☕️ C&C NEWS ☙ Wednesday, October 12, 2022 ☙ KNOCKOUT 🦠
Fetterman's first post-stroke live interview; Trump's emergency Supreme Court appeal; Court's important elections decision; Europe's financial woes; Phizer's backtracking; science's excuses; and more.
Good morning, and happy Hump Day, C&C! Today’s roundup includes: Fetterman sits for his first live interview since his stroke, and it doesn’t go well; Trump files emergency appeal to the Supreme Court; Supreme Court issues important elections decision; Europe risks economic domination by the U.S.; Pfizer exec says they never tested whether the drugs prevent infections; video games are literally killing kids now, for some reason; basketball player blood clot; record label founder cardiac arrest; former French presidential candidate changes his mind about the jabs; Dr. Drew changes his mind about the jabs; and Governor DeSantis continues crushing the Hurricane Ian response.
💉 As I describe this next story, I want you to try to remember if anything like this has ever happened in American politics before. Yesterday, CBS News aired a remarkable interview with hoodied Pennsylvania Senate candidate and jab victim John Fetterman about his ‘health status’ — presumably meaning his stroke and his mysterious neck lump — and to ask whether he can assure voters he is up to the job.
The interview probably didn’t go quite like Fetterman’s handlers hoped it would. It’s the first time they’ve let him be interviewed since his stroke early this year. For what became obvious reasons.
The segment started with somber lead anchor Lester Holt briefly interviewing perky blonde reporter Dasha Burns, who had interviewed Fetterman. Out of the gate, Lester’s first question was, “this was not the normal interview, was it Dasha?”
Burns explained that Fetterman used close captioning for the interview, because he’s having problems hearing things right. His ears aren’t working. But his eyes — his reading — are better. Burns told Lester that during small talk before the interview, it felt like Fetterman had no idea what she was saying.
Hearing just those facts, I wondered, do we REALLY need we go forward with this embarrassing interview? Isn’t the Senate all about TALKING and LISTENING? If he wins, won’t Fetterman need some kind of frantic, error-prone real-time transcription to keep up? And what about all the dealmaking on the side?
In other words, doesn’t Fetterman’s auditory processing disability suggest he should sit this one out, focus on his recovery, and THEN run for the Senate next time around after he gets better? He’s a young guy. He has plenty of time. Why do THIS?
Apparently nobody agrees with me, and the interview kicked off, with casually-dressed Fetterman sitting slightly behind a large iMac, his thick hoody covering the back of his neck. Each time Burns asked questions, Fetterman paused, turning to the monitor to read what she’d just said, and then give short answers.
His answers were mostly coherent, but they suffered in two ways. He sometimes stumbled over his words; once, he tried three times to come up with the word “empathetic.” But more significantly, he didn’t answer the critical questions about his health.
At one point, Burns asked, why won’t he release his medical records. Why haven’t voters seen anything from his doctor for six months? If he’s recovering, as he claims, why not document it? Fetterman’s quick answer was, let the voters decide whether medical records are important or not.
Um. That’s a TERRIBLE answer. The reason to release reassuring medical records BEFORE the vote is to persuade the voters who are on the fence. The ones who are wondering if giving Fetterman the job would be a train wreck.
Anyway, you can watch it for yourself. It’s painful. But the question is: when have you EVER, in your entire life, seen a candidate persist after a stroke that plainly damaged his cognitive and sensory abilities? I certainly can’t remember anything like this before. Is it the ‘new normal?’
I wish Dana Burns would’ve asked Fetterman about the jabs. He be already packing his bags for D.C. right now, if it weren’t for the shot.
Oh. And she didn’t ask him about the neck lump.
🔥 Trump has filed an emergency appeal asking the U.S. Supreme Court to reverse the 11th Circuit’s decision disallowing the special master from any review of the classified documents seized by the FBI. Yesterday, the DOJ filed its brief opposing Trump’s requested review.
I’m quite sure the Supreme Court would rather stay out of this battle. It would be easiest and safest for the Court to just deny review and send it back. Both sides make strong arguments. Denying review and letting the 11th Circuit handle it keeps the Supremes out of the mud, and might keep a bunch of noisy protestors from spending the night outside their houses cursing on bullhorns.
Denial of review seems like the safest bet.
But. This is a landmark case. Nothing like this has ever happened before. It is all about unsettled issues of Presidential classification powers that are sure to be back before the Court at some point. If the case does come back to the Supreme Court later, as seems likely, it might be helpful to have the input of a well-informed, neutral Special Master. The DOJ raised strong arguments in its opposition; we’ll have to see how the Trump team handles the reply.
This is new territory, and there’s no way to predict what happens next.
🔥 Speaking of the Supreme Court and of Pennsylvania, the Court issued a significant elections decision yesterday in a Pennsylvania mail-in voting case.
The Court reversed a Third Circuit decision allowing “undated” mail-in ballots to be counted in Pennsylvania, even though their elections statute requires mail-in ballot envelopes to have a handwritten date of receipt. The reversal was only on procedural grounds though, leaving the ultimate issue undecided. Nevertheless, it doesn’t look good for people who want undated ballots to count.
Think about it this way. If the Court APPROVED of counting undated ballots, it could’ve easily overlooked the procedural problems, since the Third Circuit got the “right” decision anyway. There’s no reason to overturn unless the Court doesn’t agree with all this flexible interpretation of election statutes.
But since the Supreme Court didn’t say one way or the other, Pennsylvania’s Secretary of State has directed county officials to count undated ballots anyway. So the issue will be back to the Supreme Court soon.
It’s a half-step, but it’s a half-step in the right direction.
🔥 Yesterday I told you that Europe was suffering from the U.S.’s interest rate increases, which were really aimed at China and Russia, and the EU is just collateral damage. Apparently I wasn’t the only one. Yesterday, French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire told the assembly that “The conflict in Ukraine must not result in US economic domination and a weakening of the EU.”

Bruno also complained about the sky-high price of American natural gas. Too bad for Europe those Nordstream pipelines suddenly and unexpectedly blew up. Good for America, though.
🔥 A video clip from the EU Parliament went viral yesterday, after a Pfizer executive testified, admitting that the pharma company “never” tested its drug to see if it would prevent transmission of the virus. Don’t be silly.
That’s horse hockey.
What was the “95% effective” all about, then? 95% of WHAT? Why were all the politicians saying the mRNA drugs would “shut down the pandemic?” Why did news anchors say the drugs would make people a “viral dead end?” Were they all just making it up? Was it all just a giant misunderstanding?

I don’t know about you, but to me, she seems kind of defensive. Good.
Even more shamefully, and the part I want to focus on, the executive continued, telling the MEPs that “We had to really move at the speed of science…to really understand what is taking place in the market.”
First, what on Earth is “the speed of science?” I’ve heard that term a few times now, and it sounds good, nice and focus-group-ey, but what does it MEAN? Is it like the speed of light? Does science go really fast? Not usually, surely. It took 48 years to discover the Higgs boson.
Maybe that second clause helps: “to understand what is taking place in the market.” The MARKET. Marketing. Marketing is a kind of science, too, right?
Anyway, Pfizer shares are down from around $53 in July to only $42 yesterday. And it seems headed down. Investors Business Daily ran a story yesterday headlined, “Pfizer’s Covid Sales Are Expected To Decline, Again — Is PFE Stock Now A Sell?”
Is Pfizer’s stock dropping at the ‘speed of science?’ We can hope.
🔥 The UK Telegraph ran an alarming article yesterday headlined, “Video Games Could Trigger Heart Attacks in Children.”
Video games! Heart attacks! In CHILDREN!
In other words, they’re saying if you get killed in the game, you could be killed in real life. I think there was a movie about that or something.
The story reports a new Australian study reviewing TWENTY-TWO cases where children suddenly and unexpectedly collapsed, unconscious, while playing video games. They speculate the adrenaline and excitement caused by tense experiences playing competitive multi-player war games can trigger “previously unidentified heart issues.”
Uh huh.
Dr. Jonathan Skinner, the study’s co-author, said he was “staggered” to see how widespread the issue is — and that it has led to some children dying. Weird that it’s happening just now.
Now, I’m just spitballing here, but I wonder if the researchers looked for other common factors among the kids who collapsed. I don’t know what it could be, of course, but I wonder if they all took the same medication or something. They should probably ask. You never know.
Anyway, you might want to take it seriously if the advertisement says, “this video game is a knockout!”

💉 Basketball powerhouse Butler University got some bad news yesterday, when its forward/center Jalen Thomas was diagnosed with a rare, sudden and unexpected pulmonary embolism. He’ll be out the rest of the season. At LEAST.

A pulmonary embolism is a BLOOD CLOT in the lungs. The clot restricts blood flow and lowers oxygen levels while also increasing blood pressure in pulmonary arteries. It’s not good.
Various media have observed how rare the condition is in healthy athletes. I wonder what could have caused this? Scientists are baffled, of course.
💉 Last week, Joel Morowitz, 55, co-founder of 1990’s indie label spinART Records, died suddenly and unexpectedly of cardiac arrest at his Bethesda, Maryland home.

Cardiac arrest, again. Weird.
💉 In an interview on French TV, former presidential candidate and long-time French politician Jean Lasalle said that, despite originally being FOR the vaccines, he’s now changed his mind, after four post-jab heart surgeries. “I got the … vaccine that almost killed me, that distorted my heart,” he said. “I have had four surgeries since January 3rd of this year.”
Lasalle explained that he got the jabs because Prime Minister Macron urged everyone to do it, and he wanted to show he was being part of the solution. But later, he said he found out that Macron and most other French ministers were NOT VACCINATED.

💉 TV doctor and radio host Dr. Drew Pinsky has also done a complete reversal on the vaccines. In December 2020, Dr. Drew told his listeners that he was getting the jabs and didn’t even care what kind. “Yeah, just give it to me,” he said excitedly.
But both Drew and his son had a “terrible reaction” to the vaccines. In 2021, Drew interviewed Peter McCullough. In February 2021, he interviewed stand-up comedian Heather McDonald, who collapsed on stage during a live performance in Tempe, Arizona, immediately after having gotten through two jokes about how she was fine after a recent covid vaccination and how J*sus loved her the most. McDonald suspects she was jab-injured, and during her interview, Dr. Drew described a good friend who still can’t walk across the room.
By September of this year, Dr. Drew was highly critical of the vaccine and interviewing people like Robert Malone.
Here’s a video timeline of Dr. Drew’s transformation:
🔥 You almost have to see it to believe it. Mere days after Hurricane Ian washed away the Sanibel Island bridge, crews deployed by Governor DeSantis and the Department of Transportation have already fixed the bridge, restored vehicular traffic, and are sending teams of electrical workers in to get the power back on.

THAT is the kind of thing government should be doing. Great job, Governor!
Have a wonderful Wednesday, and I’ll see you guys back here tomorrow for more!
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Jeff, you asked "when have you EVER, in your entire life, seen a candidate persist after a stroke that plainly damaged his cognitive and sensory abilities?" I have not. However, I am quite reminded of our president.
I want to know more about these French ministers that did not get jabbed while they encouraged others to do so. Is that still the case? Hypocrites!