haven't read the tenth amendment center yet? [EDIT] I see you agree the CDC isn't, but do you understand why?

Any 'health officiousness' is a matter for the states.

It doesn't matter if you like what a particular agency does, or if you think there's some emergency. If it's not in the 30 enumerated powers, it's not a legal organ of the federal government.

It's a crime, and they're criminals. Even if they're rescuing puppies in your neighborhood.

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Don't stop at just the CDC. MOST of what the feral government does they have no authority for and is unconstitutional.

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Feral ?

Isn't that 'creatures running wild' ?

OHH ! I get it !


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And reproducing uncontrollably.

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I’d vote for that, get rid of all the 3 letter agencies.

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The short, highly informative podcasts on this subject of masks put out by senior Industrial Hygienist Stephen Petty are great, but of course were censored. They're on Rumble now.


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Stephen Petty is amazing!! As well as Megan Mansell and Kristen Meghan. Those three provided so much valuable information and perspective! But of course, the health department and schools wouldn’t listen to them 🙄 Even though they are the REAL experts on masks. Not the fake ones like bureaucrats and doctors 🙄😡

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It was they who pointed me to him, when I saw one or both testify at a school board meeting. Yes, they're the ones with expertise in that subject.

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No Agenda Show for longer podcasts treating terrible topics with a good dose of humor.

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The Fauci movie part one and two was very well done and should be required watching for EVERYONE. I read most of the book but came to the section about what they did to the orphans in NY and just couldn’t read anymore. These men are truly evil! I could go on but it’s actually to upsetting to even think about their level of evil.

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I know they and so many other evil people will pay for what they have done in the next age. My prayer is that they will somehow pay for their evil in this age too. God hates wickedness.

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I have to say that it's comments like yours and Gigi's that trouble me the most. And, I mean no disrespect. But those of us that understand what is happening number in the MILLIONS. And yet, these psychopaths are walking around free instead of rotting in a cell awaiting trial, like are the Patriots that were exercising their God given Right to assemble and protest their government on January 6.

The words of the song are not

"Find the cost of Freedom, written on the page"

They are

"Find the cost of Freedom, buried in the ground"

Gaining and holding onto Liberty has always been a dangerous and bloody affair.

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For those who don't know classic rock, the song referenced is CSNY "Find the Cost of Freedom." Less well known but still worthy of a listen (or just read its short lyrics) is a sequel of sorts, "Daylight Again" from early 80s.


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Those poor helpless, children. Beyond evil.

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Skip to the last chapter. It's a must-read.

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I got thru 2/3rds of the book and I had to stop reading. I was furious! We've been taken for a ride. Gates/Fauci should be arrested and thrown in jail for treason and sedition. The evidence is all there.

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Is the movie still available? If so, how can I access it?

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Good work Ethical Skeptic! The Highwire had on their show two women in MI whose husbands were killed at the same hospital during COVID. They are now suing! Heart wrenching! If the CDC/Pharma thinks this this is going away, they are dreaming! I love Marjorie Taylor Greene! We just need 400 more like her! If we the people do not get real justice from this, that is Pharma needs to pay for the injuries not the taxpayers and jail time for those at the top (George Washington's solution for traitors would be better), then we most certainly deserve God's swift judgment for the evil in our land. We must keep standing and praying!

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As much as it pains me to say it, the way things are going it is possible that every single injected person will know someone who has died suddenly and unexpectedly. This will trigger a critical mass event. It's coming.

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Imagine the pain of realizing the vaccine you believed in, promoted and allowed your child to take is what killed her. I can see the strong cognitive dissonance that would create if one admitted it to oneself. I think that about so many who have had loved ones die of heart issues. They can’t admit the vaccine could be why.

My husband has atrial fibrillation now. Two shots and had COVID twice. He is in the “might be COVID, might be the shots” camp, but leans toward COVID as he can’t quite deal with the thought that what he did to protect his family and keep his job may now shorten his life.

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I'm so sorry. I have great compassion for people like your husband who thought they were doing the right thing, but were lied to and deceived by the government and by healthcare professionals. Awhile back, I saw a video by my former oncologist, promoting the vaccines. It broke my heart. He treated me for cancer in 2008 and I had so much love and respect for him. The weight of the knowledge of the millions who died needlessly because early treatment was suppressed and the millions who have been injured or killed by the shots is more than I can bear. I have to turn it over to God and allow Him to comfort me. I channel that despair into speaking out in every way I can. I can't explain this in any other way than to call it satanic. I don't think humans are powerful enough to cause the entire world to go crazy at one time. (I deleted my comment that said people are too stupid to realize what is happening. I'm sorry if it caused you pain.)

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Satanic it is. Men choose evil but there is always satan manipulating events and players.

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I'm not a psychologist, but vaguely understand the power of denial. It's a tall order for a rational mind to accept that virtually all the institutions he may have trusted all his life -- government, medicine, perhaps even church and family -- are corrupt and may present an actual danger to him and his loved ones. Many people simply cannot face the truth. Delusion and insanity may seem a better recourse, or perhaps they are the mind's answer to intolerable realities.

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Exactly. It is a devastating realization. Who would have thought we would be afraid to go to hospitals because the government is giving them financial incentives to diagnose us with covid and kill us??? I'm glad to see some lawsuits being filed.

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I am so sorry to hear about your husband. Hugs and prayers.

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I agree! Dr. Zeb Zelenko's prediction of tremendous numbers dying within 5 years is beginning to come true.

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I saw that Highwire episode. Sooo heart crushing! Especially the one husband who got Ivermectin for a bit from one Dr. and was improving and then another female Dr. took it away. She is absolutely guilty of murder!

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I understand your feelings, Kim.

But I sadly believe we already deserve God’s swift judgement and that’s it’s coming soon. What can we do? Pray and practice penance.

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It certainly may be God's judgment; as you said, we deserve it. But we still have to fight for the vulnerable and innocent and stand against injustice. The German church was overwhelmingly silent during the Nazi era and the American church is now.

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I agree, but a few clergy, here and there, are starting to speak boldly. May more join them and show courage.

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I agree totally! We are already in the midst of it.

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Yes, they are! They are both murderers in my book and should be punished accordingly!

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Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022

Yup. I posted a graph on fb and had "friends" telling me i wasn't smart enough to be able to understand it! Ok so he has an English degree and an editor job and I'm only an Art BA homeschooling Mom of four but they had graphs, articles,... Painted pictures and reading...com'on MAN! DO YOUR HOMEWORK! Yup, I still treat him like a friend but I know he's arrogant more than I imagined. (We all are)

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Ha, well dontcha know that we homeschoolers are just bible-thumping Amish-wannabes with 8th grade educations, so...😉😂

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Yeah he was probably one of those people who shared that super scientific pee analogy diagram to promote mask wearing 🙄🙄🙄

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Lol, some person sent me that one, certain that it proved her point that masks do work. I couldn't believe it

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Right??! Like pee is *exactly* like an aerosolized respiratory virus 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 Can’t even roll my eyes hard enough at that one!! SO DUMB!!!

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My daughter just recovered from a diagnosed case of the flu. She said she had identical symptoms to that of the diagnosed case of covid she had. Yup.

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Waaaaay back at the start of Covid, John Cullen once with Oracle at John Hopkins developed an ESRI tracking system... John is literally one of the first to report and get censored for observing via mapping data that the flu and pneumonia “p and I” deaths, completely disappeared and the Covid deaths numbers were skewed. John compared the actual coroner flu deaths prior to the arrival of Covid, providing evidence there was a flu “pandemic” before Fauci convinced the world China leaked a virus. numbers per State on “the map” to entire countries like Shanghai (only 10 deaths) (Beijing 4 deaths) revealing how far and deep the controllers of the agenda were skewing numbers, not just hiding the truth but 100% connected to the wholesale criminalization of currently available drugs -- hydroxychoroquine, ivermectin, Vit D, zinc, Quercetin, Fluvoxamine, any one of them would have stopped gapped the EUA. Don’t miss this interview with Steve https://youtu.be/rHf7Y8BDDTE another “connect the dots” that John makes is the article “A Recipe for Destruction by Ray Kurrzwell published in October 2005 where “trust the science” dug up a Spanish flu corpse and THE USDept of Health published the “1918 flu genome weapon of mass destruction” sequence ~design~ on the internet!!! http://www.sentientdevelopments.com/2005/12/kurzweils-and-joys-recipe-for.html

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There have been so many irregularities throughout this Covid scam that in my opinion it would’ve been impossible to ignore!

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BUT you had to come at it from a perspective of skepticism. I already had my doubts about the CDC as had read articles about sketchy activities in the past. The lockstep 'project Mockingbird' nature of the news people narratives. The suspicion that I had already 'had covid' in Jan 2020. Familiarity with biolabs (had done a project on them for a lab software company the year before) and ended up down some rabbit holes on the side re: lab accidents. Most people came at it from the perspective of fear first. Hubby was listening to the covid channel on Sirius but he got past that quickly and listened to his wife instead. Smart guy. LOL.

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You’ve been a great resource throughout the time I’ve been reading C&C! Thanks Donna!

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Thanks! At least there is no shadow banning on here!

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Agree with you!

Nawww, Baby Boo! We STILL talkin' about it!!!!!

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Ask and ye shall receive..??...

As of 840am EST, yesterday's post has 1004 comments. Way to go Jeff & the C&C Army!

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Jeff's Substack is the only one I read every day without fail and as BFM notes below, the comments are part of its value. This is essential reading.

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Yes, I spend way too much time on this but it is so much more informative and interesting than social media.

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Completely agree!!

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Like-minded folks who have a clue.

Much needed these days.

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I couldn't figure out what was going on yesterday. I kept reading the comments, and it was taking forever. And they were all good! (actually they were pretty sad as people disclosed how their pensions and lives were ruined).

And then I saw there were over 900 comments by noon or so. Wow!

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It was the least we could do. 😁💪

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There were so many wonderful, heart felt, and honest comments. I wish I could gave read them all.

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I think I did. I came back late last night. Many comments reminded me of many tragedies I’d pushed behind. I’m still so sick they require our military and children to take this poison.

They know.

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I was going to go over and add a comment but figured since it was late someone else would have gotten to it by now and I was right 😆😁

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The Center for Destroying Civilization's entire mandate is to create as much excess death as possible, with a lifetime of "treatments" for those who survive, charged to the taxpayers needing them at a 4000% mark up. And they want "amnesty"? No amount of legislation will change this. Trials and hangings might.


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The shifting to the Tax Payer is what worries me most and boils my blood the most. The damned big pharma and royalty receivers like Collins and Fauci NEED TO COVER THESE COSTS. Not the tax payers again. I've written this concern for some time now. Prophetic insight has its draw backs. PRAYERS more people will SEE this next tragedy and STOP it. Medicare/Medicaid is rumored to be covering more items now than before - as it relates to what conditions are covered. I haven't verified this last point, but, if true, goes right along with the hell reality of Tax payer foots R&D, then foots distribution, then foots lifelong care for the debilitating drug. Argh and tears simultaneously

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Every industry in the US exists to loot the treasury and indebt the next generations, from "defense" aka war, to academia (loans) to Big Pharma's bioterror medical complex. Government representatives just transfer the money directly to those electing them at whatever price they ask in exchange for funding their campaigns. It's amazing that it could all end with 80 million Americans joining a tax revolt or simultaneous strike like their founders. Those in power know this, which is why they're funding 87,000 new tax extortionists too keep the scam going.

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Time for a tea party folks!

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Make mine Ceylon with a bit of Bergamotte oil, thx!

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Sounds delightful....Earl Grey enters the chat...with a large helping of Light Brigade!!

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I refuse to fight a war without tea, as any decent person would. :)

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I'll take mine with some harbor water. Not nearly as tasty but perhaps effective?

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The frustration is real. I saw a sign in my local grocery store this afternoon. FREE FLU shots, and 10% off your grocery purchase with each injection. Who pays for that!?!

Oh yes…we do! More looting of the US treasury.

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As recently as two years ago, I took a flu (or pneumonia?) shot* for the offered $10 gift card. No apparent side effects. But since the mRNA "vaccines" came out, and all the deception around those? No thanks. In fact, I'll probably never [willingly] take another immunization again, as long as I live.

*As part of my ongoing self-education and skepticism against the medical field, I also discovered recently that these immunizations at best provide "modest" protection (a few % gain over no shot at all) against illness, and that's usually with no accounting for possible adverse effects.

In fact, the more I look, that seems to be a fairly common theme with many medical interventions: little better than doing nothing, and always with risks of harm. Of course, medicine does in fact offer many benefit. Alas, the problem is that it also serves up many illusions, that are highly profitable for Pharma and the employees of the medical guild. They are, as it were, half real world healers informed by medical since, but also half witch doctors practicing quackery. The problem is sorting out which half!

"Living like I want to don't come easy, but I'm trying

Sorting out what's true and what are lies, it's wise"

-- Black Sabbath "Back Street Kids"

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Yes, this is the truth every single American needs to be 100% aware of so I'm repeating it:

"Every industry in the US exists to LOOT THE TREASURY and indebt the next generations, from "defense" aka war, to academia (loans) to Big Pharma's bioterror medical complex. "

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Yep. Money laundering.

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not money laundering. Wealth transfer. Massively.

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Largest in history?

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The Centers for Destroying Civilization. Love it!

Another perhaps? The Centers for Disease & Carnage?

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CDC -Corporate Democrat Control

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Covid Distribution Corporation

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Civilization Destroying Committee

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CDC - aka children's death cult.

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Corrupt Deceptive Criminals

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I was looking into the head of the CDC's Bio, (Rochele Walensky) and it all makes sense now.

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See any blood clots in there?

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I've been saying that about trials & hangings for 2 years! Especially Fauci!

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I think its a pretty huge development that Crowder had the embalmers on about whatever non-biological "calamari-like" entity that is growing in people who took the vaccine. It got over 600K views on Rumble the first day. The mainstream Republicans who were vax pushers are starting to speak out, ala Ben Shapiro too. Floodgates are about to open. The "amnesty" article was a flag up the pole to see how the publlic would react to sweeping it under the rug, and also a covert admittance of a crime that is about to be exposed to the masses.


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From what I’ve seen the public is NOT amiable to sweeping it under the rug. Completely the opposite reaction!

It’s definitely a “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.” reaction. People are livid and will not be fooled again.

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I believe the attacked purebloods and the do-gooders that legitimately were deceived (due to their unwillingness to push back against authority from a lifetime of rule following and more) are just getting started. I've gone from simmering anger suppressed for 2 yrs to in your face "F**K OFF you dumbshit!" responses. I'm hoping to become part of the force of karma that evens the score. Screw that tolerance of ignorance crap!

Everyone that tried to force us to comply for a minimum of "the greater good" is a "means justify the ends" person. They don't care who is harmed or killed, so long as they get their way. It's exactly what the radical leaders of the agencies and deep state do 24x7.

Time for us to fight fire with fire. No more "nice guy" playing by polite rules. It's war. Act accordingly!

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We have to fight because, no matter what people like Oster say, the perpetrators are not done with us yet. They're working on a new crisis in order to put us under their thumbs again.

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She's not done. She pushes child and school shot mandates in her article.

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This is the line that will cause an irreversible fracture. Parents will pull their kids from school in droves. Various agencies could very well try to force compliance and then it will be war.

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Yes, and I believe they are so obsessed with what they want to accomplish that they aren't yet fully cognizant of how much people know and are increasingly knowing about what they have been doing. They're like the stupid thief who never thinks he will be caught.

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Agreed. They will not stop until they are stopped, full stop!!

After all, most of us have seen the SPARS 2025-2028 paper.

SARS-C-2 (or whatever) was just a warm-up.

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I am right with you. A coworker called yesterday to reschedule an in-person meeting to teams because they tested positive for covid. I said how is that possible? You are vaxxed and boostered? And does anyone even test anymore? They just stammered a bunch of mumbo jumbo, like biden and fetterman. It's getting harder for the covidiots to keep the lies they tell themselves and everyone else up. Good.

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Oh the mental and verbal gymnastics they will do!

It's sad really...watching people do anything they can to avoid the truth of what happened to them. The overeducated specialists are the worse, simply because they think they are too smart to ever be fooled.

"How's that coincidence theory goin for'ya?!"

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Had a friend tell me the other day, she vaxxed and boostered and - cane down with covid.

"Can you imagine ?", she says.

Told her the studies show now that the more shots you've taken, the more likely you are to become infected with covid.

"Not very 'effective ' ", I said.

Conversation ended shortly thereafter.

'Imagine that!'

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Just this week spoke with two people who were quadruple vaxxed and came down with the virus for the third time.

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But the answer seems to be, "It would have been so much worse if I hadn't been vaccinated!" I suppose my friend would be dead if he hadn't been jabbed, since he has supposedly had bronchitis, pneumonia and covid within a month. He'd better hurry and get the booster!

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Of course we can "imagine." I need to start making comments and asking questions like that.

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Oh, that is precious, Annie. Good for you for asking the question!

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"I've gone from simmering anger suppressed for 2 yrs to in your face "F**K OFF you dumbshit!"

OMG, hilarious! Yup. Lots of us are there. I went "there" yesterday in this post (shameless promotion): https://shethinksliberty.substack.com/p/the-way-we-were

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Yes, very true

and the upcoming elections have made many people realize, especially in hotly contested democrat run states, that we are powerless to getting these dictators out of office… so the elections are making many aware… they are living among people that don’t share their personal values

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As has been said before, it's the "fence sitters" that hold a major key to success in this battle. After having been misled to such huge and potentially lethal degree, there is a veritable caldera simmering with potential wrath. After my initial campaign to "assist" in providing informed consent, I backed off for a while not wanting to damage relationships even further. As mentioned above, the gloves are now off. As always "I'm here to help".

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Here's an anthem for that fight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3tOE_BbRmc

So thankful for the C&C Army.

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It's true. Be passive, and wave 'bye-bye' to your rights and freedoms.

Plain and simple.

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I think you're right. As the all time comments count was achieved on Jeff's post yesterday about the amnesty... you can see the public is in no mood for letting the covid nazis off the hook. We have the receipts and we want accountability.

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And the Covid Nazi hunt will be similar to that of the WWII Nazi hunt...years & years across the globe!

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One can hope and pray that occurs.

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Oster still pushed jabs for kids, mandates for schools in her article. She's certainly not moving on, not apologizing, she just wants us to shut up and let them mandate. That's how she defines "amnesty."

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Oster displays unrepentant arrogance: She admits no real wrongdoing and demands WE change OUR attitude. Eff that noise.

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And her trial ballon was promptly bludgeoned from the sky.


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And why would I listen to a woman who terrorizes her children? They were terrified of covid and killing people all because their poor excuse of mother did that to them. Child abuse of the 1st degree! No wonder her and Randi Weingarten get along. Child abusers!!

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Just like the Democrats when they ask for “compromise.” Which basically = complete capitulation 😡

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It’s “let’s call a time out while we finalize what’s next.”

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Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022

We Won't Be Fooled Again

(The Who)


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We won’t be fooled again by the WHO 😬

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Best play on words of the day - how ironic that The Who actually did this song!

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Why, thank you 😊 I love plays on words 😁

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I'm livid. They killed a couple of my friends with the clot shot, and if my nephews and nieces can't make babies becasue of this...

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That calamari thing in arteries was shown and discussed one full year ago in videos on Bitchute and Rumble. While we welcome Crowder, we must note that he is late to the party.

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Yea, we are in the 1-2% He's not late with this issue. I don't know of a single other mainstream person who has covered it with inteviews and research like this.

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And its a bit of a conspiracy in my mind with their getting suspended on YouTube before it even aired. As if The FBI knew and got ahead of it with Google? Seems a strange coincidence.

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Prions, which fold on top of themselves. Bad way to go. Jesse Rose covered that in her substack.

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Some stats from the UK state that there has been a 75% increase in Parkinson's....

Well my step father has it...suddenly.

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My mother passed earlier this year after having experienced a slow dementia that was never truely identified, possible vascular. Her demise was much accelerated after she started receiving these shots. Her death certificate came back to us with her death being labeled Parkinsons despite that having always been ruled out as her dementia cause. At the time, my sister an MD. MPH, was livid as it was another misclassification into the data banks. Yet she completely misses any possible connection to the shots!

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Dr. Tenpenny and Dr. Stefanie Seneff months ago also.

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If you believe there is a spiritual dimension to COVID, this is an interesting and LONG read.


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I was reading about hydrogel and cesium-137, crystallization effect on human tissue and the pineal gland. Far out to some, but having read hard science papers, contemporary sci-fi, and a load of other stuff....not as far out as it would seem.

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I used to be a science fiction fan in my younger days....

Science fiction has a way of becoming Science Fact

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How depressing is that video...so if you need blood transfusion you better go store your own blood. Just one take, so many more things to discuss.

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I’ve alreadyvresigned myself that after jabs I will never get a blood transfusion or organ donation. I will die bleeding to death before!

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I don't want to be admitted to a hospital for any reason. They've become killing camps.

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They don’t let you store your own blood anymore. It all goes into the same pile.

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Surprise, surprise: Not all hospitals can or will do that for patients pre-surgery.

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Thx for sharing that interview!!

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loved the ending of his video, where he compared the fibrous clots, more of them than monkey pox. I have been seeing videos of this for the past 1, maybe longer. I saw them first on you tube, but I think they have been deleted. I don't know for sure, cause I haven't looked.

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I have a Dr. friend who started telling me about this over a year ago too. Its difficult to realize how much we are in the bubble sometimes with our research findings. Things take quite a while to reach the normies.

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I wouldn't call them "normies". More like the purposefully and complete oblivious.

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Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff - did you see the lawsuit against Massachusetts Common Wealth for their part in "Playing Along" with conspicuously erroneous CDC / FDA data? Plaintiff is a 2nd year Law Student who filed jab exemption and was denied.... (its on Ethical Skeptic Twitter feed as well, yesterday, I believe)

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Mathew Crawford (roundingtheearth.substack.com) has a podcast with him (John Bowdoin) - law school is a second or third career, so he's not wet around the ears 😉

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If this shit doesn't do a full 180 and turn on full throttle to correct all this overreach and the corruption in virtually all gov't agencies, I'm going to be one of an army of people that retire, get a law degree, then make a satisfying career of taking down local and state officials that hurt and attack the citizens they're supposed to protect and server. Works for Lawfare and the radicals. It can work for honorable people!

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You would be doing a great thing. In the midst of the shutdowns, I asked an attorney who works with the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) if he knew the status of the high-profile case over Pastor John MacArthur's Grace Church refusal to close under order in California. He replied, "No; there are so many lawsuits." In the meantime, before you qualify, should you move forward with your idea, supporting organizations like ADF and America First Legal would be helpful.

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don't want to be a debbie downer but many JUDGES are heavily invested in Big Pharma stocks. They PROFIT from BIG VAX.

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And they can be taken down. Many are elected. All are part of judicial review boards. Change those boards the same way we're changing school boards. Same thing for medical review boards. These will change without citizen activist because huge ETHICAL doctor groups are creating new medical organization alliances based on the mythical doctor that does no harm and wants to heal you and improve your health. Tess Lawry (sp?) in UK and Europe. America's Frontline Doctors w/ Simone, the one with McCullough. Change is inevitable for at least a generation. After that, we have to keep people vigilant.

I promise you, 50% of the citizenry PISSED OFF cannot be ignored.

I believe this is going to have an impact on those of us awake and pissed about the "amnesty" bullshit similar to the 30's depression and WWI/WWII. It will change us to the core. We will never stop being loud again. An entire generation of working aged people looking left and right and seeing coworkers keel over "suddenly and unexpectedly." Grandparents NEVER quit being frugal after the 30's depression. This generation will NEVER be silent again, absent a tyrannical hot war that wins. And there are too many gun owners and rounds of ammo in America to win that war.

It's changed. Not going back.

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

💬 Grandparents NEVER quit being frugal after the 30's depression. This generation will NEVER be silent again

Great parallel, grounded deep in human nature 👌 A genuine trauma (as opposed to invented for cheap v-signalling) does this to us. The effect may eventually dim but never fades away.

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