Hard to imagine a more heinous display of Demonrat policies, major missteps and all around horrific anti-American sentiment over the last 2 years.....and what should have been a Red Wave Tsunami - a CLEAR blow-out for Team Common Sense, Logic and Reason - is hanging on by a thread. Put away the popcorn and surfboards....it's back to the grind.

Fetterman?! Fetterman??!! A 2 legged, 7 ft. 300 lb. bumbling, crime adoring, zucchini squash that makes Eeyore sound like a Toastmaster graduate....possessing even LESS cognitive ability than our current vegetable dujour masquerading as President in the Crack House in DC??! (Let that sink in.)

Charlie Crist gets wiped up like the shower mildew he embraces, but manages to garner 3,000,000 votes?! That's a lot of cockroaches in my home state that need to be skittering off to bluer refrigerator scum.

Are we at a tipping point?...or as George Carlin used to continually remind us: "We're circling the drain."

Fetterman defeats Trump in 2024.....even if Fetterman is in a coma.

Additionally, expect a new, manufactured, Gates inspired, (uncanny in his predictions) deadly virus breakout that only effects blue states. More masks, more closings, more control, more loss of freedoms, vaccines or else, etc....I know it's not as simple as "just move," but it should be on your table for examination. Otherwise, hunker down, continue the fight. Don't give up. Don't give in.

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and Michigan, my poor Michigan. We have finally sunk to the bottom of the ocean.....or maybe we’re in hell. Yeah that’s it, hell.

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All those states that legalized infanticide will have a reckoning. Truly evil.

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Those blue states are killing their future voters. And, by allowing castration of other children they are preventing future births.

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I try to think those born innocents are better off never meeting their awful birth parents. Our Lord will embrace and cherish them.I don't give them the title of mother unless you add f-cker with it. They do not deserve the title of mother.

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I've always been PRO life, but these days I am glad some of those deranged and vile women aren't reproducing. Thankful for less of their kind. Hopefully their popluation dwindles while those who value life and have strong morals are the ones reproducing. Do they realize they are wiping themselves out? Silver lining to the murderous and proud abortionists?

I have a lot of compassion for those who have faced choices that I don't understand. Not everyone who has had an abortion is vile or deranged. Those women need support, love and healing that only Jesus can provide. I have no compassion for those who are gleefully promoting the murder of fully developed, healthy infants for the sake of convenience and utter selfishness. God will not allow those actions to go unanswered by his wrath.

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Why don’t they just get their tubes tied? Most of them can get it paid for. I never thought a human being would murder their own children like this-up until birth?! Unreal.

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Great comment and good points.

I almost think that for the screeching harpy extremists, our response to them should be “Good, I’m really glad you won’t be having those children, we don’t need people like you reproducing.” That’s what they think about poor and minorities so turnabout is fair play right 😑

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Here is my very personal substack on the subject. The price of a subscription is one million dollars. Haha! Just a kidding...♥


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Yes but God lists shedding of innocent blood as one of the six things he hates. These states and people who support infanticide will meet Gods wrath!

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Exactly what I thought. Bring it on, God!

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Blue state here in Mass, where they elected a pro-choice lesbian Governor. Evil is right in our faces!

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KGer- shall we take our families and go to a far away island and live?! I’m in commie-ca! UGH

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Let's go. We can multiply ourselves to all buy an island to get away from these evil people.

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I know! CA is just as bad with the likes of Nightmare Newsom! They have no morality it’s all out in the open and in our faces.

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Neighbor in CT. I really thought Bob S Had a chance with this clowns covid tyranny.. rather he got destroyed.. even worse than the last election. Should of known still seeing a lot of sheep in masks ... smh.

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I would have to move!

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And in grade school kid's faces as drag queens are brought to perform for them...

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If ppl still have their children in schools then... They are the ones who did this to US. YES CHANGE STARTS AT HOME AND IT'S GONNA HURT for preservation of life and liberty.

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So true. Let's not forget the covidians.

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As are the shots also.

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I can not reconcile in my mind the belief that abortion up to birth is to be allowed and yet we also all pay a huge premium to our health insurance industry to provide care and life support to the preborn and premature. If it's not a baby/person then why are we paying for this care?

Note, I don't support abortion but would like to have an answer from someone who does. Why is this baby a person in some circumstances but not in others?

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The reason for partial birth abortion was to abort the baby while the head was still inside the mother. Once the baby is born it is a person and has the full protection of the law.

Canada is changing that. They have a new law MAIDS that allows, may even encourage, euthania. Currently a person can request an assisted suicide for the flimsiest of reasons. One women in her 60's requested it because her living expenses had become higher than her income and her economic quality of life was deteriorating. Her request was granted. One mother has tried frantically to prevent her 23 year old son's assisted suicide. He has been depressed because he doesn't have a girl friend. Recently I saw that Trudeau wants MAIDS extended for disabled babies. What constitutes a disability?

This is evil and I find it intensely disturbing this is happening in the most decent country on the planet. Or it was.

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Aren't all babies "disabled"? They can't take care of themselves on any level, and will die without care. This is an evil, evil death cult.

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So true I never thought about it like that

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Jack Hibbs said it is like gangrene it won’t stop and I tend to agree hurts my heart

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IIRC, that exists as a procedure because back before C-sections became relatively safe, it was necessary in cases of uncontrolled diabetes in the mother, where the baby's head became too large to deliver, and the mother would otherwise die. Not much excuse for it now, when you can usually do a C-section, but there might still be some rare medical reason for it. That in no way excuses making it legal for any reason you like.

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I saw all of that about assisted suicide! Evil evil evil

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

Yes it is indeed very disturbing.

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You put it so kindly. I don’t have words. I’m heartbroken and angry at the same time.

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Those who support abortion most probably have never seen one being performed, or they wouldn't.

Since abortion is always an elective procedure,, those who wish to have one should be required to watch a video of one being performed as part of a informed consent process.

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It a true cruel murder. Just think of all the options of Birth Control even days or a few weeks after. Our country has forgotten much. A conscience . Very sad.

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That question is up to the person giving birth. And state law.

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You mean the woman?

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I won't give the title woman or mother to those nasty karens. They don't deserve it.

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You don't have to pay for it. Maybe take a look at religious healthshare programs.

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We had Christian Brotherhood for a time. We never had to use it and it has been years since I looked at something like that.

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Unless something drastically has changed in the way hospital systems and doctors receive payment from government-collected taxes, you DO have to pay for it.

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There's that. But you do have a choice about the insurance side of things.

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Abortion involves ripping the arms, legs, and entrails from the body of a fetus with a well enough developed nervous system to feel the pain.

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& harvesting

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Most aborted fetuses wind up as medical waste and frequently in a dumpster.

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Not if Planned Parenthood has anything to do with it. They have harvested and SOLD healthy baby organs and tissue to a variety of industries. Big Pharma and the Anti Aging/Beauty industry are two of their largest customers.

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Most recently in Michigan a live abortion was being broadcast over the air…..I have no words

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OMG , I didn’t hear or see this , disgusting.

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It is, as if the abortion wasn’t enough this woman consented to having her abortion broadcast on the radio

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What is the difference between a live and a dead abortion?

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AIs are so boring.

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It is so tragic. Really. I believe more tragic than himan sex trafficking.

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How could ripping a fetus apart be less tragic than trafficking sex slaves?

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You read it wrong. Insaid its MORE tragic.

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I fear Biden will double down on executive orders, executive-bureaucratic overreach, and vetoing every good law that comes out of the legislative branch.

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Count on it.

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Biden is more boring than any AI could ever be.

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Of course he will. Don't give in.

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An executive order only applies to the employees of the executive branch agency to which it was directed. An executive order has no lawful bearing on anyone who is not a federal government employee. Vetoes will be easier to override with a Republican majority.

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

FDR interned Japanese-Americans with an executive order. State governors went along with that (except for the governor of Colorado)

Don't be so sure about the illegality. It only matters when a court rules against it. If everyone else enforces it, it's de facto legal.

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Where did I say anything about illegality?

FDR was the commander in chief when he interned those of Japanese descent with no consideration for the constitutional rights he'd sworn to protect and defend.

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You obviously are unaware of how many 3 letter government agencies have been created by presidential executive order. Your statement about executive orders is nowhere near accurate. Maybe you're thinking of "mandates".

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I'm sorry your entire American history education was acquired in a public fool system facility.

All of those 3 letter government agencies are in the executive branch that is managed by the president who signed the executive orders in question.

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Yes they will these are demonic strongholds. Gods wrath is coming.

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Perhaps praying to God will have more beneficial outcomes than worrying about what Biden will do.

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I’m literally in shock. I hope lawsuits or something legal overturns this. My heart is in despair for these little lives.

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Thats where hell is, and they will continue burn themselves down.

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Who will be the ones committing it?

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Licensed medical doctors under the guise of an elective medical procedure.

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And a billable procedure at that.

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All medical procedures are billable.

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I cannot fathom the cold, heartless doctors who will perform these abortions at any stage. My brain just doesn't go there. It's beyond horrifying.

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I hear you completely, Tracy. What does it matter that a baby "can" be killed up to the time of birth? Of course, we 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 this, but who -- who are the people that 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅???????

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Monsters walk amongst us.

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You would benefit from watching all of the videos that Dr. Anthony Levatino has made about the 1200 abortions he performed before having his adopted daughter die in his arms on the way to the ER after she was run over because she ran into the street.

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Maybe you could fathom more if you were a medical school graduate.

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Nov 10, 2022·edited Nov 10, 2022

What does your comment even mean?

Just trying to start something? There's always one.

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Yes, my state of Michigan is sunk. The three witches were re-elected, and with Proposal 2 passing, we will probably never be able to elect a Republican in my lifetime. With proposal 3 passing, our babies will be killed and our boys and girls will be able to transgender without parental consent. Our beautiful state will be transformed into a land of solar and wind farms, and we'll likely be mandated to buy only EVs within the next ten years. And Whitmer will be a prime candidate for 2024 or beyond.

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Total disgust here too. I'm sure they cheated in Detroit. I am sick of being controlled by one big huge city that is corrupt and votes democrat. Drive thru Detroit and see the burned out abandoned buildings and wonder how they can think that their city is great - and these people, their phony votes, determine our state elections. It's disgusting.

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Nov 9, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

All a person has to do is go back and look at the red and blue map Jeff included in this post. Those rather small, extremely tiny in most cases, blue areas are deciding what the entire US does and becomes. Sad. For many reasons.

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That typifies most states.

As far as Michigan goes, beyond isolated blue counties in a vast sea of red, the tri-county area primarily drives election results. While Wayne County corruption is a factor, and Macomb County is an enigma, affluent liberals in Oakland County are the tip of the spear.

These are the people who blindly adhered to Gretchen's covid policies, hid in their basements, fought to be first in line for their vaccine, wore masks while walking outside or driving alone, are proud graduates of and send their kids to U of M which is a bastion of wokeism, and fully support abortion without limit. I know because these people are my former neighbors.

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Yup and they think they are the “smart people”. 🙄

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I suppose, given enough time, they will have killed themselves off. Too long to wait though.

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Yes and interestingly enough, pretty much all of the state capital cities are blue. Funny how places where a lot of people work for the government want more and bigger government 🤔🙄 Kudos to the Tallahassee area for bucking the trend!!

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Government certainly does seem to be largely Blue.

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Exactly. And the blue in Montana, that is all implants from Cali into Bozeman/Missoula side. Lord have mercy.

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That map was so interesting to me, definitely revealing where liberal transplants live!

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Looking at CA and Oregon, I can see why there are movements in those states to split away from the rest of the state. I think in Oregon they want to join ID and in CA they want to make an entirely separate state.

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We are the majority! When we can grasp this, then we will act like it and take back what has been lost/stolen from us!

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When people wake up and vote!! In a nearby red county, only 54% came out to vote in Michigan.

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Yes....the truly shocking thing is to look at that map.

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It's not "areas" who decide. It's, ideally, "people." The blue areas are largely urban, the red areas more rural.

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The blue MT in totally small town rural. Holding onto ID by a thread in Boise and the Sun Valley/Ketchum area.

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Right. And remember who runs the cities and owns the media and thus controls "public opinion" (i.e., "public opinion" as we're told it to be). Accordingly, they infiltrate election campaigns and ultimately determine the outcomes. They are of course the elephant in the room. Took over the U.S. (i.e., "officially") in 1913 with the establishment of the Federal Reserve and the passage of the 16th Amendment (Fed. Income Tax) (not a coincidence that those happened in the same year). Since then, they have thoroughly subjugated the masses (mostly via taxation), degraded the culture (pornography and abortion both being creations of this group), and slowly but surely destroyed the rule of law, as we’re now fully witnessing with our “compromised” elections.

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I don't live there, so take this with a grain of salt. I would do as Republicans have done in Miami-Dade. One by one, change Democrats to Republicans. Do the hard work of door to door conversations. Hispanics are finding they identify more with the culture of the Republican Party. I think you may have a similar situation in Detroit with the Muslim community in the next few years. A sincere Muslim family cannot possibly agree with all of this woke culture. Again, I do not live there, but I just see a lot of similarities.

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Same here. In Ca. Did you see how split our state actually is by county? But we always go far left blue

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And thus does the pressure continue to build to fracture and split apart the states. The failing blue states, including CA, will have to depend on the Feds to keep from going bankrupt. The red states will eventually refuse to pay for this and decide to tell the blue Feds and the blue states they are on their own.

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Canvas politely and ask each and every Michigander if and how they voted.

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Same here in MN. We are a mostly conservative state but the three large cities rule. Has been this way forever .

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I'm in MN too. Makes me sick to see how overwhelmingly red the state is and STILL we manage to elect a repulsive, controlling, Democratic governor.

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Nov 9, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

All prayers and financial strength goes to MOVING out!

Moving isn't as hard when compared to enduring other hardships... like being fearful of crime or having to rideshare now bc EV is the only "other" option.

Food for thought. Blessings. My state was red just 8 years ago.... we be blue now too 😔

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Both Virginia and Florida were purple trending blue, until we weren't. Our gift from the Founders is our republican form of self-government, but it takes a *lot* of *work,* and that work is constant, never-ending. Look up what you can about The Virginia Project, which went from mission statement to sweeping all state offices in 24 months. How long until Election Day 2024? 24 months.

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All the smart people left NY/CT to move south away from the tyranny.

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Move where? It's the question I cannot answer.

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This is my question too. We live in Upstate, Western NY and I was thinking maybe Ohio? But then I remembered they had Mike "I LOVE COVID" DeWine winning by a huge margin yesterday. Ugh. Based on the map in Jeff's post, maybe move to the exact middle of the country. I don't know if anywhere is "safe" (and can Florida really hold ALL of us? :))

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Maybe some entrepreneur could develop a real estate site where unhappy conservatives and unhappy liberals could trade locations.

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We have many conservative, faith-filled New Yorkers that are now happy in SD.

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I totally agree. This radical division and wins by a thread has me so afraid of wherever we would move. We thought Idaho but it seems so many are a slip away from flipping blue.

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Never thought the day would come I would have to consider crime stats and progressive policies before considering a move. The country's a mess - and changing daily as more flood across the border. Is it open for anyone heading south??

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We’d love to have you in Alabama! But some truth in advertisement here; We are reddest of the red, but we need help clearing out the very very pink! Our re-elected governor is a step behind the current president.

Truly if you’re conservative, unwoke, value life at any stage, believe in medical freedom, parental rights, etc. PLEASE come to Sweet Home Alabama & join our efforts to stop the pretenders (while we’re still red).

Beaches, lakes, rivers, forests, mountains & hills, friendly Southerners, good food!

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That’s sweet of you. We definitely are red! My husband’s company is in Alabama so we have thought about it.

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Sigh, Its an argument I have been having with a good friend who is threatening to move out of our ever bluer county in a red state to one of the more red counties. It's something I have considered, I'll admit. But retreat is a sign of defeat. I am down today for sure. But there is still a little flame that says, when you retreat they win. Half the country can't fit in Florida, and growth is a good thing, until it's not. The bigger problem is that D's work a lot harder at infiltrating than the R's do at fighting back. I get that they have jobs, families, and involvement in other areas. But way too many 'conservative' friends/acquaintances whose eyes glaze over at the mention of any opportunity to get involved and informed. 'Politics is ugly/boring/not interesting'. But oh how they love to complain about gas prices, woke schools and their grocery bill....

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It's a fair statement. Many of my friends that are conservatives caved to the vax, which tells me a lot about them. They just don't have the time, so they say, to care or to read and find out what's really going on. It's almost like dems who vote the party line no matter who it is.

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Yes, this was one of the early hot takes from the watch parties last night. Dems, at least in our local area, brook no dissent in the ranks. They all line up in lockstep and they volunteer more and donate more money than R's. R's are more independent, vary more in their positions, and fight amongst themselves in public. There were some nasty primaries in some of the races that siphoned off $ and support in the general, as there are still some mad their candidate lost in August. No doubt some of them stayed home. No doubt D's have some internal battles as well, but its all behind closed doors. Very few primaries, they keep their powder dry for the general. And they vote in greater numbers. We don't have party registration in MO but I have worked the last 8 elections. Candidate apparel is banned at the polls, but yesterday, for example, was AMAZED at how many people showed up wearing N-95s, maybe 15%, and then there are the pride shirts, rainbow pins, and other SJW slogans on their t-shits. Way more than people voting with flag shirts on. And this was a red precinct.

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I can understand where you are coming from but frankly many are burned out from loosing. Many are burned out from Rhinos not fighting and being traitors. i can understand.

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I get it too, All 5 of my candidates lost on Tue. But what choice do we have? Silence implies consent. Taking the rest of the year off, learning from mistakes, then focusing on school board elections in April. Can't let the left win!

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Apathy is a disease for sure.

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California was red...now look at it. And I’m sure there’s LOTS of cheating going on! This is why I warn people from other states...you must always keep your head on the swivel!

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Move? Where? FL is only one state. The whole country is being ruined and one state will not save us. Even FL is not immune.

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You are correct!

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DeSantis won’t be there forever. And I don’t even trust him.

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In my view, any state currently red we'll stay that way if enough people move. Maybe a natural secession is the way to go?

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Oh no. You’re kidding? No parental consent. Adults said yes to that??

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It was because of deceptive wording in Proposal 3, the one dealing with abortion. It gave every individual the right to a number of things, including sterilization, and takes away parental consent. I don't think most people knew what they were voting for.

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The majority have never known what they are voting for.

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That's one of the tricks in the bag of political tricks.

A state can make a law requiring common sense language on ballot proposals.


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It didn't bother explaining what happens during an abortion, though.

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That’s because they controlled the narrative and hid what they were really voting for.

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Yes, and all the college kids they manipulated to vote blue

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Parental consent is inconvenient for pimps and adult "boyfriends".

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I’m heartbroken. Literally. Its the same crap here in CA. 2030 is the plan for Ev

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Leave, and don't look behind, lest ye become a pillar of salt?

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Not so easy when children and grandchildren are here.

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I left a corrupted state 18 months ago, leaving children and grandchildren. Very hard to do, but my soul sings in my new location.

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I agree. Our entire family is here and my daughter has no siblings so cousins important. :/

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What was Proposal 2?

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9 days of early voting, more absentee ballots and drop boxes, no state ID to vote, allows public sources/charities to fund elections, denies citizens access to election records - audits can only be done by officials

Yeah, we are screwed in Michigan

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So basically, they just decriminalized and institutionalized ballot fraud. Bolshevik Marxism at it's finest.

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Unbelievable; the rest of us have been warned!!

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Oh, that's very, very bad. I'm sorry.

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Michigan is going or is gone the way of California. The Dems have had a supermajority in the legislature there for 30 years, and have actually mostly dominated everything since 1970. That is the Democrat goal for all the states.

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Yes its disgusting and soooo frustrating. There is little reason why we stay.

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My sister & BIL are MI residents and they're sick about it. Very sad.

On the other hand, we have a niece in MI as well that is giddy over the passing of the abortion proposal. Yesterday, she posted on fb, "for all those screaming 'my body, my choice' about vaccines, vote accordingly!". In other words, she's comparing the experimental jabs with killing babies. Disgusting.

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That is sick. And...everyone doesn't have to have a mandated abortion. Companies can't mandate abortions for you to work there. Abortions are not a civil rights issue. OMG. I. Can't. Stand. It.

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Just wait, some probably will want to. To “protect the planet from overpopulation.”

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That was Gates and wef

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How will Gate's acquisition of large amounts of farmland take advantage of a reduction in world population?

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And I wouldn’t be surprised if some companies would be in favor of such a policy.

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They should be required to read Malthus.

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Literally, other people's bodies. I'm sorry for her and for all the dead babies, but there's hope for her repentance.

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I heard someone say today that the Dems concentrated big time on the 30 and under female vote in particular. They came out to vote in big numbers, in that age group abortion was the big issue more than economics etc., and perhaps they were hugely responsible for the Whitmer victory. In states like CA where abortion is firmly entrenched and safe, the youth in that young group don't bother to vote. We were deceived by polls in particualr and told abortion wasn't really a big issue. WRONG.

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and New Mexico, once the Land of Enchantment, elected a governor who ran on abortion only. Since they're all smoking funny cigarettes, they must not care about the economy, education, immigration, energy, and crime. No need to be responsible and practice birth control just live hedonisticly.. and since they can't educate you, there will be no need for schools. It was once a great state but not anymore. Depressing!

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Truth. I am disgusted by the corruption here in NM.

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we don't live there any more but had wanted to retire there, but not any more!

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Abortion is one of NM biggest industries. For years now, they were one of the few states that provided full-term abortion. They had it enshrined in law, and people are so blind and evil they are terrified of losing abortion. Such a disgrace that such a heavily Catholic state, (the Church has always been anti-abortion) that they allow this travesty. The bishops should have had every parishioner stand and take a pledge to vote out the abortionists. Too little too late.

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The utter depravity required to make this your entire election platform is beyond description. I don't have words. One day, their eyes will be open and the suffering they will endure will be enormous. Stand firm, fellow Christians, our G-d walked out of a tomb!

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The bishops sold out long ago. You can name the faithful Catholic Bishops on two hands. Blessed Fulton Sheen warned us about the ‘ape’ church.

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Hugs momcat. I feel the same in my state

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Nov 9, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I can feel your pain, I’m in Illinois 😭😭

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

Come to Indiana, we have RINOS but there is at least a chance to move things in the right direction here!

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My son spent the last week campaigning for Jennifer Green in Indiana, I was so bummed she lost.

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I’m very sorry to hear that, so disappointing 😞

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Im Urbana IL was poll watching last week and last night. College asso. ppl. You cant fix stupid. Stephanie Trussel gave a GREAT video about her life and campaign lessons this a.m. I encourage EVERYONE to watch it. She's got her finger on the blacks and blue RHINOS, which is most of the Repub party. 😡

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I can't believe this shitshow of 3 evil woman was re-elected. Dispicable.

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

makes you believe there is cheating going on when horrific people stay in office

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This is the case in NM too. If you read any of the history of statehood in NM you understand the corruption has always existed in this state.

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I now believe corruption is endemic to all politics everywhere. I've been in a lot of politically corrupt third world countries, where you know they are corrupt and they are actually quite open about it and everyone knows it. In the U.S. you could believe for a long time that there was less corruption here, but I now realize they were all just very secretive about it. It's out in the open now, and for me it has been difficult to realize the extent of it.

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

Corruption is a human thing, irradicable b/c rooted in our tribal nature 🤷

Even the most laudable most transparent Scandinavian body politic is not immune. It's a question of degree—which sure can differ wildly, by orders of magnitude.

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While I do think there is massive cheating, horrific people stay in office enabled by the character of the people voting. The vast majority in this country showed their true colors over the last 2.5 years. So, these results should surprise no one -- even if there were cheating...

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This is where I land too. The very hard reality is that we - the people who comment here - are in the minority when it comes to what I consider to be obvious truths. Way too many people do not share that view. I need a day to lick my wounds, turn to the One who made me, and try to figure out a way forward without resorting to absolute despair.

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They acted like they had nothing to lose because they couldn't lose, and were unaccountable to voters. This was another theft in plain sight.

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Or ppl are far worse than we want to imagine. I think it's that unbelievable.

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The Left has been marching through the institutions for decades now. The real miracle is that the country still appears to be a 50/50 ish populace.

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They never seemed the least bit concerned about losing, which made me think they knew upfront they had assurance the win was secured. Most never bothered to debate or campaign.

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When covid changed voting laws......9 states never changed back...........and guess where the dems won

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Power given is never given back.

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Yours is another comment Substack won't let me 'like,' FYI.

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We all knew they were going to CHEAT.

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Right. That's what woke Bolsheviks do. Not much we can do about that in blue states. For example, in Oregon they don't even vote in person. It's all mail in ballots so the system is set up for the Dems to never lose. Might as well be living in the USSR.

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I saw someone comment yesterday that it's a little known fact that Oregonians CAN vote in person.

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Yup. To think otherwise is silly. Given the character of the woke Bolsheviks, cheating is the FIRST thing they are going to do everywhere. So....

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Wickedness abounds

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3 witches over their cauldron.

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I think that was the major loss overall. Was really praying to get rid of that evil woman!!!

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My heart sunk when I saw that POS won. I'm so sorry.

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We sunk to the bottom of the Great Lakes lemmincakes.

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I feel the same way about CA. The state I was born in, and lived my entire 56 years. Each election I weep harder for the evil that gets passed. (or stolen). I'm stuck here a few more years. So envious of friends and family who were able to flee to Red states.

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I really don't understand how people could vote Dictator Whitmer back into office. Defies all logic. The Democrats are really skilled at using fear to motivate people.

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All the worst state Gov COVID tyrants are voted in. I question the voting system. Must go back to paper only.

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Agree. We only go back in the summer but it will be more of a sh*thole soon.

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I feel that way about my home state NY. The millions in the city votes these demons in not the state at large. Wish we could separate.

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At least Gina Johnsen won District 78. She's a staunch conservative and a fierce fighter.

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Tell me! Is there any color in the Marianas Trench or is it just all dark down there?

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It's a joke. But I was not as shocked as my husband. I told him he gave the libtards, covidiots and rinos too much credit. They are that big of a bunch of losers with no discernable thinking brain. Now I am pushing hard for them to get every booster and flu shot coming down the pike.

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Nice strategy. Sure with safe and effective all will be well

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And I do it with a smile on my face. 😉😊

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Go Vax lovers.

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I hate to think like this, but many of the vaxx lovers might not be around by 2024. My father was just put on hospice for the 2nd time after his booster shot less than a year ago. 😞 No matter what was going on in the world, dad voted blue every time.

We WILL move on from the blue agenda one way or another. More AND different people see the deceit in this election. Jeff is right...step by step. 🙏🇺🇸

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

Some people just vote blue no matter who regardless of what’s happening around them. I wouldn’t count on them to change their mind, they are too entrenched to see the bigger picture.

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Annie, my hubs has the blues this morning -- and he said the exact same thing as you re da boostahs and da flu shots. He went on to add that "it" can't happen soon enough.

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I, like your husband, gave them all too much credit. You are 100% correct. I disagree with Jeff that the new congress will turn off the Ukraine spigots. There is so much irony in a (God forbid) US conscription/draft. Gen Z (including the women) would have to flee to Mexico to avoid it because Canada is more pro-Ukraine/anti-Putin than we are. And then the Democrats will finally support a border wall, lol.

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It’s truly discouraging. I wonder what the REAL vote counts are. The left was right - democracy (or at least honest democratically run elections) is dead.

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Nov 9, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

But we must not lose heart.

As discouraging as it is, Jeff is right. There has been progress. Look at NY, for instance. Four years ago nobody would have given a red candidate any chance of winning. In another four years, either the reds will all have fled NY for a saner state, leaving it firmly blue, or the reds will win. If, God willing, we are all still around and he has not judged the earth with fire before then.

I ache for those who are trapped in blue areas. Not everyone has the means or wherewithal or resources to flee. And the kids,.... oh, the kids who have to endure. God, help our kids.

We can work locally with state election integrity groups. Go to local election board meetings. Be “butts in seats,” as a friend says. Speak up even when they ignore us. Run for local precinct Committeeman or whatever your local equivalent is - these are the men and women who appoint the party appointees in our local governments, who in turn execute local election policies, replace elected officials who leave office mid-term, etc, etc. I had no idea how powerful these people are in the grand scheme of things.

We cannot give up. Not yet.

Take a break, take a breath, and then keep on keeping on.

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“This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. I have studied history for years and I cannot recall it ever happening. It may be that our task is impossible. Yet, if we do not try then how will we know it can’t be done? And if we do not try, it most certainly won’t be done. The Founders’ Republic, and the larger war for western civilization, will be lost.”

“But I tell you this: We will not go gently into that bloody collectivist good night. Indeed, we will make with our defiance such a sound as ALL history from that day forward will be forced to note, even if they despise us in the writing of it.”

~ Mike Vanderboegh

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No word or emoji seems appropriate as a response to such strong and true words.

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Hear this! Excellent!

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Beautiful. Are you the Mike V listed below sais quote?

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According to the internet, Mike V is dead.

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Nov 10, 2022·edited Nov 10, 2022

No. I am no where near capable of such eloquent expression. This quote has been running background at the most excellent theconservativetreehouse.com analytical website for as long as Donald Trump has been in the fight. One of the places I go to every day.

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

“We live to fight another day” has been my battle cry and motto for about a week; actually probably most if my life but actualky saying it to to people when they ask “how are you”. It startles some

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

🔥! Go full-out local. It's the only fruitful way. Though lacking acutely in upper-echelon politics' gleam & bells & whistles 🙂

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Yes. Retake your neighborhood, city, county, state.

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Exactly. The reds have fled. I feel a blog coming on.

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Thank you, Copernicus. Just the encouragement I needed today.

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Agree. I’m trapped but I have the wherewithal to get out—without moving zip codes!

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Absolutely could happen in our own banana republic. Jesus told his followers there would come a time, when the evil ones would consider killing them to be a righteous deed.

The left feels entitled to use any and all techniques to gain power because they have convinced themselves that we threaten their existence by our own.

It has always been thus. It just becomes blatantly obvious after they’ve gained enough power to destroy at will. Our careless disregard over decades has given them that power.

We have to come back to God, confess our sins as a nation and repent.

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Eric, you nailed it. As much as I'm happy about Florida's red wave, I'm very angry that tyrants and Shrek Fatterass won. What a disgrace he is to everything normal. Hochul? Whitmer? Just looking at them and the evil drips from their lips. Pathetic. The only way to fix this is a military-run, God fearing, scorched earth blow up of the system. I'm just sick of it. BTW, they're already blaming Florida's ingest of conservatives for the losses in other states. Well, years of voting stupidly in those states (and probably a lot of cheating) is what causes a mass exodus.

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The military, specifically DOD, ran the "COV!D" operation...

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No, we didn't. More conspiracy theory nonsense.

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not the entire military. I heard that the military introduced omicron as a natural immunity to covid. Not sure if any of it is true.

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I qualified my statement by saying, "specifically DOD." That's who ran the operation. Some say the same thing happened on Sep 11 -- traitors at the highest level in government and the DOD ran 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 operation.

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Yep, absolutely

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Yeah, no. 100% false.

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Big Ben's definitely a bot. The comment below is completely off topic.

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Occam's razor.

Simplest answer is usually best.

Viruses never, never, ever get more deadly as time goes on. They get more transmissible and less deadly. Simple natural selection. They don't kill off their hosts so that variant spreads.

It's why the flu of today is a mouse fart compared to the 1918 Spanish influenza epidemic which killed 50 or so million people and is something we stay at home and sleep a lot over and just feel miserable...but generally don't die from.

Viruses are living organisms, like tiny computers. They want to spread and reproduce. They can't do that if they kill off the host.

They also naturally mutate (NOT EVOLVE-evolution is a false, fake idea and steeped in Racism and Atheism)

And now the current version, whatever it is-BA12, super delta omegacron delta plus rewards program, gave me allergy symptoms while I kept working and lifting weights and long distance track training.

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Just a like for "Shrek Fatterass"

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Internet for a day winner.😂😂🤣😂I will see that forever…

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😂🤣😂🤣😂” Shrek Fatterass”!!!!!! You made my day😂🤣😂

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

I don't know if the exodus hurt other places, but the exodus helped Florida. The contrast is too stark for one fleeing blue oppression. But everyplace saw a smattering of exit, but the effect concentrated when many of them moved to FL.

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Already posted this but here is the reality check and I think I will write about maybe tomorrow in a resistance meme collection post as people need to understand this:

- The voting fraud is only going to be a worth a couple of points in statewide races.

- The last #s I saw for Crist (or it might have been Rubio's opponent) were 46% for Miami-Dade and 49% for Palm Beach county.

- We know that FL elections are pretty clean and there is unlikely to be much cheating in these two counties. We also know that many of the 70% of hispanics in Miami are Cubans who are a unique demographic and concentrated in FL...

- This means the BASELINE figures for IDIOTS and people VESTED IN THE CURRENT SYSTEM in these two counties is 46% and 49%.

- In other BLUE areas of the country, this baseline of idiots and people vested in the system will be MUCH HIGHER.

- This means IF you live in MI, IL, PA, NY, RI etc etc - you are F*cked because the baseline of idiots and people vested in the current system, BEFORE ANY VOTER FRAUD KICKS IN, is way higher in these states and/or their urban areas!

- Reality: You need to MOVE - remember, turning cities and states into 3rd world sh*tholes is not a bug, its a feature of the current system. The people who run these places WANT YOU TO LEAVE IF YOU ARE GOING TO COMPLAIN OR VOTE INCORRECTLY!

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And moving will sequentially lead to a natural secession. Free states will never allow the crap they push in the commie blues.

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I said this earlier this morning -- Florida may need to become its own country. I'm serious.

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Oh stop. The board is much bigger and more active than that. Florida was solidly blueish-purple four years ago when DeSaintis barely beat a drug addict. Very unique circumstances helped the transition to red. Realize, too, that "acceptable" Republicans were allowed to win. I'm afraid the Uniparty deemed DeSaintis the "acceptable" Trump alternative. He gets to have his real election to knock Trump off the board.

Similar in GA. Nobody was excited for Kemp or Raffensburger, et al, but their primaries were rigged. They played ball, they get to stay. But don't tell me Stacy Abrams lost by 8-10 and Warnock advances to a runoff. Doesn't add up. This is a big, coordinated game to somebody trying to destroy us.

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What does the larger "board" have to do with a sovereign State reasserting its sovereignty? And independence? Lincoln and his fellow traitors and murderers drove a stake into the heart of the republic and republicanism, but what makes a return to that unthinkable? Texas was its own country before it joined the "voluntary" union that Lincoln made sure was no longer "voluntary."

The larger point is to look at the Florida Legislature vs. only DeSantis. The need for people to get on the asses of their State elected officials and local city and county elected "officials" has never been greater.

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Texas too once border shut

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Yes, once it returns to being the "Republic of Texas" it will have complete authority to manage its borders as it sees fit and with its own means of doing so.

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texas isn't going to secede. Not a chance in hell.

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Oops, you awakened the federalist.

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Absolutely not.

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Makes sense but once all, or most, of the hard working, TAX PAYING, residents move, how will these states fund themselves? I mean, if the middle class dwindles, will the rich be ok with holding the tax bag?

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Those states, like California, will simply wait for the feds to bail them out. As was done for California with the covid stimulus money.

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...which is why we should stop paying federal taxes.

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California teachers got raises the past two years because of Covid stimulus money, even though part of the first year they were not teaching.

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Weaponized Governmental Failure: A Primer - Democrats rule over a ruin, but they rule.



Editor’s Note: The following contains an excerpt from Scott McKay’s book The Revivalist Manifesto: How Patriots Can Win the Next American Era. It discusses a key concept which has appeared in several of his more recent columns to describe the decline of America’s cities.


Let’s call it Weaponized Governmental Failure. It’s the single most explicative factor in the breakdown of American political consensus in the 21st century, even though it’s been around since the latter part of the 20th century.

The simple definition of Weaponized Governmental Failure is this: it’s the deliberate refusal to perform the basic tasks of urban governance for a specific political purpose.

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Your first line reminds me of Lucifer: "Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven."

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You didn't catch the glaring mistake in Jeff's substack, didn't you?

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Census is done every decade. During that decade the population moves out, but, the federal level delegates QTY remains (until next census)...during that time the federal layer gives USA Tax Payer funds to these struggling states to keep the lights on. What happens when the decade is up and census is redone, they cheat! HAHA. Happened in 2020. Epoch times reported 3 or 4 seats that should have gone to Republican dominated states wrongly went to Democrat states. The Feds have since acknowledged this oops AND they say they can't correct it until 2030.

The Good Book says its gotta get worse, WAY worse, before it gets better. Every day we AREN'T being actively persecuted for our love of Christ is a better than the latter day ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Dahr Jamail writes about his time in Iraq and of the most frequently heard observations of people at that time ~ among them, "Today is better than tomorrow ... "

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In Lebanon they would say "Expect Everything".

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Federal subsidies, grants and the return of SALT. We'll finance them, silly.

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You're probably right but federal subsidies, grants, and SALT won't save them from God's wrath. None of them will get out of this life alive and eternity is a lonnngggg time.

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"This means IF you live in MI, IL, PA, NY, RI etc etc - you are F*cked because the baseline of idiots and people vested in the current system, BEFORE ANY VOTER FRAUD KICKS IN, is way higher in these states and/or their urban areas!"


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You forgot CA

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Yet…. Voter ID needs to be the privilege to get to vote. How is PA not requiring it? It’s cheating. AND… the crooked DOJ overlooking the vote integrity? Right! Florida was

Brilliant…… “No thx” .

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From roots trees grow, not only grass. Soil matters, as do water & photons 😉

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May I steal « baseline of idiots »?

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Your last sentence is exactly what many Democrats support. A friend told me about recently overhearing two women discussing Fetterman and the election, saying it didn’t matter if he was incapacitated or even dead, they’d vote for him or anyone who could keep the Democrats in power 😡🤬 So there you have it. These people care more about power than anything else. They care more about their agenda than anything else. Screw the poor, the middle class, human rights, none of that matters. They are such complete fakes, when they talk about being champions of the poor and disadvantaged. Liars and fakes 😡🤬

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And Oprah.

Another childless woman…. Like Stacy Abrams.

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Also - pretty much every key EU leader and Terresa May etc...

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She AND Obama….. divisive.

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Oprah’s endorsement of Fetterman exposes her for the fraud that she is …

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My elderly is one of those brain damaged people.

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My elderly father too! It is so sad as he was once a libertarian leaning republican in NY. But TDS and age have crippled his reasoning abilities.

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* mom

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Exactly. I know I should feel grateful for the wins we obtained but today I feel depressed. I think knowing now the reality of how absolutely brainless the folks I live among are. Another month of Warlock/Walker trash ads? Really? My tv will be off.

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Yes, they're brain dead, but they're also without good character...

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If there's a Warlock/Walker runoff, the Republican Party will need help door knocking and phone banking. This is something we can all *do* to help. It is the lack of *doing* on the part of citizens for many decades that got us where we are today, and it will take *work* to claw our way back, should God will it. In the meantime, we must act in the world, and this may be a way you can contribute. Contact your local county Republican Party to ask how to be included.

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...and Walker will be cheated out of victory.

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You are so right Eric! I am so disheartened by the level of stupidity! I am almost 64 and if I manage to live 20 more years, I fear what this country will look like! I am already scared!

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I weep for my children and grandchildren.

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I don’t get it. This is a bad dream

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We have lost our country. Slowly and stealthily our freedoms have been drained away over the decades and we are now on white-lipped defense. But I guess we can feel virtuous about our ‘correct’ social thinking. So tolerant, so accepting, so kind and nice to any and all.

What the evil ones can’t control is the God factor. Whether they acknowledge His

existence or not, He has control of the levers. He has allowed this nation/world to have what it asked for; separation from Him. We can plainly see where that has led.

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Yes, Fetterman is a real "bottom line" to this sobering outcome. I live in the bluest of the blue small cities, and was reminded of nothing during last night's developments so much as of Trump's national (and so far, only) win and the shock here, because the over-confident had literally not seen it coming and had been delighting all the way up 'til that night in counting their unhatched poultry ...

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There's no bottom too low not to break into a cellar further below. Undersigned by hordes of demoncraps 😏

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Nov 10, 2022·edited Nov 10, 2022

You mean Timbo Slice’s ‘Shrek Fatterass’😂🤣😂. Along with ‘Buttgiggles’, two I will never forget 😂🤣😂

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You are a truly gifted descriptor of lameness. Fetterman is Frankenstein's monster.

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You described my sentiments exactly (😠🤯) but with better word pictures. 😂

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Copernicus I want to thank you again for the information about Viadik, I took great pleasure in voting NO regardless of the outcome. Glad I didn’t support her evilness.

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You are so very welcome. I heard about it through Purple for Parents. Have you heard of them? You can find them on Telegram. I suppose they may have a FB presence but I don’t know. Pro parent anti transgender and crt agendas in schools.

Also, look up indiana first action <dot> com (leave out the spaces) for grassroots election integrity information. It may blow your mind.

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Yes I’ve heard of them thank you! Not on Telegram though, I just don’t like the interface and can’t get comfortable with it. I need to see if I can find another way to get their information.

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Some of it is on their website. And I heard they now have a newsletter for which you can sign up.

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I’ll have a look, thanks!!

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FETTERMAN win has convinced me that the computer voting system has to go! PA folks can’t be that brain dead and stupid can they?

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A lot are.

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Maybe THIS is what is in the works? Maybe the wake up call is NOW out there for all to see. I mean even the evil MSM can't see this and go, hmmm. Really? This guy won?

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They want yo believe lies. FETTERMAN won so he can vote yes to all the globalist elites plans to destroy America. Same with Hochul. She wants her enemies (under the guise of health protection) in camps no due process in the bill she illegally made. But a judge struck it down. Her and Latisha James have appealed it. I’m not exaggerating. These are tyrants and the city put her back in.

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Fetterman doesn't have to discuss anything in the Senate, he doesn't have to read anything or contribute in any way to the decision making process. He will be an obedient bot and vote with the group. They vote as a block, so no thinking needed.

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Too overwhelmed to comment.

Those voters gleefully voting to destroy our country. They enjoy murdering babies, promoting sodomy and other depravity, wearing face diapers, jabbing themselves (and us) to death, paying exorbitant prices for fuel and groceries, and cheering on war with Russia.

May God have mercy on our country, but I hear the hoofbeats of our doom approaching.

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

It really does seem very hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel today.

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Agree. But they will not survive this evil they are bringing down either. While we will survive through Our Lord , plus we are more capable than they are, they will be consumed by this evil. They don't even realize that they have first and foremost sacrificed themselves to this evil.

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On his show this evening, Jesse Watters' assistant interviewed a bunch of people about the election. Some of them were only dimly aware there had even been an election. They didn't participate, they didn't care. It seems like more voting age people DON'T vote than vote.

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I still believe until we go back to only paper in person voting, rare exceptions, no delays of outcome allowed without strong penalties for each day, we will never have real elections. I believe this strongly. Bush/Gore was the tipping point when this crap all started. “Hanging chads”! I am old. This not knowing for days, weeks, months is relatively new in our American voting history.

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I too remember the hanging chads.

Maybe that was all a ruse to push us to using the more easily hackable machines. Because, ya’ know, those were supposed to be the solution.

Does make a person wonder.

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I remember it too but ironically enough, where that trouble started is where elections seem to be most secure nowadays!

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Yep, that was supposed to "fix" it. Sure did, but good.

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I'm pretty sure that since FL has cracked down on election fraud this is why we see the actual red wave. If every other state had done the same I strongly suspect we'd be seeing the same all over the country. Instead, the cheating continues...

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Yup. The very fact Fetterman won is proof that the swing states won in 2020 with a coordinated takeover, they weren’t going to give it up. How do hated governors like Whitmer in Michigan win by a landslide? Election fraud and they’re really not even hiding it.

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Like Jeff said, Fettermonster is a walking advert for the vaccine injured.

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Lump? What lump?

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You made me LOL. Thank you!♥

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I am pretty sure it was on the other side...nevermind.

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They flaunt it to get us to either seem like conspiracy whackos for pointing out the obvious fraud, glad us into another Reichstag/Capitol or make us sit down and shut up. That's the game. It's worked for them so far.

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Just like the Bad Cat said.

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The election map has Michigan 95% red same with Wisconsin all red except Madison, Minnesota, 95% red, and they want us to think the same voters checked for a blue governor, BS

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Went by last election, shamelessly cheating

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Spent some time on frankspeech.com with Mike Lindell tracking the cheating. Vote dump numbers clearly evident for Fetterman and so many others. Dumbfounded that so few listen to him.

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Agree 100%

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That, and 300k conservatives moved away from blue state commie hell holes to Florida.

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Inclined to agree. Should have seen a much redder wave, but without serious effective fraud precautions in EVERY state, it’s just not there. There is still too much room for fraud, and too much $ thrown at it by sorts and the socialist left. We still have a lot of work to do… you guys are lucky…you live in Florida… I’m stuck in CA… where I’m not optimistic of any red wave this time around. Stand up and always speak the truth!

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Voter fraud seems to be concentrated in states where the votes can be close. In California, the state is so thoroughly saturated blue there's no real need for playing voter games. Fraud seems to be built into the overall voting system here, but it's just not as obvious as in other states such as Arizona and Georgia.

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AGREED, wholeheartedly!

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Ron Johnson’s likely win is phenomenal news as he is poised to take control of the oversight committee for the FDA and CDC. To me, that was the most important race in the country.

Next was Kari Lake, not only for her policies but for the sheer entertainment value of watching her demolish what little is left of the media’s credibility.

The good news is if Kari doesn’t “win,” I am absolutely confident she will fight it ferociously and may just uncover irrefutable evidence of corruption that can turn the tide toward an election integrity movement.

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She’s looking like a potential VP candidate! Sharp, strong and feisty!

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Totally agree. Ron Johnson already had ALOT in place to go after the Covid bulls@&: I see him doing a lot for lawsuits, but it’ll depend on the judges.

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I so hope Ron Johnson and Kari Lake make it. The Ron Johnson race is closer than I’d like. Why is that?

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I think a lot of people want to pretend like the last two years didn't happen and just move on. Especially those that bought in whole heartedly to the covid narrative.

I'm a WI resident and its interesting to see how well his opponent (who was terrible) did in some rural usually purple-reddish counties. I think the ties to MAGA, 1/6, and maybe even his outspokeness against the covid shots were a bit liability. I mean, how many people that took the shots want to admit they made the wrong decision?

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And correct me if I'm wrong, Adam, but WI isn't necessarily conservative, right?

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Nobody is talking about Alaska and Murkowski. I hope she gets booted so fast, but it "is too close" to call. Of course.

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Optimism. I’ll try

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From your lips to Gods ear. 👍🏻

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Kari is AMAZING! Truly, a woman with incredible courage to face evil like she does, head on and done with such ferocity and grace! WOW!!!

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Margaret you are so acutely awake and aware of the critical big picture, your comments an essential addition to Jeff’s incredible contribution to “we the America First people” .... there is no media credibility, there is no fair and balanced point counterpoint anymore, which is irrefutably ~election interference~ and it has to stop... thank you MAA... and everyone who contributed to Kari Lake’s multiplier, everyone connecting us all commenting... praying for Kari and Ron Johnson... 🙏🙏

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Maureen xoxo

I feel like I need a group hug! I know Jeff has been shut down many times on FB but I wonder if we could build a group there with a code name - so that we could all support and communicatr beyond Jeffs post. Last night I was desperate for like minded communication. 😞

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Sending group hug from Orlando!

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Sending you and all of our C&C kindreds big hugs 🤗

Remember, We the People outnumber the politicians and their puppeteers. While it helps to have allies in office, we don’t need them to make the change we wish to see in the world.

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“In Jesus name with God’s Help and protection... we pray 🙏

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Lisa I would also like to connect...I got off Facebook when they censored the sitting President of the USA and although the account is still sitting there, I do not go on. I did Instagram instead and then Meta bought them, ugh! I do belong to a lot of groups on Telegram and like talking with like minded friends that way. Sigh. The stranglehold on the most used social media sites to isolate us has worked far too well dang it! I feel like I am banging my head against a wall.

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This is what Substack is for! 🤗 I am deeply grateful to have found my karass (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-my-karass) here.

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substack is just a blog posting site tho. with comments allowed. You can’t initiate a convo.

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You can with their new chat feature in the Substack app.

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I can say I use FB for mostly groups, little personal, and for marketplace. Thats it.You might find you go there for few things too. Just a thought.

Wish there was a solid resource out there.

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Thanks Lisa! I have no problem with those who chose to use Facebook, just for me I cannot do it. It is true though that there are so many things available on Facebook that folks really use like Marketplace etc. Maybe someday I will feel like it is ok for me to go back. :-)

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💗💗💗Hugs Sis💗💗💗

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The died suddenly group on fb have to use codes for certain words💜

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How about CnC music factory?! For the name? Then we can find eachother but hopefully not get flagged.

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Lol. I’m all for it. Just don’t know if fb is the place to do this. Maybe Twitter would be better? More comments there I think🤷🏻‍♀️

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

I can appreciate what youre saying but twitter isn’t. Its just a comment board to tweets. Not a group.

That’s one of the few good things about FB is the group feature.

We can try it. I’d set it up that the person must reference knowing COFFEE and COVID in order to join. That would be how they get in. ;)

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And I’ve never been on Twitter😆

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Bless you, Maureen 🙏 I am honored by your words and grateful for your warm support. We *will* triumph eventually. Love, truth, and justice always win out in the end 🙌

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Thank you for this bright spot. I needed this. xo

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For as terrible an idea the human cloning sure is, scalpel-sharp Margaret Anna Alice would be on top of my list 😊

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Haha, thank you, daiva, and believe me, I have often wished I could have several hundred mind-melded clones to complete my infinitely expanding todo list and articles in progress 😹

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I pray he wins. We Need Him. He cares about vax injured law.

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Addendum: In revisiting Toby Rogers's post (https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/the-iatrogenocide-accelerates) where he mentioned this, I realized Ron Johnson's role on this oversight committee depends on Republicans taking the Senate, so here's praying for a miracle on that front.

Toby writes, "If Republicans take the Senate, Ron Johnson will become the chair of the oversight committee that has purview over the FDA and CDC."

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Why does everyone always skip over Illinois? The OUTRAGE of having Pritzker re-elected. The race was so close. You should see the map for Illinois. Covered in red. Not the city of Chicago. They ruin it for the rest of us. That trust fund, Shrek wannabe, toad of a human. Bad news for Illinois. How many executive orders has he used while in office? Some of the most of any governor to date? He has trashed the city of Chicago. Sinatra's town. He's rolling in his grave. I'd take Al Capone any day over Pritzker. He's at least a level headed Italian. Don't overlook Illinois. We are in the trenches.

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20 years of my meaningless votes in the western suburbs of Illinois and we fled to the free state of Florida 2 years ago. My heart grieves for the people of Illinois- you deserve so much better! Yes - the entire state is red except for Chicago- they run the state like the CCP

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I left upstate New York just before lockdown. Love Florida!

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It’s such a shame - upstate is so beautiful- one of my kids went to RIT and now lives and works in NYC. I fear for her safety daily.

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It is beautiful, Veve. I have one of my five children left at home here outside Rochester, and today the sun is shining and the sky is blue and the leaves are gorgeous and I just want to cry. My son is a sophomore in high school and I really just want to get him to graduation without being forced to take that stupid shot! My husband and I grew up in the 70s so we can deal with less material comfort - it's not that - but this is my home. Everyone says "move!" not recognizing the many layers of difficulty that involves. Of course, if push comes to shove, we'll move. I'll buy an RV and live in that if I have to.

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My aunt loves living in Greece. It is beautiful there. I’m thankful I got to Florida just before lockdown.

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It was a beautiful place to grow up ( I’m 56). I loved living in bay ridge Brooklyn in the early 90’s. Before 9/11 though. I can’t even talk to my college educated friends about anything since lockdown!

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Soon .. hopefully.

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That’s what it feels like here in NYS. I’ve lived no where else my whole 63 years. A wife mom and grandma. I believe it’s the city of NY, very high population Democratic left and stupid people that put it over to the wicked COVID witch Hochul. There may be of course 25% that voted for Lee, but if the totals were correct in the beginning it said 75% burrows went for Hochul. Once mid and upstate was voted were counted Lee went right up neck and neck. Like your state, we are controlled by the big city. Imagine if we did not have electoral college. Only CA, NY a handful of the very populace states with large cities would always choose the President. Rural states would be ignored. Our founding fathers were anointed by God I believe. We were a Christian founded nation. Now we are pagan sad to say. A remnant is left. We are like the Israelites now in the wilderness. Lefties hate the electoral college because 1. They are stupid and don’t understand our constitution is to keep the government in check and preserve our liberties and 2. The left are demonic tyrants and want power st all cost. It’s the base sin nature . A nation at this point won’t last if she does not repent and turn back to God. I don’t see that with this last election. Pres John Adams said our constitution is for a moral and religious people. It would not work for any other. Well we see that don’t we. Evil people spit in it.

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I lived in Baldwinsville and Weedsport before I moved to central Florida just before lockdown. There were pagan Wicca bookstores all over the place. Lockdown probably put many out of business but it was disheartening. I had to repent for my new age stuff and life improved greatly.

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I’m right there with you! My friends and I are devastated! We live in the South burbs of Chicago where people from the “hood” escape. BUT unfortunately their are so many some suburban homes here it’s hard to turn the tide. One woman (lefties) posted yesterday OUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT 🤦🏻‍♀️ I so badly wanted to say who’s life? Certainly not unborn children...their lives just don’t matter to them.

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I've seen facebook posts saying that. Even worse, the post said "our daughters and granddaughters lives depend on it." This was a close family member. It was all I could do to restrain myself from replying "the daughters and granddaughters that you allowed to live."

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That should read WOKE SUBURBAN. sorry 🤦🏻‍♀️

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⏸ Tech service advice: click on those mysterious 3 dots under your own comment: bet you'll be surprised 🙂

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

Ive had comments go missing. That’s 🤬🤬🤬

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You need to stop restraining yourself. They need to hear the truth, even though they will not likely be receptive right off the bat. I got de-brainwashed 50 years ago after suffering a stint at the University of Florida. I still remember the things I heard that gradually awakened me to reality. Some made me quite angry at the time. I tried to dismiss them, but there they were and they kept circling back. It felt like a gradual process, but looking back it happened pretty quickly, step by step. Reality cost me my marriage, though I hung in to get the children raised. Didn’t want them exposed to the kinds of step families my ex would have brought.

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Actually this reply is to Karen below.

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Those woman are delusional and controlled by evil. No woman can think it’s ok and a right to do this otherwise. Kill their children. Mother Theresa was quoted saying she had no hope for a society where woman kill their unborn children. Well there is hope. His name is Jesus Christ and only thru Him can hearts change and sins forgiven. That’s what the Cross did. But God gave us free will to choose life or death , good or evil. Sad to say most choose evil and they will reap death from it.”The wages of sin is death but the gift of eternal life is in Christ Jesus”

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The whole Pritzker family is steeped in evil. I don’t get it.

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Isn’t he the one who avoided full RE taxes on one of his mansions by taking out the toilets? Something about “codes “

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Friends of the Bidens????

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With you my fellow Illinois resident. I figured The PrickSter would lumber back in and squat back into his very warm recliner chair. While he flicks the rest of us off his dinner plate at Temporis

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The worst COVID tyrannical governors all got re-elected so far. That really made me, with Fetterman being elected , believe something is not right. We must go back to paper . Unfortunately no corporate news questions the election system. Only Tucker Carlson. Florida really cleaned up their election fraud and look what happened.

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

Because IL has been corrupt for so long no one blinks an eye when the Dems cheat to win. Even some of the suburbs are blue! How much pushback was there to the loss of freedom with the mandates? Look at Michigan Ave! The “magnificent mile” is now a ghost town of vacant store fronts. Crime is out of control. I feel bad for the good people of IL but don’t understand why anyone would stay there when they have no voice.

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1960 Daly stole the vote for Kennedy.

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I live a few miles from Wisconsin. I go there to get gas that’s consistently 40 to 60 cents cheaper a gal.you could go without masks fairly quickly after vaccs came out so I shopped there too. Crazy land in Illinois but I can’t leave at our age. I’m in a real red district but no political flyers mentioned ANYTHING about the current mess. Inflation yes. A few normal Republican issues like business blah blah. Very disappointed. We’re going to have to physically rise up someday soon. Use our bodies to jam the machine. We who resisted have used our bodies but what needs to happen next? There were encouraging signs Tuesday in some places. Not in Illinois sadly.

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I haven’t been down there for years now. Maybe 2018. Mag mile isn’t looking so good ,huh? I used to walk from the northwestern station down and all over. Nobody I know wants to venture there anymore.

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He is definitely a very EVIL man from an evil dynasty. Bah!! I am so sorry. Sorry for you, sorry for my family in Cali and sorry for this whole nation. Lord have mercy on our soul.

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The Pritzker family is truly evil.

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As long as I can remember (I'm 73) Chicago has controlled Illinois and has had criminals in charge. Chicago area seems to control everything.

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I know. I frequently visited and stayed in Chicago for the past 40 years but since 2020 I no longer feel safe, have no desire to go there and the city has deteriorated dramatically and is overrun with rats. How sad.

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Maybe a tax revolt is in order. Stop paying all state taxes.

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Throw the tea into the harbor!! Ugh. Evil has always been around, but now it is unashamed and has the internet to give it a leg up. I hate the internet.

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Did Lori Lightfoot get re-elected in Chicago?

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She wasn't up for reelection yet.

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Preach, sister, preach 🙌🏻

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Nov 9, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Congratulations to Florida! Would that the rest of the country could follow their example. Here in NC, we elected a Republican gun store owner to the US Senate. Much better than Hoodieman.

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Nov 9, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Not to discredit the prayers and work of good Floridians, but the GOPe arm of the Uniparty has a very vested interest in making Ron DeSantis look like the Savior of the Day.

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Yah. No man is our Savior, but I’m glad he won.

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YES!!!! NC needs to be REd!!!!!

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Nov 9, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Looks like we finally have conservative Supreme Court!!!

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Hadn’t seen the result of that race yet, I have family in NC so I am particularly happy about this win!!

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Wow! That's great! Serious question...

Does he still run a gun store?

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How in the Hell did Fetterman win? How is that even possible?

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I told my husband that either there was egregious cheating or the voters there are retarded. He reminded me of the cheating in Philly.

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Both I think.

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Overheard two weeks ago, in PGH: "it doesn't matter if Fetterman is impaired or even dies. What matters is the Democrats keep control." It's fealty to the tribe.

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It is not about voting "for" anything. It is about voting "against" something.

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UNQUESTIONABLY what's going on, seen everywhere.

ONLY the colour of the team T-shirt worn matters.

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"Just a great celebration of freedom" said someone in my insta feed about a photo she posted of yard signs of Fetterman, Shapiro, and Summer Lee. She then closed her post with the prompt "make sure to vote to uphold our freedoms". Again, Pittsburgh (East End). Our versions of 'freedom' seem so vastly different.

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They are concerned about one "freedom" only. The freedom to kill their own child if they think they will be inconvenienced in any way by that child.

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Makes me sick.

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"Freedom" to engage in any woke behavior you want with a Nanny State to tell you what to do and provide for everything. "Liberty" from gov't tyranny along with self-determination and responsibility is our definition of freedom. Two diametrically opposed ideologies. Ideas have consequences.

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If Fetterman dies, another Democrat will be inserted into his position for the remainder of his term. In California, one of our senators (democrat Dianne Feinstein, 89) is to all reports incapacitated by dementia and has been so for perhaps a year or two. She has been invisible for a long time and is apparently no longer capable of fulfilling her position to the voters, but SOMEONE is voting on her behalf and pretending it is her considered vote. It will be the same with Fetterman.

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Early voting. Iirc, they started voting a few weeks before the "debate" where he showcased his "recovery."

"Hello. Good night everybody."

Gotta wonder how many people wished they could change their vote after that...

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Ohh, I never consider That

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In the debate ‘I’m for fracking, um um not, I’m definitely for fracking’ I’m paraphrasing of course, but I’m sure we can find the recording. It was just so bizarre.

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My guess? Low information voters, voting by party only. Before Trump, I too once was one.

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

Wishful thinking!! 😜

Not to say cheating is absent for it sure is rampant; just don't discount the big part the regular insane-voting folks play 😟 Roles leading vs supporting, which is which me [sincerely] wonders. Self-reinforcing vicious feedback loop?

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Unprecedented spending. Fetterman had approx $50 million vz Oz $12 million. Plus Fetterman had another $100+ million in "soft money" & "dark money".

For reference, in 2000 Al Gore had $80 million in soft money (for a nationwide, presidential campaign) and people were up in arms about it being historically high & crooked to try to buy an election.

In hindsight this was probably predictable, but as an outsider I was pretty confident in Oz (sigh). I literally heard local Pittsburg ABC talking head say, His disability isn't a big deal, being Senator isn't that hard, all you have to do is show up and push a button for your party vote. Yikes! Their best campaign pitch for Fetterman was: Even a monkey can do it. And voters bought it apparently.

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Loved this… “Even a monkey can do it. And voters bought it apparently”.…Maybe I need to run!!!

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"Push a button for your party vote." YES....that is more or less what it has devolved into. Parties vote as a block. Rarely a dissenter unless the person is in a "safe" position to do so, just for optics. Joe Manchin did that. Seems he has disappeared and has merged into the Democrat block to become invisible.

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I did see a Project Veritas video report last night showing some egregious electioneering going on with voters that were standing in line in Pennsylvania. That's at least part of it.

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The people in Pennsylvania need to rise up and get organized.

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He had a D by his name. And is going to vote the way he is told to vote. Bottom line, D voters don't want to lose the ability to kill their own children.

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My husband just now said, he’ll quit for health reasons and the gov will appoint someone just as horrible, sans the brain damage.

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The plan all along, according to Pennsylvanians, is for his wife to take over

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That was so bizarre Dr. Linda . So agree.

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It’s the Philly Pittsburgh way!

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Cheating...just like 2020.

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“Toto, we are not in Kansas anymore!”

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Thank you Jeff for the more uplifting message. It's much needed this morning particularly since I long ago went off SSRIs opting for more natural, healthy methods of coping. I agree that the vaunted "Red Wave" was media hype that personally I never believed. The results are still shocking, however.

That said, I am particularly shocked by the election results in Michigan where the Whitmer Cabal ran the table despite the destruction caused by her administration's pandemic policies. Apparently, unfettered abortion access is more important to Michiganders than economics and personal freedom. I'm so glad we got the f*** out of there.

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Nov 9, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Yeah, my family and I fled Michigan for Florida earlier this year, taking 4 GOP votes with us. I think a big part of Dixon's loss is explained by all the freedom loving Michiganders who've left over the last 2 years. Michigan is a sinking ship, and I suspect even more will leave now.

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I don't pay any attention to the MSM but my brother-in-law saw her at the Trump rally (where he caught Covid. Digression: Paxlovid failed miserably while the Ivermectin I gave him wiped it out!) and was so unimpressed by her that he actually thought that she may be controlled opposition.

He pointed out that she came out against abortion even in the case of rape and incest. He thought her saying that made no political sense.

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Tudor Dixon's nomination was a diabolical failure. I warmed up to her in the late stages but I never thought that she had a chance objectively. Dixon's nomination, along with the leading candidates such as Chief Craig being disqualified due to signature issues in their petitions, demonstrated the fundamental incompetence of the Michigan GOP. It was almost as if they wanted to lose which they did in spectacular fashion.

Regardless, I'm still astonished that Whitmer garnered so much support (alleged voting irregularities, aside) despite her pre-covid failure to address Michigan's third world standard road system, businesses fleeing the state and her failure to address Michiagn's economic problems, her Covid policies, and her personal hypocritical conduct that flew in the face of her lockdown rules.

I watched a segment of her victory speech on the Detroit News site. She looked like Mussolini, so there's that, too.

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Thanks for the explanation Ejsmith

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The Uniparty election industry has such a lot of scripts and power plays in the old ‘play book’. Controlled Opposition is an important category. And they never sleep, are always working on the future goals. They play the long game, while we admire the latest ‘Savior’ they give us. Only in the end all their Saviors just melt into that comfortable corruption and down, down, down we go.

We are manipulated from dawn to dusk and probably while we’re sleeping 😴

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Our only Savior is Jesus Christ and He’s coming back for believers! Look up and listen for the trumpet sounds!

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I heard that Tudor Dixon was put in place by the Democrats, via the Democrats destroying whoever the first choice Republican candidate was. The Democrats employed this strategy all over the country, spending months taking out preferred Republican candidates for many different offices. It seems to have worked.

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It worked .

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Welcome to Florida! I escaped upstate New York just before lockdown.

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And glad for you BAR.

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This is the second time the media has ran that ‘red wave’ crap past us.

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You are lucky. Pray for us still here. 😞

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Glad for you Ejsmith.

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So are we. That said, despite living in a very red southern county, I am noticing a lot of NY, CA, and IL license plates, particularly as you get closer to the state capital which was one of only a couple of counties that actually went blue in this election.

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They bring us their bodies and their warped minds.

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I live in a small foothills town in N. California. When I moved here in 1987, it was very very red with a mostly over 50 population, a lot of retired people. But it was seen as a very desirable area to escape to, and since 1987 more and more of the lefties from the San Francisco Bay area as well as L.A. moved here, first with vacation homes, then to live here as they retired. So now this area has become uncomfortably blue. This is what they do, they move and bring their lefty voting and ideas with them and over time, they change an area. Then they wonder why that lovely area they moved to has changed. A real disconnect.

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Nov 9, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Where are the lawsuits against the colleges and universities?

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Yes I definitely want to see those!!

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Nov 9, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Somehow you’ve been able to focus on the bright spots in what I considered a very disappointing election night that has confirmed my belief that another election was rigged. What’s happening in AZ is an abomination. There is NO way Hobbs could beat Kari Lake in a fair election. Congratulations to the state of FL for showing the rest of the country what a red wave looks like. In MO., we’re sending a great conservative senator who is a fighter to take the place of RINO Roy Blunt. As you said, we have a lot of work to do. May God help us!

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Schmitt and Fitzpatrick were the only bright spots in a very dark night for me. All 5 of my candidates I have been working for since April lost. Jackson county is a lost cause.

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

I'm very sorry about this. I know you worked your tail off and it just stinks so bad to have that outcome..

I know because I did the same thing in the sweltering Oklahoma summer, only to see 2 outstanding conservatives lose to the Chamber of Commerce types who run our Ok legislature.

I'm still deeply disillusioned.

Yesterday Oklahoma dodged a couple of lefty teachers union bullets: Joy Hoffmeister (Gov.) and Jena Nelson (State Superintendent) but in my own state representative district (largely South Tulsa) my law school classmate and nasty teacher union candidate won.

All of these blue female candidates ran stealth campaigns which avoided *any* discussion of issues. It seems to me that this is the blueprint for flipping the state blue - run females who are attractive in a glossy sort of way, while avoiding substantive discussions of issues.

My beloved Tulsa has flipped from ruby red to blue (OKC, Norman, and Tulsa counties were the only ones voting blue yesterday.)

This is very, very bad and will continue to get worse.

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UGH. You make my pains seem harmless when you worked your tail off for total disillusionment! 😭 so sorry!

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Gosh Fred, we have seen this same movie play in MO. I did door knock this summer for Eric Schmitt but quit to focus on the local candidates after he won the primary as even though Trudy Busch(beer heiress) Valentine outspent him 7 million to his 3.5 million it was a foregone conclusion that he would win as rural MO is still very red.

But yeah. there was a LOT of dodging of the issues in MO as well. D candidates largely skipped candidate forums. Did not answer questionnaires. Some of them barely even campaigned but still won their races in the KC area. D's have been playing the long game in ring suburb local politics for years and are gaining ground at an accelerated rate. Run as moderates, govern as radicals, But people too busy watching Netflix, and whining about stuff on social media to actually pay attention. Thought covid woke more people up. But voters have always had short memories, I guess.

They are making inroads in the rural areas as well. Some races in ring areas of KC and surrounding rural counties were way closer than they should have been. Just one example - a radical BLM D candidate Antoine Jennings for my state senate race - which after re-districting was actually drawn in what it seemed to be MORE favorable for the R candidate (incumbent RINO) to be completely outside of deep blue KC proper - got 44% of the vote, spending NO money and skipping all the candidate forums. Didn't even have a public FB page. Blows my mind.

Our legislature is full of infighting despite a R supermajority and our governor is a weak R who is not running in 2024. He will appoint the successor to rock star AG Eric Schmitt who did win his Senate race, and very concerned about the scuttlebutt on his heir apparent. It is all very concerning.

And it sucks that OK is going that way. I come to your state for Rocklahoma every year and love it. No covid fear crap in Pryor OK and it is a breath of fresh air to spend a long weekend with people who never bought what the fearmongers were selling.

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But that completely fits with this attitude of “vote blue no matter who.” If they are ok with electing a half brain like Fetterman, just to keep power, why do they need to hear the candidate speak or debate??

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PA voters elected a man (state office, I think) who had died Oct. 9.

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Well and you can't break campaign promises if you never make them.

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Very true.

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I’m sorry. This just sucks

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You worked so hard, Donna. Disappointing but remember Almighty God is in control. Pray! Stand strong on the truth! Look up!

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I know. Have to live to fight another day. But right now it's just a gut punch. All 5 just ordinary citizens who wanted to make a difference who worked their butts off while their opponents just sat back and did next to nothing. My house is a mess. My yard is a mess. Full focus on the campaigns for the last month. Going to regroup, refocus, and pray. The lasting friendships forged in the battle are a huge silver lining, so there is that. But plainly obvious there are 2 Americas.

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Sweet friend, resolve to pray first! Our mighty God knows everything and yet, we don't prioritize our need for one on one conversation with our Savior Redeemer. My devotion today was about setting aside time for quiet, patient solitude in the midst of the storm, stopping our daily to give ear to the One who holds the universe in His hands. My patience is waning as the results are released and a great sadness tries to grip me...but I will rest in quiet solitude with our King while he listens to my groaning, my pleas for His guidance and authority. And suddenly I recall the words of Scripture heard so oft repeated by my precious 1-5th grade Sunday school teacher of ore, "He is our refuge, an ever-present help in times of trouble."

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I’m so sorry 😞

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Yeah me too. And sadly the infighting has already begun. People saying D's cheat. Yeah they cheat. But these races were not even close. No, cheating is not why they lost. The tough part is facing that we indeed ARE in the minority. That the brainwashing has worked. Not just for covid.

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Unfortunately I think that you are right in blue areas. We are the minority. The other people are all follow the crowd, lovers of big government telling them and others what to do.

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well I did pull the 'unofficial' numbers. And my county candidates actually did win more votes in Jackson county than Eric Schmitt. Legislature candidates got about 5K more, county exec had 15K more. Schmitt lost 37% to Valentine's 60%, whereas mine were ~40-45% But does go to show you what R's are up against in this county.

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That's great about the new conservative senator, and you also have Josh Hawley. Here in WA, we are in awe that MO could have two senators like that.

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You need senators and representatives with a backbone of steel to deal with the corrupt filthy swamp of DC. And I think we now have two senators who will fight for the people instead of special interest groups. I feel so bad for the great people in states like WA, OR and CA. Please don’t ever stop fighting for truth and righteousness, even in a blue state.

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

Still praying over WA state and doing what I can in elections to help turn out the vote. This is an incredibly beautiful state, and worth fighting for.

Charlie Kirk likes to say "IT'S ALL ABOUT THE PROCESS". Democrats certainly know that and act accordingly. Jeff mentioned here in today's blog about the "single member district amendment" . That is an example of that. Passed relatively quietly, but will help in the fight for years to come.

Once I really thought about that this summer, it made sense. And simple, really.

That's why Democrats are working hard to put in mail ballots, fighting to the death for the Senate because they know they can appoint the supreme Court justices who will do their bidding. Etc

Even look at their nationwide attempt this past year to take out viable Republican candidates and leave second choice winners in the Republican primaries. It was very effective. They did that one in my congressional district, as well.

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Yes good riddance to Roy Blunt the swamp creature.

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Thank you Julie, I was avoiding the news to see if Schmitt won. I am breathing easier and praying for everyone else

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

Jeff. Important read. It’s the NIH site.


Read it. What is it doing on there?

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Several of us posted that link here in April. Of course a lot of us also made an archive link (paste it into https://archive.ph/ to make a copy.

Interesting how it hasn't caused waves in the MSN.

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Weird. Even weirder, it was Published online 2022 Apr 22.

It must be buried on their site. How did you find it?

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Friend of a friend found it 2 days ago. I’ve been trying to get it to Jeff but don’t know how.

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I copied it just in case it disappears.

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God Bless Dr. Blaylock, truthteller

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Yeah. It’s pretty incredible. I’m going to screenshot the pages.

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Janet, you can also download the article to your computer. Just click on the PDF link in the R hand corner under OTHER FORMATS

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Janet, I sent the link to a friend and then screenshot the message.

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This is the most concise article I have ever seen re: Plandemic.

Thank you!

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That’s not new. I saw it several months ago.

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Yahooooo, odd one … love it !🌻

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Nov 9, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Happy for you in Florida. Angry, disgusted and sad for us in Michigan.

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May she and pritzker skip gleefully, hand-in-hand - straight into Lake Michigan.

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Nov 9, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

What I noticed about the map: Sharice Davids won. Emmanual Cleaver won. (KC area districts). Since April, knocked over 2000 doors. Wrote letters to the editor. Posted on social media. Attended campaign meetings. Called and texted friends encouraging them to vote. All 5 candidates I worked for lost. State rep, 3 county legislature and county executive. All 5, regular citizens who stepped and gave up any semblance of a personal life for months on end. All worked their butts off against candidates who had no semblance of a ground game. Who skipped candidate forums. Did not answer questionnaires. Who voted for lockdowns, masks and mandates. But had a D by their name. No consequences for those who squandered public trust, public money and pushed disastrous policies. No words. Just stunned. Not even a red splash here. But Schimtt won. And congrats to Florida.

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I watched on TV a reporter talking with a woman at the Sharice Davids party. The woman said she believes in everything that SD stands for. The woman herself is very much concerned about "Social Justice" and the country turning to Fascism, especially from those "MAGA Republicans". A chill went down my spine. People like her have no idea what is really going on in the world. It's sad and frightening. She would be one of Those People who, finger pointing and screeching her hatred, condemn others to the cattle cars.

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Nov 9, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Absolutely. Strong focus on door knocking in the D areas in the county these last 2 months. And over and over: what is their take on Jan 6? Abortion? Trump? So many 'pride' flags. BLM banners. 'We believe' signs. Questions and commentary at the doors had NOTHING to do with county and state (except abortion at the state level) governance. I would say, county governance is largely non-partisan. My candidate is focused on accountability, transparency, and reducing runaway property tax growth. The answer, well I can't vote for a MAGA republican. Too many people living in an alternate reality with skewed priorities.

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Consider this a LIKE. The heart icon doesn't work on your comment, at least for me.

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I have a lot of problems getting the Heart icon to light up. It's a shame as I spend a lot of engagement with substack.

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If you "like" the comments higher in the thread you're commenting on, they will all light up - I just tried it and it works!!

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As a fellow Kansan, I am disheartened by the Davis win. I have given up. Her office is staffed by nitwits that can't even hold a conversation or give an answer based upon my personal communications with them. I watched her debate Adkins and there was such a clear difference in their ability to explain policies. Davids did not answer the questions presented, instead constantly besmirched Adkins who she could not goad into reacting to her nastiness, but the moderators let her off the hook.

Also, dissappointed in the KS gubernatorial race. The additional libertarian and independent candidates in that election most likely resulted in the narrow re-election of Kelly. That is the sad reality of our system where the extra candidates skew the outcome.

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Yes, I heard those Dennis Pyle commercials non stop on talk radio in the week - 10 days leading up to the election. Understand they were paid for by a D PAC. After they spent 13 million to prop up Bollier in 2020 and see her lose to Marshall who only had $3 million, guess they decided to try a new tactic. A strategist who was at one of the watch parties I was at last night says places like Prairie Village are really KC west now. Just like the CA refugees fleeing failed policies to other states and then continuing to vote for more of the same, looks like JoCo (and eastern Jack) are victims of the same migration. Long way of saying idiotic ideology trumps common sense. And D's seem to have endless funds. Remember Mundo saying in 2020 that east and west coast big donors don't 'waste' their money on races they 'know' they will win anyway, and instead funnel money into the midwest to help D's there.

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So sorry. You must be dragging today. Do SOMETHING for yourself nice today. The fight will be won.

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Agree; except for Eric Schmitt there was a lot of disappointment. Mark Alford, in my opinion is still a question mark. I voted for him after my preferred candidate (Rick Brattin) was squeezed out in a very crowded field.

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Yeah I am sadly in the 5th but really liked Irwin and Brattin. Alford did NOTHING after August primary.

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Alford will be hearing from me…a lot! We must hold their feet to the fire and make our voices heard!

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DeSantis won by a zillion votes and most (if not all) of Trump's candidates lost. It's time -- dude needs to step aside.

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He hurts the cause. Most divisive politician (?) in my long life. I know too many who suffuse their very existence and daily life with hate for trump and it oozes out into their surrounding families and friends. And their stunted decisions. Everything is seen in the light of Trump hate. I see it. My sister is captured by it. It’s real and a real reason added to the many others that continue the conflagration that Covid remains. He needs to be marginalized. IMO.

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More divisive than Obama? Than Biden?

Those guys just cloak their divisive words in smooth speech, words that drip honey.

Here is what I wrote this morning to a friend:

Well, you think the former Vice President is any better?!

Yelling at the unvaccinated, telling them they are all going to die? Calling citizens who want to have freedom to live without fear of government coercion and intrusion threats and terrorists?

You may not like Trump. There are things to not like about him. He is a sinner. But a lot of us really liked secure borders, freedom of speech and press, $2 gallon gasoline so we can heat our homes and drive when/where we need to, and enough money left after paying bills to be able to afford groceries. Oh, and not having queers and perverts routinely appointed to the highest levels of government.

The former VP needs to be put in a home for dementia patients. And Obama needs to go away with Pelosi and their ilk to self-destruct or create their own utopia on some uninhabited island - however it is that their policies work out. Ditto w Fowchi, but only after he has been appropriately injected with all of the recommended boosters of his spike protein. Actually he can go hang out with his commie buddies in China. See how he likes lockdown Shanghai-style.

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I truly believe DeSantis is being weaponized against Trump. The GOPe would rather lose in 2024, with all the horror that implies, than see Trump re-elected.

I believe this election business is currently planned and manipulated across the nation. Winners and losers are chosen. If you have the audacity to run for office outside the blessing of the Uniparty, you will fight both branches. Almost impossible to win. Trump is a huge embarrassment to them for beating them at their own game.

DeSantis says the right things. So did George W. Bush, then he went on to be Barack Hussein Obama’s “brother from another mother.” Bush actually said that!

And did absolutely nothing to advance conservative values after the electorate gave him the presidency and BOTH houses of Congress in 2004.

I knew then that we were in grave danger ⚠️

But I’m sure the Bushes are all quite well off, getting their ‘fair’ share of the plunder, and all. Those on this side of eternity don’t seem to have any regrets. Has DeSantis been offered a ‘fair’ share? The temptation must be immense. How many people could resist that level of fame and fortune if Satan took them to the mountain top and said “All this can be yours!”

We had wiggle room two decades ago, people moved on and the moral erosion continued unnoticed by most. It can’t be unnoticed any longer. Netflix is not that narcotic.

Judgement is upon us.

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"George Bush said the right things." Whatever. Bush and his family are part of the parasitical, privileged elite and always has been. DeSantis is not. They are not comparable. Bush was a phoney that anyone should have seen because he was cut from the elitist bolt of cloth. DeSantis comes from the same bolt of cloth we come from. Huge difference.

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W came from a rich, privileged political dynasty. DeSantis is from the working class despite having a good education.

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I agree and so does Sundance at the Conservative Treehouse. Older article with some very interesting information on this topic. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/08/25/desantis-beats-trump-on-fundraising-however-donor-financials-highlight-corporate-version-vs-grassroots-version-of-the-republican-party/#more-236947

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"When people ask me who should come in after Trump, my answer is simple…. Show me the economic nationalist. If there isn’t another one,… well, what does that tell you about the Republican party?"

Willing Spirit and Jeremiah, I have not been agreeing with your contention but it is plausible. And the above question from your referenced article is a very good question. But that's not the only question.

To me, DeSantis is an outlier - like Trump. Based on his background and observation, I judge him to be a patriot of strong character. He's not a professional politician like the rest of the GOPe and neither is Trump. Both he and Trump have to tread through acres of landmines to negotiate their path. Bottom line, when push comes to shove, I think Ron is the type of character that would sooner take a political bullet than compromise his patriotic principles to the American people.

As I've posted before, I like to envision the Don and Ron coming together to form a joint ticket. Surely, no one in the establishment, blue or red, would like that which is exactly what we need. I don't have the ability to judge the source of his funding but I have to believe there are a couple of patriotic billionaires out there somewhere. Kind of a Atlas Shrugged moment.

Or I could be wrong - again.

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Let me add a simpler observation. Everyone, almost without exception, in public life is only out for themselves. When you look at all the gov't officials and all the politicians in power from the White House on down, it's like a feeding frenzy of leeches on the hapless American citizenry stuck in the mud of the swamp. "Politicians as a professional class" has lead to the destruction of this country. They are draining the life blood out of the American middle class and destroying the American culture.

I do not believe DeSantis is in it for himself. He is in it for the future of his children and the American people. He is a patriot who understands history and he understands our heritage of American liberty as embodied in our founding documents and American law. Trump likewise sees the contrast of our heritage and what is happening today. And he has connected to the American people that are dying from the leeches in the swamp. That is what MAGA is all about.

I have read all the grousing here about Trumps abrasive language and how he needs to be more accommodating of peoples feelings. To hell with that! This is exactly why we are continually losing. The patriotic conservative movement continually allows the opposition to intimidate us and set the terms of the debate. We are always in reactive mode rather than proactive mode. It is time to stand up and call them out for EXACTLY what they are in clear, bold descriptive language in all of it's traitorous perversion. It is time to take the gloves off and put on the brass knuckles. I don't care if wishy washy people are offended. We don't need them. We have the right cause and the traitorous actions of the Bolsheviks need to be called out for what they are. The point will come when the people in the middle will have to make a choice. Let's be clear what this war is all about.

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Do tell, what does the lowercase "e" stand for when you write GOPe?

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I think it means establishment based on the way I've seen it used.

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Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, et al, say and tweet boxcar loads of nasty, divisive language. Why does anyone think Trump owns that?

They think that because the almighty media demons tell them that’s the case.

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Well said, Copernicus. I hate always hearing how Trump is “so polarizing” and yet there is little acknowledgement of all of the divisive things the Democrats have said and done. And how THEY have impacted people’s lives negatively. It is the usual double standard.

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It is well-said, but what Janet said is true too. A lot of people are not rational when it comes to Trump.

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Yes. That is also true.

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It is pretty much true that what the Dems say about the Republicans is what the Dems themselves are actually doing or plan to do. It has become amusing to watch them do it all the time.

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Jesus inspired such hatred that they crucified Him. The human race conspired to kill God because of hatred. If you think hatred began with Donald John Trump and will end with his end, please, think again.

People need to examine themselves in regards to what they hate and why.

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Of course. I’m a God fearing woman. 74. Seen hate. Been hateful. Not sure how you extrapolated this by my observation of others related to trump. He is the current topic. I don’t hate him. I kind of feel sorry for him but I need not defend my position with you. Only God and my Savior. Blessings my friend.

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And blessings to you. The Truth is the Truth and always will be the Truth. Dressing it up and watering it down to make it more palatable to those who will not see will not change the Truth and its consequences in the least.

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Got this from my friend in Illinois...When you can't afford food, or fuel, have no heat, and the crime is such that you have to stayed locked in your home, will Trump's personality really be the thing that is still of first importance to you?

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Bingo. 💯💯💯

Trump is no worse than the others. He just speaks more like plainly without all the political speak. He says what many ordinary people are thinking.

None of his rude tweets ever had the world on the brink of nuclear disaster.

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We can all see this, but for some people, the answer to the question in Connie's comment is a resounding "YES." These people are irrational even to the point of voting against their self-interest. It is cult-like behavior.

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It is real. And it's strange. I don't get it. I mean, I have NO love for Obama or Biden, but they don't consume my every thought. I know too many for whom I cannot say the same about Trump. They live and breath Trump hate 24/7.

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I think we all need to read Luke 12 with some discernment and wisdom.

"...Do you suppose that I came to give peace on earth? I tell you, not at all, but rather division...

"...Hypocrites! You can discern the face of the sky and of the earth, but how is it you do not discern this time?..."

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That's not even close to being true. 174-9. Did he lose some close races? Sure but a majority of his candidates won.

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He can't beat FRAUD!

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Lying liars lie🤷🏻‍♀️. The hopelessly naive double-minded rabble believe them.

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For the total seats only I hope they did.

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Trump needs to just fade away I'm sorry to say. His presence only helps Dems because they will happily cheat to "beat" him.

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They’re like crack addicts. They had a taste of cheating and are hooked. They’ll never stop now.

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Yeah. It' so easy to cheat these days -- especially if the election "officials" are the ones doing it.

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Amen to that. Watch Mike Lindell on free speech.com if you truly want to know about Democrat voter fraud. Unbelievable.

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

I’m not willing to write off President Trump yet. The fact remains that his America First policies worked. He is a self made billionaire and less easily corrupted like so many in the swamp. He was up against a powerful political witch-hunt from the day he announced his candidacy and is still enduring persecution today. Did he make some mistakes? Yes, all presidents do. The 2020 election was stolen from him and that’s a bitter pill for many of us to swallow. The Deep State wants to anoint their controlled opposition candidate and President Trump is not their choice. I’m trusting in Almighty God, the one and only true God, with the future of our nation.

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Agreed. I’ll take the mean tweets, braggadocio, and narcissism for four more years of DJT. He will be smarter about who he appoints in key jobs and will continue to beat back the swamp as he FIGHTS for US. He does not need to do this. Thank God for his big ego and fighting attitude…otherwise he would have folded years ago. And hopefully…prayerfully…someone will take his phone away from him!!! GO TRUMP!

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LOL..I would like to see someone try.

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And that’s the reason they cheat? You want to make a ‘scapegoat’ out of President Trump? How courageous 😖

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I've tried to 'like' several of your comments up-thread, and they won't 'take,' whereas a 'like' of another person's comment did. At any rate, 'plus 1' on several of yours, though I'm still hopeful that the notion of DeSantis being groomed by the UniParty Swamp RINOs is false.

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I have the same issue with likes not taking. I think it only happens in sub comments - if you like the original comment you should be able to like the sub comments as well.

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Yes and sometimes the likes appear a minute or two later.

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I've noted that, too, so I had waited, but nothing. Then when I liked a comment down-thread, it worked instantly, so I went back up-thread, but no.

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It’s always possible he’s using THEM rather than the other way around?

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Let us pray.

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Right, Willing Spirit...When the folks can't afford food, or fuel, have no heat, and the crime is such that they have to stay locked in your home, will Trump's personality really be the thing that is still of first importance? When we lose the only President who has the courage to call out those who want socialism or communism...they’ll wake up. Too late.

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They cheat because that is what woke Bolsheviks do.

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Do you think they will treat DeSantis any better?

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No, anyone who poses a threat to their Marxist ideology and their WEF alliance will be treated just like they’ve treated Trump. But there is also “controlled opposition” which they had with the Bush’s and they “allowed” them to hold office just to make it look like a fair election but in reality they were never going to challenge the Deep State because they were part of it. Trump is not. Hopefully they’re not grooming DeSantis to be controlled opposition which usually involves a lot of money and sometimes compromising them in a way that they’re beholden to them.

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Exactly right. That's what Marxists do. The Bush family were not controlled opposition. They and all the elite families that control this country are all members of the same deep state. DeSantis does not come from that cabal. He is an outlier.

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They will happily cheat to beat any one to stay in power!

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YES. Go away, Trump.

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Not. Happening.

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Not. Happening.

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makes you think he does it on purpose for the left...............

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I’ve wondered that on occasion, but on the other side of this are the people who only trust a Trump endorsement, and there are A LOT of them.

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Plenty of Trump rally videos on YouTube. The streaming channel, RSBN, films all of Trump’s rallies.

Anyone who hasn’t seen or been to one owes it to themselves to examine this historical phenomenon.

When President Trump visited India, a rally was held for him that filled a 100,000 seat stadium. People underestimate him to their own peril.

DeSantis will be committing political suicide if he goes against Trump in 2024.

His ‘DeSanctimonious’ ads will come back to bite him. Such a blatant lack of humility. “God made a fighter!” A lot of people claim to have a Trump endorsement. DeSantis claims he’s endorsed by God.🤔

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

Trump was asked on the golf course, "...are you going to compete with Gov DeSantis?" Trump responded, "I know he's a nice man and I like him." Or maybe he said, "No he's a nice man and I like him." I'm not sure. When she asked him again, he wouldn't give her an answer. I think that speaks volumes.

I have not seen anything that indicates these two are not working together. These are extraordinary times. This is not the usual competition between the 2 wings of the uniparty for the White House. This is a war to the death between the Bolsheviks who took the reigns of power by fraud and those who are fighting for life and liberty. I firmly believe Trump and DeSantis understand this and that's what they are in the fight for. The only chance they have of winning this war is if they work together. There's a reason Trump moved to FL.


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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

I think you are assuming to much to think that DeSantis plans to run against Trump.

I had to go listen to the ad "God made a fighter" as I had not seen it.


I think that was a sincere expression of belief and purpose. As a Christian our belief is that God made all of us and he made each of us with purpose. His ad is simply an expression of this belief given the circumstances he providentially finds himself in. And yes, it is a divisive ad because woke Marxists hate the Christian faith and will react violently to it as attested to by the vitriolic language already seen in reaction.

You are not going to agree with me if you are one of those people that reacts negatively to any Christian rhetoric. I don't know. But this is something to think about. Listen to the ad again with the assumption someone is simply stating their personal belief and see how it sounds.

Politically, I think this ad took courage. DeSantis is clearly conveying the message that he is going to fight for us.

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I agree with your stance on this one!

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I think next week he’s making a “huge” announcement.

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November 15.

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Obviously Florida has good news this morning, but I must say I was expecting something more for the rest of the country.

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The World Economic Forum won last night elections. Go read their agenda.

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Good advice. I have read it. Took a constitutional class last Fall. Was amazed at their agenda...dated 1992. These folks are patient for sure.

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Too many sheep. And the tsunami happened with housing and moving. People are moving by the thousands out of blue states to red.

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

These election results confound and alarm me. The tsunami turned out to be barely a ripple. What the results say is in many parts of the USA the majority of people are just fine with what's been going on for the past two years. It tells me they are fine with where the radical left is taking America. They have expressed their approval of lockdowns, forced vaccinations, forced masking, censorship, the trampling of constitutional rights, CRT taught in public schools, boys competing against girls in sports, boys using the girls restrooms and locker rooms, legalization of recreational drugs, stripping of parental rights, putting criminals back out on the streets, "family friendly" drag queen shows, genital mutilation of children, arresting parents who oppose the mutilation of their children.

Where do we go from here? I don't know how I can co-exist with people who vote for candidates that support and promote these things.

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It’s called election fraud.

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But not enough to persuade me that the country isn’t morally bankrupt.

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Agreed. How can people support theses things?!

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Oh and Jeff? How is it even legal for a sitting Secretary of State to oversee her own election, running for Governor?

Why aren’t people fighting this crap?

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Because Americans are lazy. And it would be too inconvenient. It’s that simple. Look at the people of Brazil. Millions out in the streets protesting. Americans protest to themselves quietly as not to offend anyone else.

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Katie "the mediocre" Hobbs was asked to step down. She simply ignored it and the Republicans didn't marshal any strong voice to embarrass her.

Hobbs can't stop the Lake train anyway. There's rooms of lawyers now watching everything unlike the 2020 Election Theft disaster.

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But they can continue to dump votes. And they will until We The People decide to do something about the cheating.

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